Jesse Kelly Show

Guest Host Sean Parnell What's In for the Deep State

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06 Jul 2024
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We are going to talk all things the deep state, the history of the deep state. Why the chevron doctrine going down in flames is a huge win for this country. My theory, and I got theories, I got lots of them, but my theory on what's next for the deep state, and hopefully we've got time trying to cram all this into a three-hour show, but gold star families, they are abandoning Joe Biden, and it's important that we celebrate and remember gold star families and the sacrifice of both them and their loved ones on behalf of a grateful nation. So I want to talk right off the top about COVID, and I got to give a shout out to my amazing wife, Commander Melanie. She runs Fort Parnell. She is incredible. I was running for Congress at the height of COVID, and it was a crazy, crazy time to run for Congress. I mean, think about it. All you do is try to campaign in public and raise money. Well, all public events shut down, and everybody all of a sudden didn't want to contribute to a campaign because they didn't know what the future held for them. COVID was an unbelievable time of uncertainty, but one person in my life at that moment saw through the noise, and I'm sure that there were many people out there in America, probably rare, but many people out there in America that thought like my amazing wife did, but she saw exactly what was happening two weeks to slow the spread. If the government can force us into our homes, can lock us down, can tell us that our loved ones must die alone. If the government can do all of this to us, and we simply just relinquish our freedom without challenging without questioning anything, and will we ever get it back? And she's right because when the government takes freedom, say you will almost lose it forever. I mean, think back to the Patriot Act. I remember and believe me, America, my views on this have changed substantially. But after 9/11, the Patriot Act, I was a college kid, joined the military after 9/11. Towers just went down and wanted to go to Afghanistan, fight for my country, believe with that American flag on my shoulder, the might and power, the US military at my back, I can accomplish anything. Patriot Act. Oh, my gosh. Well, it's named Patriot. Well, of course, I'm a I'm a patriot. Of course, I support it. Wrong. Terrible. We lost that freedom. Government spying on the American people and it would be very difficult to get it back. But my wife, she did not buy any of the government narrative foisted on us during COVID refused to wear a mask anywhere she went. She was amazing. It's a paper mask. What's a paper mask going to do? Like it's a virus. And even at the time, I would even if I would get uncomfortable, she said, Nope, the government here's a line. The government stepped over it. They don't get to tell me what to do. And all the while we would try to take flights or we'd walk try to walk through a grocery store and people would say it's the law. You've got to wear your mask. It's a federal requirement. I mean, think back at all of the things Fauci and Berks did in the name of COVID and telling us to wear a mask. But there's no law requiring us to wear. I'm so where does that authority come from? And this brings me to my point. And that's the deep state. Call it the blob. Call them unelected bureaucrats. I don't care what you call them. But the deep state is real. And it seems like the media is finally starting to wake up because I mean, for years, it was a conspiracy theory that didn't exist created by right wing crazy conservatives. Semaphore headline, scared Biden aid sounds an alarm. Here's the assertion this person would like to get across. It's unclear to some inside the West Wing policy process, which policy issues reach the president and how major decisions go into an opaque circle that includes White House chief of staff, Jeff Zients, who talks to the president regularly and and return concluded. The big exception to this pattern, they said, is foreign policy. So Nate Silver, who's by and large a liberal said, I guess the deep state is real. So let's talk about how we got here. Something that's often misunderstood. It's very existence denied, right? It's conspiracy theory. And that is the tangled web of power in the United States federal government. And I'm not talking about our elected officials, House Senate, Democrat, Republican, they are without question part of our federal government. But in today's day and AIDS, they're just like figureheads. Just have a some ceremonial role. Now you ever wonder why things don't get done? Because most members of the House and the Senate, yeah, they got some power, but real hard to get things done. But what I'm talking about right now, the deep state. And again, this is inspired by cynical poobliness on Twitter and X. It's just one of the best accounts out there. You should go check them out. But the Constitution was designed to limit federal power relative to states and the people. The Constitution, remember, is a contract between people and government, which was intended to limit the size and scope of the federal government. Put very simply, Congress makes the laws and the president and forces them. That's the basic idea. That's the founders intended. Early federal agencies, like the war department, you see, they came to fruition and existed in the first place because they were tied directly to the president's clearly defined constitutional powers. And I learned this again, cynical poobliness. Shout out to you, my friend. But all