
Piers Morgan Caught LYING About Brigitte Macron | Candace Ep 13

I wager a $150k bet to Piers Morgan over the Brigitte Macron story, an economics professor cuts through WW2 propaganda, a new report from the House Judiciary Committee confirms contractors on the CIA’s payroll colluded with the Biden Campaign, and an Ed Sheeran superfan marries his doppelganger.

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00:00 - Start 01:28 - My challenge to Piers Morgan 16:26 - Jeffrey Sachs on Piers Morgan 23:10 - CIA contractors colluding with Biden Campaign 24:27 - Ed Sheeran superfan wedding 26:57 - Comments

Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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I wager a $150k bet to Piers Morgan over the Brigitte Macron story, an economics professor cuts through WW2 propaganda, a new report from the House Judiciary Committee confirms contractors on the CIA’s payroll colluded with the Biden Campaign, and an Ed Sheeran superfan marries his doppelganger.


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#CandaceShow #Candace #CandaceOwens #News #Politics #Culture #popculture

00:00 - Start

01:28 - My challenge to Piers Morgan

16:26 - Jeffrey Sachs on Piers Morgan

23:10 - CIA contractors colluding with Biden Campaign

24:27 - Ed Sheeran superfan wedding

26:57 - Comments

Okay, so I don't fancy myself a promoter or even necessarily a consumer of reality TV anymore But back when I was back in my heyday I have to say that they did provide us with some wonderful internet memes like this moment from the real housewives of Atlanta The lies the lies the lies that is oddly relatable and exactly how I am feeling about the mainstream media these days I know you're feeling the exact same way, but I especially have it out right now for Pierce Morgan Because he intentionally bet me 100k on his show 200k regarding Brigitte Macron and I caught him thereafter in a red-handed lie and I'm calling you out Pierce Morgan. We're gonna discuss that plus later on It's not just me apparently there's also an economic professor named Jeffrey Sachs Who is just not here for the World War two propaganda and in better news? I also have a random story of a woman who is so obsessed with Ed Sheeran that she found herself a man Who is the spitting image of him and they just got married. They also look very happy and I'm not sure if that's creepy or oddly Satisfying that's what's coming up on Candace Well, it's become clear to me after Seven years eight years of doing this the media apparently does not know me at all They don't know how much I kind of enjoy them. It's like a not even toxic relationship I particularly love media matters. Yeah far left But when I had my old show like before I got canceled I was really sad for a lot of reasons But especially because I was gonna miss media matters every single day. They were dedicated It was essentially a free PR firm They pull out these clips of my show and write mean headlines about me And I think they thought that it upset me, but I was not offended at all I thought it was really funny Obviously, I mean I do my show because I think the stuff I'm saying is funny or I believe that it is true And they were always like look at her. She's a transphobe So imagine my surprise yesterday when I found out that they are back and they are tuning into the new show Look at this headline regarding me on media matters. It says I'm not kidding Transvestigation nation right wing media figures obsession with trans people is breaking their brains Investigation what a brilliant word. I am so upset that I did not think of it that it came from media matters and did not come from me I love that I will now be using that Let's jump back into their piece because they've got more to say they are big mad at me They continue prior to losing her job the daily wire Owens proclaimed that she would stake her quote entire professional reputation on the theory that Brigitte Macron a long-time wife a French President Emmanuel Macron was hiding the fact that she's a transgendered woman while her accusation was met with derision Outrage and concern Owens made the claim in a new video on her YouTube channel and then repeated it several days later. Oh I love this so much because they are just such dweeb's I mean, I really am appreciating the fact I showed you yesterday that girl that went viral and she was saying that so many people that are in charge are just Dweeb's I don't mean dweeb's in the sense of like the people that did their homework and the people that studied and got good grades I mean these people are losers And they think that they have so much power and they get so upset when you have the audacity to say I'm not listening to you They hate confidence their job is to make us not feel confident and they're angry at me because oh After the derision after the outrage she had the audacity to repeat the claim on her show her new show again Yeah, I repeated it because it's true ladies and gentlemen and you're not gonna believe what I discovered Piers Morgan you lied by omission now just a backtrack I know you guys are following the story and I'm telling you this one's gonna collapse under the weight of its own lies I have no fear. I'm gonna be a hero I people in France already came up to me tons of times and we're like thank you so much You know when I was in in France last month or a couple of months ago Thank you so much We all know that obviously she's a man and the mainstream media is just trying to gaslight us because that's what they do They lie lie lie and then they admit it's years later And then they pretend that they didn't really know it was true and they know it's true again showing you this old photo the one of the only two that has been ever produced of Brigitte Macron as a child in Brigitte Macron is the Sun on the left looks