Jesse Kelly Show

First Presidential Debate

Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun on a Friday. And man, if only we had something to talk about on a Friday. Yes, of course, it's asked Dr. Jesse Friday. We have all kinds of debate recap clips. Laughter, crying, everything else in between. Great things happened at the Supreme Court today. We'll go over all of that. Obviously, the questions kind of focused. A lot of them around the debate and we will dig into all these things on the world famous Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. Now, let's let's begin obviously with the debate. Let's begin. Let's talk about the good. Let's talk about the bad. And let's talk about the ugly and evil. And there was a lot of both. First, let's address the good right off the bat. You heard what I said leading up to the debate. I will just briefly recap it for anyone who missed it. I said this was a mistake. It was a mistake by Trump to take this debate because it was all set up against him CNN, the moderators, everything else. And this is when he's ahead and it was already ahead, why would you take a debate that it might be the only thing that can pull you back? Wow. Did he do well? Incredibly well. He did incredibly well. He marched into the lion's den and he stayed calm. He looked like the adult. He stayed on message no matter what they tried with him. They couldn't walk him into the weeds, which they did try to do several times. When they're asking him, how will you address climate change? Let's talk about abortion for an hour. January 6th. Look, here's just one example. This takes discipline. It's hard to do this. It's human nature to want to answer the question someone asks. And the communist moderators have always used this against Republicans. Trump did really well. And let me tell you about January 6th. On January 6th, we had a great border. Nobody coming through very few. On January 6th, we were energy independent. On January 6th, we had the lowest taxes ever. We had the lowest regulations ever. On January 6th, we respected all over the world, all over the world, we respected. And then he comes in and we're now left that. We're like a bunch of stupid people that what happened to the United States is reputation under this man's leadership is horrible. Hey, let's talk about January 6th. Hey, Trump, this is going to make you look bad. Hey, let's talk about January 6th. On January 6th, inflation was down and the border was secure. That is so well done. Well done. You talk about what you want to talk about and only what you want to talk about. Team Trump. Everyone on team Trump. I know a lot of you are listening right now. Good job. Trump himself. Good job. He all the credit in the world goes to him. He marched right into the lion's den and beat the crap out of Joe Biden. It was brutal and it was early. You could tell this is going to be a bad night for Joe. Let's talk about something else that's good. It is good. It is good that it looks like Joe Biden's going to lose the election if he's the nominee. Electorally, and I really we're going to talk about bigger things and well, but look, there's criticism and things like that. We can do all that. That's fine. But electorally, Joe Biden is in very, very deep trouble and that is good. Now, does that save the country? Of course not. As I said, it's one election and we have a million battles to fight, but that's an important battle. Not letting these dirty commies have the White House is important. And so electorally, as it pertains to November, it was a good night. Put a smile on your face. It was a good, good night. Now let's talk about the bad. You see, I also said on top of everything else about the debate and how I thought it was a mistake to take it and whatnot. You may remember this. I said this back on the 17th of June. This is a little long, but tell me if the old oracle nailed this one, but the risk really is tremendous for Joe Biden. I'll say this again. And Chris write this one down, not that I don't think they're going to have him drugged up. And I know he's going to hide and camp David and rest for a week. What if Joe Biden has an episode? I don't I don't mean a serious health episode. That's the really not what I'm saying. Remember, those scripts, these are the rules, those scripts, meaning even if CNN gives him the answers ahead of time, which of course they will, we assume Joe Biden's going to have to come up with the words he uses on his own. He's not even allowed to bring out pre prepared notes. What if Joe Biden freezes? This is a human being with a teleprompter in front of him who routinely now loses his train of thought does the bad the anyway thing. I understand that he's got two moderators working for him and entire network working for him. The deck is entirely stacked against Trump. I get that, but none of those things, none of that can cover if Joe Biden does one of these. They went about nuclear weapons. Well, I mean, the thing about nuclear weapons is I was talking to there's no way to cover something like that. You can't cover it up. If Joe Biden has an episode, it's