of this started shifting in 1887 with the created Interstate Commerce Commission. It's a pivotal moment when Congress began transferring its lawmaking responsibilities to federal agencies and think like this, anybody that holds a cabinet level position, those are the agencies I'm talking about, the EPA, right? The Department of Education, the Department of Defense and under progressive presidents and Republican presidents alike, this trend accelerated. So you had the government grow at an unprecedented rate. You had new federal agencies springing up left and right, which in turn meant more lawmaking authority handed over to the executive branch cabinet level officials who then report directly to the president, thereby expanding presidential power beyond its original constitutional limits intended by our founding fathers. And over time, and thank God, the Supreme Court just overturned this, but even judicial powers were absorbed by the executive branch. Many of these agencies to handle their own, they had their own courts handle disputes. And that brings us to today, where we have a deep state filled with unaccountable elected bureaucrats, making rules that affect our lives. And that's why the Chevron decision or the Supreme Court struck a blow to the heart of the deep state was just so important and it's not talked about enough. This federalist headline, Supreme Court strikes a blow to the administrative state overturns the Chevron doctrine. The 1984 Chevron doctrine established by the Environment and Protection Agency's EPA authority to enforce the Clean Air Act, allowing federal bureaucrats to read their own interpretations into what Congress authorized agencies to do. Justice Roberts wrote that the president gave bureaucratic agencies too much power and argued for the judiciary to step in noting that the Administrative Procedures Act requires courts to exercise independent judgment. Boom, that is a huge deal. So how would this manifest itself in real life? Will a president turns to a member of his cabinet and says, Hey, I don't have the constitutional power to do this, wink, wink, nod, nod. So let's maybe try to use the Chevron doctrine to get it done. Again, unelected bureaucrats, unaccountable bureaucrats, American people have no voice to combat these bureaucrats. Think about vaccine mandates. Think about ATF and gun control regulations. Folks, the deep state has been involved in everything, everything. And we've got to curtail their power. There is simply no pathway forward in this country for a bunch of unelected bureaucrats to chart our course. That's why we have elected members of the house in the Senate to be our voice to be our representation. So we're going to talk about that in so much more more about the deep state and the history of the deep state when we come back on the Jesse Kelly radio show stick with us. We are back here on the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name is Sean Parnell in the chair for the great Jesse Kelly. We've been talking about the deep state and how we got here. And after Biden's disastrous debate performance, then we've got can barely string together our coherent sentence. He's an animated corpse in every sense of the word. All of a sudden, I mean, of course, it's completely disingenuous, but all of a sudden the media way. Oh my gosh, Joe Biden, Joe Biden is is is not even capable of running the country. Who's running the show now behind the scenes? And now we come to find out that there is, in fact, a deep state. They the unelected bureaucrats do hold an enormous amount of pool, which means that they are usurping the authority of not just our constitutionally elected representatives, but we the people. And I had a buddy that worked in the White House and very close proximity to President Trump. And this was back when the media was saying, Oh, have them deep state, you crazy conspiracy theorists. The deep state is sounding. You're just a conspiracy theorist. But my buddy, who is like the exact opposite super, super data driven guy, is not a conspiratorial person at all calls me up one day. He's like, Oh my God, Sean. This is crazy. The deep state is absolutely real. And they stifle President Trump's agenda in a million different ways. And just get it. The deep state does sound a little conspiratorial. I get it. It sounds sinister. Like something out of a James Bond movie would make the great title of a fiction thriller. But he was saying, well, look, it's like they'll stifle the president's agenda. The president issues an executive order and order from the Oval Office. They take a piece of paper with that with that order written on it and they put it in somebody's inbox and then they pass it to another inbox and then all of a sudden it stalls out. It doesn't get implemented because it gets trapped in the calcified bureaucracy in the complex maze that is our federal government. And I want you to remember something. This is dangerous for a lot of different reasons. But government bureaucracies, as they grow, they get more powerful. And as the more powerful they get, the more impact they have in our day to day lives, the more impact they have, the more powerful they get seems like there's a direct correlation between that and a complete and utter lack of transparency. Government bureaucracies. Here's what I want you all to know in large. You don't know it already. But government bureaucracies protect themselves. First, last and always, transparency isn't a part of the equation. So what do I mean by that? Do you remember back in 2014, the VA secret wait lists where veterans were desperate to get health care, the Iraq and Afghan war were at their