Turley Talks

Ep. 2679 ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference a complete FAIL!! Dems FREAKING OUT!!

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13 Jul 2024
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(Note: This episode is a clip from our Friday livestream.)

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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turley. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges, and together learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turley Talks. I think that what Nicole points out about the reality about polling numbers for incumbent presidents and the real history of that versus what President Biden said, which was not actually factually accurate, as far as I can tell, that's worrying because it makes me worry that the president is being given information about his political standing that may not be based in reality, that may be sunnier than is real. They do acknowledge that polling has taken a hit, but they also say that they still see a path to 270, that path runs through the best path, they say, through Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. I might observe that's their only path. And like Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia were arguably gone before the debate. And we have time to go, but they were already certainly leaning away from Joe Biden. And quite frankly, as you know, Jake, if you sit down with Biden campaign officials prior to the debate, they would say their path to 270 is through Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and the Second Congressional District of Nebraska. And they wanted this early debate because they wanted to wake up the public to this race and to this contrast. The public has been awakened to this contest. I don't think in the way that the Biden campaign wanted, but you are, I should just note, since the debate, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin got harder, not easier. So even though they see that as their only viable path, that means their viable path got less probable for them. - Just to, they see it as their best path. I'm the one saying it's their only path as of right now. - He's gone, Gag. I mean, as far as CNN is concerned, and even to a certain extent, MSNBC, Gag, Joe is done. The painful reality of the polling is starting to set in, and more and more Democrats and media pundits are coming to the conclusion Joe has got to go, right? Joe has got to go. We got the latest on Biden's dismal press conference last night, where he committed perhaps the two worst gaps of his entire presidency, and that's saying something. And we're going to see why, as of today, more and more Democrats are indeed more determined than ever to remove Biden from the ticket. - Hey, Gag, with everything going on right now, it's hard to say what could happen or what will happen. And to make matters even worse, we usually don't find out until it's too late. But when it comes to your money, you should understand what's at stake. That's why I partnered with GoldCo. Now, you guys know I'm a big fan of hedging future risks with the timeless value of gold and silver. And that's why you've got to click on the link below or go to to get your free gold and silver kit. It's an amazing free resource that shows you step-by-step how to get into precious metals tax-free and penalty-free, even if your money's still in a retirement account, like an IRA or 401(k). And the best part is that you may already qualify to get up to $10,000 in free silver. You see in the writing on the wall, click on that link below or go to to get your free gold and silver kit right now. Because this is about taking back control of your freedom and your privacy. We can't predict the future, but we can certainly prepare for it. So don't wait. Take action now to defend your freedom, your privacy, and your future. Click on that link below right now. It was, when all said and done, a frankly bizarre and rather surreal press conference. Remember, it was billed as Biden's big boy conference. This was his big boy. This was a completely unscripted event that began with Biden using a teleprompter for his opening remarks. Yes. Yes. Biden began his unscripted press conference by reading from a script. And then after that, he did this. I'll take your questions. I've been given a list of people to call on here. Reuters. Jeff Mason. So again, this big boy press conference for old poopy pants. This completely unscripted press conference begins with Biden delivering a scripted intro. And then he reads from a script on who he's going to call from. Again, I just, I want this to sink in. When have you ever seen anything even remotely like this? What other world leaders doing this? What other politician is doing this period? When have you ever seen a press conference, one where the president begins with a teleprompter for his opening remarks and then calls on members of the press from a previously approved list of names? If this isn't the definition of choreographed, I don't know what is. Now, what followed, as you would expect, given the only people who were allowed to ask questions are those who were pre-approved. What followed were puffball kid gloves questions from an obviously corrupt establishment press corps. Question after a question to get clearly choreographed to deliberately try desperately try to make Biden seen cogent and coherent and competent. But Biden obviously knew the questions ahead of time. Some think he had something in his ear just by the way he was speaking. We don't know. And of course we should put that past them. And yet despite all of that obvious choreography, despite all of that, here is how Biden answered his first question. Do you have about Vice President Harris's ability to beat Donald Trump if she were at the top of the ticket? Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President. Do I think she's not qualified to be President? So let's start there. Let's start there. Let's start off this press conference. My big boy moment with the biggest, one of the biggest gaps of my presidency. Let's start with a major gap referring to the Vice President as Trump. Now you all know that gap was bad enough. But you all know that wasn't it. You all know that wasn't it. You all know that gap came on the heels of an even more consequential gap earlier in the day. When Biden was introducing Ukrainian President Zelensky to the podium, and here is his utterly cringe-worthy introduction. Now I want to hand it over to the President of Ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. President Putin is going to beat President Putin. President Zelensky. I'm so focused on beating Putin. We got to worry about it. Anyway, Mr. President- I'm better. You are hell-hopped better. Right, he may be better, but Biden sure ain't. I mean, that gap, that gap, it wasn't, look, let's just be honest, it wasn't just a gap. That was gang, that was painful idiocy on display for all the world to see. That was idiocy. No other world leader would have done that. No other world leader would have expressed himself in such a painfully idiotic mistake. I mean, of all the gaps you can make with Vladimir Zelensky, that's the last way. Introducing him as his mortal enemy in the time of war is probably the last one. Here's how Red Eagle politics put it, I thought this was very clever. Biden called Zelensky Putin and Kamala Trump a couple hours apart, arguably two of the worst gas of his presidency, both at a time when he's trying to prove he's still caught up. He's still quote with it, glorious. It was, it was glorious. And that constant Biden deference to anyway, anyway, when he embarrasses himself when he starts losing his train of thought, that of course was literally littered all throughout the press conference. This is a, well, anyway, in the next debate, I'm not going to be traveling in the 15 time zones a week before. Anyway, I'm catching hell for my wife. Anyway, it wasn't about just, anyway, everybody's objective it is. And anyway, but then again, there are better than a lot of other people here too, but anyway. Now, of course, the press conference had winner now becoming routine Biden cognitive malfunctions like this one. And I think you'll see that some of our European friends are going to be curtailing their involved investment in Russia. I mean, excuse me, in China, as long as China continues to have this indirect success help to Russia in terms of being able to help their economy as well as as well as help them in as a consequence that their ability to fight in, in Ukraine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know what he just said there. I don't think he knows what he just said there. That's one of those moments. And there was even, there was even a moment of extraordinary irony. Who goes would inform you. Am I using that way? Are you thinking that way about how the next two? Down, I can't get the job done. That's a sign that I shouldn't be doing it. But there's no indication that. None. We got here. Oh. Meric. Busky radio. All right, for some reason that clip got interrupted. I don't know what that was, but basically he said if I slow down, I can't get the job done. And that's a sign that I shouldn't be doing it. But there's no indication of that. None. None. And then he goes. Okay. Someone help me read this list. Now, there were at least some. Reporters among that feckless lot that pre approved feckless lot. That did ask some pressing questions about Biden's fledgling campaign and and Biden's response, of course. Did not disappoint. Take a look. Who goes would inform you. Am I using that way? Are you thinking that way about how the next two weeks go? Will that affect your decision? Or are you fully determined on running in November as the party's nominee? I'm determined on running, but I think it's important that I lay fears. I see, let them see me out there. Let me see my, you know, for the longest time it was, you know, Biden's not prepared to sit with us unscripted. Biden's not prepared in any way. Are you worried about this cognitive decline? No, I did. Anyway, defers again to his anyway. And at the end, at the end of this conference, perhaps the most fitting end to this, frankly, train wreck. I don't like train wreck of a campaign. Biden was asked about President Trump's response to his confusing him with Kamala Harris. Trump had already been tweeting out what a goof Biden is in confusing him with Kamala Harris. Here's what Biden had to say. This concludes. I mean, seriously, what kind of answer was that? Listen to him. This concludes tonight's conference. Thank you, everybody. Thanks, everyone. Seriously, I mean, seriously, what kind of answer was that? Listen to him. Well, what does that even mean? Listen to him. What does that mean? I mean, and then he just shuffles off the stage. The Biden shuffle. I'll give him that, by the way, he didn't get lost getting off the stage. I'll give him that. It was, I mean, I don't even know what to say here. Here's the headline. I'll let, I'll let the New York Post say it. Here's the headline from this morning's edition. Blunder of the world. No, not wonder. Blunder of the world with the byline, Bumblin-Biden. Did you see that, by the way? That's our tagline, Bumblin-Biden. That's our moniker for him. I should have trademarked that. Bumblin-Biden gaffs his way through make or break Q and A. Any Dem convinced? And of course, that's the fundamental question of this campaign. Of this imploding catastrophic campaign. How many Democrats are going to stick with Joe after these utterly disastrous two weeks? We know more and more never. Trumpers who were all with Joe at the beginning are leaving the Biden train now. Megan McCain has had enough. The ultimate never Trump retweeted out. Please stop making us watch Biden humiliate himself. I really can't take it anymore. I feel so sick and sad and awful about all of this is absolutely heartbreaking. Something's obviously wrong with him. I truly don't understand what his family is thinking. Yeah, you're a little late to the party, Megan. I mean, we're all saying this three and a half years ago when you're piling on Trump, when you and your ilk were fawning all over this corpse in the basement here in Delaware. I mean, remember, that's what's so utterly ironic about what Biden was saying, last nor at least trying to say, you know, thralls mumbling and his slaying of prepositions. You know, I've been all over the world. I've been all over the world these last two weeks. Where was Trump? Where's Trump been? I bet when I don't hold me to about it. Well, anyway, I've been, I've been to 20 cities. I've been to 20, 20 different cities. What's Trump? Do you just, he's, he's just sitting on a, on a golf car, a golf car. I, well, anyway, that's coming from a guy who got elected. Elected, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. After hiding in his basement for months. That's coming from a guy who got hold up for six days at Camp David to prepare for a debate. He absolutely bombed. I mean, how can anyone take anything coming out of that oatmeal crusted mouse? Seriously, I have no idea at this point. And frankly, that appears to be the opinion of more and more high-ranking, high-ranking Democrats here. Unfortunately for Joe and his rehabilitation tour. Four more congressional Democrats have come out as of this morning, calling on Biden to step aside. This is not going to stop. This is not going to stop this drip drip or this, or as Karl Rove, who I normally despise, but I think he rightfully put it. This campaign is basically bleeding out in front of us. And we're just going to see this pull of blood grow and grow and grow. Make no mistake, there are now reports that dozens, you heard that right, dozens, this is from CBS News. Dozens of Democrats are about to step forward and call on Biden to bow out of this race. This is coming out at the exact same time that CNN is reporting that Pelosi and Obama are getting together to discuss Joe's viability behind the scenes. I mean, you can't make this stuff up. I mean, talk about Game of Thrones stuff. You've got now internal polling among Democrats. Have you heard about this? They're trying to gauge whether Kackel's Kamala is a viable candidate? I mean, that's being reported under the surface, as it were. It's on low in terms of what's happening inside the Biden camp. They themselves want to see if Kamala is a feasible alternative. I have to be honest with you, I think that's a bit of job security for Joe that they're engaged in. Her numbers are so low. They want to show nervous donors, which we'll get into in a moment because this is huge. That's a huge development, but they want to show nervous donors that Biden is actually really their only hope against Trump. At Shurank Kamala, she polls even worse. But regardless, gang, regardless, the very fact that all of the, all these things are happening, just 100 plus days away from Election Day shows you what disarray the Democrats are in right now. Don't forget, we've got our cold arms event, our very own free online event this next Wednesday, July 17th at 7 p.m. Eastern, that you're absolutely not going to want to miss. This is no time to get complacent. We know this. We know the Democrats can steal. And that means that this is the time that we all galvanize together and we learn what we can each one of us do to bury the Democrats for a generation. That's exactly what we're going to be talking about on Wednesday nights, a completely free event that's designed to show you the crucial role that you can play in securing Trump's victory in November. We've already had over a thousand of your fellow Patriots RSVP, and if you click on that link below right now to secure your seat there, we're going to send you your courageous conservative book bundle. Absolutely free as a thank you for taking your part in securing Trump's victory seriously. Oh, yeah, I forgot. You can also scan the QR code to register. Isn't that cool? I told you we're getting high tech. Turley talks tech. So whatever you do, click on that link below or scan that QR code. I got to get used to saying that. I'm having my bottom. I keep doing QR code. Anyway, don't wait. Click on that link or scan that QR code and register today. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks podcast. Don't forget to subscribe. Leave us a five star review and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [Music]