The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy Breaks Down Proctor's Revolting Testimony | 6.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Michael Proctor's text messages are not just unprofessional... they are revolting. Plus, unaired footage from Pelosi's documentary have many crying foul.

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11 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [music] Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Tribute to Chico and myself, we kind of like the best each other's chops, go back and forth. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. We're going to be speaking now with Aiden Carney, AKA Turtleboy. And we weren't able to talk to him yesterday. They only got 30 minutes for lunch, which I was very, very disappointed by. We have a lot to talk about in regards to Trooper Michael Proctor's testimony yesterday. Aiden, thanks so much for coming on the Grace Curly Show. Thanks for having me, Grace. Aiden, this testimony, I think you really disturbed everyone, but especially women who were... You mentioned yesterday on Howie Show that the jurors, there's like six women, and they all seemed very, very... Ten women. Ten women, creeped out by this testimony. And I actually heard from a lot of women yesterday when I was driving home who could not fathom a person in a position of authority or anyone really, using this kind of language against a female involved in this case. I think something that I love you to point out before we start going through the different things that he said, something that I would like you to explain is that oftentimes when we hear from Jen McCabe or we hear from one of these witnesses, you're kind of made out to be the bad guy here, like, "Oh, this campaign of hate and harassment against them." But these texts that we're hearing, Michael Proctor read, calling, Karen read, a c-word, talking about her bowel system and all these horrific things, talking about who's going to put her in jail. When was this in regards to you coming on the scene? This is way before I was around all this stuff. This is from a lot of the more from June 9, 2022, the day that she was indicted and arrested again by Proctor, which is kind of one of the text messages to Elizabeth. He said, "How excited he was to be locking up this nut bag, or I don't forget what word he was calling it that day." But they were all over the place. A lot of them were from 2022, and they were extremely, not only just unprofessional, but crude, and you're right. I'm the guy that gets the bad name because I'm calling scumbags these words. I'm calling bad people these names, right? And they don't like that. The bad people don't like it when I call them names. And they then cloak themselves in victimhood as Elizabeth Proctor has been known to do, and all these people have been known to do. And they cry about witness intimidation because somebody is finally standing up to them and not taking their crap and not letting them get away with literal murder. Yeah, and one of the parts of this that kind of dawned on me, because you get so distracted immediately by the more lewd, you know, unnerving text about, "Oh, you know, as you pointed out, he's making fun of her disease, making fun of her Fall River accent, saying she has no ass, calling her the C word." All of these horrible things, and that's one thing to think about, but what's actually a lot more important, I think, in the grand scheme of things is why he had such a vendetta against Karen Reid after that day in June. What is your theory? Like, why all of a sudden was it? We're going to get her as opposed to, you know, a normal state trooper who's involved in investigating something. What flipped the switch of this real visceral hatred and disdain that he had for Karen Reid? Great question, and I think the answer is that she fought back. They don't like people who fight back. They expect that Karen Reid take that manslaughter charge, plead out to it. They give her three or four months to plead out to that, and when she didn't do that, they indicted her for murder and hoping that she would, you know, I mean, they know they have no shot at the murder charge. They're just kind of hoping for the manslaughter one, so they're hoping that, like, when faced with life in prison, she'll freak out and maybe take a plea that she would normally take on the manslaughter charge, maybe get a very short prison sentence, some are even probation, if she's lucky, you know, something like that. So I think the fact that she started fighting back and at the police station that day in the Milton barracks, she, this was entered into evidence by the Commonwealth, and it doesn't look good for them. Karen Reid says that the Alberts did this, so this proves that, like, this theory that she had about the Alberts being behind us, came along long before Turtle Boy was ever in the picture. Long before the FBI was in the picture, she was suspicious of this. She told the police that, and she said something to the extent of, I mean, we're all in on the same joke, right? Like, this is, we're being punked, right? It's like John's, you know, my tail lights cracked and John's heads pulverized. He's pointing out the ridiculousness of it