Reality With a Twist

Season 4 Episode 5 - Elephants Are Crazy!!!

1h 21m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

I'm going to pick my no such a specific reference to either I haven't thought about this I still think about that oh my gosh I don't even know if they know what you're talking I have no idea what you're talking about I don't when I had a YouTube channel I like no no this was the beginning of sketch lounge. What yeah this was this is this is early sketch around sophomore year of high school really because I thought were we referencing my old video in my old old YouTube channel. It may have been you may have just inserted I must have because yeah it was it must have been a reference to I like had I had a friend that I made like videos with but we live far apart so on one of our videos I just called him on our home phone. To give you an idea of how long ago this was and I recorded it and like during during the thing it was. No maybe was a different video anyway like it was. The premise of the video was that I picked my nose and got my finger stuck on something but I I one of the sound bites from the videos is me being like I'm gonna pick my nose. If I could maybe I'll insert that clip if I can find it because I'm assuming we're in the episode I don't know. Man I am hungry I better have some candy is it grinding. There we go here that tastes so good I think I'm gonna pick my nose. Oh my god it was but well what I know it from is me and gave a just started sketch lounge and we had visions that was going to be this prime thing I mean it was gonna be I don't know we were dedicated to it I think we both just love the concept of making videos and editing them and we had a lot of fun doing school projects and stuff with sketch lounge too. And so anyways I was like what if we do I don't know who it was at brainstorm but we were like what if we do this video where it's like somebody trying to edit but like they keep like they have a bunch of tabs open of just like really awkward embarrassing stuff. Well anyways it's literally just a video of editing and then gave clicks off of it and he goes oh I don't know what this is and Chris plus is playing it goes I'm gonna pick a nose. Oh my gosh it's I forgot about that video I don't know where that is we deleted it. Oh it's not even private. No no no it's completely removed because we watched it and we're like I think both of us were like I don't think this is it. We just took it off there are a few videos we did. Oh my god. Like we're like. Yeah. I can speak like obviously I can't speak from like your guys as direct experience but I can speak from like having made YouTube videos in the past and then like when I was younger being like I don't know if this is it and then deleting them. I'm never regret doing that so much now because it's just like now that's lost media I'm never going to get that again and I can't like pull it up whenever I want to. I will say I have one of my favorite pictures of Gabe from a sketch lounge video we did let me see if I can pull it out. I want to say unless to a lot of those videos I think some of them are still up if you're watching this YouTube channel it is this channel. Yes that's from the comic stands definitely a Democrat. Yeah it is. I'm definitely a Democrat. I'm definitely a Democrat. That's all we took that's all you take you can take away from that honestly that so that on on our sketch lounge video we were doing my don't do drugs. Yeah John Naderman Hagan on the sketch not John Naderman great and we did that video on it and I submitted it as my health project I ended up getting extra credit. She thought it was such a creative idea and she thought it was the editing was so good which was like all gay because basically I came to game and I said I want to do this video for my health project. But I need help editing and really I didn't need help just Gabe just did it anyways but she went into the rest of my videos because we hadn't privated them. Oh no. She's like she watched him and she pulled me aside to class and she goes gunner and saw the rest of the videos on your channel. I was like oh no and she goes they're so funny I said to show them to my husband. Oh my god. I wouldn't. Oh my god. Oh oh my gosh okay so the comic sans one was just so funny. I was like as a teacher. I'm totally democrat. Oh my the only thing I remember so my dumbass I had a stolen copy of Sony Vegas and like I made a YouTube edit of the John Yaderman Hagan video where all I did was just put a bunch of like filters on the video to try to make it look more 80s but like they were contradictory filters I was like a VHS filter and then a grain like film filter so it was just like it was like a bunch of like concert and they were just layered on top of each other. So the the YouTube edit as I called it looks infinitely worse than the than the like one that you submitted to class. That's the only thing I remember about that video. Oh my god. Okay again if you're watching this video do your reality with a twist viewer it is on this channel we might still have some that are not private but I think I private at most of them. I think we should unprivate them. Yeah. Yeah fair. We can add them to like a little playlist or something. Or yeah we can unlist them and then add them to a little sketch launch playmaster something. Except for the vial. Except for the vial. Yeah that one's not coming out. Yeah that one's not coming out of the. Maybe if you have a patreon. Yeah maybe in the pay if you pay fifty dollars you get to see the our worst school. It was my fault. No go ahead Gunner. Oh I it's alright. Yeah somebody's going to pay money to see our worst project ever. Okay but it's so funny. Okay Dylan I'm sorry I referenced this every single time but the shot in which half of your. I know. I know. Because it was just like you had all everybody's like gone home and was like fuck we need that last scene at least. I'm like I can't do anything. I can't look at shit. We don't have any equipment. We'll do it and we'll see how it looks. Do you. Well I remember make sure you sense your outfit. Yeah. But do you guys remember. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I remember I had to like flip him around and like be like what are you doing? Yeah. But he's like don't touch my makeup. Don't touch my makeup. And I remember if you in that video if you slow down that shot of where you push him up. You can see him smiling as he goes like he looks like he's has sexual like pleasure from it. It's the weirdest creepiest. And he brought he brought his guitar. Do you impress our teacher? It wasn't our teacher. No it wasn't our teacher. I'm going to send some room to who are yeah already had a boyfriend at the time was not even remotely interested in him as freakin crazy. That was so funny. Literally. I remember when we were like during that time we're like yeah this is going to look so good if we were done with and we were we fucking. I can't imagine the judges. Yeah. Having full frontal lobe cognitive ability right. Yeah. And them seeing this and going what am I watching? No. Literally I feel like the judges have had like this role of like because they have like a hundred fucking student films to review if like they just like if they realize like one of them wasn't going to say that they're like watch the first 10 seconds or like yeah next. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Because I remember first of all ours obviously did not place or win that year and then the next year. Yeah. Then that way it got an honorable mention. No, not even. Okay. I was going to say it didn't deserve it. But even the next year like the one that won had like a super impressive intro and ours had a much less it was like an exposition intro. So I bet that's exactly what they do. But I'm Gabriel. I'm Gunnar. I'm Dylan. I did. I think that wins the award for our longest intro to a reality with a twist episode ever. Welcome back to reality with a twist. So completely changing gears unless you guys want to talk about anything else before we go into the main made me to this topic. I say it's time to talk. I do. Yeah. Yeah. We're starting a new series today at least it'll be my, you know, on my episodes called blank are crazy and the blank you fill in an animal name. So what we're going to be doing is looking into different species of animals learning a little bit about them. But most importantly, trying to find the craziest thing an animal has ever done on planet earth. So it's today's episode about elephants elephants is the humble not so humble elephant. So to add a little bit of competition to these episodes, one of these facts is actually a myth. And as well as listening to the crazy, you guys are going to be trying to deduce which one isn't real. But before we do that, you guys are going to rate all of these crazy things on a crazeometer or crazeometer, both pronunciations are correct out of 100. And we're going to try to deduce the craziest thing an elephant has ever done on this episode out of the like five things we're going to talk about. And eventually once we go through a few of these episodes, the craziest thing an animal has ever done. Again, to add a little bit more competition to this episode. If you guys, essentially the myth, you guys all will work together to try to vote together on which one's the man. If you guys all vote correctly, you will all win a try again odds token. So if you if your guys is odds hit, you can just use a try again to get another chance. Now if you guys don't get the myth correct, you will have to vote somebody amongst yourself to get the first ever odds curse. The recipient of the odds curse, their max odds number will be five on this episode, their max number. This is something we're trying to this doesn't work out, if this doesn't work out, we won't do it in the future, but we're going to try it for this episode. So now now that you guys are a little bit scared, let's talk about elephants, the purpose of this series is not to teach you guys, what an elephant is, you guys obviously know what elephants are. What Dylan? Yes. What would they have for legs and they got a trunk and they drink the water. Do they freaky? Yes. Gunner. What? What? What? They got the four legs and they got the trunk and they drink the water. No, Ben, Ben. Could you please inform me on what this elephant is you speak of? Oh, yeah. So they have four legs. They have a trunk that's their most popular feature and they drink the water. I see. Yes. Any further questions? Any kind of freaky activity? They do on occasion get a little bit freaky. We have stupid as big. I almost want to start with the freak fact now. Okay. What? What was the freak fact? Green penis. Green penis. What? Whoa. You told me they got the rotten penis. They got rotten penis. So elephants. Ugh. Ugh. Elephants males. You're doing the Minecraft zombie. Ugh. Elephants can get male elephants can get green penis disorder during a larger condition called must. I think it's must. That's how it's. Yeah. It's must. It's must. I call it a superpower. Umm. Super. They got whole penis. It affects. It affects. Give me disorder. Okay. Okay. All right. Okay. All right. I got to focus. Okay. We're doing a larger condition called must that affects adult male elephants. They get flooded with 10 times as much testosterone as usual. You guys know what testosterone does to men? Yes. I've done some research on elephants and must specifically they get they are freaky. They get freaky. They literally get freaky. They literally get freaky. And they also get just angry. They're a little jackasset or they're big jackasses when they're just testosterone. Plus testosterone just makes people angry. Yeah. Yeah. Obviously I'm not going to say what I know because I don't want to ruin any content you got. But I don't. I don't think I'll finish this fact and you can expand on it if you'd like. I don't really have anything else related to this. It makes them angry and aggressive. The cause of their green penis is from the fact that during this condition they uncontrollably dribble urine from their shlongs and that causes a distinct or odor and the green tinted penis. I didn't. This is the one of the only ones that I'm not included. Well actually there's only two that I'm including a picture of. If you guys want to look up green penis make sure to add the word elephant do not look up green. What if I don't? What if I don't? You can see what green penis disorder looks like in male elephants. Man. Yeah. That's that's freaky. I'm scared. I don't. Yeah. I really don't want to have green penis disorder in my search history either but yeah, must is. Yeah. I just I kind of like to think that anything I look up whether you know I don't know I do it on private Bowser or whatever right. The government still knows. Yeah. What's the government going to think when I look up green penis elephant they're going to think he freaky. I like him. Get this man the presidential off and see Nobel Peace Prize. Imagine although hard working people that earned the Nobel Prius prize and then Gunnar Johnson looked up green penis and this disorder on on June 26 2024 at 1121 p.m. Oh my gosh. He deserves it. Yeah. But no must in elephants I you know when I was in college I did a whole like I sort of whole like persuasive essay about like circus elephants of what not I talked about must a little bit they become entirely different beasts they're complete at male infants are complete assholes when it happens they beat up and nearly kill newborn baby elephants so that way the women are more eager to breed with said male. When they're freaky and they don't have an adequate male female they will try and hook up with rhinoceros is or any other beasts of their size to try and fulfill their needs and overall they just you know they just become way more aggressive they become way more at you know dominant and very territorial and it's not great especially when they're a circus elephant but I'm not going to go on to that right now. Yeah. Which two words yikes one word that's not good. So this is our very first great crazeometer I'm going to have you guys tell me what you think you would put this out of one or a hundred on the crazeometer and why if you guys would like I can start this is kind of hard since we don't have anything to compare it to I'm going to put this on the crazeometer at 50 because a lot of animals get horny and a lot of animals get weird when they're horny including humans and males especially testosterone affects males and just about every species I think green penis is extra quirky but I mean everybody got a little got a little penis thing you know they always got a lot every animal got a little. Wait green penis to penis turn green testosterone does it imply the Hulk is a got green penis he just has uncontrollable green penis and and must and he's constantly dribbling urine all over himself to turn himself green instead of calling them the Hulk why don't we call him the freak the freak he goes Hulk freak no he still says Holt smash he says he says freak so go ahead go ahead no I should say if you're putting that at 50 then I don't even know what's coming next on the in terms of the facts or the craziness here I think I'm going to put it at 63 personally what's what's the crazeometer out of a hundred out of a hundred yes I'm putting it at 75 I'd say that's crazy okay okay that's the explanation is that's crazy okay I'm gonna I'm gonna keep it a little lower I'm gonna I kind of agree with 50 because while it is crazy it's just something that happens with them I guess and it's not like one elephant did this crazy green penis thing they do it yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean it doesn't I don't think happens to every single elephant but it happens to a lot of them so you say 50 yeah and then Dylan did you want it oh yeah Dylan did you have an explanation for yours I don't know it just seems I it's keeping it in the middle ground it's a little bit crazy like I don't think any other animals have a green penis syndrome and whatnot so I feel like I want to be limited to that but also it's like if that's not a hundred and your book game then like I don't even know what one of the ones of 100 in your eyes so 63 63 okay so that takes the average to 59.5 that is the official reality with a twist crazeometer of green penis disorder or syndrome down 59.5 that's a pretty good place to start let's take a little step back I don't think this will be as high on the crazeometer for you guys I'm just spit numbers here oh my gosh okay so this is one of ones I'll send you guys a photo for okay so penis channel yes okay they're feet we're gonna be talking about elephant foot you might sound freaky on the surface but we're not getting freaky aw so elephant feet are actually a great evidence for evolution and that is because if you look at this picture that I'm just about to show you see my screen shot okay here it is tell me if you recognize what that is that is an elephant foot but tell me if you recognize that bone structure at all that's a human foot yes yes it's very human like yes it looks like a human standing on their tippy toes just like very big shockingly high heels yeah exactly