Jesse Kelly Show

Brett Kavanaugh...CNN Catering to the Left...Illegal Immigration

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27 Jun 2024
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Supreme Court, six to three was the vote. They gave a decision today that was awful. A decision that essentially allows the White House to continue censoring Americans as long as they're just encouraging private companies to do so. And I got this email, Jesse, we need to have an honest conversation about how bad Trump's nominees for the Supreme Court were. The amount of political and social capital that we used for that spineless unit Kavanaugh. And after all they did to him, he still doesn't realize the left is intent on destroying anything. Everything by any means necessary. He goes off on Barrett and everything else. The Supreme Court is not only not going to save us. It's actively working to prevent us from saving ourselves. Sorry, I'm a little worked up today. His name is Chris. Okay, so let's discuss something. Three judges. Trump got three judges. Gore such is a star. Perfect. No, of course, nobody's perfect. But Gore such has been awesome. Barrett. She sucks. And Kavanaugh sucks. Now, let's talk about why this happens and how this comes to be. I'll finish by just blasting away at Brett Kavanaugh. But how does this happen? Well, you know how do you remember when I was talking about FBI agents, FBI employees and how you and I should treat them in our personal lives? We should begin shaming and shunning anyone we know who works at the FBI. Not because we're bad people at all, but because it needs to become a mark of social shame that you work for the FBI. It's an evil secret police organization. No longer should there be an ounce of admiration and anybody went, Hey, I'm Mark and I work at the FBI. You know, traditionally, we've got look, it's been me too. Oh, really cool. What do you do? Counter terrorism? You know, that kind of thing immediately. You'll know we're on the right track when someone says that and you go, uh, that should be a mark of social shame. And we should shun them. Those people shouldn't be invited to your parties. When it moves into the neighborhood, everyone should freeze them out. Don't talk to it. Why? Social shame, the social shame system is powerful. It's that's pretty much what culture is. It's a social shame system. And it's going to totally differ from culture to culture. In this culture, we value this. So if you are this, you will feel celebrated. Other people will see that cell that celebration and they will be encouraged to do the same thing in this culture. We hate this. We shun this other people will see that hatred and see that shunning and they will not want to become that. The social shame system is the most powerful thing in the world. It's more powerful than laws. Peer pressure is peer pressure for a reason. It works. It's effective. It's powerful. That's why I said that about the FBI. This is going to come back to the Supreme Court. Just stay with me. What's a what's one of the reasons I give you for why you should move from whatever blue area you're living in. If you're living in one right now, why would I tell anyone to move from New York City when it's a place I love. I visit New York City for fun because I adore it. Can't help it. I adore it. But I tell people you shouldn't live there. You should move. Why? Why do I say it? It's a place I love. Well, there's a lot of different reasons I say it. But one of the main reasons is you can't really if you're in there, if you're in one of these blue bubbles, you don't have any idea how much different and better. All of life is in a red area when you get to people, when you get to a location where the people around you share your values. Life is better. Everything is better. And I've done it. Look, I've lived in DC. I've lived in these blue places. I know what it's like to have a debate with friends, family members. Hey, should we are? Are you sure we should put that Trump yard sign out? No, no, no, I'm voting for him big time. I just, what if the neighbors don't invite us to the party? What are you sure we should pick up Aiden Jaden and Braden from school with the Trump bumper sticker on our car? You know what it's like if the school, what if our kids get shunned? That's what your life is like in one of these blue areas. Dude, they're people in my neighborhood. They've spray painted Trump's name on their fence. It's not, it's not like that here. It's not like that everywhere else. Social shame is powerful. So how does this apply to DC? I'll get to really brutalizing Brett Kavanaugh in a minute. But let's talk about this. When we deal with people, I don't want to call them celebrities, but that's probably as good a good way as any to describe it. People where you and I, we see them on television. What are they to us? Their TV star is for the most part. Actors, actresses, you could say they're like that, but they're simply, they're not real to you. Amy Coney, Amy Coney Barrett. Is it real to me? I've never met her. And I guess because of what I do now, I might end up at the same event and meet her one day. But the chances are I probably will never meet her just like you. I'll probably never meet Brett Kavanaugh. So who is he to me? I've never shaken his hand. I don't know who I don't know what he's like. He's a figure on