Jesse Kelly Show

The use of language and how the communists are purposeful with language

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on of Monday will finish up this talk about war with Russia. Talk about the anniversary of road get to some emails talk about shutting down the department of education and so many other things this hour that I want to finish my Russian thoughts if you will. I don't know if they're are they Russian thoughts that probably wasn't the right way to put that Chris. It makes it sound like I'm thinking in Russian which given the experience lingues that I am maybe I am speaking in Russian either way well whatever war with Russia Russia's mad they've summoned our ambassador this Russian hacking company has just allegedly hacked the Federal Reserve so on and so forth. It does kind of take us back to that whole hubbub about drafting women doesn't it. And I just want to again repeat what I said before we should never draft women to fight for us however the decision about whether or not we draft women was made as soon as we began allowing women into combat units. That's when that decision was made. It's like you heard me go off at the beginning of the show about everyone whining about CNN and the bias they're already anti Trump and then you know you you heard me I went off about this whole thing. The time to address the bias of CNN is when they were debating and negotiating where to hold the debates who gets to moderate who where what what are the rules going to be. That's when it was time to address the bias of CNN now it's too late it's debate time baby 72 hours I don't know 96 hours I mean 96 hours they're on stage on CNN with two dirty communist moderating it it's too late. You don't want women drafted I don't want women drafted I think that's a freaking terrible thing for a nation to do especially a nation with as many young men as we have but that decision was made long ago not now long ago well I mean I guess they should be included on the naval ships that we guess I guess we should get them in front line units well we want to be equal we want to be inclusive after all my daughter might want to join I go what's that you want to draft women what no no no no no you accept the debate with CNN then everything that comes after that is on you you accept the premise that women should be integrated with men and every part of the military which is an insane premise it's insane but you accept that premise then draft them that's it why shouldn't they be did you think did you think that integration thing was only for peace time that ain't how it works ain't how it works at all Chris did mention Chris and I were talking during the break he asked if I was old enough to have experienced the nuclear drills in school where you would hide under your desk in case of a nuclear bomb to answer Chris's question is I was we did do those in my elementary school I don't remember that we did them as I got older but I'd remember doing those as a young kid we're talking second third grade and of course it's ridiculous everyone makes fun of the whole idea hiding under a desk how has that gonna protect you from a nuclear bomb but it's not totally useless and the allow me to explain the human mind is a fascinating thing we are not robots we're not chess pieces we have emotions we have the thoughts biases we were all this way the human mind is this way do you know have you ever done any reading or watched any documentaries on what happened to London during the Blitz when the Nazis were coming at him real hard dropping bombs on him air raids all the time firing they were eventually firing V2 rockets at him thousands and thousands and thousands of Londoners died and it was it was this terrible situation and they had children were sent to the countryside parents would who had to work would put their children on buses they had huge child programs to get the kids out of the city people would live work and worship inside the bomb shelters that the stories are fascinating they would go down in the tube the subway they call it the tube and they would just take it over and hide from the bombs it's crazy anyway during all this London's under attack England's under attack the Nazis are trying to invade trying to soften them up so they can invade and do all these other things they put out a call in England and the call was for pots and pans they said the government said to the people hey it's all hands on deck we are under attack we're being invaded we need you to bring us all the pots and pans you don't absolutely need so we can melt that down and fight back against Germany bring us your pots and pans they never used any of the pots and pans for any of that and they never intended to it's not as if they intended to and then just kind of forgot about it oh did we remember the pots no you can go look at that they're right about it today you can go read it the government knew they weren't going to use it but the government also knew they knew and they were correct about this people especially people in a dangerous situation need to feel as if they are doing something something to help something to protect themselves that's not a small thing that's a big thing human the human mind in psychology it's one of those fascinating subjects I've always been fascinated by it but it is look these things are real that's how human beings work the mind is majorly powerful and actually this goes into something I've been wanting to talk about anyway a conversation we've had before about language language how important language is and we don't treat it as if it's important we on the right and I'm guilty this too so I'm definitely not pointing fingers it's you or anyone else when we speak when I speak I just say what's on my mind and you hear me talk for three hours a day four hours a day if you watch my TV show every night do I always articulate everything perfectly of course not sometimes I use the wrong words sometimes I'm rude sometimes I understand that why well I know you're gonna be blown away by this but I don't think about things before I before I say them I don't write it down when I'm doing a show it's just kind of what's ever on my mind up the top of my head and I just speak the communist doesn't operate that way at all in his way of operating it's less honest but it is more effective you want an example we've used