exactly like Brigitte Macron the media trying to pretend that Brigitte is the one sitting on the lap No, but that is Jean Michel Trogg knows little sister whose name was Brigitte and It is the speculation of the reporters and the investigators and the genealogists had been working on the story that John Michel Trogg know took little Brigitte's name and is pretending to be Brigitte when obviously now It's just a dude and I feel very comfortable saying that I have no fear because everybody that reads the six piece News piece that came out breaking the story the six-part investigation rather Recognizes that it's just undeniable Brigitte Macron is a man. I'm sorry. I'm the first to tell you I'm used to being the first to say something and everyone sort of freaks out I was the first against me too. I was the first against COVID shots And then eventually the world catches up because you just cannot listen to these dweeb reporters That is the fact but back to peers Morgan because I am upset So remember he like threw down the gauntlet when I was on his show and he bet me 100k regarding the story Well, let me jog your memory of this little moment. Take a listen Brigitte Macron as you know has a liable trial against Natasha Ray who made the claims that the French first lady was born a man Called Jean Michel Troggner. It's due to take place Imminently and we will get to the bottom of this and I'll bet you and what do we have a like a hundred thousand pound bet? That it establishes beyond any doubt to a charity of your choice and mine Hundred thousand dollars make it dollars right now But it is established beyond any doubt that she was born a woman. Do you accept that bet? Ladies and gentlemen the lies the lies I cannot believe us Let me tell you how I came across this well I actually reached out and had a conversation with the journalist who initially broke this story Regarding Brigitte Macron now I should have known obviously he was throwing a lot at me that interview went on for an hour and a half And this was toward the end of the interview But I instantly should have flagged in my head that there was something weird about the fact that Natasha ray is the person being sued for libel Given the fact that Natasha ray is not the person who initially produced the six-part series fate a document is the Is the publication that produced it and that is operated by a man named Xavier Poussard? Well, here is the actual fact Natasha ray and Amandine Roy are not on trial for claiming that Brigitte Macron was born a man Therefore piers lied by omission. He knows that people that are watching that when they hear oh, there's a defamation trial that there's a person Involved who made the claim they're going to assume that this must have been the person who actually produced all of the articles But it wasn't as I said, it was a man named Xavier Poussard who I have been in touch with Xavier Poussard was the editor-in-chief the author and the publication director of fate a documents again They are the ones that produce the six-part series So it begs the question why is an Xavier the first source of this story being sued well as I said he and I got in touch on X and Here's what he told me. I wanted to have him on for an interview But I have to figure that out because he said that his English is not good and he has to use a translator I'm planning on doing that or down the line because the story is just absolutely fascinating I asked him I said wait a second. Why are you not being sued for definition? And here's what he said to me verbatim quote because by pursuing me They would allow me to speed up my proceedings against them before the administrative court I am taking legal action against the French administrations which wrongfully refuse to issue me documents including identity photos on the case in particular photos of John Michel Tragno as a young man end quote So yes, he claims that they are going after Natasha right instead because she's the perfect media red-airing right foremost She is weak because she is currently suffering from a very advanced form of cancer Also because they were able to get her on a technicality a technicality of libel So let me slow this down so you understand what this lawsuit is actually about It's got nothing to do if I were not Brigitte Macron is a man or not a man So Natasha who helped this investigation one of the journalists had helped this investigation looking into John Michel Tragno Who is also you know Brigitte Macron? She requested his birth certificate from the town hall in the city that John Michel Tragno was born that city is called Amion right Twice she requested this birth certificate which are allowed to do here's a birth certificate of John Michel Tragno She did this in April and she did this in May and she heard back and this is in the year 2021 By the way before the story was even released the town hall wrote back to her and said I'm showing you right now the pictures of what they wrote back and I'll translate it for you loosely It says that the birth certificate of John Michel Tragno is quote not in our possession We invite you to contact the town hall of the city where John Michel Tragno was born They should have this document So she receives this answer twice and they're still working on the story and then eventually they release the story Xavier releases the publication that six part series that I keep telling you about in September and the entire world explodes because it's Legit I mean the research that was done you just can't read it and come back from it and think that this is a conspiracy theory and Natasha then went in did an interview on a YouTube channel This is now in December of 2021 a couple of months after it's been released and she's talking about the story and Discussing this strange fact that the city of Amion even though they know