Jesse Kelly Show

An Experience with the Marines... The Economy...Safe Act

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11 Jul 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing They're also playing Chumbakasino everybody's loving having fun with it Chumbakasino is home to hundreds of casino style games You can play for free anytime anywhere so sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus That's and live the Chumbalay sponsored by Chumbakasino. No purchase necessary We'll get back to the economic news. I don't know why I got distracted with this in case you're just now joining us I'll get to economic news in just a few I'm telling a story about getting Giardia and you know in my parasite life Why? Because whoopi Goldberg says we all have poopy days. I don't care if he's poop poop this pants. I don't care So let's talk about that. I'm not gonna give you the backstory if you missed me doing all the lead up to this Go download the podcast iHeartSpotify iTunes you enjoy it now. We're in the mountains I'm doing mule packing with the Marine Corps and we're learning how to pack mules How do you pack them safely that's good for the animal take care of them everything else At the end of this we have to do a final exercise Where we go into the mountains with the mules you pack them up all your food all your water your weapons everything You need goes on to the mule you pack it right in into the mountains You go and you're going to i'll just say camp you're going to go camping you're going to go camp for four or five days So we head off into the mountains I'm not leading this. I'm a very young marine at the time. I think I was a Private first class or a lance corporal. I was very young. It was very very young. Yeah, chris low dad. I was I was 20 I think I was young young so i'm not in charge of anything The guy who is in charge of the mule packers he Just because they put him in charge of the mule packers and just because he knew how to pack mules Didn't necessarily mean he knew How to work his way through the mountains the mountains can be a very confusing place Figuring out where you are. It's you can get lost very easily He gets us lost in the mountains Now I'm not panicking not worried about it. I've lost my way in the mountains before it can be a little intimidating But if you keep your head on your shoulders, you'll figure out a way out of there I'm surrounded by infantry marines. We're going to be just fine. It's not a big deal But what is a big deal? Is we're running out of food? That's not ideal, but okay. You can get through that What is a very very big deal though was we're running out of water We don't have enough water So I let him know hey, we're running out of he was a sergeant. I'd run him out of water. What I said. Hey sergeant, uh We're running out of water You need to get some water and he hands me this big these big water jugs And he said what's still big deal kelly just go fill him up in that stream right there and you you know, I You know, I'm gonna voice my opinion Especially if if it's a situation that might become dangerous. I'm gonna voice my opinion marine core or not low ranking or not So I let him know sergeant The stream water we can't just we can't just dip these things in there. Do you have any water purification? Surely you have water purification because we can't we can't just pull water out of the stream and drink it and he just Abused me up and down. Just very I know what I'm doing kelly I think I know more than you that just destroyed me just go fill up the water tanks. Okay. Well, look It's still the marines. It doesn't matter how opinionated I am It is what it is if he doesn't have any water purification tablets and we're not boiling anything up here Then okay So I and me and a couple other guys would take the jugs down we feel the jugs up And as we try to work our way out of the mountains What are we drinking? Jugs Full of mountain stream water Now we get back We finish mountain warfare training and three or four weeks later Like I said, gee already lies dormant. We are back in 29 palms and it's the summer We're doing a field op. We're out in the field doing a big shoot and we have to hump back to base I think it was a 10 mile hump of I remember right and it's 120 degrees outside Already everyone's dreading the hump you got a hump When it's cool out it's brutal at 120 degrees when you've been busting your butt the whole time That can be a rough hump rather. It's gonna you're gonna test your manhood on that home I'm doing the shoot We have a couple minutes back on our packs and it feels like It feels like I swallowed a bunch of midgets and they're stabbing me in the stomach all of a sudden When I say i'm trying to try to put this as nice as possible because I realize Some people may be heading home to eat dinner and there are kids listening It's not as if I had to go The normal oh, I guess I better get home type thing it was the you're about to go now Whether you want to or not and you are in physical agony And so it begins and I will skip over all the details just know Over the next few hours in 120 degree heat. I was in Really really really bad shape It finally got so bad that our doc our corpsman He notices that I look half dead and we're about to go on our hump This is one of those times in life and there's been many these where I believe