all. And so I don't think they liked the comment that she made in the Milton police barracks that day, because they referenced that. And the Chico guy, he's another winner. I'd love to meet him. He threw some comedy called her an F&B or something like that, you know, just because she's standing up for herself, because she's refusing to take a murder charge for a crime that she knows that she didn't commit. And she's, you know, how dare she accuse the Alberts and the McCabe's of doing this. How dare she? And, you know, Proctor was already influenced by the McCabe's and the Alberts at that point. Yeah. And this group chat that he's, you know, commenting on. And as you pointed out, the Commonwealth is not helping their case, but they're the ones who wanted to get this out early on. They wanted him to comment on all these things so he could kind of editorialize and give his excuses as to why he was sending these. And it kept referencing. It was unprofessional, you know, it was immature. It was this and that. And again, it's important to remind people, this isn't a group chat that he had with his friends who have nothing to do with the case, which it would also be inappropriate to do. But these, in a lot of these chats, these are his superiors, right? Oh, yeah, the Lieutenant John Fanning who oversaw and botched the Sandra Birchmore murder, quote, unquote, suicide, as they call it. He was in there, Lieutenant. You also had Sergeant Yuri Buchanan there and a few others. I did not hear Tully's name in that, but I'm quite certain Tully probably wouldn't clutch his pearls if you heard the things that they were saying. For instance, they kept calling, you know, referring to Karen Rita as retarded. They kept calling her in there. And, you know, the C word and other words like that. And he said that I truly hate David United. How can you hate David United? I mean, can I understand Alan Jackson? He's a little showy, but David United did nothing except his job and that was to defend his client. And in his opinion, she was innocent of committing this crime. So why would you, why do police hate any lawyers? Like everyone's just doing their job, right? Yeah. Oftentimes we have you on Turtle Boy because you're in court and I know there are certain things you can't be in court for certain witnesses that are afraid of you or think you're intimidating. But you were there for Michael Proctor and you have been there for a couple of these witnesses. And when you're not there, you're watching it on the trial. What did you make of his performance yesterday of reading these text messages? And one thing I want to ask you about is when he's reading the text messages of the C word and he spells it out. And then the judge has to say, you can say it. These are your words. You know, say, say the word. How do you think the jurors were receiving Michael Proctor's testimony? The jurors are horrified. That's the best way to look at it. They were disgusted. They rolled their eyes. They couldn't believe this guy is a state police detective. How anybody like this? He's a pig. You know, to say stuff like that about women, about a civilian, it's disgusting. So he couldn't even look them in the eyes. He kept looking down at his paper, bowing his head and shame the entire time. If you'll watch his testimony, he's looking down almost the entire time because he's ashamed as he should be. And Adam Lally basically made him do the walk of shame yesterday simply because they wanted to get out ahead of it. And Adam Lally is just as bad because his plan was to kind of like, you know, okay, let's say this is like a room talk. You know, it's just the boys, the boys, the boys, the boys. Is this what they do? Yeah, should we add that? No. Was it on professional? Yeah. Would he take it back? Sure. But it doesn't change the integrity of the investigation, even though the investigation is clearly fueled by hatred of Karen Reed. And didn't he admit Michael Proctor that if an investigator on the case had bias against Karen Reed that the case is compromised? Of course. Yeah. I mean, it's kind of policing 101 if there's bias, but he claimed he had no bias. Even this text messages show otherwise, you know, and how about making fun of her medical conditions? Why is he even discussing that with his homies in Tennessee about the fact that she has, what do you say that she's a leak in the balloon or something like that? Yeah, leaky balloon. Yeah. Who does that? Who shares that with their friend? That's a violation of HIPAA. I mean, that's horrible for somebody that we trust. I mean, it's disgusting. I mean, it's like literally just a bunch of, you know, high school meatheads with badges and guns sitting around mocking people. It's gross. It really is gross. And you know what you just made me think of, Turtle Boys, when we had you on, and if anyone missed any of these interviews, you can always go back and listen to the podcast. But we had you on after the Brian Higgins testimony and reading of those text messages. And there was a little bit of a shift in the public's opinion of Karen Reed after reading these text messages. They were immature. They were kind of flirting back and forth. I got to say, Turtle boy, compared to the messages that Michael Proctor was