The Howie Carr Radio Network

GUILTY! Hunter Biden Convicted on 3 Counts | 6.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

The verdict is in! Grace breaks the news that the son of President Joseph Biden is officially a convicted felon.

Broadcast on:
11 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. And thank you for joining us today on this Tuesday afternoon, another slow news day in the United States of America. Nothing to report. I feel like this is court TV. Every day we have different outcomes. If you haven't heard, the verdict has been reached in the Hunter Biden gun in the trash can trial. And he has been convicted on all three counts. Count one. I would love to be one of the jurors. You know how they get to read it. That would be a great, great job. It'd be scary, but it'd be great. Count one, guilty. Count two, guilty. Count three, guilty. I'm reading now from Fox Hunter appeared motionless, looking ahead. He didn't show a lot of emotion during this, but he is a convicted felon now. So the smartest guy Joe Biden knows is a convicted felon. First time, I believe in history that the son of a president has been convicted, at least a sitting president. There was no getting around this though. They had texts between Hunter and his drug dealer. Confirming he was on drugs. They had testimony from a number of women that have been involved with Hunter Biden that he has mistreated over the years, including the mother of three of his children. And they all confirmed that he was using drugs at the time, the time being October of 2018, when he filled out and more importantly lied on the ATF form in Delaware to buy the Colt Cobra revolver. So there was plenty of evidence, and that's part of the reason that I'm a little bit disappointed in Abby Lowell. Like I kept hearing that Abby Lowell, he's the guy, you know, he's one of these lawyers they have TV shows about. He's just the sharp shooter. He knows what he's doing. He's an Alan Jackson. Or so we thought this kind of seemed like they fumbled the bag and unless Hunter Biden specifically said like, I want to fight this of hunt and that's possible because Hunter Biden's. Hunter Biden's arrogance. I'm sure knows no bounds behind the scenes from what I've seen in in front of the cameras. I can't imagine what a terror he is behind the scenes, but there was really no reason for them to try to fight this. And I was listening to Jonathan Turley, and I know I always say I go to Jonathan Turley, but he's very good. The cream rises and he's the, he's the guy that breaks this down in a pretty understandable way. I would usually say, Jared, let's try to get him on the show. There's no way. This man is working around the clock to try to cover all of this, but something he said was they should have pled guilty. There's too much an overwhelming amount of evidence for them to fight. And what you end up doing when you don't plead guilty is that now the judge is looking at you as someone who wasted everybody's time because you knew there was all of this evidence. You knew that there was no way around this, but you still had us go through this rigamarole. And I think that in a lot of cases, keep in mind, I said a lot, not necessarily this case. But in a lot of cases, judges tend to be a little bit harsher with their sentencing when you don't show any remorse and when you have everyone go through this and waste everyone's time and waste all of this money. And so, Turley, as I said, was on Fox, and he made the point that this decision by Hunter's lawyers to not have him plead guilty could put Hunter in danger of getting jail time. I think that's a long shot. But it's a shot nonetheless, you know, it's a possibility that his hot shot lawyers have now left open. They've left that door open, which can't be a good feeling. I don't care how used to special treatment. I don't care how much privilege you've had in your life. If you know there's a possibility of jail, it's got to be a scary feeling. Whether you're Hunter or whether you're Trump, and I'm not comparing the two, but I'm just saying this is what they always say about Trump. He could go to jail. Hunter Biden could go to jail. And keep in mind that the tax trial is next on the docket for the first son. He's got a lot of different trials that he has to attend. And to think all this because they didn't want to take a sweetheart deal, because it didn't prevent him from ever being accountable for any crime in the future anywhere in the universe. Well, the thing I keep worrying about now that we know that his go to, he likes to have a posse with him when he goes to these trials. He had a sugar brother with him who his sugar brother. Although Dr. B and Valerie were not there today, Fox has noted, they weren't there for the sentencing. Yeah, well, they were just the way James was Uncle James was and he looked angry. Is James the nightclub owner? Was that Frank? James was a nightclub. I don't know what I don't know what grift Frank is into. We