God looked out for me I believe he saved my life to be honest with you because there is no way I was going to bow out of this hump. You don't do that in the Marines and you definitely don't do it in the infantry I'm too tired. I'm too sick get your freaking pack on and go home There's you can't look like a wuss in front of your buddies And so I was gonna throw that pack on and try I would have never made it what happened from there I don't know but I could hunt pretty well. I was never going to make that hump I don't know if I would have made a mile. I don't I was never going to make it I had no water left on my body. I had no food left in my body. My eyes were hollow My doc pulls me aside and jabs and ivy into me He said he'd never seen someone take down an iv bag that quickly So I drain it immediately pulls it out jams another one in there what chris what Oh, this is uh before the sea urchin chris. Anyway, he jams another ivy into me. I drain that one too He jams another one. I take down three ivy bags in medical terms I was drier than a popcorn fart. I had no water in me They scrambled now they're panicking because now i'm running a fever They throw me in the back of a humvee and race me into base to into the base hospital Base hospital doesn't know what's going on, but they have to do some tests on me. They finally do some tests on me The tests come back For me and almost everyone else who was in mule packers We all tested positive for giardia And they we had to be quarantined to our rooms and that Is a parasite story. So I hear you whoopi I know what it's like to have a poopy day. I have been there myself Uh, a lot of americans are having poopy days right now A lot of them and there's a reason for it Business bank rupsies jump 34% in the first half of 2024 And you have Jerome pal out there Saying things like this back in february you were on 60 minutes and you said the us budget deficit the national debt or Unsustainable you still view that the us is on an unsustainable fiscal pal path I do I so I was I think I tried to be clear that the level of the us debt is not itself unsustainable But the path that we're on is unsustainable. I think that is not controversial We're losing businesses We're losing small businesses And it's not just that we're losing these things The government because of government spending and money printing What they're doing with every new trillion they blow Is they're building a wall between us In solutions. I was having a conversation with some in the other day And what he told me was He thinks in in a way They're setting up trump For a disastrous four years of trump wins and I said wait what what are you talking about? And they laid it out. They essentially said well the fundamentals of the economy are not only bad Because they won't stop spending and doing all the things they're doing They're essentially blowing up the foundation peers of it So it doesn't matter who takes over They very likely are going to walk into a debt in inflation bomb They can't do anything about I realize We all want we all need inflation to go down We're all watching businesses close small business closures are up 61 now It's really really bad big businesses Bankruptcies jumped 34 for just the first half of this year So we know that things are bad now the fundamentals are terrible now But they're preventing us from ever going back With this endless spending and borrowing and spending and borrowing and spending and borrowing And they continue to lie through their teeth about all the reasons behind us They're still too high because the corporate greed we're in a situation where we're at rents are too high We need more housing and whole range of things. We're going to get done with your help in the second term Food prices are too high because of corporate greed So we're in this rocky economic situation And we have dirty lying communists in charge who are not only not trying to fix it It appears As if they're trying to make it all worse and of course that is what they're trying to do I really do think there is a rocky economic future out there and speaking of lies Let's let's talk a little bit more about this because we're talking about the 2025 in the world And make believe these commies live in let's touch a little bit more on that next truth attitude Just it is the jessie kelly show on a wednesday talking about lies and yes I understand what happened with the save act a little while ago. I haven't gotten into it yet We'll talk about it Here probably 10 minutes. I'll address this whole save act thing that Democrats voted against in the house before we get to that Let's get back to this world of make believe because I said something earlier in the show And i'm going to repeat myself because it's very true you You have the curse of seeing things clearly And when you live in a corrupt rotted culture that believe me that's a curse You see the problems. You know what it takes to solve the problems The people in charge don't seem to realize what you realize And so your life is going to be frustration with your politicians and the norms and normas That's your burden that's your cross to bear because you see things clearly Set you aside. I'm not talking about you norm norma. I know I hit the microphone christ I don't think even think it made that it didn't hit that hard. I talked with my hands