this one before you remember do you remember during the state of the union when Joe Biden he got he got really really discombobulated up there Marjorie Taylor Greene was shouting stuff at him and he had lived he went off teleprompter and he had lived and he started talking about any legal alien any legal he's called the guy an illegal and it was within 48 hours he was doing a sit down interview where he got scolded by one of the apparatic journalists and promptly got on his knees and beg for forgiveness tell the parents of those people those young girls who were killed this is I mean you're you were from hundreds of these people wrong wrong wrong wrong about this during your response to her heckling of you you use the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed on a daily on documented person and I shouldn't have usually I shouldn't have as undocumented and look I shouldn't have said that my bag goes on my bad oh gosh how could I how could I say that Simone Sanders is one of these communists has been around for a long time she goes on MSNBC and well take a listen what do you tell the parents of those people those young girls who were killed this is I mean what you're you were pondering to these people what is the what is the difference between in the legal immigrant who unfortunately engages in that activity and we don't like that I want to be clear we don't we don't use term illegal we don't we don't use that term hey we don't use that term watch your mouth we say undocumented individuals we call them migrants why is it they're so purposeful with language because they understand the human mind words become thoughts thoughts become truth language is powerful it is not a small thing it's a big thing and I'll tell you you've caught me using different terms that I didn't even realize I was doing this is something because I don't think this way and you don't think this way we all do it I used to say fossil fuels and I forget someone called in or email to say you should never use that that's their term making it sound like it's some dirty ugly thing oil or something like that that's a term they came up with it was a hundred percent right I've tried to get that word out of my lexicon Chris what Chris you didn't go to my community college if you went to one that was fully accredited you would understand how to use big gigantic words like I do but you're just too superfluous or whatever I'm not sure anyway do you support people who are hiding in bunkers that would be a horrible thing right imagine living in a society imagine today where you're going to sleep that night just put the kids to bed and all of a sudden sirens are going off and it's time you got to go gather your family up as fast as possible time is of the essence and you have to get to a bombshell to you have to get to a bunker because the rockets are incoming we live safely here so we don't think that that's how people are living today that's how people in Israel live right now as we speak as we speak the silence the bombs the rockets the misery the international coalition of Christians and Jews what they do is they take care of those people building bunkers getting medical supplies of food the things people need who are suffering who've had their lives turned upside down and all they ask is to sign a pledge that's that's all they're asking for support i f c j dot org is where you go sign the pledges and that the easiest thing in the world they're going to deliver it to net yahoo and all that stuff but support i f c j dot org we'll be back it is the jesse kelly's show on a monday you can email us whatever you want jesse at jesse kelly's show dot com you know what we're doing here people's lives and i've got some bad news before i get to the emails and more back to the language talk we're going to get to that in a second i've got some bad news for you chris i might as well just lay it out there right now you know the reason i played this changing people's lives it's because i haven't played it for a while chris and you know what that means if i haven't played it for a while it means it got stale and we're over it and it also means now that we're having this conversation you know what it means does don't you chris it means i found a replacement sir would you like to know what the replacement is chris right just so everyone knows you're going to be hearing a lot of poppin on the jesse kelly's show here for our brother jamal Bowman she's right now y'all that's what we're doing she's fine now let's get it poppin let's get it poppin let's change the world it's the minute let's get it poppin let's change the world don't shake your head chris please put it on the soundboard i need that chris let's get it poppin why are you holding this back we're going to be poppin she's far now y'all i backed into the language what we were talking about don't let me lose focus quit it but my focus is just stay focused they're great with language and we are not listen listen again listen to her jump in as if she's jumping on a grenade that's about to kill her friends they're talking about rapists and murderers listen to what the communist is concerned about what do you tell the parents of those people those young girls who were killed this is a matter of hundreds of these but what is the difference between in the legal immigrant who unfortunately engages in that activity and we don't like that i want to be clear we don't use our illegal we don't know that's undocumented jumps right in whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa not that no they're so good with language because language matters everything about their religion is about destruction and domination and the only way you can get that home to people is by programming people who are listening and by keeping the norms enormous of the world calm and complacent don't worry about all the rapists don't worry about all the murders don't worry they're just no no they're just uh they're just undocumented don't use the word illegal they control language because language matters in the meantime this is what's happening at your southern border as i speak with you at this minute chinese just the heads up this is long but it is something to listen to i should clarify this is Todd Todd bensman he's with the center for immigration studies man you want to talk about eye-popping as i speak with you at this minute i guess it wouldn't be eye-popping since it's the radio you want to talk about ear-popping but ear-popping actually doesn't make sense because it sounds like you're flying or diving deep under the water anyway this is surprising it's surprising that's what we'll go with as i speak with you at this minute chinese nationals are illegally crossing our southwest border in historic numbers and preparing for their second crime asylum fraud they disfigure and toss their passports like this one because the stamps inside prove their holders passed through safe countries that would have granted protection that would disqualify them for you as asylum he declared what he just said for anyone confused you only qualify for asylum asylum is not something you don't just get to pass through every country on earth and cross every ocean and show up at american say asylum where i left where i left this dangerous asylum asylum asylum laws our own laws say you have to stop as soon as you get to safety so if Guatemala's bad you don't get to pass through five stable countries relatively stable countries and then show up at americans border and say asylum that's not how it works if you're escaping the worst places on earth you stop at the first safe port and say asylum that's how asylum works but because our countries run by a bunch of evil communists trying to burn it down they've allowed all these people to just show up at the border and come on in that's what he's talking about a record smashing 50 000 chinese nationals have crossed the southern border since biden entered office and stood up policies that mainline them into interior america within 48 hours the chinese people responded predictably to this unprecedented invitation at current escalating rates their numbers should hit 100 000 by 2024's end all of china knows they'll be freed on personal recognizance for years and likely remain permanently this administration tolerates mass illegal entry and asylum fraud us counterintelligence agencies must assume Beijing is already injecting agents into this flow the prosecutions revealed that 20 that young 20 something agents got in by exploiting us student and cultural exchange visas they heisted our secrets from inside elite us universities research institutes and corporations just when Beijing needed an alternative way to get its operatives in the biden government handed china the golden ticket warm greetings at the border and rapid releases with almost no questions asked a hundred thousand chinese nationals in just four years i i've said it again i've said it before i'll say it again i don't know i don't know how we get out of this but i'm not talking about an election oh an election i don't know how we can survive when one of two political parties has become this evil and the other ones useless anyway whatever there's a lot of criminals out there you should probably take ownership of your own self-defense like now you don't need any more encouragement from me you turn on the news there's somebody getting hurt by any legal by a criminal in this country every single day what do you carry on you that will allow you to stop them oh but Jesse i'm not allowed to have a gun or that but berna is legal in all 50 states it's a non-lethal pistol launcher berna is spelled b-y-r-n-a by the way all 50 states no permits needed no background checks needed does that daughter you sent off to college please tell me she has something by her bed in her car that will help her stop a bad man pepper balls or tear gas balls or they even have a mixture of the two isn't that just brutal so even daddy i don't like guns it's not a gun it's a pistol launcher non-lethal i carry lethal and non-lethal i've always believed in that i love having it 10% off everyone who lives in your life everyone who you care about in your life i should say needs something to stop a bad man and please carry it on you b-y-r-n-a dot com slash jessie it is the jessie kelly show on a monday all right let's do something really quickly before we get to some emails in this department of education talk and some other things here today we're we're celebrating the two-year anniversary of the overturning of rho versus wade and that's a good thing the overturning of rho versus wade is a good thing but like so many things we talk about being pro-life it's not an event it's a process it was a wonderful battle that was won a necessary battle that was won but we still have so much culture we have to change in this country here's the truth of it women have for years in america been told that abortion is fine that it's a clump of cells you should just kill whenever you want it that it's your right anyone who tries to get you from slaughtering your unborn baby is well this is this is the kind of rhetoric we're hearing out there right now just let's take in this election so much you know if you have a a woman in your life that means something to you her life is at stake it does not matter if she is twelve nine thirty four you know it really does not matter if there is a woman who is in that reproductive age then you know her life is at stake during this election and that's how these people talked about killing their babies this is an ad joe biden is running currently he's attacking trump and swing states with these ads look they run these ads because these ads are effective and because they work on women and here it is don't something says about your freedom after 50 years of failure with nobody coming even close i was able to kill rovey way two years ago the supreme court justice since a trump hand pick helped overturn rovey way never before has the court granted and then taken away a widely recognized constitutional right new laws banning abortion or taking effect decades in progress shattered just because the last guy i'll stop it there just know the anniversary of rovers' weight is wonderful but we have a long way to go laws laws are not our problem in this country we have a people problem as we talk about a lot and it takes time to work on people to work on people is not a law passing one or returning one whatever it may be working on people takes time we have a lot of work to do but we'll keep doing the work that's it keep doing the work let's get to some emails menu master your dislike a waffle fries is no secret however what type of fries do you prefer steak shoestring crinkle or curly also which fast food fry do you like okay first let's understand that seasoned curlies seasoned curlies are the superior fry and everyone knows it whether you're at arby's i would say arby's probably has the best seasoned curly what chris who who okay that i was about to say that second chris jack in the box i'll give you jack in the box jack in the box arby's seasoned curlies are the superior fry but you can argue you can argue that's cheating because we're talking about serious amounts of seasoning that's fried onto the fry so let's take away seasoned curlies and assume that's cheating the thinner the better the thinner the better steak fries and look i didn't order a baked potato i ordered french fries i didn't order mashed potatoes i ordered french fries thin crispy that's what we're going for shogun i heard you the other day talk about the next generation i have two college graduate daughters that are carons but we also have a 20-year-old son almost all of his all male catholic high school class and most of his male classmates at catholic university are hard right chads they're focused on real degrees such as business or engineering his high school friends who didn't go to college are making bank in the trades some including ours come from service families and turn down our otc scholarships due to our feminized military i asked him about libs on campus he said they make fun of them and he wouldn't touch a liberal this next generation of sons that don't skip leg day is going to be all right and might save us right leaning dimes are going to have their pick of the litter for husbands that believe in faith family and country and his name is rick yeah i'd look rhyme of two minds about this whole thing i i talked about this last week i'm i'm really encouraged by what i'm seeing out of young men i'm talking teenage boys young men they are and younger and well here's another one jesse el chorizo caudillo you are a hundred percent correct about the boys going hard right we were watching american ninja warrior my eight and ten-year-old both trained for ninja and our beast mode strong one of the athletes came out with the pride flag my ten-year-old son picked up the remote and fast forwarded to the next person and said quote we don't need that garbage i died laughing name is andi i'm telling you i'm very torn i'm so encouraged by what i see out of young men they are rebelling against this filth they are rejecting it and they are moving hard right that is more of a tendency of young men than young women and that is good i told you none of our none of the people who will help lead us out of this are currently in it i i've always believed that none of them are currently in it did bunch of old washed up soft losers is what we have but there is a generation coming that is anything but however we're losing the girls we are losing our young women they are going as hard left as the young men are going hard right and young women need to be protected from that and i don't have daughters so i don't i don't have some magic solution i don't i don't know i don't know how we deal with that because as we talked about young women are much much much more susceptible to social contagions because women are more likely to want to be socially acceptable are you gonna wear that you can't wear that out oh don't say anything that will embarrass me i'm not making fun of them it's just more of a woman's thing to want to be socially acceptable it's more of a man's thing to reject that obviously it's not universal but it's much more of a thing so if society has become rotted and evil and demonic then young women will adopt that for acceptance in their social circles but young women are just as precious as young men and just as important as young men and every time i talk to one of these young men or or i hear from a dad or a mom of one of these young men you know it's a hardcore anti-commis it makes me want to stand up and cheer i'm so freaking proud of them but these young women that are losing their way man we can't let our young women go and the only thing i can say is this you parents of young women be extra careful with her and i don't just mean the boys she dates or the clothes she wears be very very very careful where your baby girl goes to college okay be very careful of the friends she has now be careful of social media and it's not as if parents of boys don't have to worry about any of this stuff they do but our daughters are under attack by the demons who run this society and they're losing the young men are starting to fight back and they're starting to dig in and gain ground and fight back our daughters are losing that fight and that means we haven't done enough to protect them you know i love it that we got a bunch of 12-year-old jads out there fighting back against it but man if we have 12-year-old girls getting consumed by it where does that leave us men and women we are in this together as one and we're gonna have to be one you chads out there going hard right you need a dime one day my friend put a ring on her finger go make a bunch of babies with her live a happy night happy life and you can't marry some commie hag or you'll be freaking miserable i know because a bunch you guys did marry commie hags and you all email the show tell me how miserable you are you don't want that anyway we have a segment left we have to get to a couple different things non-citizens are registering to vote what a shock bidens dhs some emails and others hang on it is the jesse kelly show final segment of the jesse kelly show but we will be back tomorrow to do it again you can email us jesse at jesse kelly show dot com all right a couple things before i get to some emails and headlines i didn't get to first there's an article in the new york post i'm not going to read you it's long it's a good article how non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the us and how republicans are trying to stop it 49 states welfare offices in 49 states are giving voter registration documents to illegals think about that how many votes usually separate a presidential ticket that's one of the things like i do this for a living and i was obsessed with this stuff and and geeking out on this stuff before i started doing this for a living doesn't it blow you away how close the individual states are in every presidential election it floors me every time because we think about this huge country and big and then you'll look at a swing state like georgia and hold on be won by like 11 000 votes wait what it's not very many how many illegals are going to have come into this country in joe bidens for years 10 million 12 million pick your number they're getting voter registration forms don't worry i'm sure it's a bunch of hardcore republicans working at the welfare office i'm sure at the welfare office when they're handing Pedro his voter registration forms i'm sure they're not providing any instruction on how he might want to fill those forms out see how they see how deep it goes once the government itself turns hostile to the country it's a very very difficult not to untie i look right here it goes pairs perfectly with it hal bidens dhs intel experts group plotted to get mothers and teachers to report dissent i won't go into all the details of it but it was a panel the idea behind it was this we have to find those parents who are upset about things and we have to find a way to classify them as being domestic terrorists so if you're a parent and you get word that this mom is upset because she doesn't want little Billy to learn about how gay is in second grade well maybe you should report her teachers reporting on parents to the government that's out or rellian this whole thing is it's crazy it's also crazy you just give your dog dog food your dog needs more your dog deserves more than dog food my dog doesn't honestly Fred really he genuinely doesn't it's just sometimes with Fred sometimes teaching him the same thing over and over and over again seems hopeless but we still give Fred rough greens with every meal it's an all-natural nutritional supplement we pour on Fred's food because as much of a mental challenge as he is he is just the sweetest dog and we love him and we want him to live longer that's what rough greens is for your dog it's the gift of life our dogs don't get nutrition from dog food therefore our dogs die early American dogs die too early that's a fact pour rough greens on your dog's food so your dog can live healthier and longer rough greens is right there free jumpstart trial bags for you 83333 my dog or rough greens dot com slash Jesse dr kelly when you were talking about the local bakery i heard you say they put a great garlic and herbs spread like you didn't want to say what it actually was we all know what a spread is so does this mean that the cream cheese hating doctor now loves cream cheese it was not cream cheese there are lots of different spreads you don't have to what as soon as i say spread you thought cream there are tons of different spreads there's a holy spreads mayo counts as a spread and it wasn't cream cheese because cream cheese is crap Jesse my wife made the mistake of buying extremely lean ground beef for our burgers this weekend i don't know if it was an honest mistake or a trick to make me eat healthier junk flavored burgers luckily i kept the jar of spare bacon grease in the garage out of her sight that's a crafty move right there i globbed it into the bowl before mixing and formed the patties it was awesome and totally saved the burgers highly recommend if should your wife ever try to pull one over on you with healthy beef my wife tried that once i put gross i put beef on the grocery list because i was going to make my world famous jesse kelly burgers and shows up i don't really look at it but i'm mixing up my world famous jesse kelly burger and in the bowl and i'm getting ready to put them on and i go i slap them on the grill and i tell you first thing i noticed and this should occlude me in but it didn't right away they weren't shrinking like normal fat tends to shrivel up well i i get the fattiest burger possible you can slap a big old half pound burger on there it's going to be a quarter pound by the time you pull that sucker off it's just gonna shrivel up and shrink hers weren't shrinking up but i didn't pick up on it right away pull them off the grill they were so freaking dry i said what is this she said i got the 90 20 i said never again never again that can be for you that's definitely not for me what chris 90 20 yeah not only or 90 10 i'm sorry i should get it got the 90 10 shut up chris don't challenge my math and now here's a headline go you know this you know the thing headlines we didn't get to you breaking trump vows to shut down the department of education in the second term we actually got audio they will shut down the federal department of education and we will move everything back to the states we're i think that's freaking awesome it's a hundred percent the correct thing to do we've got to shut down the department of education trump is going to need congressional help for that he's going to need people in congress fighters who are willing to be unpopular that's what he's going to need and bob good is going to be there to help him out white house official apologizes for past tweets comparing police to slave patrols uh white house went out as the communication they were looking for new comms guy communications guy and they found this dude and just man tyler cherry is his name all kinds of lgbtq dirty calming madness through this thing our government is being filled up with dirty street communists they just are us airbase authorizes troops to wear lgbtq pride patch that's just called an air force patch by the way biden's doj brings suit against pro-life protesters who demonstrated in front of plan parenthood in 2022 communists take power and they reward their friends and punish their enemies the right takes power and pats itself on the back for how nice it treats its enemies exhibitionist 36 unsh unshamingly unashamingly flashes her whatever she flashes a bunch of people throughout new york and says it's normal to be nude and by i'm just having a bit of cheeky fun and challenging the status quo if men can walk around shirtless without fear of reprisal so to should women that is so freaking disgusting chris let's see if we can get her on the show biden's top commander says israel may have to go it alone if all out war with hesbalah kicks off israel should go it alone because any reliance on america to back up especially during an election year would be a critical mistake in fact if i were then i'd break up diplomatic ties but that's just me this has been a podcast from WOR.