Jesse Kelly Show

President Biden Meeting with Democrat Governors...Vice President Harris Continuing Campaign for Both Her and Biden...Presidential Immunity

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04 Jul 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun. On a Wednesday, it is Independence Day Eve. Can't you hear that? No, freedom is not free. That's what it is. It is time to celebrate America, baby. And of course, it's an ass, Dr. Jesse Wednesday, because after this, we're gone for Independence Day. But don't worry, we shall return. Now, before we get into the show, the latest on the palace drama, the entry, the dome versus Biden. Did he have the sniffles? Is he dropping? He's not dropping? He says, but we'll get to all that. And we get to all the questions in Ukraine stuff and all kinds of fun tonight. We do have to do something awful, but necessary. We on this show always make an effort. We're certainly far from perfect. But we make an effort to always honor the fallen whenever we can find them. Whenever we have one, I should say, especially honoring the fallen in training. That's a big, big, big thing for us. Honoring the fallen in training. You see, they never get the glory. They don't get honored. We read a headline and we may be saying, "Ah, that's sad." But most of the time, we never know their names. We don't think about them again, but the people who die in military training gave their lives for this country just as much as anyone else. And we have another one. His name, he was an airman. Staff Sergeant Jorge Delgado. He was 37 years old. Air Force Base in Montana. There was a mishap of some kind. We know there was a humby crash, some sort of a mishap. You don't know. Not that the details even matter. Five injured Jorge Delgado lost his life and gave his life for his country. And we're going to move on. We talk politics and everything. But tomorrow, Independence Day, as we're all living it up on the 4th of July, you know, swimming pools and barbecue, a couple of beers, whatever your plans are for the 4th of July, friends, family, maybe you're floating a river somewhere. Take just a moment. It's not like you have to spend the whole day crying, but take a moment and remember that, honestly, it's a stupid drop. We like to play on the soundboard. No, freedom is not free. And it's an old cliché, but it is very, very true. Freedom is paid for, paid for in blood and respect to Staff Sergeant Jorge Delgado. Respect for you, sir. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Rest in peace, Warrior. All right, enough of that. Let us dig into the news of the day. And a lot of it is the same with the stuff we've been dealing with. So I'm not going to spend an hour going over palace intrigue stuff. And you should know, it's an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday. I have a bunch of emails here. You can still send those in. And at some point in time, I'm going to do something I never do. I will open up the phones for Ask Dr. Jesse questions. Do not call yet, but at some point in time, I'm going to open those up. So let's just deal with what we've got going. First, let's hit the high points. It was reported everywhere this morning that Joe Biden had met with an ally. And they were deciding whether or not he was going to continue. This is reporting from the New York Times. And we all know the New York Times is invested in lying on behalf of Democrats at all times. Do they view this as lying on behalf of Biden? Or were they telling the truth? I don't know. I won't know. I won't know. You won't know these are things we don't know. But that was the rumor. That's the rumor portion of it. Here's the real portion of it. What we discussed yesterday happened today, powerful governors, Kathy Hokel of New York, Gavin Newson of Minnesota, Tim Walts, or I'm sorry, Tim Walts of Minnesota, Gavin Newsom of California, these governors and others traveled across the country to sit down with Joe Biden in the White House today. And that was for once not a meeting where they were asking for something from him. That was a meeting where Joe Biden had to present to them some kind of a plan. Hey, Joe, we throw us a bone here, buddy. We see the poll numbers. We see the fundraising numbers. It all looks bad. What's the plan? Are you functional? Have you pooped yourself? How are you going to win? That was what was being discussed. And look, the Biden camp is digging in there, digging in by doing the only thing they've ever known. Remember? What? How many times have I told you this? How many times have we had this talk about Trump, when as it pertains to Trump, people who have frustrations with this about Trump or that about Trump, maybe it's a hiring. I get a lot of emails about that, Jesse, why can't he hire better people? Why can't he hire better people? And what have I said? Well, I wish he would hire better people too, but he's not going to change. 