Jesse Kelly Show

Controversy over National Right To Life being listed as a terrorist organization at an Army briefing

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12 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couple who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. This is a podcast from W.O.R. And this is the Jesse Kelly Show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show, and Joe Biden still is not there. The press conference that is his last ditch effort to save his pregnancy, his presidency. He is officially 35 minutes late for the press conference that was supposed to save him. So that's how that's going. We're going to move on and just do a show and I'm so excited for the conference because I just think it's going to be so bad and this is going to be it. That's why we're going to carry it live. I think this is going to be the last of Joe Biden. Look, I do want to say this before we get into the army things. We're going to move on and talk about this system and this slide against pro-lifers and things like that. Look, you want to have energy, don't you? You don't want to show up 35 minutes late to a press conference. Have you started your male vitality stack from chocolate? You understand that low T people, they show up 35 minutes late to press conferences. And when they finally do them, they're called big boy press conference. Big boy press conference. A big boy press conference. Well, they press conference. A big boy press conference. A press conference. Do you want people referring to you as a big boy? No, you don't. You don't want that. No one wants that. Testosterone, that's what they're going to do. In fact, they're probably already calling you that behind your back. Go get a male vitality stack from chalk or female vitality stack. Ladies, they have one designed for you natural herbal supplements, C-H-O-Q dot com guaranteed to make sure you are on time to the press conference that's going to save your career. promo code Jesse or call them, text them, I don't care, five zero, chalk 3000. All right. All right. All right. So before we get into the actual army slide of what they did, and I already told you what it was, there was a slide, there was a class, essentially, you're always in classes whenever you're in. There was a class about terrorist groups and one of the slides of the terrorist groups. This was, this took place at Fort Bragg, which they call Fort Liberty now at Fort Bragg. One of the slides was national right, national right to life. The oldest and by far, I believe the largest anti-abortion organization in the country. I love national right to life. In fact, I've been in their building more than once and they were just listed as a terrorist organization and an army briefing. Now right now, the army tried to backtrack. In fact, they backtrack as hard as they possibly could as an article out in Breitbart, army briefing slide calling pro life groups terrorists was quote, not vetted after conducting a commander's inquiry. We determined that these slides were not vetted by the appropriate approval authorities and do not reflect the views of the airborne core and Fort Liberty, that a US army or the department of defense. Of course, so they're backtracking because they got caught. But do I need to remind you, I need to remind you about that little memo from the FBI field office. Remember that in, in Richmond, Virginia, we had a whistleblower come forward. We came forward with the document, a memo. And this memo laid out the FBI's intention to infiltrate the Catholic church to go after those dirty domestic terrorists who believe marriage is between a man and a woman, things like that. Of course, once the whistleblower came forward, I got up in front of Congress and talked about how horrific that was and it doesn't reflect the views of us and Christopher Ray backtracked on the whole thing. That is a terrible thing. That's not what we're doing. But of course, that's exactly what they're doing. You know exactly why they're doing it. Threat to democracy, threat to democracy, threat to democracy over and over and over again. That's what they call you repeatedly. Threat to democracy, a threat to the foundations of democracy, threat to democracy. Why are they doing that? Why have they done to the January 6 political prisoners, the things they've done? Why was the federal government involved in some way in January 6th, whether they were just there encouraging it or whether they planned the whole thing or anything? I don't know. We'll never know the truth, but why would they do something like that? Why? Why? The goal has always been for the American communist to turn you not into a political opponent, not into the opposition party, to turn you into an enemy of the state. The goal is to make their political opposition out to be enemies of the state. And why do they want to do that? They want to do that so they can take all those guns, all those guns the federal government has at its disposal and aim them at you. They want to turn you into a national security risk to justify smashing their political opposition. And if you think that's crazy, I would kindly ask you to open up a history book for me even one time. That's how communists have run their government every single time they have taken over a government. They have used the law enforcement apparatus and the military against their domestic political enemies. And every time they have done that, they have done it under the justification that their political enemies were dangerous saboteurs who were enemies of the state and Democrats are communists. Democrats are communists. Democrats are communists until you understand and accept that you will never get