sending, Brian Higgins and Karen Reed's text messages look like they are the classiest, most, you know, above bored people in this entire state. It's so true. It's so true. Just compare the two together. I mean, she's so, she's flirting in there a little bit with this guy. At least she's not, you know, think about the things that you would be completely justified in saying about a person like Jennifer McCabe or Brian Albert or someone like that. The things that, you know, I wouldn't blame her for saying, but we don't have anything like that. And they have her phone. And so, and also, like, Proctor's supposed to be a professional. He's supposed to be on the job. And people have brought up how, oh, Turtle boy, you say these bad words too. You say just the same words. Yeah, I'm not trying to put a woman in jail for murder. I'm not a cop. I'm just kind of like a foul-mouthed, you know, award-winning journalist, right? I'm allowed to do these things, right? He's not. There's a big difference between the two. Yeah, no, you're on the money with that. And something you mentioned on Howie Show yesterday, which I think is important for my audience, in case anyone missed it, is the references to a federal investigation and the fact that there's a few hints of that going on throughout the testimony. Can you, can you kind of expound on that a little bit? I mean, I think the biggest hint is, I mean, if I'm the jurors, I'm asking, where are they getting these texts from? Right. There's no way this guy just, the cop is not under investigation here, right? I mean, normally the cop is under investigation and a murder investigation. So, why are we listening to his text messages right now? He didn't just voluntarily hand these over to the defense so they can use it against them. Something's going on here. And I would like to think with all the references to, you know, other, they can't say grand jury, but the other hearings that they're talking about and the fact that there's just so much media here. That like every, this isn't common, that this trial is going to take two months. I mean, you're not stupid people. They have to understand that like something absolutely abnormal is taking place here and likely a federal investigation. Also, Turtle Boy, isn't there something like if you're a state trooper, if you're an investigator in a case and you're just looking through someone's cell phone looking for nude photos for kicks, that's got to break some sort of law. There's all new laws on the books about, you know, revenge porn and exploiting people and this guy just seems to be looking through for nude photos. That's got to be an issue down the line. Yeah, tell me about, they have my phone. God knows what they're looking at on there right now. That frightens me. But, yeah, I mean, certainly it's like the sanctity of your phone, right? Is it one of those private places? I mean, it's why you have a passcode because you don't even want people in your own house going through your phone, right? And yet these complete degenerate perverts with badges and guns are going through her phone looking for naked pictures of her and then bragging to her friends. Like I said, like in high school, like all these guys are like class of 2000, get them, or Norwood, or can't, and like every single one of them from Norfolk County, they grew up in that area. They all knew each other. And I mean, look at them all. They're all from there. And some of them all get hired by Michael Morrissey. It's just a collection of good old boy, Jack, me, heads, who never got out of high school. Now, last question for you, Turtle Boy, what do you expect to see tomorrow? Well, I've been told that there's going to be even bigger fireworks tomorrow. We still haven't seen the tax messages where he says that a practice says that he wants her to kill herself. That that's kind of his goal here, is that he wants her to kill herself. We haven't seen that. It's kind of truly full or horrified the jury. And Brian Tully, I'm told, is also going to be up soon. So his superior on which you signed off on all his reports. I don't know if we'll have time to get to him tomorrow because Alan Jackson looks like he's licking his chops right now. It's kind of a big rocket, so we'll see what happens. All right, Turtle Boy, thank you. Your connections breaking up there just a little bit, but everyone should follow Turtle Boy on Twitter. It's Dr. Turtle Boy, right, on Twitter? That's correct. I'm at Dr. Turtle Boy. And where can they check out your blog? T.B. Daily or the Turtle Boy Live YouTube show tonight at 9 o'clock. And also, he's going to be on with Howie at 4.30, so don't miss that. Thank you, Aiden. We appreciate it. We'll be right back with more. I know people have some questions on this case. I'll do my best to answer what I can. 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Shop all of these unforgettable gifts that are guaranteed to make Dad's Day. He doesn't want ties. He might want golf balls, but that's not going to really send the message of how much you love Dad, how much you appreciate them. The way to do that is a delicious gift box from Omaha Steaks. Again, they're starting at just $89. This is a great deal. It's not just quality, it's quantity. So visit today. Shop the packages. Use promo code GRACE at checkout and let me know what you got for your Dad. I would love to know and share it with the audience. So go now before it's too late. Use promo code GRACE. We'll be right back. Follow GRACE on Twitter at G_Curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. We're going to do the poll question, but we do have people on the line. So let's go to Sheldon. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Sheldon. Hey, Grace, how are you? I'm good. What's going on? Do I have two questions? First of all, can the jury find Karen Reid guilty of a lesser charge than murder, too? I don't think so. She is pleading not guilty to second degree murder in other charges. I think that's the only thing that they're allowed to really rule on. And the other question I had was that Proctor said yes, because he saw text messages, and he made it sound like it was from UNETI or from some other attorney on the 29th. Do you think that Lolly will go back and say that she was already looking for a defense attorney on the 29th? Yeah, there might be something there. I think there was a sidebar about that. I don't know, and your question broke up a little bit in the beginning. But the timeline that you're referencing and what happened from January on is really interesting, because like I said to Turtleboy, I didn't realize until yesterday hearing these text messages being read by the person who wrote them, Michael Proctor, how quickly they had all decided. And when I say they all, I mean, the investigators, the police involved in this, that they were going to actively try to get her. That that was the part to me. And obviously, there was a lot involved there, Sheldon, with making fun of her disease, making fun of her looks, making fun of her accent. But the part that stuck with me yesterday and into today is how this guy, Michael Proctor, actively like really hated Karen Reed and seemed to have a vendetta against her. And he's the one investigating it. So that is very, very strange. I will say, Yannetti was very offended and rightfully aghast at what was being said about him. And he kind of made a stink about it yesterday, which he should have. So I'm sure we're going to get a follow up on that tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be fireworks. Tomorrow is going to be wild. I can't wait. I'm going to be watching it. I don't typically watch it live. I wait for how he'd come in and tell me a couple things because I'm trying to figure out other stories. Tomorrow will be the exception. I'm not going to try to do the poll question because we don't have time. What's crazy to me is that we're still in the prosecution. Like the defense hasn't started their case. They may not have to by the end of this. They may just be like, you know what, you guys, thanks for all the help we rest. So yeah, my mom called me today. She's like, I don't understand why the defense is having him read these text messages. And I said, well, it's the same thing as the Trump trial with Michael Cohen. You try to get ahead of the bad stuff. You try to bring it out first. So you allow your client in this or not your climate. In this case, Michael Proctor, you give him a little bit of time to editorialize and kind of sugarcoat. Well, it was unprofessional and I was under stress and I didn't know and I shouldn't have done it. But I don't think that's going to make a difference once Alan Jackson takes the podium. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. What did you write after you talked about going through the quote retarded client's phone? Jackson. Allow it. No news so far. No news so far. Correct. Correct. That was Michael Proctor and his disastrous testimony yesterday. We're waiting for tomorrow. But I just wanted to mention here that Yannetti yesterday, when he was upset, it wasn't because of the text messages that Michael Proctor sent saying that he hates Yannetti. And his turtle boy pointed out, you know, it'd be more understandable if he hated Jackson because Jackson's a little bit more of the flashy, you know, stereotypical lawyer. Yannetti not so much. But he said he hated Yannetti. He clearly hated Karen Reid. And that's fine. What Yannetti was upset about yesterday, which does make sense, is that Judge Beverly Canone was hearing arguments over a new motion from the prosecution. So the Commonwealth was trying to say they were trying to block the testimony from the emergency room doctor. Her name is Marie Russell. And their reasoning for that to the judge was that the defense gave late notice to prosecutors. And Yannetti was very, very defensive over that. And for good reason, he said they're lying. They're outrageous. And he said his integrity was being attacked because these are professionals. These are on. You want to talk Abby Lowell gets this reputation for being great lawyers. These guys are a plus and he's not about to let Morrissey in his band of Todys, my new favorite word, and we'll get to that in a minute. Disparage his reputation as a lawyer and his professionalism. Like he's no Michael Proctor. You want to talk about I'm professional. This guy has his ducks in a row. So he just told the judge, he said they're lying. I gave them all this stuff. They had