70 some year old men, I honestly, 50 some year old men generally don't change by the time you're that age, especially when you've achieved any level of success. Trump's the former president and a billionaire, he probably is pretty sure he's got things worked out. He's not going to change what he was is what he is and is what he's going to be. Well, Joe Biden is in the same situation, only much worse because unlike Trump, he's an invalid. He can't talk. He can't think Joe Biden's not going to change his team isn't going to change. They're going to do what they've always done. And frankly, they're going to do what has worked for Joe Biden for the entirety of his political career. They're going to lie. They're going to tell gigantic brazen right in your face lies and they're going to dare the media to call them out on it. A media which had been reluctant to do so. And look, for once, for once, they're getting pushed back and they're going to have a difficult time dealing with all this. Yes. You were questions yesterday about the president's debate performance. You didn't mention travel, the jet lab, the foreign trip. So I think you can understand why it was a little bit puzzling to hear the president mentioning that as his explanation for the first time last night, I'm just, yeah, can you clarify whether when you took the podium yesterday, did you not know that? And I would say that is my bad. That is part of that is part of definitely part of the explanation of challenging questions. Is the Biden campaign going to be able to deal with this? Absolutely not. They're used to standing up in front of the press and telling them the sky is green. Can't you see it? And they're used to the apparat chicks in the media room to, yes, Joe, it is green. Oh my gosh, that's amazing. But now it's getting nasty. It's getting snarky out there. We would invite the president to come here and tell us that directly. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. In case you couldn't hear what he was saying, she said one reporter said we would invite the president to come here. Talk to us. Hey, explain something to us. And another one chimes in. If he's awake, Joe Biden is not going to change. Joe Biden has been a gigantic liar for the entirety of his political career, not little white lies like every politician tells or every president tells shading of the truth. Every president gets up and tells you that they're great for jobs. And then you dig into the numbers and you think, wait a minute, that's not really true. I guess kind of not really every president does that. Every president talks about how the economy is good and whether it is or not, every president tells these little white lies. Joe Biden is not like any other president I've ever seen or heard of in my life, Republican or Democrat, even ones I hate way more than Biden. I hate Obama way more than I could ever hate Joe Biden. There's never been a president like Joe Biden. Joe Biden will stand up in front of you and right there in your face tell you his son died in Vietnam. And he was in the meantime and all American on the Penn State football team while teaching the second amendment. He's never done any of these things. He just invents things out of thin air. It's who he is. That's how they're going to approach it. Joe Biden did say something later on today. It's happened right before the show. Got on a phone call with donors and he essentially said, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here. I'm not being pushed out. We're staying in and we're going to win. Now, what should you take from that? We'll talk about that in just a moment before we talk about that. Let's talk about my pillow. After all, don't you believe he knows freedom is not free. Well, I pillow believes that while these other big box stores, you know, the bed bath and be ons of the world while they've been hating you and celebrating pride month and dumping on your values every chance they get. My pillow has lost a fortune in legal fees and everything else caring about this country caring about freedom, getting themselves kicked out of big box stores. Mike Lindell has been leading from the front on this. I could tell you about their $25 extravaganza sale about the laundry list of things that are drastically reduced in price. Honestly, go buy something from my pillow to say thank you. And because the products are amazing, get the best my pillow you can have for 25 bucks, my pillow sandals, 25 bucks, go to my pillow dot com, click on the radio listener special square, use the promo code Jesse or give him a call 800 845 0 5 4, we'll be back. Jesse Kelly, it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday, it's hope you made it and what are we doing here tonight? We're keeping it popping. So let's discuss, let's discuss this thing as we wrap up this Joe, whether he's running whether he's not talk, Joe Biden puts out, I won't say a statement. The reporters reported on something and said Joe Biden told some donors, I'm running, I'm not being pushed out, I'm running and we're going to win. How should you take that? Well, listen, running for office or stepping down from office. Those are things you can't do halfway and they're things you can't pretend to do halfway and anyone who's ever attempted to do those things halfway has failed. Have you ever heard of an exploratory committee? You probably have because you're a political nerd like I am, an exploratory committee. What is that? Well, candidates, let's say Senator Kelly, he's a very, very witty, brilliant senator who I made up in my own mind. He doesn't exist at all. Senator Kelly, he thinks he might want to run for president and he wants to get out there and do some campaigning, maybe raise a little money, but he's not sure if he wants to run for president. So he forms an exploratory committee, allowing him to raise a little money, do some campaigning. See if I want to see how well, how warm