Jesse Kelly Show

Jamaal Bowman...Presidential Debate...Supreme Court Decisions

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27 Jun 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing They're also playing Chumbakasino everybody's loving having fun with it Chumbakasino is home to hundreds of casino style games You can play for free anytime anywhere so sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus That's and live the Chumbalay sponsored by Chumbakasino. No purchase necessary vgw group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. This is a podcast from WOR Let's have some fun on a Wednesday hope day and boy what a day it is There's great and there's terrible and there's everything else in between so with the great there are great things a dirty street Communist lost his primary and is gone. I called it will make fun of him for it will congratulate me That'll be a good time like it always is The debate preview we're gonna do a little debate preview for tomorrow the goods the bads There's plenty of all that that'll be fun and spicy the Supreme Court knife this in the back again today Why does that keep happening? Why does why do red states continue to send the biggest losers? That's happening in Utah. We'll discuss that you should never buy anything from Lego again for the rest of your life Propaganda works activism works. We'll talk about that as it relates to all the LGBTQ stuff emails Oh, that is so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show before we get to the debate prep Because tomorrow's debate night turbine Trump all that stuff. I do want to take a moment You see it is important for you For me all humans To take a moment now and then and smell the roses life if we let it Especially in this day and age Life can get you down There's always a new scandal Prices are increasing where we all have lower standards of living. We're not sure what's happening politically the borders open It's all kinds of things to complain about So it's important To find something that brings you joy and every now and then embrace it Maybe you're maybe you're losing a bunch of weight Maybe you're dieting right now exercise, and you got too fat You lose it a bunch of weight and you're grinding and you're up early and you're sweating and you're denying yourself the food you love That's good. That's good self-improvement. It's good. I need to lose a little weight myself. I'm getting a little soggy. It's July, too but You know, you should still have a pizza every now and then, right? Every now and then remind yourself of the finer things in life There is something that has always brought me incredible joy. I Know you're thinking it's the suffering of communists and yes, that is the thing that nourishes my soul But more than that more than probably anything what brings me joy is Being right about now Jamal Bowman is a dirty street communist from way back He got elected to congress. He'll be there for 15 minutes and then they're gonna primary him out So he's too much trouble I love me I'm a big fan of me what Chris I am. I am and Jamal Bowman Is no longer going to be a member of congress Which I think I think it was so valuable to have there after all when I think of the United States Congress The law-making body of the most powerful country on the planet. This is exactly what I pick I That's my favorite part of that audio is how he starts his own chant I'm gonna start doing that in fact everybody right now. Just just everybody Kelly Kelly just start your own And so anyway, he got pasted I don't have to tell you why you know why we've talked about it forever on the show Yeah, they'll let you graduate from being a street communist to being an elite communist as long as you don't make problems for the elite Communists he couldn't control his mouth. He couldn't control himself He's janking fire alarms kill all the juice and everything else He said causing electoral problems for Democrats and finally the powers that be Democrat mega donors Hakeem Jeffries all these people they got together and said This guy's got to go right Very clearly we can't get this guy in mind Hakeem Jeffries His staff is openly mocking the fact that Jamal Bowman's got they're mocking him to his face So it's gone and again the lesson is this the system only exists to protect itself all the evil people who run our society now They just want to keep The robbery going they just want to raid the treasury gain as much power for themselves as humanly possible before the American people wake up and catch on and toss all their butts out in the cold and Guys like Jamal Bowman. They're allowed to be radical. They have no problem with the radicalism of their base They use the radicalism of their base that AOC is just as radical AOC has all the same views Jamal Bowman has AOC She's learned to be quiet about the things that bring problems to the elites So ten years from now AOC will be in-house leadership She'll spend the rest of her natural life in Congress probably the Senate one day Jamal Bowman has to go back to the streets now and continue scraping out a living as the dirty street communist He is AOC learned to control herself and control her mouth. Jamal Bowman never This is him screaming inside of the House of Representatives and so now he's