Reality With a Twist

Season 4 Episode 4 - Paper vs. Scissor(e)s (Gladiators!)

1h 21m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

whoa, man. He is again. I'm glad he's gone. I'm glad he's gone. Yeah. Yeah, he's not coming back. Obviously. Well, I guess I don't know if you guys are ready to go. Yeah, I'm ready to go. Well, if you guys are going, man, that's how basic you sound right now, bro. What bro is bro is hating his heart. Bro cannot stand to see somebody speak with joy. I know. It's not that. It's just like you're constructed. It's so like, come like, like, all right, gain. I was doing a bit because I think gunner was gunner is purposely not doing it again because we've done that bet a lot. But then he, I don't know if he intentionally wanted us to think that he was. That's why Ben said that because Ben still is under the impression that he would show Iron Man again. But he didn't. All based on context. Come on. Iron Man's not coming back. Let's just move on. Ain't it? Is that coming back? That's a basic you sound right now. I don't like you recording. Okay, that's it. You tell us. You tell us, man. The only one who could stop this tension is Iron Man, but he's not coming back. He's not coming back. It's over. Welcome back to reality with the twist. I'm Ben. I'm Gabriel. I've got her. And I'm Dylan. And welcome back. It's been a while since our last episode. Two weeks. It's been a normal amount of time. It's been the normal amount of time. But we used to do them weekly. So it feels like we're having a long time in between him. Yeah, at one time, we did them two months apart. Yeah. How have you guys been since our last episode? I mean, nothing's really changed in my life. Nothing's mild about my life. I was gonna say the same thing. I mean, the sun's out today. It is very beautiful outside. I mean, I would be found a time for us to record, but we'll like to spend a little bit more time outside. But that's okay. You know what? It's all your guys as well. And you guys weren't considerate to my wants and my needs. And I wanted to be outside and you guys just said, we're not making that happen. You can record. You can get your laptop out. You can record outside if you want. Yeah, I think I'll just have so much noise pollution though. But I have my window open. I'm looking out. Sounds like birds tweeting. Yeah, gentle wind through trees. Okay, I can't take this anymore. The grand old moose walking in the background. Hello, Gunnar. Hello, moose. It's been a while since we've had an episode not recorded at like 1145. Yeah, I think that's why that's why the vibe is so off. It's like, I feel like we're not in our our wet spirit right now because this isn't our wet spirit of like just trying to get this an episode done so we can all go to bed. And a little bit of like cookiness from from exhaustion and some of you guys and some of your guys's voices. None of that this time because we're recording at a very responsible time. Yeah, we are. I found prime today. Yeah, we don't know more about that. Yeah. What's up with that. So I went to Kroger to do some shopping today. I ended up getting some prime and one thing I forgot to share that I ended up getting. I've already kind of eaten it though. They had it. Oh my god. They had it. What is that? It's a beast of a Mr beast bar. I don't know. I, whenever it's my bought my little own personal bit is like whenever I go to a store and I see a YouTuber influencer thing I am. I'm always compelled to at least buy it one time and see like how it is. But today it was that and also a prime bottle with like an X logo on it. Yeah, like Twitter flavor. Twitter flavor prime. Yeah, apparently that's a bird in the bottle. What the fuck? No, it was a I actually ended up looking it up. Apparently they just started doing a campaign where like you have to collect 12 unique prime bottles or some shit and whoever does it first or something is like eligible to win a million dollars. Like you know like typical like McDonald's like you know what they do with the knoppily pieces but instead of that it's like prime bottles or something. I feel like that's that would be easier because you can see them before you make the purchase. Like because with McDonald's. Well, no, it's like the code inside of the lead. Oh, okay. Okay. I thought you just had to get 12 different flavors. I was like to hell. I'll go to my store real quick. Please let me buy all the game going to the store and opening up every single prime bottle. I'm winning. I'm winning this manager is manager coming up. What are you doing? I have to find them. I have to find them. Excuse me. It was a bit. It was part of the bet. Go. All right. I also went to the store today. I was really craving something sweet. So I got some coconut creams coconut, coconut dreams. Excuse me. And I ate them all. They were super, super good. They are. Samoa's. Samoa's bro. Oh, yeah. They're just the. Are they still called Samoa's? Yeah. Girl Scouts call them Samoas. I just whenever they're like Keebler brand or whatever. And I just still call them Samoas except what everybody. Not Samoa. Samoa says Samoa's. There's two different companies that make Girl Scout cookies. And one of them I believe is the same company that makes Keebler. So when you buy grasshoppers or coconut dreams, you're buying one of the brands that make Girl Scout cookies. I don't know what the other brand is, but one of them calls them Samoas and the other one calls them like coconut tasties or some such crap like that. But like if you say Samoa's Girl Scouts know what you mean, but they technically like have a different name. But I got those and I got some potting soil to repot my plants. Nice. Nice. Did you finish eating that too before recording? I did. That's good. Good. Good. I ate a lot of potting soil. Two bags worth. Two bags. Wow. The most I've seen this for. So like keep going at that pace. You'll be there in no time. I'll keep you updated on that one. Maybe next time. Maybe. Maybe. Who knows? But what are we talking about today? Well, it's funny you mention it. We're talking about gladiators today. What? That's great. I forgot from last week's episode. Man, I'm glad we're talking about gladiators. I don't know. I'm scared. Anyways, today we're going to be doing something a little different. We have done a lot of debates in the past, but this one is going to be a little bit more of a tournament style debate, which we've also kind of done with Gabe's. What was it dessert? It was baked goods. Yes. Yes. Yes. We're just going to be doing the baked goods episode again, but it's going to be gladiators this time. So we'll start it off with a quick little quiz question. What do you guys think the origin of gladiators was a funeral tradition, B a punishment for criminals, or C no one really knows? I feel like we don't know. I mean, I'm going to go with B. Okay. So nobody knows for gunner punishment for criminals for Dylan. Pretty sure it was like a punishment for prisoners of war at some point in its history, but I'm going to say that we don't really know because I think it dates back further than that. Okay. You're all wrong. It's a it used to be a funeral tradition. It's like like throwing the bouquet in a wedding, but it's just like, who's next to die? Yeah, me me throwing the javelin in. Is it just a never ending stream of, you know, funerals, funerals, because like you've got to die each time. So what would happen was like a wealthy aristocrat family would have a loved one pass away. And then at their grave site, they would just have two slaves fight to the death. It would be kind of like a human sacrifice to honor the dead. By killing people. This one person dying wasn't enough. The minted ass shit man. Rich people have always been fucking crazy for no. What is the? Don't tell me no sacrifice for the dead. They're just pissed and they want to see somebody else die. They're pissed that one of theirs died and they're like, I can't be alone in my suffering and then they just want to make other people die. That's all it is. You can't convince me otherwise. Watch me. Oh, when you put it like that. Let's see it. Convince it. Yeah. Oh, you it worked. Wow, holy shit. So yeah, that was that was kind of the origin of gladiators. It kind of happened around the late BC. So like it really became popular right around the first century. What happened was it became. What did I miss? What did I miss? It's going to come up on on my screen recorded audio, but you're just like, so it dates back to. The BC and you pause for a good like 10 seconds and then the rest of what you said was just like garbled gibberish. Do I sound okay now? Yeah, fine. No gunners. Let's