Jesse Kelly Show

Palace intrigue concerning Biden and Harris

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10 Jul 2024
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First, you saw, or at least I'm sure you've heard a bit about some more of the drama happening today. What's the drama? Democrats are begging Joe Biden to leave. They're meeting with him, and they're begging with him to leave. We now have some of the most prominent voices in the American media, including Democrat inner circle people. David Axelrod is a big time inner circle Democrat person. He's out there saying things like there are certain immutable facts of life. And those were painfully obvious on that debate stage. And the president just doesn't seem to come to, he hasn't come to grips with it. He's not winning this race. He's more likely, if you just look at the data and talk to people around the country, political people around the country, it's more likely that he'll lose by a landslide than win narrowly. Yeah. So I'm not going to spend a much more time on this. Why does the system want dome? It's not that the system wants dome. They don't. What you're seeing right now, these people want him out. These people don't want him out. And you know, it's his lackeys are out there saying that this is John Kirby, you in your meetings with him, ever seen him appear similarly to the way he did on debate. What I saw in that debate is not reflective of the man and the leader and the commander in chief that I have spent many, many hours with over the last two and a half years in terms of the the specificity of the way he probes the questions he asked just this morning. He was asking me questions about situation on European content that I couldn't answer. And I told him I had to get back to him. Yes. Yes. I'm sure this guy had some very, very detail oriented questions that really it sent John Kirby for even when I was running for Senate. And each time I ran, quite frankly, not a Joe Philadelphia particular got me across the line. Joe Biden was a senator from Delaware. Now, maybe, maybe look, maybe things have changed. Look, they redraw maps all the time. I always thought Philadelphia was in Pennsylvania, but maybe they've redone that either way. Look, we know what's going on. His lackeys, his inner circle, the gills, the Hunter Biden's, the John Kirby's, they're all out there lying through their teeth, trying to pretend as if everything's fine. The other people, Democrat big shots, Hakeem Jeffries, David Axelrod, and others are telling him to leave. Their donors are telling him to leave. Get out, get out, get out, get out. What are you seeing? What does all this come down to? That's the only explanation you need for all the drama we've seen and all the drama you will see. What is it? Self interest. Good old fashioned self interest. No one in the media who's currently asking tough questions is asking tough questions because they're genuinely concerned that a cadaver is president of the United States of America. They're asking tough questions because they look dumb for having covered for him and because Donald Trump might beat Joe Biden. That's the only reason asking tough questions. No one in Joe Biden's inner circle who's encouraging him to stay in is doing so because they believe in Joe Biden or believe it as message or or think it's best for America or any of those things. I'm going to play something for you. Jill Biden, here's a headline for you. Jill Biden campaigns in three states in one day, while Joe Biden makes a morning call, then blocks out his calendar and takes the rest of the day off. That's a real headline. Jill Biden now has her own walkout music. Ladies and gentlemen, the First Lady of the United States, Jill Biden. That's where in my life, this is real. In the song, I kid you not is titled fanfare for the First Lady. Joe Biden's supporters and Joe Biden's detractors, each and every one of them, they're only interested in themselves. It only everything comes back to selfish motivation. The Democrats who are very concerned today, they don't care care about the country or anything like that. They care because they're worried Joe Biden might hurt them keeping their seats in the upcoming election. That's all they care about. Jill Biden, she doesn't want Joe to stay in because that's best for America. And I love you, Joe. She wants. Well, look, they're writing music for she's out there campaign and I'm only. Joe has made it clear that he's all in. That's the decision that he's made. And just as he has always supported my career, I am all in two. Now it all just comes down to selfish interest. You know that I know that that there's something about this that I was thinking about this morning that I do find fascinating. We're going to get to emails and this to save act and other things. But one thing I find very, very fascinating. So now we've had several several high ranking Democrats and low ranking Democrats and media people, which again, I repeat myself, come out and call for Joe Biden to leave. He needs to leave. He needs to leave. He's too old. He's hurting us. He's got to go. His pole number suck. He's got to go. He's got to go. He's got to go. He's got to go. He's got to