gris. Anyway Norman norma They live their lives. You know, you know how you can see everything They live their lives in a fog A very very very thick fog. I'm not talking about card carrying democrats This applies to many republicans. This is the norm in your life the norma in your life Someone who goes to work Probably as a family Maybe coaches little league on the weekends watch his football goes church on sunday lives a very bread and butter Normal american life, but right now while you're listening to the sound of my vice sound of my voice He's watching the Mets That that's what he does. He's just a norm a normal. He's not political. I don't like politics. He says things like that but the problem for norm is Because he doesn't seek out the truth And we live in a culture built on lies If you don't seek out the truth in a culture built on lies Then the best you can hope for is to stumble on it from time to time. So he lives in this thick fog He's walking up the street. It's a super thick fog and he can kind of make out a car there I guess that's a little bit of the truth and he may eventually but trip on the curb He made stumble on the truth. Oh, whoa, it's a fire hydrant. I found one He may run into the truth by accident from time to time That would be his conversations with you when you tell him what's up But for the most part he lives his life in a fog. He has a vague idea of the world around him But he's really quite lost and then There's your liberal amp peggy the average american democrat If you are a democrat You consume lies at all times You watch movies Everything in the movies today It's framed around your Sick demonic worldview and they reinforce your lies So when you go to the movies lies when you turn on the news lies when you listen to your politicians Lies when you go to school whether it's grade school or universities lies Lies over and over and over and over and over again if you do not believe me Go look at a poll and how many democrats in this country still believe donald trump colluded with russia to win the 2016 election And I have a spoiler for all you commies hate listening That is one of those things that has been debunked a thousand times over even prominent democrats Have had to admit publicly that entire story was an invention It was all made up and democrats across america coast to coast Believe it to be a fact because if you are a democrat You live in a world entirely of make believe Everything you believe it's not just a little bit wrong It's black and white wrong. You believe things are up when things are down You believe things are left when things are right. You believe the sky is green When everyone else normal can see the sky is blue Because you consume things like this That was the world safer with president but because he prioritizes alliances and partnerships That is a great question and i'm glad you asked it and this week will show that Um, um unlike others. He doesn't demean them. He doesn't insult them Um, he doesn't cast them aside. He's investing in alliances and partnerships That's what your liberal aunt peggy says when she walks in Does she know what any of that means? She has no idea She lives in a world Of make believe What do they need biden's transcripts from the deposition if it was accurate? Listen to the attorney general. There's been an allegation that the transcripts might have been altered in some way Is there any truth to that allegation? There's no alligator truth to that the senior Um, uh, career official in the department, um, in a declaration he filed under oath stated that he had compared the audio To, um, the transcript and that it is an accurate, uh, transcript is accurate with the exceptions of us And us and repetitions of words like I and aunt and he The transcript is totally accurate Is especially if you don't count all the things we eliminated from it. So joe biden sat there forever They deleted everything where he repeated himself deleted all the odds and odds and and other than that It's totally accurate if you are a democrat who watches cnn You go to a government school. You've been to a government school your entire life You then go off to a government college You now live work and worship in a blue city. I knew who am I kidding? You don't worship anything But you live and work in a blue city You live a lie and you have no idea Everything you believe is a lie Everything And it's a lie Designed for sheep like you you understand that They know who their audience is. It's dumb people like you All the commies hate listening You're the moron all this stuff was built for I want you to know that all right Speaking of morons. I was going to avoid this, but let's talk about it The save act every democrat but five just voted to let illegals vote in an election Now we knew they were going to do that. Let's set that aside. Let's talk about language Selling something horrible. Let's dig into that in a moment before we do that Let's sell something wonderful How about rough greens? About the gift of having your dog live longer. Does that sound something appealing to you? You ever had to put a dog down? I have That's not one of the better days. Is it freaking horrible? That's probably if you have a dog down probably a day You'd like to push out as far away as possible and the years you do have with your dog Wouldn't you like him to be