go with gunner. Rose anonymous. No gunners. Just really blurry. No, I did not want this. I did. Gladiators. We're going to be doing my gladiators. And honestly, I don't want to share my opinion about them publicly. We got to get this story out of myself. The joy of Logitech webcams that always go out of focus for no reason. There he is. I'm back, guys. Okay, so gladiators became popular around the first century. It really became popularized when Julius Caesar's daughter passed away. And he was like, you know what? I'm going to just have like a hundred gladiator fights and have a hundred more people die because my daughter died. And so he did that. And everybody was like, yeah, that was cool. And so it just became really popular from that point on. So we can all thank Julius Caesar. I think we can actually think of the last thing you think. Julius Caesar for it. Thanks, Julius Caesar's daughter. Thanks for dying. Thank you. Thanks for dying to empower another tyrant. Yes. Terrible veins of people. All right now, everybody say thank you. Thanks, Mr. Caesar. But yeah, gladiator fights mostly happen in the Colosseum. There were always little, you know, gladiator spats here and there at gladiator schools, which were dotted around Italy and other surrounding areas. But I'm going to ask another quiz question that'll lead us to the next little segment about this. Before we go forward, you said gladiator schools. So there's only one graduate. There's only one person that's going to leave there. What do you mean a gladiator school? You said there's spats there. They're just going to kill each other. What are you talking about? You can't just gloss over that. The next question was going to answer that. I have something to say, actually. I thought you were just going to keep going because you didn't even put any emphasis. You're like, oh, yeah, the spats at the gladiator schools. Yeah, you know, spats only one person came out alive. Anyway, move it. Okay, gladiator schools were basically training sites for gladiators. They weren't just killing each other every morning. Say the pledge of allegiance and then just start stabbing somebody's like, they're all sitting in deaths, like at FC, just stabbing each other in the back. No fair, I have to sit in front of this guy. The one kid still sitting down. Respect. Respect what this was built upon. Oh, my God. Sorry, continue. No, you're fine. So gladiators would live and train at these schools. They weren't, when I say spats, I don't mean like actual full on gladiator battles. I just more mean like they'd fight each other. Not always to the death, but like they would do just like practice sessions and people would and could come to watch. Typically wealthy people yet again, if you hadn't figured that one out by now. But my next question was going to be, what do you guys think the likelihood of dying in gladiator combat was 50, 50, one quarter, one in five or one in 10. Hey, this depends on how many gladiators are usually in a fight. But even then, wait, even then, even 50, 50 sounds too high. You're, well, just say if it's a one on one gladiator fight. Okay, I don't think it was always to the death. I think that's what you're getting at. I'm going to say one in five. That was an option. One in five. Yeah. I'll say one in 10. Okay. Everybody but Dylan is right. How? How? Because it's answer cheeseburger meal again. It was two answers. It was both one in five and one in 10 because historians can't decide on which one it was. So it's one problem. So bro was just the only wrong one. Oh my God. But like the thing is, Dylan, you fell into the trap because most people think that it was always like just a 50, 50 fight to the death. But it wasn't because there were actually referees who would step in when somebody got seriously wounded and be like, okay, that's enough. That's enough. I guess I'm lowering my standards for what would be assumed to be ancient times and what quality of life humans had for their surroundings and their peers and everything because obviously like you look at medieval times. Look at knights and kings and monarchies like they didn't care about people. If somebody got the cold, they just let them die. So like to have somebody there being like, oh, this person can't die like safety first. Yeah. Yeah, it's just unheard of. So I guess I've learned something. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Of course. Of course. That's what I like to do. So moving on from that. My favorite thing to talk about when talking about gladiators is the different classes of gladiators that there are. There are different types of classes of gladiators who have different weapons, different armor, different fighting styles or tactics and just different backgrounds in general. So I've tasked each of the boys with choosing two classes to research and then just give a brief little presentation on kind of what that gladiator was. And then between those two that they chose, they have to explain who would win in a fight between those two classes and why they think so. So I can just go first. The first one that I chose was called, I think I'm pronouncing it right, the haplomicus. So the armor of the haplomicus resembled the Greek infantry at the time, which were heavily armored, which is kind of weird because the haplomicus does not seem very heavily armored. They had a helmet, large grieves, which are like the metal boots that kind of run up like to your knees or higher. It also had a manica, which was either linen or leather, or even sometimes metal plates that would be on one arm starting from the shoulder down and then heavy leg padding. They usually had nothing covering their chest or torso, and they were usually barefoot. And then what they carried was typically a spear and a short sword. They also had a little round shield that they would carry. They used their shield a lot as a weapon. So not even just the spear or sword, but they would use that to ram or stun their opponents. And their sword fighting strategy was pretty standard, just kind of like Greek infantry. They not only resembled them in appearance, but also their fighting style. The next one that I chose was called the Thracian, I think I'm pronouncing that one right too. These are all going to be hard to pronounce, so forgive us all. But Thracians were from Thrac, which was far east of Italy. The armor was pretty much identical to the Hoplomachus. Pretty much everything about them was identical to the Hoplomachus, just that they were usually from Thracian. Sometimes they would carry large rectangular shields though, and their helmets were very distinctive because they were tall, had a wide brim, and usually feathers protruding from the top of them. Between the two of them, between Thracians and Hoplomachus, I'm going to pick that the Thracian would win. Because that is technically what Spartacus was considered, because Spartacus was from that area. So just for my boys party, I'm going to go with the Thracian as the winner for mine. Who wants to go next? I can go. So my two are way cooler in every single way. So the first one I chose was the, again, I think I'm pronouncing this correctly, Cesaris. So from what I could find, of course I choose this one. We're tasked with researching. And the first thing I see when I look up this is very little was known about these. So very little is known about them, but what we do know is that their weapon was a sword that consisted of two blades appearing like open scissors with large sheer-like blades on them. So they literally were just like open scissors. That's what they'd fight with. And then they wore a helmet with very small eye openings and a metal. What did you call it? Gleeves? Gleeves, that's what it is. A metal gleeve on their left leg, nothing on their right leg. They didn't have a shield, but they did have like leather around their right arm to protect their right arm. And they would often fight agile and light equipped gladiators. So they would never really fight their own kind. They would only fight people that were also very agile and not very well protected. They didn't have a shield or anything. So that's goofy as fuck. That's so goofy that they're fighting with giant open scissors. That's so funny. But the other one, a gladiator school. Don't run with scissors. Did you say gladiator school? Yeah. No running with scissors. Yes, fighting with scissors. So the second one I chose was the Akites or Equus or Akites. Pick whichever one you want me to say. So these fighters were unique because they were the only class of gladiators to fight on horseback. And thus they were only allowed to fight other Akites fighters or equates or whatever. So