don't hear a lot about him. James was the seasons change nightclub owner. Seasons change. I always picture him whenever I think of that. I picture him like John Travolta and Saturday Night Fever. He's just he's got the pop collar and it's just uncle James or uncle. Yeah, which one do you say? Frank or James? James Uncle James. Yeah. Yeah. So he was there. I don't know Jimbo Limbo Jimbo Limbo. You know what Jared? It's funny because the way I read it of all these reports about Dr. Jill showing up for Hunter's gun trial is she was meant to intimidate or she was meant to add like a layer of you're really going to convict him when I'm here. The first lady in my purple suit, my purple dress suit sitting here clutching my pearls horrified and worried about my son and you're really going to go ahead with this. She was supposed to add an air of like dignity to the whole thing. Needless to say that didn't work out. That was a big bust. But you know what I will say is that I'm just hopeful because this tax trial which I'm a lot more interested in. I think most people are more interested in the tax evasion trial because we all we want here as Americans. All we want as people who look up to someone like Joe Biden, a decent honorable man. All I want when I wake up in the morning and I drive into work. I say, I just want people to have to pay their fair share. That's all I'm asking for. So that's why my mind goes there. Plus with the tax evasion situation, you have a lot more information that connects like little tentacles to the rest of the Bidens, whether it be the nightclub dudes or whether it be whatever grift you have. Valerie, James, Frank, Jill, Hally, the tax evasion trial is more connected to all of those people. It kind of spreads out like the roots of a tree. And so I've always had my mind on that, but it was supposed to be set for June. They actually moved it to September. And I'm just hoping that Dr. Jill doesn't have any travel plans in September. September is a big travel month. It's a beautiful month in a lot of places. And if she plans on going somewhere, that's going to be a lot of back and forth. And that's going to be very pricey for the rest of us. Because when she was like a ping pong going from France to Hunter's trial back and forth and back and forth, snap, snap, snap, snap. As Michael Scott would say, that cost us $345,000. I know the Democratic Party paid for part of it. I haven't gotten clarity on how much. Like, if you have a bill of $345,000 and someone comes to you and says, "Hey, I'm going to pay for part of it." You know what my follow up question is? How much? I want to know what does part of a $345,000 bill entail? What kind of chunk are you? Are we going Dutch? I tend to doubt it. Are we on the hook for inflate meals or what's the breakdown here? Yeah, I want an itemized bill of what I'm paying for for Dr. Jill to fly to go see McCall and then come back and see Hunter. I want an itemized breakdown, which I'm never going to get. But hopefully in September, she's cleared her schedule. If she's going to play like the sympathetic first lady sitting by Hunter's side, sitting next to Hunter and his sugar brother and hoping for the best and praying the rosary. I hope she's cleared her schedule. Call up JetBlue and say, "Move my flights around." Because I don't want to pay for that. So we do have a statement from President Joe Biden. Oh, I'm sure it's just been released. Is it jared? Is it soaked with integrity and decency? It is. Oh, absolutely. And it's all complete sentences and like words. So he obviously didn't write it. But as I said, there's no there's no Joe Biden fingerprints on this thing. No, no, no, no. This is a statement from wrong claim. No, this is the statement from President Joe Biden. As I said last week, I am the president, but I am also a dad. Jill and I love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. So many families who have had loved one's battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery. That might actually have been something he said. As I also said last week, I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal. Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that. With the exception of Navy will be there for the rest of our family with the exception of the granddaughter. They never acknowledged except for one time to people magazine and then never really followed up in building a relationship with her. I just want to be super specific here, Mr. President. You are there for your family. If your family is, you know, gathering diamond rings and making business deals with China and sitting on the board of a Ukrainian energy company and snorting Parmesan cheese. But you're not there for like a five year old who has nothing to do with anything and her only the only thing that she's not even responsible for. But the only link she has to your family is the fact that your son who is one of the biggest sleaze bags to ever come across my desk is her father and it's through