the waters are. Let me ask you political nerd. Have you ever seen somebody form an exploratory committee and go on to be president? No, you freaking have it. Maybe it's happened, but I don't remember it at all. Why? Because you're in or you're out. You can't get a little bit pregnant and we'll get to dome here in just a little bit. You're either running for president or you are not running for president. That's why every single Tom Dick and Harry, every Republican, every Democrat who's ever run for president, I think every one of them has gotten up forever leading up to when they announce saying I'm not running. I'm not running. I could never run. I would never run. I'm too busy. I'm going to spend time with family. I'm enjoying my family time. And five minutes later, there's a press conference after much consultation. Everybody begging me to run with a humble heart. I've decided to serve my country and run for president. You're not running until you're running. And the same thing can be said of resigning, stepping down, bowing out of reelection. The only statement they can make, Biden, his team, all of them, the only option they have right now is to act as if we are in it. We're in it for the long haul and we're in it to win it. They don't have a second option. He can't make a public statement saying, well, I mean, I'm not really sure because then your donations dry up. Then people are all, well, call me back when you think you're positive. It doesn't work that way. You can't be half pregnant. You can't half way run for president. It doesn't work that way. Now, speaking of half pregnancy, let's discuss the elephant in the room. This father should not in any way do anything to work around Miss Harris. We should do everything we can to bolster her whether it's in second place or at the top of the ticket. That voice you heard is a name you will know because you listened to this show. That little sound bite is one that people are glossing over. They're not playing. It might be the most important sound bite of the day. That is one James Clyburn of South Carolina. If he has dug in his heels and decided it's dome or nobody, if Joe Biden goes, then it very well be, it very well may be Kamala Harris. It's hard to win the Democrat nomination without the black vote in South Carolina. And James Clyburn controls the black vote in South Carolina in a major way. If he is thrown in his lot with dome, well, it just might be, this is president. Okay. It gave me the Willie's. We got to move on here. Jesse, you like to talk about how America is on the rebound or at least parts of it. That sounds a lot like hoping that a crack addict will hit bottom. And they've been told that next week the crack may want out. Does the world work like that? Okay. So let me discuss this. It's very funny how different, how people hear, not necessarily what they want to hear. That's a big part of it, but you can say one thing and people will hear it differently. And when you do a show, a three hour show, an award winning show like ours, we've never won any awards, but we'd like to say that when you were doing award winning radio show like ours, and you talk for three hours a day. People may tune in. They tune out. You never know how people are hearing things because some people will email in and say, gosh, you're kind of cynical and pessimistic on the future of the country. And the next email will be, how could you be so hopeful? Things look so dark. So allow me to just explain. We are not a small country. We are not, you know what Israel is actually a great example. We are not Israel. People is a country of eight million people, even though I realized there are political factions and divides there. If part of Israel falls, it's all falling, all of it, because there's only one part. We are a gigantic country of 330 million people with different states and different parts of those states from rural to urban and otherwise. Whatever happens in our future as ugly as it may be, and it might be really, really ugly. It sure might be. I've never sugarcoated that. I've never sugarcoated the fact that I don't think the federal government can be saved. I think DC's gone. But whatever happens, areas that are strong, communities that are strong, states that have strengthened themselves will persevere and we will be okay. Some of us anyway. Prius is screwed, but most of us are going to be totally okay. All right. All right. Let's do, let's do some ask Dr. Jesse questions, shall we, before we do that speaking of Israel? You know Hezbollah is next, right? At least that's how it looks right now. Right now they're trying to wrap up Hamas in the south. They're already mobilizing forces for Hezbollah in the north. You know they have a food crisis over there. They're working on a food crisis farmlands being wiped out. They lost all the workers. It's a rough light right now. IFCJ is only asking for a pledge to sign a pledge and they're not asking you to even write a pledge. They just want you to sign a pledge that they can go over their take over there and they will and they're going to present it to Netanyahu saying, Hey, we know you guys are going through hell right now and we're standing with you when you were praying for you. And that's what the international fellowship of Christians and Jews is all about. And I think that's a really freaking cool cause, especially when you just have to sign a pledge support, IFCJ dot org. All right. All right. We'll be back to Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday and ask Dr. Jesse Wednesday. That's enough Joe Biden talk for a little bit. We get some calls next hour and stuff like that. I don't feel like doing any of that right now. We got to dig into all these questions because there's a lot of them. Jesse, I think Trump could add one more thing to his list of reasons why we should vote for him. She says that is he personally would be president instead of yet another, yet another president by proxy like it has been with Joe obviously needs help with world with Trump world leaders would know they were meeting with the real deal, the real boss, the real head honcho. This may seem obvious, but I don't think the norms and normals even consider this reality. What do you think? I think that's a very good point. I think it was one of Trump's strong suits when he was president. There's a, it's kind of a funny video. It's something that I'm sure I've shared multiple times on social media in jest. I bet you money I played it on my TV show back when it happened, but there's a little video of Trump that is a revealing video and you may like it. You may hate it depending on who you are and what your personality is, but it's good for America to have a president like that. Anyway, in the video, he's at one of these summits. They always have to go to these stupid friggin summits and he's with all these other world leaders and they're walking it's, they're walking as a group. These world leaders, they're walking from one spot to another. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but Trump is not in front. He's gabbing with somebody as they're walking. He's not in front. And as they start to get there, the guys in front start to stop. And so they're stopped in front of Trump, a little human wall. They're stopped and he's behind. He's not leading. And Trump. That's great. Trump reaches out. I remember it. Like it was yesterday. I haven't seen the video in years. He reaches out with his right hand and kind of Pat's one of the guys. I think it was the PM or president of Luxembourg, Pat's him and kind of half shoves him out of the way and to move up to the front and then he closes his suit jacket. Look, you can hate that or love that. You hate Trump. You'll hate it. If you love Trump, you'll, you'll love it. I personally, I think that's good for America. That's what America should be leading in charge. And personally, I loved that about Trump's presidency. I've been open, very open about the things I hated. But that was a very, it's one of the reasons his foreign policy was so good. I've said it before, the big danger of Biden. One of the big dangers of Joe Biden is the personal, the personal interactions, these things when Joe Biden goes and meets with world leaders, good ones and bad ones behind closed doors. How he functions can do, can oftentimes determine huge courses of action they might take or not take the Kennedy himself, remember JFK himself admitted and cruise chief echoed this. Part of the reason cruise chief felt bold enough to move missiles into Cuba back in the day was he had a meeting with Kennedy. According to Kennedy, he was not prepared, he was too immature and cruise chief privately when they met eight, his lunch crew cruise chief walked out of that meeting and thought this dude is soft and young and pathetic and I can push this dude around. And that almost resulted in nuclear war that Kennedy turned it around and ran him out of there and stuff. But personal matters a lot when the president of the United States of America sits in a room with the German and in the France head and all these other people remember the report we just got out of the G seven. The dude said he just kept wandering off. He just kept wondering off like some see now old man and losing his train to thought. You think you think Xi Jinping doesn't get those reports? Think Vladimir Putin doesn't know about that Putin. You think he doesn't know about that? It matters. Now you have a guy like Trump. Trump's been an international businessman for the entirety of his career sitting in those meetings, hammering things out, yelling, arguing, debating, agreeing on things. Trump sits at a meeting with the heads of state of all these countries and he's not blown away by it. It's been his entire life. It's been his entire career. I tell you a story Miranda Divine told me, Miranda Divine with the New York Post. You remember that first debate, the first GOP debate when Trump ran the first time, the GOP primary debate, where he basically ended Jeb Bush's career, called him low energy jab. Do you remember that to his face? Just made fun of him through his face. Well, did you know, and I didn't know this before I talked to Miranda, part of the reason Trump was so salty and abusive towards Jeb in a hilarious way I should note in that debate was right before that debate, Trump was in a heated meeting with what essentially was explained to me was a Chinese gangster. He was a businessman, is a businessman who Trump and Trump had some sort of business dealing with him and he was really mad at Trump and this gangster apparently was eating during the meeting and food was flying out of his mouth. He was yelling so much and Trump gets on stage. He leaves there and gets on stage. He looks over at Jeb Bush, he says, who is this dork? What am I worried about this for? And you can