the battle would start with the fighters using long spears and shields to try to impale or knock their opponent off of their horse. Which is very similar to other night battles on horseback. They had very very small circular shields that were perfect for use on their horseback. Which makes Akites even more unique is that they had two different weapons for two different types of fighting. So once the gladiators were off of their horses, which inevitably they would be, they would only be on their horses for the first part of the fight. They would use a gladiators or like a little sword in a lot more of a traditional style of combat. They had helmets, they had little teeny tiny shields and they had leather wrapped around their legs to protect their legs. But other than that, they had nothing. They were completely naked and were not clothing wise. They were just no armor on the rest of their bodies. And as much as I want the sizores to win because that would be so funny. They have a chance, but I mean, come on. They're not on a horse. There's a reason that the Akites would only fight other Akites fighters. You have basically armor in the form of a meat shield on your horse, so I think they would win out of the two, unfortunately. - Fair. - All right. I'll go next if that's okay, Dylan. Yeah, that's fun. All right, so I didn't get to choose this. This was just the last two left. So my first one is Sekitor. And so this gladiator, this type of gladiator, wore like a loincloth, basically, called a subglucadulum. Anyways, I don't know. A baltius, which is just a wide belt. I don't know what the function of it. I assume it's just to protect like the abdomen. And then a manica, which was metal wrapping on one of the arms. And then on one hand, you would carry a shield called a scutum. It almost looks like scrotum, but it's not. Anyways, and so it's just this large rectangular shield that's curved. And so they'd wear that. And then on the other one, they'd hold like a dagger-ish and called like a gladius, or might be like a short sword. So there's that. But their biggest one is that they wore like this big helmet, right? And they're really trying to, the main point of the Sekitor is to fight the rediarius, which held the triad. So they would have a helmet with small eye holes, and it was a bulky helmet when across the shoulders. And so a small eye hole, so they couldn't get hit in the face. But everything else was exposed from what couldn't be protected by the shield. Anyways, so of course, the last two I get stuck with, the mermyo, which is the other one, is essentially the same thing. Oh, yep, it was just a little bit of spaced out a little bit at a different time period. Point of this one was to replace the gladiator called the gallus, or the gallus, which was just named after the Gauls. And so they were usually portrayed as like a villain. But again, same thing. They had this large helmet and then, you know, small eye holes. They would actually fight lions. That was their whole thing. Hell yeah. Was fighting lions. So yeah, but so you might be wondering what the difference is between them. Well, from what I could find, the difference was in the helmet. So mermyo, gladiators, and Sekitor, very similar. But Sekitor's helmet didn't have a visor while the mermyo did. Yeah, so hence why I'm going to choose the mermyo between the two of mine. One, because they have a visor, which like you don't want to get blinded by the light, right? You know, so that'd be the last thing you want. And that's how you lose your battle. But two, they're not trained to fight another human. They're trained to fight these like giant animals, right? So they're probably a little bit more aggressive with their tactics. And then you probably know how to defend themselves quite better. So that's why I will choose the mermyo. Very nice. Fair. No. All right, Dylan. All right. So my two classes were first. I'll talk about this one first. Glaukater, very, very suggestive name, I know. When I was saying which one I wanted, my autocorrect said provocate, which I mean, if you look at the images of a provocateur, fair to make that assumption. The provocateur gladiator was a fighter that most resembled a typical Roman soldier in their earliest, earlier introductions to the arena. Later, as they became a recurring fighter class, their weapon, their style weaponry and armament evolved, but they still held many commonalities with their origins. Essentially, what this means is that the provocateur was just like the Sekitor and the mermilo. But the only difference here is that they had just a little bit more armor. Their sword was just a little bit different. And once again, their helmet also was different. These guys were what you typically picture whenever you think of a gladiator, like you think of like big guy in a colosseum going up against the puny wimpy guy. That big guy that you see in those movies, that's what they typically based them off of is the provocateur class in gladiator fights. Provocateurs would typically be paired up against other provocateurs. So that way, you know, the battle kept mainly fair because obviously provocateurs, if they went up against other like classes, like the one I'm about to talk to here in a minute, it could, could be seen as a little bit unfair, just due to how much armor they had on their body, along with the type of weaponry and skill that they had, because that's like the big key difference is that their level of skill was very much different. And it was very much a battle of who can think quicker and smarter than their opponents. And that's what made the provocateurs the provocateurs and what made them such a sight to see and what left everybody going home happy. My other class, on the other hand, I'd say my big cot take here is probably the most unique out of all of the other classes that are here. This being the racierio, or something like that, I'm probably butchering that name. Or raciero, raciero, I'm going to say raciero for the rest of the time. The raciero, or also often pronounced as the rytharius, whatever, I'm going to keep going with the other name, racierio. They were a german gladiator who fought with equipment styled to that of a fisherman. They possessed a weighted net and a three pointed trident and also a dagger. They were very light armor wearing a manic monica, a manica, whatever you pronounce it, and a shoulder guard. Typically, their clothing consisted of only a loincloth held in place via a white belt or a short tunic with light padding. They wore no head protection and barely to none, or little to no footwear or foot protection. Fun fact, these guys were actually pitted against secutors during showings or battles or whatever of that sort. Now, you're probably thinking, for somebody that is probably the lightest equipped in terms of armory, and also the most, as you want to say from a bland POV, the most disadvantaged with their weapons, you'd think these guys would kind of just be the feeder for a bunch of people. Well, I am going to probably be the wild card here and say that in a battle between the provocateur and my racierio, I believe racierio would win, and the reason why I say this is because the racierio has something that only one other class or gladiator has at their capabilities, that is a ranged weapon, a ranged weapon that not only serves as a attack, but also as a deterrent and a distraction to their opponents. This is often why I like, you know, in first-person shooter games or whatnot, why I like classes with certain types of mobility and whatnot, because also having not as much armor makes them more nimble and lighter and quicker on their feet, meaning that if somebody is able to throw a net around you and you're already wearing helmets, your vision is already a script messed up, and it's a weighted net, you're going to be trying to get that stuff off of you, and while that's happening, some guy with a big trident is just stabbing you repeatedly, and continuously stabbing you, stabbing you until either you die or the newfound referee that I didn't know about until like a few minutes ago comes and steps in and says that's enough, so racierio, I believe, would be the winner in my bout between my two gladiators. There. Yeah, that'd be terrifying. It's like once you get that net around you, it's over with. See, in my research of the Cesores or scissors, they said that they would often be put up against them, because the scissors obviously would be very useful in a net attack. Cutting yourself out of the net. And again, they were very lightly armored and agile, so that would be a very, very entertaining fight between the two. Scissors and net, that