plenty of time to figure this out. And that was just to put a pin in that last comment I made. Now we do have people on the lines who want to talk. First, we'll do the poll question. It's brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. So contact him at local silver Jared, what is the poll question and what are the remarks or the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is between the Karen Reed and Trump trials. Is justice dead in America? No, justice is on life support, but I'm not giving up just yet. Okay, I'm not pulling the plug on justice. Justice could make a comeback. It's that 10% right now that believe justice is hanging on 90% of the audience thinks justice is dead in America. I did mention how the Hunter Biden gun case is less interesting to me and I think it's a little bit of a cop out for them to give him to have this conviction. These three counts guilty on the gun case. And then when the more important tax evasion case, which ropes and more of the Biden family comes to fruition, they're going to probably give him a pass. He'll skate on that. And I think that John Davidson from the Federalist described this pretty well. He said if he's found guilty, so obviously this came out earlier today before we got the word. The message is that America has a two tier justice system that makes only the most feeble attempt to disguise itself. Hunter Biden can run a complex years long foreign influence peddling scheme to enrich his family. And all he'll ever face are minor unrelated gun charges of fig leaf over the corruption that's right at the heart of the White House. That's the way to describe this. It's a fig leaf. It's a fig leaf that is over the corruption of Joe Biden and this White House and they're trying. I know that this is one of the favorite things we get from our textures. Whenever we talk about anything, it could be a giant asteroid heading towards Earth and I could be talking about it and somebody would say the asteroids a distraction. What you really need to be focused on is this. This is actually a case of a distraction. They're hoping that we'll focus on the gun trial. And then they'll be able to say, well, what do you mean? There's a two tier system of justice. He got convicted of the gun charges. He's got to pay a fine or whatever the punishment with the sentencing is going to be. I think she said it's going to be within 120 days that we'll get that sentencing. It says Hunter has never been charged for the many financial crimes related to his time working for Ukraine energy company, Prisma, never charged for operating on an unregistered foreign agent or selling influence in government policy. So those are the heavy hitters and they'd rather dig them up with some of these gun related charges. I'm not complaining because again, it's a brush with justice, but that's more than he's ever received in his entire life. Ron, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Ron. Great. How are you? Good. What's going on? I'm going to make the grandiose call of the day. Please do. Okay, so I would say if the if Biden or the Democrats had a spec of humility, which we know that they don't. However, just with the fact that this week alone. Fauci was exposed on everything. Everything COVID, Pelosi was just exposed on January 6 National Guard call hunter with the gun charges. And it was one more. Oh, the, the scotest week, the, not the scotest week, the, the Trump trial juror leak. So all four of those things and Hunter Biden going into court in September over not paying his fair share. So I would say that now would be probably a pretty good time for Joe Biden to consider either stepping aside or resigning. And that's my grandiose call. And Ron, that's a perfect call there. It was a perfect call. There was nothing wrong with that call. I love that call. I think Ron hit on a lot of good points. I'm really glad he brought up Nancy Pelosi, Dr. Fauci. And all of these people who managed to get away with everything with no accountability. And this week, you know, some of the chickens are coming home to roost. It's never going to be as many as you hope for, but it's not anything to dismiss either. Let's get to the Nancy Pelosi here before we take more calls. Ron just brought up Pelosi in the January 5th, the January 6th documentary footage. Now, I believe her daughter was filming this documentary and I love this. I love this because I almost had to sit up there, Jared. I had to stand up in my chair. I love this because it's always, they're always hoist by their own petard. You know what I mean? Like they always, it's, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. You're so obsessed with your own reflection and documenting all these things. Does this sound familiar? What brought down Hunter Biden in this gun case? You know what a big part of it was? He's own memoir. What about Andrew Cuomo? Andrew Cuomo today, we've got sound of Andrew Cuomo being asked about COVID mandates. He's the next person. I would mention that to Ron to add to his grandiose call. He's the next person who's going to have to sit in front of Congress and answer questions about his handling of COVID in the nursing homes in New York. You know, it's going to be a big, big problem for Andrew