The Howie Carr Radio Network

Jamaal Bowman Doesn't Think October 7th was "Unprovoked" plus Toby Reacts to Hunter Verdict | 6.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Jamaal "Fire" Bowman is back in the news with new embarrassing audio. Then, Grace welcomes Toby Leary for 2A Tuesday to discuss the timely topic of Hunter's GUILTY conviction.

Broadcast on:
11 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. We will continue to take your calls. We are going to have Toby Leary joining us at 2.20. But there are two different topics I really wanted to cover in this segment. The first one is the continuing anti-Semitism that is just prevalent all over this country right now. I want to play a cut here from CBS, K-C-A-L-L-A. This is Cut 8, please. Let's get to some video. This was shot not too long ago. This is in front of Dodd Hall. And this is police breaking through protest lines. They were pushing through and trying to break up the gathering inside and around Dodd Hall. You can also see some of the hedges that sort of were used as barriers by the protesters trying to seal off and block the area. The protesters tried unsuccessfully to stop police as they charged in. They confiscated various items that they were using to sort of blockades and barricades from inside the building. It did appear that there were some people who were detained if they did not comply with police officers orders. Next video we're going to show you. This is from Moore Hall. And you can see the crowd attempting to break into Moore Hall. But guards inside were able to fend off the protesters and lock the doors and prevent the protesters from entering the building. So a pretty chaotic scene there as well. Alright, so that was at UCLA where these protests are breaking out. Protests, riots, insurrections, whatever you want to call them. And AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the congresswoman from the Bronx, was talking about this yesterday. And I wanted to play this cut because it's picked up a lot of steam on X. She's talking about anti-Semitism and she actually has a different issue that she's focused on. This is cut 11. Some of this discussion can be complicated. But a lot of this is not complicated at all. We can and should be equipping ourselves with the tools to recognize when actual anti-Semitism is clear and present and also how to check it immediately when we see it. We are going to hear more about that in a minute. At the same time, it is also true that accusations and false accusations of anti-Semitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by bad faith political actors. Okay, so hold on, I know that she's breaking this down very simply for us, but I have a lot of questions. These instances of fake anti-Semitism, like just the Smollett style people pretending that they have been accosted by anti-Semites, but they aren't really like the Jewish guy who had who was killed by the megaphone wielding protester. I don't know what that was real anti-Semitism, but is she suggesting that some of those stories that we've heard about of people having crowds of these pro-Palestinian pro-Hamas mobs approach them and talk about killing them and calling for jihad? Are there stories about those things being planned, like is this a Ray Epstein or there's Trump supporters who are pretending to be pro-Palestine so that they can smear this movement or like they can be the bad apples in the group that are going to make people think that there's anti-Semitism even though there's not. What I'm trying to say is all the anti-Semitism I've been seeing seems like it's real. Doesn't seem as though it's orchestrated by people on the right. Now, when she talks about women of color and when she talks about women who are having this fake anti-Semitism weaponized against them, I can assume that she's talking about her fellow squad members like Ilhan Omar. Now Ilhan Omar, she's not a fake anti-Semite. She's not criticizing Israel and then we're weaponizing that against her. She has made several comments and written several statements that are anti-Semitic. So there's nothing about what Ilhan Omar or what Rashida Taib who loves to pair in Hamas propaganda. There's nothing about what they've said in the past that is false anti-Semitism or if you were to accuse them of anti-Semitism, that's a false accusation. They're the real deal and like shame on you for trying to write them off as some sort of fraudulent anti-Semite. These women are, they're committed to the cause. They are 100% real when it comes to their hatred for Israel and for Jews. They don't mince words about it. They might have a different understanding of the meaning of words according to Nancy Pelosi, but they've made it pretty clear where they stand on all this. And the other part of the story that I have to add in here is that there has been reports that Joe Biden in the White House that they want to have a separate peace deal that they want to negotiate with Hamas all on their own because negotiations with the White House tend to work out so well for us. And I think it's important to note when you when you discuss that is that Hamas has no interest in a peace deal. Hamas has no interest in a ceasefire. You don't have to take my word for it. The Hamas military leader in Gaza. They intercepted all these messages that he was sending to his ceasefire negotiators. He's talking about the mass casualties. You know the mass casualties, how it's all blamed on Israel. Oh, these people. We don't have the number of people who are combatants versus the number of people who are innocent