and that's exactly how I described it their foot structure is extremely recognizable to us humans the layer they have under this almost human like bone structure acts as a shoe or I guess more so a high heel they're constantly walking on their little tippy toes they don't feel that because they have the padding of the fat layer below that oh yes kind of so what is that layer is it like cartilage it's yeah I just got it described as fat I wouldn't be surprised if it was cartilage but just something soft and squishy I believe probably mostly fat which I feel like that still hurt but I mean they they're fine with it and also they have four legs so I guess the weight is distributed well I assume so yeah elephants are constantly walking on their tippy toes whether they like to or not they're on high heels but they are just a layer of fat where would you guys put that on the crazeometer I'd say I mean they're mammals like yeah in all mammals you know even bats to whales right yeah they when it all comes to bone structure it's it's it's surprisingly well relatively the same so I don't think this is that crazy so I would put it probably at a 20 20 okay I was just like a five honestly five like wow it's going from green penis syndrome to you do you know that the elephants foot it kind of looks like I heal but the thing is they're constantly walking on tippy toes whether they got two or not they got three and they got four other of those fucking legs that they're also walking on at the same time like there's like being the green penis yeah if I saw an elephant walking around on two legs going I'd be a little bit different but it's a five for me five okay I've been what'd you like to go next yeah I'll uh I'll just say like 15 15 any explanation for that um I mean it's the only crazy thing about it is that I just I just didn't know that and it's kind of kind of got a little like whoa they kind of look like how you deal there I'm gonna give it a 30 just because I think that's interesting I think it's funny that they look so human um like their feet look so human in bone structure and that they're constantly on their tippy toes because it's not like other you know like dogs their bone structure similar to ours but like they are constantly technically on what would be our tippy toes but they look like feet with them if you look at their bone structure it literally looks like they are on their tippy toes um so that's why I would give that one a 30 I think that's pretty interesting uh which makes its crazeometer score 17.5 is the official R-Wat Crazometer score for elephants on their tippy toes you guys agree with that I would agree yeah follow me next up we are well next up would have been green penis but we've already we've already talked about that one this one is one of my favorites they're stubborn um which that doesn't sound very crazy on the surface but they're smart and stubborn and they remember an elephant never forgets is like what that you know old adage is but for this specific family about elephants um they are led by the matriarch wonky tusk is I guess what they named her they have a specific migration route that grow uh to a grove that grows one of their favorite fruits mangoes unfortunately for them the full way lodge I think I'm pronouncing that correctly in full way it's m-f-u-w-e in full way lodge in Zambia was constructed along their migration route due to uh to the mangoes uh they it was constructed there and it happened to be on their route to the mangoes uh when the elephants returned one year to find that the lodge was blocking their path path to the grove they simply strolled through the lobby of the hotel to reach their beloved mango trees um so they just walked right in like they own the place these elephants visit the lodge every november for four to six weeks to feast on mangoes sometimes up to four times a day hotel staff and visitors have become accustomed to these impromptu visits by the elephants who enter the lobby two by two um so the lodge director uh lived in south la lounga south luang gua luang gua national park since 1982 and says that this has never happened before it's a unique experience nothing like this has happened on earth despite the proximity to the lodge um and the relic uh and their regular visits there have been no incidents involving the elephants and the lodge has 150 staff while guests can observe the elephant from a distance they are not allowed to approach them closely in full way lodge comprising seven camps including a base camp through which the elephant pass sees activity increased activity in november due to the natural phenomenon people want to see the elephants and he highlights that the lodge attracts more visitors during elephant migration season um and he is the lodge director now this is another one i'm going to show you guys a photo of are you guys ready to see this yes sure yeah i need more excitement yeah in elephant in a hotel please why are you okay whatever take it or leave it there is a picture oh what do you what Ruby said it bro bros returning his key wow room for four please room for mango please uh this motherfucker coming down at 2am hi i'm sorry to be a bother but my uh the person in mother room next they're making a lot of ruckers they're walking around really loudly oh my gosh um so they just love their mangoes so much that they are just down to walk they're so stubborn they don't want to walk around just walk through the damn place where would you guys rate elephants walking through the lodge of a uh uh hotel on your croissometer it's former elephant yeah that's what i was that's what i did it yeah i'd be doing the same shit that's the that's the strategy that's the that's the method honestly i give it a 10 oh i i don't like i'm scared i'd say like a 35 for me it's like it's very unique this is in this specific situation them going through a hotel them booking a room at the four seasons uh Zimbabwe like you know it's Zambia Zambia shit my bad sorry i said it has like you said Zimbabwe yeah but like what animal like i mean like monkeys do that right but the thing is a monkey is the size of different i get i get they have different behavior but like still a monkey is not going to realize the remember that they did that like a year ago an elephant's gonna be like oh yeah and also like they're just so massive like and they're and they're obviously getting accustomed to a big round humans all right all right is it to a 20 20 you can't you can't budge me anymore all right all right and then uh Dylan what was yours i think i said 30 let's just i think i let's i think 30 is probably more realistic than uh i try to i'm trying to be conservative because i feel like there's gonna be like one that's just like crazy bear i think this one is crazier than the green penis because the green penis is just something that all elephant well maybe not all elephants but many male elephants experience uh this is a conscious decision that this specific pack of elephants decided to do for the first time on earth so i'm gonna say like 55 55 i agree with that i'm gonna say 60 uh because wonky tusk uh is her name and she's the one that led her she just does not give a fuck like she's like okay you guys are building your ship but i still got to get my mangoes like that is so conscious and so like funny she they understand what's going on they don't understand what a hotel is but they understand that other animals are occupying this place permanently and they're just like i guess long as i get access to my mango it's like that's all they care about it would have been like a two-minute detour or something like that prob i mean it's just a hotel there it's just some mango trees they can go around they just don't want to um all right so that leads this is actually our craziest so far 64 on the crazeometer oh 60 oh four that's i was not expecting it yeah so we have 20 30 at 50 years is 55 right 105 and mine was 60 165 divided by four oh 21 wait no that wasn't right wait wait so 20 right 20 30 55 right yeah and then 60 yeah i don't know where i got 64 it's 41.25 yeah i was going to say how is it how is it higher than any of our instructors thought someone said 80 it's like i guess so i don't know i maybe i just added one of them multiple times yeah i was like wait wait a second 41.25 on our crazeometer for elephants in hotels uh down all right here's another very cool one um actively elephants are actively evolving to not grow tusks anymore i'm sure you guys can figure out why african element elephants so this is uh in uh just an article that i that i um i'm reading off of a hefty set of tusks