Turley Talks

Ep. 2658 CNN TURNS ON Biden as Dems’ DESPERATION Reaches FULL PANIC!!!

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02 Jul 2024
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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turly Talks. Attempt to reassure voters about his fitness for office, Biden campaign chair, General Malley Dillon, holding a car with call with party leaders earlier today, telling them this too shall pass. There is a pattern, discernible pattern of democratic officials and seemingly trying to convince you, the public, to not believe what you saw and what you heard with your eyes and with your ears on Thursday night. What I believe we're going to do with the COVID, I should be dealing with everything we have to do with. Look, if we finally beat Medicare, the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. President Trump? I really don't know what he said at the end of this. I don't think he knows what he said either. Democratic officials have tried to spin this in many ways. They said President Biden just had a cold. They said it was just one off night, akin to when President Obama in 2012 was rusty and seemed a little huffing. But behind the scenes make no mistake, most Democratic officials witnessed the same shocking spectacle that you did. The difficulty that the presumptive Democratic nominee, the current President of the United States, had just articulating his basic thoughts during the 90 minutes of the debate. I'm going through a Biden moment right now. I'm speechless. I'm speechless. What you just heard, what you just saw. That was CNN. That was fake Jake himself. And CNN telling us that the Democrats are doing everything they possibly can to try to gaslight us, to try to convince us that we didn't see what we all saw with our very own eyes on Thursday night. That wasn't Fox. That wasn't Newsmax. That wasn't Breitbart. That wasn't one American news. That was CNN. That I'm, as you say across the pond, I think we all know exactly what's going on, and that's exactly what we're going to be talking about. Tonight's greetings, everyone. It is a live stream Monday night. An amazing Monday with win after win after win after win. I am your host, Dr. Steve, your Patriot professor, here to help you stay sane in these far less insane times. Are they not? So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe, but we've got our exclusive backstage private Q&A in discussion tonight. If you'd like to join our private exclusive virtual platform and ask me your questions and just have a great conversation with your fellow Patriots all over the world, just click on that link below or go to That's Sign up for any level of support that you like, whatever works for you, and you'll be given your own backstage pass to ask me anything you like tonight. Just click on that link below or go to Sign up as a supporter at any level, and we will transition to our private virtual platform in Mirror Moments, where we will have the most wonderful grand time of savoring our back-to-back victories. I mean, we're talking not just here in the States. France is going right like never before. It's absolutely amazing. They had extraordinary elections this weekend, so make sure you click on that link below. We've got so much to talk about. Join any level of support you want. You will be invited then to join us tonight in our own private exclusive online platform. Also, we got our boycott and bicot update so you can vote with your wallet and help build the parallel economy. You'll absolutely love it. Just click on that link below. Gang, as you saw, I mean pigs really do fly. I just don't know any other way of putting it. Pigs really do fly. It really does know in 80s. I don't know. Something very, very serious is happening here to make CNN do what we just saw them do. I'm going to have to, this is almost as shocking as Thursday night. CNN, you know, I don't even have to tell you. CNN does not talk like that. Jake Tapper does not do that. What we just saw, CNN does not do. CNN is comfortably situated within the gas lighting legacy media complex. CNN has been a leader in that gas lighting. They are the most distrusted name in fake news. That's my moniker for them. What am I going to do with that moniker now? CNN, the CNN that I know does not play over and over again for everyone to see once again, the shocking clips of Biden's obvious cognitive degeneration. And they certainly don't expose the fact that Democrats are desperately trying to hide those cognitive failings from you. In other words, when's the last time you saw CNN expose the fact that Democrats are trying to deceive you? When's the last time? Something extraordinary is obviously going on here. Now, we may have a clue from the latest from Tucker Carlson. Many of you may have already seen this, but Tucker is actually reporting that he's getting a very reliable word that the Obamas behind the scenes are wanting