no fault of her own. But she's the one who doesn't get any acknowledgement from you. But you have Hunter's back. You're very proud of Hunter. Proud of the man he is today. The man convicted felon. We can say that, right? Yeah, he's proud of a convicted felon. That's, and this brings me to my next point. So good. Which is Trump has it. This debate is all he has to do. And I, I, I, I, I'm nervous to even say this. It's his debate to lose. Do not lose it Trump. I'm telling you right now. You need to crush him in the most presidential way possible, which I hate that stuff. I hate saying, you need to be presidential. But you do for two hours you just do. And it's not hard when you're up against this guy. And here's another part of it, Jared. It's the question of does this conviction does the fact that Hunter Biden just got convicted on all three charges does it hurt Trump or help Trump. So he can call Hunter a convicted felon during the debates, which is great. He can throw that back in Biden's face. I've mentioned it many times before. It's the easiest thing to do. Biden calls him a convicted felon, which you know he can't help himself. Trump turns around and says, well, your son's a convicted felon. He's the smartest guy you know. So what's the problem here? You're proud of your son. Can't you be proud of me? That's just in the bag. Now, I do think this is going to throw Joe off even more than usual. Like we've heard reports that he's always walking around concerned about Hunter. He's always worried about how this is affecting everyone. They've never had the Biden family has never had. I've never been held to any sort of standard. They've never been held accountable period. This is and it sounds crazy, but this is their first brush with justice. Hopefully it isn't their last brush. But as Cheryl Crow once said, the first cut is the deepest. I think this is going to throw the whole family off balance. And I do think it's a win-win for Trump. He can call Hunter Biden a convicted felon. And if Hunter hadn't been convicted, he could have just said, hey, this is another example of the two tiers of justice in this country, but I don't think anyone's going to be too upset in the Trump team that this is the verdict that has been reached. 844-542-42. We will take your calls on this news that Hunter Biden has been convicted in this gun trial case. We also have news about Nancy Pelosi and some recently discovered video of her taking responsibility for the January 6 Capitol riots, the worst day in American history, the worst day since 9/11. We've been, according to the left, we'll talk about that when we come back. But I have to mention here, because it's so important that everyone remember this is a big weekend coming up. It's Father's Day weekend. And it's also Jared DiGlio's birthday. So it's really, it's a double whammy for all of us out there. You've got to make sure that you are thinking of Dad, that you get him a gift, that he's going to love. You've got to make sure you get him Omaha Stakes. And there's so many reasons which Jared, the birthday boy slash a dad, can tell us about. Yeah, I love Omaha Stakes. Your dad loves Omaha Stakes. It is the perfect gift for Father's Day or birthday. I had the brisket burgers last night from my latest box, the burger flight and the glorious. I cannot, it might be, I don't know which of those, they're the best burgers I've ever had. I don't know which one's my favorite because they're all equally. It's like children. You just, if you have a lot of children, you can't pick your favorite child. It's the same thing that I'm going through right now with these burgers. But your dad wants quality meat for Father's Day and now is the time to do it. Get him what he wants. Get it at a great price because you're not going to find this price for this quality meat in the supermarket. It's the price that I really need to hammer home to people because I have people asking me questions about it and saying, okay, so, well, you know, what's the range? These start at $89. You're going to be blown away by not just the quality of the beef, of the burgers, of the hot dogs, of the chicken, of anything you want. But also the quantity, you get so much in one of these packages. It's not going to last you Father's Day. It's going to last you Father's Day and then the weeks to come. This is such a great deal and I want you to go to and don't forget to use the promo code GRACE so you can save as much as possible and get dad the best gift for Father's Day this Sunday. Go to Do not forget to use promo code GRACE. Tell me how you're whipping this stuff up. Are you grilling it? What are you doing with it? What are you ordering? I love to hear back from people who use my promo code. Go to Do not forget to use promo code GRACE at checkout. Go now before it's too late. We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show Busy Day today. And the poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint. Located in Ware, New Hampshire, Silver Dave will work with you directly. So contact him at local Silver Jared is on the board. Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is between the Karen Reed and Trump trials is just as dead in America. No, I'm always an optimist. Jared, you know this about me. I get a lot of criticism for it. I look at things with the glass half full and this just makes me feel better. And of course, I think they're kind of there. How would I describe it? It's like, yeah, they're going to get him with the gun trial because they're also going to probably let him off with the tax evasion trial. By they, I mean the Department of Justice, the legal system. But even with that said, I still feel good about it. Justice, the wheels of justice grind slowly, but exceedingly fine, or so I've been told. Yeah, of course the poll question went up before this conviction came down on Hunter, but 90% of the audience believes, yes, justice is dead in America. Oh, bunch of pessimists out there. Let's go to Rich. You're up next on the Grace CurlyShow. Go ahead, Rich. Hey, Grace, thanks for taking my call. Of course. I think it would be a mistake for Trump to go after Hunter as a convicted felon because the whole drug addiction thing and everything else. But I think it's an opportunity for Trump to say, you know, part of the evidence they used to convict him was the laptop that Joe Biden said was a fake. And I think if he brings it back to the laptop and uses it to show how the Bidens just are serial liars and cover-up artists and ignores going directly after Hunter, it would be better because it will reinforce one of the great lies of the 2020 election. And that was a laptop with Russian interference when it really wasn't. Rich, what a wonderful call to start off the show today because you were on point on so many things. One is that your comment about how he shouldn't be so flipping about Hunter Biden, even if I think he should be, you're on the money because Trump's response on Sean Hannity about Hunter Biden was a lot more nuanced and a lot more gentle than I think he's been in the past. And he brought up his own uncle. He said, I understand the struggle with addiction. And so in that way, kind of biting his tongue about Hunter Biden and what a sleazebag he is is probably better for the independent voters, even if it's not something that I necessarily agree with. You're on the money about that. And you're on the money about the laptop because I was actually hoping that on the debate stage, he would say, last time I debated you, Joe, you kept referencing a letter of 51 ex-intelligence agents who said that the laptop was Russian disinformation. Do you want to take this time right now? To apologize for that and apologize to the American people for lying, or would you prefer to double down? What an excellent point, Rich. Really good call. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trathria studio. The biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign. They spied on my campaign list. There's no real evidence of that. Of course there is. It's all over the place. Leslie, they spied on my campaign and they got caught. Can I say something? You know, this is 60 minutes. And we can't put on things we can't verify. You won't put it on because it's bad for Biden. We can't put on things we can't verify. Leslie, they spied on my campaign. It's been totally verified. No. It's been just go down and get the papers. They spied on my campaign, they got caught. No. And then they went much further than that, and they got caught. And you will see that, Leslie. And you know that, but you just don't want to put it on the ad. As a matter of fact, I don't know that. Yeah, that was the infamous interview that Trump did with Leslie Stahl, where she denied that the laptop was real. She denied it over and over and over again. And I don't check in with Leslie very often. I don't even know if she's still on the air, but if she is, or if she's near a computer and she can even tweet out a pathetic apology, I would like one. I think the American people would like one. 60, I think it was like 60% of people who voted for Biden said they would have changed their mind had they known the laptop was real. I have no sympathy for those people because, you know, ignorance is bliss. But, you know, or maybe I'll say ignorance of the story is not an excuse. Like you should be actively trying to figure out what's going on with this family and their corruption. And there were plenty of resources, including Miranda Divine, Emma Jo, Emma Jo Morris, who actually broke the story. There were plenty of reputable sources and reporters that you could have learned that from. But the fact that you had other reporters going out of their way to dismiss the story to try and make people believe that it wasn't real or it was some concoction from, you know, bought farms in Russia or Vladimir Putin himself putting this together is abhorrent. And that's the part of it that really bothered me. It's