is hilarious. It's kind of like rock paper and scissors. Yes! Well, it's funny you say that, because starting here in a few seconds, that we're going to do a lightning round, where since you said that, Gabe, I'm going to have you and Dylan go against each other. We'll have Gabe go first, you have 30 seconds starting, when I say now, to defend why the Cesores would beat Dylan's gladiator. Oh, yo. Before we start, I was going to say I chose the Ekit or Equus as the winner. I don't think that's very fair. I don't think that meshes well with all the others, because I have a horse and nobody else has a horse. So I think for sake of this argument, I'm going to choose the Cesores as the winner. Just because that would be a more entertaining fight. Okay, Cesores, they go chop chop. You have a ranged weapon, but what's the point of a ranged weapon if scissors beat paper? And also, you could just sheer somebody's ACL, then they can't walk anymore. You're more heavily armored than your fisherman. So even if you did have some attack on you that did land, it's less likely to do any damage to you, and you have a comically large pair of scissors to defend yourself with back. Finish your finish. No, I was just going to say notably very small eye holes, so you can't really get poked. That's it. All right, good. You had some good points in there. I'm not going to lie. Dylan, you can defend your position starting now. All right, so I believe my gladiator would win, because obviously they have the nets, and this is probably one of the only classes that has a counter to this guy. And while you think, "Oh, scissors, see your set and done," I feel like the net's kind of the least important factor in this, because while the net definitely provides a nice distraction, even in a case where there is a red counter to it, you're forgetting that the Rocierio has a trident that not only is better than a dagger in terms of its damage and its puncture wounds or puncture or capability, its range, depending on how you wield it, keeps you at a distance between somebody that has a shorter blade and a shorter set of weaponry, meaning that even if they get past... Finish your last thought. Even if they get past the net, you are still going to be at the point where you can keep your distance and continue inflicting damage while they can't. Right, the... I was going to have just the other two vote, but I don't know if I want to... Yeah, we'll just do that, because it'll be fair for everybody around. I'm just going to go ahead, and I think that Dylan's gladiator would probably win this one. I agree. Dylan's gladiator. You suck. You're just terrible. You're just terrible. I went first! I went first! You have the case for everything. I'm going to say, if you chose the horse, I still would have beat your ass. Now, that is not fucking true, because I have a big pokey. No, no, no. If we want to do the horse, we can do the horse. I have two fucking weapons. I have a big-ass shield and a pokey. I have a spear. So don't come out with your trident shit, because I could doink and then take my sword out. Doink on top of a horse. My ass isn't going to care about you. It's going to care about the horse that doesn't have critical human thinking and can just get distracted even worse than a human can by the net. But the horse listens to you. You can tell the horse to do something. It is like loyal to you. Horses are stubborn. Bigger they are. Harder they fall. You can lead a horse to the gladiator arena, but you can't make it fight well. I want you to know how to fight horse. Hell no. I'm going to ask you to get held. Ben, it's you and I, right? Yeah. Who wants to go first? You or me? You can go first. Okay. Which one was your winner again? Can you remind me? Yeah, the mermaidle. So just pretty much the same thing as mine almost. Yeah. I think it's going to tie. So I mean, we both go home happy. Before we start this, can we clarify what differences there may or may not be between me and Gunners? Because I feel like four of the gladiators were essentially the same thing. Just like they evolved essentially to like be better than the previous. Or like they're like weight brackets like in boxing where it's like there's the light weights, feather weights, heavy weights and cruiser weights. Right. So Gunner mine for armor mine had. Obviously the helmet. Typically a large shield. A wide, wide-brimmed helmet. Gleeves on both legs and heavy, padded, like leg armor. Okay. So mine had the big shield and then also giant leather belt, which I did find was for abnormal and waste protection. And to hold up that's, you know, it's a groin cloth. Anyways, um, Germanica, which is just protects the one arm that's holding the weapon. And then the giant helmet with the visor. That would go down to the neck. So. Yep. Okay. I'll go ahead and start. Wait, did it have a leg protection on both legs or just wall? I can't remember. No legs. Okay. All right, go ahead. Okay. Starting. So I think mine would win because Gunner doesn't have leg protection. This was stupid. This was a stupid activity. You're just like, so what cool, what is your class have that mine doesn't? Oh, does that like prediction? Okay. I'm going to be going because I. I will. So Gunner's has more abdominal protection than mine, but mine also has a shield. So I think mine. I also have a shield. Yeah. Yeah. But, but you don't have to worry about it. I don't have to worry about my legs. You have to worry about your leg. Bro, stop bullying. Bro, stop bullying. He's losing. That's time over. What? Don't. We were. We were counting on you for half of that. I didn't realize you even started. My final thought, uh, Gunner's doesn't have leg protection and mine was Spartacus. Okay Gunner, three, two, one. Okay. So, well, I don't have leg protection. I do have a shield that is about half the size of my body. Right. My fighting style is not aimed at humans, but is aimed towards a larger beast, the lion. Right. I have a great head protection and then I have excellent arm protection that's protecting my, uh, that's protecting my, um, you know, my dagger. Right. So I'm not going to lose function of that. I will still be able to use that. Uh, I also have a helmet that is, you know, protects me all around. So the vital part up here is all covered. So, you know, it's just the fighting style paired with, uh, you know, it's the armor that it has. Fine. Finish your last thought. Um, I think it would easily beat yours. All right. Vote. No, okay. This doesn't seem fair because for 20 seconds, we were just like, no, bro, you ugly ass. And then, and then forgotten. We're just like, mm hmm. Yes. Uh huh. Yeah. No, that's what I was saying. Ben, if you, if you have anything else to say, just say it really quick. I, I was kind of like, I think, I don't think we have time for it, but I wish we could go back and forth more. Um, so you could respond to like what each other say. Uh, but then if we let you do that now, I feel like that's almost feeding against gunner at that. I don't, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I, I, to be fair, I do have like my thought process in talking about like who I think would win. Um, but obviously I'm, I, I, the result of me shock you is what I'm saying. Yeah. Um, I, I, I think human and big cat combat is just so different. Um, I've rooting for the big cat, if I'm being honest, but that, that's not what we're talking about. I almost think. I almost think you wouldn't really be as prepared if you, if you trained on big cats, trained online. I mean, I wouldn't be, I, I wouldn't be different because as somebody who's thing, I think about like the time it takes before and like the days leading up to a match, you know, those days are spent trying to put your body through endurance of like, how are you going to react if a lion attacks you? Yeah. You know, it's different when it's another human attacking you because humans are like minded lions and animals. You don't know what's going on in their heads because their minds are not like ours. So being able to get your body ready for the conditions of fighting a very pissed off lion. I feel like builds a body's resilience so that even in the case where both the classes are similar, the one who is trained to fight much more fiercer and genetically modified, designed to hunt down prey bigger than us, I feel like Gunner's gladiator would win this bout. And once again, that's why I feel like it's a little bit unbiased because Ben's argue it was essentially, mine has like protection and it's smart. Yeah. That's true. But still, I would have, my thought process is still being able with Gunner, being the winner. I'm just, I'm having a