that is where John Michel Tragno was born Could not produce the birth certificate and she's speaking about this strange fact and arguing that it proves that the documents are somehow Falseified, you know, why aren't you producing this? We know that you have this Well, apparently that is defamatory because the birth certificates even though they didn't provide it is not a falsified document Thereafter after her YouTube video received millions of views suddenly the town hall which had previously denied her twice Produced the birth document of John Michel Tragno and they went gotcha Aha you said that this document was falsified and nobody didn't give it to you But now we're giving it to you and we have you saying on YouTube that this document didn't exist So they not only were able to get you to to remove the interview They then pursued Natasha Ray and Amandine Roy who was interviewing her on YouTube on this Technicality of defamation that is what she is being sued for that there is no other reason that they are being sued But the reason that they're doing this obviously is because the mainstream media knows that Brigee is a man But they also know that they can convince everybody Which is what peers tried to do when he flagrantly lied that This lawsuit is about whether or not she's a man bringing a lawsuit. It's a libel. It's defamation What is it libel and what is it defamation about? The gentleman these are the exact same state-run apparatus the mainstream media apparatus that knew that the COVID vaccine Was not going to prevent you from getting COVID. It's the same apparatus that told you that Hunter Biden's laptop Was fake they lie and they lie and they lie until they can walk it back So I don't want peers to have an opportunity to walk it back like he did regarding the COVID vaccine So I'm going to issue him a challenge more money. You said a hundred K Well, I'm gonna come back at you right now with a gauntlet of my own so that you cannot squirm out of this one Because you know that Brigitte Macron did in fact statutorily rape Emmanuel Macron She was 39 and he was just 14 when they began their love affair. So I'm going to issue you a very easy challenge peers first for $50,000 I challenge you to read the documents and then to go live on air on your show and say quote I do not believe after having read the document and reviewing the evidence that president Emmanuel Macron was Statutorily raped by his wife end quote. I want you to read that When he was a student For another 50k after reading the documents I want you to say quote I remain fully convinced that Brigitte Macron was not born a man Then for the last 50k. I want you to say after reviewing the lawsuit that Brigitte Macron brought against a Tasha ray I stake my entire career on the fact that the defamation claim is Strictly pertaining to whether or not Brigitte is a woman or a man That's it peers read the docs 50k 50k 50k that's a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for uttering a couple of sentences I want you to put your neck on the line I want you to actually say that because I am that convinced that you are lying and maybe you're doing it accidentally Maybe your producers just read mainstream headlines and we're like, oh Natasha's being sued for this reason, but I don't think it's it's accidentally I'm not sure if it's accidental I think you are many ways a part of that mainstream media apparatus that lies to people until I hope I'm wrong But that is the bet and I hope you take me up on that offer Well, I don't know if betting peers Morgan is going to prove to be a just cause but I know what is a just cause Preborn and their entire mission. You know how much I love preborn and everything that they are doing First and foremost according to a recent report Planned Parenthood continues to rake in billions despite dwindling clients The biggest takeaway is that Planned Parenthood is generating vast profits including millions in taxpayer funding with preborn That is you and me. We can actively steal their clientele meaning we get to save babies babies that they are trying to kill Preborn operates on a very slim budget rescuing over 200 babies lives every single day with no government funding Preborn's network of clinics are situated in the darkest corners of the nation competing head-to-head with the abortion giants And they need our help now more than ever When you donate just twenty eight dollars just twenty dollars to preborn You will offer a free ultrasound to an expectant mother that is caught in a crisis because let me tell you this Once you are a mother and you hear your baby's heartbeat everything changes just spiritually You know that you must do everything to protect this precious life and the facts are that the baby's chance at life doubles So sponsor a precious baby's life today your tax deductible gift will go directly towards saving babies lives Just dial pound two fifty and say the keyboard baby. That's pound two fifty baby Or you can go to preborn calm slash Candice. That's preborn calm slash Candice Okay, now let's get into some stories Now before we get into the first story, I want to remind you how close we are to two million subscribers So please subscribe or you can support us go to locals calm and find me you can support us monthly as you guys have Probably acknowledged. I am having so much fun being free and I want to remain that way All right, first up because we aren't done attacking peers Morgan the lies the lies I saw this clip making its way around the internet and Obviously, I've been under so much fire for questioning World War two narratives and questioning what it is that we are actually doing overseas when we say that we are spreading democracy we're spreading democracy because it kind of feels like we're spreading Imperialism and we're not doing it on the behalf of the