over. Well, Joe Biden had an episode. Joe Biden had many episodes. He had them early. He had them often. I watched the debate with my wife and sons. I had a bunch of, you know, people were reaching out, Hey, you want to come watch the bait? We'll come watch the debate. I really wanted it to be family debate night. So I made the boys come down. And my youngest who's not even that into politics, my oldest very much is, but my youngest who's not even that into politics. We've told him he could go after a half hour. He wouldn't leave. He wanted to stay and watch the whole thing. And my wife who's not nearly as political as I am, watched the whole thing too. Almost everyone in the room, either cringed or burst out laughing almost immediately. Joe Biden, before he spoke, he looked so bad. He looked half dead. And you want to talk about having an episode? My gosh. Every pharmaceutical company cannot have to pay here. And by the way, so every day, millions. Oh, there were plenty of them with the COVID. I was going to be with dealing with everything we have to do with, look, if we finally beat Medicare. Good job, Joe. You beat Medicare. We get the total ban. The total initiative relative to what we can do with more border control and more asylum officers. President Trump, I really don't know what he said at the end of this. And I don't think he knows what he said either. And I think, I think maybe all that pales into comparison to when Joe Biden was talking about abortion. And he somehow merged two conversations, two different subjects in his mind, and started Well, here it was. It was Joe Biden's abortion slash illegal immigrant talk. There's so many young women who have been including a young woman who just was murdered. And he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by a by an immigrant coming in. They talk about that. But here's a deal. There's a lot of young women to be raped by their, by their in-laws, by their, by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by, oh, it's just, it's just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they try to rest them on the cross state line. Thank you. They said they spent a week resting him and preparing him. I think he spent a week in Vegas with Charlie Sheen. I think Joe Biden spent a week doing jello shots. And what in the world? And then to top it all off, we're going to talk about the ugly, right? This is the bad part where we could just kind of laugh about the whole thing. There's plenty of ugly. There's, there's a lot of ugly out there. But then to top it all off, the closing statement just murdered me. And remember, he's been preparing this for a week. This is all rehearse. This is all written. He's had a team of writers, speech writers writing this stuff down. And then they kept taking these long commercial breaks. So he's backstage again, preparing supposedly. And well, Joe Biden had a rough night, but I think this thing about the lead pipes is really going to resonate. We have, I'm going to make sure that we have childcare. We're going to significantly increase the credits that people have for childcare. I'm going to make sure we do something about what we're doing on lead pipes and all the things that are causing health problems for people across the country. We're going to continue to fight to bring down inflation and give people a break. You notice how Trump talked about two things all night long? It's brilliant. There's only two things he should talk about. And that's what he talked about. Immigration and inflation, immigration and inflation, immigration and inflation. Every single poll shows that's what people cared about in a debate. You want to make sure you're talking about the things most people care about. Joe Biden and his closing statement was talking about lead pipes. Man, what a night. So that was a good. That was a bad. Now let's talk about the ugly and evil. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. Of course, I asked Dr. Jesse Friday, and I'm going to get to those and you have a bunch of debate questions and comments and things like that. And so I'm kind of, I'm going to use those to talk some more about the debate. So we just went over, in case you're just now joining us to good and bad from last night, Trump, very good, dominated. What a great performance. Biden, obviously bad, bad is about as nice as you could possibly describe. That was really bad as ugly. Well, it was bad. Now let's talk about the ugly and the evil. First, let's address Jill Biden. You know, I've lamented this on the radio before. I've talked about it before many times. But you know, how I said I watched with my family last night, my wife, my two boys, my wife, she's not hugely political. She's definitely right wing. She likes politics with nothing like me and nothing like my oldest sons. It's not her thing. Like she likes weirdo murder mystery stuff. And you know, she's a woman. But she's watching that last night. And she turns to me at one point in time, she didn't get this from me. She turns to me and she said, how could his wife allow this? She said, if that was me, Jesse, I'm telling