Jesse Kelly Show

Changing a culture is slow and time consuming

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR It is the Jesse Kelly show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday, two hours away from debate time. And we're going to carry it live right here on the Jesse Kelly show. I'm kidding. The show's over. I'm not carrying anything live. That was a total lie. Anyway, let's talk about the Pentagon, quote, losing $62 million and Hooters is closing and some emails and many other things coming up this hour on the world, David's Jesse Kelly show. In fact, let's do some of these emails. Dear jar had Jesse and I'm an army vet who can eat pickles without putting my head in the jar. It's not nice. All the talk and concern about deep fake AI and how bad it would be. If someone made a fake video of some of Trump saying something embarrassing, what's the likelihood the same leftists would create a network? Okay. He said, I don't want to be tenfold on my hat. Okay. This is something that I only know a bit about, but I know enough to scare me. So allow me to explain AI, artificial intelligence and deep fakes and things like that. You want to hear something crazy? You're something wild. I talked to a guy and he had been at a conference. He works for a big company and he had been at a conference and this conference was all about modern technology and ways in which criminals are using modern technology, okay? Here's one of the warnings he gave. It's just a heads up. This is a PSA from me to you, not even a thing I considered that exists, but apparently it already exists and it's already being used. Tell me this isn't going to creep you out. Are you ready? I want you to picture this. Your daughter goes to Mexico for spring break and your son goes to Mexico for spring break. Phone rings one night, sitting around, oh, shows up on your phone as your daughter's phone number. Okay. Oh gosh. Okay. Answer the phone. It's your daughter's voice on the other end of the line. Hey, daddy, help me. I needed a sense that some ransom money now with these guys are going to kill me and you can not only hear clearly her voice. It's from her number. You can hear chaos anarchy in the background, gunfire. Give it to us now or we'll murder your daughter. What do you do? You would do the same thing I would do. Oh my gosh. Here, tell me, but why are you everything I have? I'll tell my house is don't hurt my baby immediately now. What if I told you it was all made up? It was all fake. It wasn't your daughter's number. Someone spoofed. It's known as spoofing. It's not your daughter's number. It wasn't your daughter on the other end of the line. And because of social media and everything else, our voices, our faces are out there. And now they can grab samples of it and create whatever they want. Even the background noise, the gunfire, the threats, the everything. It was all fake. The entire thing was to scam your baby girls having a good time. She's on the beach in Mexico, but because she called you daddy, help me. You just unloaded the bank account and sent it to a scammer and it was all fake. That technology exists now. Chris, you have that audio? There's someone did this. This is, I need to be clear. This is fake. What I'm about to play for you, what Chris, I should say is about to play for you is fake. This is not real. This is a, this is made up Donald Trump at Home Depot. Listen to this. Look, I, I understand what you're saying, but you're not listening to me. This is plywood. You can't return it after you've cut it. It's policy. Everyone agrees. Don't they? They say, sir, it's the best policy like we've received no complaints actually about our policies. Absolutely no complaints. People come here. They buy the plywood. They cut it and they love it. They say, we got it. We got it. We got it. Chris. That's a, it's a, it's a fake thing. Someone did about Trump working at Home Depot and do I think something's going to happen with CNN and deep fakes or anything with the debates and I know, no, no, that's not at all what I'm saying. What I am saying is we are going to have to learn all of us to be a whole lot less trustful about what we see and what we hear out there because the technology is so advanced now and the criminals have their hands on this technology now and they can do anything with it. And this is what they can do in 2024. You know how fast technology moves, how fast is technology move? What does that look like in 2030? What does it look like? They could come up with a completely realistic video. They can probably already do this now. A video of you walking into a bank and robbing it when you were never even by the bank. They can do amazing things, horrible things. And I don't even have something I want to tell you about this. It's just the scam was brought to me and it really opened my eyes for my goodness, the criminal potential out there, the, and the political potential to do evil nefarious things. It's, it's a lot. It's overwhelming. Isn't it? When you think about it and actually I was talking to my buddy who, who was the went to that conference with the AI and the deep fake and all these other things. And he said one of the things that they had told him as a way to fight back is you have to come up with some sort of, you should already now, and I should already now have a code word for your kids that they will use