civilians. And in fact, it's really hard to distinguish who's an innocent civilian when some of the civilians and the journalists are holding hostages in their homes. So that kind of muddies the waters as well. But let's just say that there are that this number of civilians that have been killed that we get from the Ministry of Health. Let's say it's 37,000. And let's just say all of those people are innocent civilians. This Hamas leader, military leader in Gaza, his response to that is that it needs to happen. And in fact, here's a quote. This is a quote from Yaya, Yaya Sinwar. He says, we have the Israelis right where we want them. He thinks that the more deaths, the more civilian casualties. Gaza endures that that works to his advantage. And that works to Hamas's advantage. So where's the outrage from AOC, from Ilhan Omar, from Rashida Ta'ib for Hamas? I don't think I've ever heard these women mention Hamas. And Hamas is not crying over these civilians, over these innocent people. They're encouraging it. They think it works because they know that the more innocent civilians are killed, the more pressure Israel's going to get. They've twisted everything is the more pressure BB Netanyahu and people in Israel are going to get to stop fighting Hamas. So, of course, they're welcoming it. Of course, they see these people as human shields. I want to play a cut now from another squad member, Jamal Bowman, explaining why he didn't sign on to the resolution condemning Hamas cut 12. The other resolution that they were pushing was a complete APAC written resolution. And one of the first lines was, you know, condemn Hamas for this unprovoked attack. And I stopped reading at that point. I'm like, well, if we're calling this an unprovoked attack, that means we're going to ignore 18 human rights organization called in Israel in apartheid state. And we're going to ignore 75 years of military occupation, which is illegal, or 700,000 settlers expanding into the West Bank, which is also illegal. Now, I am not justifying the killing of civilians by Hamas on October 7. Actually, that's exactly what you're doing. Unprovoked. The definition means occurring without any identifiable cause or justification. By you saying that Israel somehow provoked these savages to come in and chop off people's heads and murder toddlers and rape women and drag them around the kaboots, you are saying that it was justified. Because of whatever version of history you ascribe to, whatever version of history you believe that you get from NPR or, you know, whatever liberal college you went to and they indoctrinated you, you think that what happened on October 7. Little kids having breakfast with their mom and dad, listening to music and then having their heads chopped up, you think that that was justified. Because you don't think that it was unprovoked. People are sitting around eating breakfast in the morning and these savages come in and destroy their lives. They set people on fire. And you think, because of whatever history class you took at a liberal arts college in 2015, that that's justified, that that's okay, that there's a moral equivalence between what these barbarians did on October 7 and Israel's response. And that's a member of Congress, now guaranteed he doesn't know how to open a door, so keep that in mind. But that's a member of Congress saying that what happened to our strongest ally in the Middle East, when 1200 Jews were slaughtered the most since the Holocaust is in his mind justified because of these fake things he puts out of apartheid and occupied land and all these things that are bogus, by the way, Israel's been out of that entire area for a long time. And they could have turned it into whatever they wanted, but Palestine or Gaza, whatever you want to call it, elected Hamas, and this is what's happening. But to say that because of some apartheid or because of some, you know, ridiculous left wing rhetoric that you believe what happened on October 7 is justified is bonkers. That's crazier than thinking you can open a door by pulling a fire alarm. And I want to play one more because AOC is talking about these false accusations of anti-Semitism. I don't have any of those. If she could send me some, I'd appreciate it. If she could cite some of those, I'd appreciate it. What I do have is very real accusations of anti-Semitism, including this guy in New York. This is what he was screaming at Jewish people. This is cut 10. I wish Hitler were still here. He would have wiped all of y'all out. Okay. Is that one of the fake accusations of anti-Semitism or is that one of the ones that AOC thinks we should be concerned about? What about cut nine? This is a rabbi at UCLA talking about some of these protesters that AOC thinks are just, you know, very righteous and marching for all the right reasons. This is cut nine. I was just here observing the protest and trying to make sure that our Jewish students are safe and sound and supported. And I was also just filming the protest basically. When someone just kind of approached on the side and violently slapped the phone out of my hand and started yelling at screaming profanities and basically threatening to kill. Our director of the students and many of them are nearly traumatized, can't wait until for the year to be over. But I think what AOC is really referring to, she's not referring to those situations and she's not referring to these elusive, you know, false accusations of like a Jesse Smollett style thing happening that we haven't heard of. She's referring to her fellow squad members, who she thinks are being treated unfairly, because Ilhan Omar likes to put out different stereotypes, different tropes on Twitter and talk about how it's all about the Benjamin's and Israel's hypnotizing the world. But if you call her out on that as anti-Semitic, then you are part of the problem. You are weaponizing anti-Semitism according to AOC, a real friend of the Jew she is. It's crazy too because she's a con, they're both Congress people in New York. New York has a huge population of Jewish people and the fact that these two are in there in these positions of power is so bonkers to me. 844-500-4242, we'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by AOC. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly, so contact him at local silver Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is between the Karen Reid and Trump trials, is justice dead in America? Oh, justice. I won't say he's alive and well. Justice is alive, I'll say. Well remains to be seen. Changing hearts and minds, Grace, no is now up to 11%, but 89% still feel that justice is dead in America. As long as I'm making a change, I don't care how small the change is, Jared. It's step by step by step. We'll get there, baby. We have Toby on the lines. Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works joins us now and I'm so excited to talk to him. Now Toby, you were actually, and this I remember because Emma had the day off and then she came back in and she saw the headline to your hour and the headline was Toby's rooting for Hunter Biden and Emma came over to me at my desk and she said, "Is that supposed to be a joke or is that true?" I said, "No, it's actually true." So explain to people why you were rooting for Hunter Biden and then explain your reaction to his conviction today. Are you guys convicted on all three charges in this gun trial? Yeah, so Grace, the reason I'm rooting for Biden is more for the Second Amendment than Biden himself. And honestly, I actually am glad of with the outcome because frankly, well, I don't know, I have mixed feelings. And if he had just been given a pass, then it would have really sharpened the focus of the two-tier justice system. But the fact that he was convicted, I think, is like now gives all the Biden people the talking point of, "See, no one is above the law. The president's son gets convicted." But really, this is like the bottom of the barrel on a scale of 1 to 10 of the actual crimes that he should be charged with and convicted of. This is like the only one that doesn't implicate any other member of the family other than maybe Haley Biden. And I don't know if that's ever going to be dealt with, but the bottom line is, you know, it's certainly not going to point to the big guy. It's not going to affect James Biden and the rest of the family and everything else with all the other dealings that they're well documented. And really, everyone's turning a blind eye to. We'll see what ends up happening with that. And it gives the Biden administration the clean look of, "See, even my own son is being prosecuted, no one's above the law, blah, blah, blah." But getting back to the question at hand, should he have been convicted? I'm glad of the outcome because of one thing and one thing only. And that is there's people out there right now serving time in federal penitentiary for the exact crime that he did. We talked about it on my show the other day, a woman out of Iowa who was doing a year and a day in federal pen for lying on this form while she was a crack addict. And obtaining a firearm. So for the sake of justice, I'm glad that he was convicted. But I do not believe it would uphold, it would stand the test of constitutional scrutiny. You can't point in the text of the Second Amendment that there was ever a restriction or in our history and tradition of laws at the time of the ratification of the Second Amendment in the 18th century around 17th. That anyone was ever told they could not buy a firearm because they are addicted to some substance whether it be opium or alcohol or whatever the drug was of the day back in 1791. Like people weren't restricted from purchasing firearms because of that. And so I don't think it's going to do well in under constitutional scrutiny. However, so this is kind of a good scenario I would say for the Second Amendment. Number one, he's convicted. That's consistent with other people who have been convicted under this. And this is something that honestly isn't really even brought to the court's attention very often. But when it is and when it happens and there is a conviction, I think there should be consistency with that. However, I think Rahimi will overturn this conviction. That is a Supreme Court decision. We should see the result up very soon. All right, well, Toby Leary will take your questions on this case and any other questions 844-542-42. We'll be right back. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. It is two-way Tuesday and it is sponsored by Eastern Security Safe, New England's largest safe source. Eastern Security Safe has gun safes by Fort Knox Safe and lead locker ammunition storage. Offering all wonderfully price safes that still offer quality, not offered in big box stores, protect your Second Amendment rights, go to, mention you heard about them on two-way Tuesday and receive 5% off your entire safe purchase. Now, Toby Leary is on the lines with us now. You can call in at 844-542-42. We do have questions for you, Toby, on the text line. I wanted to start with 781. Toby, what is the status of the Massachusetts Gun Bill that is in Conference Committee? I've always wanted a Ruger Mini 14 rifle. Is it now or never? It's a great question and I'm glad he brought it up because of the distractions of the Biden trial. Sometimes we won't get to the stuff that is really, really important. And unfortunately for us, Grace, the Conference Committee is meeting behind closed doors. There's six members, three from the House of Representatives, three from the State Senate that are, and four out of the six are card-carrying members of the anti-gun establishment. They want to see your rights taken away, period. And they are meeting behind closed doors to negotiate away your right to keep in their arms and severely infringe it. And it's actually right in line with this bill that was introduced in the U.S. Congress and Edward Markey is a co-sponsor of that bill. It's the go-safe bill. It's trying to ban all gas-operated semi-automatic rifles. Well, that's exactly what's happening here in Massachusetts if you look at HD or H41 39 that started life out as HD 4420. And then the Senate bill, I think it's 2184. They're trying to hash out the differences between the bills. They have about 120 pages in the House bill to go through. And really, nothing good can come of it, if you ask me. But for a while there, they weren't really meeting. And now I've heard the resume talks, their plan on brace for impact is what I've been told. Something is going to happen in June or July unless a miracle takes place. And really, that miracle could be if the gun-owning residents of Massachusetts get on their horse and start making phone calls, emailing their senators and representatives, and also trolling them on social media and writing them letters. I would stay at it, make sure you hit all six members of the conference committee. You can go to, to get the list of all the members of the conference committee and their email addresses and send them early and often we need to overwhelm them and say whatever it takes to see that you are not reelected should you choose to vote away my rights. Which by the way, most of them are already chosen to vote away your rights. Now they're just arguing about what the final bill is going to look like. It's already passed the Senate. It's already passed the House. It's awaiting reconciliation in this conference committee. So six people behind closed doors are holding the Second Amendment's fate in the state of Massachusetts in their hands right now. And I'm not over trying to be overly dramatic about this. But I would definitely say it's now or never if you really want to get semi-automatic rifle of any type, whether it's a mini 14 or a good AR alternative or pistol caliber carbine. Now's the time to do it. I wouldn't wait. I have a feeling that whatever the bill is that comes out will have some sort of grandfathering provision. Although at its extreme, the House bill does not. But the Senate bill did. And so I think they'll lean towards the Senate bill. But regardless, it's going to be more years of restrictions here in Massachusetts, even though the Bruin decision puts squarely the ability of arms ban cases that would have to be looked at through strict scrutiny. You know every single one of these legislators know that. But yet they're choosing to ignore the Supreme Court decision and the Bruin decision and basically try to vote away your rights anyway, which by the way, they have no constitutional authority to do that. Grace, that's something that has, we have let them go way too far out. Let out way too much line on that. James Madison, the architect of the Constitution, wrote in the Federalist Papers number 49, something called constitutional limitations. And he said it's incumbent upon the Congress as the gatekeeper of the Constitution. They're the gatekeeper of our rights to make sure that our rights are not infringed upon, but yet they go and violate the road of office. They raise the right hand and swear to uphold the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and then they themselves become the enemy of the Constitution and the enemy of the Bill of Rights when they introduce bills like this. That there's established case law that says the Second Amendment is independent and separate from the Bill of Rights. In other words, it stands on its own. It's a recognized right. The only reason it exists, according to the Supreme Court in 1875, is to make sure that Congress never makes a law infringing it. That's the only reason it exists. It's a one way direction to limit the power of Congress. But yet, here we are in 2024, and they don't care about that. They just introduce laws trying to restrict and take away your right without a constitutional Congress, without any type of mandate and against their oath of office. And they do it anyway. No conscience. They're oathbreakers. They're soulless creatures. And they get reelected time and time again in states like Massachusetts. Really well said, Toby, and Joe Biden right now is speaking live in Washington at a gun safety event. It's for mom's demand action. So he's lecturing Americans on gun safety while his son was just convicted of lying on an ATF forum. And then his son's at the time girlfriend dropping that gun off in a trash can. I mean, the irony here, the lack of self awareness is something to behold. Let's go to Jack, who has a question for Toby. Go ahead, Jack. Are you there, Jack? Here. My question is that I think they convicted him by the most serious charge because when he was blown away in that car, his girlfriend took the gun and threw it in a trash can. But the problem was there are about 60 feet from the