television. And what happens is when you watch people on TV in the movies, sports stars are like this. And this applies to political figures. What happens is they cease becoming human in your eyes and they just become celebrities, people you see on television, not thinking feeling people. Remember what I said? I don't remember if it was last night or last week or whenever I said it about how you should cut people off often, not in the road, but in your personal life. You should be blocking cell phone numbers. You should be blocking people on social media. You should be blocking people from your friend's circle. You should cut people out of your circle. And let me explain as it relates to me. I didn't really go into this at all. But when it comes to something like social media, people who are fans of the show, fans of me, they'll just on a whim, they'll get on there and say, Oh, this stupid idiot coward loser. And then you block him. They say, what? That was a friend. What did you do that for? Well, why would you call somebody those names? Why would they do that? Well, yeah, they're dumb and whatever. But for them, I'm just a celebrity, somebody here on the radio or see on television. But the truth is I'm flesh and blood. Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, all of them, all these people are flesh and blood human beings. Where do they live? The DC area. Most of them live in Northern Virginia because no one wants to or can afford to live in DC. But most of them live in Northern Virginia, some Maryland, but they live in the DC area. They are surrounded by the numbers are staggering. How blue that part of the country is. It's way bluer than Los Angeles or New York City or it is you understand that DC is bluer than New York City by about 10%. That's amazing. Right. You think about New York City, this liberal dump DC's bluer. Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, these types. When you live in that, it's not just that they're justices. They're not just people you see or I see on TV in black robes. Amy Coney Barrett is a mother. She has a husband. She has a bunch of kids. Chris, she's Catholic. I think she has five or six kids. I believe if I remember it. Why am I not allowed to say anything? Sometimes Catholic. I wasn't being rude. Chris, whatever. Anyway, she's Catholic has a bunch of kids. She's a mom. Her kids. They go to school. That's a lot of pressure, isn't it? Do you know how I am when it comes to carrying what people think about? My wife's the same way, but she will. And she's right about this. If we're going to, we have this pizza place locally. Sometimes we'll go down, get a bite. It's just a good place. You can get a pizza. You can get a beer there if you want, whatever it may be. And sometimes because I'm me, I don't want to put on decent clothes for it. I'll be I'm not not dressed in sweats or something like that. But let's say I'm wearing shorts top. We were in shorts. Maybe not the best t-shirt in the world. Just walking around the house. Hey, let's go get a pizza. Yeah, sounds good. My wife will say, Hey, are you sure you want to wear that? Remember, hey, we ran into the principal of the school last time. Now that's a small thing, right? It's not a big deal. But I look at her and I said, you know what? You're right. I thought on a college shirt. Your kids reputation, how they're treated at school matters. This is just one aspect of the world where these people live, where they work, where they worship, where they drive. We lose sight of the societal pressures, the social shame system that surrounds these DC justices. We, they're rock solid. You put them on the bench and they just crumble before our eyes and we look around and say, what happened? Well, Washington DC is what happened. Now that's as nice as I'm going to be because it's time to go both barrels on Brett Kavanaugh before I do that. Let's do this. It is June 26th. That means there aren't many days left to take advantage of something going on a pure talk. You see a peer talk until July 4th. This is only going on until July 4th. Pure talk has partnered with America's Warrior partnership, helping veterans come back into the world. It's very, very hard. Believe me, I've been there. You've heard me tell my stories to come back into the world. You're angry, violent. Sometimes you're struggling with alcohol. I most definitely was. You're depressed. You're some who's going to help these guys. America's Warrior partnership is pure top. Pure talk is helping them help these guys. What do you have to do? Nothing special. Just switch to pure talk. It's 10 minutes on the phone. Pound 250 say Jesse Kelly. That's how you switch. Go now play Travis and one Wednesday. We are going to get to a bunch of emails and some illegal immigration talk that we're discussing scotus and the failures of the Supreme Court and a Jewish producer, Chris, dropped the bomb on me during the commercial break that it's a bomb because I think it's a very fair criticism. He leveled of me. He said, I have a very difficult time tearing into women. He said he was noticing it because it sounded like I was giving Amy Coneyberry to pass and I'm getting ready to light up Brett Kavanaugh. He pointed out correctly when it comes to callers. If it's a dude, rambling on, click, hang up. If it's a little old lady, if it's a woman, she she goes a little longer. She gets go a