difficult time because I feel like humans know humans and humans know how to fight humans. Lions just see it as another animal. Just like we see lions as an animal. But the thing is we know how to fight lions based on experience. Like, I don't personally know how to fight lions. But you know, like if you're training for that, you know what to go for a lion doesn't. So like, this sounds like I'm going on a tangent, but this actually does have something to do with what we're talking about. I just feel like if you were trained on a lion who does not necessarily know strategically what to do versus a human, which does know strategically what to do. And you also have a giant, unwieldy shield to deal with built for a large animal instead of a little quick, like lightly armored human. I just, I feel like, I feel like that would almost be your biggest downfall. But then again, you do still have a big ass shield. So I mean, I think, I think Gunners, I don't, I don't, I'm not even going to try to say their names. I think Gunners would be on the defensive for more of it, but I think it'd get a lot. It'd take a lot to get through it. I don't think there'd be a lot of offense from Gunners Gladiator. So I've, my gut says that Ben's would win, but then we're tied and it's, I. You know what, a tie is okay because there's one more round that we're going to do. If you guys couldn't tell what was going to happen, it was going to be a final round between the two winners. And I feel like I've already talked enough for this episode. So I'm going to just have Gunner and Dylan go at each other with their gladiators and then gave you an eye will vote on the final winner. Who would like to go first? And this time I'm going to, I'm going to give you a minute because clearly 40 seconds was far, sorry, 30, it was 30. 30 seconds was far too short. So I'm just going to say one minute and put the timer up on the screen. So who would like to go first? Gunner, would you like to? Sure. Okay, so I'll start now. So I feel like it would go well against the trident because I have a giant shield to block the trident. Oh, okay. So there's a giant shield to block the trident, but the tricky part would be the dealing with the net. So to, I feel like combating with the net, a shield could help, you know, just kind of block the net, but also like a net can go around a shield. But I do have a dagger still to go through the net. The other thing too is I'm not as armored, so I'm still pretty, you know, you know, one thing constraint with armor is too much of it makes you a little bit more constrained to motion. So I feel like I don't have that. However, the giant helmet does. A giant helmet is pretty heavy and does have some restriction to it, but the mermaido also can go up against the helplain, I guess. No, sorry. No. I was reading the wrong thing. Whatever. Anyways, you're good. They have it. All right. Very good arguments. I like it. Dylan, are you ready to go ahead and start? All right. Begin. So obviously Gunnar is correct. Obviously his class has the advantage of having a shield, having a nice big helmet that protects off his vital jugular organs around his neck and whatnot, meaning that my fight is definitely going to be a lot harder than my own fight myself. But my mind and my heart at its core always shoots and roots for the smaller guy. And the reason why I say that is because the smaller guy will always have something that the bigger guys do not, and that is something I mentioned earlier, endurance. They will keep going on and on and on. They are trained to be equipped at their least vital form. Somebody at that tier can fight somebody virtually naked with only the risk of having their own main weapon. So even with all that being said and knowing that these my recarios have an extra trend of fighting these types of gladiators, I still feel like the undarked konama come on top just based off the factors that they are more trained to be under more extreme circumstances and they can work well better under harsher pressure, meaning that my class would win. I yield my time. Which was zero. You had no more time left. This is a much harder one. This is probably the hardest one so far because I feel like you're ranged. The fact that you have the ranged weapon kind of goes out the door a little bit with Gunner's giant shield because, you know, you're typically fighting people with shields like maybe, you know, not super big. So it'd be easier to just kind of duke somebody out or like bounce off their shield and like go down or whatever. But if Gunner's got a massive shield, you basically have to run circles around him to get an opportunity to get Adam with the trident. Then again, your net would give you the opportunity to maybe do that while he's trying to get himself out. This is a hard one. And to be fair also, I just wanted to comment on two like this is probably what the people like the poor civilians are richer civilians I'd say would probably bet on as well as that like this would be a top typical bow so it's like really who could win. I see on this one. I feel like the shield is a lot. I don't know. I feel like the field is very beneficial in this one specifically because you have two range weapons. You have the trident and you have the net. Let's say even if you get the net around the shield because you're obviously going to block yourself with the shield. You get the net around the shield. Oh no, he doesn't have a shield anymore. Gunner said he had a giant helmet that protects a lot of the vitals and he still has a little teeny tiny dinky sword. And although Dylan's isn't as heavy with armor or anything, he still has a very large trident to try to swing around and try to poke with. So I almost, it's really hard. This one's really hard. I don't know. See, my thing is it's such a massive risk for Dylan's gladiator because say he throws the net and gets it around him, he's got a pretty high chance of getting a chance to poke him. But if he throws that thing and Gunner's shield blocks it or it just wraps around Gunner's shield, then he throws the shield or whatever, then I feel like Dylan might be in trouble, but then again might not because Gunner would have a hard time getting close to him with the trident. But I think if Gunner was able to get close enough, Dylan would be screwed because then you'd have to like try to switch over to his dagger or whatever, but by then it'd probably be too late. Imagine this, imagine this, imagine a fisherman against big shield man and a big shield man hides behind a shield and then tip toes around the back and then fisherman's like he's behind the shield and he starts attacking the shield. Meanwhile, meanwhile, big shield man is behind fisherman and ding, ding, ding, ding, bam, done. That's part of the decoy. What do you think of that? It's possible. It's not likely, but it's possible. I think I'm going to have to just, I hate to say this because my gut is telling me Dylan's is going to win, but I want to give it to Gunners because I think it'd be pretty easy to get the net out of the picture with the shield. And then by that point, Dylan is kind of in a little bit more trouble. And the trident could very, very easily get stuck in the shield. If it's, you know, a wooden shield, it'd be hard to take out. See, the thing is, I feel like in real, in real life, it would literally just come down to skill level. I think this would be a very entertaining fight. I think they both have very good chances of winning, but I think, in my, in my mind, I think Gunners gladiator would win this hypothetical fight. It's hard telling, honestly, because that's what people would, that's what they would sell the shows for. The gladiator shows is to literally figure out that debacle and per each fighter, like specific one in history, it's like, you know, they would change, it would vary. Now, if my horse boy was in the fight, he would win everything. Okay, fuck, I told you, my horse would, my guy would annihilate your horse guy in a moment, in a moment, just because you have a horse. Okay, okay, maybe, maybe he'd kill a horse, but then the guy has a second weapon. He has a big poke, a shield, and a sword. The guy's gonna be like, no, my horse, my horse, Leonard. Also, what if the horse dies and falls on like the guy's leg or something? That would suck. Exactly. But like, I don't know, he still has a chance. I mean, hopefully he's been trained to, to bail at a good time. Gabe, can I give you, is that, is that what would happen? Because I was going to ask for a more clarification about you were like, inevitably, they're both going to end up all the horses. I think, genuinely, from what I could tell, either