go. He's got to go. He's got to go. Okay. But what's that old saying? If you come at the king, you best not miss, you ever heard of saying or some, something along those lines. So what does that saying mean? What are they saying there? If you're going to try to take out the man in charge, you better take out the man in charge, because if you don't, if you try to take out the man in charge and fail to take out the man in charge, well, he has all kinds of tools at his disposal to make your life real, real tough and miserable or ended if we're talking about the Clintons. There are a lot of very, very prominent Democrats calling for Joe Biden to leave. What if he doesn't? Do you think Jill Biden, Jill Biden is famously vindictive? Did you know the Bidens in dome hate each other? Do you know why the Biden's in dome hate each other so much? Because during that one debate, when dome was trying to win, and she called Joe a racist, pretty much called him a Klan member, Jill Biden never forgave her for that. And since then, there's been this rift between the Bidens and dome. What is the situation going to be like inside Democrat headquarters? If Joe Biden, after all this really does decide he's staying and he's running and he's not leaving, how uncomfortable is that going to be? That's what makes what's happening right now so amazing. I realize they're all doing it to sell for self interest. But boy, you come out publicly at some Democrat congressman and say Democrat Democrats need Joe Biden to step down or I might lose my seat. And then Joe Biden doesn't step down. Well, you're going to run into Joe Biden again. I've granted he won't remember, we all know that. But Jill will remember, there are a lot of Democrats coming for the king right now. If he stays in, then they miss. Well, that gets uncomfortable. All right. Let's do some emails, like I promised Jesse. Why are you such a babbling idiot? Well, look, we Kelly's are not the sharpest people ever. We've never claimed the mantle of some genius family. You know, there's, I have a bunch of cousins who are valedictorians and things like that. There was always them. And then there was, there was us with Kelly's weren't so look, a lot of this is probably just genetics, right? I'm uneducated. Remember, I went to community college. I join the Marines and instead of choosing some sort of a profession that would give me some job skills that would help me later on in life, I chose to be in the infantry. I mean, look, the list of reasons why I'm an idiot are long. It's a it's a long list. I can't, I only have a three hour show. We're already in the final hour. I can't get to everything now. But there are a lot of good reasons. You should know, there's a lot of good reasons. Let's talk about religion in school. Let's get to some emails. Let's get to the save act. Let's get to your dog. You know, it's so embarrassing. Yeah, I told you we went to Florida for the weekend. You know, you have any idea how often Fred was mentioned. It's freaking pathetic. What's happened to this family of mine? It's pathetic. And I count myself in there. I'm freaking embarrassed. I wonder how Fred's doing. I hope Fred's okay. I hope, I hope they're taking care of Fred is Fred doing well. Isn't that pathetic? But that's what this pathetic dog has done this morning. I was given my wife a hug in the kitchen and Fred comes up and jams his whole head in between us in the kitchen. We look down like what the so anyway, we do love our dogs, don't we? They become part of the family. And we want our dogs to live a long time. Don't you want your dog to live a long time? We don't want to take them to the vet all the time. We don't want them to die at 10. So that's why I give Fred rough greens, all natural nutritional supplement. I poured on every meal, vitamins, probiotics, digestive enzymes, antioxidant. You name it, it has it. Get rough greens on your dog's food, slash Jesse, where you can call 83333. My dog. We'll be back. Jesse Kelly show, it's the Jesse Kelly show reminding you you can email me Jesse at Jesse Kelly And we have a lot more we still need to get to tonight. Before we get to that, let's get to some emails. Dear Jay Kizzle, will you be doing a live show in Milwaukee during the RNC? Give us the details. Okay. Yes and no. Let me explain a lot more to explain. So you know the RNC is next week. It's in Milwaukee. I have to go. All right. I heart premieres. They're putting on apparently some big fancy set up. So Clay and Buck and me, we're doing our shows live from Milwaukee next week. Now don't get me wrong. I love hanging with Clay and Buck and that'll be fun. And I mean, it'll be fun eating my way through Milwaukee. That's always a good time. But I don't want to try either way, whatever, I'll be there next week. And I will be doing the show live from Milwaukee. But I need to clarify. I don't know that I'm going to be going to be able to hang with you when I do the show. Okay, if you happen to be there. From my understanding, the convention is in one spot and radio row, as it's known, is in a different spot close, but a different spot. So radio row, obviously, as the name says, radio row will be a bunch of different people doing a radio show from