Jesse Kelly Show

Guest Host Sean Parnell with Guest Pollster Rich Baris

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06 Jul 2024
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High five casino is a social casino, no purchase necessary We're prohibited, play responsibly conditions apply, see website for details High five casino Hour two of the Jesse Kelly radio show starts now My name is Sean Parnell, I'm in the chair today for the great Jesse Kelly, I'm a combat veteran New York Times best-selling author, more important than both of those things I'm simply a humble servant of this country Folks listen, the Democrats are in complete panic mode We're going to talk about that in the second hour, operation, replace, Biden is in full swing But what can the Democrats do about it, I'm going to go into that in depth About six, what is it, seven thirty, we've got Savage Rich Barris, Savage Rich Barris is a good friend of mine, I think he's the best pollster in America Why? Because he understands the moment that we're in, he understands the data, yes But he also understands the cultural moment, he's the director of Big Data poll and host of Inside the Numbers, we're going to talk about Trump's silence as his political enemies self-immolate that and so much more ahead in hour two, thanks for sticking with us So operation replaced Biden I got to tell you, the last couple of days have been pretty great You know, I've been telling people take time to enjoy the victories as they come Keep your eye on the ball, right, because the ultimate goal is to defeat the radical left You know, we talk about the radical left, they want to fundamentally transform this country Well, that's liberal speak for, they want to destroy everything that this country ever was, because in order to fundamentally transform something, you must first tear it down And so what does that mean? Our founding documents are constitution, individual liberty here that we have in the greatest country on the face of the planet and remember, the constitution is a contract between people and government, a contract that limits the size and the scope of the federal government to protect our freedom, to protect our liberty Our rights are bestowed upon us by God, not government, and that's what makes us unique here in this country And so you look at some of these Supreme Court rulings that have come down over the last week, Supreme Court laying the smackdown on the administrative state with the Chevron decision, the 1512C obstruction of an official proceeding, which basically guts, beady-eyed little prosecutor, freak, Jack Smith, guts his case against Donald Trump, it also helps hundreds of January sixers who have been languishing in prison for years, sometimes in solitary confinement, trials needlessly delayed to get political prisoners here in this country Shouldn't happen in America. And then of course, the debate Biden goes on stage and has a disastrous performance at the debate. So the Democrats, needless to say, are just in chaos right now, and it brings me joy to see my political enemies and chaos. And that's exactly what's happening in the Democrat Party right now. Believe me, they're in complete meltdown mode. There's talk of trying to replace Joe Biden on the ballot. And the media narrative is shifted in kind of a strange way. They watch Joe Biden's horrific performance on the stage. Then they immediately start saying Joe Biden has to step aside. And the reason why they're saying Joe Biden has to step aside is because that's the only way that the man can be replaced. Let me tell you a little bit about how the Democrat primary is structured. You know, because the great irony of all of this is that Democrats very likely will now become a victim of their own election rigging. Yes, we know the Democrats rig elections and cheating elections. They've been cheating in elections and rigging election since 1864, when they tried to carry ballots of dead union soldiers across New York state line to try to beat Abraham Lincoln that that year, they didn't do it. They weren't successful, but they have a long history of doing this. But the Democrats in this instance might become victims of their own election rigging. And let me tell you why. If you're a candidate in a Democrat primary and you get over 15% of the vote in that presidential primary in a state, then the delegates that that you win in the 15% they are bound to you. And then the first round of voting at the Democrat convention, they are mandated by law, law written by the Democrats, the Democrats, the DNC, they are mandated to vote for that candidate in the first round of voting. Well, here's the rub. They rigged the primary in favor of Joe Biden and Joe Biden has almost all the delegates. And those delegates are mandated to vote for him. And oh, by the way, yes, Joe Biden might be an animated corpse. He's not there. But he's also the president of the United States. He wields enormous power. And oh, by the way, Joe Biden, people have been talking about the DNC. Well, the DNC is going to replace him. Joe Biden appointed the chair of the DNC. Joe Biden appointed the co-chair of the DNC. The Democrat National Committee is chock full of Biden loyalists. Biden on a staff call just two days ago. And this is a direct quote. Let me say this as clearly as as I possibly can, as simply and straightforward as