is usually an advantage for elephants allowing them to dig for water strip bark for food and joust with other elephants but during episodes of intense ivory poaching those big incisors become a liability now researchers have pinpointed how years of a civil war and poaching in mose and beak have led to greater proportion of elephants that will never develop tusks during the conflict from 1977 to 1992 fighters on both sides slaughtered elephants for ivory to finance war efforts boo boo in the region that is now yes yes okay let's get els in the chat um so in the region that is now gore and gorean goza gorengoza national park i swear to god i never proofread this crap around 90 percent of elephants were killed the survivors were survivors were likely to share a key characteristic half the females were naturally tuskless they simply never develop tusks while before the war less than a fifth lacked tusks uh like eye color in humans genes are responsible for whether elephants inherit tusks from their parents although tusks tuskslessness was once rare in african savannah elephants becoming more common like a rare eye color becoming widespread after the war those tusksless surviving females passed on their genes with expected as well as surprising results about half their daughters were tusksless or perplexing two-thirds of their offspring were female that's insane uh years of unrest changed the trajectory of evolution in that population uh said evolutionary biologist shame Campbell statin based at Princeton so after basically what is at the bottleneck is that what is called when only a few of a species survive and then their genes are what fills out the rest um causing them to not grow tusks anymore what do you guys think i think that is very interesting and it's definitely crazy i would say like uh it's something that i never knew um and i just did like a quick look up like that is very it is true like a lot of people have been talking about like whoa what the game is your have you guys have to figure out which is true and he said i actually looked it up on google you know i didn't hear that far okay sorry i could be i forgot about that part actually i just i i i go sorry i won't do it i won't do it again but like i just like yeah i mean it's very interesting and like because for me it seems like they would need those like it just seems like for them to do that to solely of a poaching it seems like it would just wipe out the species a lot faster but it seems like to not be the case essentially but i mean they're they're smart they can persevere i guess i mean it sucks but i think it helps to know that a fifth of them before the poaching got widespread also didn't have tusks so it's not like they can't survive without them obviously 20 percent of them figured out a way to survive before poaching um but i think it's it's a win i i hate that they don't have a little tool but if the tool is causing them to die then i mean this will be it yeah i really have i rather have my future generations be able to see elephants rather than talk about what they were because of people continuously hunting them seriously any other thoughts before the crazeometer uh who wants to start on the crazeometer i'll start all right um i i'm this one is going to be a little low for me i'm going to put this one at like probably 15 15 yeah i thought like the it's like as a cool kind of historical background it's sad yeah but cool though cool to learn about um but yeah just nothing too extraordinarily crazy for me or i'm so i've known that ivory was high in demand probably about a hundred years ago and and suing long before that right but um i knew that was the case and just knowing the key concepts of just evolution through you know i don't know basic biology right it's just it doesn't make sense yeah so i honestly i'd give it a five i'm okay um go um i'd say it like at least like a 25 for me i mean it's like i it's something that i didn't know um then i had to proof check it just because it sounds so crazy to me i won't do it again like i mentioned but i will say 25 all right 25 um so did the number go down because you figured out it was true you said no i think that i think it was going to say i was going to say something in the 20s regardless okay because once again i'm being conservative there could be just one of the scenes where it's like elvin did what yeah yeah fair um i'm gonna say this one's gonna be lower for me too i'm gonna say 30 um i mean i did all put them on the crazy list for a reason i think it's crazy i think it's sad i don't think a lot of animals other tusked animals are necessarily doing this or other animals with ivory um necessarily are doing this i think they're just kind of going extinct um so i think it's crazy i think it's good that it's happening in a sad way um but it's kind of like a complicated situation so i think it's kind of crazy so i i've given him a 30 so that leads its score it i the fight the total score was 75 and i divided it by four and i said yeah it's 52.5 what no why did it do it okay 75 divided by four is 18.75 it's got to be taken to account some other numbers before yeah i must have pressed a button each time or something so this i believe might be our least crazy so far um and our last and maybe least i don't know i didn't put these in any particular order i guess i should have started with that uh but our last is that elephants think humans are cute the same way that humans think puppies are cute i've read that actually i've read that as well yeah so discovered back in 2017 very recent the same part of your brain that activates when you see something cute like a puppy activates an elephant when they see humans this is why elephants are often tolerant of humans and even sometimes actively seek out human contact humans have been able to tame elephants in certain regions for hundreds of years of course this doesn't apply to mama elephants they are very mean and also apparently horny marine penis green penis elephants yeah i'll apply to them but they they think humans are cute so that is our last one um and it sounds like you guys might have already known that uh any any crazometer thoughts five oh five i mean i say the same thing five okay um i'm gonna say i don't know this one's more of like a 20 for me 20 i think this one is i mean the ability that other animals are able to find things cute um and like kind of the maternal wanting to protect it uh is i guess it makes sense but it is cute it's it's a nice idea um and i didn't know other animals had that capacity even though it makes sense um it's like 20 these are our last one to have a total score score of 50 so 12.5 is our last on the crazometer obviously i did not put these in any particular order as you guys can now see so now before we go on to which one is the craziest you guys will have to discuss amongst yourselves which one of these was fake or a myth um so i will remind you they have very similar feet to humans very similar bone structure on little high heels um green penis disorder um they get green penis during uh must and uh that that urine dribbling on their penis turns their penis green they're stubborn and they like to walk through hotels if it means that they can get a juicy mango off of a tree um they're actively evolving to not grow tusks and they think humans are cute which one do you guys think is a myth well unfortunately due to my negligence we can already say that with evolving without tusks is in fact real so that one's not a myth okay um yeah the cute one either because both gunner and i knew about it before um green penis i'm more inclined to believe because of the my knowledge of must but once again i'm i will discuss it more um if i had to say any of them being fake i would say it's either the high-heal one or it's the going through hotels okay but i can see them going through hotels i'm but like i think it's the reason for them going through a hotel i think it's that's kind of be like the gotcha for it i'm more focused on the ones we thought were um were true reason being is like we heard they were true but what evidence did we have like was it just hearsay you know that's true that's true um you know i've heard plenty of things off a TikTok that are not true um case important that one really gay was talking to me about that today and the reason being is like i've heard elephants are cute but where did i hear that from it's completely from social media have i seen tons of video of elephants and humans interacting and being like yeah they're you know you know they interact fine but i don't i don't i don't know what study indicates