Jesse Kelly Show

Trump's First Debate with Republican Nominees...Michelle Obama...Chuck Schumer

Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) - This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday going into an Independence Day weekend. I'm so dang, I'm excited. (upbeat music) All right, let's discuss, let's discuss one of the elephants in the room. In fact, someone has a call about it. 877-377-4373. I have an email here, Jesse. How could they run Michelle Obama? How could she get ahead of dome? Nathan, Tennessee, go. - Yeah, so I'm just wondering, I don't think the Democrats are going to push Kamala. Her poll numbers and approval ratings in 2020 were terrible. And I don't see anybody else that even would be strong enough to compete with Trump's numbers right now. So I know sources are saying Michelle is not interested, but what are your thoughts on Michelle stepping out and being the front runner? - All right, all right, let's dig into this. There's a lot of this, let's dig into this. Michelle Obama, first, let's deal with the dome problem. Actually, you know what? Let's deal with the Michelle Obama thing. Michelle Obama actually made a statement today. Today, she made a statement saying, I believe she said something cheesy. It's not in my soul or something like that. I'm not running, it's not in my soul. They always have to talk like that. Why don't you just say I'm not running? Either way, take that with a grain of salt. As I've told you a million times, everyone who's everyone for president has sworn they're not running until right before, until when they decide they're going to run, all right? But she said she's not running. But let's talk about the problems. Realize that Joe Biden, Joe Biden is only his best shot in the world is what Nathan actually just elaborated. It's Kamala Harris. His best shot at staying is Kamala Harris. Why? Because if they push Joe out and they still might, they still might. If they push him out, dome, it's not that they want her. It's not that they want her. It's that they might not be able to avoid taking her. She's the vice president. She already, I already played the James Clyburn audio earlier. She already has his backing. You know what else is going on? There's another political thing going on. Who have Democrats been struggling with mightily for the last two years? Black voters. The black vote that has been 90, 92% reliably Democrat for as long as I've been alive. No, they're not all going Republican. That's stupid and ridiculous. But they're losing enough black voters. They've been in a full blown panic for the last couple of years. Why are they losing those black voters? Because they brought in all the illegals from around the planet and put them all in the black neighborhoods. They're all in the black schools. They're all in the black rec centers. They're in the black and black people are furious. We voted for you and you filled up our neighborhood with illegals. So think how it looks. Remember I played that civil right of, quote civil rights? It's such a stupid label anymore. Remember I played that woman yesterday? That black woman? I played the audio of her saying, how you got to step over a woman of color? It's already out there. James Clyburn already out there talking about it. And there's the fundraising aspect to how you step past Kamala. It is late in the game. It is July 3rd. It takes two years to run for president realistically, at least a year and a half. Trump did it fairly quickly the first time, but he had the benefit of having pretty much a hundred percent name ID by the time he started running. He was already famous because he's Donald Trump. You're asking the fundraising to happen too quickly. It doesn't happen in that way. And you think you can just snap your fingers 'cause they're Democrats and they're backed by all these billionaire scumbags. You think they can just snap their fingers and bring in a billion dollars? People who donate a lot of money to political candidates, not normal people. I'm not talking about you or me, send this guy 10 bucks, something like that. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about big boy bundlers. Remember you have limits to how much you can give to an individual candidate, but you can give unlimited amounts to packs, certain packs now? Well, let's say, let's say I'm made of money. Say I've got 20 million dollars I'm gonna give to Joe Biden. Well, look, I may be a dirty communist who wants to donate 20 million dollars to Joe Biden, but I promise you this, I'm gonna have a steak dinner and I'm gonna have a handshake from Joe Biden and I'm gonna have a 10 to 20 minute private conversation with Joe Biden before he's getting 20 million dollars to my money. I'm getting a person to person face to face with the man or he ain't getting 20 million dollars. There's not enough time for other people to do enough fundraisers to raise the money. Harris is already on Joe Biden's ticket. All the money he's already raised can be handed to her. If they push Joe Biden out and they might, I think it's gonna be dumb, not because they want her, they don't, they're horrified of her. It's gonna be dumb because they don't know how to get around her. How do you move her out? And look, Joe Biden is in very, very deep trouble. This is, hey, look, as you know, I'm a journalist. (upbeat music) - It's journalist Jesse. - There's just no one better. - We love Jesse, he's the best. - Jesse, please kiss my baby, Jesse. ♪ Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse ♪ - Joe Biden had a very busy day at the White House, much busier than he's used to. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, went to the White House today to meet with Joe Biden. I already talked about the governors who flew from all over the country to meet with Joe Biden. We now know that Senator Chris Koons and Hakim Jeffries, remember Hakim Jeffries is the most powerful Democrat in the House of Representatives. They just met with Joe Biden. This was a couple hours ago. Joe Biden is fielding meeting after meeting after meeting. And now this just came out according to inside paper. Biden and his senior team say they accepted the grim ultimatum they've been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democrat party to demonstrate his fitness for office or face significant effort to force him to step aside. That's according to the Washington Post. That echoes what you heard from Graham Avodka earlier. - I think my recommendation, my recommendation is for him to have some interviews, a serious journalist, you among them, a serious journalist, no holds barred, any questions fair, and just sit there and feed Joe. - Graham Avodka has a serious recommendation to Joe. Hang on, let me take this shot real quick for anyway. But that's, I guarantee you the same thing Schumer told him this morning. Hey, Mr. President, love ya, we're a big fan. You really need to demonstrate that you cannot poop your pants. The governors flew from all over the country. Joe, the poll numbers are a disaster, the fundraising's drying up. You need to demonstrate you cannot poop your pants. Coons, Jeffries meet with them. Hey, Joe, you need to demonstrate you cannot poop your pants. Nancy Pelosi, Graham Avodka, out there publicly, he just needs to sit down with someone and demonstrate he cannot poop his pants. And now we know he's sitting down. It will be the most watched interview of his presidency. He's sitting down, of course, brilliant move by the Biden's with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. In case you're wondering how rigged this is going to be, it's not gonna be live. Of course they're gonna pre-tape it. George Stephanopoulos has been a Democrat operative forever posing as a journalist. So it is gonna be the softball of softballs. Stephanopoulos will toss him a couple quote hard questions and see how he does. That's gonna air on Friday night and it pains me. We're not gonna be here to talk about it, but that's gonna be one to tune into. Will that be enough to satisfy the Graham Avodka's? I don't know, but that's why the Biden campaign already scheduled it. All right, we'll get back to more of these questions. 877-377-4373, let's get to this. You know, it's very hard to find a saying that no one's ever said. It's very hard to find a saying, but I have one. Did you know that? I have a saying that nobody's ever said. Man, I wish I wasn't such a good shot. Nobody's ever said those words, but many, many, many, many, many, many people throughout history as their dying breath, they have thought to themselves, man, I wish I'd practiced. I can't believe I missed him. Oh, dang it, I'm dead now. Do you practice with that weapon? Or do you just hope for the best? Carrying it doesn't do a thing. You might as well carry a stapler if you can't hit what you're aiming at. Mantis X teaches you how to shoot. It's more than just target practice. You dry fire practice in the comfort of your home in the comfort of your home. You don't fire a shot. You save money on ammo, range fees and everything. And they will give you feedback. You will shoot better. In 20 minutes, you'll be better. Imagine how much better you'll be in a month. Faster, deadlier than you are now. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, go get a Mantis X. Mantis We'll be back. Jesse Kelly. Here's the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday, the night before Independence Day. We're all kinds of stuff. Hey, Jesse, I've never heard a good overhead press. Pull ups are fine. As a Marine boot camp survivor, can you recommend a good workout that will give me shoulders like Michelle Obama? Oh, that's not very nice. That's not very, we're not doing that. You know what, you guys are terrible. Brody, Atlanta, go. - Bright finger food failure. My question is about world or trees. So if they're a, you said a three-front war with Russia, China, and Iran, but what if there's another army in sleeper cells and saboteurs that they've already brought in here? Go. - Okay, that's actually a very valid question. Let's talk about the people who they've already brought in here. And let's be honest about something right now. There's no if, there's no if there are people, sleeper cells and saboteurs in the United States of America. We know that from intelligence briefings, I will tell you, I personally know that from friends of mine who would know the Russian, look, whenever you open up your border, you open up your country to the worst people in the world coming in. There's no intelligence agency worth its salt that wouldn't take advantage of that. One of