I can. I am running. No one is pushing me out. I'm not leaving. I'm in this race to the end. And we're going to win Biden just today. Listen, I'm staying in the race. Biden says he's staying in the race. Now listen, the Democrats have an extraordinary level of control over their super delegates and their primary. And I get all that they are a bunch of dirty fascists and commies who don't care about their voters. That much is true. So they control a lot. Anything could happen. But the only real path forward for the Democrats is maybe Kamala Harris. I mean, think about how difficult you even even if you change the Democrat primary rules, there are still federal election commission rules that prohibit packed from being set up. But no other presidential candidate has a packet set up. There are signatures that are required to get on the ballot in certain states. Hector's ballot access issues, Newsweek says his headline Democrats might not be able to replace Joe Biden on the ballot in these states. According to the Heritage Foundation's research, Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada may prove particularly difficult for Democrats. It's said that only death can remove a candidate's name from Wisconsin ballot while Nevada's deadline for changing candidates ended at 5 p.m. on the 4th of June. So folks, what about how about this? What about TV advertising? The Biden campaign has already reserved millions of dollars in TV advertising. They book those ads far in advance because they're far cheaper to do it that way. They were placed Biden, even if they were placed Biden with Harris, they have to re reserve those ads, which the price goes up astronomically the closer we get to election day. What about campaign infrastructure? What about staff? What about websites? There's no bank account. I mean, many of the brick and mortar sites are staff built buildings that that Democrats have in swing states and in states all across the country. Those aren't transferable. I mean, there's a million little details that I think people aren't considering here and they're, I think that the Democrats are legitimately stuck with Biden. And then we talk about the other candidates. You're talking about people who they want to replace Biden with Gavin Newsom. I'm sure you heard that from California, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, Josh Shapiro. Do you think any of those people want to step in at the last minute and go up against Trump, who was the most electrifying political figure in my lifetime to be sure already down? Isn't it just so much easier for those candidates to say, Hey, throw their hands up and say, Hey, look, 2028 is a lot better bet. They can all roll into Washington, DC, like their comedists from the movie Gladiator, like a conquering hero. So I'm going to save the Democrat party from, from Donald Trump and the evil Republicans who've been running this nation for for Donald Trump has termed out miss so much easier of a political position, is it not? And then they've got the common problem. We're going to talk about that. When we come back, do not miss this. When we talk about the Kamala problem, Jesse Kelly radio show will be right back. Stay with us. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name is Sean Parnell in the chair for Jesse Kelly. And listen, I know that my friend Jesse has had a theory out there for six months. He's been out front on this issue that they're going to replace Joe Biden. And in fact, there are lots of conservatives that think that Joe Biden's got to go. And why would you think any differently when you look at the media is completely turned on the guy? I'm simply presenting you all the rest of America. I am a conservative voice that thinks it's going to be a lot more difficult for them to replace Joe Biden than people think. You've got the issue of political candidates that would potentially replace them in Newsom, Whitmer, Shapiro, who might definitely don't want to jump into the race at the last minute and be a sacrificial lamb. That will hurt them in 2028. Those people don't want to run against Donald Trump. Again, Donald Trump is a force to be reckoned with and brings out a crazy cross section of voters, the likes of which I have not seen. And I know because I've been on the ballot with him. Like I know what this man can do. And believe me, these people want nothing to do running against Donald Trump. It's far easier for them to arrive on the scene in 2028 and not have to take the risk of losing. And that brings me to the Kamala problem. Can't pass over Kamala. So here again, just like the Democrats might be victims of their own election rigging. So too, will they become a victim of their own DEI insanity? And then of course, I'm talking about our DEI vice president in Kamala Harris. And here's the 30,000 foot of Kamala Harris. I have it on very good authority that most people inside the Democrat party, revio Kamala Harris. They don't like her. The general electorate hates her. If you look at the polling, and I'm not just talking about one poll, I don't trust one poll. I look at a plurality of poll. I look at trends. She is somehow, some way less likeable than Joe Biden's and even she's even less articulate than Joe Biden. It's absolutely unbelievable. And they can't pass her over because once she's on the ticket, she's the only one that can legally