height. Veterans veterans were desperate for health care and they were dying before they could receive the care that they need need. And when the VA was questioned about it, well, the VA said, no, everything's fine. We're seeing patients on time, everything's fine. So their first impulse was to lie because as time wore on, it became apparent that there was a secret wait list. And because of that lack of transparency, veterans died. That's how this affects our lives. So we've been talking about the history of the deep state and how we got here and how government agencies protect themselves always. Well, now you have a guy like Donald Trump on the scene. Donald Trump has said numerous, numerous times. They're not, they're going after you. I'm just in the way. And he has made it part of his campaign message to dismantle the deep state. What some call an extra constitutional power structure. His goal is to take power from the executive branch. This is very important. So stick with me here. He wants to take power from the executive branch with him as he is the president. The president is the executive branch. And he wants to return it to the rightful constitutional authorities essentially give the power back to the people. See, that's what leadership is all about. I learned this on the battlefield. Leaders don't take power and hoard power. I mean, we have lots of representatives that do that in Congress every day. But leadership is about investing the power that you have into other people, empowering them to be leaders. And that's essentially what Donald Trump is doing here. Giving power back to the people. He's doing everything that he can to reduce his executive power, to reduce the power that he has. Yet you, you, what's the reason why I'm telling you this is this fake narrative being pushed by the media. Oh, that Donald Trump is Hitler. Oh my gosh, if Donald Trump gets elected, he'll destroy our democracy. Donald Trump is basically Hitler. Well, isn't it interesting? Well, actually, let me ask you a question. How many dictators do you know America that get rid of their power that reduce their own power? It's a laughable, laughable propaganda talking point. You see, folks, I talk about the deep state and I talk about COVID because I believe that the horrors that were pushed on the American people, the Vax mandate, loved ones dying alone. It's clear that our intelligence agencies were involved in some of that. It's clear that our intelligence agencies were involved in some way, shape or form of the 2020 election and have been involved in the direction of our country in a way that is not natural for some time now. There is no pathway forward for our nation without a Congress and a president who are laser focused on dismantling the deep state. None. The deep state has always been there. They used to work in the background, barely a whisper heard from them. But today, that's not the case. They are brazen with their attempts to thwart the will of the American people sewed up next. Is the deep state backtracking? You're going to hear my theory about where they're at at this particular moment in time. Stay with us. Is the deep state backtracking? You're listening to the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name is Sean Parnell in the chair for the man. Jesse Kelly himself is an honor to be here. Thank you. Gosh, this show is flying by. We're in the home stretch. So while we're talking about this, Biden is literally on ABC right now denying the poll numbers. He's denying that Democrats are trying to push him out of the race. He's denying that if the election were held tomorrow, he would lose in an historic landslide, all things being equal. And that ties in a little bit actually directly with what I'm going to talk about now. And that's the deep state. And had they realized that things are too far gone for them to have an impact, is he part of my job when I was in the army was. I suppose you could say part of the job of an effective military officer was to analyze the M at the enemy. I was in the light infantry. Our job, our mission was to close with and destroy the enemy. And we did that. But it's always, hey, let's break things down. Most likely enemy response, most deadly enemy response, plan for every single contingency. And I think, especially when you're operating in an asymmetric environment, like Afghanistan, that means thinking outside the box a little bit, not always relying on the field manual. And that's where my head's at right now. You see, the deep state, the blob, unelected bureaucrats, call them whenever you want, if you're not comfortable with the deep state. But the deep state is only effective when they operate from the shadows with plausible deniability. Now, look, yes, we hear you're listening to this show, you probably see what's going on clear as day. But the vast majority of Americans, these folks, well intended Americans, folks who maybe aren't paying attention to politics every day, maybe some of these people haven't even heard of the deep state. And as long as these people are asleep, the deep state can function effectively. The deep state thrives on being able to throw their hands up and say it wasn't me. Anytime that something happens, oh, it's just a conspiracy theory. If people actually see what they're doing firsthand, it's over done. All the machinations of the deep state aren't effective any longer. And if people do wake up, I believe that people would not tolerate it. So I think the deep state, I want to talk about the deep state, our intelligence communities who have clearly been involved in our country for far too long in a way that is not healthy. You can even example think the Hunter Biden laptop. 