Jesse Kelly Show

Political Tensions

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13 Jul 2024
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Hello it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day couldn't we just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes counting your steps you know all the mundane stuff that is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games you can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses so sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com that's Chumba Casino dot com sponsored by Chumba Casino no purchase necessary vgw group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. It is the Jesse Kelly show let's have some fun on a Friday and ask Dr. Jesse Friday the weekend is finally here put a smile on your face we are going to have fun tonight we're all over the place from the Paris Olympics to the Biden free fall which continues a pace hunters and gun owners why aren't they voting we have stuff on food marriage someone wants to yell at me about playing the Joe Biden stuff should we be extreme if they are extreme why do I despise Obama more than Joe Biden all that so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show I want to begin here. I I just want to talk about last night really briefly because I got this email. Dr. Jesse are you the kind of doctor who can extract the crap you pounded into my ears last night I can't imagine why you thought we might enjoy listening to that scumbag lying for an hour seriously my ears will never be the same said his name is Eric obviously he's the half tongue in cheek but he's referencing the fact that I played I carried Joe Biden's speech live like well speech it really was a speech it was supposed to be a press conference but he just filibustered every question and I carried it live as promised look I'm not going to apologize because if I had to do it over again I would but you know you ever had to go to a meeting at work you didn't want to go to Hey is it all hands on deck meeting we used to have a safety meeting every morning when I was in construction every single morning you had to have a safety meeting you had to talk about a specific topic then you had to sign off on the safety meeting and it was always something you knew hey where your heart had it was always something that but you always had to do with safety meeting now it's not the best part of my day no it's sucked it was horrible was boring I hated it can we just go to work but it's still necessary all right I the last thing in the world you know I would ever want to do to you is make you sit through Joe Biden for an hour when you're tuning into the radio you're driving home you're making dinner you're working at what however you happen to listen to the show the last thing in the world I want to do is drag you down for an hour with that guy it's not that I wanted to I felt like it was necessary that was a press conference Joe Biden gave to try to salvage his candidacy that's what that press conference was all about that's how they built it up that's what it was did he do that did he do enough I don't know you know what my predictions have been I say no many people say yes but who really knows it's just a theory on mine I don't know but that was potentially the last time you will ever hear Joe Biden answer questions from the press live that was potentially the last time you will ever hear it so I thought I thought it was necessary to play it I know it sucked and it was boring it's Joe Biden it's freaking boring it was it was an hour of this your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president Donald Trump would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race no unless they came back and said there's no way you can win me no I say that no I know it was bad I know it is what it is okay I felt it was necessary oh speaking of Biden before we move on to other things you know how we we just hit this I think we hit it in headlines last night if I even got to it but there was a story out about a Milwaukee radio station that edited a Joe Biden interview they did one of these pre-recorded interviews I've done them from time to time I don't like doing them I was before live radio but sometimes scheduling is what it is you got our pre-recorded one but they pre-recorded an interview with Joe Biden and then the story was they edited that pre-recorded interview with Joe Biden they edited something out we now know courtesy of Peter Hasen he's my friend he's a reporter that Biden's campaign got them to edit out something specific would you like to know what Joe Biden said that had the team scrambling to edit it out do keep in mind the democrats are petrified about how much of the black vote they're using and this is the direct quote though from the president of the United States of America that they edited out of the interview quote I have more blacks in my administration than any other president all all other presidents combined and in major positions cabinet positions he's look when you get to Joe's condition when you get to where Joe is with his condition what happens is you've seen this several times especially in the past few years with Joe what happens is you lose that ability that you've developed over the years as a politician to massage your words on the fly to make sure what you really think doesn't come out you know that's the really that's what so much of politics is democrats and republicans you're trying to say something but not really say what you want to say but that little filter thing Joe Biden doesn't have that little filter anymore and now look Joe Biden has decades decades of being on camera calling black people things like predators standing vocally against integrating neighborhoods and schools actually referred to the integration of schools one time as a jungle this is Joe Biden's career it's not a stumble this is how he really thinks the average old democrat is as racist as the Robert Bird Joe Biden spoke so fondly of after the old KKK member died that's just a fact now let's get to some ask dr jessie questions hey jessie i listen to your show on my commute home i appreciate your point of view we don't agree on things uh on we don't we don't agree most of the time but i do feel like we can agree that our political system is devoid of reality on both sides that a guy goes on and says a bunch of things i'm more of a libertarian but he finishes up he says my question to you is do you honestly feel like the way forward is following the pattern of calling the other side evil if we continue to do this it will only end with violence okay so they call us evil threat to democracy threat to democracy i routinely call them evil demonic demons things like that is that the way forward okay it's a very fair question it's a very fair question if you're one of the people who maybe you're more in the middle or maybe you're more of a gentle type and there's nothing wrong with being that way i should know that the god made us all differently i love the fight i always have loved the fight i enjoy it i enjoy that's just who i am but a lot of people are more peace loving they would prefer things quiet down calm down and that's fine there's we're all not supposed to be the same okay so maybe you are one of these people hey let's don't it let's tone it down hey let's dial it down hey i know they're they're saying terrible things about us we can't say terrible things back to them i understand that point of view i will just say this there is a time for everything you know i believe i read that somewhere it's biblical there's a time for everything have you ever actually read that verse it's in ecclesiastes time for love a time for hate did you know that was in the bible there's a time for hate there's a time for peace there's a time for war it is the jessie kelly show on a friday and ask dr jessie friday digging into all kinds of things that i and our question in the case you're just now joining us is an interesting one someone wrote in a more a more center gentle type they're calling us evil why do we call them evil then it just spirals downhill it ends in violence do we have to respond this way okay so that was the gist of the question now let me ask you you ever heard of the rooftop koreans rooftop koreans most people depends on how old you are most people will at least have heard about them who were the rooftop koreans okay let's go back this is los angeles early 90s now leading up to the rodney king incident there was all kinds of tension between the korean community in la and the black community in la these racial tensions racial tensions themselves are nothing new this is as old as time itself so don't act like this is something special we're unique to america or unique to black people or koreans or unique to la racial tensions are really that's how the world works in this scenario this was the situation the koreans were mainly the business owners in the black neighborhoods in la and in many other cities you see asian slash black racial tensions all over the place today as well this is that's not the problems gone away but in la at the time the koreans were the business owners they only convenience stores things like that and in the black neighborhoods the koreans were the business store owners well the black neighborhoods were full of crime full of gangsters full of dirt balls this is where the crips and the bloods really started in la when all that really things got really really criminal after you know linden johnson's great society blew up the black family so things got really really criminal in these black neighborhoods and so these korean store owners the black people who were shoplifting robbing stick-ups that it created an automatic tent situation the black people the law abiding black people who'd go in they were treated like crap by the korean store owner who just got robbed by a black guy yesterday and you know that's how racial tensions usually go it starts off at vin incident it starts off of this kind of truth and then he's mad at him and he's mad at him and the blacks mad at the koreans and the koreans are mad at the black but that's how it went okay so there was already all kinds of tension there and then the Rodney king thing happened Rodney king you can go look at the video i'm sure it's still online to this day Rodney king gets pulled over high on drugs speeding video gets put out there and it looks terrible cops are just sitting there wailing on this dude with batons it looks terrible and i'm more speaking to younger people older people will remember this but it caused a national storm immediately and then the cops go on trial and acquitted acquitted of all charges the black neighborhood in LA the black neighborhoods in LA erupt and when i see erupt don't don't think about a localized antifa rally in seattle you know we're talking legions in legions of angry black people who feel like they have been done wrong and they start rioting looting violence it's it's an amazing video of this still to this day the la pd didn't have the manpower to go put these things down that's how many people were out there so the la pd had to make a choice and they chose look it's kind of how it goes there's a reason the roads are good and the rich neighborhoods and the bad and the poor neighborhoods the tax money tends to flow back towards the taxpayers places like Beverly hills a wall was built around them essentially with the la pd but where do the koreans live they don't live in Beverly hills as i just explained they're in the black neighborhoods now you have a situation where your shop your livelihood your life itself is no longer being protected by the la pd and you have legions of very angry angry black people who feel like they've been wrong and they hated you before the Rodney king verdict even though the koreans didn't have anything to do with that they there were already violent incidents a korean shop owner had killed a young black woman there there were all there was all kind there was a powder keg ready to blow right there that's what was going on in LA at the time it was a powder keg ready ready to blow and where do you think so many of the criminals went first take out their anger directly down to the local shop owned by the korean who just shouted at them yesterday and accused them of being criminals and things were it honestly if you read the stories about it it sounds like something you would read about in a movie and it sounds terrifying we're talking blacked out neighborhoods neighborhoods losing power you're in the dark you round the corner and you're not faced with one bad dude the street is full of bad dudes and if they see you you're gonna die there's a video i forget his name of a trucker a trucker who got lost during this whole thing he got himself turned around he got lost he accidentally drove his truck into one of these riots it didn't hurt anybody or anything but he stopped they swarmed his truck immediately janked him out of there and tossed the brick in his head and bounced the brick office said he lived if i remember i didn't he lived chris i forget about that he didn't live i forget i forget chris looked that up and see if he lived i don't want to give false history on the show but it was it was bad it was very very bad he might have died chris thinks he died i forget everyone's going at the radio who knows i just forgot at the time but that's what it was like now why am i bringing up rooftop koreans when we're talking about politics and everything else i'll i'll elaborate and i'll explain more in just a moment it is the jessie kelly's show on a friday remember you can email the show and you should jessie at jessie kelly's back to what we're talking about case you're just now joining us i got a question about de-escalating the tensions if we keep calling each other evil it's gonna lead to civil war and i'm talking now about the rooftop koreans from the l_a_ riots so i gave you a little bit of the background now the riots begin the riots begin the l_a_p_d_ is not coming no one's coming these korean shop owners why are they now known as the rooftop koreans well they put out the call we need help we're under assault we're under siege now keep in mind south korea has mandatory military service so so many of these koreans already knew their way around a weapon many of these people were immigrants legal immigrants i might point out who would they know their way around a weapon and the koreans males fighting age males began showing up and they began showing up and they were staging themselves you know look at pictures of all this they were staging themselves on top of the rooftops of their stores with weapons defending themselves and their shops against the attacks in the neighborhood so how what's this have to do with your political tensions thing well one day you run a 7/11 you're a korean dude in l_a_ you're a husband father got a few kids life's normal the next day you find yourself on top of a rooftop with a rifle in your hands aimed at an angry mob coming at you to kill you now what changed did you change or did the circumstances around you change to such a point where you have to do things differently than you want to do them differently than you've been doing them in order to protect yourself your life and your family you see i understand every single person who wants things to calm down ease up i i understand all that but these people are dirty communists these people are not going to stop until they've destroyed it all every single thing every statue torn down every border wall every bit of border security destroyed every single bit of the dollar destroyed these marriage destroyed the church destroyed american culture destroyed and many of these people are have been caught saying these things on camera they are fighting a revolution you may not be and you may not want them to be and you may want to convince yourself that we can just well we'll just talk it out or the these people are fighting a revolution what you cannot do during a revolution is pretend like the revolution isn't happening because you want things to calm down it doesn't work that way i can't just sit there in my 7/11 ringing people up for lottery tickets and cigarettes just the way i was doing the day before because now there's an angry mob with weapons coming to kill me so because circumstances have changed i must make changes times change and there's a time for everything and if you think we can nice our way out of where we are now with these people you are sorely sorely mistaken we there's not going to be a nice way out there's not going to be a compromise way out there's going to be victory or everything we know and love will be gone how far gone well you hear this story out of switzerland government just came in took the child out of the home against the parents will the child's been gone for a year hidden in a government care facility because the parents didn't believe the child was a tranny and the child did swiss government will have your son now please came and took him out parents may never see him again that's how serious these people take things you are not dealing with normal circumstances or normal people chris go ahead and play that black lives matter thing you remember remember who you're dealing with they speak about it often we actually do have an ideological frame myself and at least in particular our trained organizers um we uh our trained marxists we are trained organizers we are trained marxists the destruction you see around you is not an accident it's on purpose now what do you do what do you do when the people who oppose you including your federal government have declared war on you in your society do you pretend like it's not happening or do you dig in find your own clan get on the rooftop and fight back not literally what do you do you better dig in and adjust with the times there is no more naive way of thinking i hear on the right than thinking if we just act normal things will return to normal and that is the predominant way of thinking in washington dc they still have convinced themselves of that remember bill bar getting up democrats use the central intelligence agency and the federal bureau of investigation to try to get donald trump to lose to hillary clinton and then use the two-year special investigation from robert molar on the bogus claim that trump was a russian agent and finally we get a new attorney general in there and he promptly stands up at the podium remember when he said this those who broke the laws will be held to account but this cannot be and it will not be a tip for tat exercise ridiculous and a guarantee that we will lose well they've run rough shot over the rule of law they've destroyed every norm in the country they've used government agencies our government law enforcement agency our spy agencies and everything else under the sun to win elections to silence and attack their political opponents and now that we have power we're not going to do that guys because that would be wrong we we can't violate those norms that doesn't work even if you like the sound of it it guarantees a loss that's all that does it guarantees a loss you must resist the urge sitting republican house the members of the house and the senate must resist the urge if trump happens to win again in november it gets back into the white house key must resist the urge what urge is that to return to normal well we just got to get back to normal guys we just got to get back to normal we're not in normal times the times have changed that's not my fault that's not your fault that's reality that's where we are and that's what i think about that balding eagle hey you guys oh man this is a heavy one i will keep this email as short as possible my wife and i have been together for seven years married for three before we got married we agreed to wanting to have two kids she became pregnant with two twin boys tragically about halfway through the pregnancy we lost one of our boys and it absolutely killed my wife we now have a beautiful three-year-old son i would love another child but my wife is reluctant and says she does not want another child because she's afraid something terrible happened of something terrible happening over and over again am i a terrible person for having thoughts of ending my marriage in pursuit of potentially having another child as desperately as i want another child i feel that this is a blatant betrayal of my vows before god to stick with her no matter what what are your thoughts well that is a doozy isn't it let's talk about that that she didn't think you were going to get that on a friday next it is the jesse kelly show on a friday and ask dr jesse friday don't forget if you miss any part of the show you can download the whole thing on i hard spotify i tunes all right i'm not going to read the whole email again i'll just go back we got a heavy one for before we get to obama i'm going to talk about obama here in a minute let's let's get to this the guy writes an email and he says hey my wife was pregnant with twins she lost one just devastated her they had one they have a healthy boy she now says she doesn't want any more kids she's worried about something bad will happen and the guy said am i a terrible person for having thoughts of ending my marriage in pursuit of having another child no i i would never call anyone a terrible person because i'm a terrible person i i i i can't judge anyone ever doesn't make you a terrible person makes you a human being but here's here's what's going on buddy we all we are guilty of this myself included we have these visions and in fact this is probably going to it's probably going to resonate with with a lot of people probably resonate with you in some way we all all of us whether you're young middle-aged old we have this vision of how we want our life to go and how we think our life is going to go don't don't you at least on a big picture level i'm not even talking about what you're going to do for a living although maybe that's part of it for you but you have this image for for for a lot of people that image would be okay i'm gonna go to school and then after that i'll probably go to college that's what i'll do you're supposed to go to college right so i'll go to college and i'll go there for four years and i'll graduate and when i get out i'll get a good job but but while i'm in college i i hope i i hope i meet my my wife or my husband of the future and then we'll get married because we want to get married then and and then we'll make kids how many kids do you want how many kids do you want oh i want three oh you want three oh great and then oh we'll work really hard we'll save some money eventually we'll buy a home and but you see what i mean and one day hopefully if we've done okay financially maybe we'll be able to afford a boat i've always wanted a boat and then we'll retire in in Galveston, Texas and whatever whatever your thing is we have this vision of how our life is going to turn out of how we want our life to turn out and life god has a way of saying no that's not my plan for you that's your plan that's not my plan for you i want you to go somewhere else look if if you told me ten years ago that i was gonna be too i was gonna be doing media for a living i'd never done media in my life i would have laughed in your face told you you were an idiot no way not in a million years life throws you curveballs if you told me at one point in time i was gonna be out of work flat broke desperate and on craigslist looking for a job so i can afford to feed my wife and sons if you told me that when i was 20 i would have told you you were nuts and yet that's where i was at one point in time what you're going through is you had this outline of your life and your wife had one too right we're gonna have two kids and that's our goal and we're gonna have a bunch of kids and then this terrible thing happened you lost a baby and believe me i know i've told you all before we lost our second you know we had our son james and then we wanted our sons really we wanted our kids really close together in age as we tried to have another one who lost them and it still hurts right and then after we had our second one luke he was healthy and that's when we decided we're done we it was so painful to lose one we made one of the few decisions that i i regret in life i take that back i regret a lot of the things i've done but if i had to do it over again and we would have had more i just love being a dad and we love i love having kids so i know i know what you're going through i've been there myself i know i know how bad it hurts but you don't leave your wife over it your wife is you now you were her and you don't know just because she's going through this now and you're going through this too you don't know that that's going to be the same in a year in two years you don't know what you don't do is go the baby out with the bath water run out on your wife run out on your kid and then go shopping out there for what you think might be something better because you're probably not going to find something better you have any idea how many single men and women email this show asking us to start a uh updating service and crap like that because they can't of every of every age i should note because they can't find anybody how hard it is to find someone who shares your values you've got a wife who loves you apparently loves your kid going through it right now understandably emotionally just stick around doesn't make you a terrible person but yeah don't be running out on your wife hey jessie can't find the specific email i was actually looking for i thought if you're on top i thought i left it on top but apparently i didn't you often say essentially what she said was you often say you hate obama more than you like bite or more than you hate bite and why what's the deal all right i need to explain why i despise brock obama so much so we've had many many many many many different presidents of different kinds in the history of this country and politics has changed so much you know we've had many republicans we've had many democrats we've had many we've had many different kinds and i know i call democrats communist all the time now because that's what they are but brock obama was unique he was unique in this way brock obama not only hated america hates america because that's how he was raised brock obama is capable he's sharp enough he's shrewd enough he's charming enough to hurt america in significant ways and he has he combines two things that are a deadly combination if you love the united states of america for in presidential history we've had so many good presidents we've had so many bad presidents we've had good republicans bad republicans we've had good democrats bad democrats not all of them love the country either a lot of them loved power well they just kind of loved power not all of them love the country but you have a hard time i have a hard time at least from what i read in presidential history i have a hard time ever finding one who hated it really at his core had a real hatred of america and that brings us to brock obama and i i'll talk about this in a little bit more depth in a moment about his background the damage he did the damage he's still doing why how could i hate obama more than i hate biden biden brought in more illegals but how can i'll explain in a moment before i do that i need you to sign a pledge for me i take that back i'm asking for you to sign a pledge for me i fcj the international fellowship of christians and jews i've told you before what they do or that we're talking they're building bomb shelters over there fire the devices whatever they need to put out fires because they're they're places they don't have fire service there are holocaust survivors who don't have a place to live they're digging into that people need food they're digging into that they are over there doing the best they can to help a country that's fighting a two front war right now and all they're asking for is to sign the pledge go to support i if you will and sign the pledge the pledge it's a show of solidarity a show of solidarity that's going to be presented physically to benjamin netanyahu hey just letting you know not all in all every american hate your friggin guts support i is where you go to sign the pledge so go sign it it may seem small and it is easy for you but it's meaningful for them all right we'll be back it's time for today's lucky land horoscope with victoria cash life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to lucky land you know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin so go to luckyland slots dot com to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes get lucky today at luckyland slots dot com available to players in the us excluding washington and michigan no purchase necessary vgw group void reparhibited by law 18 plus turns in condition supply.