gone and that's a good thing now Let's do a little debate talk, shall we? And we're not gonna do a bunch, but let's do some debate talk tomorrow It's coming. I got this email. Hey Jesse Why are people acting like this will be a debate? The communists have the power to control the mics and they will always use the power they have once Trump says something They don't like they will cut him off and not let him back on. So how can they debate? What's see it? What say you? Okay, so let's go over the backstory of it and we're this this may take me a little while So let's cover the backstory because there are a lot of different things a lot of different things about tomorrow night that we all Should be aware of some of these things you may love some you may hate some of these things I say may make you mad and I don't care, but that's just the way it is first Let's deal with Agreeing to the debate period because that's gonna come up again as we go through it Why would you agree to it? Well, you know because you listen to the show you probably watch my TV show to you know about Trump's mentality when it comes to debates long before this article came out We talked to Sean Spicer on the air and we asked him about the rules because all the rules are set up for Biden CNN's for Biden the hosts are for Biden everything's for Biden why in the world would Trump agree to this and You can love this or hate this the truth is I have very mixed emotions about this, but this is the truth Trump feels like he can take Joe Biden anytime anywhere. This is a bravado thing I'm better. I'm sharper. I'm tougher. I'm right on things I can debate Joe Biden under any circumstances in any place and mop the floor with them And I have a love-hate relationship with that way of thinking. I like that way of thinking I like that alpha mentality bravado way of thinking But there are certainly negatives to that too. I have plenty of friends who've had their teeth kicked in outside of a bar at night Because they had that exact same mentality any time any place pal the hardest I've ever been hitting the face in my entire life took place outside of a TGI Fridays and Palm Springs in the Marine Corps Where we were living it up in some dude who weighed about 75 challenged me to a fight and I told my buddies. I'm pretty sure I said it verbatim I'll take this guy anytime any place and I go storming out the door and he was waiting there to sucker punch me BAM he hit me so hard. I can still feel it on the side of my face So we love bravado. I love bravado. I'm this guilty as anyone else. I love that way of thinking anytime any place But that way of thinking gets you beat up a lot too Trump shared the backstory of it, and this is what he said What they did I'm pretty sure is that they approached me with the debate. I couldn't take No audience sitting down Originally sitting down a dead debate turn off the mics when you're not speaking so I can't interrupt him They knew I wouldn't accept that because it was CNN Dana bash Jake Tapper, and I like an audience and probably he doesn't who knows They thought they would present it. I would say no, and they would say we can't debate because Trump said no So I said yes before they even gave me the terms so he got roped into it That's a direct quote from Trump I Said no before even looking at the terms We got him now Now let's talk about the good and bad of that cuz there is good and bad on all sides Let's talk about the risks and the potential rewards cuz there are potential rewards for Trump tomorrow night before we do that maybe Talking about this stuff the good the bad the ugly maybe it's painful for you and I get that I Can't do anything about your emotional pain other than bring you award-winning weight radio every night But physical pain and inflammation I can probably help with You know relief factors there for you Don't you miss being more active? Sleeping better in a good mood before that nagging pain your elbow hurts all the time my neck I'm my foot before the nagging pain took that away You know you can try relief factor for just three weeks It's not like you have to sign up for some lifetime thing. You try relief factor for three weeks It's all natural it helps support your body's natural response to inflammation Three weeks you take it every day let it build up in your system And it's just it's amazing that pain just gets turned down and turned down and turned down and turned down It's almost like you don't even realize that you wake up one day and it's gone Call 1-800 the number four relief or go to relief more debate talk. That's truth It's the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday night a pre-debate night and that was of course Jamal Bowman Who's no longer a congressman from Florida. I guess we're not gonna get a poppies fire now Let's get a poppin baby, and he's gone. Anyway, we're talking about some little debate preview for tomorrow night So I already said I read you Trump's quote on why he agreed to this everyone's mad How could he agree? How could he agree? Well, that's the backstory on it court into Trump They brought him a debate that was completely loaded against him Thinking he would say no, and he agreed to it anyway to show them. Okay, you can mover hate that, but that's the story behind it Here's