Turley Talks

Ep. 2652 Democrats in FULL MELTDOWN over Biden’s Debate DISASTER!!!

1h 42m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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The Democrats in DC and across the nation are absolutely shell-shocked! A grenade exploded in their midst, there’s ringing in their ears, and the world is spinning and swirling all around them. They are collectively stumbling out of that bombshell last night and now they are seeing their whole world collapse. 

We’re going to find out exactly what happened last night, and what it all means as we march toward November and the triumphant return as number 47 of one and only Donald J. Trump!



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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turley Talks. There is widespread panic among Democrats. I got a number of text messages this evening. Democrats reaching out to say this is difficult to watch. Where does this go from here? One Democratic lawmaker Tom Going so far as to say this race is effectively over. You know, one of the things was would either candidate look like the caricature that the other campaign has been trying to paint of him. And at the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting. And there were no clips tonight, right? This was, you saw it before your eyes. Look, I don't want to just tell you what I think here, Tom, I've been talking to a lot of leaders in the Democratic Party, elected coalition leaders. There's a full-on panic about this performance. Not like, oh, this is recoverable. It is more of a, okay, he's got a step aside. There's a lot of that chatter. This is about as bad of a performance in order to -- that Biden could have delivered in -- if his goal was to try to sort of calm the waters among Democrats. I mean, look, there was a game-changing debate in the sense that right now, as we speak, there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party. It started minutes into the debate, and it continues right now. It involves party strategists, it involves elected officials, it involves fundraisers. And they're having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which they think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket, and they're having conversations about what they should do about it. Some of those conversations include, should we go to the White House and ask the president to step aside, other of the conversations are about should prominent Democrats go public with that call, because they feel this debate was so terrible. America, again, gang, and by morning, I mean, M-O-U-R-N-I-N-G. The Democrats in D.C. and across the fruited plain are collectively shell-shocked. A grenade exploded in their midst. There's ringing in their ears. The world is spinning and swirling all around them. They are collectively stumbling out of that catastrophic bombshell last night, and now they're seeing their whole world collapse. We are going to find out exactly what really happened in last night's debate and what it all means as we march toward November and the triumphant return as number 47 of the one and only Donald J. Trump greetings everyone. It is live stream Friday and what a beautiful live stream Friday it is. I am your host, Dr. Steve, your bachelor professor here to help you stay sane in these insane times or maybe we should be saying senile time. So whatever you do, just make sure to smack that bell and subscribe and don't be like Biden in there. You got to do it now or else you're going to forget you're going to be talking about Medicare or something. We're live on YouTube, Rumble, Twitter, you name it. We got a jam-packed show today and I mean jam-packed where you get right into analysis of what happened last night and it's shocking. Absolutely shocking. Fall out. Remember, as always, our super chats have unfortunately been completely disabled because we've been totally demonetized by YouTube. So if you want to ask me your questions during the show or just want to make it common, there's a lot to talk about, just click on that link below, get a There it is, our Sign up for any level of support that you like and you'll have instant access to our private virtual platform where you can ask me all the questions you want. I'll answer them here on this live stream. So just click on that link below, go to Sign up for any level of support, I will be happy to answer your questions during this live stream. And lastly, remember, I got a huge announcement coming up. Many of you know I was in Utah a couple of weeks back with our team. And let's just say, my team and I are working on something amazing. And this is going to be one of the biggest positive changes to tourlytalks that will benefit you, my fellow and courageous and loyal patriots for years to come. We're planning a special event, a special unveiling in July to tell you all about it. So stay tuned particularly for next week for the details about the event. You're going to absolutely love it. I want to begin by telling you what I am not going to say. I am not going to spend time talking about how Biden did last night. No, no, I'm, I'm going to let them tell you how Biden did. I am going to allow the very legacy media for these last three and a half years, the very legacy media who for these last three and a half years did their absolute best convince you and me that Joe Biden was the single greatest president we've ever had in the history of the human race. And I'm not exaggerating. I am not exaggerating in the least. Just last month, Bloomberg told us that Biden is the best president that business could ever hope for. You, you're seeing it with your own eyes, unless you're on our 20 million podcasts downloads. It's a headline. It simply says exactly that Biden is the best president that business can over the best. You debate. For you, not your leeway. Or this. Remember when we were told by the legacy media, I kid you not. This is the headline. That Biden's age. Is his superpower. Do you remember this? This is this is a real headline. From the Los Angeles times. Or even more recently and frankly, embarrassingly. NBC just weeks ago came out and warned their. Swindling audience about how the Trump campaign, the evil Trump campaign and those wask away Republicans were uploading misleading videos that they doctored to try to make it look like Biden. If you could believe it. Was in cognitive decline. No, no, no. I'm not going to be talking about how Biden did last night. No, I'm going to let them tell you how Biden did last night. I'm going to let them get in front of the classroom and admit to the whole class. With their heads lowered. How they have been collectively lying to you these past three and a half years. We will get to that in mere moments. Instead, I want to start. By talking about what really happened last night. What was that? What did we all see? And I think the New York Post nailed. Last night. We witnessed the end of Joe Biden's presidency. Plain and simple. Forget November. I mean, even Democrats. Democrats galore are admitting as we'll see. Even Democrats are admitting that's a foregone conclusion at this point. Forget November. The damage is done. And gang, if you thought the polls had Trump in landslide territory before that debate. You ain't seen nothing yet. There is no rolling this back. Forget November. We're talking right now. Now, for all practical purposes. Now, the Biden presidency has come to an end. We cannot even begin to imagine the millions of voters who are utterly shocked by what they saw last night. We have to remember most people aren't like us. We're nerds, right? We're political nerds. On this channel, we're even worse. We're geopolitical nerds. Most people just go about their lives. God bless them. I wish I was more like. I think we all wish we were more like this. Most people just go about their lives as they are trying to do what's best for them and their families. They're not keeping track every day. What's going on in the world's politics? They're not looking at the polls. They're not studying strategy. They're not thinking about Trump's VP. They don't know any of that. All they do is generally get snippets of news. Quick few second headlines from the legacy media when they get on to their browser or whatever on the computer. And what have they seen over the last three and a half years from that legacy media? The news has been what? Think about it. The legacy media has been telling these voters for the last three and a half years. Everything's hunky-dory. Yeah, the economy's stumbling a bit, but don't worry. It'll turn around. Don't worry. Don't worry about the southern border. We don't worry about it, so you shouldn't. Inflation is actually really good for you. It might help you lose some weight as you have to skip meals. For three and a half years, the legacy media has been telling tens of millions of voters that no matter what concerns they have, no matter what's happening out there, don't worry because Joe Biden is in charge. The adults are back and he's got your back. 24/7, three and a half years. And then last night happened. Tens of millions did what Americans have been doing for decades. They tuned into the first presidential debate. Tens of millions who frankly haven't really been following the campaign or what's going on in DC. Remember, June tends to be actually summer. In general, it tends to be a response bias in the polls that favor Democrats. Republicans are out there at Little League with their boys and working hard, having fun with the family, going on vacations. Democrats are the ones who basically hold up and their apartments and their Metro cosmopolitan areas answering the polls. Can't wait for a phone call from a pollster. The summer tends to be a lag period for Republican polling. So here we are in a lag period and boom, they put a presidential debate right at the end of June. Okay, tens of millions come out. It's a little early, but let's check it out. And what did they see? They saw what you and