you right now, I would have pulled you off that stage during the debate. And we would spend the last years of our life on a beach somewhere or wherever it may be. But who is this woman who would allow this and encourage this? That wasn't even from me. That was from someone non political, just a wife sitting there watching it. And not only there's video of you probably seen it by now if you paid any attention, but there's video after the debate with the debate was over. Joe Biden wanted to go down the stairs. There were a few big stairs there in front of him. He wanted to go down the stairs to shake Jake Tapper's hand and Dana Bash's hand. Jill Biden comes running out and Joe can't navigate the first stair. He cannot do the first stair. The first one he gets to it. It looked like somebody who had just had a stroke or at least a mini stroke or something along those lines. And his wife, he practically leans on her like a cane. And she brings him over to these moderators. And then they have this big party afterwards, this big rally, you know, whoo, great job, Joe. And Joe, of course, you saw him at the debate. It's not breaking news. He's non functional at this rally, even he did the same thing he did at the debate only couldn't talk anymore. So he just sat there with that glassy look in his eyes and his mouth hanging open. I kept waiting for a fly to fly in his mouth all night long. In Jill Biden, she gets up on stage. I don't want to take credit for what she said, but I was talking to Megan Kelly earlier today. And Megan Kelly said she talked to him on the stage as if he was a child like a like a first grader who just done his his speech in class. Listen to this witch. Oh, you did such a great job. You answered every question. You did so good, Joe. We're going to get you an extra popsicle afterwards, because you were such a big boy tonight. Look, it's not my job to question anyone's marriage. I'm the last person in the world qualified to lecture anyone on being a good spouse or anything like that. And maybe probably I would assume that they don't really love each other. Maybe they do. I don't know. I don't know. I'm not. I'm not there. I'm not there personally. But even even if they don't, even if they hardly talk, there's plenty of marriages like that, especially in presidential history, where they're just, they live separate lives, even if they're not in love. How could she allow this to go on? And that brings me to a point that I'm going to tell you right now, giving away the game. I'm going to make the same point about the media. It's not that she allowed this to go on last night. Jill Biden is with Joe Biden every single day. She wakes up with him. She has breakfast with him. She goes to sleep with him. The Joe Biden, we see the Joe Biden, you see, and I see this Joe Biden, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay here. And by the way, so every day millions. That's the best Joe Biden. There is. Wrap your mind around that. That's Joe Biden, hopped up on an amphetamines with a week of rest and time to prepare. It's Joe Biden on a teleprompter. How bad is it behind closed doors in his wife has known it since he started running for president. Remember, he was bad when he started running against Trump the first time. And that which knows it, knows all of it, knows more than you do, knows more than I do, knows more than anyone else does. She's there in the bathroom when he's barely able to function. She's there watching him try to get out of bed, try to do even basic functions. She knows all of it. And she has covered for it and allowed it and encouraged it for years. What kind of a witch would do that to her husband? What happened last night? Yeah, we joked about it and I'll keep joking about it. And it's gonna cost him the election and all these other things. But what happened last night became Joe Biden's legacy. Nothing else he's done in his life will be on the headline of his legacy. It will be last night. It will be what the world remembers about Joe Biden and his wife encourages him to do it. What a witch. Heartless man. I've done some cold, heartless things in my life. I ain't ever done anything that bad. Gah, leak. Now, let's talk about something else bad and ugly. Abortion. Of course that came up last night. And look, I hated all the answers. What do you want me to say? I hated them. It is what it is though. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. Remember, if you miss any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on iHeartSpotify iTunes. That was the ugly evil involving Joe Biden's wife, Jill. Now, let's get to the other evil. Today, the American media is trying to get rid of Joe Biden. I can't believe I did this, but after the debate, I stayed on and I watched the after coverage of CNN. It was this nine person panel. Don't get me started on why they do that. If you have nine people up there, then you have nine boring losers. Find two people and have a debate analysis. If you have nine people, you don't have any. Okay. Anyway, it's this nine person panel. And before I go down the list of this media montage and the media is sad and everyone's sad and it was bad and everyone's panicking. And when this, I want to address this right off the bat, what I think is so awful and evil. All these people today, New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, it doesn't matter who it is. Joe's got to go. Joe's got to go. This is terrible. This is terrible. Oh, I hate this. It's got to go. It's awful. We've got to go. Okay. Why are they saying that today? Are they saying that because a 12 year old girl was dragged under a bridge by two illegals, illegals Joe Biden led into the country on purpose. And she lost her life over the course of two hours being brutally assaulted and then strangled and had her body chucked into a river. And Joe Biden let those scumbags into this country on purpose. Is that why the media is upset? Is the media upset because you can't afford eggs anymore? That were they upset? No, no, no, no, no, no. All this media lamenting today, it only has to do with winning an election. Otherwise they don't give a crap. They don't give a crap about our warriors. Joe Biden got killed in Afghanistan. They don't give a crap about the rape and murder endlessly of American women by the barbarians. They're bringing into the country. They don't care about inflation. They don't care about the debt. They don't care about anything. It was only when it looked like they might lose an election in November that we had to get a bunch of this crap. That was painful. He didn't do well at all. He did not do well at all. I can walk you through how I'm supposed to see it and say it, but I just want to speak for my heart. I love that guy. That's a good man. He loves his country. He's doing the best that he can. But he had a test to meet tonight to restore confidence of the country and of the base. And he failed to do that. And I think there's a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now. That's a good man. Yeah, very, very good man. Yeah, he's pretty good. I thought it was really good last night when he ignored the 13 warriors he personally is responsible for killing an Afghanistan. He was president. We were still find ourselves in a position where you had a notion that we were this safe country. The truth is I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any this this decade that under any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did. Very good man. Ben Jones wasn't busted up about that. He's busted up about an election loss. All these people, every single one you hear, just like Joe Biden, they've all run cover for Joe Biden for years. They all knew they knew how bad it was. They knew how terrible everything was. Every one of these people waking up today, you know, one of the things was would either candidate look like the caricature that the other campaign has been trying to paint of him. And at the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that that conservative media has been painting. This has been, quite frankly, a car accident in slow motion that we've seen over and building and questioning it. And, you know, as as has been pointed out, Joe Biden sought this debate at this remarkably early time because he knew he was losing and he needed to change the narrative and he did change the narrative. He sunk his campaign to that. And there is a conversation happening inside Biden's circle and certainly a much more frank conversation happening inside the Democratic coalition. And and I think what when you say conversations happening, what do you mean? I think people are talking. I think the conversations range from whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning to what was wrong with him. I mean, he has. I guess the rape of American teenage girls didn't prompt any conversations. None. You wake up one day, you read a story about a beautiful young college girl named Laken Riley, who by all accounts that didn't know her was a wonderful human being. And you find out some animal stockter like she was prey. And she lived the last last moments of her life being beaten to death by an illegal Joe Biden allowed into the country. And that didn't prompt any meetings. None. Not one. All hunky dory until it looked like Joe Biden was going to lose an election. Now, it's time for everyone to gather up and have it a hard talk or at least somehow Democrats who were gathered tonight watching this together, talking about talking to the White House, but having them step down. That's how bad it was in their view. The American media is evil, deeply evil. What happened last night was as much an indictment of the American media as it was an indictment of Joe Biden. And that's a fact because ideally you live in a country where a man who's that incapable of having even a coherent thought. If you had a media, he would have never come close to getting the Democrat nomination, let alone winning the election. In American media, a real media journalism's job is to dig into things like that, expose it, report on it. Instead of digging in, exposing it, reporting on it, these people have spent four years plus covering for him at every turn. And just because he pooped