Cuomo, his own book because they're so narcissistic. I do on occasion say, Chao Bella. The hubris is breathtaking with these people. They need books. They, they, what brought down Hunter? Not just his memoir, his own, you know, recordings of everything. He had to write everything down. He had to record himself all the time. He was like a little documentary filmmaker, documentarian, you might say, but they need to document themselves. You know, they, they need to show showcase to the world how brilliant they are. This is behind the scenes with Nancy Pelosi and it always bites them in the ass. It always comes back to haunt them because they're so corrupt and they're just leaving these trails. Nancy Pelosi's case, Jared, you know, she's leaving crumbs. She's leaving little crumbs behind for all of us. Thank you, Nancy and Twinett. These crumbs are going to showcase your corruption. Now, I want to take y'all back in time here for a minute. Nancy Pelosi was very upset about January 6th and Donald Trump's response. He was impeached over that, by the way. He was impeached over the riot that almost took down America. Almost destroyed our democracy. You think justice is on life support, democracy is in even worse shape, according to the Democrats. And that's all Joe Biden since the Civil War. And so, I'm sorry, that's all Donald Trump's fault. And so they have this big impeachment circus. They get together at the January 6th committee. They have Liz Cheney there. They have Jamie Raskin. They have Adam Kinzinger. They have all of these people who are getting together to create a highly biased piece of theater for American citizens. With an ABC News producer. An ABC TV producer comes in to give it a little razzle-dazzle to really jazz things up a bit and make it better for TV. And even with that TV producer, you can kind of start to understand why ABC is not doing so well because... And Starwipe to Cheney. It wasn't that entertaining. But it was also one-sided. And you knew it was going to be one-sided because when Jim Jordan and other people in the GOP said, "Okay, here are the Republicans we want on the committee. This is who we want." What happened? Nancy Pelosi said no. Kevin McCarthy put forward, I think, two Republicans that he really wanted. Jim Jordan was one of them. It might have been Jim Comer, the other one, but I think I might be wrong on that. Put forward two people. Nancy Pelosi said no. And Kevin McCarthy told her, "You're setting a really bad precedent because the next time you want somebody on a committee, you want somebody on a blue ribbon commission, I can say no. I don't have to accept them anymore. This is not a fair trial. This is not a fair investigation. If you're not going to allow the other side to partake." And they go, "We did allow the other side to partake. We're allowing this Cheney to be on the commission. She's a Republican." And we all went, "Yeah, okay, sure." So, investigation happens. And part of the investigation and part of Trump's defense was, "Listen, I told Nancy Pelosi, I told the mayor of D.C. to send in the National Guard to -- I offered them troops. They did not want them." That was written off as a conspiracy theory. That was written off as Trump ramblings of, you know, ridiculousness. That was just written off. But something interesting happened. I don't know if anyone remembers this. And if I get any part of this wrong, feel free to call it. I remember there was all this talk about calling witnesses. And Trump's defense lawyer said, "Fine, we'll call Nancy Pelosi." And then I remember everything wrapping up really shortly thereafter. Like Pelosi and all these people were so amped about they wanted to get the answers. And then the second that Trump brought up, "Okay, well, maybe we'll interview Nancy Pelosi or maybe we'll ask for her to be a witness." It was like within days, everything was dumb though. And I did find this, this little flashback of Representative Dan Goldman, who played a big part in the impeachment trial. This is cut four. I think it is dreadful, dreadful strategy on the Trump's parts. I think all of these threats about witnesses from Trump's lawyers are a pure bluff. If that lawyer we just watched depose Nancy Pelosi, you would see Speaker Pelosi run absolute circles around this guy and it would be a complete disaster for him. They do not want Nancy Pelosi. They do not want the mayor of DC. They don't want any witnesses. But why? Like why wouldn't he want Pelosi? If what Trump said is true, excuse me, and he offered it to Pelosi and he offered it to Muriel Bowser and they didn't want it, then why wouldn't, why would that be such a bad idea to call them? And in fact, let's have this flashback of Donald Trump explaining exactly what he did. This is cut three. National God in the coming, I asked it to be there three days in advance and she turned it down. She says that that request was never officially made. Let me just say. The mayor of DC, let me tell you. The mayor of DC gave us a letter saying that she turns it down. Okay, we have it. Nancy Pelosi also was asked and she turned it down. The police commission of Capitol Police, wait a minute, Capitol Police said that he wanted it and Nancy Pelosi wouldn't accept it. She's responsible for