inherit Joe Biden's war chest. And she's black. And so again, iconic now that Democrats are victims of their own self inflicted wounds. And Jill Biden, that brings me to Jill. Jill becomes a very easy scapegoat. If she forces Biden to stay in the race and Biden loses. Well, she becomes the Yoko Ono of the Democrat party. And that brings me to the voters, millions of Democrats voted for Joe Biden to be the nominee. There's no good way to upend that system, ignore the rules and laws. All to the detriment of their voters. And look, we know again, the Democrats rigged the primary in 16 against Bernie Sanders. They rigged it again in 2020 against Bernie Sanders, but millions of Democrats have already voted and to replace Biden at the convention to some sort of brokered convention will fracture their Democrat base even more. And then this brings me to the people behind the curtain in the Biden administration. They love three years with an animated corpse that is Joe Biden as president. Think about this. The people who are pulling the strings, they are able to do insanely radical things to this country and get away with it. Things that they otherwise would not be able to do with their name attached. So you wonder why this country has fallen off a cliff so fast in just three short years. I asked my father about this, who lived through JFK's assassination and RFK and Martin Luther King said, said it has America ever been this bad. He said, well, it was pretty rough in the 60s. There's a pretty tumultuous time. But I've never lived through a time where America has gone downhill so fast as they have under Joe Biden. But this is why you have people who are unaccountable behind the scenes, pulling the strings for Joe Biden, not accountable for any of the radical stuff that they're doing. My question to you, America is this, do you have any idea who these people might be? I do. Listen, you know, now do you wish like you had a sec, a third term? And I used to say, you know what, if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand in a front man or front woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats, looking through the stuff and then I could sort of deliver the lines. But somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony. I'd be fine with that. That's basically exactly what's happening. Barack Obama. It's no coincidence that Barack Obama bought a mansion in DC within walking distance of the White House. Biden's staffers walk from the White House to meet with Obama and his staff. Obama's staffers walk from Biden's house to the White House every day. Yet the media doesn't talk about this at all. Oh, believe me, they could tell you where their Kardashians are at any given moment of the day. But this, they're all like Sandra Bullock and Bird Box. They don't know. Oh, President Obama's living right down the road. He's just there for his daughter going to college. But I want you to think about this, this arrangement, no accountability is perfect for all these people, people like Barack Obama, all these Obama accolades, Biden's a meat puppet, one foot in the grave. He doesn't know whether he's coming or growing. He's basically fit to be an extra on the set of walking dead. How you could put him in a city filled with zombies and he wouldn't be attacked because they would think he was one of them. My point, my point is this. It's fair to say that Biden's a weak president who's easily manipulated, right? I think that's fair. Well, Obama's the one that's doing them manipulating. But here's the rub Biden has to win. And Pima Obama and all the power brokers in the Democrat party, they're not sure they can. So that's why you've seen this narrative shift to try to push him out at the last very, very late in the game. But I don't think they're going to be able to do it. So up next, I've got my very good friend, Rich Barris director, a big data poll and host of Inside the Numbers. He's going to give his take on whether or not the Democrats can remove Joe Biden. And we're going to talk about all the latest polls that and so much more on the Jesse Kelly radio show. We're right back. We are back here on the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name's Sean Parnell. I'm in the chair for Jesse Kelly. It is great to be here, folks. We have been talking about operation. Replace Joe Biden. Should he stay or should he go or is it even possible in the first place? Well, I've got my very, very good friend here. His name is Rich Barris. My nickname for him is Savage Rich Barris because yes, he's a pollster. Yes, I believe he's probably the best in the entire country at what he does. But he can also be very, very savage from time to time. He's the best in the business. I want to get his opinion on all of this because he's got his finger on the pulse of America. So without further ado, Savage Rich Barris. Welcome to the Jesse Kelly radio show, my friend. Hey, buddy, how was your Independence Day? Thanks for having me. Live in the dream, buddy. It was really, really good. You know, if you would have asked me, if you would have asked me last year that if I was going to be celebrating Independence Day with five children, four goats, ten chickens, a rooster, like, but that's what my Independence Day was. Here we are. Friends over in Neighbors Over, we always do a pretty decent fireworks show. We put it that kind