little longer. I've talked about this in my personal life before. If there's a manager, a supervisor, I want to talk to bring me a manager. I remember it happened at a restaurant because I got lectured about never doing this. You know, you're supposed to talk to the manager. That's the polite thing to do. If something goes wrong, don't leave and never come back. Tell the manager so he can fix it. And I was super hot about something that had happened. This is why we'll go. And I finally agreed to do it. I never do that. All right. May I speak to your manager, please? And I was I was all peped up for it. I'm just going to let him know. I'm going to give it to him direct comes on. It was a woman. And it was easier. That's a very fair criticism, Chris. It's very fair criticism. I'm not exactly sure why that is. Uh, I don't I don't know. They're women. They're more delicate. They're they should be. I view look, I have a very barbaric caveman view of life where don't agree with me when I'd say that, Chris, men are supposed to lead men are supposed to protect women. Women are they're a perfect fit with men and that they're perfectly opposite for men. My wife provides things that I can't provide. I provide things she can't provide, but they are supposed to be protected by men. And so I don't like yelling at them or anything like that. Or if I made one cry, you know, of course, in what 17 years of marriage, Oh gosh, I don't know how long I've made my wife cry before more than once. Gosh, I feel about an inch high. You're fighting you say something stupid and she's not a cryer. I made her cry. Oh gosh, I'm just I'm a mess. I can't do it. Okay, so that's a very fair criticism. I don't know that I'll be able to change that. That said, we're not talking about Amy Coney Barrett anymore, Chris. I'm talking about Brett Kavanaugh. I can tear you into as many dudes as I feel like, not that I'm in the Air Force. I realize how that sounded. Anyway, Brett Kavanaugh. I think Brett Kavanaugh is very emblematic of how the right has been for most of my life. And part of the reason a huge, a huge part of the reason why we have lost so much ground culturally so fast. I think Brett Kavanaugh is a bright shining example of this. And I'm mortified by him to be honest. Did you know that my least favorite Supreme Court justice is not cottungy Brown Jackson or sodomy or or any of them? My least favorite Supreme Court justice by a mile is Brett Kavanaugh, because I view him as being a gutless coward. Brett Kavanaugh, he was appointed by Trump. So he had to go through the nomination process and you remember it. This is a guy who's lived most of his life. Obviously in a very milk toast benign way. In the dirty communists, they accused him of being part of a gang rape gang. You realize that? They accused Brett Kavanaugh of being an alcoholic gang rapist. They dragged Christine Blasey forward out who very likely has never met Kavanaugh and they accused him of raping a woman that he probably has never met. And then after that, and by the way, I should point out when he was going through all this, everyone, myself included on the right, we were mortified by how they were treating this man. And we all, I did it too, locked shields around him and said, this is insane. You're destroying a good man, you evil demons. We locked shields around Brett Kavanaugh and carried his sorry, but through that nomination. The public support from the right being universal is the only reason he's a Supreme Court justice. And I know that because I know what happened inside the Senate. Did you know that you what you did? You're the reason he sits there. And then after he gets there, they tried to kill him. They tried to assassinate him. Chuck Schumer gets up and gives a speech and names him by name and threatens him with the whirlwind. And right after that, some crazy, not ball communist arms himself, a gun in the works and flies to his home. He was outside of Brett Kavanaugh's home, ready to end his life. And Brett Kavanaugh in response to all this. Well, he's just trying to be liked by DC. After all, I want to get into that nice steakhouse on a Friday. I wouldn't want to be a big meanie McMean face. You know, these people are trying to murder me and they accuse me of gang rape. But if I bet you, I bet you if I'm a little bit nicer to them, I bet they'll come around and see my point of view. Brett Kavanaugh is by far the most detestable Supreme Court justice because he's a gutless coward. That's why a gutless loser coward who no matter what he is faced with can never find the guts to fight back ever begging for approval from the people who tried to murder him. That's how pathetic Brett Kavanaugh is. In fact, I don't want Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Brett Kavanaugh, he should actually run for president or Senate because he's the ultimate Republican. If you had to build a Republican, you'd build Brett Kavanaugh. He'll get screwed over by the Dirty Commies at every turn. They'll ruin his life, destroy his reputation, try to murder him. And when he's faced with more criticism, he can't grab his ankles fast enough. Brett Kavanaugh is made. He should be on the poster of the GOP. They should blow up a big 50 by 50 foot poster and make Brett Kavanaugh the GOP logo. In fact, I've just decided from now on, he sees what do we call him? Judge logo. That's Brett