the great struggles of every intelligence agency, if you know anything about the history of spying or you read books about it or anything about that, one of the great challenges is how do we get our people in? And more importantly, how do we get our people in without them knowing? You know, it doesn't necessarily work like it does in the movies where you just put on a fake mustache and a pair of sunglasses and you fly into Moscow to do some spying there. If you're actually going to spy and sabotage things under the radar, how do you get someone in without them photographing you, figuring it out? Facial recognition. Well, because we elected a bunch of American hating communists, they opened up the border and now those people are here. So how does that look? Well, look, I'm gonna give you the bad and I'm gonna give you the good. So let's just lead with the bad first. There are choke points in any society that can really break a society. Did you know, hold on, let's pause for a moment. Let's talk a little bit of history. You wanna do a little history with me? Japan, let's talk about Japan, WW2 Japan. All right, everyone knows about the atom bomb and everything else. Did you know one of the main reasons Japan surrendered was actually not necessarily the bombs and it wasn't even necessarily the threat of an invasion from us and or the Soviets. Did you know that the Japanese government, they were facing a revolution from their own people? Did you know that? Everyone, when they think of Japan and World War II, understandably and really not without justification, people think about these totally committed fanatical people who worship the emperor and things like that. But did you know, did you know that the food, the famine was so bad inside of Japan? Remember, we were bombing, we were bombing, we were, well, we were bombing, but we also had our torpedoes taking out all the shipping going into Japan. Those people were starving to death in mass. And so these people who were religiously devoted to their government, to their emperor, I should say, they were on the verge of rebellion. Why? They were starving. Your emperor looks a whole lot less God-like when you start starving. Societies, all societies have choke points. It would be difficult to starve Americans in mass. In the cities, it wouldn't be difficult at all. But Americans, so many Americans live rorally. Man, that was a really hard word to pull off, but I did it rorally Americans. So it would be hard to starve a lot of them, but we still have choke points ourselves. How many things do you have to blow up or sabotage before we run out of gas? Did you know that's an American choke point? I've told you this story before. Did you know the Roosevelt administration? They were rationing things. Most people know this, they were rationing things all over the place in World War II, sugar, all kinds of things like that. And the American public was actually very receptive and okay with all of it. It was met with almost no pushback, people got it. Okay, whatever. I'll do without some sugar. I'll do without this, I'll do without that. You wanna know what got them pushback? In fact, they had to back off of it when they started rationing fuel. Fuel was the thing where Americans said, what? No, you can't do that. I can't, what, what, you can't. That was what got them pushback. You see, we have choke points. The Chinese will know that. The Russians will know that. It's internet, it's water. What would you do? Let me ask you right now. This is a little thought experiment. I don't know where you're listening from. You might be in the mountains of Wyoming or New York City. What would you do right now if you had water coming out of your tap that you couldn't drink? If none of the water coming out of the taps was potable, what would you do? Oh, bottled water. Do you know how fast the bottled water would be gone? If you couldn't drink the water out of the taps, the bottled water would be gone in less than a day. Gone, disappeared. Now what's your plan? Do you have a plan? Do you think they don't know that? It's the America itself would be able to withstand a lot of things from within, we would. But as divided as we are politically now, it makes us even more vulnerable to hostile foreign powers, hurting us in serious ways from within. Do you think China, do you think China bought up a bunch of farmland right next to our military bases for no reason at all? You don't think they have a plan there? You think China was selling us so much technology that had built in Chinese spyware by accident? Oh, they have a plan. No, I'm not trying to be doomsday. That's the bad news. There is a good side of this. There is good news. We'll get to that in just a moment before we get to that. Let me tell you about something good no matter what. No matter what, no matter what happens to your internet, no matter what happens to the water, no matter what happens to the food supply, there is something that will always be there for you. And that's my pillow. You see, my pillow makes the greatest stuff in the world. So even as you're laying there, starving to death without any water, you will still sleep like a baby because you're gonna have the brand new my pillow with the Giza fabric. You know that Giza fabric is the temperature stuff? That's