there. We will have our own booth set up there. I'm sure because it's premier. I'm sure it'll be fancy and friggin awesome. I have no doubt premier will do it right. That's fine. But I don't know whether they're going to allow an audience in. I don't know whether or not they're going to allow people in. Now, I guess it will probably depend on how many people I know are going. I guess we could always do like a red lobster meetup or something like that. What Chris, like what? Why can't we do a red lobster meetup? I don't know if their red lobster is still in business. If it is, we can help them. I know there's one in the general vicinity. Look, it doesn't have to be bread lobster. It could be waffle house or something like that. We can do some kind of a meetup. I'm happy to do that. If there are a bunch of people there and want to hang, I want to hang. I don't have anything else to do. Chris, am I going going to be there? I'll just be stuck with clay and buck the whole time. It'll be brutal. So do you want to hang? We can do that. And yes, I'm doing a live show from there Monday through Thursday of next week. No show next Friday. Travel stuff, whatever. Don't get me started. Anyway, Jesse, I just took my first battlefield tour of Gettysburg. My word. If anyone thinks they want to take up arms, they need to come here. What happened here was terrible. We should never do a war within our borders again. Local and legal will prevent all that war. His name's Ryan. Like I said, don't ever, ever wish for civil war and be very, very aware of what you're saying. We can't vote our way out of this. One, we've never tried. We don't bother showing up at elections. We vote once every four years. I'm voting for Trump. Have you voted since the last time Trump was up for election? Which election? I didn't even know we had one. So we got to start showing up at local elections for sure. And yeah, pray to God. We don't ever, ever turn our guns on each other. Civil wars, all civil wars are just dreadful affairs. Jesse, how do you feel about Doug Bergham as Trump's VP? Well, I'll give it to you both ways. One, I believe Trump is leaning that way. From what I understand, this is from Trump's people. He likes Doug Bergham a lot because Doug Bergham is someone he relates to. Doug Bergham is an older guy. The other VP candidates are younger, significantly younger than Trump. He's also a business guy. He's got a business background. And from what I understand, Trump likes that a lot. Now, look, when it comes to things like immigration, Trump is running as this immigration hawk mass deportation, things like that. Doug Bergham's terrible on immigration, absolutely dreadful on it. Is that going to matter? Well, the VP doesn't set policy. Maybe it won't matter. I don't know. I don't know how I feel about Bergham as VP. I don't stress the VP position as much because I doubt very much whoever the VP is is going to be in the driver's seat for the GOP nomination the next time. I just don't think that'll be Jesse. Facebook has multiple postings. All right, let me pause there. It's probably a lie. And you do explain something about Facebook. If you're reading things on Facebook, and I know so many people get their news from Facebook, sound bites from Facebook, if you're getting things from Facebook, I'm not dogging on social media. Boy, do you, I can't stress this enough. You need to test those things. You need to run down those stories on your own. Do a little internet sleuthing and make sure they're good to go because the level, what do they call it, misinformation, the level of misinformation that's out there on Facebook is staggering. This really, really plagues older folks. I was on Facebook and I saw almost always crap. The second you lead with that, I'm assuming it's crap. Anyway, this guy goes on to say reporting project 2025 will cancel or strip social security benefits. Multiple sources online report similarly. Where can I find the truth? Okay. Whenever you see anything about the taking of your social security, understand that that is a lie about a thousand percent of the time. It is a lie because everyone learned a long time ago, one of the most effective ways to win an election is to tell seniors you're going to take away their social security check. They will then crawl across a mile of broken, broken glass naked to vote against you if they think you're going to stop their social security check. There's nobody in the country running to stop your social security check. Every place you see that, whether it's on Facebook, the New York Times, a billboard or a TV commercial, every single time you see an ad saying whoever it is is going to take away your social security. It's a lie and it's a lie designed to scare you in voting for the other guy because it's one of the most effective ways to get people to vote for the other guy. So don't ever believe that again. All right, period and a story. Let's talk about the Save Act. But first, I want to talk about why you would believe that lie. A big reason you'd believe that lies because your T levels are too low. And when your T levels get too low, your mind doesn't work properly. Low T does more than just make you unable to make babies. It makes you stupid. In the truest sense of the word, when your T levels get low, you can't think as a dude, you can't think logically. And you get down and depressed more. You essentially, as your T levels drop, you get a thicker and thicker cloud inside of your mind. You will know what I'm talking about after you've taken a male vitality stack from chalk for 90 days because the cloud will just slowly steadily lift and you'll be floored by how you think. Don't take my word for it. Try it for 90 days. You'll know I'm right. Huge discounts on subscriptions for the lifetime of this subscription. promo code Jesse C H O Q dot com promo code. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Don't forget you can email me Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com. All right, let's talk really briefly about the Save Act, which is not going to pass. So we're not going to spend a bunch of time on it. The House Republicans are doing something that's smart, which is rare for them, but they're trying to get this Save Act. They're trying to get it a bunch of publicity. What is the Save Act? It says that these illegal can't vote in our elections. This is never going to pass because Joe Biden would never sign it. Joe Biden and the communists surrounding him didn't bring in 12 million illegals in the last four years just so they could prevent them from winning elections from voting in elections. Democrats cheat in elections. Period. End of story. It's not arguable. I don't care what dork for geo peer you listen to and they cheat in elections. And you know this because the two platforms of the Democrat party are you shouldn't have to show ID to vote in elections should be all mail in. The only reason you would take either of those positions is because you intend to cheat. They cheat in elections. This is representative Brian Steele, Steele, Steele, Steele, whatever. I don't know him. He's from Wisconsin. The Save Act contains critical reforms to existing legislation and strengthens current law by requiring documentary proof of US citizenship to register to vote in federal elections. The National Voter Registration Act currently requires states to give voter registration forms to everyone who receives a driver's license regardless of citizenship. For example, in Illinois, like many states, non-citizens can obtain a driver's license under the NVR. Just stop for a minute. As I listen to this, it's about a minute 30. I'll probably stop it a couple times. There are a lot of there's a lot of this that really hit me hard, really, really hard. We live in a country where several states give illegals, drivers licenses. Just just marinate on that for a moment. We have so moved into insanity territory with these dirty communists that illegals get driver's licenses issued to them by the state. If you're any legal and you make any contact with any government official, the only course of action is immediate arrest and deportation. Yet we now live in a country where you can walk into the DMV in Illinois and say, Hey, my name's Pedro. I just got here from El Salvador. I'd like my driver's license, please. And you will be totally safe. Not only safe from arrest and deportation, they'll hop to it and give you your driver's license. Just We are in some trouble. These non citizens would be given voter would be given voter registration forms. In just a few years ago, Illinois had to remove hundreds of non citizens from its voter rolls. All an applicant has to do is check a box saying they're a citizen and the citizenship verification process is over. Following the 2013 Supreme Court case, Arizona versus Intertribal, the NVRA prevents states from asking applicants for confirmation of citizenship. The SAVE Act would require states to obtain documentary proof. I just want to be clear again what he just said. It prevents states from verifying citizenship. It's now the law in America. You're not allowed to ask for proof of citizenship before you vote in elections. What if you have a citizenship, an identity in person when registering an individual to vote in a federal election? The change to the NVRA would direct states to establish a process for applicants who do not have documentary proof of citizenship, but are in fact, you have citizens under a process developed by the Election Assistance Commission. The SAVE Act would require states to set up a program to remove non citizens from their voter rolls. In order to assist with this process, the bill would give states immediate and free access to federal and state databases with citizenship information. So this bill is going to go nowhere. It's going to get shot down in the Senate with the Democrats there and all the low T Republican losers in the Senate. The SAVE Act's going nowhere. This is purely a political ploy by the GOP to make Democrats publicly declare their intention to allow illegals to vote. And that's fine. That's actually a good, it's a crafty move. Wrong foot your enemy in an election year when the public is already upset by illegal immigration. It's a smart move. It's the only move politically and I'm glad they're doing it. I can't believe I'm saying that, but I'm glad they're doing it. Now, I wanted to play something, something