Kavanaugh because he's the GOP logo. I knew I was going to get my blood pressure up. I'm going to calm down for a second. We're going to do a couple of emails while I calm down. But that's it. I've not had enough of judge logo. I can't take it anymore. Hang on, Jesse Kelly show. And we will dig into the ice. This guy's who are apparently still coming across the border. God, wait here in a few, but we're keeping it popping. She's fired now. Let's get it popping. On the Jesse Kelly show, freakishly tall grillmeister. Doesn't CNN want to see Biden swapped out for Gavin or Michelle or frankly anyone with an actual pulse? It seems like it would be in their best interest to embarrass Biden enough to cause Dems to switch horses. Isn't that the reason why they're holding the debate in early June to begin with? Look, obviously I believe the left wants Joe Biden out. There's no question about that. They want him out. They keep running articles about it. Who would be the replacement? How do we replace him? But they don't know how to get him out. And they're most definitely not going to use a debate at CNN with Jake Tapper and Dana bash and try to use that to torpedo Joe Biden. And it's not for Joe Biden's sake that they won't do that. It's for CNN sake. CNN has chosen an audience. You choose an audience. Let me tell you something about about doing media as much as I know about it. I'm obviously fairly new to the whole thing myself. I've been doing this six years radio and TV. I've lived a normal life before this, but I do radio and TV for six years. It's not just that your audience tempers you. And what does that mean? You you have a million options on what you can be listening to right now. Whether you're listening on the radio, maybe you've got it podcasted. Remember, if you miss any part of the show, you can podcast it. I heart Spotify and iTunes, but you have a million choices. You can choose to listen to whatever. And if you don't enjoy this program, if you don't get anything out of this program, you will leave. You will put different shows on your list. I listen to this and I listen to this. I stop listening to this. And there have been plenty of people who've stopped listening to this show. I have no doubt about it. I'm sure there have been and there should be you temper your list and you should temper your list based on what you like. But it works the opposite way too. If you're, I'll just make it about me. I'll make it about the show. I temper my audience as well. And this is what I mean by that. People think and maybe this is the right way to think about it. People think that I just want everybody listening. I just want as many people listening as possible. Well, don't get me wrong. I want the show to be big. I mean, I'm ambitious as anyone else. I want the number one show and all that stuff, but I don't want everyone to listen because a bunch of people or losers and shouldn't be listening. Why would I want a show for everyone? If I try to make a show everyone likes, then it doesn't stand for anything. It's just lame milk toast garbage. I don't want everyone listening. Sometimes I'll say offensive stuff just so people will stop listening. What do we, what do I tell people who write in? You notice I don't get emails anymore. I hardly ever happens where someone will say I'm offended. You said this and it offended me. You said this and it offended me. We don't hardly get those at all. Those used to be what we would get all the time. And I don't hardly get them at all. You know why? Because the people who get offended, they're already gone and they should be gone. Get out. You should be gone. You choose an audience. It's not just that the audience chooses you. I want an audience of people who like to laugh but who hate communism. People who like to eat. People who like to talk about different things. Crazy things. History things. That's why I went listening to the show. When I, when I did the book tour that we were visiting various cities, you know how much fun I had. I still talked to my wife about it because I got to meet you and there were some things like 400 people at every event. And guess what? We got along because you're like me. And that's what I want. CNN has chosen an audience too. They have chosen. They've made a conscious choice to cater to the hardcore leftist. That's what CNN is now. That's their market. That's their brand. CNN can't go after Joe Biden tomorrow night because their brand, their base, their bread and butter would leave CNN for CNN to go after Joe Biden tomorrow night. Let's say that you think they're going to attack him and whatnot. It would be the equivalent of me coming on here after tempering the audience. You know, you, you know how hardcore you are in me coming on tomorrow night and saying, guys, listen, I've decided that I'm kind of okay with illegal immigration. I think we should bring more of them in here. And in fact, I think Republicans are just, they're too mean. I want to be nicer and I think Republicans should be nicer to Democrats and don't call them communist anymore because that's mean and I don't want to be mean. You would already change the channel, wouldn't you? I've tempered the audience. I can't now show up and be king wuss. I can't be Brett Kavanaugh. I have to keep being me. I have to keep being the guy who takes chalk. If I stop taking chalk, you'll stop listening to