Biden out. In other words, things are starting to get very, very tense between Obama's people and the Biden people, which is basically Jill Biden, right? So, as you know, in public, Obama has tweeted out his continued support for Joe. We got to be 100% behind Joe and the same with Clinton. Bill Clinton has come out. We're 100% behind Joe. He's the best we got. Blah, blah, blah. That's what they're openly saying. But word is behind the scenes. Obama and Obama's people are privately saying Biden cannot win. This is going to be a blow-up. Now, keep in mind, I think Obama's being quite selfish here. I mean, this is about self-preservation. He's just as nervous about a Trump return as Biden would be, and as Clinton would be. None of them want Trump as number 47. They don't know what Trump is going to do to them. I mean, forget the Biden crime family. That's peanuts compared to the Obamas and the Clintons. They're nervous about Trump seeking retribution against them. After all, I mean, Biden, our Obama's the one who authorized the spying on Trump's campaign in the past. Now, we're getting word as well. This is from Politico. We're getting word now that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is privately telling Democrat insiders that Biden cannot win Michigan. Michigan is off the table. Now, again, just for you guys to know, Politico is the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party at this point. It's the de facto mouthpiece of the Democratic Party at this point. It's the de facto mouthpiece of the Democratic Party. They communicate to each other through Politico. And this message that's coming out from Gretchen Whitmer, who is obviously a presidential wannabe. Yeah, good luck with that. But this message from her is you guys better find somebody else. This is, I mean, Michigan is off the table. Now, we're going to be talking about the expanding electoral map that's happening right before our very eyes post debate. It is stunning. Okay, I'm going to save that for a little bit. But let's just put it this way. If you want to get kind of what's going on with Gretchen Whitmer here, if Trump is really up 18 in Iowa, like the Des Moines Register says he is, it was a poll published, I believe early last week, right? The Des Moines Register is considered one of the single most reputable polling outlets out there. They tend to poll within the margin of error in Iowa. If you want to know where Iowa is voting, take a look at the Des Moines Register. They have a pretty unblemished record. The latest poll has Trump over Biden by freaking 18. Now, if that is true, if Trump is up 18 in Iowa, it is virtually certain that Trump is going to win Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, not only because they all four of them tend to vote the same way. There are exceptions, 1988 was an exception, 2020 was an exception. But generally speaking, they tend to vote the same way. But also because their demographics are extremely similar. And keep in mind, Trump was up 18 in Iowa before the debate. Can you imagine what those numbers are now? So, Whitmer is flipping out over the debate, but she should have been flipping out early last week when this plus 18 from Iowa came out from the Des Moines Register. Because that's telling us that if he's up 18 in Iowa, Trump is way up in Michigan too. But you can cross-check it from a different vantage point. Think about the tide polls we're now getting from Virginia and Minnesota. If Trump and Biden are tied in Virginia and Minnesota, we know Trump is way up in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Why? Because there are far more Republicans in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. So, if they're tied in states with far less Republicans than obviously Trump is doing significantly proportionately more better in states where there is significantly or Republicans plus six plus eight plus not. Oh, and by the way, just to test that theory out, we got a brand new post-debate poll coming out of the Keystone state of Pennsylvania. Guys ready for this? Here is the latest. This is post-debate. This is pretty impressive. This is from Signal Polling. Trump is now leading Biden by 48, 44 by four points. It's starting to run away here. So, what Whitmer is basically saying is you see what we're seeing in Pennsylvania today? Yeah, it's that maybe even a little more Michigan right now. And Politico is reporting it, the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party. And keep in mind, it's not just swing states that all appear to be solidifying behind Trump. Take a look at this. Angela, there you go. Take a look at that, gang. Now, let's just, yeah, let's, we're going to talk about expanding the map, the electoral map here. The latest Anselm poll from New Hampshire, who's in the laden. This was inevitable. This is what they were flipping out over. If they're tied in Virginia, they're tied in Michigan, what about in states that have more Republicans like New Hampshire? Uh oh, boom, Bingo. This is what you got. Trump's beating Biden. If you're listening by podcasts, sorry, he's beating Biden by two, 44 to 42 in a radically reliable blue state like New Hampshire, at least when it comes to presidential politics. And we have the latest national polling coming up. We've got the latest Harvard Harris poll. Put that up there, Micah. If you can, yeah, zero in on it. There you go. Take a look at that latest Harvard Harris poll post debate poll. Trump up by six, head to head national. When you bring in all five, when you bring an R of K, Stein, Cornell West, it's Trump up by eight. He never even came close to leading a head to head or full blown national, all member, you know, all participants national poll in 2020. Now one, he only led a couple in 2016. This is insane. And of course, it's not just Harvard Harris. We talked about the latest post debate New York Times poll. We talked about that this morning. That just dropped. And it's, it's just, it's freaking insane. The New York Post poll when you bring in everybody, it's, it's, it's Trump by, it's Trump by seven. 45 to 38. It's a nine point swing to Trump. They had Biden up by two on Wednesday, the day before the poll, never before the debate. Here's the latest national poll from Atlas Intel, Atlas Intel is very, very accurate. I'm going to have Rich Barris on, by the way, this week. And he was just talking about that on his channel. Very, very good poll, Atlas Intel. They tend to pull within the margin of error. Here we are. By the way, race, it's Trump up by over five, 45.5 to Biden's 40.3. Do we need to look any farther to understand what CNN is doing here? In throwing Joe under the bus. They are expressing Democrat panic, but in their own way, in their own way is you guys better find somebody else. Oh, we're going to see 47 like we never even imagined. Now, CNN is not kidding you. I really want to punctuate this. That wasn't just a quick little clip there. They really are, I mean, at least desperately, it looks like. They really seem to be wanting to get rid of Biden. I'm just going to come out and say it. They, they, this is code red. We need it's always drug report had at the night of the debate fallout. Operation replace Biden is in full effect at CNN. Here is the same. Jake Tapper, fake Jake confronting my own Delaware Senator Chris Coombs on the Biden train wreck. Check it out. It is not, it is not honest to say that this is just one night. There have been moments like this that people have seen in front of the cameras and other moments, but with that with cameras not there. Just two weeks ago, let me just show this clip. There was another moment like this, not just a senior losing a train of thought, but something else going on. Here he is. It was an event about immigration. He tries to interview, introduce DHS Secretary of Mayorkas. And there's some sort of glitch. I don't know what is. Let's roll that tape. Thanks to all the members of Congress and Homeland Security secretary. I'm not sure I'm going to introduce you all the way. All kind of side, Secretary of Mayorkas. I don't know what that was. That doesn't trouble me at all, Jake. I don't know if I can introduce you all the way. What the hell is that? I don't know if I can introduce you though. Oh, never mind. Somehow we got a flash or maybe there was a quick message of that to my orchestra since my orchestra. But he forgot his name is right of him and he's in his cabinet doesn't even know his name. And then my pathetic Senator, my pathetic ridiculous. Goony Coony. Doesn't bother me at all, Jake. Everything's fine. We have somebody with dimension office with his finger on the nuclear weapons. What's the big deal? So as you can see, CNN is openly confronting Democrat politicians with this colossal train wreck that occupies the Oval Office at this point. And as you can see there as well, these Democrats are being caught flat footed. They have absolutely no idea how to respond. It doesn't worry me at all. What's the problem? So cute. So, so, so kind nature. Now, I, I don't know if this is direct pressure from the Obamas and Obama's people that's being placed on CNN. I don't know that I have no info or intel on that. It could be CNN is simply just jump in ship, recognizing this campaign is over. They got 50 million views on Thursday night. They may be doing whatever they can to try to keep as many of those viewers. And they know that by shilling for the Democrats, that's going to be the quickest way to lose every single one of them. Whatever it is. These are clear messages being sent to the powers that be via CNN that they need to get rid of Biden. This, this is not going to work now. Now, how they're going to get rid of them is anyone's guess. Obviously, we'll, we'll be talking about this tonight in our, in our exclusive virtual platform. But we've talked about this in, in detail on Friday on Friday's live