not that the media didn't talk about it. Because you had certain outlets like NPR, they just pretended they were above it. Like we're not even, we are not even going to acknowledge this. Our readers need to hear about things that are important. That doesn't bother me as much as the people who attempted to discredit it. It's one thing if you just don't want to cover it and it, you know, you're guilty by omission. You're not covering something that's important. You're not doing your job as the media to hold these corrupt politicians and this corrupt family accountable. But to come up with letters from 51 ex-intelligence agents, special agents claiming that this is Russian disinformation. And to publicize that and to rely on that to give that to the president or the candidate who's running for president as an excuse during a debate so he can wave it around like a white flag. Anytime he gets any sort of criticism, "Oh, I have a letter for 51 ex-intelligence agents." It's not the fact that certain places didn't want to cover it. If you don't want to cover something that's an important story, that's a salacious story, that's your own loss and your subscriptions and your low ratings and everything else will follow. But to come up with lies, to try to make Miranda divine and Emma Joe Morris and the New York Post and all of these other people make them out to be conspiracy theorists for reporting a real story, that is inexcusable. That is outrageous and they're never going to get an apology. They're never going to get anything. And something else I wanted to mention here because one of the textures brought up Leslie Saul and kind of reminded me and then we had that wonderful caller who brought it up as well. But the part of this that cracks me up is like, for example, Merrick Garland, the Attorney General of the United States, he has an op-ed in the Washington Post because democracy dies in darkness and Merrick Garland has made it his mission to defend democracy. That means going after Donald Trump and going after people who attend Latin message. That's his version of defending democracy, whatever democracy even is at this point. These people are constantly in pursuit of defending democracy as they see it. So I was reading this. And at first I thought, oh, it's probably going to be long or whatever. It really wasn't. It was pretty short op-ed. But right when I saw this, I knew, okay, so this is just propaganda. He's talking about the heinous threats of violence that have been made against the Justice Department baseless, personal and dangerous. And then he says, they come in the form of conspiracy theories crafted and spread for the purpose of undermining public trust in the judicial process itself. Whenever I hear those words, conspiracy theories, you should have red flags shooting out of your head when you hear those words. Because think of all the things that we have been told by reputable people like Merrick Garland, honest people who are just looking out for the rule of law and just defending democracy. Think of all the things they told us were conspiracy theories, the Wuhan lab leak, the Russian lab top. The only thing they didn't think was a conspiracy theory was the Russia hoax. And by the way, that is an actual conspiracy theory. That was drummed up by Hillary Clinton and Christopher Steele and all of these other corrupt deep state swamp creatures. But that one, they could connect those dots. That one, they still are, you know, they're still in their basements on blue being like, Hey guys, I think we found something. I really think there's a connection. There's a hotel in Russia, Michael Cohen's cell phone, ping there. They're still living on that prayer. But when it comes to all of the real things that people had the audacity to report on or comment on or express their concerns about whether it be Rand Paul, Dr. Marty McCarry, whether it be Senator Tom Cotton, whether it be Miranda divine, anyone who had the gumption to actually talk about real stories were deemed conspiracy theorists. And now, Merrick Garland, who's done such a crappy job when it comes to prosecuting anyone who actually deserves it and has been backing all of these people whose only mission is to get Trump. Now, when his department of justice gets plenty of criticism that they deserve, he says it's baseless and it's based on conspiracy theories. Just like Dr. Fauci, just like just like he said, all of this was based on conspiracy theories. That's the new get out of jail free card. That's the new sources and weapons is all conspiracy theories or I get death threats. Join the flipping club. Don't we all? Like, don't we all? That's a reason now that the DOJ has been completely weaponized. The DOJ can go after people who go to a Latin mask. The DOJ can go after parents who are concerned about their children's curriculum, but do nothing about terrorists that are coming over our border. Do nothing about Joe Biden going after his political opponent. They don't have