if it's actually them and they need help because that's how prevalent this stuff is. Did you even know this existed? All the cops will know this existed. I didn't know crazy world out there. Jesse, as a Utah resident, you need to know that Norm and Norma are alive and well here. We voted against all the incumbents yesterday trying to vote the scum and losers out. We voted for new blood with Trent Staggs for Senate and Phil Lyman for governor. Unfortunately, the popular and well-known names won. Quote, oh, I recognize the names Cox and Curtis, I'll vote for them. Losers. This guy's so mad. Typical low and low information voters scum. We're going to get more of the same crap here in Utah. Gosh, he's fired up. He didn't say I could use his name. So I will not. Jesse, you probably have me blocked because of my calling you out for calling LDS people Mormons, but I write your show anyway because I still love your show and do care if I offend you or so on and so forth. Okay. He's also from Utah. He's super mad. I didn't know anyone called me out for calling LDS people Mormons and I didn't know that was offensive. And Chris, what am I asking you for and we knew we don't have any Mormons in here. I didn't know. So LDS people don't like being called Mormons. I had no idea. And I have a bunch of Mormon friends. They never told me. Gosh, I just randomly offend people and I don't even need to. Hey, Jesse, right to the point. All right. This is all about Utah. Okay. So Utah people are angry. They're very angry. I get it. I get it. I would be too. I'm frustrated. Jesse. I love your show. I'm so disappointed in Utah. Jesse, our governor is the worst. They voted for lime and I'm what can I do first? My frustration with red states. I know you share it. I'm so frustrated with Texas. I'm so frustrated. I'm frustrated with Oklahoma. Oklahoma has James Langford as their senator. That's pathetic for a place as red as Oklahoma. Utah does this all the time. They just did it again in a primary. South Carolina. I'm just, I'm frustrated and you're frustrated and it's okay to be frustrated and it's okay to be angry, especially after an election that you lost and should have gone your way. What's wrong with these people? What's this? What's wrong with these people? And I don't know if what I'm about to say is going to make you feel better, but I'm going to do my best to try waking up norm in Norma. It is our struggle and it is going to be a struggle that will take the rest of our lives. And then our children will have to take up that struggle, waking up norm in Norma. Wow. I'm a Republican. So I voted for my Republican Congressman. I met him once. Ha ha. Fox News told me to, I know, I know, however, it takes time to wake people. People up who don't want to be woken up. What separates you from them is not necessarily your intelligence or anything like that. Maybe there is. Maybe you're smarter than them. Maybe you're not. I don't know. But what separates you from them is you understand how the world works, how the government works. You don't like how it's currently going. You decided to get involved, get interested, figure out what's going on. You've identified the problem. You are now attacking the problem, trying to get the problem fixed. That's you. Does that not describe you to a tee? The problem is, you know, that curiosity about the way the world works and government works and why the beginning, how you got started, norm in Norma. Most of them aren't there yet and don't want to be. They don't want to know more. They don't want to get involved. They don't want to. They want to vote for who they saw on Fox News that night or the guy they met and then they just want to go to the next tee ball game. I'm not saying don't be frustrated with them. You know I am, but don't beat yourself to death. Don't work yourself into the ground over norm in Norma. The bulk of the fighting for the future of this country is going to have to be done by you and me. That's a fact. It just is. I mean, it's generally been that way. Remember, one third of this country fought in the American Revolution for the good guys. One third fought for the British and another third couldn't even be bothered. I don't care. I doesn't really matter to me. I don't care. It's some taxes, whatever. That's the way it goes. All right. All right. Maybe, maybe you'll feel better if you just hang out with your dog. Don't our dogs make us feel better? How's your dog's breath? You know that rough greens gives you tangible things you can see. You don't have to guess if rough greens is working. You know rough greens is working because you can see the difference in your dog, his coat, his breath. Do you have a super lethargic dog or maybe your dog's hyperactive bouncing off the walls? Your dog doesn't get nutrition. So when you don't get nutrition, your body goes haywire because it doesn't get the vitamins and minerals and everything else it needs. Start pouring rough greens on your dog's food. gets you a free jumpstart triobank. This is a natural nutritional supplement. Your dog will live longer. You will see such incredible differences or you can even call them if you're just a phone person, 8 3 3 3 my dog, all right, we'll be back to Jesse Kelly. Show. I like it. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. One more point before I get back to some emails and the 62 million quote lost in Ukraine and other things. This is actually a point Chris made. We're talking about progress in our frustration with red states and and why aren't we getting it right? We'll include another couple primaries in Utah and I'm frustrated and you're frustrated and we're beating our heads against the wall. I have to remind myself this. So I'm going to remind you change is slow. Changing a culture, a country, a state, a city, a county is slow. And for those of us who see what needs to be done and know what needs to be done and want it to be done and we work to make it done. It's so frustrating. I've used this example, this analogy before and it is so true. We are all all of us. We are running a race. We're all heading in the same direction. The norms and normas are so far behind you and we only get credit. We will only win once everyone crosses the finish line. You know the direction we have to go to cross country race. You know the track, you know the direction, you've got everything going and you're heading that way and you're constantly turning around and they're miles behind you and you're pulling your hair out screaming catch up. But it just takes a lot of time a lot more time than I want it to take a lot more time than you want it to take. So it is what it is. Let's do some of this stuff. Hey, Jesse, I've heard some theories and I don't know how I feel about them. The theory is Biden wants World War three so he can skip the election. I don't know how possible that is, but knowing the communists, it's up their alley. All right, I've heard this. They want World War three. They want World War three and that's well, let's just lay something out. They are doing we the United States of America. We are doing everything we can to bring about World War three right now. The things we're doing in Ukraine are insane. It's insane for a place that's already lost. Ukraine cannot win. They cannot get Russia out of the places Russia has invaded and grabbed the hold of they can't. So for a cause that is lost, we are escalating things to the point where Russia is forced to respond. They've made a million public announcements. They've basically said, remember, they've called our ambassador over and said, be ready for a response. American missiles are landing inside the border of Russia, killing Russians. There's going to be a response. There is now we see the Biden administration. They're trying to put us contractors, military contracts, Merck's mercenaries. They're trying to put them in Ukraine. So when you take a step back and look at it, it looks like these people are trying to start World War three. Okay. So let's let's travel down that rabbit hole. Why would they do that? Well, it helps you win an election. Nothing brings a nation together like a war. It unites people and it's been done many, many, many, many, many times throughout history. It helps does not hurt. It helps the approval numbers of the guy in charge. You know, Julius Caesar, when he was assassinated, did you know this? When Julius Caesar was assassinated, he was actually preparing for a massive military campaign. He was preparing a huge invasion. Why? Because Caesar had taken power. He'd done a lot of things people liked. And then for a variety of reasons, he was starting to fall out of favor with the public, you know, approval numbers being what they are. They were dropping and Caesar calculated probably correctly. Hey, what I need is a war. What the Romans need are victories. They need news of Caesar's legions conquering Parthia. He was put we was preparing for a war because of if you're to believe the writing, which is all we can do because of his sagging approval numbers. So starting a war to help a president, a king, a Caesar, whatever it may be to help their popularity has been done many times before. So if that's a theory that's out there and clearly it is because I've seen it too, I'm not going to say it's crazy. Maybe that is what they're doing. After all, a million new polls came out today and you know, I tell you what polls are worth, but a million new polls came out today. Joe Biden is not only still behind, he's losing ground. It looks like a disaster for Democrats coming in November. Now don't count your chickens. There's a whole lot of real estate between here in November and we don't know what kind of shenanigans they're going to pull in the in the States we need to win. Like Michigan, where their secretary of state is an open communist who's been doing everything she can do to loosen up those voter rules, shall we? Anyway, so it could happen, but that's, you know what, let's dig into this a little bit more. Is that what they're doing? Are they trying to start World War three? Before we do that, I know World War three can be scary. It can be, but I want you to take comfort in this, all right? I want you to take comfort in my pillow because that's really what my pillow is. It's comfort. Those my pillow sandals are glorious. It's like walking around on clouds around your house. I never, I used to go barefoot around the house all the time. I always have my my pillow sandals on now. Got to take the trash out. My pillow sandals are still saying on my feet indoor, outdoor, the my pillow pillows. You know, they have two packs of multi use my pillows right now for 25 bucks, six piece towel sets, you get now the shower on them when I'm cool, that sucks. Ooh, there's my my pillow towel set. That feels nice. Twenty five bucks. They have this twenty five dollar extravaganza sale going on. Go take advantage of it. My pillow dot com. Click on the radio lists their special square and use the promo code Jesse or call them. They love talking on the phone. I don't like talking on the phone, but they do eight hundred eight four five zero five four four. Take advantage of it. All right. WWE three. Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show. The clock is ticking. It's only an hour and a half left before the debate seat around the world, or even though it's on CNN. Remember tomorrow's asked Dr. Jesse Friday and you did to get your questions emailed in right now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly Ask me anything. That didn't even have to be political. Let's go back to what we were talking about Ukraine and World War three and is the Biden administration trying to get us into World War three to help his poll numbers, maybe even cancel the election. Maybe. Okay. Well, first, don't believe that cancel the election stuff. That's not something that has ever been done in the history of this country. Don't get me wrong. I love to do it. But even during WWE two, they were still having elections in the civil war. There was civil war and they were having elections. So they're not going to cancel the election, but would they start World War three? Are they starting World War three to help Joe Biden to prove a number is what they might be. If you were to lay out as, you know, every terrible thing you could do with this Russia, Ukraine stuff in order to prompt World War three, that's what we're doing. So maybe it is intentional, but the more likely thing is this. We are led by idiots. And I'm not saying that just to kind of take jabs at them like we normally do. These people, yeah, we make jokes and it's on the soundboard. These are the people who lead our country is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving. That's a member of Congress, a high ranking member of Congress. These people lead our country and it's not just the congressmen and senators and the president who are morons. They fill up the government with their friends, with their allies, remember that's what communists do when they get elected. They punish their enemies and they reward their friends. And you can look at example, after example, after example, the Biden administration is the worst I've ever seen at this where they will grab someone who doesn't even you can't even act. You can't even argue that that person has any experience in the area where they're given and they just hand these people power. What about the rear Admiral Pete Buttigieg? This dude was a mayor of South Bend, Indiana in poorly thought of as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, a failure. He was a mayor of South Bend. He is now the transportation secretary of the United States of America. What in the world does the rear Admiral know about transportation? He may know something about trains, but he knows nothing about transportation whatsoever. Nothing. And it's fun for me and you to joke and laugh at these people. Ah, they're so stupid. I'll look at this sound bite. Well, I thought she'd talking about tic-tac-toe. It's not an attempt to ban tic-tac. It's attempt to make tic-tac better tic-tac-toe a winner, a winner. But these are the people who run the United States of America. They run our state department. Do I need to remind you? Do I need to remind you one of the top economic dogs in the country, Jared Bernstein's his name. These people, I want you to listen to this. I know you've heard it before. Picture this guy talking about money. Picture this guy at the state department trying to negotiate around World War 3. The US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money. Why does the government even borrow? I mean, again, some of this stuff gets some of the language, some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money and it definitely lends that money, which is why the government definitely prints money and then it lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? Okay, we got it, we got it, we got it. Will these same people work at the state department? They work in the Pentagon. They're all throughout the military. I mentioned the Pentagon. They're throughout the military, the Biden administration. So it might just be run of the mill stupidity. We I know I am guilty of this. I like to convince myself that the people who run the country, even when they're Democrats who I hate or Republicans who I hate, even when they're people I disagree with, I try to comfort myself with this. Well, at least they know more than me. Don't you do this? I do this. Even don't make it Nancy Pelosi. Well, yeah, she's an evil witch and she's been horrible and she's just destroyed so much in her time and every bad thing you can say about Nancy Pelosi, sure, but when it comes to big things like w w three and other stuff, surely she knows more than me. She's this high ranking Democrat. She has access to to what? And that's when you start asking the details. Well, what does she have access to that you don't that I don't? Well, she has a she gets briefs and stuff. She gets. Okay. Yeah, you're right. She does. She she gets briefs for sure for sure. Who should get briefed from? Well, it's a lot