the horse dies, and both horses die, or they have like an actual, like you said, a referee come in and be like, okay, now time for you guys to, because it didn't, from my research, it didn't tell me why. They just said, okay, guys, eventually they're going to start fighting each other. It's like, well, I guess so. I think either the horses would die, or the referee would just say, okay, it's time to fight with your hands and swords. That's what would happen. All right, well, I hope you guys feel that you learned some stuff about gladiators and found entertaining because I sure did. Yes. Let's see, I'm in the mood for a pharmacy fact. Do we have one for today? We do. So have you ever wondered where brand drug names get their names? Well, there is usually a team of, like a creative marketing team that spends, you know, hundreds of hours coming up with a name. But sometimes there is no meaning behind the name. They just found a name, and they said, this sounds good, and then they give it to that. So where brand names come from, such as brand names that you might be hearing a lot right now, such as like Truelicity or Zempic as like, you know, for injectable medications all the way to like Zeria or Lunesta, you know, you may not really know where they come from, but I would like to remind you that a creative marketing team spends hours. I mean, hundreds of hours just coming up with this one single name. So, they're goofy sometimes because they always have doing like white people spelling. They never spell things phonetically. They always spell them like with as many different unique letters to make it recognizable. It's goofy. It is goofy. And it's always like, it's always syllables that aren't found in a lot of English. Like, what's, isn't there one called like Rex Salty or something like that? Yeah. And it's just like, that's, I guess it worked because I remembered the name, but like, it's just it's goofy. They're just gibberish. I feel like half the time. I'm just imagining like a meeting for one of these teams, like they're all just sitting in a big conference room with like a big whiteboard at the end, and somebody just goes up with a marker and it's like, then a drill. Some guy wrote Dylan drill, and everybody's like boo, and then Ben shows up and writes Ben a drill. Pharmacists looking at Ben Gay. Wow, that's really good. That is interesting. I did not know that. Thank you. No problem. Great. Mr. Gabriel. Do we have any, any something new in marketing? Oh, we're so remarketing today. I'm very happy you asked. Yes. So, as of recording this recording this on June 10th, and that is the 2024 WDC happened today, or WWDC my bad. It stands for the World Wide Developers Conference. It is Apple's second biggest event of the year behind the iPhone announcement in the all the other hardware announcements. They have three or four in a year, and this is the second biggest. They just announced all of their new software. So this year was pretty big. iOS 18 is coming this fall, and in iOS 18, you can customize your homepage by moving apps wherever you want them instead of them always locking at the top. So it's kind of more Android style. You can move them all over the screen wherever you want. You can also set colors of apps so you can customize colors of apps, just whatever color you want. And there's a new dark mode version of the homepage. So you can completely make your homepage dark mode. There are a few tweaks to messages, the app and the control center. The most important being that you can set messages to send in the future automatically. So you can, if you don't want to forget somebody's birthday, you can say, hey, Siri, well, I'm not going to say that word, but you can say, hey, assistant, text somebody June 15 at 1201 and tell them happy birthday, and it'll do that automatically for you. They're also embracing emoji reactions, much like Instagram, Meta, Discord, you can respond, you can react with emojis and messenger or messages. And you can also lock specific apps. So people using your phone can't open apps unless they use Face ID, and you can even hide apps from view and put them in a locked folder. So people won't even be able to tell you that you have certain apps, which just sounds like they're appealing to cheaters. If I'm being completely honest, or like kids with helicopter parents. And that was iOS, iPadOS, they finally introduced the calculator app to which iPad users will know there's never been a native calculator app on iPadOS or iOS. If you have an Apple pencil, you can hand write equations, and the calculator app will solve them for you, which is huge, obviously like math class and stuff. You could just write down your math equation that you're working on, and it'll solve it for you. They also redesigned a few apps on iPadOS, namely the office apps like Keynote. The really, really big thing that they are, and this is why it's marketing, the thing that they're pushing is AI. Everybody knew it was coming, they have a lot of AI components, and they're new in how silicon, and they're calling it Apple Intelligence. So AI, Apple Intelligence, yup. You're at that end. So Apple Intelligence. And there's a bunch, there's a lot to this, like I'd say a good 30 or 40 minutes of the presentation was just on Apple Intelligence. But the big ones are Siri uses AI to recognize continuity in your conversations with it. So if you say like, "Hey, what's the weather in Cleveland?" It'll say, "Okay, weather in Cleveland." And you could say, "Okay, set a reminder to go there tomorrow." And it'll remember that you said Cleveland, and set a reminder to take you to Cleveland tomorrow. And it also understands meanings of what you say instead of the specific words of what you say. So if you mess up, if you accidentally say, "Oh, show me pictures of a buck." I mean, not a butt, a duck. It won't be confused and be like, "I don't know what you're talking about." It'll show you pictures of a duck. You can search your photos app for specific things, like an article of clothing somebody's wearing, or you can search videos for specific instances in videos. So if somebody does a backflip or something, you can search for this person doing a backflip, and it'll find that specific part of the video. There is so, so, so much more, but my main point of this was that Apple is falling behind in the AI space, and this was huge. They're really pushing AI on iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and I think it's macOS Sequoia is the new one. They're really trying to bring everything into AI, bring everything together because they have been falling behind Microsoft. Chat GPT, obviously, a lot of their competitors have been embracing AI, and now Apple's finally doing it too. So it'll just kind of, who knows, this is kind of a big moment for them as to whether it will succeed. They're also playing a little bit of a safer bet because they're introducing, like, the ability to use chat GPT, and they're saying that they want to do other AI's in the future, baked into the OS, so you can use chat GPT in iOS. And their biggest thing with it, which is something, this is the last thing I promise, this is really long, but the biggest thing they're trying to push with this is that this isn't just AI, this is secure AI. A lot of the computation happens on your device. They make it a big point to not send things to the cloud unless they absolutely have to, and even if they do, it'll be safer, supposedly safer, and more encrypted, and blah, blah, blah, not sold, and all this kind of stuff that a lot of people are afraid of with data collection these days. So it's just supposed to be a super secure AI that they're really pushing in this next year. So that is our, this weekend marketing for this week. What do you fellas think? It still feels like it's way behind. I mean, yeah, but something that Apple loves to do is they love making sure that you, it's all a part of the ecosystem, the Apple ecosystem, and their features are always super, super well baked and well embedded into that. So like, you can make your own emojis now with AI. You can type in what emoji you want, and it'll literally use AI to create an emoji for you, and photos and that kind of thing. It's like there's definitely an Apple magic to it, but yeah, I agree with you. It's not as advanced. Which is like, that is cool, but like when you said, like, oh, it'll tell you, it'll ask you, if you ask your word, but the temperature is in Ohio, and then say, okay, it's a reminder to flood Ohio. Can't, doesn't normal Siri already fucking do that? It's just supposed to be better. They've bragged about continuity in the past. I thought the same thing, but it's