that is true that's good point i did i purposely i have sources for all these i i did not let you guys know the sources um for that exact reason um i i almost feel like there's a possibility that the green penis one could be gay um i don't know i'd be gay blatantly throwing something extremely crazy out there so he'd be like oh it's probably true because i'm wondering i'm wondering if he's he like found some information about must and then was like oh also they get a green penis because they're he mostly just talked about must and then and then like threw in the urine dribbling things like yeah and they have it as a green penis too it's a good point that is true but he also did offer for us to look up elephant green penis yeah but then he was then when i accidentally looked up my tussies like why did you do that so i don't know i i i really don't know i i think it's two on the nose for gave to say to like make that one be done that i feel like there is a degree to it that like i think it is real um okay i think that one's real yeah it's like it's so crazy like i would be a fool to think it's not i you get what i'm saying yeah i do yeah i do right reality is often crazier than fiction you're i mean call me crazy you're crazy i just met you hi and this is crazy i know but i i don't i mean i like i think we're safe on green penis we're definitely safe on the tusks i think and hear me out guys that just the fact that what scientific evidence is is there really how can they prove that that the way humans see puppies is the way elephants see humans right how can they prove that i mean i i think it's falls into the same signs of like with like killer with like with orcas and how orcas don't see humans as prey or predators and they just see us as like these things that they can you know burp chill what do you measure that orcas don't attack humans i mean elephants don't attack a lot of things that's good well it's based off of like a bunch of it's based off a bunch of research of like you know great i thought he's like something about brain waves if you guys want i can read i can read my little abridged thing from my source um verbatim if you guys would like yeah i mean go part discovered back in 2017 the same part of your brain that activates when you see something as cute or yeah when you recognize something as cute say a puppy activates an elephant when they see humans this is why elephants are often tolerant of humans and even sometimes actively seek out human contact as we saw with the hotel humans have uh been able to tame elephants in certain regions for hundreds of years asian elephants of course this doesn't apply to mama elephants or must elephants hmm i was going to keep saying things about how like you know the way like going back to the whole organ thing like the way scientists and researchers were able to figure out that the thing about orcas is because it's doing the research of like how whales behaved around humans how many times uh whale attack has been reported like what were the conditions of that whale attack was an accidental was it intentional were those intentional ones due to into that captivity but then like i'm thinking about more where it's like with orcas the ones like where genuine humans have died in the majority it's always been because there have been like in like captivity and whatnot however there's been way more cases of why i feel like of wild elephants just killing humans obviously they have reasons must and you know defensive mamas but at the same time it's just like damn gunner's kind of turning me to being like why you know if there's any others you want me to read again verbatim i will um i i the reason why i mentioned like the the foot one is because like he could be like got to like actually it's the woolly mammoth that had a certain type of bone structure yeah but elephants elephants are closer to woolly mammoth yeah elephants are closer to us exactly yeah crazy that would be if woolly mammoths just had like a little lizard toe or something as their foot what would be crazy if woolly mammoths had green penises now that would be off the charts on the crazeometer that would be a hundred no i i then yeah to that point i think it's fair to say um what was the other one i was like skeptical about okay can you just go through the options again yeah so uh i'll start at the beginning um their feet bone structure similar to humans they're constantly walking on their tippy toes um green penis uh must uh sometimes causes green penis from dribbles of urine and a distinct odor and green color they're stubborn and they will are willing to walk through hotels if it means mangoes and they're also very smart obviously they remember um and they are actively evolving to not grow tusks they think humans are cute yeah i don't know the the reason why i'm thrown off by the like this the the um the stubborn one is like i think gay providing a picture to like credit this is like he could have just pulled a picture of like this random time an elephant ended up in a hotel they couldn't get it out like and like that was and that was like the thing he showed us not a case of this hurt this one specific elephant commonly doing this every single year or whatever i i'm leaning more towards the the hotel one but then again the cute one the gunners got me thinking about the cute one because it's just like it's so vague it genuinely is so vague that like i am so i really don't know well don't we get two votes oh what where'd you get that from i thought i thought you get you get one vote to choose limit and then if we get it wrong one vote to decide who gets the curse all right i'll give you guys this oh you guys want me to tell you whether the two that you're currently pondering if one of those is right or not right i will tell you whether one of the two you're talking about is right or incorrect you guys want to know that i mean colors do we want to know that yeah yeah all right one of those is correct they are one of those is the myth okay so we've done a good job windowing it down oh i more think about it i think it's the cute one i just it feels like it snuck its way in there and i'm giving you guys 60 seconds what okay um gunner do you still feel strongly about the cute one i do yes okay then did you guys already are you guys already done i got oh you we panicked we panicked bro are you guys voting that elephants think humans are cute is the myth yes lock it in all right give me give me a drum roll correct yeah i got it from a snopes article um it is not technically disproven but there's no reason just some girl was told that one day put it on social media and people were like yes yes so yeah that's that's where i actually was having this conversation um with my dad the other day and i was like i heard something about it and he's like oh but like what proof was there he's like honestly i don't know so we looked it up together and we couldn't find anything on it other than the fact that there have just been some elephant human interactions yes and i didn't i don't want to give that away yeah i wanted there to be some distinction but yeah um so a lot of that is true humans have domesticated asian elephants um obviously yeah i mean it's our pretty cool humans i mean circus elephants are the pinnacle of that but once again it's just like and that's where like my whole orca thing came up it was like well domesticated elephants have some of the highest rates of killing people or injuring people because they're captive and they have zucosis so yeah yeah great job fellas you guys got it on our very first episode that means you guys each want a do-again token for odds so if you guys get hit with something you guys can ask for a do-over don't i have like two of those yes you have two of them again this is the start of a series hopefully i hope you guys liked it um yeah i'll have to come up with maybe less powerful tokens that you guys can win but we'll we'll cross that bridge when we get there good job guys um the craziest thing that an elephant has done according to reality with a twist is have green penis that is the craziest thing an elephant has ever done according to me i don't know i thought you're doing this well i don't know because i have a crazy pharmaceutical fun fact oh oh really let's hear let's hear all right all right all right there is an elephant sedative that is emerging in the United States that is 10 times stronger than fentanyl car fentanyl is affecting many if one such instance as a man has suspected on 20 counts including murder of 10 deaths in the month of july and nine other overdoses within hours of one