I being the political nerds that we are, they saw what we've been seeing for years now. They saw it. Tens of millions of people saw what we've been seeing for years now. And they were utterly shocked. They were aghast. Tens of millions of voters could not believe what they were watching. What really happened last night, make no mistake. What really happened is actually very, very simple. The media mask got ripped off. Their charade came to a catastrophic end. Tens of millions of voters for the very first time last night actually saw the real Joe Biden. Not the Biden propped up by a propaganda media. No, the real Biden. And as a result, all that propaganda spewed out by these cosmopolitan media elites in an instant shattered. It imploded. And this morning, voters by the tens of millions no longer believe in Joe Biden. They no longer believe that Joe Biden is the adult. They no longer believe that he's in charge. They no longer believe he has their backs. Last night, Joe Biden effectively ended his presidency. Let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we? Now, this is sweet. Revenge is best served cold, they say, which means you need to think about it before you act, of course. Well, I think we've thought long enough before I let the legacy media themselves tell you what a disaster last night was. Why don't we re-familiarize ourselves with what they've been telling us for these last three and a half years about this strong, vibrant, virile Joe Biden. Take it away. Take right now, because I'm about to tell you the truth, and F you, if you can't handle the truth. This version of Biden is the best Biden ever. Does he know so long as he was denied? In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been. President Biden has a photographic memory. His understanding and mastery of a complicated geopolitical situation remarkable. He is sharp, intensely probing, and detail-oriented, and focused. Jackie, are you here? Where's Jackie? I don't think she was going to be here. He was sitting, you know, two feet from him across the table, and he was, you know, intense. That trouble walking sometimes? Yeah, so did FDR. He wanted GD War. But he's totally focused. He's very sharp. They say he's sharp in meetings and so on. Very loose and low, very well informed. Biden is stately, and he comes with gravitas. There hasn't been, as far as I know, a single claim that Biden made a mistake. Ageism is an issue. Americans have a rich history of holding people's physical characteristics against them. Okay, you can ask African Americans. He's older. That doesn't mean that he is unfit, and there's a lot of ages in there. In this age attack, this obsession, by the right, Joe Biden may not be able to speak for himself the way he used to. They want to take on government if we get out of line, which they're talking again about, and that's him lying around. I think people should be speaking up for Joe Biden. Americans and reporters in the media are just judging him by a physical appearance, and it's horribly unfair. Age is an asset. He showed exactly how with it he is. The flip side of this coin is that he has a tremendous amount of wisdom and experience. Have you heard any concerns from anyone who has met with President Biden about him seeming a little slower? No. More wild speculation from a bunch of people who have probably never been in a room with Joe Biden and certainly don't have medical degrees that I'm aware of. You don't get paid for performance to be president. The job is not a job of endurance. I don't see Donald Trump out like riding like Joe Biden. It's the Hillary's email. All they have is that he's old. He can clear a dementia bar, and that's probably a win. The media are not fair, and they're getting less and less fair, and things are frightening. You have a Wall Street Journal running a horribly sourced piece saying that Biden is unfit. It's a dubious Wall Street Journal report about the president's acuity. Shoddy story by the Wall Street Journal questioning Biden's mental fitness. Wall Street Journal's story had a lot of flaws, as you said, but Sinclair, they didn't do any original reporting. They didn't follow up. They didn't do any work. Here is the day is Hirsch Gober Poland, and he's still, he is not here with us, but he's still being held by a mosque. This part of the Mueller report talks about Russian disinformation tactics, and one of the themes this election cycle is that Joe Biden is too old to lead. And so everyone is seizing upon this, and it is a classic disinformation tactic, and I think the best thing that we can do is to prepare the American people for this false narrative. Oh, a huge shout out to Gravian, as you can see for putting that montage together. That was absolutely brilliant. That gang right there in a snapshot, that is our legacy media. That's our legacy media. Those are the self proclaimed guardians of democracy. Wait until you see what they're saying today, you will, you will literally see the egg dripping off their faces. But first gang, if you are just joining us, if you want to ask me your questions because YouTube has suspended our supertats, just click on that link below. Join any one of our levels of support, and you have access to our very own virtual platform. We can ask me all your questions. I'll be happy to answer them in this line stream. Just click on that link below or go to Join any level support. We will give you immediate access to our private exclusive virtual platform where you can ask me all your questions. I'll answer them right here on this live stream. Awesome. I got to tell you gang, we've got some of the best sponsors out there. They're all patriots. They're all building the parallel economy. They're absolutely amazing. And this one is simply unbelievable. You have got to click on that link below. Oh, wait, wait, wait, dudes. Come on now. It ain't, it ain't the honey. Come on, boys. Come on. Here we go. Here we go. Come on, boys. Let's step up now. You have got to click on that link below and treat yourself and your loved ones to the most amazing soap I have ever encountered made by our good friends over at old country soap gang. I simply can't tell you how much I love this all natural soap. Just the scent alone is going to blow you away. It makes every morning in the shower absolutely paradoxical. It's an all natural soap made on a farm in South Dakota using traditional techniques. They use only locally sourced special ingredients without the harsh chemicals that can dry out your hair and skin. Every bar includes pure and unfiltered bentonite clay. It works wonders. It helps to soothe and relieve dry and sensitive skin. It's known for its healing properties that help with psoriasis and eczema. It pulls dirt and oil out from your pores. It helps to clear up acne. I mean, it's amazing. I'm going to embarrass him here, but Josh, our producer, he struggles with acne. I've never seen. I've always thought his complexion was quite wonderful. But he told us this week that he's been using old country soap regularly now for weeks and he's already seeing a difference in his skin. It's absolutely amazing stuff. And of course, the top it all off. Every bar is made right here in the USA. Use promo code TURLY for an exclusive 20% discount off your order. And every order will include an extra gift. Just pay the shipping. It's more than worth it. Gang, this soap is wonderful. You're going to love it. I promise. How it's affected you in a wonderful and amazing way. So go ahead. Reward yourself and this amazing Patriot product. You will not be disappointed. Click on that link below right now. All right, gang. Here is just a sample of some of the headlines that came out immediately after the debate. Your Patriot professor was up late last night. I'm a little loopy this thing because I wanted to get the ethos of what happened literally seconds after the debate closed. Look at this from political from freaking left wing. Political is embarrassingly left wing at this point and look at this headline. Biden is toast. Three words. Biden is toast. The byline Democrats are in full freak out over the president's debate performance. There's a quick excerpt from the article quote one major Democrat donor and Biden's supporter who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Of course, doesn't matter if Biden wouldn't remember his name to begin with. He said it was time for the president to end his campaign. This person described Biden's night as the worst performance in history. And look at this gang from the freaking drudge report. The backstabber par excellence. This was on drudge before the debate had even ended. This was last night. Look at this operation replace Biden. This is the death of Trump. It's a gem scramble with 130 days to go debate catastrophe. It looks like old drudge wants back on the Trump train. Look at the image of Biden that drudges using up there. That says it. Look at that facial expression. And frankly, sums up his presidency brilliantly. And of course, we've got the satirical Babylon B. I don't know how they come up with these headlines so fast. This was up literally seconds after the debate. Trump indicted for murdering elderly man on CNN. I mean, it's so funny in so many ways. Trump indicted again, of course, right? This is what is fifth and died. Trump indicted again, but this time for murdering a helpless elderly man on live television. Absolutely brilliant. Here is CNN's palpable panic after the debate. That I am hearing from Democrats is not like anything that I have heard in this campaign so far. And a lot of it has to do with first of all, there was a deep frustration about Trump's lies. I mean, he lied a lot tonight. But the problem for Biden was that Trump was able to take some sometimes incredible falsehoods and turn them into some kind of argument. Whereas Biden's answers were in a lot of cases not coherent, deeply problematic that he was not able to take pretty straightforward answers and answer them to the American public. And then also at some point, bringing things up that teed up in the tax. So there's a real concern here tonight that there's been some real damage done that cannot be undone. Biden solidified the perception among voters, but especially among his base, they were hoping that tonight would be a game changer. They are now seeing a president who is in the White House, who they said. Now, make sure you get what you just said. Don't get distracted about her pathetic accusations about Trump being aligned. So she's trying to keep her job at this point. So she's got to drop stuff like that. What she just said there was so absolutely key. Do you hear what she said? Do you hear what she said? The buried lead in that there was very real damage done. This is a quote. There was real damage done that cannot be undone. That's an easy way of just basically, yeah, that's a layman's way of basically saying you can't spin this. You can't spin this. Trump had a really bad night. He was lying. But nobody's talking about replacing him. If Trump wasn't good, then Biden was beyond disastrous. There's no equivocating the two. There's no spinning this. Biden's debate. You heard her. Biden's debate was supposed to save his campaign. It only ended up doing. But Trump was not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. 