the truth Joe Biden. There's a big article in today in the New York Times about it Joe Biden is not going to do as poorly as you think Or as poorly as I think because he's resting for a week doing nothing. No public appearances No, meet and greets. They're gonna rest him for a week Juice him up with a cocktail that would make Keith Richards weep and then roll him out there So he can survive 90 minutes and Joe Biden has survived 90 minutes many times already is he gonna have trouble with Volume control, of course. Remember him at the state of the Union whenever you hop someone up so bad on amphetamines Can't control the volume of his voice very well, so it's you can have those moments. Yeah, he is But don't expect him to be a disaster. Here's the good news for tomorrow night Trump is physically and mentally Sharper and better than Joe Biden in every possible way And if you look at tomorrow night like it's a fight like it's a boxing boxing match And that's really how I look at it if you're looking at it like it's a boxing match Well, if you tell me I can have the better boxer. I'm obviously going to want that That's the most important thing. Isn't it so going into tomorrow night? We know we most definitely have the better boxer on our side physically mentally sharper. There's no question about it That's the good news Joe Biden is fading no matter how much they put into him cocktail wise, so that's more good news and There's another risk. There's another thing in the good news column before we get to so couple bad news things about it In the good news column, there is this The Communist the communist is he has many flaws as many strengths. He has many weaknesses Oftentimes in life the supplies to all of us Definitely applies to me Your greatest strength can become your greatest weakness if you can't control it It just can You know you've known people like this You've known maybe maybe you are one or maybe your dad was one. Maybe you've heard of a workaholic Here, it's a great strength. It can be a great strength Michael Jordan was famously like this All he wanted to do was play and compete and play and compete and cling and that's great Right, we watched Michael Jordan play hoops. It was amazing. His family life a total disaster. He couldn't control it Want to go out family vacation? No, I'm going to the gym to practice for 19 more straight hours can't control it Your greatest strength to become your greatest weakness for the communist his great strength is that he's religiously committed to what he does He is always working always destroying always trying to tear down. He doesn't get tired. He doesn't turn the game on He doesn't get distracted by family. He's on a mission to destroy and he never stops moving forward. That's his great strength But it can also become his great weakness the people moderating this debate Dana Bash and Jake Tapper Well, this was them after the 2020 debate We'll talk about who won the debate who lost the debate, but I can tell you one thing for sure The American people lost tonight because that was horrific. You just took the words out of my mouth You use some high-minded language. I'm just gonna say it like it is that was a show that was a hot mess Inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck. That was the worst debate I have ever seen in fact It wasn't even a debate. It was a disgrace and It's primarily because of President Trump Those are the two debate moderators for tomorrow night This is Dana Bash When she drops the unfortunately thing What's unfortunate in Dana Bash's eyes? This is Dana Bash responding to the fact that Trump won't be removed from the ballot Remember how these dirty commies were trying to get his name removed from the ballot and they couldn't This is what the debate moderator from tomorrow night thinks about me and you can go down the list of Supreme Court decisions that kicked whatever issue over across the street over to Congress whether it is an Obamacare Voting rights, I think is maybe the primary example right what you're saying before this You know look Unfortunately for America The court in this isn't necessarily wrong that this is the way the framers wanted it to be they wanted Congress Unfortunately for America Trump's name is gonna appear on the ballot and you'll be allowed to vote for him That woman is moderating the first and what will undoubtedly be the most watched presidential debate of the year tomorrow night That event on CNN It will be the most watched the most Honestly Probably internationally it'll be the most watched thing of the year 2024 and those human beings are gonna moderate it now you can say that's bad and it will cover the bad of it, but They can go too far too The moderators can and they very well may Take their unbridled Trump hatred so far That it turns Trump into a sympathetic figure if they can't control themselves The communists can't control himself Sometimes he goes too far oftentimes he does and maybe they will tomorrow. That's a good thing So those are the good things. Let's cover a couple of the bad and then we'll talk about the Supreme Court. You know what else is good testosterone I Know we're supposed to act like a deal and toxic masculinity But testosterone is amazing gentlemen and you need a lot of it and for these coming