else for you. We're changing subjects. Don't worry about it. But my focus is just stay focused secular schools, many, many, many people, even people on the right, even religious people, say they don't want any kind of religion being taught in schools. Don't teach religion in schools. Hey, just just reading, writing in arithmetic. No religion in schools. I don't like that. Remember this. There is no such thing as a secular school, a secular society. These are not things that exist. There are things that have never existed ever. Societies have religions. Your school, your child's school has a religion. It may not be yours, but it is one. This that I'm about to play for you is the president of the N E A largest teachers union in the country. Her name is Becky Pringles. Now you tell me is the secular school where you send aid and Jaden and Braden. Are they non religious? We can do this work. We must do this work. We get to do this work. We will do this work because our students are depending on us to win all the things. We have to win. This is sound like a lady interested in teaching aid and Jaden and Braden how to do their ABCs. Or does this sound like a lady who's interested in training the next generation of communist warrior? All the things. All the things. All the things. Our colleagues are depending on us to win all the things. Keep throwing any aid to preserve our democracy. We must win. Preserve our democracy. Notice that? Preserve that democracy. And all the things delegate. We won't go back. We will keep going forward because we are the N E A. We are the N E A. We are the N E A. And that's what we do. Please set aside the childish notion that there can be such thing as a secular school. That does not mean you have to have religious belief or share my religious belief or Chris's religious belief. But you better understand and accept the enemy. He is religious. He is religious and your child's school will be religious. You don't have to choose one for yourself and your personal life. That's fine. You are a free human being. You have the freedom to make that choice totally on your own. But don't be naive. Your child's school is going to take your child and aim him towards the religion of the school's choice, not your choice. So which religion is your child learning from in school? You spend time with your child teaching them things. Pull your chair up. Don't burp in public manners. Yes, sir. No man. What's right and wrong. But then you have to drop your child off at school for seven, eight hours a day. Who are they learning from? We can do this work. We must do this work. We get to do this work. We will do this work because our students are depending on us to win all the things. And yeah, we have to win all the things, all the things, all the things. Are you raising your child with love and care and then dropping them off at that lady's doorstep for eight hours a day? Something to think about, right? All right. Speaking of that, let's talk about a college degree. Some emails, headlines I didn't get to next. The Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show. But don't worry. We'll be back tomorrow. Unless another hurricane swoops in here. So one more word on that education stuff and we get to a couple other things here. There are stories that are great and terrible at the same time. There are lots of stories like that. This is one of those headline from Breitbart. Degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on. Only 36% of Americans believe college is worth the expense. Now, that's one of those things that's awesome and awful at the same time. Let's get to the awesome part of it. It's awesome that American universities, which are sick, poisonous communist institutions. It's awesome that they are losing their luster in the eyes of Americans. That is a necessary thing. We have got to shatter this notion where you got to go to college because it causes people to lose their children. You send your child off to college for four years and you lose them forever. They come back dirty communists and all that work was gone in your child's ruin. I love that we are stopping that slowly. I love that. That's the good part of it. But there is a bad part of it. If we're being honest, if we have to bring up the negative, it's really bad that our higher education institutions have fallen into such an ugly place that now we don't even want to send our kids there. Look, I want to live in a country where I want my kids to go to college. Does that make sense? That's it. That right. I want to live in a country where the university system is something my children aspire to. I want that for them. I do. I want them to learn, to learn how to think. I want them to be accomplished. I want to have the option. I want to have the option to send them to a place where they can gain expertise in something and gain opportunity. If they go and they survive it, the way it used to be. I want to have that kind of a place, but we don't. So it's a good and a bad. It's like I talk about about things like the CDC is a great example. I love that Americans have lost trust in the CDC. I love that because you shouldn't trust the CDC. They very clearly have been taken over by