school, and that's an even worse offense to do that. And they have incorporated that on one of their anti gun bills in Congress, so he should really get the book thrown at him. Yeah, Toby, give us your take on that part of the story, which doesn't get a lot of play in the media for good reason. And Jack is really brilliant point to bring that up. It's not just that the gun was thrown away in a trash can, which right there is eyebrow raising and against the law. But it's also the proximity to the school. What's your response to that? And also, what do you think as far as sentencing goes? I mean, this DOJ has bragged about throwing people in jail for a lot less than this, so does Hunter stand a chance at getting jail time? I think he may get sentenced to jail time. Again, the whole thing of this is optics, in my opinion. It makes the Biden administration look good, it makes the Justice Department look good, it doesn't matter who you are, you're not above the law. However, it's ironic that all it does is implicate Hunter Biden. Like we said before, Haley Biden wasn't convicted of a legal disposal of a firearm about breaking the gun free zone, about being within a thousand feet of a school zone with a firearm, etc, etc. All this does is implicate Hunter who will either be pardoned if you ask me, or will be saved by the Supreme Court in the Rahimi case, which has already had its oral arguments, and we're just waiting the outcome of Rahimi, which basically, if you're convicted of a nonviolent felony, you'll have your rights restored. That's basically the way I see Rahimi coming down. I think that's the, I mean, it's a very simplistic answer to it, but I believe that's exactly what's going to happen, which makes sense, right? If you look at the First Defense OUI in the state of Massachusetts, none of us are advocating operating under the influence. Don't take this the wrong way. But if you get charged with that, you can literally have your license back in less than two weeks, or maybe even a week inside of a week, especially if it's a Cinderella type license or whatever. The very thing that you offended, you're going to get back within a week, but it makes you a prohibited person on the federally prohibited person because the charge is capable of incarceration of up to two and a half years in jail, which means you're a felon and therefore a prohibited person. So in other words, has nothing to do with firearms, but now you can't own a firearm for the rest of your life if you get a First Defense OUI conviction in the state of Massachusetts, but you're going to get your driver's license back in a week or two or 90 days at worst case. It doesn't make sense. So it doesn't make sense that nonviolent felons are become prohibited people. Ironically, New York state is moving to revoke Donald Trump's license to carry right now because of the 34 felony convictions that he had, you know, if it was found guilty of. So they love to make sure the people you don't need to worry about have no access to guns. I'm not saying we didn't need to worry about Hunter Biden. There was probably a lot of things that I think Haley Biden was worried that he was going to use this gun against himself or somebody else. And that's why she got the gun out of there and disposed of it illegally, but still probably did the right thing in the situation. The wrong way. Let's put it that way. She should have turned it into the police or something like that, but instead she, you know, did what she thought she had to do at the time. So I don't necessarily fault her. I just fault her in the way that she did it. But, you know, it's the irony drips every which way on this one because of, you know, where Joe Biden is speaking right now at the mom's demand action, you know, the red shirts convention that's going on right now. And the, you know, I think it's in every town or Giffords or Bloomberg, they're all the same. They're all in cutes in collusion with each other. And, you know, I think he came out and said he's so proud of his convicted felon son. Yeah, and Toby, I just want to add in here. Can we take a little bit of this? Because you just said Joe Biden speaking at this event seems like he's yelling. Take a listen. And by doing nothing, he made the situation considerably worse. That's why every town, why this summer, why all of you here today are so damn important. We need you. We need you to overcome the unrelenting opposition of the gun lobby, gun manufacturers, so many politicians, when they oppose common sense gun legislation. I used to be a law when I was no longer the vice president, I became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania before that I taught him. But he's angry Joe today. That is false. He's speaking after his son's gun conviction and he's big mad. I think they assume that if he's mad, then at least he won't fumble as much. I don't know. It's kind of a risk though. Toby Larry, please tell people where they can follow you, where they can find you and where they can visit you and keep them works. Yeah, thanks so much, Grace. We're going to be talking a lot about this tomorrow on my radio show. Rapid fire from four to six p.m. You can go to rapid fire sign up to be alerted whenever we go live. You can listen as well on Sundays on wxtk 95.1 an affiliate station down on the Cape. And you can also listen on the iHeart radio app. That's Sundays at noon from noon to 1 p.m. for rapid fire. And you can come visit us certainly online or in person at We're right in Hyannis by the airport or an airport road and would love to show you around. We have