to do anything about that. And then they can get out of jail free by just saying, I get death threats. Again, yeah, and like I'm not condoning that, but it's nothing new like anyone who's in the arena in any way, shape or form is getting death threats. That does not give you an excuse to not do your job and to be corrupt. Joe, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Joe. Great. How you doing? Good. What's going on? Great shows always. My point is that Hunter Biden, if he was African American from the inner city, all his history of cracks and all this text and everything went down that trial. And he was urban African American. God forbid he has a job as a Republican. He'd be getting a minimum year in jail straight up. Hunter will get off because he's white and privileged. Yeah. And in fact, if, you know, any of the, you think about the crime bill that Joe Biden was a big backer of, if any of that stuff came in to play, you're absolutely right. And one of the commentators today who was outside the courthouse said there was a lot of people holding signs saying Hunter Biden should go to jail. And it's because in the area where this crime is being prosecuted, there are plenty of people sitting in jail. If you lie on a gun form and the guy at the gun store, I actually have the name of the gun store here. It's Star Quest Shooters and Survival Supply in Wilmington. The guy who runs it is testified under oath that he saw Hunter Biden filling out the form. I don't know if like a magical creature crawled out in between and filled it out. A ghost form filler like a ghost gun. One of those, no, Jared, one of those ghosts that Joe Biden's always shaking hands with on the debate stage showed up and said, Hunter, I got this. Let me fill this out for you. Okay, you've done enough writing in your time with your beautiful book and all your artwork. Give that hand arrest. I'm taking you over from here. But that was so that guys, everyone's a liar. Like, it's amazing how the guy who's out of his mind on crack is the only one who's not lying to us. So, you never go back. The laptop guy, John. What was his name? John McIsaac or something? He was a liar. Then you had this guy at the gun store. He's a liar. Donald Trump's a liar. I'm a liar. The only people telling the truth are the Biden family. The only guy, the only honest guy left in America is Hunter Biden, who's smoking Parmesan cheese off a rug and taking naked pictures of people giving him sexual favors and then mowing money to prostitutes. He's the only honest guy left. Honest Hunter is what we call them. 844. So, I'm just so proud of the man he is today. 844 542 42. Here's another part of Merrick Garland's thing. He says, they come in the form of false claims. The department is politicizing its work to somehow influence the outcome of an election. I got news from Merrick Garland. This isn't a new thing. You guys have been up to this for a while. And I would say actually that the fact that the Department of Justice, the FBI, all of the deep state knew that the Hunter Biden laptop was real at the last election and decided not to say anything and decided to let the media and let the John Brennan's of the world concoct this letter for Joe Biden. The fact that nobody came out and said, actually, we can confirm that the laptop is real. This whole story of Russian disinformation is bogus. That did affect the outcome of an election because it would have changed a lot of people's minds. I mean, it's crazy how prosecuting the leading opposing party president and making up rules for his conviction could lead some people to believe that there's some type of election interference happening here. Somehow. You're kooky people. He goes, the Justice Department makes decisions about criminal investigations based only on the facts and the law. And if we can't find a law, we'll make one up. Kevin, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Kevin. Yes, good afternoon. Thank you, thank you, Michael. Thank you for calling to say, well, my thing is I'm really tired of hearing the word conspiracy theory. I thought conspiracy theory meant it was unproven. Once a theory is proven, it's no longer a theory, right? Yeah, right. And every single conspiracy. Like, when you think conspiracy, the things that we have been told are conspiracy theories that ended up being true, Kevin, where does your mind go? The true, how about the laptop? How about the Chinese lab? You know, I'm saying they're no longer theories. We know the laptop exists. They're prosecuting based on the laptop that they say was a theory, but it's not a theory. It's proven physical truth. Now, what's on it? We'll find out. Yeah, I have a couple more too. How about the Beagles that Dr. Fauci and the NIH were funding all of this harmful, all these harmful studies with sandflies on Beagles? That was a conspiracy theory that ended up being true. How about the fact that Hillary Clinton funded the Russia hoax? And, you know, that was all just digging