the stuff that my ear used to get so hot. When I rolled over and sleep on my side, I have this ear thing and then I wake up and there's ear sweat and that's not comfortable for anybody. My pillow takes all those problems away. Do you wanna, you want some of that? They have a $25 extravaganza seal going on right now. You have to go to, click on the radio listener special square and use the promo code Jesse or you can call them 800-845-0544. Take advantage of the $25 extravaganza sale. We're gonna need it when the internet goes out. All right. All right, we'll be back. ♪ You're us ♪ ♪ It is the Jesse Kelly show on Wednesday ♪ ♪ Very, very, very excited about Independence Day ♪ In case you're wondering the Kelly's have no real plans whatsoever except for grilling out like Dagon Americans. It's gonna be, I'm probably gonna smoke my world famous queso. Obviously, there are gonna be weiners involved. We do hot dogs in the Kelly family household. And to answer your question, Chris was asking me earlier, boiled, grilled, microwaved. Look, the best hot dog is boiled. Everyone knows the best hot dog is boiled. People get so uppity about that and act like grilled. The boiled hot dog gives you the plump juiciness the wiener is supposed to have. But the hot dog can be enjoyed in the microwave as well. I've microwaved a lot of hot dogs in my life. In fact, we used to get, what were they, bar S? Bar S hot dogs used to be able to buy them from nothing. Absolutely nothing. Now you wanna, hot dogs are not necessarily the, not the highest quality food in the world anyway. But bar S hot dogs, you could walk into, we used to do it when I was younger. I think it was Costco. Used to walk into be able to just buy huge packs of bar S weiners for nothing and buns. You could sit and eat like a king on that for ages. That's what I'm doing tomorrow. Jesse, being a country bumpkin jarhead from Montana. Have you ever considered starting a small family farm? That kind of lifestyle sounds like it would be great. You know, I have a, all right, I have a dream. I have a dream. Let's talk about my dream. And this is a dream that I know will probably not happen. So let me just go ahead and lay out my dream for you here. I'm sure you have one of your own. I want land, but not a lot of land 'cause I don't wanna maintain a lot of land. My folks have some land and they love it and they're ranchers, right? That's what they do. But they're always working. They're always pounding fences and stuff like that. And it's a constant grind. And it's not that I'm, I don't wanna work, but I don't wanna get off work and then go work the land. I don't wanna do both of those things. Anyway, I want land, call it five acres? Okay, 20 acres, 20 acres, 20 acres is fine. I want some land. I want water on it. I want clean drinking water on it. So I need some kind of fast moving river where I can all purify whatever I need. So I want drinking water on it. And I have this dream of this Kelly compound. I know I sound like a doomsday or I'm sorry I am a little. I know Chris Compound, well I probably wasn't the right word. I have this dream of like a Kelly compound where are there some pill boxes? Yeah, there are. There are some bunkers and pill boxes and it's not the kind of place you would wanna trespass. That is for certain. But it's more than just a military compound. I want a home on there. One story, I like one story homes. I don't need a mansion. Some kind of one story home. Just two or three bedrooms, I'm a simple man. And I want a guest home. Don't I sound rich and fancy? But here's what I want. When my mom, my dad, my wife's mom, dad, actually not them, no I'm kidding. But whenever they're older and ready to move in, I wanna move them in with us. And then when the kids get older, and I know none of this is going to happen. I should clarify, none of this is gonna happen. It just won't. But when the boys get older and they find wives and they settle down, I want them to have a spot on the land away from me. I don't need them right next to me, but with their own place and their own bunkers and their own machine gun nests and claymores and other things like that, these are the simple dreams I have as a Kelly. I know these dreams will never happen, but still it's a dream of mine. I joked about it one time on the show, but it really wasn't a joke. Chris and I were joking, he found nuclear silos, and I think they were Kansas, weren't they Kansas? I think they were Kansas. He found that they were nuclear silos for sale. Old, obviously they took the nuclear weapons out, which was such a bummer, but the nuclear silos themselves were for sale. And they were retrofit in these things for, I've seen this before, they've retrofitted them for rich people, for 10 million dollars, you can buy a two bedroom place in case of the nuclear holocaust or something crazy like that. But they also have more simple ones, or a real simple, for something like 5, 600 grand, and you could buy it and turn it into your own bunker and tell me that wouldn't be sweet, what, Chris? Okay, that's a very fair point. Chris said, I say I want a one-story house, but there's a lot of stairs and a silo. That's fine, Chris, I have a solution. Haven't you ever, well, why would I even ask you? You've never seen anything decent. There's a great movie, great movie you could play for your kids, that your kids will probably enjoy. My sons enjoy it. Swiss family Robinson is the name of the movie. It's older, I think it was from the '60s, I would guess. '60s or '70s, great little adventurous movie, good evil, good guys, bad guys. It's about this family that's shipwrecked, either way, I've watched the movie enough to know that I can develop a pulley system to go up and down my nuclear bunker. Okay, not me, Chris, but I'll bring engineers in people. Surely you know somebody, anyway. Jesse, my question is twofold. First, were you able to work a job while also running for office? I wanna be part of the solution in my community, but I also need to support my family. Second, is it worth running in a blue/purple district? He lives in a Michigan suburb. Okay, let's talk about this. One, yes, I was able to work a job. I had to work a job, I had bills to pay myself. That's one, two, of course it's worth it. And I'm gonna say something that's, it's gonna sound easy for me to say, but running for office, even if it's in a blue district, even if you're going to lose, it is worth it. And even if you lose, 'cause I lost, look, I lost twice. Twice, I have had to stand up in front of my supporters and give that speech you never wanna give. Guys, the numbers are in, it's over, we lost. That whole campaign was, I don't wanna say for nothing, but that's essentially what you're telling them. We campaigned and we lost, it's over. And I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you, it hurts. It hurts. And you're looking at these people who were rallying around you and they were so wonderful to you and your wife's beside you and everyone's sad and it's hard. It's hard, it's a hard talk. But I look back having lost two congressional races and I'm proud of it. I've screwed up a whole lot of things in my life and I'm by no means somebody to admire in any way. There aren't a ton of things I'm proud of, but I'll tell you two of them. My sons are pretty dead, gone good. And I don't know what I did or what happened there, but they're pretty fine young men, I'll tell you that much. And I have tried to fight for my country for a long time. I have done the best I can do. And I'm not gonna stop, right? I've lost this place, you love this place. It is what it is. Ken, Pennsylvania, go. Hey, Jesse, do you think that these democratic demons know that, say Trump was completely out of the picture, okay, there's no Trump no more. But the genie's out of the bottle, Jesse. I mean, it's a movement, it's not Trump. Trump's just the guy now. They'll be a guy after Trump, it's a mini Trump. You know what I'm saying? Do you think they think that way? - No, no, and you're right. - Everything you just said is correct, but no, they don't think that way. It goes back to what we were talking about earlier. These are herd animals. They love whoever they're told to love. They hate whoever they're told to hate. They don't think past that. The second Trump is gone, whether it's after a four year presidency or he loses or whatever happens, the second he's gone, all these animals will aim all of that anger towards whoever the system tells them to hate next. Do they think about that? No, right now your liberal aunt Peggy has created in her mind this demon of Trump that as long as he's vanquished, the country is saved. No, they don't know any better. All right, I should be better about these 877-377-4373. Also, have you signed the pledge? I'm not telling anyone to do anything. It's just asking, I'm just asking for a favor. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. They, they're doing so much. They're doing more things than I can lay out for you. Did you know that there are Holocaust survivors who are homeless right now in Israel? Because of all this disaster going on. Could you imagine surviving the Holocaust and in your final years, you're alone without a home? Look, these are the kinds of things IFCJ takes care of. Fire equipment, food, medical supplies for people who are suffering while we live here safely. They're suffering over there. All they're asking is to sign a pledge. is where you go to sign that pledge. Go sign it if you wouldn't mind just asking as a favor. We'll be back. (upbeat music) It is the Jesse Kelly Show on Wednesday. I'm so excited I love Independence Day. You think I'm an ugly American normally? Oh my gosh, you don't even want to be around me on Independence Day, I tell you that much. All right, Jesse, anyone listening to this show knows our company is in deep beep. Trump can make quick fixes, but his beep choice must be able to head and win the 2028 ticket or everything he accomplishes will be executive ordered away day one of a Democrat presidency. Will his ego and love of country allow him to choose the person who can actually secure Trump's own legacy? Am I alone in this thinking? You're not alone in this thinking. Trump supporters email me similar things like this all the time and Trump haters, to be honest with you. Is he going to pick the right person? Is he going to pick the right person? Is he going to pick the right person? I want to be careful about what I say here, not because I want to be sensitive to any politician Trump included. I want to be sensitive to the positive momentum we're all feeling