his pants on national television. Now, well, it's time to have a hard conversation. Here's a little two different Joe's. Here's a perfect example. Joe Scarborough, what you're going to hear is Joe Scarborough from three months ago versus Joe Scarborough today. But I understood him when I said he's cogent. He's far beyond cogent. In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been. This is a battle for the future of American democracy. And now is a good time in June. Thank God. In June and not October in June. This is the last chance for Democrats to decide whether this man we've known and loved for a very long time is up to the task. Hey, thanks for doing some reporting, Joe. Thanks for doing some reporting. All these people whining today are only whining because they care about losing the election to Donald Trump. These are all the same people who've run cover for this piece of trash for four years. That is evil. That is so evil and freaking wrong. And none of the disastrous things Joe Biden has done to this country, not one of them prompted any of these people to speak up and speak out about it. But Joe Biden gets out there on the debate stage and makes a big old mess in his pants. And now looks like he might lose the election. And now, well, I guess it's time to have a hard conversation. After all, you know what? We've even got a fact check on some of them. He said he's the only president in a while who didn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world. Troops have, of course, died on his watch. He said he's put in a $15 per shot cap on insulin Medicare is a $35 a month cap. He said it's a $200 cap on overall drug spending in Medicare. It's $2,000 a year. He said the border now has fewer crossings than when Trump was in office. That's generally not true. He said or at least strongly suggested unemployment was at 15% when he took office. It was actually 6.4. He said Trump wants Trump wants to get rid of social security. Trump doesn't. He said billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes. It's much higher. He said Trump told Wow. Digging into those facts today, huh? How about that? That's freaking wrong. All right, let's get to a lot of your thoughts on this and some emails about the debate stuff before we get to that. Obviously, mental sharpness is a little more on everyone's mind today than it was yesterday, huh? It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. Let's just let's finally get dig into some of these asked Dr. Jesse questions. We'll get to the Supreme Court stuff in just a little bit, but you have a bunch of debate thoughts and I promise to ask Dr. Jesse Friday. So let's begin. Dear teach that tonight after the debate, I realized how your audience was probably the best prepared subset of the US population watching. Today, it's been said that Biden had a cold and a bad night. We listeners of the world famous Jesse Kelly show know it's a moot point since Biden hasn't been running the country anyway. Do you think Norm and Norma had their eyes opened up to Trump's strength as they watched to the bait? Or do you think they will just take the debate as a bad night for saddle Joe? All right, let's talk about this. Norm and Norma because remember as we discussed yesterday, Trump shouldn't have spoken to you or me last night. Biden shouldn't have spoken to his base last time. This is probably the one and only I know they have a second one scheduled, but I'll be shocked if Trump takes that. They have a second debate schedule, but this was probably the one and only presidential debate of the general election. So it was watched everywhere. I actually haven't seen the numbers yet. I bet they were earth shattering for CNN earth shattering. How many people watch this? The norms enormous. I'm sure they saw look, if you're in norm right now, you know who Donald Trump is. You know who Joe Biden is. Let's pretend let's just put on our undecided voter hats for a moment. So you put up you put aside all your biases. I'll put aside all my biases. Let's say I'm a norm and a norma. I'm undecided. I'm tuning in. I'm going to have questions. I'm not saying these questions are valid, but based on the propaganda, the campaigns, the culture we have, if I'm undecided norm in norma, I'm going to tune in and I'm going to look for a couple things. One, I know that I don't like the amount of illegal immigration that's coming in. I don't necessarily know how to stop it. Not sure if I'm comfortable with mass deportation, but I don't like the illegal immigration. That's what norm and norm knows, norm and norma. Inflation. I know everything in my life has gotten more expensive. That's what I know. Who's going to talk about that in any kind of a meaningful way? You know what else I know? As a norm and norma. I know that Trump is well, who knows what these people think exactly, but he's crazy. He's bombastic. He's a nut job. He's this. So I'm going to tune in and I'm going to see if maybe he is this nut job I've been told about. Joe Biden. Yeah. I mean, he seems like kind of a nice old guy. Remember, put on your norma hat. He seems like kind of a nice old guy, but I am worried he's a little bit too old. So I'll have to tune in and see if that's really what it is. And that is exactly why it was such a good night for Trump and such a terrible night for Joe Biden because Trump, whether or not you loved or hated his answers, I had plenty of answers. I didn't like it at all. But the way he delivered them, he looked relaxed. He was measured. He didn't allow these people to back him into corners and talk about things that might turn norm and norma off. Even the abortion answer, which I hated Trump's answer. I hated Biden's answer. You know that it's fine. Honest about that. But even the abortion answer, Trump managed to turn that back around. You're the ones who are radical. You want to kill a baby in the third term. That was very well done. And Joe Biden, he had to, he had to dispel the fears of the voters who think he's too old. He he could have given on points on on substance. He could have given crappy answers that you were I hated as long as he delivered them in a coherent, sharp fashion. He looked good. And look, it doesn't do us any good to discuss this much on radio because this is audio, right? But his look, he had that lost glassy look in his eyes and his mouth hung open all night. Good good point. That's a good way to put a Chris Slackjaw. Chris said Slackjaw. He did. And it may sound like a small thing when it comes to choosing a president. Did you know that height matters a lot? In the televised era, oftentimes the tallest one wins. Did you realize that? Now, you don't vote like that. I don't vote like that. But it does matter why when people are voting for the president, they're voting for the leader of a country. Maybe I don't like this. Maybe I don't like that. Maybe but does he look strong? Does he look like a leader? It's part of the reason why we've never had a woman. And I'm doubtful that we ever will. You know that? I'm doubtful we ever will. Unless they axed Joe Biden and dome goes sauntering in there. I'm doubtful we ever will because people want to see strength from that. He looked dead. He looked at and I'm about to say something. And it's not what I want. It's really genuinely not what I want. If you woke up today and saw that Joe Biden had passed away in his sleep last night, would you have been even a little bit surprised after that? You wouldn't have been. You wouldn't have been. I wouldn't have been. I actually thought I said it to my wife. I said, I don't know that he's going to make it to the election. That's how bad he looked and sounded last night. Norm and Norma saw calm Trump. Trump who very correctly was so well done. He was constantly pointing out that, hey, it was fine under me. You ruined it. Maybe the best answer Trump gave all night was when they were talking about the border. And Trump said, I had it fixed. All you had to do was leave it alone. And instead you opened it up because that is the kind of thing that brings it home for Norm and Norma. Well, he did. He did kind of have it fixed. Why did why did it get so much worse under Joe? Trump did the same thing on inflation. You didn't have this inflation until Joe Biden got here. That was the exact thing he should have done because that is the thing that resonates with Norm and Norma. So again, the individual answers don't matter probably as much for those people as the visual presentation and the tone who looks presidential. Part of the reason Trump did poorly in the last election was that first debate. I heard he had COVID at the time. He was sick. Remember the first debate that was a disaster for Trump against Biden because he wouldn't shut up. He just kept interrupting and over the top and interrupt and it ended. He looked so bad that people looked at that and that this guy's a nut job. And it really, really hurt him. And the polls is pulling up his cratered after that. You wait and see what's going to happen to Joe's. It just didn't look the part. All right. Now, what's the plan for the system? System has to do something, right? Does it make you nervous? Someone has some good questions about that. Let's even talk about the 25th amendment. Is that smart? Should we kick him out? Before we do that, let's talk about your pillows, your towels, your sandals. I keep bringing up my pillows, sandals. But I just want to make this point. You've heard me say this when it comes to things like restaurants before good restaurants have people in them. Lines don't lie when it comes to restaurants. If there's a line, pull in, you're going to get a good meal. You know what tells the truth when it comes to products? Ones that sell out. You know how fast my pillow sandals sell out whenever they go on sale telling you you will never wear anything else around the house again and to the gas station if your wife's not looking and they're $25 right now. The my pillow sandals go take advantage of that. These things are awesome. They're so frigging comfy. click on the radio listener special square and use the promo code Jesse 25 bucks or you can call them 800-845-0544. All right, the 25th amendment and what's the systems plan next?