a huge inventory of all the guns that the conference committee is probably going to want to take away from you. So come and get it while you can. And yeah, we were happy to be out there and not to mention on social media at CapeGoneworks and at rapid fire radio. Lots of good videos have dropped in the past few days that I think you'll want to see and share with somebody who might not be a supporter of the Second Amendment, but we'd like some more info on it. So I'd appreciate everyone sharing and liking and subscribing. Thanks for having me on. As usual, Grace, I appreciate it. Thanks, Toby, you're the perfect person to have on today. And every Tuesday and two-way Tuesday is sponsored by Eastern Security Safe, New England's largest safe source. Eastern Security Safe has gun safes by Fort Knox Safe and lead locker ammunition storage, offering an economically priced safe that still offers quality not offered in big box stores. Protect your Second Amendment rights, go to Mention you heard about them on the two-way Tuesday segment here at the Grace Curly Show, and you can receive 5% off your entire safe purchase. Very, very excited that Eastern Security Safe is sponsoring one of the listeners' favorite segments, which is two-way Tuesday. When we come back, I want to talk to Howie Carr a little bit about what's going on in Europe. The European parliamentary election was held this past weekend, and it's bad news for two big issues. It's bad news for global warming, and it's bad news for illegal immigration. We'll explain why when we bring Howie on. But I have a question for everyone out there. Do you use scented candles or cover-up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Do you find yourself trying to mask smells, whether it be, you know, animal smells or tobacco smells or food smells, and you're just trying to get rid of them? Well, you should stop masking these smells with more odors because you're not fooling anyone. You're really not. You're trying. You're trying to pull a trick on us. We see right through it, or should I say, we smell right through it. We can smell the issue. And really, you're just adding kind of a strangely, Jared. It's like adding more power to the smell when you try to cover it with flowers or perfume. What you really need to do, your goal should be destroying the odors. And with an even pure thunderstorm air purifier, you can do just that. The Eden Pure thunderstorm is going to use oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that are going to destroy any bad smells rather than just covering them up. It's a small device. You can hold it in your hand, plug it into the wall, doesn't take up any floor space. It's easy to use and it's not expensive. And if you get the three pack, it's even better. So go to You can get $200 off the three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. You can place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, your family room, the kitchen, a musty basement, an office where the windows don't open. You can even put one in your car. The possibilities are endless. This is going to do so many things for your home, including get rid of smell, but also purifying the air of allergens and pollutants. So go to to save $200, which I think everyone wants to do. Don't forget to use the discount code GRACE3. That's Discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Hello everyone. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. I have the IPs in the studio and I feel like a star. The car crossover, which is good because I don't have Howie in the studio, so it's good that we have some people here. Today's car crossover is brought to you by TuxTrucks. Get a 2024 GMC Sierra HD. The truck that works as hard as you do. TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson Mass has 2,500 and 3,500 HD models, like the Denali Ultimate Pro Duramax in some with work bodies for landscapers. So shop online at All right. So the European parliamentary election was held this past weekend and the message from the voters is very clear. We are done with the far left progressive agenda. We don't want it. We want to restore sanity back across Europe. And there are two real issues that Europeans are fed up with and that is mass illegal immigration bringing, you know, in Germany, for example, 1.7, I think, million asylum seekers in Germany. And also the other big issue is the green grift, the climate agenda that has really hindered Europe. Joining us now to discuss this is Howie Car. Howie, it seems like Europe is getting the message that the green new deal or whatever version of it they have in illegal immigration spell trouble for prosperity. Why aren't we getting it here? Well, I mean, this is a little bit of the beginning, isn't it? I mean, like Brexit was the beginning of the Trump election in 2016. Yeah, no, I think you're right. And also our neighbors to the North in Canada, they're starting to figure it out too. Justin Trudeau's polls are in the tank. He's blaming populist right wing forces. Well, you should be blaming the voters. I mean, they have a screwed up election system. I mean, he got fewer votes than the other guy, the last couple. Last couple of elections. Yeah. And he still was able to hang on because I don't even know how the nutty way it works. Yeah, I don't think you even have to vote for prime minister. You vote in the election and whichever party has most of the 338, they get to choose or something wacky like that. Howie Car is coming up next. You got a great show planned for you. You don't want to miss it. I'll see you all tomorrow.