American people maybe It's a transnational elites like Julian Assange had suggested Well, we have an economics professor who appeared on peers Morgan show He is also an author named Jeffrey Sacks, and he had some stuff to say when peers Morgan just couldn't quite comprehend why he wasn't I Guess virulently anti Russia and anti Putin take a listen You seem very reliant on accepting Putin's world view rather than perhaps the stark reality of the barbarism with which he's executed this war Yeah, maybe because I know too much about the United States because the first war in Europe after World War two was the US bombing of Belgrade for 78 days to change borders of a European state the idea was to break Serbia to create Kosovo as an enclave and then to install Bondi steel, which is the largest NATO Base in the Balkans in the southwest Balkans So the US started this under Clinton That we will break the borders. We will illegally bomb another country We didn't have any UN Authority. This was a quote NATO mission to do that then I know the United States went to war repeatedly illegally in What it did in Afghanistan and then what it did in Iraq and then what it did in Syria, which was the Obama administration, especially Obama and Hillary Clinton Tasking the CIA to overthrow Bashar Malasad and then what it did with NATO illegally bombing Libya to topple Norma Qaddafi and then what it did in Kyiv in February 2014. I happened to see some of that with my own eyes the US overthrew Yanukovych together with right-wing Ukrainian military forces. We overthrew a president. I Mean the facts are the facts. I love that guy Jeff Sacks You know why because he has confidence. He has the audacity. He knows the facts are on his side He doesn't care what maneuvers the mainstream media have. Oh, are you pro Putin Putin's puppet Putin this Putin that? First and foremost by the way, just assessing when you take a look at Zelensky take a look at Putin and Russia and Ukraine Why is it that we don't take a also factor in just the values of those countries like when I see Zelensky who in my view is another homosexual leader wearing Black latex and dancing to single ladies in high heels. If you haven't seen that clip here I'm just gonna show that to sort of in the background here He is another theater boy who has been installed as an an actor That's what I think a lot of these presidents are I think they are training up actors to play the role of leaders Which is why I was calling out Zelensky for constantly wearing military fatigues It's very obvious that he's playing a part and then you look at Russia and irrespective of the fact that we know that Putin has done a lot of things Things that of course are not worse than what our government has done after you just listen to Jeffrey Sacks's die a tribe You should recognize that probably I would imagine Putin has done less relative to how many people we have killed since 9/11 I always go back to that reference point because of I'm a millennial and that was so significant for me I would imagine Putin has probably killed less people you might find that to be controversial But it's probably factual the mainstream media has you in some weird web cold war web Russia bad Russia bad Well, you know what the values there the fact that men are still allowed to be men The fact that you don't have only fans models running around with their tops off and when they actually did that They were hunting that girl down the fact that they are a Christian society Zelensky is shutting down Churches he has suspended elections and you have the media trying to convince you he's the good guy Wake up seriously wake up because if you don't wake up We are going to be ushered into another war my advice people do not send your children to fight for this country at this moment That is my honest advice if I was a troop American troop right now, I would resign Right everything and then especially over the last few years it feels horrific another been doing it for a long time But when you see what they did with COVID forcing them to get vaccinated when you look into the history of what they did The lies that were told the propagandists that ran the effort to convince us as we killed other Christians like no You're you have the right values. We're killing these other people. We're killing these civilians But it's totally fine and when you see the pervasive illness of the people's mind to want more war Like when you look at them, don't you perceive? How demonic they are like when I look at these people that get angry when we ask a question What actually I make a statement. We should not have dropped a bomb on Catholics praying in Nagasaki. We should not have fire bombed Dresden We should not have ethnically cleansed Germans following World War two and put them in Concentration camps that's what we did and tortured them right when you make those statements and they get angry at you You better realize who you're dealing with those are the Bolsheviks Okay, these are evil sinister people and if you are out there and you are defending their actions You better think real quick about what will happen if they decide to turn their ire against you because you've already given given them the permission To kill to rape to steal to in order to transform borders Right to do whatever they want to drop bombs on innocent children once you give them that permission You don't get to revoke it when it's turned on you. You don't get to go. Oh my god now They're bombing American cities and say this is immoral and cry about it You call out morality right away and what we have been up to and I am convinced the CIA is not working for America Well, we have been up to has been Despicable. So that's where I am at on that. All right guys now because we are talking about how The media very often just kind of acknowledges very late