another he's being convicted okay this is being recent car fentanyl is on the rise if you thought fentanyl was bad enough from killing millions right car fentanyl is on the rise okay so car fentanyl is an elephant sedative do you think an elephant sedative should go into a human no that is our pharmacy fun fact holy gander can i ask a question about the about this yeah can people even successfully use that without without dying to get effects probably not they don't have it as many as receptors and and then plus all the adverse side effects would be just be too high an elephant has more you know mass right so they're going to absorb it more but they have more circulatory flow so it can be distributed more evenly right human it's just going to be distributed it's just going to be pounds pounds right you know it's just going to be um you know the the drug is going to be hitting the receptor just over and over and over and it's just going to be constant effect right and that's what we don't want and what and it's not like when a drug hits a receptor it's the one effect it's dozens of effects like it's a splur of things happening right some good like the effect we want but then we have side effects like the effects we don't want right so yeah that's the problem yeah and then also going to correct you it's like it's awful like it's more with humans where each of us are always doing some shit to our body as well with like the stuff that we eat and like what we're like drugs we consume for medication reasons are for recreational reasons so it's like elephants they don't do that they eat grass and well and that's a that's a big thing right too and and a lot of it has to depend on what your recreational drug use is and a lot of it's going to interact but you don't think of it too the biggest reason why people die of opioid overdoses is that they stop breathing um opioids cause respiratory depression which is basically your chest can't move anymore uh when respiratory depression happens you stop breathing and so that's the huge thing if you have something 10 times as strong as car fentanyl it's almost going to be like as soon as it gets into your body and you know you're you're not going to be breathing you know you're suffocating and you're going to have and you're going to have overdose response too um you know overdose response can be a lot of things and that's um you know in your stronger drugs a respiratory depression is more of a concern and like you know what you're getting over the pharmacy but you're stronger just you will have a overdose effect whether that be vomiting whether that be mouth foaming I mean passing out and you know responsiveness I mean it could be a dozen things right but it's it's those things that make it so crucial as to know those responses and get the proper help to prevent uh deaths from overdose but that's why it's you know we don't want people on this car fentanyl we don't want people on fentanyl at all so that's the whole thing is yeah i'm wondering another quick question yeah if somebody if there's somebody who's like used to fentanyl for a long time and they've become a little bit more tolerant to it yeah uh is are they gonna be like is that something that somebody could switch over to car fentanyl and be a little more resistant to it no so the likelihood so an experience I have I the only time I see people on fentanyl is they are on some really bad chronic condition which could range from like they're having stage four of cancer uh they're in hospice you know they gotten some like ridiculous car accident and their time is pretty limited um there'll be a number of things right um and fentanyl is never orally taking it's always patches um and so if somebody has developed such a um such a immunity we'll say to fentanyl it's because there's been long-term use uh of improper and very um very messy very inappropriate use of just of opioids and fentanyl is one of the it's probably the strongest thing that we give prescription over the counter and fentanyl is pretty damn strong okay and uh I mean hence like fentanyl one's given orally right and it's laced and stuffed that's why people are dying um it's because they're overdosing on the fentanyl not the drug that they were taking and the drug they were taking what doesn't help but anyways so no and and short if they just um if they um become so used to and adjusted to the fentanyl there's nothing higher and the likelihood of them doing that is so frickin slim I can't imagine any scenario of them doing that so I feel like like it's kind of similar like an alcoholic yeah they can drink alcohol and be okay you know they might even be just so used to it that they have to it might go into withdrawal without it but if you give them 10 times the amount they normally drink they're still going to have some issues you know like uh yeah exactly yeah um that's a great way to put it actually uh I mean that's is the exact same concept right you if you build a a point to where you're adjusted at and you still give 10 times that strength right there's still going to be issues even there's still going to be issues to the point they've adjusted to because it doesn't eliminate all those side effects and adverse effects right so yeah those are still there pretty crazy you know it's crazy crazometer 1000 10 times the original crazeometer that's why I said 1000 um that's crazy um Dylan well first of all thank you very much for our pharmacy drug fact gunner yes of course of course uh Dylan do you have a realm blocks game wait not game it's a Roblox tidbit yeah the tidbits um of course I do have I do have some stuff uh on this day in Roblox history once again not much really happened the biggest thing that happened or the only thing really was that avatar thumbnails now use the idle pose of the currently equipped animation pack for r15 what does that mean essentially if you have an r15 animation pack equipped and you have a certain idle animation like for example being ninja one uh you'll be your character will be in a certain pose you can click on the profile it's really cool in 2017 just kind of just passed now because it's like the pipe around its end keep in mind back before this point every single character was like well side profile like this just doing their thing so it was game changing for the time but obviously it's not passed um but now some cool interesting facts about Roblox stuff did you know that the seventh annual annual blocks the awards was the first event to be held in experience using video frames meaning this was the first ever Roblox and whatever to actually have video playing inside of the game which is revolutionary for the metaverse people of Roblox who want to play movies and stuff and show trailers and everything um speaking of all recall themes did you know that tickets of former Roblox currency aside Robux were removed on April 14th 2016 it's just another fun reminder about what we once used to have on the uh on the platform um it's crazy that we're nearing a close to 10 years since we've last had it um socks that's uh it's crazy um and I guess the last thing is did you know that the brown cowboy hat was the oldest marketplace item in the western genre neither did I but that is that's yeah crazy I know and that's really all I got for today um yeah I also just want to mention I guess I'd also another side thing tornado tidbit because I already talked about it with the guys here yes yes my information about the strongest tornado the strongest wind speeds to ever be recorded on earth shockingly has been outdated now as the greenfield iowa ef4 tornado has now taken the record as the strongest tornado to ever touch down on earth they plus the strongest wind speeds ever recut recorded on earth with having a minimum max wind speed of 313 miles per hour blowing out the previously recorded 302 that the bridge creek more had obviously this was 1999 when bridge creek more happened and so for a 302 rating in 1999 crazy it might have still been the highest wind speeds ever recorded but with the newer technology we now have with on the wheel mobile you know Doppler mobile Doppler radars or whatever we and the yeah just pretty much we got heightened readings with that tornado and just this specific tornado had those heightened wind speeds so crazy stuff yeah like I was just gonna say oh go ahead go ahead go ahead no no no you're gonna say like some planes go that fast so like imagine opening the door on a plane and standing on the wing and being like okay i mean like i'm just gonna stand here like it's just absolutely insane like you can't even imagine how fast that is