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He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. He's not going to lose his campaign. You got to let that hit you. Last night, according to Van Jones, last night, it went beyond panic. Now we're talking actually writhing pain here. This is coming from a former Obama administrative official. And you heard him. He is openly calling on Biden to drop out. I mean, let's just say it. This was a major Democrat figure coming out and openly calling on Biden to drop out. And literally end his pain. I mean, there's just no two ways about it. Now, gang, you just, I mean, again, just to put this all in perspective, you have to get this what that montage you heard earlier and what they're saying now cannot both be true. That montage earlier about tribe about Biden being so vigorous and virile and so forth. And what you're hearing now cannot both be true. If Biden is truly at the top of his game, sharp as a tack. Well, then he just had a bad night last night. Reagan did in his first debate. Obama did in his first debate against against Romney in 2012. Are we okay? Let's move on. Are you in a bad debate? You know, let's, let's, let's dust off and let's get back to work. That's what they would be saying if that montage, everything we heard from that montage was true. But if that was a gravy and I think montage, thank you guys again for putting that together. If that montage were a bunch of lies, if they were actively and deliberately covering up for someone they knew was cognitively degenerate, then everything they're saying last night and this morning makes total sense because they got caught. The mask got ripped off. You freaking liars. Now, if that was the mood at CNN, you can only imagine. You can only imagine what was happening over at MSNBC. I mean, just roll the tape. It's like cold as well. So I understand not feeling well. And, you know, obviously Joe Biden comes in with certain deficits. He has a stutter. You know, he is, it is more difficult for him to communicate for that reason. So there's a lot to mitigate the way that he speaks and you can understand it. And we've observed him for a long time. That said, I too was on the phone throughout much of the debate with Obama, world people, with the Democrats, with people who are political operatives, with campaign operatives. My phone really never stopped buzzing throughout. And the universal reaction was somewhere approaching panic. The people who were texting with me were very concerned about President Biden seeing me extremely feeble, seeming extremely weak. And, you know, I'll just reiterate what I said earlier. President Biden had one job tonight. And it was one primary job. And yes, it was to litigate Donald Trump's, you know, criminality and all of those things. But he had to settle his own party. He needed to settle Democrats. Democrats, you know, they always talk about that. Democrats are bedwetters and Democrats are always panicking. Yes, Democrats are always panicking. They're always scared. Right? They're always thinking they're going to lose. Like Democrats are very pessimistic. This is just who they are. They're neurotic. But Joe Biden's job was to reassure them tonight. His job was to calm his party, to make them feel that, yes, I can do this. I have four more years in me. I have the ability and the stamina and the strength to do four more years. He did not do that. He did the opposite of that. He made them more panicked. The people who are texting me were even more panicked. They actually expected it to be better than it was. And now they're in a, I won't say a full-fledged panic, but it's getting there. I know the people that you're talking to are expressing these concerns. Are these people who are involved in democratic politics? Yes. Are these liberals watching TV? These are not liberals watching TV. These are campaign people. These are people who are either democratic operatives. These are people who are former, you know, sort of a bottle-world administration. These are people who are in the business. Okay. So the civilians are also panicking. They're also texting me. But I was trying to kind of ignore the civilians and really talk to the campaign folks. People are, they're worried and there is, you know, it's not a full drum beat yet. But there is talk of, look, here's the thing. We know, I know a lot of politicians. I just happen to know a lot of them at a lot of levels. They all believe that they have a unique ability to run the race that they passionately want to run. And I know for a fact that Joe Biden passionately believes that he is the only person who can be Donald Trump and he has evidence of it because he did it before. He knows that he has certain demographic strengths that Donald Trump cannot counter. He is the real working-class white guy that's actually Donald Trump's base, so he knows how to talk to them. He believes that he is the only person that can do it. The problem is after tonight, his party doesn't believe that. Again, I don't get distracted by all the blatant nonsense that she just has a habit of spewing out every single night. Stay focused. Stay focused on, again, the truth of what she just said. Just look at it. Look at it. They look like they were at a funeral. They look like they were at a funeral for someone who just suddenly died. I mean, let's just say it. I mean, the far left activists over at MSNBC who looked as if they were staring into the abyss and to the abyss for them of an imminent return of Trump. And if you thought that meltdown was bad, check out what was going on over at the far left Young Turks time to split screen is killing Biden, because he's got his mouth open. He looks confused, doesn't know where he is. He's lost his train of thought at least twice in like disastrous shape. Those are going to be played a billion times in viral video after viral video. This is an epic disaster, like I see people online saying, well, okay, that answer wasn't so bad. Because any particular answer doesn't matter at all. This thing is over, he looks like he's barely surviving. I don't mean the debate, I mean life. And so there's no person that has a single brain cell left in their head who thinks that Joe Biden is the best candidate to take on Donald Trump. You would have to be even crazier than Donald Trump to think that. This thing is over over, I'll guarantee you this, I would bet any, show me a democratic politician and I will bet them any amount of money that Joe Biden's going to lose the selection if he's a candidate. It's a guaranteed loss. >> Our producer Mike had just said there that that background is not a green screen. It's just whatever Democrat city they're in, that's hilarious there. Yeah, here's what senior White House correspondent over at Fox is reporting, I don't know, Jackie Heinrich, according to her sources, quote, "very well connected Democrat source tells me the house in the Senate of the GOP's for now." The GOP, again, this is what they're concerned about, they're concerned about the down ticket effect of this right now. The Senate is a foregone conclusion at this point and it looks like it looks like Biden just did us the greatest favor ever. We're going to keep the house now because no one's going to be coming out voting for Biden, and if no one's coming out for Biden, the down ticket Democrats are going to suffer as well. Everyone, again, quote, everyone is freaking out Biden needs to go, but no way they replace him unless he agrees. So the obvious question that literally everyone is asking this morning is, are the Democrats really going to do this? Are they really going to actively try to replace Joe? That is exactly what we are going to find out. But first, gang, if you are just joining us, if you want to ask me your questions because YouTube has suspended our super chats, you can click on that link below, join any one of our levels of support and you have access to our very own private exclusive virtual platform, where you can ask me all the questions you like. I'll be happy to answer them right here on this live stream. I know we've got plenty to talk about today. So it'll be a lot of fun. Also, you know, gang, now it's springtime and the bees are out and buzzing away. But they're doing a lot more than just pollinating. Now bees are saving America from the woke wave of leftist culture that's trying to wipe out all that's good and true and beautiful. I kid you night, Turley talks is teaming up with make, honey, great again to bring you something truly spectacular, mega honey gang. This is unbelievable stuff. I'm telling you, you can now get a 16 ounce bottle of pure raw ultra mega honey package in a bottle looks just like our great president, Donald Trump. This untouched raw honey came straight from 11,000 highs in South Carolina. It's all natural. And I'm telling you, gang, honey just never tasted so good and so sweet, especially coming from a Trump inspired bottle. It's amazing. So what are you waiting for, gang? Visit make honey great use promo code Turley to show your support. That's make honey great use promo code Turley. We can make honey and America great again. Click on that link below right now. Yeah, we got old country soap. We got make honey great again. I mean, just have fun, celebrate, make it to support our sponsors and make America great again. Celebrate it all again. All right. So are they going to replace them? Here is the great center from Ohio, JD Vance, a top choice for Trump's VP. He nailed it. Check it out. What does this mean going forward? What are the Democrats going to do? Well, look, I think they're going to desperately try to get Joe Biden off the ticket because he was such a disaster tonight, but they can't. It's too late. They have let their voters, basically they gave them one choice. They gave them the Joe Biden choice and that's what they're stuck with in presenting this case to the American people. And it's so funny, Sean, you hear Democratic operatives now and we have a spin room behind us. They're talking about how they don't want Joe Biden on the ticket anymore. Well, what is a bigger threat to democracy than running this entire primary process and then effectively throwing a guy off because he had a disastrous debate performance. This is the choice that Democrats have offered the American people. I'm proud the Republicans offered a different choice and I think they're going to make the right one. That was so brilliant. That was, I love JD. I mean, I, I do agree with Rich Barris, particularly that he ought to stay in Ohio. We need him as in the Senate, but dang, he would be an awesome VP. All right. That was bread. The Democrats, his basic point there was the Democrats only have themselves to blame for this or more properly speaking, the Democrat leadership. Keep in mind, think about that, the Democrats forced Joe Biden onto their voters. They rigged their primaries in such a way that intentionally blocked real challengers like Bobby Kennedy. He actually had to leave the Democrat party. It was so corrupt. They wouldn't allow him to compete fairly. They purposely put the South Carolina primary ahead of the New Hampshire primary. So Biden wouldn't get embarrassed again with a low vote count and especially so much going to RFK and being up there in New England and Massachusetts. Biden was embarrassed in New Hampshire back in 2020. I think he came in fifth at the time. It was, it was pretty disastrous. So the bottom line, they rigged the whole process and forced Biden on their voters. And now what are those exact Democrat operatives doing right now, including the legacy media? Because they were all behind that fix. They were all fine with it. Now what are they doing? Those same pathetic, slimy, deceitful, Democrat operatives are all now panicking, wanting to unilaterally remove Joe as their nominee. Sorry, scumbags. I think you're, they're stuck with them. I agree with Vance. I think it's too late. Simply, I've tried to figure out, I've looked, I don't know how they can legally, this close to the election, I don't know how they can actually legally or logistically pull off a substitute. The AP has a great piece. It came out this morning detailing precisely how hard, if not impossible, would be for the Democrats to pull off a switcheroo this late in the game. And look, bottom line, when all said and done, the delegates that Biden won during the primaries are legally bound to Biden. They could go to court over that, okay? There's no way around that. Democratic rules mandate that the delegates Biden won remain bound to support him at the party's upcoming national convention, unless Biden tells them he's leaving the race, unless he voluntarily bows out. And he made it absent, and then there's two problems with that. Number one, he made it absolutely clear last night at the, at the, after debate party. Well, Jill made it absolutely clear, he was probably the most cruel human being on the planet at this point, but they made it absolutely clear, Joe has no intention dropping it. He's going, I mean, people don't give up power voluntarily. That's number one. And then number two, even if he were to drop out, Kamala can't just replace him. The vice president is Biden's running mate, but that, according to the AP's study, that does not mean she can just swap in for him at the top of the ticket by default. Biden also cannot just decree that she replaced him should he suddenly decide to leave the race. The moment that Biden abandons this campaign, you will see a whole flock of buzzards flying in to replace his carcass. And you all know who they are, right? I don't think Michelle Obama's in, I don't know, will say, but I don't see it. I don't see any evidence of it, but certainly gruesome Newsom who's even seen as more slimy and pathetic than, than Biden, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who again is not very popular. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, again, he's nobody knows them. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg. This would be this to call this a contested convention wouldn't even come close to describing it. It is a disaster in every conceivable possible way. What have I been saying these last several months? If you've been with this channel for the last several months and if not, make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button. But if you're regular to this channel, you'll know I repeat it every single week. This is a refrain of this channel. Whatever I've been saying, what is Biden's Achilles heel? It's not the economy. It's not inflation. It's not the Southern border. It's not violent crime epidemics. It's not the threat of nuclear war. All those things are serious enough. Trump hammered every one of those like a machine last night, it was brilliant. But there is a subtext to all of that chaos and what's the subtext? What is Biden's ultimate Achilles heel? His age and senility. It's his obvious degenerative senility. This is Biden's ultimate Achilles heel. And the reason for that is very simple, everything else can be reversed. I mean conceivably, the economy could conceivably be reversed, right? Biden's disastrous border, murderous border policies can be reversed. His foreign policy, murderous foreign policy can be reversed is inflation. Any and every issue out there can be reversed except his senility. His age and senility are the only things in this campaign that have no possibility whatsoever of reversing themselves. This is and has always been Biden's Achilles heel and the Democrats in the legacy media have admitted over the last 12 years, they always knew that. Remember those two, those two things can't both be that that montage we saw and the reactions we saw last night cannot possibly both be true. Either Biden is as sharp as attack, what did Scumbag Scarborough say? He is sharpest. He's ever been. He's at the top of his game. I don't care what you think, then he's got that funny. I don't care what you think I'm going to tell you the truth now, Biden's at the top of his game. He's got two people who may be, we may need to reserve some rooms for those both can't be true. If Biden is sharp as attack is top of his game, then what happened last night was unfortunately a fluke. All right, again, Reagan, very bad first debate with Mondale, Obama, very, very bad first debate, Romney, okay, get, you know, again, dust off, get back to it. They both can't be true. Biden is either at the top of his game or, or he's got to leave this campaign. He is not cognitively fit for this job. Well, we all know, let's put it this way. The media was either lying then or they're lying now, and I'll let you choose which. They have spent all this time trying to convince you, trying to gaslights you into thinking that you're not seeing what you obviously see when it comes to Biden. And that's because they know that if most voters believe Biden does have dementia that if he that he is cognitively declined, they're not going to vote for him. It's that simple. They'll vote for someone else. They'll stay home, but they're not going to be voting for him. And so they've been doing everything they can for the last three and a half years to get you to believe them over your own eyes. And last night that all came crashing down on them. I don't know. They must have thought that the drugs could carry Biden through it. They put all their hope in the witch doctors at the White House. I don't know. But as of last night, those hopes among our left wing activists disguised as journalists and the legacy media were colossally dashed. The Biden presidency has for all practical purposes come to an end. And you know the biggest irony of it all? We've actually got CNN and the legacy media to thank for it. Over to you. Over to you, gang, as our moderator is Josh and Mike, assemble your questions. Remember, if you want to ask me your questions today, I know you got tons of talk about whatever you want to talk about because YouTube has suspended our super chats. Just click on that link below, join any one of our levels of support. You have access to our own virtual platform where you can ask me all your questions. I'll be happy to answer them on this live stream. And one last thing, I'll be back. That's right. He is back. It is time to show our support and celebrate the great return by clicking on that link below and getting your very own Trumpinator 2024 bobblehead in preparation for Donald Trump's glorious awesome amazing re-essendants to the United States presidency. This collectible bobblehead from proud patrons is made with the highest quality material and really is a must have for any Trump fan who wants to send some positive energy towards what's shaping up to be the single most glorious political comeback in history. Now, don't wait. There are just a limited number of these collectibles you don't want to be caught paying way more later on on eBay from someone who bought one now. Don't wait till November. Do it now, right? Whatever you do, don't wait. Click on that link below and share your support for Trump 2024 today. Absolutely amazing. I got mine right back there. He watches over us on that top mantle up there. All right. What do we got? What do we got? He terminated. Oh yeah, Mike. Mike, you got all the great one liners. Mike is a he terminated Biden last night. He sure did. He sure did. All right. What do we got? Paul, great to see you, Paul. At one time I worked as a funeral director. Part of my job was to transport and clean up the dead. In my opinion, Paul, you're too funny. Biden looked very much like my former clients. By the way, I saw a small flesh colored earpiece in Biden's left ear. Just saying a lot of people were talking about that. I noticed that last night sitting through the baby was scratching his ear quite a bit. Again, it didn't help him. Look, look, you know it was rigged. You know CNN gave him the questions ahead of time. We know it. Donna Brazil did it last time around. We know it. It was rigged. And that's what made last night. I think in the end, actually, in many respects, remember the legacy media, they don't talk to us. They don't care about us. Okay. We're just fodder. All right. They're talking to their fellow political class members. They're talking to their cosmopolitan class, the ruling elite. And they're basically saying, guys, we did everything we possibly could to save this guy. There's no saving. We got to switch them out. So they're telling. I mean, those conversations you were hearing and those funeral parlor commentaries there, panels, they clearly were messages to the democratic party's leadership. You got to do something this, this, this is as dire as it gets. If we don't do something, we're going to get Trump 47. This is, this is insane. Thanks, Paul. Terry, aren't the Democrats in a pickle? They can't afford to assassinate both Biden and Harris. Otherwise, they get a third president Johnson. So if any replacement is to happen, Biden must agree is there a reasonable probability in this universe that he will? I don't see it. I don't see it. I mean, again, they can. What they were saying in the reports just last week is if Biden does poorly in the debate, then they would have to get the major Democrat leadership. So that would be Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi. And they would all have to have a meeting with Biden and try to convince him to give it up. But again, Biden's people don't want him to give it up. I mean, if Biden goes, they go, it's a new administration that comes in. Yeah, there may be some crossover, but people don't give up power voluntarily like that. So no, I don't see it. At this point, again, we'll see this is this is a crazy election. No one saw the that kind of does that. We all knew Biden was going to fumble and bumble and have his brain farts and all that. We all knew that. But I don't think anyone expected the debate to be that bad. And I mean, we just thought he was going to be so looped up flying high, just like the, like with the state of the union. Now that wore off about a half an hour into it, you know, he started, you could, you started messing up names and he couldn't remember it. He couldn't finish his thoughts and the likes of, I don't know, we'll see. At this point, it doesn't look, I think they're stuck with them. Lynn, why is no one paying attention to the two revelations from last week, Susan Rice and member about promoting the registration of illegal immigrants for November, 2024 elections and the fly being distributed to the illegal immigrants, encouraging them to vote for Biden with only three states require IDs and migrants getting social security numbers and photo ideas. What protection is there against this fraud? Yeah, I don't know. Let me ask you, you tell me, I mean, what are you doing to stop it? If you're just going to be Dennathor and jump off a fricking bridge, do it. I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you. This kind of hysterics, I just don't know what to say. I mean, contact your Republican representatives, volunteer as a poll worker or as a precinct officer and make sure you're on the front lines to prevent this crap from happening. But if that's happening and that's all that time, well, then we're stuck with four years of Biden and then we're going to have to rethink now, read sanctuary state strategy to create an arc among 30 states to protect us from the obviously degenerating debilitations of DC. But enough with the panic, I don't know what to tell you there. Rather than illegal immigrants cannot vote in federal elections legally, that cannot happen. If they're doing it, Democrats are flagrantly breaking the law and so get in touch with the proper authorities, especially your representative to make sure it doesn't happen. It's that simple. I just stopped spreading, you know, hysteria when we're having a fricking awesome moment here. Sorry, Lynn. I'm just saying. Legal immigrant thing is just kind of crazy. Do something about it and stop complaining about it. Blond the impeller every every Democrat candidate, every Democrat candidate for press would have sold their soul to be installed as the president of the United States. Why would they choose to go along with the see now has been like Biden, the chickens are coming home to rooster? I agree with you a thousand percent. If they see Biden is out and they see a window for the next eight years of power that all the vultures are coming out, man. There's just no way around it. It's not going to be Michelle Obama. I just don't buy it, man. Michelle Obama does not want to have Trump calling her Mike Obama for the next hundred and thirty days. She's lazy. She's not into it. I think it was Rich Barris was talking about this. I couldn't agree more. I mean, it's just ridiculous anyway. John, all the polls showed Trump in a landslide, however, illegal voters. Here we go again. They're not included in the polls. Your thoughts on the possibility of large numbers of illegal voters tossing an election to the camera. God, if you don't do anything about it, John, they will. How's that? It's just I'm going to say it. I'm just going to be blunt. Tell me what we're going to do about that. We've been talking about illegal voters for ages now. I get it. 2020 was pretty bad, but it's not going to be 2020 again, Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin have fortified their elections against that, generally speaking. Now, again, it can happen. I don't know what to tell you again again, but what do you want me to tell you? What are we going to do? What are we going to do? That contact, your representatives, you got to contact your election officials and make sure they're not allowing illegal stavote, period. It's that simple. I mean, what do you, I mean, what do you want? There you go. Oh, Peter should, should we be happier worried about the Democrats thoughts about replacing Biden? Very happy, extremely happy. No, no, there is no other Democrat that pulls as high as Biden right now, Hillary, not Hillary, not Michelle, certainly not gruesome, they all pull worse, gruesome, gruesome will probably not win a single Midwestern state. I mean, forget Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, he's gone. He's done. Josh Shapiro, possibly, but again, the governor of Pennsylvania, again, nobody knows him. We're 130 days from the election. And I don't even know how they would do it. I don't know how they would do it. It would be a mess. So I think I think it's pretty astonishing what's going on. Kenneth, Dr. Turley, give Biden's eerie stiff and remote given Biden's eerie stiff and wrote performance last night, juxtaposed with Kamala Harris's and Gavin Newsom's unpopularity. It seems clear the DNC will be forced desperately and openly attempt another cheat in November. Do you believe this will finally be the undoing of the Democratic Party? Well, we'll see. I don't know. That's that's pretty ambitious in terms of the total one doing. And I don't know how they're going to be able to cheat the way they did in an election where 70% of the ballots cast were all mail-in ballots, 200,000 of which were thrown out by a Wisconsin Supreme Court because ballot harvesting is now illegal in Wisconsin. It's not a and it's radically regulated now in Arizona and Georgia. We're not seeing right now, we're not seeing 2020 again. Now, you might Kenneth, you might have a point while they'll have to, that they concocted. But let's put it this way. Let's just put it this way. If Biden wins on November 5th, I think the vast majority of the country will be very worried and will be very, very concerned. Let's just put it that way. And the election and the executive branch of the government will go through such an implosion of legitimacy so as to make the Berlin Wall look integral in terms of its structure. I mean, this is, I think we're going to be entering dangerous territory right now as we speak. I think if the election were held today and Biden were to win, I think the vast majority of the country would be very concerned about that, which suggests he's not going to win. Chris, good morning, Dr. Steve. Why is that the Democratic Party is talking about replacing a democratically elected candidate because they're Democrats? Yeah, I love it. Why is the Democratic Party talking about replacing a democratically elected candidate? It's about as absurd as the CNN panel, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper asking Trump if he is running to be dictator, if the Republicans are actively trying to vote to get rid of democracy. I mean, we live in post-normal times, man. It's called post-true society and we have very, there's a lot of cognitive dissonance in our national discourse today and you pointed it out brilliantly. Dr. Steve, I'm feeling the chances of World War III happening before November increased a million fold last night. Thought could be, could be, I again, nothing's going to save him. I don't see it. If anything, people are just going to see World War III as an outworking of the, the, the subtext of his, his cognitive unraveling. If international relations unravel, it's just a subtext. It's just a reflection of the subtext of his cognitive unraveling. Patriot, I played Biden bingo with my Republican friends. He had mentioned Uncle Bozy. I would have had a bingo. Had he mentioned Uncle Bozy, I had a bingo. I'm sorry, Patriot, Jules. I'm sorry. He didn't mention Bozy. Rock dog, Dr. Steve, after last night, what do you see is going to be the VP? I still hoping it's Tucker, Tucker makes Trump assassination for, well, again, I love the way you're thinking rock dog, you're thinking exactly the way I'd be thinking with a, with a VP. They've got, it's insurance. They've got to be more radical and more feared than Trump or else Trump's not going to make it out of the inauguration without being impeached a third time. Um, I don't, again, I know he, you know, there was a possibility he was going to, he was going to reveal it last night, if things weren't going well, that was the theory. If things weren't going to go well, uh, Trump had an ace in his sleeve as it were and he was going to pull out the VP, um, his VP choice and then that would dominate the headlines today. Uh, you know, Bergham's okay. I don't know much about him to be honest with you. Um, I love Ben Carson. I think he's a great man. Uh, he's a bit uncharismatic, but again, that's okay that, uh, the DC establishment hates him and is scared of him. Uh, I find, uh, Rubio far too establishment, um, far too rhino prone. I love JD Vance, absolutely love JD Vance and I'm, uh, I, but I just, I frankly want to see him stay in the Senate. I think Ohio is going to have two amazing MAGA senators by November, but Vance's phenomenal. Uh, and then, uh, and I do, I like feedback. I like the, I like a Trump feedback ticket. I, I've thought about it. I've, I've kind of, I've, you know, marinated it in my thoughts. And, uh, I think be back is amazing. I think he brings a high tech. I think he brings the youth vote. Uh, I think he brings an extraordinary level of brain trust. Um, so any, any one of those would be Ann Tucker, obviously Tucker, but it doesn't look like Tucker's going to be it. It doesn't. I mean, he's an, he's an Australia right now. So it doesn't look like he's going to be it. And, and, and according to Trump, uh, his VP was there last night. So that's Vivek. That's, uh, that's Vance, uh, who else was there? I forget. Was Bergham there? I can't remember. Patrick Jules, uh, Steve, I wouldn't get excited yet. They don't play fair granted granted. They could stick anyone in there they want. That's not true. Jules. It's going to be a lot more complicated than that. This could have been planned. AOC and the rapper is just scary times. My idiot Democrat husband thinks Biden did great and stormed off to bed in another room. Yeah. My daughter's voting for my husband, uh, brother, my husband's brother's sister all voting for him. Yes. My family's more important, but Jesus, I would rather move to Trump city and work for nothing for him. People. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you pay for Jules. I get it. Um, I get it. I get it. Um, no, I, we, we, uh, we just, yeah, Mike is saying Jimmy Carter could run again. Um, uh, yeah, they're, they're basically at the same cognitive level. At this point, uh, no, I mean, you just have to go based on granted you've got some pretty hardcore, uh, supporters there, but, uh, for the, for the left, but you have to go by what, what, um, but the powers that be your saying and they, they clearly recognize this was, this is beyond its disaster. So yes, um, 35% of the public will definitely vote for him, but Biden had a job last night. And it was a, it was a formidable job, but, uh, they thought he was up to the, the task. And that job was, uh, to basically convince the 20% of voters in all polls that we say consistently, um, his job was to convince the 20% of 2020 voters for Biden to come back to him, about 20% of his 2020 vote are either voting for Trump, voting for, uh, someone else are just not voting at all. They're just not happy with Biden. They didn't like Trump at the time. They didn't like what was going on. They voted for Biden. It was easy. It was simple. Now four years later, they're not voting for him again. So he's hemorrhaged about 20% of his base. By the way, Trump has not everyone who voted for Trump in 2020 is, is, is fully ready to vote for him again. Okay. We're talking more votes than any incumbent has ever received in human history in the history of presidential politics. So that's what Biden would have to pull off in a, in a non 70% mail in ballot, uh, election. So he's hemorrhaged about 20% of his vote, and he knew, you know, and you've seen the numbers, Trump has record numbers among blacks, he touted it last night. Record number among black support, Latino support, young, young, under 30 support. That's that 20%. So um, they've either gone over to Trump. They are voting for RFK or someone else, or they're not voting. This job was again in back last night, Biden failed miserably. He not only failed to get those voters back, he probably failed since he ended up losing even more voters as a result. I mean, it was that much of an abject disaster. So there you go. That's what happened last night. And Dr. Sue, do you think the Democrats will come up with a new strategy to replace Biden and cheat their way into the White House in some other way? Thank you. Well, they'll come up with one. Of course, that's what they do. Um, you know, uh, Democrats are going to fill their job description, which is duplicity and deception, um, and deceit. So yeah, they'll try it. Whether it'll work or not with this particular candidate, um, well, you're saying maybe they're going to replace. But again, it's, I don't know how they may, they may, but every day that passes were a day closer to deadlines being met in terms of the, um, printing of the ballots in terms of the names being officially put on the ballots and you don't just get to take a name off a ballot. It doesn't just, it doesn't happen that way. Um, the, the candidate that you chose, uh, has to be up to the task of actually being around in November. And if he's not, we really don't have a process to replace it. It's going to be messy to say the least. And it's just going to make the Democrats weaker as a result. And it's going to split the party because not everyone's going to be happy. Right, dog, Dr. Steve, do you believe that Pedro Joe's poll numbers are going to be falling faster than Bill Clinton's pants with an intern? I, all right. From now on, you guys got a screen, rock dogs questions. They're so funny, dude, we're going to, you got, we got to save these and like print these up in a, in a, in a little book or something and put it as a, as a down free download. These are great. Um, yes, I do expect his poll numbers to go down and go down significantly. In many ways, they already have, remember, Trump never won more than, Trump never broke a 40% threshold in CNN snap polling after a debate. So whenever CNN snap polled after a debate that they hosted their audience, which is, we all know, predominantly Democrat last night was different. We're all watching from, from, from different angles I was watching on Twitter. Um, they, uh, uh, nevertheless, they, Trump has never, I'm having, I'm having a Biden mob, uh, uh, and we beat Medicare, uh, I mean, COVID, I mean, uh, the Trump has never broken the 40% threshold when you have a snap poll in terms of who you thought won last 90 hit almost 70%. I think it was 68%, 66, 68%. It was, it was just, it was unprecedented. It was stunning. Molly, a good take on this, Dr. Steve, now is not the time to gloat. It's the time to pray and to work hard to overcome all the left is going to throughout us. Our country needs reality more than ever before. Thank you. And God bless. Amen. Amen. Make sure you are praying for president. I mean, make sure you're, we're as Christians, we pray for president Biden as well. I do. I pray for Biden and Trump together. And I, um, and I ask, uh, God to, to cut through the lies, to, to cut through, uh, the deceit and, and please allow his truth, uh, to shine forth, um, in the midst of a, of a broken politics. Um, so pray for them both. Absolutely. And I, I do pray for president Trump's protection as well because he seems to be under such assault. Jeffrey, Steve, with Newsom, uh, coming to the rescue, you think Trump needs a huge policy change that literally brings up to 80% of the national vote across all political pro platforms, your thoughts. I don't know where you're going on me. Are you saying maybe it's an opportunity now to get about 80% of the country? Like Naiba Kelly, right. And El Salvador, 85% thank you very much. Maybe that'd be cool if that's where you're coming for, because again, to be clear right now at least gruesome Newsom is even less popular than Biden. gruesome Newsom is considered to be a slime ball, even in California, they don't like him. Okay? He's, he's, he's routinely unpopular in California subject to recalls, you name it. So, um, if, if he's not liked in California, how do you think he's going to do in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin or Michigan, right, or Georgia? So, um, no, and, and, and an Arizona among all the California said left California because of him. Right. So no, he'd be a disaster. So you're right. Either that might be, I mean, I love Trump's idea of just getting rid of income tax and replacing it with tariffs. I think that's amazing. I mean, we could do that for the foreseeable future. We could, we could totally do that. It seems to me, um, just because of how much we import. So I could, I could see that. That would be amazing. The, the no tax on tips is awesome for