it. I saw this slide, I actually saw it last night. I wasn't surprised in the least. What have I been telling you that they're doing to the military? A common talking point on the right, a very, very common talking point with all the gay this and gay that and white people suck and our female only pilots and all the talk on the right. What's the talking point been? They're destroying the military. They're destroying the military. These people are destroying the military and what have I told you? They're not destroying the military. They're creating a new military, a military designed for a different enemy. You see, if you want the FBI to go after your political opponents, remember, we just had a whistleblower come forward in Texas, whistleblowing that Texas Children's Hospital was still doing tranny surgeries on kids and the FBI knocked at her door. They're trying to throw her in prison and the doctor too, trying to throw these people in prison. If you want an FBI who will do that, well, then you have to remake the FBI. You have to run out the Steve friends of the world. You have to run out the good guys and who are you going to replace them with? Well, I already told you the FBI is recruiting at pride events across the country. You can go look up the boost to this day. Why would you recruited a pride event? Well, who's going to be willing to infiltrate that local church and throw handcuffs on those deranged pastors who talk about marriage? Well, someone you just recruited at a pride event will do that. And when it comes to the military, they just had a big gay cake cutting ceremony on a ship and they didn't do it in private. They did it on video. Go look it up if you'd like a big old rainbow cake. Well, not that the Navy could get any gay or that it already is, but they did it on a boat. We have a U.S. Naval vessel called the USNS Harvey milk, the gay activist. White rural recruits from the south, well, from really all rural areas, they're not joining the military. Why do you think they're doing all this? Do you think this administration, do you think the communists who run the country? Do you think they're unhappy? You think they look at these recruiting numbers and retention numbers? You think they're unhappy? I'm here to tell you they're thrilled. It's part of the reason they did the vaccine mandate. It's a way to guarantee you're getting your pesky political opponents out of the way. Move them out of the way. Let's get them out of the way and replace them with people who will be more willing to do what is necessary. No, it wasn't an accident. The United States Army just put up a slide calling pro lifers terrorists. It wasn't an accident at all. It's the military they've been building for quite some time, a military that will follow orders and go after those dangers to democracy, of course. That's what they're doing. I kid you not Joe Biden's still not speaking. Maybe he'll be speaking by the time we get back. I can't confirm or deny as a journalist. I can't confirm or deny anyway, we'll play it for you when he gets here. Hang on. Jesse Kelly return is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday in Chris. Everyone knows why you played that song. That's not right. Everyone for you people listening on the podcast. We just came back to the song called brain damage by Pink Floyd Chris. It's a little too on the nose right now. Don't you think? Don't you think that's disrespectful Chris tomorrow? Tomorrow's an ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Email your questions in right now. Don't wait until tomorrow. Jesse at Jesse Kelly Ask me anything and I have an update on the press conference and still hasn't happened. It's journalist Jesse. There's just no one better. We love Jesse. He's the best. Please kiss my baby, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. They are now saying that it's going to be another 10 minutes before Joe Biden gets out there. My phone, the battery has to be about dead on my phone because every person I know from my wife, friends, everybody is blowing up my phone. What's happening? Where is it? Where is this guy? Oh, look, all I can tell you is my theory and remember, these are all really, really terrible people. So don't feel bad for them at the same time. This is this is the pickle they're in Joe Biden can't talk anymore. He just can't do it. He can't talk anymore. He can't do this anymore. He does worse the later it gets and he runs out of gas really, really fast again. If you if you have any experience with people who have what we think Joe Biden has, you just don't have a bunch of energy. You should be resting. That's why Joe Biden should be somewhere getting round the clock care in a restful, peaceful environment. Instead, he just had to leave a big summit with NATO and how it works when you're president of the United States of America. You don't just get to get up and talk for two minutes and then step aside and then you go back to your room with your Withers originals and Matlock reruns. That's not how it works. You have to stay there and glad hand. You have to talk to people. They're going to have questions for you. Hey, Joe, what about this? Can we get this done? So Joe Biden just had to work a room. Have you ever worked a room? I've had to work a room before. I remember I ran for Congress twice. I ran for Congress twice. I lost twice, but I've had to work rooms many, many, many times. You walk in a room full of people and you got to walk up to every single person. Hey, I'm Jesse. Great to see you, Bob. Jill. When you got to shake their hand, you have to conversate with them. You have to act interested in whatever they're saying, even if whatever they're saying is really, really