up dirt on your political opponent. And then when you couldn't find any making it up and trying to catch people in some sort of made up Russia collusion hoax that wasn't there. There was no there there. But Hillary Clinton paid a bunch of people to try to find it. And like you said, the laptop and the Chinese, the Wuhan lab and anybody who had the common sense in the guts to stand up and say something here doesn't smell right. And, you know, I can put the pieces together and maybe the fact that there was a lab in China that was studying the coronavirus right near where the coronavirus spread, maybe that lab had something to do with it. You were tossed off YouTube. You were tossed off Twitter. You were made out to be a complete nut job. And the worst part is when it all comes to be, and like two years later, the New York Times is writing, "Well, now we actually do have reason to believe." You know what they forget to add? "Oh, we're sorry, Rand Paul. We're sorry, Tom Cotton. We're sorry, Dr. Marty McCarry. We're sorry, Scott Hounsel. We're sorry, Donald J. Trump." Nope. Never gonna get it. Never gonna get it. They just move on. They just hope everyone just forgets, forgives and forgets will not hear. Not at the Grace Curly Show. We might forgive at some point, but we gotta get it, and I'm sorry first. That's the first step to getting someone to forgive you is actually apologizing and admitting you were wrong, Leslie Stahl. And I'll tell you this. I said we might forgive. We will never forget. That goes without saying. We'll be right back. We got a lot more to get to. We are gonna talk about Nancy Pelosi. I'm probably gonna save it for later in the one o'clock, because I do have Turtle Boy joining us at 105 to talk Trooper Michael Proctor. Speaking of corruption and just disgusting behavior, we'll talk to Turtle Boy. Oh, and speaking of conspiracy theories, right? 'Cause it's all, we're all conspiracy theories. If you actually point out that someone's getting railroaded, congrats. You better go get some tin foil at the store, and it's a lot more expensive in Joe Biden's America. You got yourself a hat to make, and you better make it quick. We'll be right back. This is Grace Curly Show. If you don't know about the recent Supreme Court decisions affecting Second Amendment rights, you should tune into rapid fire, our local 2A talk radio show, to learn more about the cases being brought to the Massachusetts Court system. Join us every Wednesday at 4 p.m. at, or search rapidfire on your favorite podcast network. At Cape Gunworks, we are responding to all 2A news. Go to and give us a shot. [MUSIC] This is the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] 71 says Grace, even if Hunter doesn't get any time, the fact that a jury had the audacity to find him guilty is eating away at him, his mommy and daddy, and that princess of a wife of his. Yeah, she was angry early on in this trial, screaming at some former Trump aide behind the scenes, calling him a Nazi piece of bleep. I would hate to see how she behaves today when she gets news of this verdict. Well, speaking of today, people are pointing out the irony, and we can talk about this with Toby when he comes on it to 20, but Joe Biden will be delivering remarks at 130 at a gun safety. Will there be a trash can available for comment? Hey, guys, I also just want to say, if you're not liking your gun, don't leave it with me. I'm not the one you wanted to dispose of your gun with. I can't wait to talk, Toby. Toby was actually rooting for Hunter Biden to get off, which I was rooting for him to get off for a different reason. I was hoping that it would just be another fun-raising cash cow for Donald Trump if there was just another example of the double standards of justice in this country, but I'm not going to complain about the verdict. Toby was rooting for Hunter to get off for a completely different reason, actually having to do with the Second Amendment and laws in this country regarding guns, so we can ask Toby about that. Coming up next, we've got Turtle Boy. And I want to focus on the testimony we heard yesterday from Michael Proctor. So just to give everyone a quick heads up about what we're about to do, there is no trial today in the Karen Reed case. Today's a dark day in the case. Tomorrow it comes back. And tomorrow is going to be insane because some of the text messages that Michael Proctor read yesterday during this trial were so repulsive and lewd and filthy and mean and cruel. And the timeline of it is what I really want to focus on because this guy had an axe to grind with Karen Reed long before Turtle Boy or any of his, you know, Toadies, as Nancy Pelosi might call them, came into the picture. So you know how Jen the Cave kept saying like, oh, the harassment campaign and pour us and get out the violin. This guy Michael Proctor really despised Karen Reed from jump. And he was the one investigating her. We'll talk about it with Turtle Boy when we come back. Oh, no, so far.