January 6th. Nancy Pelosi's responsible. Guess what, for once in history, Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump agree on something because she thinks she's responsible too. Here is the footage from this unaired J6 documentary. It's crazy how it hasn't aired yet. How many years in production is this? Well, this is unaired footage, I guess the documentary... Oh, I just didn't hear about it. This didn't make the cut. This, I guess, did not make the cut for some reason. This was left on the cutting room floor. Strange, I'll have to ask Nancy Pelosi's daughter, who I'm sure is a very successful Hollywood documentarian at this point, I have to ask her why this didn't make the cut because it's interesting to me. Maybe it would have done better if they kept this in. This is cut one. I mean, we asked them to put out a piece of paper saying, "Go through the tunnel, don't go outside." They say they got stuff but they can't tell us what it is. It's too, too prepared. They want the other side to know. We have responsibility, Terry. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should have. This is ridiculous. You're going to ask me in the middle of the thing, but they've already breached the inaugural stuff that should we call the Capitol Police? I mean, the National Guard? Why would the National Guard there to begin with? They thought that they had sufficiently... No, there's no question about how they had been. They don't know. They clearly didn't know. And I take responsibility for not having them just prepared for more because it's stupid that we should be in a situation like this because they thought they had what? They thought these people would act civilized. They thought these people gave a damn. What is it that is missing here in terms of anticipation? Action by you is what's missing here. I'm going to pull an Allen Jackson and say, no further questions, your honor. I rest my case. I mean, she just explained the whole thing. It kind of makes sense why she didn't want to be a witness. It kind of makes sense why Dan Goldman thought it's ridiculous. Nancy Pelosi is going to run circles around those lawyers. Really? Was that what we just saw? Was that Nancy Pelosi running circles saying that it's her fault and she wasn't prepared and she takes responsibility? And the Capitol Police don't know what they're talking about and they can't decide whether or not they have enough people. I agree with her on that. They clearly didn't know if they were prepared or not if that was their performance. But for Nancy Pelosi to say she takes full accountability, I'm taking her at her word as a master legislator and as a powerful woman, more importantly, as a powerful woman in DC as a legend, an icon. I'm going to take her word for it. I'm going to choose to believe women. That's how we are pouncing and interpreting this. She has a different take on this. Which we're going to save for the other side. We will give you Nancy Pelosi's, some I call it, spin on this unaired footage when we come back. What's that about? You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. [Music] All right, so you've heard of deplorables. You're probably, if you're listening to the show right now, you might be a deplorable. You've heard of being a boomer-roob. But Pelosi's got a new one. So Nancy Pelosi was asked to explain the fact that in this unaired J6 dock footage, which was not filmed by some sort of MAGA crew, it was her daughter who was making the documentary, that she admitted right after January 6 that it was her responsibility and that she was not prepared and she didn't send in the National Guard. And this is Pelosi's response to the clip on MSNBC Cut 2. Why do you think this is stirred up and a bruhaha on the right and in some corners of the media today? Well, because the fact is that the President of the United States, the former president and his toteies do not want to face the facts. They're trying to do revisionist history on January 6. But we cannot let us be dragged into their, again, false impression of what happened that day. They know what happened that day. They know how serious it is and was and continues to have an impact on our country. Todie here, can I ask a question? Or no, I'm going to make a statement. I don't know what happened that day. Like I'd been on the air, we were on the air, that was our first week on the air, it was kind of baptism by fire, wasn't the most ideal week to start a show. But since then, since that day, which the left loves to talk about all the time, I actually have a lot more questions than I do answers. So I wouldn't call it revisionist history. I don't think we have the original history really set in stone quite yet. But I would love to know more about it. We'll be right back. This is Toby from Cape Gunworks. The Second Amendment is so important. Just like all other rights, the best way to keep any of our amendments alive is to come down and experience your right to keep in bear arms. Come into Cape Gunworks, try a range experience package or rent a gun on our wall and see if firearms are right for you. We have private lessons and date night every Friday. All of these activities don't require a gun license. Come into Cape Gunworks or go to and give us a shot.