freaking stupid. That happens a lot to you when you're running for office, by the way, but what you don't know if you've never had to do that, and most people have had to do that on some level, what you don't know is how exhausting that can be. And I'm not comparing it to construction exhaustion or Marine Corps exhaustion. I've been exhausted in those ways where you can't, your hands don't work at the end of the day. Your shoulders are shot. You're just freaking tired. It's terrible. It's not that way, but just, you're just drained when you're done with that. And that was me as a 27 year old reasonably fit former United States Marine at the end of those days where I'd have to do this event, that event, that event, two, three events. And man, I'm frigging, I'm gassed. I'd give me a cup of coffee. I can't do it. As a young man, Joe Biden just had to finish working a room at NATO with the most powerful people on the planet, promises were made, agreements were come to. And now he has to give a press conference in front of a very, very hostile media. The media is going to try to take him out and he's already exhausted and he's nine thousand years old with dementia and no energy left. So what do you do? I'm sure they're drugging him up with every cocktail they can possibly put in him right now. But even that can only do so much if he's completely out of gas. I bet you team Biden behind closed doors isn't an all out panic right now. I bet they're looking at this old man sitting there in the chair, trying to pull his thoughts together. And I bet you money, Joe Biden has staffers who are updating their resumes on their phone as they look down. And if he's not going to do it, what, Chris, Chris said, do you think a power nap would fix it? Is it a big question? My wife actually said the same thing. I bet she he's taken a nap and look, I'm not, I'm certainly, I don't ever want to pretend as if I'm the expert on Alzheimer's or dementia or things like that. I just, that those terrible diseases have touched everyone, everyone in some way. I will say I've never seen a power nap fix it. Granted, rest is better than being tired. You have no chance to function at all if you're tired when you're in that way. And so maybe it will help a little, but we're not talking about you or me. We're talking about an old man with cognitive decline. His brain is going. It's, it's, it's really, really bad. They say he's coming out soon. They say it's going to be five minutes. I don't, I don't frickin' know. I, I, I, I, I, I, I am the twin of all people. I'm just kidding, I'm not going to play that whole song right now. All right, so they just got, went up to the microphone, they tested the microphone. I assume that means he's coming soon, but we don't know. This gets more and more interesting as the show goes on. This is one of the funnest shows I've ever done. Anyway, we're, we're going to get, we got to go to break, we're going to come back and then hopefully it's, hopefully at some point in time he gets going here. All right. Oh, Chris. Oh, nice. Chris told me we have a little bit more time to see if he holds out, so let's get to some emails. Dear world famous Jesse, Mike Johnson is currently on air with Clay and Buck, addressing his perspective on the issue of whether Joe Biden should step aside. Do you think the speaker would ever come on your show or is he afraid of what the line of questioning might be as in why have you sold out conservatives on each and every occasion that has presented itself during your tenure thus far? Look, he would come on my show. Maybe he, he's very, very aware of how I feel about him. He's very, very aware of what's going on. Okay. Chris tells me Joe Biden is walking out. No, I would not have Mike, Mike Johnson on my show. Everyone has a different philosophy when it comes to this stuff, but I don't have people on my show who I absolutely despise. What's that? Chris, we're going live. Okay. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. You know what? It's getting embarrassing. It's over. They're shouting things at him now. I guess he's still standing at the. Oh, never mind. Go back, Chris. He's still on. Go back. Okay. So here's my initial analysis of all this and I've seen people saying all kinds of things. He was terrible and I the most common theme I see is that it was terrible. Obviously, it was the slut, the weird whispering, the shouting, he sounded awful. He sounded like he just sounded old. He sounded really, really old and shot. He sounded like a shot fighter is what he sounded like my take on it. And I certainly could be wrong. Maybe this is just a confirmation bias take because I've always said they were going to bounce him out of the race. My take on it is he couldn't afford to be okay tonight. He is facing public cries from powerful Democrats to leave. Those have gone public an average night, which that probably was for him. That's an average night for any normal politician. It'd be a disaster for an average night was not good enough. Joe Biden had to get up there and prove the Democrats tonight that he is full of whatever it takes to beat Donald Trump. Did he do that? Not a chance I think that is it. I think that is the last one of those we're going to see. But by the grace of God and I, it's over. So now we can go back and do some more radio. All right. We'll do a little bit of inflation talk and couple other things. We'll talk a little bit more about the spied and stuff. I have a couple clips to replay. This has been a podcast from WOR, an official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out of pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Payed for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.