51 intelligence agents. These weren't just 51 intelligence agents. These were people that were former heads of the CIA and NSA. But I think the deep state is walking a very dangerous line here. Because more people are awake now than ever before. And if they haven't fully opened their eyes yet, they're about to people saw what happened to Trump since it came down that golden escalator in 2016, the Russia hoax, the PPT folks, the Mueller probe, Hunter Biden's laptop, impeachment one, impeachment two, I have a list, a comprehensive list of hoaxes that is 47 long. J six was an insurrection. Ivermectin doesn't work and is a dangerous accusing Trump of inciting violence on January six, despite his calls for peaceful protest, Russian bounties on American troops. I remember the Covington teen kid label that kid is racist. 2020 election was the most secure election in American history. The list goes on and on and on. So I think that the deep states involved in all of this and only the deranged Trump derangement syndrome sycophants think that this is normal. Many deep staters. I think it's fair to say are traditional Neocon Republicans, Haley Republicans. And coming from that world, the military, I can tell you that it's a hundred percent true. It doesn't make them bad people. It's just all they know. It's the world they live in. And in 2020, I believe the deep state and many never Trump Republicans within the deep state believe that Biden would be the lesser of two evils. They believe that he was just old moderate lunch bucket Joe. And that makes sense because these Republicans fundamentally do not understand the moment that we are in. They're trapped in this weird DC bubble where everybody sort of believes the same thing. They don't understand the threat of the Democrats. So I can see them saying, well, hell, it's just Joe Biden. He's moderate. He works with both sides. I think this was a grave miscalculation. I believe that many of these folks realize their mistake now. In other words, they see that Biden is a threat to the United States, both domestically and abroad. Do you remember that interview that Bill Barr gave on Fox News where he unprovoked comes out and endorses Trump? And by the way, Bill Barr was the man who was at the center of killing any investigation into the 2020 election. Bill Barr comes out and endorses Trump. And in that interview, he said a couple of these are the corruption and subversion of our institutions. He said, I think it's my duty to pick the person who will do the least harm to this nation. For a long time, I believe that these misguided deep state Republicans believe that Trump was the bigger danger. Well, now they see it's Biden. And now you have Bill Barr coming out and saying, Oh, hey, I'm endorsing Trump because Trump is the lesser of two even. I don't think Trump is a danger to our Republic at all. But think about this, for the most part, these misguided Republican deep status, they have families that live here in America. They don't want America to collapse. So if Bill Barr is saying this on national media, it's like a signal that arrested the deep status. Bill Barr is a chief law enforcement officer in the country. So here's what I think. I think that the deepstaters believe that Trump is going to win. And there's not much they can do to stop it unless they expose themselves fully to the American people, which will ultimately lead to their demise. I think that they believe that while Trump is still a threat, wrongly so that Biden is worse. I think that they remember what four years under Trump was like. It was nothing like it is now. And I think that they are doing everything that they can to put guardrails on the next Trump presidency. 10 years of support for Ukraine. Make it damn near impossible for Trump to fire government employees. Bog Trump down with fake investigations. As I told you, there are a million ways they can potentially stifle another Trump presidency. And I think they may say, hey, rather than expose ourselves more by escalating tactics and as a consequence, completely destroy our capabilities and our nation in the process. Let's take our chances with Trump. Makes sense, right? If the election were held today, there's very little that the deep state could do to stop him. I mean, yeah, they tried to rig elections, but they don't want the nation to fall and think about it. Anytime these idiots meddle in things, they make things exponentially worse. Look at their foreign policy. Look at everything that they've done in Iraq, Afghanistan, the like all over the Middle East. I think the deep state is backtracking. I think that they see Donald Trump as someone who's going to win. Too big to rig is a thing. And Donald Trump can turn people out. And such great numbers that he outperforms on election day beyond the fraud. I think the deep state knows that they see the writing on the wall. They don't want to compromise their capabilities. They're used to working behind the scenes. So mark my words. Bookmark this episode. I think the deep state is going to backtrack on this one. I know it's a bold prediction, but gold star wife's hates Joe Biden and our gold star families don't like him much either. Talk about that as we close out the show today. Stick with us. We are back here on the Jesse Kelly radio show in the home stretch here, folks. There's something that we like to do. And by the way, my name's Sean Parnell and for the man, Jesse Kelly. But I know this is important to him and it's important to me as well. And one of the things that we've got to do here in this country is remember those who volunteered to serve this country