love or hate that and it's really going to be personality dependent or with Trump. Trump has this weird thing, a weird hold over people who love or hate him. I don't I don't feel either way. He's just a rental car to me, but people who love him will love that and people who hate him will hate that. But that's a good thing for a country. Dear bath bomb Burger King, I hate you guys with the scotas ruling for presidential immunity. I cannot understand why the left is not celebrating this for the sake of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, shoot, let's throw in George Bush too. In my opinion, all of them are guilty of suspicious presidential acts. Their cry for impeachment of the justices makes no sense. This ruling is in their favor. Is it because it's all about getting Trump or they don't care about protecting their own legacy? Okay. There's a couple parts that there's two different parts to this. There's the Trump aspect to this and that's where we'll start because we're kind of on him right now anyway. And then there's the Kings and Queens aspect of this. So let me let's start with the Trump portion of it. We've had this discussion before, but remember the communists, the communist himself will make it about an individual. Let's talk about your liberal and Peggy. She is a herd animal. She is a herd animal. You yell and scream and you're mad at her. You're going to scream at her tomorrow during Independence Day when she brags about her 19th abortion. You yell at her about why she doesn't think and you'll bring up these facts and this, this and it just doesn't seem like it makes a dent and it really doesn't make a dent because liberal amp Peggy doesn't want to leave the herd. She doesn't want to be right on the issues. She wants to be part of the herd. There's safety in the herd. She goes where she's told. She says what she's supposed to say. If she does all this, she is protected. She's provided for. She is a herd animal above all things, a herd animal. And because there are heard, well, you can guide a herd to doing wonderful things and or terrible things depending on where you aim that herd will talk a little bit more about this. I didn't mean to run up against the break. We'll talk a little bit more about this in just a moment. You, you don't want to be a herd animal though, right? You know, you know, if your testosterone levels get too low, that's exactly what you become. Fellas, when your T levels drop, your mind doesn't work right. You know you need testosterone for logical thinking. Did you know that energy, strength, focus, testosterone levels aren't just about making babies, gentlemen. You need them when you, you need it when you're 80, not just when you're 20. Go get some natural herbal supplements from Chalk specifically. May I recommend a male vitality stack from Chalk 90 days. You take it for 90 days, 20% increase in your T levels, call them or text them, five zero Chalk that's C H O Q, five zero Chalk 3000, five zero Chalk 3000. We'll be back. Get the cure, it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday and yes, I will get to the calls shortly. Probably next segment. We'll, we'll start taking some ask Dr. Jesse calls, then you're welcome to call in now. Remember to get right to your question eight, seven, seven, three, seven, seven, four, three, seven, three, eight, seven, seven, three, seven, seven, four, three, seven, three. You want to hear a funny thing about that song, that beach boys song. If you're on the podcast, Jewish producer, Chris just played a beach boy's song about that. He's talking about the T bird fun, fun, fun to her daddy takes the T bird away. I was always listening to the beach boys when I was a kid, but because I was a kid, I had no idea what a T bird was and I just figured he took away her bird or something like that. I figured she had a pet bird. What Chris? I wasn't very smart. I'm like, what I am now, all right, shut up focus. Let's talk about the question. The question was, why are all these, why aren't Democrats celebrating the scotest ruling about presidential immunity? Because after all, they're all guilty. Barack Obama murdered a US citizen on purpose, Barack Obama drone strike the US citizen. Yes, he was a worthless terrorist piece of trash, but that doesn't matter. When you're president, you don't get to execute Americans extra judiciously. Chris, did you see how I nailed that big word? What? Are you impressed? I think that's kind of how it's pronounced. I don't know. I'm with the community college. Anyway, Barack Obama drone strike them. That's illegal. You can't do that. So why aren't they celebrating? So I was talking about, there are two different reasons. One, the Democrat is a herd animal, a herd animal. Your liberal aunt Peggy is a herd animal. She stays in the group at all times, at all times. And that's why the communists create idols, symbols at all times, symbols for the herd to worship and symbols for the herd to hate. So liberal and Peggy, who never heard of him beforehand, will all of a sudden be walking around with her George Floyd shirt, talking about what a great father he is. And you're looking at her like, what, what is wrong with you? She's going where the herd has been aimed. The herd has been aimed in a negative way towards Donald Trump since he came down the escalator and said the illegals were a bunch of rapists and drug dealers. Ever since that moment, the American media and the Democrat party have acted like he was the anti-Christ. So for her, for you, he's probably just a candidate for president. Maybe you like him. Maybe you're indifferent. Maybe you hate his guts, but you can't understand the depth of her hatred for him. And it goes beyond logic. I look tomorrow's Independence Day. Maybe you'll be with her. I've brought this up before. You want a fun experiment? Here's a black. Here's a really fun experiment. Take your liberal and Peggy, the Democrat and your family who's going to be at the party, whoever that is, ask them why they don't like Trump. They will bring up January 6th almost immediately. He led an insurrection. Don't argue with them. Do not argue. This is for the purpose of our experiment. Agree with them, say, Oh, yeah, you're right. Oh, January 6th was really bad, but I am curious. So you, you liked him before that day? On January 5th, you were a big fan. No, I didn't, I didn't like him that either. Okay. Why? And watch her try to explain herself. It'll be a bunch of meaningless phrases, not based on anything. It was racist that she can't base it on anything because she never thought about it. She's going where the herd takes her. How does this supply to the Supreme Court? Well, everything in their minds is about Trump. Everything's Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. So even a Supreme Court ruling, they're not going to see further than two inches in front of their face. It's just an opportunity to get Trump or a missed opportunity to get Trump, which is how they look at this. They're not thinking strategically. Now that's the first reason. The second reason is the communist, he views himself as being a revolutionary. He views himself as being a revolutionary who must exist outside of the law and outside of the rules because he has a higher calling, a higher purpose. He can't be bound by any rules because what he's doing is for the greater good. He's got to burn down America. He's fighting a revolution against the great Satan of America. That's how Democrats think. And because he's the revolutionary vanguard, well, the rules don't apply to him. The rules always apply to you, of course, but you're not part of the revolution. You're not helping bring down the great Satan of America. For him, well, he gets special privileges and should have special privileges because he's fighting the revolution. That's why John Kerry can take a private jet all the way around the world to go to a climate change conference and complain about the carbon your cow farts are putting out. How could he do that with a straight face? He said it on camera before. Remember he had that one reporter at the one thing, Chris, grab that for me if you can find it. The reporter to his credit actually asked him about it and said, well, 100 years, you're talking about climate change and you took a private jet. Do you have it, Chris? Listen, listen to his answer. On that issue, pollution, I understand that you came here with a private jet. Is that an environmental way to travel? If you offset your carbon, it's the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle. See, he's traveling the world to do what to win the battle. You peasant? Look, you're going to have to eat bugs. You're going to have to give up your car. Your home is going to have to be 95 degrees in the summertime. No travel outside of government allotted times. You're going to have to have your entire way of life destroyed and you should sit there and grin and bear it, but that's for you. For him, well, he's fighting the revolution. He's in the vanguard. He can't be subject to the same rules, your subject to the communists don't think in terms of laws in rules because the communist is a religious zealot who sees himself above that. He sees himself beyond that. He's of a higher calling than you or me. And remember also, there's also this aspect to it when we've talked about many times before. They see themselves as kings and queens. They don't see themselves as representatives or senators or presidents or protectors of Western civilization. They see themselves as feudal lords. And when the feudal lord decides he needs you to put on a uniform and go fight and die for him, he decides he's stealing your wife and he's going to murder your children. You don't have any rights to say one way or the other because you're the peasant and he's the feudal lord. And that's how the communist sees himself. Remember you, you, the freedom loving person, the person who drives what you want to drive, you eat what you want to eat, you say what you want to say, you even, I bet you even question vaccines and things like that, you, the freedom loving person in his mind, you are what is holding the entire planet back and you are what is burning down the entire planet. And the communist has to stop you. He has to control you. Whether that means handcuffing you, hurting you in some way, just constraining you, whatever it is, you must be hurt or constrained to save the world. Remember that pool we brought you? The pool of Democrats during the pandemic of COVID? Remember the answers? Remember the percentages of how many thought you should be locked up and have your kids taken away from you if you didn't take a vaccine? I know you think she's your liberal aunt Peggy and it's just her anti-anxiety medication. After all tyrants underneath, you scratch them a little bit and you find a tyrant.