of together last minute, barbecued and had a gold American, you know, your traditional American Independence Day. It was, it was nice. I really enjoyed myself. It was a good time. Well, all right. So I'm, we have talked about this on my show many times and I have been going against the grain. Many conservatives out there saying that, you know, Joe Biden's going to be replaced. Many conservatives has been saying this. A lot of people have been saying it for a long time is going to be replaced six months ago. I don't think it's possible. What's your take on all of this? It would be and I'm, I'm with you on that. This, look, we've seen a lot of historic firsts, but the fact of the matter is a lot of the commentary out there is being leveled by people who really don't know what they're talking about. They don't understand not only party rules, but state law, which is totally different. And those say nothing of the optics of what it would be to replace Joe Biden and somebody tens, 100 million people voted for to be their nominee. So you just can't do that, Sean. Tens and tens of millions of people spoke, have spoken. And it would cause such a friction, such a, not even friction, fracture within the party. Now to, to that, a lot of people say, well, that's why they'll replace him with Kamala Harris, but voters aren't voting, even Democratic primary voters. They're not voting for Kamala Harris. They voted for Joe Biden. And I, you know, like I said on your show last week, I hate to say this, but it doesn't seem like people know enough about this, and I have to spell it out for them. It's not simply about the candidate dropping out. There are many of these exceptions only have to do with whether the candidate is no longer with us. Let me put it that way. So it's just like a Herculean task, and I don't see it happening. Well, I mentioned there are, there are ballot access rules in place in, in swing states where Joe Biden simply can't get on the ballot. It's too late. And so Sean, they own, they almost didn't get on the ballot in Ohio already. I mean, this is like, and that's because of the dysfunction. That's not because of, you know, them trying to replace him. If they tried to replace him, he's like, they're not getting on the ballot in Ohio. So rich, the only viable option for the Democrats is to tell you, hey, Newsom doesn't, he's not going to want to run against Trump. Shapiro is not going to want to run against Trump. Whitmer is not going to run against Trump. The sir is not going to want the chaos that comes from passing over Kamala Harris's deep. There'll be a lot of drama there. So it's got to be the only one. It's got to be Kamala. She's the only one that can even legally inherit Biden's war chest. But to me, this is just me speaking, the electorate does not like Kamala Harris. And somehow she pulls less favorable than Joe Biden. Am I wrong about this? No, you're not wrong. The Harvard Harris poll just came out and Trump was beating Biden by six, but he's beating Harris by 10. And these are the numbers we've seen before. We've pulled everyone. Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama. I mean, we've thrown it all on the table. And Biden is still the strongest candidate. And I know that makes Republicans like Scott, like how could that be? But it is. And I would tell them to think of it like this. Monroe County, Michigan, McComb County, Michigan, Scranton, Pennsylvania, Lazern County, Pennsylvania, you know, Pike County, Pennsylvania, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Erie, Pennsylvania. Do you think these areas are going to vote for Kamala Harris? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Joe Biden is a money his appeal for better or worse, whether you can see it or not. We can see it or not. That is just it's indisputable. I mean, they call him Scranton Joe. We always tried to have that persona. She is a coastal lefty from California with a checkered background to say the least. I mean, this is not going to fly in middle America. It's just not. We're talking to Rich Barris, director of Big Data poll and host of Inside the Numbers. I think just so everyone's tracking out there, I think he's the best pollster in the business. And I've said many times in the show, I don't trust one poll. We look at plurality's and we look at trends and nobody does it better than rich. And so rich. The Democrats, I've said on the segment prior that seems to me they're becoming a victim of their own election rigging that Biden has all the delegates. Biden stack the DNC. Kamala Harris is the only viable option. So let me ask you this. We've got about four minutes left. Where did the Democrats go from here? They made their bed. Now they have the lion itch on. It really is that simple. They kept Kennedy off the ballot in multiple states in New Hampshire where Dean Phillips made the maybe could have put on because that is the state for people who don't know out there. That is the state that's going to tell you whether you're an incumbent and you have a base problem or you have an issue. And surprisingly that he didn't do, you know, extremely fantastic there. Obama, Reagan, Clinton, and Trump got a lot more of the vote share than they as an incumbent, sitting incumbent president than Biden did. Biden's kind of down on the totem pole historically. But in order to make sure that that was not