of smart people. What's smart people? Do you know their names? Do you know their qualifications? Well, the CIA, the CIA is full of the biggest morons and commie hacks today, but full of more morons than you can possibly imagine. Well, surely that the FBI I won't even entertain that the FBI who who's briefing her who knows more than you, who knows more than me. The truth is we like to imagine this massive country, $20 trillion economy, 330 million people, surely, surely at the top, there are some top tier people who are really, they have it all together and at least they have the information and they may not agree with me on abortion, but surely they know the ins and outs of Russia and Ukraine and and what's happening over here and what's happening over there and have no, they don't. They don't. They don't have any idea what some of the most disheartening experiences I have had in my entire life have been talking to people in power, big shots, CEOs, generals, admirals, congressmen, senators, FBI agents, people at the State Department. These are people at various times I've run into had dinner with, had a conversation with and I will tell you, I don't want to say never once because I just probably not thinking of it, but I don't remember ever walking away from a conversation with these high ranking people who run the country thinking to myself, man, that guy's really sharp. I'm glad he's in charge. It's not like I walked away every time thinking they were morons. That's not true. And that's not fair. There are some sharp people there, but I, I don't remember ever walking away from a conversation with the people who run the country saying to myself, man, that guy, I sleep better at night. No one he's running things. And this actually ties back to what we were lamenting earlier with all the complaints about Utah and red states and why they're failing and the primaries and things like that. This goes back to that. It's a direct result of the people themselves not caring enough about their government and their leadership to get involved, to get informed and to insist on capable people and to insist on making changes. The good people either don't go into politics or they have pay attention to politics. There's the most evil people dig into politics and they are committed all the way. Remember that story I told you about Barack Obama? In case you don't remember, here's a story. I won't go into the connection, but there's a guy I kind of know, no a guy who knows the guy. We'll put it that way. Who was with Barack Obama's Harvard graduating class? He was part of Barack Obama's Harvard graduating class. And as you can imagine, I'm not that I'll ever know, when you're graduating from some place like Harvard, you'll find yourself on a Friday night with a pitcher of beer or Zinfandel, whatever those dorks drink and you'll be bragging, Hey, what are you going to do after? I'm going to Silicon Valley, I got a sweet tech job lined up and that's what they were doing. They were all sitting around one night. I'm going to this prestigious law firm. I'm doing this. I'm doing that. They came to one Barack Obama and Barack Obama told them, I'm going to be a community organizer and they mocked him to his face. What? What even is that? You loser. Why would you do that? We're going to make money. The evil people are seeking power. The good people couldn't care less and the evil people seek power. That's a fact. You know what else is evil? Pain is evil. I don't know about evil, but it's awful, isn't it? You wake up in the morning and your neck hurts, your foot hurts. You have muscle pain that the little eggs and pains that come with life and we convince ourselves that we have to live with pain. That's what happens. After so much time, we're just used to, well, I just won't sleep as much anymore. I got some use to just being crabby all the time. I guess we convince ourselves we can tough it out. You don't have to tough it out. Start taking relief factor. You take relief factor every day, natural, all natural things. It builds up in your system. You need to give it three weeks after three weeks. That pain will have faded from your life. Does that sound good to you? Do you want to be free of that back pain that nags at you all the time? That bicep that just can't ever get right, call 1-800-the-number-4-relief. 1-800-the-number-4-relief or We'll be back. The Jesse Kelly show, it's still real to me, is the Jesse Kelly show. They're already preemptively making some excuses for old Papa Joe. Here's Chuck Todd. That Joe Biden was very disciplined. He needed to push back on the notion that he was talked too much. Joe Biden, the vice presidential debater, I thought was a really effective debater, both against Paul Ryan and against Sarah Palin. He was very disciplined. He's really good at moving message, but this version is not the same guy. I don't think he's his nimble. You don't think? You know, I've been watching and I just don't think he's 100 percent anymore. No. You don't say, Chuck. What gave it away? Anyway, one more word on Ukraine before we move on, headline this from the Daily Caller. Pentagon says $62 million in Ukraine, weapons aid was lost or destroyed, but it doesn't know which. A lot of people have gotten very, very, very rich off of wiping out an entire generation of Ukrainians, and that is so unbelievably sad to me. And it just, I can't