yeah and in this case it was a big ginormous funnel that was just traveling through and debatably caused ef4 damage there's if i ever do another tornado episode i'm probably going to talk about all the tornadoes that should have been an ef5 um but weren't because they either the damage was so bad that the surveyor just missed it or it was just debatable and like what would be considered ef4 ef5 damage blah blah blah but that's for a topic for another time those are my tidbits for the week um and yeah i hope you enjoy them brazometer holy crap holy crap um Ben would you like to go next yes uh so i know in recent episodes uh i can't remember if it was the last one or not uh i mentioned the sex offender registries now did you guys know that some states have registries for other crimes like uh violent offender registries or um drunken driving registries career offender registries oh so um yeah basically they don't usually come with the same kind of restrictions that a sex offender registry would have like but you can't live here you can't be on this kind of property um but it still does um you know it puts your name address and face out there for people to see um it's so it's very easy for you to be found if by like you know background searches um trying to get a place to live or a job so uh one that indiana has is actually um violent offender registry um so those are for serious violent felonies um and it's actually uh kind of conjoined with our sex offender registry so um what do you guys think of just various crime registries astronomically rare indiana w i think that's very rarely in a doesn't you or something like that it's good to just have public information on it i mean i think the second you use a weapon to try to hurt somebody you lose your privacy rights with that kind of crime i i don't think you deserve to be able to keep it a secret um so i think that's i'm i'm happy with it are you great yeah that's all i got thank you very much i thank you dylan i forgot to say thank you dylan no i hear no problem no problem um so i didn't think this through now i have two segments one after the other so uh get prepared uh we're gonna start with a weird news guys ready for some weird news yes as always this comes straight from the associate press so dozens of well actually let me let me just visit the uh the website first because i would like to read the actual title of this article before i get into what the article is all right perfectly preserved centuries old cherries unearthed at george washington's mount vernan mount vernan virginia his plantation uh so dozens and dozens of bottles of cherries and berries and possibly preserved in storage pits uncovered from the cellar of his mansion on the banks of the petomac river we're discovered during an archaeological dig connected to a restoration project so you guys what do you guys think of some preserved cherries and berries pretty cool that was pretty cool hold uh so Jason Jason burrows mount vernan's principal archaeologist said the discovery of so much perfectly preserved food for more than 250 years ago is essentially unprecedented finding what is a set quote finding what is essentially fresh fruit 250 years later is pretty spectacular end quote bro said in an interview oh well quote all the stars sort of have to align in the right manner for that to happen uh whole pieces of fruit recognized well as cherries were found in some of the bottles other bottles held what appear to be gooseberries or currents which black currents were actually banned in the united states so that's kind of cool that currents were there um and where was i was uh what the heck okay there we go um though testing is underway to confirm that mount vernan is partnering with the u.s. department of agriculture which is conducting dna testing on the fruit which is very funny dna testing on fruit they are also examining more than 50 cherry pits recovered from the bottles to see if any of them can be planted because that would be so cool if you could grow cherry tree from uh the cherry that was preserved in mount vernan um seeds preserve best when they're dry and most of the samples found at mount vernan were waterlogged a couple pits uh tested initially were not viable as seeds unfortunately still he said the bottles are remarkable find in addition dna testing he said chemical testing may be able to show of particular spices were used to preserve the fruits records at mount vernan show that george and martha washington were fond of cherries at least when mixed with brandy now this part i found very interesting i want to know you guys what you guys think of this martha washington's recipe for a cherry bounce cocktail survives and washington wrote that he took a canteen of cherry bounce with him on a trip across uh the alli allegations have i never seen that word before what the heck wait what are we not all i don't know if that's if g_h_ pronounce as an f or as aliphony's aliphony's i don't know in 1784 uh so these cherries uh though were most likely bottled to be eaten simply as cherries instead of used in cherry bounce have you guys ever heard of cherry bounce no um it actually seems very interesting i'm very curious to try it um i want to show you guys the recipe for cherry bounce really quick i don't want to keep us here too long uh let's open this so cherry bounce i'm going to send the send the recipe in um pina channel i'm going to talk about it very briefly but i just want to i want to see if you guys would drink this because i think it looks pretty actually delicious um it is simply just uh brandy and cherries so it's 10 to 11 pounds of fresh sour cherries uh preferably morello or three jars of preserved morello cherries four cups of brandy three cups of sugar uh and two cinnamon sticks broken into pieces two to three whole cloves and one and one quarter inch piece fresh whole nutmeg so it's just a spiced sweet cherry brandy i think that sounds delicious and it's just like a good christmas drink yes and it's a very beautiful red uh just a straight cherry juice looking beverage i'm very curious to try it um so what do you guys think it look it looks very pretty um has a nice name i'll never drink it yep yep i i don't even know if i'll ever drink it so um i guess you especially would never drink it um but what do you guys think of some preserved chair it is worth mentioning i saw the i saw this in a few comments these most likely were not put there by the washington family they were probably put there by slaves because the washington were slave owners um so it's not like george and martha were just out on the field picking their little cherries it's not it's a bit more sinister yeah um that sounds about right yeah but it still is a very cool fine seeing preserved cherries from this long ago now next up this weekend marketing um this is a bit of a more simple story um which i'm very curious to see what you guys think of this one if it ever loads okay there we go so towards our russ creates first brand film to use open ais text-to-video tool they created an actual video with a ai tool i'm going to send you guys the video now and we're going to talk about it really quick i'm ready for you guys are you too but it's just the the big uh with the blue car and the blue house this is all ai all right three two one did you ever wonder how toys are us and jeffy the giraffe came to be the son of a bike shop owner charles lazarus had a vision that would go on to change toy stores forever the greatest toy store there is but i want to grow because maybe if i did i wouldn't be toys a russ was the dream of charles lazarus may all of your dreams come true too and the dream continues on with a toys a russ at every macy's so obviously not the entire thing was ai there was obviously human but you can tell when the ais i'm sure you guys could tell when the ai was what did you guys think of that it was a little creepy it was a little creepy it was it was hearts that were actually like kind of mesmerizing um which is it's just weird yeah kind of sad to admit but i think it was when it comes to ai it was very good um they could have been a lot worse um dylan do you have any thoughts hot garbage hot garbage okay so here's a quick a quick insight into it this is from marketing as it prepares for a major relaunch toys our us is embracing generative ai tools that have become the focus of the marketing and media industry open ai kicked off the current ai frenzy with the launch of chappy gbt november 2022 and is prepared to take another leap forward with the forthcoming release of it's sora tour tour yep tool tours russ studio relied on native foreign uh and chief creative officer nick cla why do i always get the hard words to pronounce on these articles nick cleverev cleverev yeah cleverev nick cleverev uh who has alpha access to sora to create a one-minute photo realistic video about the retailers origin the video imagines how charles Lazarus the son of a bike owner uh bicer owner dreamed up towards our us and iconic mascot towards our studios president kim miller oko served as executive producer and cleverev acted as director on the project um so it's just a minute long thing and it mentions macy's they're wanting to relaunch at macy's um and it just kind of goes into how they filed for bankruptcy and a few quotes if you want to read more about it it is uh in the link in the description i think for ai it's pretty impressive but it is still clearly ai a lot of it is clearly ai but sora is insane it is impressive um any further thoughts before we move on to our best worst part of the show nope that's not for me i'm not forgetting any segments in it not somehow all right cool one of the odds um what the odds is a combination of a dare and a bet there's an odds asker and a victim the odds asker dair is the victim to do a dare and the victim gets to set their own likelihood of having to do the dare by setting a number the higher the number the less likely the victim is to have to do the dare count of three a third party counts down from three three two one and the odds asker and victim say number between one and the number the victim said uh and if they say the same number the victim has to do a dare if none of our individual odds hit we will do a descending odds which essentially we will elect one and one of us will have to do the elective dare are you guys ready yeah yeah i have one all right oh this one goes to ben oh ben has a uh pretty big day coming up yes oh boy and then there's a reception sure it is then where the odds that you get on the microphone when music's playing and say this one goes out to my buddy dylan and you just play a song of your choice probably the most random songs but you have to say this one goes out to my buddy dylan oh man every every single person in the room would look at me well dah everybody's looking at us what are you talking about bro what is that it's my big day why does everybody look at me bro when he's up there with his wife why is everyone looking at me right now oh man this one goes out to my buddy dylan and it's just it's just magic by the oh why uh 24 camera badge um i'll say this is really funny but i have to say like 20 22 all right okay oh that's how old i am yep three two one two seven oh uh right um dylan yeah what are the odds that you have to go to a neighboring state of your choice tomorrow and vlog the trip to a neighbor no it can be kentucky michigan i uh Iowa yeah you can go to Iowa Illinois or Ohio bro and you have to vlog the trip and we can just put it on the youtube channel it's the odds it'd be funny you can just go to dayton it's like an hour and a half away from you or maybe two hours but still why would i want to go to dang anymore please you can go to cincy if you want to go to cincy and go to that one international story you could do that too how am i gonna fucking jungle gyms tomorrow literally hi hi hi my parents so i work with right now uh i'm gonna be gone all day i just lost an odds where i have to go to another state for a day it's such a waste of time fifty okay all right i'll count down three two one thirty six six i know what bro is going to do because he has two of them but still still why did you remind him he's not going to forget his headphones were not retry retry you know he's using the retry why dang it while your headphones were off i said i know what bro is going to do we has two of them and and then was like don't tell him and it's like how would he forget all right not for i literally brought it up like all right there's no way i can do that it's funny as hell but like there's no way three two one twenty eight oh my god i swear to god if it fucking you were going to use it again you were going to use your either going to use it again and if it hit the third time that it really was meant to be it was going to go oh god i cannot believe that that's one of my favorite i've ever been asked i i had a regret when i said 50 and i'm just very glad i have those tokens for our listeners fifties are kind of cursed uh with with our group they they often need to hit it's like that oh my god bro go ahead dill no i'll just say they would be screwed if i said two like but um you guys now you guys are all even playing field y'all have one do again token yeah all right well yonder yeah what are the odds and our viewers are are not going to even enjoy this at all it's just for just for us what are the odds that one morning on the wisconsin trip you just have to make us all uh breakfast in bed along with his own eggs that he has to eat oh my gosh we need to we need to go over all of our no we shouldn't we can't go over all of our odds right it's pretty funny and i i would do it so two all right three two one one one oh yes it can be yeah it can be a really simple like no that sounds good but as long as you just don't get food in the fucking bed yeah and we all have to play along we all have to like have our little blankies over like can we for our breakfast like we cannot leave bed i'm going to forget that i'm i'm going to forget about that and just leave the bed and like go use the bed okay for our list okay if you lose the bathroom that's okay i'm not gonna make you hold in your pee but like uh for our listeners we are all in what we're in a guest house so we're all sharing one room there's bunk bed and a queen mattress that we are all in the same room on this trip so um it'll be very funny i cannot wait yeah it's going to be very very interesting um gave you to write that down yes yeah you definitely need to write that down all right um all like gave right his time i'm going to ask him my odds uh not as cruel as go to another state tomorrow literally if you had said just like whenever you get the chance i probably would have said like a lower number and if it hit i would have stuck with it yeah but we we know what happened with cleveland when we don't have a set date to do something it just doesn't happen i know but like if it's just me i i guess there's more independence to it bear uh okay uh gunner has to make breakfast in bed for all the guys one morning all right have a written down all right let me double check to make sure my audio didn't get messed up when i yanked everything okay i'm good um gabe yeah what are the odds that at the reception of benjamin's wedding you have to grab everyone's attention when music's playing you'd be like everybody everybody look at this cool dance move i did and or i'm about to do and you do like a very bad dance and then like halfway through you have to like mess up and just be like damn it and then just storm out and not come back for like five minutes you said that's not as bad as going to a different state motherfucker i'd rather drive two hours than at ben's most important day of his life go everybody and then run away why don't you it's not as bad what are you talking about it's not that is one of the worst odds you've ever asked me on the history of this fucking podcast no no fuck y'all off i that is not the worst one i've asked you what what at his wedding with his and his fiance's family get everybody's attention do a bad dance move get mad and leave that is the worst odds i've ever heard you ask me why are you going it not the bad what it's not in my opinion oh my on the crazeometer that is uh hunt do you want me to ask you to go into a fucking Kroger go into the back of line say holy grub is like a crazy and that would be because i don't know those people i he is my friend i'm gonna profit his family will know of what about the you go you know the the story you worked at make that out i didn't censor that um oh my god freak it okay wedding is better than my place of work but a hundred and that is so generous all right sorry oh my gosh wish all right well we did have one odds hit so we're not going to do a descending well technically two but yes yes um so no descending odds today um so gunner do you have any hints as to what our next episode do you ever have any uh pains and struggle with HR? yes actually yeah yeah all right well we'll talk about it yeah awesome all right um well i hope you guys enjoyed our elephants episode i've been Gabriel all right i've been gunner i've been Dylan i've been bed and we will see you in like a little bit. you