the show. I must have a male vitality stack in my veins or you won't listen. You'll be able to hear it. If I skip a day, I would imagine it would come across in the radio and you'd say, oh my gosh, he didn't take his male vitality stack today. That can't ever happen. If I came on here tomorrow night and sounded like Brett Kavanaugh, you would change the channel. By the way, take your male vitality stack from chalk gentleman. Do you want to end up like president, like a president, like judge logo? You don't want to end up like judge logo. promo code Jesse, where you can call a text and five zero chalk 3000 Jesse. Why does Joe squint all the time? Why does he always have to go for the sunglasses? He often makes mistakes when reading a prompter. All the promters have worked so on and so forth. What's with the sprint with the squinting? Okay. Now, I'm going to say this and I know there are people a lot more educated about this than me. I just have experienced this personally in my life, just the people I know. Dementia, senality, Alzheimer's, these things are terrible things that people go through. Terrible for the families. It's terrible for the people who aren't suffering from it. It's terrible for the people for the person who has it. But let's focus on them at the moment. This is how it was explained to me once in the most lay person way possible. Again, there are deeper medical explanations than this. The person let's say it's dementia. Let's say you have dementia. It's not as if you're unaware that you're not functioning properly. That's part of the reason people who have that will have such bad anger issues and they'll end up. It's one of the things that makes it so sad. They will end up lashing out at people who they love the most. If it's a husband, he'll be snapping at his wife, yelling at his kids. If it's the wife, she's snapping at her husband, it happens. Part of the reason is your brain is not working the way it's always worked and you know that. It's the cruel thing. If it was always like that, you wouldn't know it, but you have lived your entire life with the brain that functioned. If you're a dude and you're suffering from this and your wife walks in and your kids walk in, even if you don't recognize them because your brain has been eaten up, you can tell by the look on their face and would be very obvious. You know you should. You know you should know who these people are. They just walked in. Now you're angry. You're scared. Being afraid is part of it too. As your mind goes, you're afraid. Your anger, it's extremely sad. It's very, very sad. It's a terrible thing. It's one of my mortal fears that I will put my family through it. I'm scared to death of it one day. I'll be honest with you. It's one of my fears, but you're afraid. And so what happens is you will try the squinting is very, very, very common. You're trying to focus your mind that's not working right. It's a physical reaction to a mind that is extremely foggy. When you squint like that, you're essentially trying to shake that fog out of your brain. So you can I know I'm supposed to get the when you see Joe Biden doing it. You can always tell he's trying to get words out and he knows he knows the words aren't coming out right. Remember Joe Biden doesn't have a stutter. Remember when they try to convince us he has a stutter? Joe Biden has been speaking perfectly fine for the entirety of his career on camera. Speaks really fast. They're really clear always like this. He knows he's supposed to be able to find the words, but they're not coming to him. And he's focusing. That's why the squinting that and the drugs. Listen, these these things they have him on. And I've had doctors and nurses email the show who have who've come up with theories on what they're giving him. And they're remarkably consistent, I should point out the theories you have. So I bet you you're right. I don't want to give it out because who knows whether that's right or not. But the drugs they get him on makes it bad too. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. I'll hope they reminding you you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly send us your emails. Jesse, do you think we should change our words around to help with norm and norma? Instead of deporting illegals, we will rehome them. It's okay. So he wants to use a nicer word. Rehome them. Okay. Well, let's discuss this. For one, it's bad. Mayorkis is all over the news and then I'm very worried. DHS confirms that at least 400 migrants with potential ISIS ties recently crossed into the United States. That is incorrect. Tell us why. That reporting is incorrect. We do not have identified 400 people with potential ISIS ties. And let me again assure you that individuals who are identified to have those ties would pose a concern to us from a public safety and security perspective. And they would be priorities for detain detention and removal. Point that initial NBC report inaccurate over the 400 potential ISIS ties. I think it is inaccurate. Yeah, it's accurate. And so what are these ties? Okay, let me explain. We've talked about this a couple of times before when you're coming across the border, you only come across the border with the permission of the cartels. If you're coming across the legally and there are different fees you pay the cartel depending on who you are and what you want. If you're