times We need more of it than we currently have because T levels are in free fall We drink estrogen we shower in estrogen. It's in the plastics. It's in the water. It's in everything So what are we doing? What are you doing? To counteract that we've lost half our extra half our testosterone in 50 years We can't survive that I Take a male vitality stack from chalk every day to make sure I will never have a problem ever I've been taking it for two years. I am so full of pep and energy and focus my mood It's so much better than it was a few years ago, and it's natural It's natural and there's female vitality stacks for the ladies and there's huge subscriptions for life Huge subscriptions the discounts on subscriptions for life. I should say Chalk comm promo code Jesse or call them five zero chock three thousand. We'll talk about the bads next Is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday a hub day keeping it Talking about a little debate preview we just went over all the positives and there are most definite positives going into the debate tomorrow night. We have the better candidate there's as a disaster physically and mentally and They might not be able to control themselves with their unbridled Trump hatred These are the Trump's and Nazis the anti-gracies of disgrace. He said that and communists have Notoriously been unable to control themselves. They because they only know offense remember the the communists He doesn't know stop. He doesn't know we're verse He pushes forward as hard and fast as he possibly can until someone stops him Now you have CNN Now you have Dana bash now you have Jake Tapper CNN hates Trump Their audience hates Trump Dana bash and Jake Tapper. I'm convinced they have Trump roodoo dolls. They stick needles into with the house so imagine Picture the person you hate the most Who do you hate the most in the world? Maybe it's me. We got some of those emails But picture the person you hate the most in the world now picture this They are tied down they can't fight back and You are given an entire bucket of rotten tomatoes and you can just sit there and Pelt him with rotten smelly tomatoes and There's nothing holding you back Look ideally you would be a good person and say no, that's not fair. It's not right. I can't do that, but Are you sure that's what you would do? Consequence free nobody getting actually hurt. I need to clarify. No one heard. They're just tomatoes. I really hate this person Well, that's what Jake Tapper and Dana bash having fun of them for tomorrow night Are they going to be able to hold themselves back if they can't? They run the risk of making Trump look like a sympathetic figure because it's so rigged against him now. That's all the good and we might have that Let's talk about the bad. I Don't have to do the biased thing. You already know we've covered that. It's very biased. They hate him. They're cutting off the mics So I'm just gonna put it this way Trump is ahead. He's ahead in every pool. He's ahead in the string in the swing states He's not only ahead in every pool and in the swing states on Individual issues when they ask voters. Hey, what about the immigration? What about inflation Trump is more popular and more trusted than Joe Biden on Every one of them by independence Joe Biden is up by two or three touchdowns late in the game It's not even debatable if the debate was today or if the election was today Unless they cheat which of course they might do but if the election was today Donald Trump is going to win So he is the man ahead now he's so far ahead that what what they need What the communists need is they need a couple different things to happen You see they need several different things to happen. They need Everything to work out perfectly in order for them to make a bomb Right picture this like them making a bomb The only chance they have is to and this is just a figure speech is to blow up Trump That's the only chance they have they need this special bomb the blow up Trump and they don't have it They don't have Joe Biden he sucks and they're all the issues and they don't have that But in order to make this special bomb they do need three or four very specific special ingredients if they're gonna come back and overtake Trump if they're gonna build that bomb they need a few special ingredients and By accepting a debate like this. We've given them every single one of them Will they be able to put those ingredients together and build the right bomb? I don't know but This is set up For Joe Biden to I don't know if you can say win. I don't know if he can win given his physical and mental state But if Joe Biden looks functional and between the drugs and CNN and the moderators covering for him He might if Joe Biden looks functional and Trump Loses is cool and and let's pause on that for a minute. It's not like I'm calling him an idiot It'd be hard not to lose your cool Imagine going into a debate where they can cut off your mic whenever you're making a good point Imagine going into a debate where you you understand that they're gonna ask him about January 6th tomorrow They're gonna ask him if the election was stolen they're going to ask an abortion question tomorrow and They're going to frame it in such a way that Trump very likely cannot possibly answer the abortion question in a way That would make anybody happy They have brought for them such I take that back. We gave them all the ingredients they need for that bomb We gave them all Will they be able to capitalize make the bomb and set it up? I don't know but by accepting a debate like this. We gave them every ingredient and we're ahead We didn't have to if you're gonna come from behind in a football game when you're down three touchdowns late You need the defense to not play back so you can throw it over the top When the when the offense takes over when you get the ball back in your way ahead You you need to just just keep the ball on the ground and keep the clock running Whatever you do don't don't throw it cuz that'll stop the clock and we're throwing it. We're doing Everything we could possibly do to set ourselves up to lose the lead Will we lose the lead who freaking knows we're gonna know about 24 hours from now And I'll be sitting there watching it with you in case you're wondering the debate is not during the show If it was during the show we obviously would have carried it for you live I think it starts Chris doesn't it start the second the show ends of course it does The second the show ends tomorrow night the debate starts, so I will be watching it what Chris Is it good for us you see Chris ass is it good for us because it's so late and everyone knows that Joe Biden sundowns dementia people Anyone who has dementia. I shouldn't call them dementia people It they do much better in the morning than at night. It's called sundowning. It's a very real thing It's not an accident Joe Biden's day almost Everyday if he has any public events they end at two or three in the afternoon This is something people who keep his DC schedule or at least track his DC schedule They've been following along with this Joe Biden if he has to do something He will sleep in they'll let him sleep in and then he's got about a 10 to 2 window there Where they try to get everything in if he has if there's a some foreign leader some prime minister somebody coming in They'll try to get all that in in that window because if you catch him after that he's in bad shape So the fact that it's so late. Yes, it does give us a benefit But again, look again. You could read the entire article. There's an article about it in the New York Times today He's got 16 aids with him current and former aides He is doing nothing, but rest in prep rest in prep rest in prep And then they're going to bring in the doctor team of doctor teams You and I both know it's true right before the debate and they're gonna have him Souped up on him fit him on him fed a means that are gonna have his pupils look like you couldn't fit a needle through those Stag-on things. He is going to be higher than a kite so I I would temper my expectations on how bad Joe Biden's gonna do the rest of them for a week drug him up He only has to survive 90 minutes and as dementia adult as he may be This is a man who's been doing political debates for how long now three decades He can kind of sleep walk through a lot of this stuff, especially with debate moderators helping him. All right We're done with all that garbage Let's talk about the Supreme Court doing us wrong yet again. Thank you Get the cure for rhino It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm love hate death threats Ask dr. Jesse questions for Friday. That's coming. We got this one. Hey, you are the winiest Most annoying and narcissistic little beep. I'm gonna have to bank beep out that word. I've ever heard on the radio I'm so happy your type of conservatism is going away You're a hate-mongering and judgmental ways and views are absolutely disgusting. He even put some exclamation points on there I will write all of your sponsors and I heart radio and will start a petition to have you put out of your misery You need to get over yourself and stop judging others and stop being so hateful to those whom You do not agree with so it goes on it It's a lot of exclamation points a lot of cussing a lot of this He does finish it off with no longer the party of morons like yourself I truly hope I art radio and your sponsors see you for who you are trash Hey, listen bro You should you should tell them You you understand that you you can tell them right in fact last time I checked with the suits at corporate They actually had really kind of a separate line set up for all the emails and voicemails You call in and complain with you should call I heart and you should complain about me No, I want you to I don't care and you should you should call the sponsors too and let them know You should let them know that you're really really upset and I'll tell you what I'll give you I'll give you this you dirty Call me. I'll give you this Email me back and tell me what they say. I Want you to email me back in fact here shoot your first email to gosh shoot your first email to chalk I Want you to email chalk and I want you to let them know that you are angry with me and that they Should drop the show and tell me what they say. I want to hear Let me know what they say. Let me know how that works out for you, but let me let me explain something dirty commie I'm right With the things I say you're an evil little demon We're enemies. I don't want to get along with you in fact that you hate me is Something that I treasure I love I never ever ever Want to be the type of person on the right you like I Loved that my existence prompts you to write some 500 word email with a bunch of cuss words and screaming at me I love these we love them we laugh and laugh and laugh at you and then corporate whenever I talk to them the suits They laugh at you too and my sponsors they laugh at you too everybody's laughing at you in fact It's probably been that way for most of your life. I would imagine. That's probably why you are the way you are Now, let's move on and talk about something different there was a Terrible Supreme Court opinion today You it wasn't the one that got all kinds of publicity Everyone's holding out for the Trump immunity decision to be handed down by the Supreme Court That's kind of the the flashy sex you want everyone's waiting to see on how immune is Trump so on and so forth, but There was a big one today It was called Murthy versus Missouri Murthy versus Missouri Guy named Jonathan Turley. He's this very sharp attorney. Well, here's what he had to say. Well, it's very frustrating for the free speech community Because standing is often used to block Meritorious claims. This is one of the most fundamental issues that we are facing because you have one of the largest censorship systems in our history if not the largest it's been called Orwellian by lower court Judges and what the court is saying is that we won't hear you on this issue because you're not the right litigants So this issue will have to wait for another day But one of the things that many of us have been arguing for years is that the government is engaging in censorship by surrogate I testified about this in Congress that they have made a mockery of the limits of the First Amendment by doing In directly what they're barred from doing directly All right, what is all this about? Let me explain it to you in the most dumb down possible way and You should know that I'm not dumbing it down for you. I'm dumbing it down for me I'm not a friggin lawyer. I don't speak in Latin. I do dabble and submit it But I'm not a lawyer and all these things get confusing So I always reach out to all my lawyer friends Chris you guys help a lot with that And they kind of explained to me exactly the who's who and what's what so what was Murphy versus Missouri with a Biden administration? The government's not allowed to censor you in this country by the grace of God That's against the law it's against the Constitution the government can't come down and say hey Chris Delete your Facebook page. They're not allowed to do that So of course because they are these people are all communists They simply went to their allies in the social media realm and we're when I say they It's not just the Biden White House. They had the FBI going to these social media people But let's make it about the Biden White House the Biden White House will have high up people reach out and say hey Facebook There's this dirtball Chris. He's got a Facebook page and Thank you guys. Maybe you should check it out. There's some dangerous stuff on there Stuff that could be argued even against the law I don't know but if you would look at it and then I mean make a decision a kind of amazing that you've allowed this to be up It would be a shame if if your tax status changed anyway take a look at Chris's page let me know how it goes and of course Facebook looks at it and boom Chris is gone and That was the case. It was brought before the Supreme Court We brought a case before the Supreme Court that said hey the the White House is censoring people by proxy No, they're not coming down and deleting Chris's Facebook page But they're talking to their allies in the tech world and their allies are following orders and not only did we lose this today We lost this six to three In case you're one in which of the quote right wingers or conservatives screwed us over Well, I know you're gonna be stunned by this But John Roberts was one of them everyone knew it was gonna be Roberts that dirty snake in the grass has done it many times before Setting Roberts aside. There were two others two others Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh two Trump appointees Neil Gorsuch Alito and Clarence Thomas They were the ones of course that held strong like they always do Gore such as turned out to be a stud Alito and Clarence Thomas I've always been studs Clarence Thomas. This is the best, but Amy Coney Barrett Brett Kavanaugh and they not only ruled against us It's against against us as in the next plaintiff doesn't even get to bring it to the Supreme Court We got the doors slammed on us and I have a couple things. I want to say about this This has been a podcast from WOR Looking for excitement Chumba Casino is here play anytime play anywhere play on the train play at the store play at home Play when you're bored play today for your chance to win and get daily bonuses when you log in So what are you waiting for don't delay Chumba Casino is free to play experience social gameplay like never before go to Chumba casino Right now to play hundreds of games including online slots in go slingo and more live the Chumba life at Chumba casino Dot-com The word we're prohibited by law, see terms and conditions, 18 plus.