just supposed to be even better. Well, I think the thing that Gabe was getting at is like, you could say Cleveland, and then in a second request, you could just refer to it as there, because you already said Cleveland in the last one. And it's like, oh, he's talking about Cleveland. You don't specify. I don't know. For me, I get Apple's thing. Like, I'm Apple ecosystem crazy. I have a MacBook everything. I get it. But my thing is that with AI, it's something that like, I won't say it. I'm not the biggest AI fan ever, really. But other AI companies like OpenAI itself, like in Microsoft, whatnot. AI, as much as I hate saying it, is growing exponentially at a very, very fast pace. And for Apple, just for now, just being like, okay, Siri can tell you if it can't remember a conversation you had just two seconds ago. That's like, it's child's play in comparison to how fast the market's growing. I get it. I get it. That's a very good point. But I think Apple has always taken the slow and steady approach and have always tried to make features as well baked as possible. Like, they care less about innovation and more about being able to play well with other Apple devices. So like something that you will find specifically beneficial, Dylan, is that on this new Mac OS, Sequoia and iOS, you can use your phone on your Mac. You can use like, literally, your phone can be sitting across the room. You can use your phone on your Mac and your phone will stay locked and you can just use it like you use an iPhone. So like, that's not like super technologically advanced stuff. It's just that's useful to people who are in the ecosystem. So same thing with this AI stuff. It's like, it's not like making your bed for you or making you dinner or like, it's not groundbreaking stuff. It's just super, super well baked, hopefully. That's what they're going for. I'm not saying, I think it is. But they're just wanting it to be super, super useful in the terms of the... Fair enough. But also in that same WWDC, they're like, we added the calculator app to iPad. That's real, by the way, they were like, that's a big thing they were hyping up was finding the calculator app to iPad. People have been asking it since the iPad came out. But at least when they released it, they also released the handwriting thing where you can just literally use your Apple. Anyway, yes. All right. Well, I think that'll move us on to the Roblox. Yeah, the Roblox segment. Yeah. So typically, I coded the Roblox fact of the week. And this will kind of be like, for a variety of Roblox things. Like, I don't know if you have a Roblox history or whatever. But since the event that happened today in Roblox history isn't like much to be all crazy about. I'm also going to talk about some interesting things about Roblox in general. So, with that being said, on this day in history in Roblox history, on June 10th, 2021, the Roblox Corporation is sued for using copyrighted audio without permission. And what I mean by this is users who use the built-in beatbox system that was a gear on Roblox. The users could upload sound IDs that were obviously directly pulled from big artists, big games, et cetera, et cetera. And obviously, UMG, who is a very big music label group, said this is terrible because they're a big music label group and they suck, and they sued Roblox because these kids were uploading audios, which started a big purge in a bunch, which kicked off the huge purge in audios on the Roblox platform. But that's really it for things in history, but the cool Roblox fact is, did you know that during the first and second ever, Roblox level live streams, and for the viewers, the next level was a Roblox hosted live stream where Roblox staff members would get it bring on a special guest host, and they would just play Roblox for like an hour and a half or whatever. The special guest host for the first two episodes was Mr. Telemont himself, John Schittletsky, and the fun thing he said was, if any, what pretty much what he did is he offered a 20,000 Roblox bounty for the first person to record or live stream any weird evidence of a weird occurrence in Apocalypse Rising. And what he ended up referring to was the Patience Zero Easter Egg that was found in the original APOC game. Ben's shaking his head because he knows exactly what I'm talking about, essentially it was an Easter Egg where if you're in like a certain, well, none of it even didn't really matter, just like every now and then the game would start glitching out a bunch of scary things would happen, a big like scary black figure would be out in the field, it'd get closer to you, and then it would attack you, and when you woke up you had one HP, you were in the main hospital in the main city, Kin, and you had to revive. It was a big thing, and Schittletsky won an evidence of this, hence why he had such a big bounty for the time, but it was 2014, I believe, so 20,000 Roblox spent a lot back then. I've been here to say, still dies, I don't have 20,000 Roblox. I mean, yeah, it's still not like for majority, but like if you're a developer, it's like 20,000 is like, you know, buying a video game nowadays. Yeah, Alan, that's interesting, I don't even know that. Yes, it is. I remember that back in the day, it was always terrifying to just be playing the game with friends, like building a base or something, and all of a sudden your screen just started glitching, and there was just this dark figure coming towards you. Have you had that happen to you, Ben, when you played APOC? It did, it happened to me twice. I was never happy to be whenever I played it, unfortunately. Really? I know, I missed out. Ah, well. All right, well, that was a good one, I enjoyed that one. I do have a very brief legal fact for us today. It is about piracy, not the media piracy that is commonly referred to by the FBI warnings that you see before movies. What's up, Dylan? Are you talking about actual pirates? Yeah. Yay! I'm not going to say too much about it. All I was going to say was, you hear a lot about piracy, but how much do you really hear about what happens to convicted pirates? Evicted pirate! Yeah, I'd be behind the bars for attempted wastewater. They can't live within a thousand feet of a harbor. They have to register with the pirate registry. The pirate registry? The pirate registry. Oh my God. So, there was a study done in 2012, and it was, let me see, they were examining the average sentence for piracy in the Somali area, which is known as like the most high volume area. So, what was found was the average sentence for a piracy crime, 16 years. Were you guys expecting it to be more or less than that? I mean, 16 sounds about right. I mean, it depends on if anybody dies. I know Somali pirates were, or are pretty vicious sometimes. They kill somebody that wanted to be longer. So, yeah, that was pretty much all it was, just a brief little thing. Did you guys know that the lead pirate from Captain Phillips was housed in a prison in Indiana? Do you know which one? I think it was in Terra Hope. Oh, okay, cool. I did not know that. That's really funny. I imagine what would be my line, my last place to live. Terra Hope, Indiana. You live your life on the Seven Seas. You get stuck in Terra Hope. They have a good Holocaust Museum, but that's about it. Oh my God. Were there any other segments or topics that you wanted to talk about while we're on here? There's two. The first one was Weird News. Are you guys wanting to hear some weird news? Yeah. Why not? Yes. Do you have it? It's good. So, for today, as always, this comes straight from the Associated Press. African elephants call each other by unique name. New study shows. So, African elephants call each other and respond to individual names, something that few wild animals do according to New Research published Monday. The names are part of elephants' low rumbles that they can hear over long distances across the savannah. Scientists believe that animals with complex social structures and family groups that separate and then reunite often may be more likely to use individual names. It's extremely rare for what? Well. Yeah, okay. It's extremely rare for wild animals to call each other by unique names. Humans have names, of course, and our dogs come with their names. You know, what? Oh, that's what it's saying. Okay. That's a really weird way to say it. Baby dolphins invent their own names called signature whistles and parrots. Parrots may also use names. Each of these naming species also possess the ability to learn to pronounce unique new sounds throughout their lives. A rare talent that elephants also possess. Do you guys have any thoughts about it so far? What are you guys thinking? Let's