in the game that they lied to us about everything You're gonna really appreciate this Daily Mail headline. It reads Intel contractors on CIA's payroll Colluded with the Biden campaign to discredit hunter hunters laptop as rushing this information Bombshell new report claims. Oh, it's a bombshell. It's a total bombshell guys What I've been saying with no access to intelligence agencies just you know common sense Like obviously the deep state was doing everything they could Using their little mockingbirds in the media to claim that this was this information when everything was obviously legitimate I mean there were pictures there were videos. No, it's Russian this information again always blaming Russia because they want war with Russia It is a Christian country that must be collapsed according to their nefarious bullshit make agenda But now they're willing to admit it guys years after if that the deep state was working on that because they wanted Biden Who's basically dead to be the president. That's what they want a dead man for president And that's what we've got dead man walking for president. Who knows what their next plan is It's it's gonna be interesting to see are they gonna install Kamala Harris I have no idea, but I'm interested in seeing Here's why thank guys. We need to have a feel good story And I actually this was sent to me by someone I just thought it was the cookiest thing that I had seen in a while on the internet. So Here's what we've got. We've got a young woman who was Positively is positively obsessed with Ed Sheeran. Her name is Amanda and she is she's a mental health worker and She would joke all the time that she would marry Ed Sheeran the shape of you star and Then she found his doppelganger And I'm gonna show you guys a picture because they are married they got married she found him and she was like you are my dream guy because you look exactly like Ed Sheeran and They dated for two years and then they got married and they had an Ed Sheeran themed wedding And they also had his lyrics Etched into their cake and I'm just wondering like, you know The husband there, how would you feel about that? I don't know what if I was just like I'm marrying you because you look exactly like this person and I want the whole meeting the whole Wedding to be themed according to this person. I think it's weird, but also kind of great She got her happily ever after he looks happy. They look cute together. I have no problem with this I think this is a feel-good story I think it's great everybody should go after their dreams and she went after her dreams and she won herself and Ed Sheeran look alike Okay, I have to tell you guys something before we get into comments because I need to know that I'm not the only person Who didn't know this? Okay, I didn't know this but also Savannah didn't know this so at least two of us didn't know this I was gonna walk with my husband and it was Thundering I think and I was like, oh no big deal We can keep walking because there's no lightning and he was like, what do you mean by that? And I said, you know, like it's just thunder lightning is the problem And then my husband was like, you know that it can't thunder without lightning, right? That lightning that thunder is the sound of lightning. My mind was completely blown I promise you in my 35 years of living I had never heard that and I just need to know in the live chat right now If this is just a girl thing because me and Sven didn't know this or is this literally just me and Savannah are the only people in the Entire world didn't know this or are you shaken to your core as I was yesterday and has as Savannah was this morning learning That thunder is the sound of lightning. I don't know guys I have to just kind of share with you We're in them tidbits of my life because I got to give something to media matters to run a headline on and that's gonna be their headline Candice didn't know that the sound of Thunder was actually lightning. Okay, let's get into some of your comments regarding episodes past This person shadow slayer says Candice has got to interview Julian Assange when he gets free this week Wednesday by taking a plea plea deal like this comment so she sees this I did see your comment Also want to say that every time I have an inkling to interview someone Tucker is already out there That's just the thing It's like me and Tucker are somehow connected and I know that since I really want to interview Julian Assange Tucker is likely interviewing him at this very second But if that does not happen, I would be I would be so blessed to interview Julian Assange I also very much would love to go to Russia and interview Edward Snowden Because he also is a hero who I believe was wrong We convicted for showing us that our government was spying on us Next person writes the more I watch Candice the more suspicious I become about what I learned in school Yes, I am just wondering what we were even doing in school Obviously we were being sufficiently propagandized again much of it is Soviet tactics They learned from the Soviets many of them were the Soviets. We got a huge influx of Russian migrants in the late 19th century and they basically took over our school system and they Know how to make us respond emotionally and to believe things and Hollywood plays a role in that I really now don't trust anything that gets the Hollywood treatment I'm like, did any of this happen? I have no idea did any of this happen at all? Or are you making it a big blockbuster movie? So that I feel emotionally attached to the story when there's actually very little facts in it Now on Manekt the Manekt app this guy thinks I'm going to be killed. This is Adam. Adam writes this I'm Adam. I'm a truck driver and a real estate agent east of Atlanta We are blessed to have a truth-teller like you making content But my message is not just to tell you how amazing you are but to tell you what I've noticed They'll have a silence people who they think are a threat to their power You may already be aware step one is where they bribe you they give you a little money So you do or say what they want you to say step two is where they compromise you This was Epstein's job They get dirt on you and threaten to expose you if you don't do or say what they want step three They cancel you they drag your name through the corporate media You get fired from your job a few youtube videos get demonetized and you wake up one morning and you're banned from paypal Benmo youtube facebook and instagram step four is law fair This is where trump is right now step five is unfortunately the jfk step Yeah, it's actually pretty accurate. I am aware that that is sadly very accurate I see all your comments about telling me, you know, be careful You know get security guys if these psychopathic bulshifics want to kill me they're gonna do it Okay, security is just not going to change anything But I do think that there is safety in numbers And I think that the more that we talk about these things these topics that have been forbidden for Such a long time you can't talk about the jfk assassination No, we should talk about the jfk assassination because a lot of weird stuff happened that day They shot a sitting president of the united states. You can't talk about 9/11 There's a warning automatically we talk about what 9/11 Well, nothing convinces me more that the official story is a lie Then pre warning people about a video when we are talking about it and instantly demonetizing it and trying to limit its reach But I feel and I know that many people at home feel that we are on the brink of an american awakening and that makes me So happy and it is a great time to talk about the state of america Today the economic climate that many of us find ourselves in maybe that is contributing to the awakening You're going wow, we've been at war for a very long time and our lives are not getting better Many people are facing the challenges of managing their monthly expenses There are so many americans who are turning to credit cards But then of course there are high interest credit card rates And that traps you in a cycle of debt with balances that persist month after month Paying only the minimum each month means of course that it could take years to become debt-free So here's what you should do reach out to american financing a trusted partner in helping people achieve financial freedom If you're a homeowner they can tap into your home's equity line and help you eliminate high interest credit card debt On average their customers save 854 dollars per month, which is essentially like getting a $10,000 a year raise Process is straightforward and it's quick. You could close your loan in as little as 10 days and by acting today You might not have to pay your next mortgage payments. What a relief that would be It costs nothing to see how much you can say the opportunity to regain control of your finances is too significant to ignore So please if you're under financial stress, you don't know how you're going to make ends meet and you're so fearful because like I said You just feel so stressed when you have debt. I went through that student loans I was like how I couldn't even look at my phone because it was always them calling Well, I wish I had an option like this you do make the make the small step call american financing Today at 800-795-1210 that's 800-795-1210 or you can visit american Okay, another comment we have from this person He says canis has bigger balls than most of the male journalists god bless you canis oans greetings from serbia Well, I'm sure you just liked that we talked about what we did in bellgrade and thank you for saying that The truth is is that a lot of these male journalists they're dweeps. They are. I'm sorry. They're just they're just losers and they sip their Chai lattes and right means I've got me on the internet and I just have enough confidence to not care about that The only thing I really care about is the future for my children And we only can fix the future if we are willing to talk about the past it takes brave people Right you have to be brave and whatever it is that you are doing you need to be brave You need to be yourself You need to be confident that if you are on the side of truth no matter what happens you're on the side of goodness Right you can't go wrong when you know christ is king. I'm telling you you cannot go wrong because you already know how the this story ends It ends with us Winning that is the truth All right guys, that is unfortunately all the time that we have for today No, you know what someone called me out in the live chat. They were like, why does she keep saying it's all the time she asked for today Is I'm used to my old show format when like it was very strictly 30 minutes and I guess it's not that anymore But I'm I'm just done talking to you. That's the best way to say I am just done talking to you guys For today some days will go longer some days will go shorter We can do whatever we want because we're keeping the show free again Go to become a monthly supporter if you can if you can't that's fine Just pray for us the prayers work they are keeping me safe and there are only by the way 200 left Of the tumblers. I found this out yesterday. I'm amazed by that There's only 200 of the signed tumblers left and there's only 500 of the unsigned tumblers left So go get your stan disc up club those will be shipping out. I believe in two weeks Finally, thank you guys who were for being patient as we've been figuring out this whole thing We are very much in startup mode and you guys are like my Angel investors. All right. I'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] [Music] (gentle music)