a young male laborer and you are coming over here to pick some strawberries, you are going to pay one fee. If you are, gosh, it just, I know it's really ugly to think about if you're an attractive young female, they have plans for you and you're going to pay a different fee. If you're one of the people who doesn't want to get caught, there are people who plan on getting caught. That's actually the majority of them. And then there are those who don't want to get caught. You are going to pay a premium. You have to pay the cartel more because it takes more effort to get you across the border without being caught. There are networks along the southern border where bad state actors think you're Russian intelligence, Chinese intelligence and terrorist networks. They have found organizations willing to get them across the southern border as long as they pay a premium for it. And obviously, these are people. They're not like the others. They're not the guy who's going to pick strawberries. They're going to interview him, take his picture, he'll fly him to New York and he'll be picking strawberries in Bakersfield, California by the by next week. These are guys who never want to encounter law enforcement or they're in deep trouble. So they have a network there for people who don't want to get caught and you will pay a premium for it. And those are the really, really, really bad guys. What we have is word that this network, it's been working overdrive too. It's not just the children and strawberry pickers. This network where the really bad guys get in without getting caught. Yeah, it's picked up steam. And these are the people running our immigration with respect to the people from Central Asia. We have no evidence that they are individuals plotting to harm the United States. That is inaccurate. Of course, it's accurate. And as they pointed out, even NBC is reporting on this ISIS affiliated network. Tonight, NBC News has learned more than 50 migrants with potential ties to an ISIS affiliated smuggling network are at large in America. Many illegally cross the border and were released into the US by border patrol because there was no information suggesting terror ties at the time. Now, there whereabouts are unknown as immigration agents look to arrest them. US officials tell us, saying they're among a group of over 400 migrants, DHS identified in the US from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Russia as subjects of concern because they were brought to the US by an ISIS affiliated smuggling network. It's really bad. So let's go back to what you were talking about about illegals. Because I've been lamenting that I do not believe the public or the GOP has the stomach for mass deportation. And don't email me and tell me, yeah, I do. I'm not worried about you. I know you'll be fine. I'm talking about norm. I'm talking about Norma. I'm talking about the potential Trump administration. I am very concerned about having the stomach for it because what will happen if they follow through with it? If Trump gets elected and follows through with mass deportation, what will happen will be the largest propaganda campaign in the history of mankind to counter that mass deportation campaign because the globalists, not just not just in America, but internationally, internationally, Western leaders have committed to replacing the citizens of their nation with hostile foreigners who can be bought for a $500 visa card. This is this is international now Germany, France, the UK. It's happening all over the place. The same thing that's happening here. There is a global commitment to getting rid of you and you pesky right-wingers in your rights and things like that. So if somebody like Trump comes along and actually tries to stop it, or more specifically tries to reverse it, if he tries to round all these millions up and send them home, my goodness, the media stories, the media stories, the international condemnation, the UN, as I pointed out before, they'll be making Hollywood movie after Hollywood movie about evil Americans are resting and slaughtering illegals. The propaganda will be so over the top that only someone with a spine made of steel will be able to withstand that. Now to the American public, you say we should say rehome these people. Well, it is actually a very clever saying. I may point out we don't need an American public that has to be sold a special word for it in order to buy it. We need an American public with the stomach to do what needs to be done. And even the ones who think they do, I'm worried they do not. I knew this dog one time. My buddy's dog wasn't my dog. He was really stupid and he used to stand on the pavement in the summertime and it was majorly hot and he would sit and hold one paw up at a time. Instead of just walking over to the grass, he'd hold a paw up and we used to yell at him, get to the grass, you moron. What are you doing? The dog knew the pavement was hot. The dog had no idea how to solve that problem. The American people know illegal immigration is bad. The American people don't truly understand what it will take to solve it. And that's a problem. This has been a podcast from WOR. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash and Lucky Land is where people go every day to get lucky. At Lucky Land, you can play over a hundred casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply.