
Russell Brand & I Are Going To Break The Internet | Candace Ep 22

Violet Affleck, the daughter of Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner, goes viral for speaking to the LA County Board, George Clooney writes a New York Times Op-ed for Biden to step down, and Russell Brand & I are going to break the internet.

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00:00 - Start  01:00 - Russell Brand & I are going to break the internet  16:53 - Violet Affleck calls for more governance in LA  25:04 - George Clooney tells Biden to step aside  30:40 - Comments

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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Violet Affleck, the daughter of Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner, goes viral for speaking to the LA County Board, George Clooney writes a New York Times Op-ed for Biden to step down, and Russell Brand & I are going to break the internet.


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#CandaceShow #Candace #CandaceOwens #News #Politics #Culture #PopCulture

00:00 - Start 

01:00 - Russell Brand & I are going to break the internet 

16:53 - Violet Affleck calls for more governance in LA 

25:04 - George Clooney tells Biden to step aside 

30:40 - Comments 

Happy Wednesday, everybody. So Violet Affleck, the daughter of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, has turned 18 and she's already going viral for testifying in front of the LA County Board, making an emotional plea for mask mandates. She wants everybody to wear a mask. Plus, we've got George Clooney, who has penned an op-ed for the New York Times, making a similarly emotional plea for Joe Biden to step down. But first, last week it was, "She's a Flat Earth Earth!" But today, the Zionist media is trying to convince the public that I'm worse than a flat earther. I'm, you guessed it, a Holocaust denier. When will they ever grow tired of these games? I know that I won't, that's what's coming up on Candace. My poor PR guy, he wakes up in the morning, he's got tons of text messages from journalists asking for clarity. Is it true? Did Candace say this? How could she say this? And everybody knows what's happening. They're watching the show, journalists, every minute of the show. And they're looking for just a four-second clip that they can take out of context and spin it and send it around to all of their journalist friends. And we do. We have a cell of Zionist media. We have people that are working to further the interests of Israel, and that is why they keep taking me out of context. But I literally don't care. I just hope they understand that I'm built different. Don't care. Built different. Don't care. I really do love that clip of Andrew Tate, but it is very true. I just know that I was built for this moment, this moment in time. I have the courage. And I feel so encouraged. That's what's weird is how happy I am every single day. And this morning, I started my day by having a very long interview with Russell Brandt, and I hadn't been on his show in quite some time. And it was really great to speak to him because our journeys have converged in a variety of strange ways, Russell Brandt was the interview that I was giving all the way in London on the night that I met my husband. I was notoriously three hours late when I met my husband because I was doing Russell Brandt's podcast. And at the same moment, we have both been compelled toward faith, like understanding that the politics is downstream from the faith conversation. And the left versus right, Republican versus Democrat, the Tory versus labor, it means nothing if you don't understand this has always been about good versus evil. And we had an amazing conversation and I'm telling you, it's going to break the Internet. People will be extremely upset. I think he said it's coming out in a few days, but I did want to bring you a moment from it because I can do that. I can give you guys a little premiere of that conversation. Take a listen. These are the bad guys. The Christians are always the bad guys. Every time you learn about Christian history, we're always the bad guys. You learn about the Spanish Inquisition. We're lied about what actually took place then because it makes Catholics and Christians look bad. We're told that the dark ages, about the dark ages and the age of enlightenment, the dark ages weren't dark. It was an age of remarkable Christian progress, a remarkable Christian experimentation. And so I am just very passionate now about using my platform to awaken Christians around the world because I believe that when Christians are awakened, a lot of the evils in the world will stop. It feels to me that perhaps some of the things you are describing and you're describing a lot of things, Candice, perhaps because in some ways, Christianity through its various forms of institutionalization became meshed onto power, whether that's through Roman Catholicism and the establishment of the Vatican or even the conversion of Constantine. It seems that the point that power and Christianity melded together political power, I suppose I mean, that there was a complexity that means, at least now, that we truly are living in an individualistic, materialistic, progressive and late rational, post-enlightenment age, that Christianity is sort of in the quagmire with old discarded ideas, somehow replaced with some of the forms of progressivism that you in your previous incarnation focused on quite heavily. And I suppose there's an assumption that Christianity doesn't require any protection, doesn't require any special spaces. I've heard people say, for example, that this return to Christianity that seems to be happening culturally, this new intrigue and excitement, a kind of a new awakening, or it might be the what proceeds a second coming or a rapture, is an attempt by the culture to reboot the last thing that works. So true Christianity, Candice, would by its nature be anti-establishment, somehow challenging to the people in positions of power and to powerful institutions. It seems that you've embraced this aspect of Christianity. But when you look at the modern political stage with like what's happening in my country, a new centralist authoritarian globalist government coming to power with an extraordinary portion of the votes, what's happened in France, a kind of machination and alloying of political groups in order to maintain Macron's centrist authoritarian globalist power. But what is required is a kind of inversion, a new radicalism. And yet the only type of radicalism that's sort of discussed is either technological radicalism and advanced citizen management, or maybe Islam. I wonder what you think about the necessity for this new Christian awakening to become politicized, or at least to become a challenge to existing political power. You'll be able to hear my answer to that when he drops the interview, but here is what I will say. I'm very aware of why I'm being attacked. Obviously, they don't think I'm a Holocaust and I are no more do they believe that I am a flat earther, but they understand that I am talking about Christian concepts. I am talking about Christian history. I'm talking about the fact that Christians were mass murdered across Europe and that Americans were sold lies about that murder. And so they've taken out of context a clip because what they don't want people to see is the BBC documentary that I went over in that episode, The Savage Peace, Learning that German civilians, German Christians were murdered in mass by the Allies. This has been hidden. Most Americans don't know it and most Americans have been shocked to learn it. And so they want me gone because oh, then what falls apart of course is this entire narrative that we're always fighting the bad guys. Here's what I believe. I believe it is and always has been a holy war. I believe that there are spiritual forces that play that are trying to make Americans atheistic and make Americans believe in nothing other than government, more governance as a solution to everything. And the more I look into history and start examining it through the lens of Christianity, I am shocked by what I discover. Let's talk about World War II. I actually think that if I were to write a book about America, American involvement in the history of war in the history of World War II, I would entitle it, oops, we accidentally bombed Christians again and the subtitle would be, but it's an accident. It was a total accident I swear or it didn't matter. I swear or but we had to do it. I swear. Yeah. Unbelievably when you start looking through the lens of Christianity, you begin to ask to have a question, how many times can you accidentally bomb a Christian monastery or a Christian cathedral, before we're allowed to wonder if maybe it wasn't an accident at all? If maybe it was an actual strategy. If maybe Christians in the West were propagandized severely by Edward Bernays as segment for its nephew as we were during World War II to permit the mass atrocities that were enacted against Christians in the East. I'm just asking a question and I've been asking those questions for a while now. I'm not just asking them out loud. Began really for me when I was on that Sharter pilgrimage and you remember I did that three day pilgrimage with Catholics and we marched to Sharter, the Sharter Cathedral that is. It's got a wonderful story. In August of 1944, American forces were approaching Sharter's and they believed because of bad intelligence that the cathedrals, towers, and steeples were being used by the enemy and somebody that was in their ranks said, "Okay, I actually don't know if this intel is good." They were told that building must be destroyed. There are Nazis in there. Before the bombardment was ordered, Colonel Wellborn Barton Griffith Jr., he's a hero, volunteered himself because he felt so conflicted about that order. He said, "I will sneak through the German lines to see if this intel is true or not." He and he took another troop along with him, successfully evaded the enemy, climbed the towers of the cathedral, and confirmed that there were no enemies at all. No. So the bombardment order was rescinded. The Sharter Cathedral still stands, but to be clear, that is not the story for the majority of the cathedrals that were bombarded throughout World War II. Here's another story, and you may have heard it. If you're Catholic, you probably know it. Montet Cassino in Italy, same thing happened. The Allied forces were given intelligence that the Germans were going to use Montet Cassino. What? No. That bombarded it. It was ambiguous information regarding the Germans' location that was believed to be valid. However, up to the last days before the bombing, Martineau Matrenolo, who was a monk who remained at Montet Cassino, asserted that no, it is not being used by anybody. No. This is just our monastery with a tremendous history behind it. But guess what? Despite the fact that an American contested and said we absolutely should not bomb this, it still happened. They bombed the Abbey, and monks were trapped in it while it was bombed. But don't worry, guys. Guardian headline has got this covered. Look. Because error led to the bombing of Montet Cassino, monastery destroyed after translation slip by the British intelligence officer. It just kept happening. There was just, it was an error, it was bad intel, and the translation didn't make it over in the correct way. And I guess the American troops couldn't understand the British accent or something. Of course, the theater in Cologne was not as lucky. That was also bombed by the Allies in 1944, as was the Connesburg Cathedral obliterated by the Soviets in 1944. And nobody cares because I guess they are Germans. I'm sure it was all just a coincidence, by the way. When in Dresden, as Christians were getting ready to celebrate Ash Wednesday, they were literally turned into ashes. What happened in Dresden was a war crime. There's no other way to look at it. It was an absolute war crime. And yeah, again, just a coincidence that it was Ash Wednesday, but this happened. And of course, if you talk about Nagasaki, people get really upset on Twitter. Oh, no. Design is media is going to come for me hard because how dare you, Candace, how dare you talk about Nagasaki because that too was, just things happened, you know, they were going to bomb somewhere else and then they don't know who gave the orders, but somebody said do Nagasaki instead. So on a cloudy morning, on a cloudy morning, pardon, on August 9, 1945, a B-29 bomber named Boxcar of the U.S. Army Air Force flew over the Japanese port city of Nagasaki and dropped a radioactive plutonium implosion bomb 300 yards from the second largest Roman Catholic cathedral in the Far East. That was called overcoming cathedral of the immaculate conception of the blessed Virgin Mary. Yes. At 11.02 a.m., when the bomb was dropped on the cathedral, Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan and two-thirds of the Catholic population perished that day in that city. But again, they had to do that to end the war and it was just, they bombed there as opposed to somebody else. Don't ask any further questions. In fact, if you do, you're a monster. I guess the priests in Hiroshima were luckier. There's an aerial view of the Lady of the Assumption Church after the August 6, 1945 bomb drop. Yep, another nuke dropped. Unfortunately, a small group of priests can be seen standing in the road in front of their church. Despite being at the epicenter of the bombing, having just completed their mass on Sunday, these Jesuit priests survive. But again, don't think too hard about that. Bad intel and accidents happen all the time. In fact, they're still happening, but so weird in Canada. Have you heard about this? Do you guys remember when three years ago there was that major story that broke in Canada? And basically, the left went crazy because it allowed for them to just be openly prejudiced against Christians. They said that they had found a mass grave that was containing the remains of indigenous children that they allegedly discovered beneath a Catholic church, right? So they were like, oh, this used to be a government boarding school run by the Catholic church. We just dug up these bones of the indigenous people. So now we realize that Catholics were mass murdering indigenous people. Guess what? That entire story turned out to be a hoax. I think the term that people like to use is a blood libel against Christians. And guess what happened because of that blood libel against Christians? Again, this is just three years ago in Canada, at least 85 Catholic churches across Canada were destroyed by arson or vandalized, desecrated, and the Canadian political party jeered it on. They were like, yeah, get those Catholics, 85 Catholic churches in Canada have since been destroyed on the basis of a lie that the mainstream media allowed to run freely. Think about that. Think about that. They even raised money supporting the investigation of the mass graves. It was all a lie. It was all a hoax. And nobody cares because it's Christians and Christians, you are supposed to be subjugated. You are supposed to do the bidding for other religions. In fact, you should be doing the absolute most for other faiths. And if you start speaking out about your faith, if you start recognizing this trend of bad intel and Catholic churches, then subsequently being bombed and destroyed and shelled, well, that would make your problem. That would make you even plausibly a flat, earthing Holocaust denying idiot. So don't do that, Christians. Don't start looking at your own history and getting vocal about it. That would make you me. Speaking of Christianity, if there is one thing that we do fight for as Christians, it is life. And that is something that Russell, Brandon, and I discussed. We talked about abortion. We talked about what it means to be pro life today. Well, according to a recent report, Planned Parenthood continues to rake in billions despite dwindling clients. The biggest takeaway is that Planned Parenthood is generating vast profits, including millions in taxpayer funding. With pre-born, that is you and me, we are actively given the opportunity to steal their clientele, meaning we get to rescue the babies that they are trying to kill. Pre-born operates on a very slim budget, rescuing over 200 babies' lives every single day, with zero government funding. Pre-born's network of clinics are situated in the darkest corners of the nation, competing head to head with the abortion giants, and they need our help now more than ever. When you donate $28 to pre-born, you'll offer a free ultrasound to an expectant mother that is caught in a crisis. Because once she hears that heartbeat and sees that precious life, her baby's chance at life doubles. So please sponsor a precious baby's life today. Your tax deductible gift will go directly towards saving babies' lives. Just dial #250 and say the keyword "baby." That's #250baby, or you can go to That's All right, now it's time to get into some stories. Before we get into this first story, we are so close to two million subscribers. Hit the subscribe button if you're watching this on YouTube. Go and support the show by heading to, finding me, and giving a gift if you can. All right, first up, I would love to speak about violent-atholic. I would like to talk about the Affleck's in general, and genuinely, I would love to speak to an Affleck, but we know it is never going to happen. Hollywood is just a study in demonism. It really is, and I hope now that it was sent to the show, you recognize that and you see the science everywhere. I wish I could tell you more about my conversation with Russell Brand, but we specifically talked about Hollywood and how basically, whatever the Bible says, they are selling the opposite, right? It's because they believe ultimately that their God is government. I don't like talking about children on this show, but what I will say is that those children that are put into the public sphere, the children of these Hollywood celebrities, always get coverage and whatever they're doing seems to be the trend that is being established because people want to be just like them. In the Affleck family, you know, they have one daughter who is, I think, non-binary. That came out recently, and she learned to be non-binary because she was hanging out with J.Lo's kid, or she's trans, I can't remember which one it is, but that's going on. Now, you have this other daughter who seems to identify as her gender. Her name is Violet Affleck. She just turned 18 years old, and she's getting a bit of press right now because she went down to the L.A. County Board, and she decided to testify on behalf of mass mandates because she believes that mass mandates will keep more people alive. Take a listen to what she had to say. Violet Affleck, Los Angeles resident, first-time voter in 18, I contracted a post-trial condition in 2019. I'm okay now, but I saw firsthand that medicine does not always have answers to the consequences of even minor viruses. The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown into sharper relief. Children in 10 infections leads to long COVID, which is a devastating neurological cardiovascular illness that can take away people's ability to work, move, see, and even think, stands to exacerbate our homelessness crisis, as well as the suffering of many people in our city. It hits communities of color, disabled people, elderly people, trans people, women, and anyone in a public facing essential job, the hardest. To confront the long COVID crisis, item and mask availability, air filtration, and far-UVC light-in government facilities, including jails and detention centers, and mask mandates in county medical facilities, we must expand the availability of high-quality free tests and treatment. And most importantly, the county must oppose mask bans for any reason. They do not keep us safer. They make vulnerable members of our community less safe and make everyone less able to participate in Los Angeles together. Thank you. So I'm going to try to be very kind here. First of all, she is 18, and I know that people are absolutely crushing her. I genuinely feel bad for her because she's being raised by two individuals who I'm giving into the whims of Hollywood, obviously, because of the decisions that you can see that this household is making. But the other thing that I want to say is that when you're 18, you do tend to be dumb, right? Like, you make decisions and you say things and the things that you believe in 18, you're not going to believe when you are 35 years old, like I am today. And so I try not to hold people to their perspectives when they were 18 because I don't want to be held to the perspectives when I'm 18. And you are sort of whimsical and fantastical and you believe solutions can be this easy. And you genuinely, the majority of kids, probably not her, are coming out of the public school system. And they are being trained to believe, propagandized to believe that the government can provide every solution to every problem in society, that all you need is more governance. So I want to really just speak about what she's saying without attacking her as an individual because she needs time to grow. And she probably needs time to grow outside of Los Angeles County, if we're being honest. And maybe she can take her down here in Tennessee, people who have never been wearing masks like myself and very much our faith is in God, not in government. And we understand that the government is not what keeps you alive. And also, obviously, what she's missing here is that about she came out and said that they made up the whole mask thing. So to speak about what she's actually doing, because that's more important, she's still wearing a mask and you see these types, Taylor Lorenz is also still wearing a mask. She's a former journalist or a current journalist for Washington Post. And I have actually seen clips of Violet because of her, how famous her father is, wearing a mask. And I was wondering in my head, why is she perpetually wearing a mask? And this is what it gets into when we say that you need to recognize that the government basically read the Bible, right, the Satanists read the Bible and they said, how can we recreate this so that people believe that we are the creators, that they come to us for life? We'll tell them the Bible is fake while we actually try to create a system that mimics the Bible by inverting everything in the Bible on its head. So the government is now going to keep you alive, right? And she's so committed to this faith that one of the sacraments is you wear a mask, you cover your face, you cover your face because the experts, these are all their little demigods, came to her and told to her, this is what you need to do. This is what you need to sacrifice. You're going to sacrifice your face and we'll keep you alive. Again, that science has already been debunked, right? It was never science because it was a faith. This is why I said science has become a faith. People say the correct way to say that is scientism. And I'm like, yeah, well, I think full on science has just become scientism and you can see how she is committed to this faith. She did what they said and she won't take the mask off because she's been wearing it for so long, it's become a part of her identity, right? So she is as much of a mask wearer as I am a Catholic, okay? She is committed to this. And so the next thing to show how committed she is to this faith is to go to the government and to make this plea, to publicly please more governance and no next time you guys do this, even the people, this is what she's saying, even the people that are not wearing a mask, they must be enforced. There can be no exceptions. Even those three month old crying babies on the plane, mask them up. That's what she's asking for. She's saying there can be no exceptions here. We all must be forced to bow our heads and belief and to bend the knee to governance. She is subservient to governance. She knows that that, she believes that that is the real God in life and if only everyone else could see that, the world would be better. That's what she actually believes. It's sick, it is an illness and unfortunately for her, she's very young, it genuinely is not her fault and so I wish when people would critique this, they would just critique what she is saying outside of who she is because she has no idea who she is. She grew up in a cult and she doesn't even know that it's a cult until she steps outside of the cult. Will she be able, when she steps out of the cult, she'll be able to see things for the first time and this is very much by the way of storing Russell Brandt's why he's a brilliant person to speak to because he was in it and now he's out of it and look at what his life has become since abandoning Hollywood, right? He's talking about freedom, he's talking about real purpose and he has found God. So it's sad to me when I see this but it's important to talk about because the public school system exists to create people like Violet, culture exists, right? To create people like Violet, to tell her which ideas she should have and which sacrifice she can make and in this instance her sacrifice is her entire face. And of course most of us understand that what she's asking for higher taxes, right? We got to spend more and more and more of hard taxpayer's money because obviously that's the solution, we just need to sacrifice more of our hard earned money and I think that after everything that we've been through this year, after the inflation that we've seen the last four years and watching our tax paying dollars fund these endless wars, witnessing the persecution of a political opponent like some banana republic, after witnessing all of that, all of us are wondering what can we do to defend our hard earned money. I know what I'm doing, I'm diversifying with gold and silver type of money. This administration cannot easily control or inflate away. For this show, I have partnered with the top rated precious metals company, Goldco. Not only is Goldco helping support my new show, but they're also helping me diversify and protect my money from the never ending wars, debt and inflation from this government. And right now they're offering my audience up to a 10 percent instant match in bonus silver if you qualify, but only while supplies last. So go to to learn more. You'll get a complimentary wealth protection kit to arm you with the facts about how precious metals can help you. Just go to, that's because that's just really a fun place to go to. I love that. Just love that domain name. So nail in the coffin, nail in the coffin, George Clooney, he's our resident Hollywood Democrat. He is everywhere he needs to be at every fundraiser, shaking hands with all the power players, constantly telling us how to vote. He's just in, he's like Indian crowd, I do not trust him at all. And so this is how you really know it's over provided that the decision has been made by the CIA, then he's just got a step aside because George Clooney is now jumping ship in the form of a very emotional op-ed that he wrote for the New York Times. And he starts it by, by telling you that he loves Biden. He said, he writes, I love Joe Biden as a senator, as a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend and I believe in him, believe in his character, believe in his morals. The last four years he won many of the battles he faced, but the one battle he cannot win is a fight against time. None of us can. Devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden, I was with three weeks squat. The fundraiser was not the Joe big effing deal Biden of 2010. I like that because he goes back to 2010. Joe Biden was definitely the same Joe Biden that he was when he ran for President of the United States, but nobody cared. I mean, nobody cared whatsoever. And now they are throwing him under the bus. It's almost making me want to defend Joe Biden because it's just so obvious. Like their attacks against him are so obviously planned and coordinated and they are all being told to do this. What you think they just magically found the courage to like he said that he saw Joe Biden at a fundraiser weeks ago. Why didn't he write this op ed sooner than the debates? That's not a fear. I'll say why didn't he do that? He goes on. He writes, was he tired? Yes. A cold maybe, but our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn't see what we just saw were all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we've opted to ignore every warning sign. Okay. We are just so ridiculous here, George Clooney. No one had more access to Joe Biden than you and Jill. Okay. And you, like I said, have been holding his hand. I remember watching these photos that were published of him and the media at the time reported that his wife, who also is a Democrat resident, as I would say, did not attend the fundraiser because she is upset with him about what's going on with Gaza, right? She thinks that what's going on in Gaza, she has used her platform, Amala to say that she believes that it was a genocide and so she did not accompany her husband. But her husband went, her husband spoke to Joe Biden, her husband realized, as he has known all along, but he was in full mental decline and he likely has Parkinson's, that he is not able to communicate effectively. And despite this, he did nothing because George Clooney has a handler, obviously. There are people that tell these actors and actresses when they are allowed to speak out, hey, today we need you to promote the COVID vaccine and they do it, right? Today we need you to love Joe Biden and say he's amazing and they do it. And at some point they all got the same message, okay, Joe Biden's over, it's time to cancel Joe Biden, be loving in your delivery. And that's what this reads like, it's just George Clooney going for an Oscar, okay? George Clooney doing his best acting job to pretend that he's startled by this and now it's actually time to acknowledge that what we've all known all along, I'll just read you one more bit of this, would it be messy, yes, democracy is talking about replacing Joe Biden or Joe Biden stepping down, stepping down, would it be messy, yes, democracy is messy, but would it enliven our party and wake up voters who long before the June debate had already checked out? It sure would. The short ramp to election day would be a benefit for us, not a danger. It would give us the chance to showcase the future without so much opposition research and negative campaigning that comes with these ridiculously long and expensive election polls. You know, in conclusion, he probably didn't even write this because this is a thing, like people, they have people write articles and they just say, can we put your name on it and send it out? And so this was likely written by somebody in the Biden campaign, George Clooney is one of their homies, they hit them up, they're like, we're going to put your name on this article so that it goes viral and people read it and believe it, it's your word. And George Clooney says, yes, because George Clooney is a puppet of the establishment. That is the reality. There are tons of actors who are Sean Penn among them, every person that instantly got on a plane to go hang out with the Zelensky in a war zone because that's totally what actors would do. They're so brave. They would totally risk their lives to go play a song as what was it? Was it Bono or you two that like went into, we're playing a song in the subway, like it was just, it's a joke. It's just also a formative, but of course it's a formative. These are, at the end of the day, they're actors. And that's what they do. They continue to act. They acted like he was fine. And now they're being instructed to act like he isn't. And that is what is happening. Now to the greater American public, it feels like we are taking a step back every month instead of moving forward. The bills are higher than they've ever been and you feel like what you bring in every month, you then have to swipe. You have to swipe that credit card to cover the difference and the debt just keeps adding up. But if you own a home, I want you to call my friends in American financing. They can help you break free from that cycle. American financing is saving people just like you an average of $854 a month. Think about what you could do with an extra $800 every single month, not having to worry about those minimum monthly payments. And even better, it costs absolutely nothing to find out how much you can save. All it takes is a quick call to American financing. If you start today, you may be able to delay two mortgage payments. You could totally use that break. So call American financing today and start your journey towards being credit card debt free. 800-795-1210. That's 800-795-1210. All right, guys, now let's jump into some of your comments. Look, people had a lot of feelings yesterday about me talking about Jordan Peterson. What do you want me to do? I'm obviously reporting on what I'm seeing. It's not my fault, okay, that I am acknowledging that a lot of people who follow Jordan Peterson have broken off from that men that genuinely believed in him. I mean, you could see the comments. I got my book signed from him like, what's going on? And a lot of it is because of what's happening on Twitter. And Mikayla Peterson calling for censorship. This is a person who represents herself as Jordan Peterson's manager, his daughter, and at times his spokesperson. She has called for censorship. That is newsworthy, no matter which way you slice it. And it is not personal. Jordan Peterson, he's been very nice to me. But we have to talk about that. I need clarity on his perspectives on speech because that is not what he has been arguing for in the past. And hopefully this is just his daughter speaking on his behalf and or speaking, I guess, on the family's behalf. But that still makes me nervous. I want to hear him say he doesn't believe that, but he does not believe that people should be censored for using the word filth. Anyways, Mikayla Peterson instantly commented she was having a spiral on Twitter. She wrote, "One-fifth of Americans are prescribed psych meds like my dad was. They are nearly impossible to get off and cause withdrawal, so severe, especially after long-term use that most people stay on them. I hope we don't ever suffer the way he did coming off of those meds. First and foremost, Mikayla, just because I don't live my life and every person looking at happens to me on the internet, the idea that I don't know anything about drug addiction or I've never lived through anything is crap. It's a horrible way to present your argument. I think every single family, sadly in America, has in some way been impacted by drugs. That's just the reality that we live in. And I am no exception to that rule. Again, just because I don't wear my heart on my sleeve doesn't mean that I haven't lived through a lot of things. I would argue that I've probably lived through more before I turned 10 years old than you've lived in your entire life. That would be my guess. But again, I'm not here to state a pity party. I'm here to talk about why he is condoning or platforming or not saying something about your extreme calls to censor speech. Those are extreme. We don't stand for that, least of all on the conservative side of things. Vagabond writes, "I hope JPCs this and takes you up on your offer," the offer to come sit down and talk about this, "as someone who really took what he said to heart when my life was really in a bad place, I have improved my life drastically, in part due to him. It hurts to see him false of a level of baseless gaslighting and name-calling. His daughters' tweets were just so childish. When you will debate and talk to communists, Marxists, Zionists, leftists, Muslim, jihadist, atheist, but not a Christian nationalist, it shows there is a deeper reason at play here." That's a very interesting comment and I hadn't considered that. And that also could be why people are going, is he just going to protect Zionism and not actually follow what his principles are, which he believes in free speech. He has sat down and spoken to a lot of people with conflicting opinions, and yet he seems to accept, he pretends, I think rather, that the grippers, you can't even sit down with a gripper and have a conversation. Gripper, by the way, for those of you that don't know, it's the term that's used to describe people that follow Nick Fuentes. And I actually have no idea why they're called grippers. I can't even give you an explanation for that. But I believe in radical when it comes to free speech. I believe that you have to platform. Even ideas that you believe are horrific and backwards, so you can show the public how horrific and how backwards those ideas are, that's why I'm not afraid of any debate. I just genuinely am not because I believe that I'm right and I also have the humility to be wrong. And again, this does not wipe away all of the amazing contributions that Jordan Peterson has made, and he has made plenty. I mean, he has literally radically transformed so many individuals' lives. But if he is not living that or if something has changed or his perspectives have changed, I think people deserve to know about that because they have placed so much investment in him. I mean, the reason he is wealthy is because he had these perspectives on speech. He's talking about how he believes in free speech, how he radically believes in free speech. And so he took money from people that believed in him. And I think if you change a perspective, which you are welcome to do, by the way, you are told welcome to do that, you at least owe it to your audience to explain why that may be. This person writes, "There is never any coming back from give them hell. Give who hell?" A population that's already besieged, that's made up of over 50% children disgusting. It was a full mass slipping moment that I will never unsee. Yes, as I said, I was just reporting on what happened. And a lot of people who have been very sympathetic to what's going on to the Palestinians were disturbed by that tweet, he may, I think he did actually do a video there after saying that, you know, he was being reactive and maybe would have said more in a different way if he had had the opportunity to. But for a lot of people that left a mark. Lastly, we have from the next, I'm blowing up on the next guys, I'm telling you, I am like getting so many messages from you guys every single day. This person writes, "Hi, I think Dr. Peterson's stance on censorship could be my fault." What? Days before he made his first tweet about troll demons, I had a friend of mine relay an email to JP through Jonathan Pago offering JPA advice for developing sustainable online communities. I was a member of JP's first fan club on Facebook in 2017. He and Michaela were in the group and he loved us. JP witnessed the group's collapse and I'm sure it broke his heart. My email to JP explained why the group collapsed and how we were able to create and manage a new group resulting in multiple marriages, including my own and countless lifelong friendships. The collapse involves a flood of trolls from the Sam Harris Facebook group. It was an actual meme war. I never heard back from JP, but his sudden shift towards censorship days after I sent that email haunts me. I'd be more than happy to forward the original email, Facebook, battleship and life-changing communities for context if you'd like. Thank you for all that you do and love you. I don't think it's that. I honestly genuinely don't think it's you. I don't even believe that he agrees with censorship. Like I said, I think these things are difficult. It's difficult for him to thread what his daughter is saying, who obviously loves very much with what he believes. She, his manager, it's just the situation is a bit incestuous. I obviously don't mean that in a sexual, I mean, just like, you're working with your family. It's like in a incestuous situation. So it's just a difficult needle for him to thread. And I think he's choosing anger as a response because people are mad at his daughter and I think it's hard not to react when people you feel are attacking your family members. But as I said, he has a platform in large part because of people that have made investments in him and that's the only reason that we should hold his feet to the fire. I don't live in a cult. I don't like work in a cult. And again, we only cover Jordan Peterson, people were like, are you covering him because you're upset about? No, Jordan Peterson was lovely to me. We covered him because he was trending all weekend over this censorship call from his daughter. It's a newsworthy item. It's a very newsworthy item in America, especially where we believe in free speech. So people that are Jordan Peterson fans all across the world who don't have the same attachment to free speech, you guys don't have these first amendment rights will never understand how significant they are to the American consciousness. We will always attack. We will always be able to attack when there are any calls for censorship and any capacity. And so these, and I wouldn't even say attacks, but these criticisms of Jordan Peterson are actually coming from a place of concern. And again, I will say I would welcome him on the show anytime to have a conversation because he's a very kind man who has contributed a lot of good things to our societies, particularly two men. But I saw a lot of women saying he changed my life too. So yes, to you ladies as well. All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time that we have for today. We covered so much. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. the next time. the next time. the next time. the next time. the next time. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]