believe how evil these people are. And yeah, I know Russia's invaded and Russia's the bad guy. I get all that, but taking all your young men and tossing them into that meat grinder with no hope for victory, all so you can get rich. So American politicians and military contractors can get rich. So Zelensky and his cabinet ministers and his generals can get rich. So all kinds of Europeans can get rich. And in the meantime, Ukrainians have lost a generation of young men. When's the last time you looked at a picture of the new Ukrainian recruits? I looked at one the other day. They all look like me. I'm 42. Look at me. I've had to shave my head because I'm losing my hair. You look at all the gray I have in my beard. If you're watching on the simulcast, you know, they simulcast the show, I should say I, I'm not a young man anymore. I'm not a fighting man anymore. Those are the men in uniform now, because all the young men are gone. Gosh, that is so unbelievably sad. Here's Shogun, retired 20 year law enforcement here. Oh, he's referencing what I said about being pulled over. If you had to go, how would the cop handle it? And he said, we had a radio code for people defecating themselves. Yes, it happened this often. We would say in route to jail with one code Brown, code yellow was urine and code green was vomit. Love your show, brother. Thank you for your service. That's awesome. Jesse, I'm going to have it listening to your show and everything you say to your audience makes sense, makes sense to me. I'm a retired Navy veteran black male who likes your content because you say things that makes sense. Your hands down the most knowledgeable person, congrats. My brother do not change what you do or say God bless you and your family for the rest of your life. You too, my man. Hey, a beta male flu, flu body wash boy. Okay, there's nothing bad about using body wash. No, there's not Chris. There's not I should never admit anything to you because you're so mean about it. Anyway, he said, I took your advice. I forced myself to go out and interact with people. I'm at a two week remote work thing and I've been avoiding everybody. I was invited to dinner and I'm glad I went. Thank you for the advice granted during the dinner. I had to hear about a female colleague of mine and her wife using the turkey baster method to make children. Hey, I still went and I blame you. We have to, we have to get out. We live in an era where we don't have to have human interaction. Shoot. How many people listening this out of my voice right now work remotely? How many? A lot. That's the wave of the future. If you want to talk to friends on a Friday, Saturday night, but you don't really feel like getting out of your jammies. You can just pull up your phone, FaceTime, text message. Maybe you, my sons do this. Maybe you play video games and you wear a headset and you talk to other people who play video games. My sons, unless you make them do things, they won't do things. They won't go out. And look, this is not just boys or girls or kids for adults too. We don't have to physically interact with anybody. But for introverts like me, I don't know that I call myself an introvert. I don't know if that's fair, more antisocial than introvert, I would say, that when you agree, Chris introvert, I don't think is valid, right? That's not bad. I'm antisocial. For someone like me, I don't want to go out. I don't want to go to the neighborhood party. I don't want to go to this event. I don't want to do these things, but human interaction is critical. It's necessary. And look, even if you have to go out with a couple of ladies talking about them, making a baby, you'll at least have some stories to tell. All the stories come from human interaction, come from being out in the world. I went out, took the wife out last night for a couple of hours after the show and we saw a car flip over right in front of us, maybe a hundred meters in front of us. And everyone was fine. They got out. It was a whole family. Kids and everything. And the wife was crying. But the kids were actually laughing. The kids thought it was great. It was some little mini SUV or something like that, Chris. Anyway, but it was wild. It happened right in front of us. And we all pulled over. I love living in Texas. Every car that went by, everyone pulled over and ran across the street and everyone was there and whatnot. But it ended up being this crazy scene and we ended up laughing about the whole thing. And even the people who got in the wreck laughed and the guy who caused the friggin' wreck. Of course, he had a little fender bender and the other cars definitely totaled. It would be totaled if you flipped it, right, Chris? The frame's got to be jacked. It looked pretty messed up anyway. But it was an adventure and my wife and I talked about that adventure for the next two hours. You can't do that on FaceTime. You can't do that on social media. You got to go out and flip a car. No, I'm kidding. Don't go out and flip a car. But you got to go out and see the world. Got to go out and interact. All right. Denmark is doing something, not that I care about Denmark and that I'm asking you to care about Denmark. But it is something that bears keeping an eye on. You know, we talk all the time about the war they've declared on our food supply, on prosperity itself. This is a doozy. This has been a podcast from WOR.