right now. Look, we've had a really, really, really great week and it was so much more than just a debate, a bad debate for Joe Biden. There were amazing Supreme Court rulings that really went a long way to limiting some of the tyranny in this country. There have been good things happening. You should feel good. You should smile. There's no question about it. Don't, however, get ahead of yourself. Don't assume we're going to win no matter what. There's a lot of work to do. If you want Trump to win, if you want your local school board rep to win, you want your congressman to win, we have to put in the work. There's a lot of work to do. I don't want to hear about the polls again. I don't care what the polls say, we have a lot of work to do. That's one, two, if we win or if we lose, but if we win, that's one battle in a million and Trump is not going to walk in there and snap his fingers and right all the wrongs. He's not, he's not, no man could do that and Trump can't do that either. That's not humanly possible. He's not going to go in there and right all the wrongs. And is he going to choose the right people? I don't know. I have very mixed emotions about Team Trump right now. I am really, really impressed with his campaign team. Much more impressed than I have been. They really, really, I believe are named Susie Wiles. Susan Wiles really had him squared away for that debate. They're fundraising is good. Their campaign messaging has been good. Very disciplined, very good. At the same time, there are, there are things bubbling to the surface that are simply inexcusable and stupid and suicidal that I can't believe. Why in the world would you primary Bob Good in Virginia? Just because Bob Good endorsed Ron DeSantis in the primary. That's not just stupid, it's suicidal. It's so petty and selfish and stupid. Bob Good would have supported Trump's agenda. And he's one of the few people in Washington with the guts to stand with Trump and support his agenda. Yeah, he preferred DeSantis in a primary. Okay, that's the way it goes. And they hand selected some loser to go run against him and they primary it one of the best people of Congress we have out. Makes me just bash my hand off the desk. It's going to take an army of good people. Much more than just the office of the presidency. It's going to take an army of good people to right a lot of wrongs. I don't know. I don't know if that's, look, the VP, I don't know. I don't know, I hear good things, I hear bad things. Martin, New York, go. - Okay, Jesse, clearly they don't care about this country. But for electability, do you think that they will use the 25th amendment to remove Joe from office? - I do. I think it's, oh, I should say I think it's a possibility. You know how we talked earlier about all the meetings Joe Biden had today, in case you're just now joining us, Joe Biden got a visit today from who? All the power brokers, Chuck Schumer, Chris Coons, Akim Jeffries, governors from across the country. Not only did he have these meetings where he supposedly, he had to tell them his plan to win, Democrats are sending out the signal that Joe Biden needs to start proving himself. Grandma Vodka's part. - I think my recommendation, my recommendation is for him to have some interviews, a serious journalist, you among them, a serious journalist, no holds barred, any questions fair, and just sit there and be Joe. - She's not the only one saying things like that. This is Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker today. - Well, I think that that's why President Biden needs to communicate more. We haven't heard a lot from him since the debate. I think that when you come off a bad debate, you need to. - Okay, all right, we'll fast forward through all that and just know, I think Joe Biden is entering what will be a very, very, very short probationary period. And he's going to have to prove himself over the next week. Or I think the system is gonna get some fangs. Right now, the calls for his removal have been kind of tepid, it's been this Congressman. Well, maybe we're gonna get hurt down, ballad. It's been, well, maybe he hurt us. Okay, he had a bad debate. The call, the calls have been not very vicious. Joe Biden, if he doesn't start to turn these poll numbers around, improve himself very, very shortly, Joe Biden is about to feel what Trump has been feeling for some time now. He's about to feel the full wrath of the system. The system only exists to protect itself. Joe Biden is not in any way gonna save his rear end by being a Democrat. The system wants to keep the White House. Joe Biden is on borrowed time. He's on probation time now, whether he performs or not. I don't know. Look, a sit down interview with George Stephanopoulos. I know the Biden people were telling us that this is going to be the game changer. And this is going to be what proves it. But the American people are going to need more than that. They are. You can't fritz out on a debate like that, that badly. And then sit down for a pre-taped interview and write all those wrongs. That's not going to be enough. Joe Biden needs to do things that Joe Biden very likely cannot do. That's be a functional adult at public events. You probably can't do that anymore. So I think he's in very serious trouble. I do. - This has been a podcast from WOR.