and those who have served and those who have given their last full measure and defense of freedom in our great country. I believe that the gap between those who protect freedom on a day to day basis in this country and those who enjoy it has never been greater. You know, if you went back to a time, say World War two and walked into a neighborhood, you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who was not affected by that war. Everybody had skin in a day and the game, a son that was fighting a Donner doing rosy the riveter stuff. I mean, everybody was involved. American car companies were churning out army combat vehicles in support of the war. American corporations were fully behind the war effort. Well, today only 0.4% of this country has served this nation during what was the longest period of war in our nation's history. So a very heavy burden is being carried by a very small percentage of Americans and the cost has been very, very high. And Joe Biden said on the debate in the debate where he really didn't do well. I suppose when the bar is whether or not you crapped your pants, it's a very low bar for Joe Biden, but he really didn't do well. He said that no, Americans had died under his presidency. Of course, we know that's not true. 13 Americans died during the duress, the disaster is surrender in Afghanistan. And the media just kills me. As they try to push this guy out, the media has, I think they've adopted this talking point. Well, Joe Biden, he's a good man, but he should do the right thing for for our country. Joe Biden is a good man. He's been a good person. No, Joe Biden is not a good man. Everybody that knows him, everybody that has met him knows he's not a good man. He's been a pathological liar his entire life. The tragic accident that took his wife in his child's life. He said that the driver who did that drank his lunch truth is that's not even that's not true. The man was sober in the accident was caused tragically by his wife and no one's pointing fingers. Don't wish that upon anybody. But Joe Biden went out there and lied about that man for the rest of his life, because untold damage in the life of that man and his family. Already having to carry around that trauma. So I'm tired of this notion that Joe Biden's a good man. He's not a good man. And our service members, not all of them, but most of them don't like him either. And gold star families, they've given a lot. They've lost gold star families. For those of you who all don't know, lost a loved one in service to this country, mom, dad, spouse, terrible loss. And that's why I say families serve to families bear the burden family sacrifice to it's not just the serviceman service woman. Listen to this gold star wife talk about Biden saying nobody died. Got a lot of text calls and messages about Joe Biden's claim that he's lost no service members in the last four years under his administration. And everyone finds that ironic because my husband died seven months ago while deployed under the Biden administration. And everyone expects me to be really angry about that statement about him not remembering that sacrifice that my husband made. But here's a little secret. I was already angry because when I had to fly for 12 hours for the first time with my 16-lit bolded over air force base eight hours after learning my husband died to receive his remains back into the United States. You know who couldn't be bothered to show up to that dignified transfer? Joe Biden. I had to get on a fly eight hours after I learned my husband died and fly for 12 hours with a breastfeeding 16-month-old and sit in the rain at 1 a.m. to welcome my husband his remains in a flag-covered casket back onto U.S. soil. But he couldn't be bothered. So now I'm not angry about his statement. I've been angry for a long time and I've been knowing that he does not give a *******. That's hard. Commander in chief. The word commander predisposes comes before chief. He has a responsibility to be there for families of the fallen. He has a responsibility for American service men and women who come home in body bags to show up. I said earlier on the show that so much about leadership is about showing up. I have written letters home to soldiers that I've lost. It's the hardest thing in the world to do. I have gone to funerals for brothers that I lost in combat. Hardest thing in the world to do. Every bone in my body, every aspect of my soul screams. You don't want to go. You don't want to experience that pain, but you show up. You honor the fallen. A nation does not, a nation that does not honor those who sacrifice for it is a nation that does not last long. And what hope do we have if our commander in chief doesn't care will hope rests with you, the American people. So harken back to what I said to kick off the show about staying the course. Stay the course. Fight for this country. It's all on the line in 2024. Got to leave it all out on the field to save this country. So keep the faith. Take action in your community. Do not be silent. And as always, folks, see you next time. God bless you all. And God bless this amazing country that we call home. Take care and good night. See you next time, America. High five casino high five casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five The hottest games right from Vegas and all winnings go straight to your bank account. Hundreds of exclusive games, free daily rewards and come back to get free coins every four hours, only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. Boy, we're prohibited. Play responsibly terms in addition supply. See website for details at high the number five casino dot com. High five casino.