the same sickness that every other institution has. I love that. But at the same time, it would be nice to have a CDC. A CDC you could trust a CDC you could rely upon. Hey, what is a new disease? How do we treat it? What do we do? Give us some guidance. It kind of sucks that we don't have that anymore. That's a that's a tough place to be. But look, when these people take over your country, when you allow communists to destroy, when you allow them to infect and infiltrate everything, then they will destroy everything. It's a parasite. It is speaking of which. I heard Jerome Powell today and this is a lot of bankers words for saying small banks are about to get screwed even worse than they already have. This is a risk that has been with us and will be with us for some time, probably for years. And banks need to be, you know, honestly assessing what their risk is. They need to be assuring that assured that they have the capital and liquidity and the systems in place to manage this risk. The stress tests that we applied to the largest institution stressed commercial real estate pretty hard. And again, the conclusion is that the large banks have have can manage this problem. And most small banks can too. But it is in some smaller banks that tend to have that local concentration in commercial real estate. And let me go ahead and interpret all that financial gobbledygook for you. The United States of America has brought down financial regulation after financial regulation after financial regulation. And surprise, surprise, surprise, the large financial institutions, they can withstand these regulations. And in fact, they will happily withstand the regulations because they know the small banks cannot. And so the small banks have been drying up for years in this country, closing down, giving you fewer and fewer options, having to walk into the large bank. And that, of course, all ties back to communism, the ESG, the DEI, you want to know why financial institutions are some of the most poisonous, evil communist institutions in this country now. Because as we've said, they all have to maintain their system membership card. That's why if you bank it, whatever, pick your bank, Bank of America, you can go look it up right now and look at their ESG page because they know they have to be on the side of the federal government and the other financial institutions. If they can, if they want access to that liquidity that Jerome Powell just talked about. In the meantime, normal people can't afford to go to Denny's joins a growing list of Metro Detroit restaurants that have had to close their doors in recent weeks. The Michigan Restaurants and Lodging Association says restaurants across the state are seeing 60% fewer customers this year. In a recent survey, the department found that right now two in five Michigan restaurants are not profitable. The co-owner of Green Dot Staples, Jacques Driscoll, says restaurants have faced huge challenges since the pandemic, including rising food costs and inflation. In the meantime, normal people are suffering. Speaking of suffering. Remember what I talked about earlier when it came to the GOP platform and stripping abortion out of it? What did I say? The GOP was never going to win that fight for us anyway. The fight for culture is our fight. It's up to us. It's up to you. It's up to me. That's what preborn does in a tangible way, providing an ultrasound for a woman who's about to have an abortion is the most tangible way you can save a life. You don't have to scream at her. You don't have to throw her in jail. Why don't you just let her hear her baby's heartbeat? And she becomes a mother in that moment. And when we talk about preborn, you know, $28 buys that ultrasound. Remember, there's no limit on what you can give and it's tax deductible. Tax deductible. The federal government finds enough rancid filth. They're fun enough rancid filth. I should say, how about getting a sweet little tax deduction for saving the life of a baby? You know, you can do that. Go to slash Jesse and give what you can make a reoccurring gift. I don't care what it is. I don't care how much it is. I don't care if it's five bucks. Give them something slash Jesse sponsored by preborn. And now headline headlines. We didn't get to you. Mayor Eric Adams breaks new ground by teaching New Yorkers how to use trash cans. Look, I chose not to play the audio for you. New York has always been its own world. Like I've said, many of my New York friends not only do not own cars, they don't have driver's licenses. Many of my New York friends don't know how to drive everyone across the country hearing that. They're blown away. New Yorkers look around and say, yeah, makes sense. China costs the US $18 trillion through a lack of transparency on COVID-19, according to a bipartisan commission. I can just think back. Remember that little story when we found out the CIA was paid to lie about where COVID came from? Oh, I wonder why that is. This has been a podcast from W. O. R. It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fistpumper? A whoo, a hand clap or a high fiver? If you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. 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