say birdies. Cool. Very, very cool and very weird news. So cool. So the research was basically done. They use machine learning to detect the use of names in a sound library of savannah elephant vocalizations recorded at Kenya's Samburu National Reserve and Boselli National Park. The researchers follow the elephants and jeeps to observe who called out and who appeared to respond. For example, from other called to a calf or a matriarch called to a straggler who later rejoined the family group. So you just like listening your mom saying, "Get your ass over here." And then you're like, "Oh, that's me." And then you go over. Pretty cool. Analyzing only the audio data, the computer model predicted which elephant was being addressed 28% of the time likely due to the inclusion of its name. And fed meaningless data, the model only accurately labeled 8% of calls. That's kind of statistically significant. That's some good evidence for it. And I'm not going to read any further into the article because that's all we really need to know. But I totally believe that. They're smart. They're smart. Cookies, man. Elephants are smart. That's kind of cute. As if they couldn't get any cuter, they have little names for their own selves, which makes sense in pack animals, you know, that travel together. Yeah, I wonder if like, there's a way that we could recreate the sounds, like not as our sounds, but like if we had the technology to recreate them, if they would respond to that as well. I mean, if we just recorded the mom saying the name and then played it back. Yeah. But then again, that's not really the same thing because then it's the mom's voice and to that point we're just gaslighting the poor thing into thinking its mom is calling it. Yeah. Sliding elephant. Yes. Oh gosh. That's today's weird news. What do you guys guys have any thoughts? It was weird. All right. Oh, heck yeah. That was pretty cool. Thank you. We had a lot of cool segments today. We did. Did you say there was one other topic? Well, there's one other thing I just wanted to I forgot. I meant to say this at the beginning of the episode, but a happy Pride month. I don't think we've ever mentioned it on the podcast. So happy Pride month. Happy Pride month. I believe we are all allies if not, we are actually a part of like the group. So that's all. Yes, sir. And the final thing would just be what are the odds if you want me to start that. Yes. Yes. Happy Pride month. What do you do? No. So one of the odds is a combination of a dare and a bet. There's an odds asker and a victim. The odds asker dares the victim to do a dare and the victim gets to accept their own likelihood of having to do the dare by setting a number. The higher the number, the less likely is the victim is to have to do the dare on the count of three, a third party counts down and the odds asker and the victim say a number between one and the number that the victim said at the same time. If they say the same number, the victim has to do the dare if none of our individual odds to each other hit, we will elect one to become a descending odds, which is pretty self-explanatory. And we'll get it if we get there. I can start. Yes. Gabe, your elephant segment made me think of this. I did not have an odds prepared until that moment. What are the odds that you have to call your mom and refer to her as matriarch? Because you mentioned that. Yes. I thought you were going to say elephant. I'm like, I'm not calling my mom an elephant. That's so mean. I'm so horrible. I'm so glad you said matriarch. No, you have to be like, hey, matriarch. I just wanted to check in how to go. 20, 15, 15, three, two, one, 15, well, Dylan, yeah, what are the odds that you have to change your alarm clock for the next week? And all it can be is car horn. Old car horn, I think, is what it's called. Dylan, I think you know what to say. Yeah, I mean, two, it's all right. Three, two, one. One, two. Oh, I guess you're waking up to car horn every morning. I was just for clarification, everybody. The most visceral way to wake up, okay. My main concern is I was just never going to wake up because that doesn't sound good to be loud enough, but I don't know. Dylan, what are the odds? You get a photo of yourself printed out, just like a portrait photo. It can't be like a family photo. You have to be by yourself just like looking at the camera. You have to get it printed out and you have to frame it and put it somewhere very visible in your house for an entire year. They're just-- Yes! Preferably your room, because that would be the funniest. But frame picture, if you're still in your own room, oh my god. That is really, really funny. What is like the cost to get like a big portrait like that and getting like a print cost is more of what I'm thinking? That's fair. I mean, I'll subsidize. I'll at least help out if not just buy it if it is. All right, then, too. Yeah. I won't buy it. I'll subsidize. I'll subsidize. All right, whatever. Is it somewhere keeping it too still? Yeah. Yeah. All right. Three, two, one. One. One. Well, I've got to figure out how to get this. I mean, I can honestly probably just replace it with the one above your bed. I was looking at it, I immediately looked at the starry knife picture that's over my bed. Can you do it? Yeah. So it would cut like the corner of it would be visible in the back. Yes. Can you put it on that little white? So like behind you next to your door that yeah, they're or more like over my dress. Yes. Just so it's visible when we record that would be so fun. I'll find a stud. I'll find a stud. Nobody's home. Oh my gosh. That's a good one. That's really funny. Okay. All right. We'll come full circle. Yes. That comes right back over to me, then I guess I'll ask Ben, Mr. Benjamin. Yes. What are the odds that you have to, man, I didn't, I didn't think this through. We're at the longest time to think of. I know. I was sorry. I was looking at a Roblox game. I was in like an event back in like 2010 and I thought, wow, it was really cool. I wasn't even thinking about making an odds shoot. Then I guess like, what are the odds that I feel like we should get more stuff geared for the Milwaukee trip? Okay. Yeah. What are the odds that whenever we're in like Wisconsin and we're all at a place ordering breakfast, you for your meal, you just have to have only grits. Every time, no, just one meal we go out, like, and I actually, you know, to make it spicy, it'll be my call from when you have to order grids. You have no say on which we go to like the most famous breakfast restaurant in all of and I will score spend to just get grits. Yeah. Does he have to finish? I mean, it's up to you. It's like, if he doesn't eat them, he doesn't eat breakfast. I'll just say, I mean, there's always salt and pepper. I'll just say like seven. All right. Okay. Three. Two. One. Three. One. All right. It doesn't hit. Yeah. Two odds hit. Two odds hit. I guess one technically. Yeah. One. Yes. Yes. I'm very happy that that hit. I have to wake up to Garro or now. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. What was there? I can't remember. What was the timeframe? Were you have to wake up to that? Oh, a week. Oh, just a week. Okay. I don't know why my mind made it up to be like a month or something. All right. Well, we made it through all four hosts of the first round of season one. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. Season four. We're back. We'll go back to the flashback. Do we have a teaser for our next episode game or are we going to keep it under wraps? I have. I've been tossing around multiple, multiple ideas and depending on when we see each other next, our next episode might not even have a host because Gunnar and I have been talking about a very specific gun. I'm just going to say we've been talking about making Midwest treats and having like a taste test of Midwest treats on the podcast and recording it. So like things that we didn't even necessarily know were specifically to Midwest just trying them and giving them a little reviews. So that might be it. But if it's mine, I don't, I don't have one. I've tossed around a few ideas, knowing me, it'll probably be something food related. Well, this is the fun one. So all right, everybody. Thank you for listening. Go check us out at our wet pod on Instagram, Gabe. What's our email reality with the twist podcast at If you, if you email us, we will respond 100% you can give us show ideas. You can give us feedback. You can curse at us. I don't care. But we will respond. All right, I've been Ben, I've been Gabriel, I've been Gunnar and I've been Dylan and we'll see you next time on reality with the twist. Bye. Bye. Bye. [MUSIC]