going to be a problem, they stripped the delegates out of New Hampshire, right? So, you know, made sure that they front loaded states that Joe Biden could do better in. This is a demon of their own design. And really, that's the only way we can put it. And now they just have to, they have to deal with this, you know, see what they can do with their get out the vote. Because again, I mean, we just gave people four or five reasons, four or five challenges why it's not as simple as, oh, we're just going to pluck Joe back Biden out because it's a bad candidate. We're not going to run him. That's not how it works. And Daddy, that gets in and what you talked about. I think it's nothing into the war chest problem that they will have, which is, yeah, Kamala can take that war chest. But this is, what are they doing in this situation? They run it. They run with it. And Republicans should want to. Because if you're a Republican out there and you feel like you got gypped, this, you don't want Joe Biden to leave, you need Donald Trump to beat Joe Biden. So you show the system that you got justice for what they did in 2020. Do you know if it was Kamala Harris, they're going to skate on that forever, Sean, they're going to be able to skate across it forever. If Joe Biden goes down to Donald Trump in 24, it will be a sign that, you know, the jig is up. They know what you did. You tried to rig it. It backfired on you and you were rejected. And America basically corrected the issue. Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more. I mean, we're talking with Rich Barris. I mean, Rich, we don't have that much long left here in this segment. Can you stick around for another segment? Absolutely, brother. Absolutely. All right, stick around, Rich. Listen, folks, America, I am with you. I'm with Rich here. I don't want Biden out of this race. I want him to lose, and I want him to lose to Trump. I want his last political act to be going down in flames with a legitimate loss to Donald Trump. And so we're going to talk about that in polling and so much more when we come back on the Jesse Kelly radio show, stick right there. We are back here on the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name is Sean Parnell. I'm in for my good friend Jesse Kelly. Thanks for staying with us. We've been talking with Savage Rich Barris, director of Big Data Poll about operation, replace Biden. Can the Democrats do it? I don't think that they can. If they do, I think the only option is Kamala Harris. And so Rich, thank you, first of all, for sticking around for two segments. I love talking to my friend, looking at the new Wall Street Journal poll that finds that 80% of Americans believe that Biden is too old to run for president again. And let me just set this next question up. I know that you believe and I don't want to put words in your mouth, but you believed that the Trump debate was likely a mistake. You didn't want him to take the risk. He was winning. So Trump comes out. He just, Biden has this disastrous debate and Trump is clearly the front runner now. There's chaos in the Democrat ranks. And what you and I spoke about on the show this week was Trump has been unbelievably disciplined as his political opponents self-emolate, which is rule number one on a campaign. If you're, if your opponent is in self-destruct mode, you just stay quiet. Well, Trump came out yesterday and said he wants another debate, but with no moderators, and he wants it to be no holds barred. And my thought, Rich was, please God, no, like you are already winning. Like all you have to do, Mr. President, is tweet out a GIF of an American flag that says God bless America or just talk about your agenda. You don't even need to address Joe Biden at all. Rich, what do you think about that? Overconfidence. Overconfidence. A huge mistake. Listen, the first time the only reason I was wrong the first time, it's like, not my fault. The new tropics don't work on the guy anymore. He would come out at least animated like he did during the union, but it was just a complete catastrophe. But this was if the moment is lost already, and what I mean by that is the debates are not set up in this country. And it's said the president, you have to debate on presidential commissions. They're a bunch of fanatics. They're supposed to be bipartisan. It's a joke. Everybody is anti-Trump, whether they're like never Trumpers on that commission, or just straight Democrats who can't stand him or Republicans. And then the other part, the other part that's supposed to be Republican is like the one that's kind of groveling to be in the cool kids club. And if you let like to like, can I just sleep at your feet at the table, so when the crumbs fall off, I can eat them, you know, this needs to be reformed badly. And what Trump's talking about is not even like, I feel like the moments already lost. And Biden needed that debate. He's not going to be so eager to do it again. So he's going to walk rules that benefit him. Donald Trump, if he was going to debate Joe Biden, he should have used it as an opportunity to reform the debate process in a way that doesn't work for corporate media and work for the advertisers, like big pharma and the rest of them, but in a way that really does serve and work for the American people so they can hear, you know, the difference between their leaders. And there should be other people. People were praising Jake Tapper. I'm not going to praise him. I mean, it was very clear. He tried to save Joe Biden multiple times. You said, you know, Mr. President, you have more time. Like, that's not the job of the moderator to tell the president he didn't fill in the gaps of time. He forfeits the time if this time is done. Sean, if his answer is done, the time is forfeited and you move on. So I'm not and then, by the way, after what 25, 30 minutes, he pivoted to nonsense, like J six and stuff that was clearly intended to help Joe Biden abortion and the rest of it. The public doesn't care really about that. Like, in our poll right now, abortion is a distant number four. Overwhelmingly inflation and the cost of living in this country are the issues that Americans wanted to hear about. Beyond that, it's immigration and border security. And then beyond that, it's general economics and jobs. And this is not what they spent their time talking about. So, you know, I think Trump's being over confident here. And you never know what Joe Biden's going to show up. If you're going to do it, at least serve a purpose. You know, I mean, at this point, there's nothing else he needs to do, Sean, also in that Wall Street Journal poll, he was ahead by six points. So why would you give? Why would you do anything to risk that lead? Well, look, I, as much as I would like to see Donald Trump give Joe Biden the people's elbow. I also don't want anything there. I don't want the guy. I want the guy in the White House, rich. And all he has to do is focus on his agenda, focus on the American people, talk about agenda 47, talk about the economy, talk about how you're going to fix inflation, talk about how you're going to seal the Southern border. I mean, get out there and just completely ignore the animated corpse. He's barely there anyway. So this brings me to this. We talked a little bit about polling and what you're seeing in this post debate poll. And I want to talk about an enigmatic group of voters that always seems that at least the Republican establishment is just obsessed with. We've got about four minutes left, and we're talking with Savage Rich Barris, director of Big Data poll. Rich, you hear a lot about Republicans. And what are we going to do to win back suburban women? What are we going to do? And do we need to? The truth is when with Trump at the ballot and with MAGA as the agenda, you really don't need to focus on what is essentially 13% of the electorate, we just obsess over it. It's unbelievable just to give people some quick numbers. 52% of the electorate is typically women of those, not all of them have a college degree. And guess what? All of them live in suburban America. Suburbs are only Sean about 50% of the vote in total, not talking about, and I don't mean only. I mean, that's half, but they're about 50% of the vote in by area. And then of that, about half is women of that less than have the college degree. I mean, so we're just obsessing about what is essentially 13%, 14% of the electorate while we're forgetting that there is a, you know, for the first time in my lifetime, a huge wealth of untapped voting potential. You know, these are people that will come out for Donald Trump, don't participate in the process, all that much debt. Republicans have an enormous opportunity to get these people to come out. Sean, it's the difference between a nail-biter and then just going home at like 1130. Like, it's over. We're ending the stream now. It's over. We can go home. We know that everyone, everyone can turn their turn off the lights. And we, you know, there's a new president-elect. And that's how many of these voters there are. You know, I try to give people an idea, like, in Michigan alone, folks, you're talking about a solid, you know, 700,000 to 1.3 that on paper, it looked like it would be Republican or Trump again, if you could get them to the voting booth. They should stop obsessing over the women, that many of which they cannot win back anyway, then going change the electorate the way Democrats did. Democrats at some point said, we're tired of trying to win over a certain group. We're just going to change the electorate. And that's what they did. Well, now Republicans have the opportunity to do that. Their best bet and the smartest bet in the long-term stability and viability of their party is to go after those voters. Change the electorate, appeal to the younger generation that MAGA is now appealing to, and move on and build yourself a party that's going to be viable in the future. Rich, you got about 30 seconds. Tell America how they can best support you. Yeah, the best thing they could do is always show on us to go to locals, people' They could always just go to Big Data poll as well. Everything we do is through the public polling project. It's crowdsource, not funded by corporations or anything. They can go check it out there. You know, find that on locals as well. People' All right, my friends, Savage, Rich, Paris, ladies and gentlemen, thank you. Up next, History of the Deep State, third hour of the Jesse Kelly radio show. Stick with us. The following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to Burger Yiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes, yes, yes. I won. Woohoo! So that's a yes on the apple pie? 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