Jesse Kelly Show


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27 Jun 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing They're also playing Chumbakasino everybody's loving having fun with it Chumbakasino is home to hundreds of casino style games You can play for free anytime anywhere so sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus That's and live the Chumbalay sponsored by Chumbakasino. No purchase necessary vgw group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. This is a podcast from W. O. R The Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday tomorrow's debate night We're gonna talk a little bit about an LGBTQ Air Force stuff here right off the bat We're gonna yell about a red state once again letting us down and do a whole lot more, but let's discuss something We've talked many times about the system. We've talked many times tonight about the social shame system and culture but honestly what I'm about to lay out really it makes it clear how you end up in a specific place in a society as Libertarian as I tend to be and I'm not a libertarian. I'm an anti-communist I do have a lot of libertarian leanings government should be tiny eliminate this and that and this and that and all these said I agree Yes, I agree government should be small however human beings respond to carrots and sticks Human beings respond to coercion. They simply do they do I The other day I was working on something. I didn't feel like messing with the fridge I didn't feel like messing with lunch And I knew we had some amazing little totinos party pizzas that I'd picked up behind my wife's back and stashed him in the free Sir, and I wanted one of those totinos party pizzas. You know, they're like a dollar twenty five still That's how you know they're good and I didn't want to go to the trouble of making it just cuz I didn't want to stop doing what I was doing So I texted my son and I said hey you want to make an easy five bucks Because he's an American. He said yes, I do I said I need a pizza go make me one coercion good and bad and I could have gone the other way to and it would have been just as effective hey Would you like to hang out with your friends tonight like you'd plan to? Good then make me a pizza or you're not allowed. I didn't do that to I wouldn't do that to him, but it really works human beings you me all of us we respond to what's around us what society what everything around us tells us we Should be doing and we should not be doing if you grew up in Mongolia back in Genghis Tom Genghis Khan's time You were riding a horse at three years old you were on a horse Go ahead and go ahead and grow up in Mongolian society and say hmm. I don't really care for horses not for me wouldn't work out well the percentage of Americans identifying is somewhere on the rainbow ladder Has been skyrocketing. I remember we brought that chart to you one time I forget who had done it showing the difference in the generations How essentially the older generation now it's one two percent And it just as you got younger the numbers were higher and higher and higher and you got to find it the youngest people They had they had studied and it was something insane like 25% of them. Why? Did something change is it in the water? Well kind of no, but it's something changing Well, yes the incentives of our society are changing all The culture is going that way It's why I call it the US of gay because it's what we are now and it comes at you from every single side It comes at you politically here the headline by Administration pushed to remove age limits for trans surgery. That's from the New York Times There were limits honesty any of this surgery is insane But there were limits on how young kids could be the White House the president and the United States of America sought to remove those limits and It comes at many other different angles. Here's a headline lego. This is from post-millennial You know the the children's company lego Wishes happy pride to children with many figures decked out as drag queens and furries Don't think for one second. That's not effective too. Oh here. Come here Aiden. It's your third birthday We got you a little Lego set look at this little drag queen aid and play with your drag queen Very very effective Harbards in on it your textbooks are in on it Have you ever heard of the techs company the textbook company scholastic? Every single teacher listening is nodding their head, but most of us who don't pay attention to things like that We don't know scholastic is the largest producer of textbooks in the country Scholastic is as evil a dirty commie company is humanly possible The biggest textbook company in America the one making the textbooks that aid and jade and Braden will learn from Hate your freaking guts. Listen to this. And so this is the book trans studies in K-12 education And you can see just in case you didn't hear her. This is Harvard. This is the book trans Studies in K through 12 education. So this is the book trans studies in K-12 education And you can see you can access it in a number of different places But if you access it through Harvard Ed Press, there's a 20% discount code We had a series of goals All of these which kind of came from the conference that Melinda just talked about and so the first was bridging the field of trans studies which is Primarily based in the humanities and the field of K-12 education which with these are both fields that don't always speak to each other So we wanted to make sure that that that was one of the main goals that was evident throughout the book We're working to bridge that field you see we have our tranny studies and then What we've had a hard time doing this essentially what he just said is figuring out How to get all that tranny stuff into your kindergarteners textbook? Hey, you've got a first grader, right? Still eating paste and stuff? We want him to learn about how to be a tranny and the greatness We're learning how to bridge that world and the result headline number of lgbtq elected officials jumps nearly 200% since 2017 Culture it's what your society incentivizes and what your society incentivizes for better or for worse if your culture is incentivizing something you will get more of it if your culture is Disincentivizing something you will get less of it and there is America's new religion Jesse That had to be friggin awesome. I can totally see flying chem lights out the window during a hurricane Okay, I realized some haven't heard that story. I was telling a story last night about being in a typhoon and Okinawa I should clarify what we were doing with the chem lights, you know what chem lights are you've seen them in the movies just this little stick what Chris? It's not a glow stick Chris. We're not at a rave doing drugs. Okay, they're chem lights. All right Chem life. It's just this stick where if you pop it it creates a chemical reaction and it glows right and it glows They're used for military purposes. Chris. Not what you drunkies are doing anyway We got bored during the typhoons and we discovered something that we found was quite fun It's also littering and I would not recommend doing it but at the time it was a lot of fun and here's what we did you take a plastic grocery bag You pop a chem light drop it in the plastic grocery bag You tie up the crochet grocery bag and knot it. Okay, so now you've got a grocery bag with the glowing chem light in it then you take the handles of the grocery bag and you take a little string and attach it to the grocery bag and then You hold the bag out the window. You're holding the string The wind will of course grab a hold of the bag and so you hold it there for a couple of seconds Do you think the bags about the tear maybe you give it four or five feet out there? And we're talking well north of a hundred mile an hour. These are 150 mile an hour winds And so the bag is sitting there in the line It's tight and you of course have snipped off a little bit of it and you're everyone watches and everyone's like ready ready Count of three let it go count of three let it go one two three When you just let it go and it looks like Star Wars that thing is cooking out there so fast It was sweet gosh. I've done some dumb stuff. Hey Jesse and my career is a cop I've never ran across the situation you described oh For anyone who missed last night. I was discussing the situation. I put out the call to the cop friends What if you pull someone over and they really have to go really really badly? Really have to go Do you hold them there? Do you not believe them? Do you believe them and let them go? And we had all kinds of cops email and cops were emailing in sand you learn how to read people you'd be able to tell If it was fake or wasn't fake if it was real so on anyway, this guy said I've never ran across the situation you described so not sure how I would have handled it I have however had a few arrestees Deficate in my police car in retaliation Gosh, have you ever talked to someone who works in a prison or a jail? Oftentimes and maybe all the time I guess I'm not familiar with that But I know oftentimes the county sheriff Those sheriff's deputies will have to work the jail in the county so they're you know, you're working with prisoners I'm so blown away that anyone wants to do that job and I'm really floored that there are any women who want to do that job the clean up they have to do the clean up of things that are done eventually by the prisoners the things that are thrown on and at the guards it just seems like the most horrible thing in The world and I don't understand why someone do it now if it was a major like a major prison I would get that more than county jail where all the drunks are and everything else. Oh my gosh What a nightmare speaking of nightmare. Let's talk about the voters in red states Let's talk about getting what we voted for and why when we look at the state of the country We have to look in the mirror first and there's a lot of problems to be found in the mirror not for me But for you and I'm kidding. No, there's a lot of problems to be found in the mirror. Let's talk about that next Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday remember if you miss any part of the show You can download the whole thing on I hard spotify iTunes, okay Let's talk about red states and our failure in these states We live in red states those of us who do or we move to red states those of you who are and We move for all the right reasons and we live there for all the right reasons I want your white picket fence safer neighborhoods lower taxes. I want a state that's pro-life. That's all the all the same reasons, right? But the problem is We get complacent when we live in quote safer places You know, California gets a lot of crap and a lot of of that is deserved But the most hardcore anti-communists I've met have ever met in my life have come from California in New York These are people who spend their entire lives behind enemy lines Surrounded by people who hate them the laws hate them Everything is against them and so what they do is they find every way possible to fight Whether it be let's fight to take back this one school board and it's one area in California We can do it or let's take over the county commissioner. We don't talk about county commissioners enough or anything the people who live behind enemy lines have a fighters mentality and Those of us who live in quote red places do not Utah Oh my gosh, Utah. I don't even go over all of it. Just just know Trent's get Trent Staggs lost Trent Staggs is stud. I met him. It's a total cool guy He was running from Mitt Romney's seat Trent Staggs Got 82,000 votes in the primary The absolute scum sucking rhino loser John Curtis from Utah Got 149,000 votes The good guy got 28 percent The rhino got 51 percent Utah is red blood red How is it Utah continues to deliver the biggest losers? And it's not just Utah. Wyoming does this my state does this Texas. I got I'm looking in the mirror. My state does this The both Carolinas do this. It's all over the south. My gosh, Alabama get your act together Mississippia over and over and over again The red states continue to elect and reelect the biggest rhinos And these are states filled with people Lamenting the spending and lamenting the the squishes here and rhinos there and I can't believe these weak republicans And here's the truth The people who live in red states are too lazy Because comfort builds complacency and laziness. It's a fact Comfort builds complacency and laziness It's not hard to find reasons to get off the couch and get involved in politics when you live around Philadelphia You're surrounded by blue filth. You hate it. Let's get out to this suburb Let's maybe try to take back this or take back that or what you are motivated all the time garbage all around you When you live where I live in Texas You don't really have to be political at all. I know Because my normie friends and neighbors they are Can't hardly drag them to the pools. And why would they bother after all? It's It's suburbia And the schools they're not perfect. There's some gunk in there, but they're pretty good school Pretty safe There aren't any black lives matter protests or lgbtq parades going through town after all Pretty safe pretty comfortable. No big deal. Hey, there's an election. No who cares? This is Texas will be fine but That's why we're losing You can't get good people off the dag gone couch to vote in the primary And if you do manage to get a red state republican to vote in the primary They will waddle down to the polls and vote for the same freaking loser They voted for time and time and time again Complaining about congress all day long Complaining about rhinos all day long Complaining about this complaining about spending and then when the opportunity arises To actually change the direction of the state to change the direction of the gop They saunter into the voting booth like zombies. It's a who my phone for her Ah the guy i've already had he does such a good job Remember that time we met him and his dog muffles his wife was so sweet I'm tired of it man. I'm tired of idiots And the gop primary voter in red states is a moron And i'm sick of it I'm tired of having to come and yell about this and I know you're tired of it too What are we doing? Utah Texas Gosh Wyoming. You should be embarrassed. Idaho's going this way. What are we doing? Wake up start voting the people out I didn't even have the heart to talk about a name. Well, we're doing more emails. Yeah sickness crap Anyway, let's talk about my pillow that makes me feel better Look as mad as I was and I got all this Utah news last night, but As mad as I was about it. I slept like a baby That happens when you have the premium my pillow the one with the giza fabric You know what that giza fabric is that's the temperature regulating stuff So when you lay down at night, let's say you sleep on your side, you don't wake up with heartier Just doesn't happen anymore And you just sleep like a baby And they have this huge $25 extravaganza sale going on right now Please tell me you've taken advantage of that. You know if you get 75 bucks worth of stuff they get free shipping So don't do 50 if you're going to do 25 fine, but don't do 50 if you do 50 Might so do 75 and get the free shipping Anyway, my Click on the radio listener special square and use the promo code jessie Work call 800 845 0 5 4 4 We'll be back. It is the jessie calley show on a wednesday. Okay, let's uh Let's do this before we do some emails this is This is the founder of whole woman's health And there's probably a lot to unpack here. I'm not going to spend much time doing it all that utah talk got my blood pressure up But listen to this I think it's important to remember that abortion at any point in pregnancy is always safer than pregnancy I think we have really become to think about abortion as a political issue yet abortion is a health care issue Abortion saves lives abortion is absolutely necessary Oftentimes in emergency room settings to protect the health of the pregnant person and to be sure that they are able to um continue their lives Sometimes I worry that god is going to wipe america out I know that's heavy and i'm going to move off that but sometimes I do worry about it. Hey jessie. I've been listening to your show for a few years now I do take breaks from time to time so I find myself agreeing with so much of what you said I don't want to become a jessie kelly sycophant Anyway, I'm getting fed up with all the commie stuff shoved down my throat and more importantly my children's throats The constant barrage of anti-american and anti-christian anti-freedom stuff I just want to leave the country and go somewhere like argentina Or el salvador when will we regain the upper hand here? It's not going to be trump when will our side start really fighting back and take the fight to the commies? democrat mayors and prosecutors so on and so forth. However, I feel anyway when will we start to take it back? Well listen I've been talking a lot about the next generation coming I am not going to sit here and lie to you I do believe that we will eventually win. I do not tomorrow. I will be alive for it So this is a long shot prediction, but I believe we will eventually win But I don't know that The good guys don't always win don't always win. That's nursery rhyme conservatism. That's not reality That's not how the world works. Sometimes the bad guys win lots of times the bad guys win So I can't sit here and promise you anything But I do know this That whole night is darkest just before the dawn talked Yeah, it's kind of lame and hokey, but it also is true much of the time If you want and I want people with courage With steel spines ready to fight back against an evil media and evil education system and all these things Well, we have to have The conditions on the ground that will create those people and you know how I was just lamenting red states Like I was complaining about the Utah elections, but I was talking about all red states texas and how safe it is in my neighborhood How comfortable it is in my neighborhood The truth is the reason the normies and norms in my neighborhood The reason I can't get them out to a school board race is They're comfortable Life is comfortable They drive Either new or used cars or new cars Half these people have a pool They got a home that's three four bedrooms that kids have their own room There's no crime at all in my neighborhood. You just get shot if you committed a crime in the neighborhood anyway Nobody's getting broken into it. Just doesn't happen Their immediate world is safe and comfortable and safe and comfortable are not the conditions Where these lions that we're looking for grow They're not If you want men like that men like that come from hardship We might need to do what we're doing now We might need to turn into Sodom and Gomorrah before we can have real leaders with a stomach rise The truth is it's not bad enough yet believe it or not And this is what's crazy because it was bad enough for you even during covid All that tyranny all that insanity all the abuse of the people Killing people all these things even that was not enough To rouse the american spirit and get people off the couch and involved and throwing the tyrants out of office Even that wasn't enough Why will the government got it the government understood it they get who we are Hey Make sure the internet still works Make sure the power still works Make sure netflix is still on The liquor stores are open Make sure door dash is still delivering And these people aren't ever going to get upset enough to do anything It's that old roman proverb Give them bread and circuses and they will never rebel It's not just the saying The truth is once you have your bread Oh, you got a little circus. You got some entertainment You're not motivated to move I'm not going to tell you that we're going to be fine And i'm not going to tell you that we're about to turn things around because maybe we're not Maybe it'll keep going down and down and down But these terrible conditions we have i'm telling you i already see it in young men It's creating a generation that is going to be so much tougher And better and smarter than all these pillow soft loser dorks who lead the gop now There's not going to be any seeking of media approval in the future There's not going to be any of that garbage That stuff is going to go away Now the big danger in that is does it go away too extreme It's one thing to have a guy who doesn't care about media approval That's another thing that has a guy who believes in throwing journalists out of helicopters And you might get the second thing and not the first thing That's the thing when that when that pendulum starts to swing back when you finally get a culture a real Rebellion against all this evil filth out there when you finally get it It doesn't necessarily come with breaks installed And when you get it and it starts to go your direction my direction We might find ourselves and i'll be here with you. We might find ourselves cheering. Yeah, get them. Yeah, this is awesome Whoa, and that might be a little too far. Oh, maybe not that. Oh, hey, hold on No, no wait. What happened? That's what happens Look, it's It's how the commies eventually took any it's how the commies took over to begin with i should say like in the soviet union The soviet union was russia. It was governed by the czars it had been governed by the czars for centuries same family cool story actually But the czars ended up not cutting it anymore The country wasn't advancing people were suffering There was all kinds of hardship there they'd crack down on people and death and and i actually think czar Nicholas the second was From what i read seems like a really decent person but a terrible czar and things were bad And the communists that's how they got their revolution going aren't you tired of this? Wasn't it time to fight back? Let's get rid of these scumbags And eventually you had people rising up. Yeah. I'm with Lenin. I'm with Trotsky. Oh, wait a minute. What? What are they doing now? Wait Lenin's torturing people Hold on. How many people was Stalin killed? Wait. Whoa. Whoa. This is bad. That's how these things work these These pendulum swings If we finally get one because the pendulum is never swung right. That's a lie. We've told ourselves. It's only gone left Left left left left left left so what happens when that dam finally breaks When that locking mechanism when that ratchet only pushing our culture to the left What happens when that breaks and it goes back to the right? Is that something we're going to be able to stop? Probably not Who knows who knows what 10 year old is out there probably listening to me as we speak Who has some plans for these dirty commies This is how it goes when a society stops sharing common values We had a hostile agent introduced into our society He's been very very successful at eating it up and now that we're going opposite ways Well, now we're in a cage. We're not in a nation anymore. We're in a cage and we're gonna have to fight Anyway, let's get to some emails meet oracle Works been tough weeks have been long driving past the local plan parenthood today and was suddenly overwhelmed There's a high probability that a baby will die in there today I turned around prayed and made a preborn donation. I'm gonna make sure a baby lives today I'll skip lunch and gator aid if it means a mom and more importantly the baby wins Let's fight for them. I love that you stand up for these beautiful little babies Good for you, brother denied I live in the houston area And we have a plan parenthood here chris will know what i'm talking about michael will too. It's right off the highway I gotta be honest. It's one of the more beautiful buildings in town You see it from a ways away. It's this shiny almost greenish glass real suvery shiny glass And you look as you're driving up and you think oh, that's a cool building. Look at that And then you get there and you see all this fenced in all this fencing gates and a gigantic plan parenthood on the side of it and it just It reminds you how dark this place can be and it reminds you that we are in a battle And thank you for fighting back and one of the only ways we can Preborn saving babies lies by giving mothers ultra sounds for free Mothers who are about to abort their baby Snatching babies from the jaws of death. That's what you and preborn do So thank you for everyone who's helped. Thank you slash jesse is where you give 28 bucks buys that ultra sound all right sponsored by preborn. We'll be back This is the jesse kelly It's the jesse kelly show on a wednesday Reminding you you can email the show jesse at jesse kelly show dot com And there will be no more poppin for jim all boman. He's no longer going to be A member of congress. He just couldn't change his barbarian ways. It happens. He's not the first He's not the last and chris. I know you probably have already written this down, but just so everyone knows rishita cleeb And ilhan omar Their days are both numbered too. It may not be this election cycle But the elite communists are not going to allow those two to stick around AOC will be allowed to stay Ayanna Presley will probably be allowed to stay she's fairly quiet Cory bush Probably won't be allowed to stay. They're already going after Cory bush again I'm you street animals. I'm trying to be nice to you You're allowed to go into elite society You are with the fancy suits and you have a staff and a communications team and fancy people want to meet with you You're allowed to remain in that world as well But you will be sent back to the streets if you can't control yourself So please wash your hands after you use the restroom lower your voice now and then this kind of stuff is simply not going to work Anyway, let's get to some emails dear genius radio host. I like this lady I was very entertained by your poop pants story I laughed on one of those people of whom alcohol is not for I'm allard. I'm allergic. It smells up. I'm assuming she means swells up my throat and affects my breathing I use marijuana instead. It's legal in my state I'm curious your views on the legalization of marijuana Of course, the same lies applied to alcohol should apply to marijuana and whatnot. What are your thoughts? You know marijuana legalization is one of those things I go back and forth on a lot and here's why Obviously, it's not a good thing to use marijuana because it's not good for your mind or your lungs or whatever it is Whatever you look it's the same as booze whenever you're ingesting something that makes your body or your mind change It's pretty universal that that's not good It's like they say that you ever never used to know cigarettes were bad for you Let's tap the brakes on that. Let me clue everyone in on something whether it's a mask or a cigarette or a vape thing or whatever it is and I'm not somebody who's crystal clean when it comes to these things but If you're breathing something in your lungs that's not air That's not good for you but Should the government stop it? Should the government regulate it? I don't know My answer varies back and forth Here's why the food and drug administration Is a horrible evil corrupt organization Many times if we gone over these stories where you'll have an official come out and he'll get caught on camera or something like that saying Oh, yeah, we're bribed to approve pharmaceuticals. We're bribed to approve this product. We're brought so The institution we trust to tell us what is and isn't harmful is completely corrupt and bought off so They don't know So I come down on it as nobody knows that's a long mealy mouth way of saying I really don't care. I don't care. It's not an issue i'm passionate about at all This might be the only time i've ever talked about it on the air And I don't know if there will ever be a time after this it's just not something that that interests me I don't stress about people who smoke weed if that's your thing knock yourself out more power to you Just like I don't stress about people who drink booze or any of the other things out there Nor am I in a place to judge about any of that stuff anyway, so it's just not it's just not something that's on my mind And now Headlines we didn't get to you Biden administration moves to allow deployment of us military contractors in ukraine that would be private contractors mercenaries for lack of a better way to put it it it really I'm starting to get concerned about the whole world war three thing. I really am It's as if they're trying to get us into one home prices rise faster than expected hitting a new record high So that explains why parents are moving in with their kids kids are staying with their parents It's just a new country We are living in and going into and when we're gonna have to adjust for bershet bill to stop the taliban from getting us tax dollars Passes the house. It is it is something that we actually have to pass a bill To stop the united states of america from giving your tax money To the taliban jolly religious charter school and it's unconstitutional in oklohoma high court rules Reminded to everyone that every single school is religious There are no such things as secular schools your school the people who educate your child will have a religion It's going to be yours or it's going to be this and so this is the book trans studies and k12 education And you can see you can access it in a number of different places But if you access it through um, harvard ed press, there's a 20 discount code We had a series of goals All of these which kind of came from the conference and then they just talked about and so the first was bridging uh the field of trans studies which is Primarily based in the humanities and the field of k12 education which with these are both fields that don't always speak to each other Um, so we wanted to make sure that that that was one of the main goals that was evident throughout the book There's religion in your child's school. I promise you opinion briefly posted online Shows supreme court poise to restore emergency abortion access in idaho Posted briefly online the supreme court leaks more than the titanic anymore We can't even trust the supreme court at this point in time secret service officer protecting kamala harris Came to blows with other agents at joint base andrew's as anybody surprised that kamala service kamala harris's secret service agent Would come to blows jack smith admits fbi doctored evidence to produce stunt photos of classified documents During the marlago raid gah Lee but hey, let's build a manu building biden student loan forgiveness plan suffers a huge blow Well, of course because it's illegal and you're not allowed to do that. 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