healthier? Those hip problems he doesn't move anymore His coat's getting dull his breath smells like a landfill in south africa Does that sound appealing to you? Well Rough greens is an all-natural nutritional supplement you pour on your dog's food You will see differences in your dog Digestive system coat breath energy level and your dog will live longer. How about that? Free jumpstart trial bags 8 3 3 3 3 my dog or slash jesse Is the jesse kelly show on a Wednesday? Don't forget you can email the show love hate death threats email Whatever you want to jesse at jesse kelly now. All right. Let's touch on the save act You already knew what what the deal was the save act was a republican piece of legislation in the house That guaranteed illegals will not be allowed to vote in federal elections because in many states right now like illinois If you get a driver's license They're gonna register you to vote if you check the box saying you're an american citizen with no verification at all So the house republicans said hey, here's a bill. Let's not let illegals vote They just voted on it And all but five democrats voted against it The democrat position in the united states of america Is that illegals should vote in elections now none of this is surprising you you already knew all this Jewish producer chris grabbed a couple bits of audio because a bunch of democrats got up on the house floor today to speak Now before you play it chris I just want to I want to say this. I want to prepare you for what you're about to hear It's going to be a bunch of standard racist misogynist jim crow crap, but get past that get past all that What are you actually hearing? Well What you're hearing is a sales job But being a politician really is or any kind of a cultural leader or anything like that Everyone's in sales on some level If you're a dirty communist if you're a democrat What do you really want all of everyone in this video everyone in this audio? I should say that you'll hear what do they really want? Well, they want to destroy the united states of america They don't believe this country is good. They believe it's evil That's part of the reason they want the border open Everyone in the world should be able to come loot and pillage this place and rape its women because america is an evil horrible place That deserves to burn. That's how the communist thinks now. That's how the communist has always thought But these people also need to get elected they do They do need people to vote for them and contrary to popular opinion Every election is installed. Yeah, they cheat in elections. Of course Yeah, of course the illegals are going to vote in elections and all these things are true But every election is installing these people you're about to hear They need a lot of norms and normals to go and invoke for them But if you're a demon who wants to burn down the country and kill everybody and rape all the women How do you sell that to norm and norma? How could you possibly package such a horrible plan in such a way that won't freak out norm and norma? Well You find a way to appeal to their values you take something awful Evil despicable and you just lie about it and massage it and sand it down in such a way That norm and norma even if they can't bring themselves to support what you want They'll be less willing to oppose what you want That's what you're about to hear with these people And it is only citizens can vote for the united states senate only citizens can vote for the presidency of the united states So this extreme magnet republican voter suppression bill is not designed to solve any Problem on behalf of the american people It is designed to jam people up and prevent americans from voting the extreme mega-republican voter suppression This bill is essentially a poll tax Because I am not aware of a single proof of citizenship document that does not cost an individual money to get it Unless we are requiring every state to provide one for free and then it's on unfunded mandate This is the 2024 version of the Jim Crow poll tax And to advance it John lewis didn't give up and neither will we mr Speaker house republican so-called Save act is a dangerous anti-democratic bill that has no place on this floor Hypotheticals it is under attack right now Uh right here with this very bill republicans want to throw up barriers because when people vote They lose let me be clear. They don't want you to vote They don't want to hear black voices brown voices lgbt qia voices young voices Our fundamental access to our democracy is being polite. We got it. We got it. We got it So even if you're not going to sign on for illegals voting Because even a lot of older democrats that's kind of too far for them. Oh, i'm an older union democrat. I don't like republicans, but and I don't want illegals voting. So even if you're one of those people And you're not you're not really signing on for illegals voting They can shame you into shutting up about it. Well after all Are you maga? Are you one of these extreme maggas? Are you are you what did that one lady say christ? Are you Jim crow? I bet you're pro Jim crow. Aren't you you hate gays and and black people and brown? People and it is Extremely effective and let me clarify. I don't believe it's effective on you. That's not what i'm saying So don't email me and say jesse that would never work on me. It's not supposed to work on you Democrats very very smartly never ever ever ever ever ever ever Campaign trying to appeal to their mortal enemies. That's what republican losers do All the time they'll find the demographic that hates them and they'll bend over backwards and forwards Trying to appeal to somebody who's never going to vote for them at all Democrats are much much smarter politically. You are an informed american You're an individual thinker. You are somebody who believes in rights freedom guns things like that They're not going to waste a single second talking to you. They don't care about you at all set you aside This is for Your norm and norma The norm in your life your brother who just i don't care about politics. You see that home run You're the norma in your life. Oh, you're so worried about all that gay stuff We just got back from disney. Look at the necklace that the tranny cinderella put on my son aden That's who this is for because that person even if illegals voting in federal elections might make them uncomfortable That person doesn't want to be associated with Jim crow i couldn't i'll just stay quiet about it because i don't want to be labeled as a jim crow racist That's why they use the language they use and that's well That's why you're norm and norma That's why they get uncomfortable talking about politics The communist purposely makes politics uncomfortable to keep norm and norma Shut up about the whole thing to keep them quiet about the whole thing They just need good people to shut up and stay home long enough for them to complete the revolution in the end As all things this is just about the revolution as we've talked about before in fact, well, let's dive Let's dive into it right now For decades the leaders of the west every democrat in most of the republican leadership For decades they have viewed the patriotic american citizen as an annoyance As a burden A speed bump holding them back slowing them down from implementing their wonderful plans that will save us And so for decades They have tried to flood their nations with people who can be bought much more cheaply than you can be bought Who aren't going to cry about the second amendment or first amendment or anything else Here's a $2,000 visa card in a room at the marion Hey pepe you voting for me this november The plan was always to have them vote because the plan has always been the revolution Keep democrats in power forever Burn down the american system the economy health care education system With endless floods of third world hordes and right now they're on the cusp of it Did you think they were going to stop these people from voting? The whole plan was these people voting Evil yeah, but I got a couple numbers for you digging into those to kind of reflect what i'm talking about. Here's another number for you 11 $11 Not a ton of money is it and i'm not being dismissive of 11 dollars 11 dollars can make a real difference anymore But you know what 11 dollars to tunnel to towers does They ask for 11 bucks a month 11 dollars to tunnel to towers provides for widows and orphans When dad gets up one day Throws on his state trooper uniform Hugs his kids kisses his wife goodbye asks what's for dinner when he gets home And he never comes home Where does that family how do you even try to put your life back together? Well, I don't know but I know tunnel to towers is there providing homes. So at least that burden is off them That's what your 11 dollars a month does Go to t the number two t dot org t to t dot org. We'll be back It is the jessie calley show chris. What is with that music? What was that? It's a corridor. Who is he? I don't know what It's mexican music. That's not mexican. That's the new year's song Don't get the mexican's credit for art song greatest studies. There's no what no No, that's not a mexican song get out of here. My buddy. Uh louisas. Tell me he always references these mexican singers I'll show up at his house to hang out and he's got some mexican music playing back there And it's some guy you know to sing it. He sounds like this Sounds something similar to that And I I'm always asked to what are we listening to and he'll always drop the name of some guy As if i'm supposed to know who that person is. Oh, I can't believe you've never heard of uh Nacho Gonzalez no, I haven't freaking heard of nacho Gonzalez What are you talking about and he acts like i'm supposed to know either way? Let's go back to talking about the economy speaking of nachos But we were talking about the economy being or the country it's more than the economy the country Taken from the hands of the citizen on purpose All western nations are going through this Flooding the western leaders are flooding their country with as many Eligals from across the planet as they possibly can to try to crowd out snuff out and ultimately stomp out The patriotic citizen make sure your voice can never be heard you see it everywhere. We just had a thousand African show up in the community Mauritanians from west Africa finding their way to Cincinnati But a hundred came to our doors last friday and we're wiped out of food. We don't know where they're from We don't know how to communicate with them and it created quite uh an issue for us This population is finding its way to Cincinnati from a new route posted on tiktok And what's at an immigration