stream. It would be a logistical nightmare to try to replace Biden with someone else this far into the 2024 election. What was her name from Missouri Claire McCaskill. Wasn't that what it was Claire McCaskill. You know, her, she came into the Senate because she served on behalf of her husband who died. He died during the Senate race that year, whenever it was, I forget. And John Ashcroft was the Republican running for Senator. And he goes, he goes down in history. I heard him tell me this explicitly at Regent University when he was, he was there. I think he's still there as a visiting prop, but he said explicit he's the only Senator in history to have lost to a dead guy. Because even though this guy McCaskill died, his names legally was still stuck on that ballot. They could not switch him out. So what they did was they said his wife Claire McCaskill would serve on his behalf. And I'm sure it ended up being, you know, a sympathy vote or whatever. And many people might be worried. That's exactly what we'll see here. I think at this point, that's the best the Democrats can do. Biden could step down, but I bet his name would still have to be on the ballot. We're just too far into this. His name would still have to be on the ballot. And then I don't know. I'm assuming it's Kamala, most likely. Who will be stepping it when all said and done. It would be very, very hard to run around her with someone else. But here's the three things I know, bottom line. The delegates are legally bound according to the DNC's own rules. The delegates for Biden are legally bound to Biden. There's no way around that. Democrat rules mandate that the delegates that Biden won over the course of the primaries are bound to support him and him only at the party's upcoming national convention, whether it's online or whether it's the actual convention. It doesn't matter. And Biden made it absolutely clear he's not dropping out. He made it absolutely clear he's not dropping out. And those delegates are bound to him. Now, secondly, even if he were to drop out, Kamala would not automatically replace him. And he could not, he could not decree that his delegates go to this person or that person. He does not have that power over the delegates. So even if he were to drop out, the delegates are up in the air in terms of who they would go to. Again, like I said, I think they still stick with him. The guy in the Missouri Ray Senate race who died. He was still on the ballot. The delegates were still behind him. But you would just have to campaign somebody else who's going to, who's going to serve on his behalf. And then that leads to number three, which is who's that going to be? Because Kamala ain't the only one out there, right? We're talking about buzzards, circling the carcass, right? You got sleazy Gavin Newsom. You got Governor Gretchen Whitmer. You got Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania. You've got Pete Buttigieg. Bernie, I'm sure, would probably want to do something again. Amy Klobuchar, right? Elizabeth Warren. I mean, it's a horrible badge. Don't get me wrong. That's the irony. The irony is Biden polls better than all of them. They all suck. They're all lower than Michelle. I don't see Michelle come. I really don't. I don't buy it. Maybe, maybe. But I honestly, I do not buy Michelle. I'm going to talk to Rich Ferris about that later. He doesn't buy it either later this week. So I don't see it, but even he throw her in the mix. She does not pull very well. She's not particularly liked, especially in rural, you know, Midwestern areas like Wisconsin and Iowa and Michigan. I mean, you could have Minnesota. So Ohio, that's for sure. I mean, she's D.O.A. there. So this is a disaster to every possible conceivable way. And ironically, ironically, gang, we don't have to look any further than CNN's own coverage to tell us otherwise. Pigs really are flying. I can't believe it. Now, I know you got your own theories about what's really going on here. No, you got tons you want to talk about tonight, and I'm here to answer any questions that you have. So last chance here, we're going to move on over to our exclusive backstage virtual platform for our exclusive Q&A. So if you want to join us, click on that link below or just go to That is There we go. Oh, I'm sorry. That's right. It's not You support us at any level that you like. You'll see there's about six different levels of support. Just choose whatever works for you. You'll be giving your own backstage past. Ask me anything you like starting tonight. We also have our Boycott Buycott Update, so you can vote with your wallet and build your own parallel economy. And I'll see you over there on our own private exclusive virtual platform in 30 seconds. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the tourlytalks podcast. Don't forget to subscribe. Leave us a five-star review and share this episode with your friends. 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