the service industry. My son is a, is a waiter, he loves the idea of course. Um, so yeah, I be bottom line, America, 66% of America is basically mega. They want border security. They want economic security. They want cultural security, 66%. Um, now those 66%, not all like Trump, no problem, but he has, I think he has the opportunity to make people kind of like him. You know, he's funny. We've all seen him at, at Trump rallies. He's funny. He's engaging. So I'm at that CNN town hall a few weeks back. We're slapping around that host. What was our name? Kate, Kate Collins. I forget. Just slap it around, just having fun. Never got upset and I forgot my, he did that last night. I was so glad to see that Trump show up. He was sharp. He was, uh, he was witty. I, I don't know what he just said there. And I don't think he knows where he said, do we have that one, Josh? I think that's clip number two. I don't know what he just said there and, uh, and I, and I don't think he knows where to say it. The total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. President Trump, I really don't know what he said at the end of this sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. Look, we had the. That was brilliant. I was just, that was just pure brilliance. I mean, that was just absolutely pure brilliance. So I think the more Trump does that, I think the more people warm up to him and who knows, we might see a 55 to 60% vote, but we'll see. We'll see. Well, all those illegals, maybe I don't know, but we'll see. And again, who's, who it's to guarantee the illegals would vote for Biden. Dan, the man, how do you think all the court cases will play out after this debate with the judges double down on their decisions or they begin to back off for fear of losing their positions? It's interesting, we just got breaking news from SCOTUS from Supreme Court. They've overturned the Department of Justice's use of the 1512 C2, which is a statute that they use to prosecute J six protesters. So this is a major win for these political prisoners. And it's a significant setback for the Biden regime. So that's huge. That was just announced today. So we'll have to see how many people are going to get set free as a result of that decision. I don't know what Manchin is going to do or a merchant. I don't know what the merchant of doom is going to do here with Trump sentencing. It almost, I mean, the way Trump played it off last night, he said, you know, look, I'm getting attacked because this guy obviously can't win fair and square because he's not all there. So now they're trying to lock me up. So he can get. I mean, now with with the tens of millions of people who saw that last night, they would only be, I mean, they'd only be signing their own, you know, demise war and shall we say metaphorically speaking, yeah, I think I think they need to back off. I don't know. We'll see. They'll see they just may double down on desperate. We'll see. I have no idea how to read a Democrat when they're incredibly desperate. Lucas, as far as Biden dropping out and a different candidate. How likely is that Gavin Newsom will take his place? What are the procedures here? Isn't there a deadline that these people are supposed to meet in order to appear on the ballot? Yes, yes. To all of that, Lucas, I think it's at my sense is that it can't be done at this point. They're too late in the game or 130 days out from from the election. And I get how come on lines? You know, I think live streams, I get bees. I think there's a must be a little hole in my studio here, but they come out for some reason during the live streams. And I think I know because the lights are nice and warm and okay, well, maybe they'll make some honey, make America great, honey, right? Make honey great again. I think, yeah, I just, I don't, there is no precedent for this that I know of. LBJ dropped out early, I forget when it was, was it March of '68? I forget. It was something like that. You guys could look that up. But he dropped out early and allowed for a, allowed for a, you know, a primary to decide who wouldn't ultimately get the delegates to, to win the, to win the nomination. We're, we're, we're ahead of this now. The primary season's over, it's done. It's done. Biden's won all his delegates. You don't get to just pick up those delegates and give them over to somebody that the voters didn't vote for. It's just that simple. Now Biden can bow out voluntarily. But once he does that, there's really no clear sense of what they do to avoid a contested nomination. Because again, Gavin ain't the only guy out there. You got Gretchen Whitmer, you got Josh Shapiro, you got Sanders, you got Warren, you got Klobuchar, you got Buttigieg. You got, of course, you got Kamala and Kamala's like, anyway, yeah, yeah. So, I mean, I don't know, I don't know what they're going to do. The very fact that we're even having this conversation 130 days out from this election shows how panicked they are. Can we get a, Lucas, can we get a full K-man style breakdown of the law regarding Biden being replaced? What exactly is and isn't possible? So that's the breakdown of the AP that I was giving you earlier. Bottom line is I understand it, the delegates that Biden won during the primaries are legally bound to Biden. That's number one. If you don't get, a lot of people treat delegates as just their, I don't know, they're like a baseball that you could just throw around to different candidates. So, under the rules set by the DNC itself, legally speaking, the delegates that Biden won during the primaries are legally bound to Biden. They are legally bound to support Biden at the party's upcoming national convention. That's number one. Number two, the caveat at all bets are all if and when he ends up leaving the race. If he voluntarily steps down, which he said at the, in the after debate party that he would not, well, but again, you know, these guys are liars, but in the after debate party, he both, he and Jill made it clear. He and Lady Macbeth made it clear they are not dropping out. So whether I right now, whether Democrats like it or not, whether they like it or not, they are stuck with him. Okay. Now, again, I'm, I'm reading off the APs right up here in terms of the process, but according to the AP, delegates elected to the national convention, pledged or pledged to a presidential candidate who are pledged to a presidential candidate, shall in good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them. In other words, if you are a delegate that's been assigned to Biden, you must vote for Biden. Now let's say Biden bows out. Well, now what? Well, again, according to the AP, he can't just appoint Kamala because again, people didn't vote for Kamala. They voted for Biden. Kamala's name was not on the primary ballot. It was Biden's he could, if he wanted to, he could switch out as running me. No problem. Right. So Kamala can't just simply replace it. The vice president is Biden's running mate, but that doesn't mean they get to swap the, you know, to the top of the ticket, like, for example, and he can't decree that she replaces. There were no rules in the DNC that would allow for that. So the moment, so then that leads us to the third conclusion, right? So, so one, the delegates are bound to Biden to Biden if worried about out, could not unilaterally choose his successor, even the vice president. If he bows out that nomination is now officially open. So three, that's when you see the buzzards flying around. And I don't know what they're going to do to try to find out who gets it because the primaries are over and the buzzards, as I mentioned, are people like Newsom and Whitmer and, you know, Bushig and Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren and the like, they're all going to be, Oh, wait, I got an opportunity power vacuum. So there you go. That, that to me is the caveman style, the knuckle dragon style breakdown of the law. I think there is a law that binds the delegates to the person the voters voted for. But once that person steps down, I think all bets are off. It gets chaotic at that point. Samuel question, sort of 35 years of geriatric medicine, there is no drug to fix Biden. There were, I'd be on it. I love it. How about you? Samuel, you and I love it. Linda. Hello, Dr. Steve. Do you agree with Steve Bannon that we are in a constitutional crisis, a 25th amendment needs to be invoked today for the security of the country, the public needs to know who's running the country. Yeah. I mean, Bannon's just, Bannon's doing what Bannon does best. He's just, he's just, he's, he's, he smells blood and he just, he goes for it. They're not going to, they're not going to call for the 25th. That's not going to happen. And again, that's, this is all the minutiae to just kind of pile on the disaster, increase the disaster and increase the damage. Bottom line, I mean, last night was about as bad as it could possibly get for a presidential nominee. And fortunately it was the other side, it was the Democrats. Trump had a great night. Trump did terrific. He did exactly what he needed to do, and I think next week, the polls are going to be possible. We'll see. I mean, again, they may be just fixed at this point, just in terms of the division of the country, but we may possibly see something Reagan, Mondale will say, I don't know. But it could be, it could be a landslide of the likes we haven't seen in a long time. Gerald, Dr. Steve, how do you think this will affect the July 11th sentencing of Trump? Don't tens realize it's hard to double down at this point? Yeah. That's, that's Gerald. I'm, I'm with you. I think it would be foolish and silly to do it, but who, who knows how Democrats react when they're cornered. I mean, they're insane. They're nuts in general. So I have no idea what they're going to do on July the 11th. Well, fast Allen, do the Demeroids have a snowball's chance and Hades are coming back from this. Do they leave Biden in there as a sacrificial lamb or throw a hilly or milky into to Mikey or Mikey to take the, to take the bully for, take the bullet, I think, for the, then the teeth left off right right now. So you, again, if we allow CNN and MSNBC and Fox and the New York times and Politico and the Washington Post to all sort of assess it for us, if we just sit back and passively allow our enemies as it were to speak for themselves, they are in a heap of shit and they know it. I mean, they're literally saying this is, this is damage that cannot be undone. Remember, remember, it's not as though Biden just lost the lead. It's not as though last night they're all pissed because they, it was ninth inning and they were leading, you know, five, three, and then Biden drew a fastball straight down and Trump swung and hit a grand slam. It's, it's not that Trump was already leading six, three. Okay. So Trump was already beating Biden. Trump was already tied with Biden in Virginia and Minnesota. This is, this is beyond, this is beyond insane or throw hilly. I'm like to take the bullet for the, oh, I see what you are by, by staff is telling me what you, how you finished it. Yeah. I mean, there's just, there's no way around this. I mean, Trump was already starting to head into landslide territory with, I mean, the last time we were talking about a Republican winning Virginia, plausibly winning Virginia, he was still behind, but he was, he was nipping up within the margin of error, was 2016. And how did that turn out for the Democrats, right? Trump was winning every single swing state, some handily, Florida and North Carolina had been taken off the swing state list because it says solid red. By the way, Iowa and Ohio has also, if you notice, been taken off swing state, they used to be considered Iowa never was, it ended up becoming it in 2016 because it looked like it was going back and forth. It was very, very strange, but nevertheless, it was always solid blue. By the way, now it's solid reds, MAGA red. I mean, if that, if that was the electoral map before this debate, if the McLachlan group had Biden, had Trump within the margin of error in Washington state, Oregon and New Jersey, if Lee Zeldin wrote in the New York Post, the op-ed just days before last night's debate, that Trump has a very real chance of flipping New York. If that was all happening before this debate, you can only imagine what they are terrified of waking up to on Monday morning with a weekend polling. So there you go. I mean, this, this was a disaster. This was as bad as it gets. Samuel, the Julian Assange deal, the question is, why now? Some who report reading it says that among the conditions is the destruction of all evidence against Clinton. Do you agree with this? It's hardening. It's disheartening to see that the most corrupt power players far beyond just Clinton will not meet justice. I know. I know it is disheartening, but that's it, but that's the story of the ages. Herod doesn't, Herod often doesn't see justice, justice is for the Lord. So good question. Now I heard the opposite. I heard Julian Assange was led out in order to keep Hillary in. I mean, like cloistered behind closed doors, keep her out because he has secrets he could reveal. So I don't know the connection there. I'm just so I'm, you know, I did a video on this. I am very, very glad he's out. I believe he was a detrimental threat to the deep state, not to our national security. Two were not the same and I am, I am, I am, I am so ecstatic to see that he has been liberated and allowed to go back home to Australia. And I think he's going to be a hero for the rising national civilizations, populist movements all over the world. Maybe look, I believe the song 2020 election installation of be do who's will be seen by future historians is the beginning of the complete and total collapse of democratic party for the next hundred years, amen, from your lips to God's ears. I would love that fast, the land should the Republicans start to focus more on the house and Senate to get control of it. We also need to get their leadership straight now. Absolutely. Amen. Yeah. The, the, the, the, the go, the specter of John Boehner continues to haunt our, our speakers of the house. Uh, yeah, absolutely, uh, Senate house, uh, you name it, they can go, they can go for this is now a holistic election where the top of the Democrat ticket is imploded. And then the domino effect down ticket is, uh, uh, soon to follow William, if Dems are looking for something positive to take away and possibly put in a pro, uh, Biden, he did successfully dissent those stairs with minimal assistant. I was going to play that tonight. I just decided to just, we had so much, it was an hour live stream, just in content, uh, tonight. So yes, yes, that, that was just the cherry on top. I mean, just seeing Jill leading that gingerly frail man, um, down those steps was insane. And then you see Trump, you're just going to walk in off backstage. Yeah, I mean, the contrast could not be more stark. Tim, hey, Dr. Steve, I've been watching and following you for several years. However, this is my first live stream participation. Thanks Tim. Very appreciate it. My question is this, when president Trump wins again, November, couldn't with the left try to assassinate him while he's meeting Biden in the white house for the transfer of power. I get, you know, um, probably not, uh, and they'll try, I don't, they'll try anything. I'm sure, but no, probably not. That would be so blatant and obvious. And again, that would only be if his, uh, VP was acceptable, uh, to the powers that be. And it looks like he's choosing a VP that will not be acceptable to the establishment, but then again, the VP could be there. So I wouldn't worry about that. Jennifer, I haven't heard or seen anything about invoking the 25th, have you? What's her take on that? Yes. So Steve Bannon's talking about that. That's, he's pushing that as he should. That's what Steve does. Uh, I mean, he's awesome. He, he, he smells blood and, and he, and he's like a shark and he goes right for it. Um, so yeah, they're, they're pushing the 25th right now, um, in the social media sphere. I don't think you'll see it in, I don't see it. That would be a very interesting way of trying to get rid of Biden in order to make room for others. But again, it would just be, it would be so messy. And what does the media say? I mean, I mean, he's been telling us he's just sharp as a tack. He's at his, he's in his finest form. He's ever been. And now we're going to turn around and say he's not cognitively fit to serve. I mean, so I don't know. I don't see it. And even if they did, who's going to take over? I mean, it could be Kamala, but they see Kamala is absolutely, you know, beyond disaster. So anyway, Mike, wouldn't Jason Palmer be the runner, uh, up for the Democrat ticket since he won third place below uncommitted to legally play spot? And maybe that's where they'll, they'll defer to maybe they'll, they'll go to that. That'll be very, that'll be very, um, I love that that is so clever. Like below on, you know, below uncommitted, the way, way, way down. You got Palmer. So I guess so. Yeah. Is that, is that the one who got, who got third place below uncommitted? That's great. It said that mate, they may defer to those rules. We'll see. Tommy, Dr. Steve, is there any recourse the Dems have other than the 25th amendment, which would be immediate to force Joe out of the race? I've heard you talk of the debt deadlines and other issues, but can they force Joe out if he won't step? I, as I understand it would be the 25th. That's the only way they could. Yeah. Uh, legally, uh, that's the only way they could. And I just don't see it at this point. Again, it would take, it would make a messy situation even messier. I think right now, all they're going to try to do is dress them up and, and basically just try to make him as presentable as possible. I don't think you're going to see us. I doubt that was probably the only debate you're going to see. I doubt we'll see a second debate. Remember how does not the rules for it, the forum, uh, the, the structure for it hasn't been, has not been agreed to yet. And I think, I, I don't know, Trump might, again, Trump is just showing off at this point, especially when we started talking about his golf game. I mean, that was like taking, you know, taking a dog snack and then just leading, leading Biden around. I mean, that was almost cruel. You can't even hit a ball 50, 50 feet, you know, I mean, it's just, um, yeah, I don't, I think this is, I think they're going to do everything they can to dress them up, make him as presidential presentable as possible, try to save the down ticket as best they can, hope enough illegal aliens vote and, and hope for the best. That's, that's basically, uh, what they have one more, I see, we got one more. Mary, considering the results of the debate last night, do you think the next schedule debate in September one material and look at that, Mary, we're, we're, we're, we're simpatico or thinking, no, at this point, no, I don't, I think, I think, I think Biden at this point is one and done. And he, and again, even it's so funny, even if Trump turned around and turned the debate down. So no, thanks. I'm just not even going to bother. No one's going to fault him for it. No one's going to, so you're scared to debate, obviously not, that's not going to work. So, um, it was a disaster. It was plain and simple, Biden's presidency in many respects ended last night. So there you go. All right. Okay. Ooh, we got one more. A festival of anything. Oh, is that it? No, yeah. Good. All right. Okay. Have a wonderful blessed weekend this weekend. Stay in prayer as always. And I will see you Monday as we analyze the fallout, the full 48 72 hour fallout from this astonishing unprecedented event. God bless you all, I'll see you thanks so much for listening. This episode of the Turley Talks podcast, don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five star review and share this episode with your friends. 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