loophole in nikoragua Allows relax entry requirements and makes a low-cost visa available for purchase without proof of onward travel Because they're smuggled illegally so they're illegal From that country to the us southern border. They travel all the way they go into turkey then columbia or el Salvador or nikoragua You name it then they make their way to our southern border All facilitated by the federal government Facilitated by you and me in our tax dollars The federal government is facilitating the invasion of the united states of america To crowd you out to rip your country from your hands and so when you hear things like this It's not playing, but either way that was a chris that was supposed to be a montage I had it. Oh chris I had the smoothest butter transition set up where biden was going to do He was talking to montage about adding jobs and stuff like that and then the stupid soundboard didn't work I'll play this until you play it right. I'll just sit here all the ground cranes in the air factors opening All those jobs meaning we were created We've created more than 12,000 brand new jobs in two years That's more than any president americans was created in four years That means overall we've created more jobs in two years than any administration has created in the first four years And uh, I think all this matters. It's no accident our economy is created headline Biden economy is creating zero jobs for native born americans native born americans since 2018 negative job growth All the millions and millions of jobs have been handed over to the people They brought into the country The entire country the job market education system each in every bit of it being torn from your hands And handed to people who were Well, their loyalties can be bought cheaper than yours. You see a citizen You are a citizen Granted we have moved far away from our founding and we've lost our way in many ways, but as a citizen You have a kinship with this country You have roots in this country. However far back they may go And so you are more emotionally invested in this country and the things that happened here It's still different than uh, you know, remember that one email. We read you pretty never gonna remember this I don't know why I even remembered it, but we got an email one time. I'm sure they're listening now It was from this couple They had inherited a home from I believe it was his father from their parents who passed they had inherited a home And this is a home if I remember correctly The father had built with his bare hands. He built this home And you remember it don't you criss and they grew up he as a child he grew up in the house or she grew up in that house I forget who wrote the email and then dad passed away parents passed away handed the home back to them And they were in a really really really bad financial Situation essentially they were barely making the bills barely keeping their head above water And he wrote in an email. It's saying hey, I don't know what to do My dad built this house with his bare hands. I I can't sell it. I can't sell it. I got it I I've got I need money, but I can't sell the home. I can't do it now Would you have even the slightest amount of hesitation? To sell a home that let's say you moved into last year If you were all of a sudden hard up financially, you couldn't pay the car bill The kids didn't have shoes for school. You kid you couldn't make ends meet Oh, of course throw the real through the throw the for sale sign in the lawn right now I don't give a crap about this home. I got a downgrade. Maybe we're going to an apartment No big deal When it's the home you're freaking dad built with his bare hands Now you are tied to that home in emotional ways That is the difference Between a citizen of this nation whether you earned your citizenship Or whether you were born into your citizenship You feel a kinship roots to this country that make you uniquely invested in the prosperity Of this country in the future of this country because this country is yours Like I said, either you immigrated here legally and earned your citizenship And you remember the day you put your hand on the bible and you or you were born into it And your parents talked about it and you remember fourth of july with fireworks as a kid and you remember learning about america You're invested but have you just freaking got here from tajakstan And you're staying at a new york city hotel enjoying the papusas down in the lobby every night Are you really stressed about november Do you really care that much about any of this stuff? Of course you don't you just freaking got here And that's why they want more of them In fewer of you, you and your emotional investment in america, you're such a freaking bother They need some other people who aren't quite as invested. That's the deal This has been a podcast from wor Hello, it is ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day Could we just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes counting your steps You know all the mundane stuff that is why i'm such a big fan of chamba kasina Chamba kasina has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses So sign up now at chamba kasino dot com. That's chamba kasino dot com sponsored by chamba kasino No purchase necessary vg w group voidware prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply