Jesse Kelly Show

Guest Conservative Commentator Josh Hammer

Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun on a Friday. It's an amazing Friday and ask Dr. Jesse Friday. And we are all over the place tonight questions on everything under the sun. And in case you were wondering, there were Supreme Court decisions passed down today. The Trump immunity thing was not one of them, but there were a couple passed down. And I have Josh hammer and expert on all this stuff joining us about a half hour from now to make you and me sound a whole lot smarter when we discuss them. So that so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show we're digging into everything from. Do I hate America? There's a dirty commie who thinks I hate America? Did FDR know about Pearl Harbor? Someone thinks maybe it's best for the country of Trump loses. What we'll talk about is reasoning there. We are we all responsible? Or is it just Democrats? All that and so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. I want to begin by some of this lovely mail. Why do you hate America? Our government is evil, you said, are you a Putin loving communist? You know, every now and then people, they will say things that may not spark anything in you or me. We miss them all the time. I know I certainly do, but they say things now and then that are so revealing about who they are and how they think about everything. Here's here's an example. Politically, this is a great example. Have you ever heard a Democrat in your life say they pass tax cuts that weren't paid for? Because when they're whining about Republicans cutting taxes, they pass tax cuts that weren't paid for sounds just like nothing, right? You could probably breeze past it, but pause for a moment and think about that. The tax cut allows me to keep more of my money. They weren't paid for though. That's what you said. You said the tax cuts, me keeping more of my money wasn't paid for. When you think about that with any depth at all, what does that actually say that says that they view your money, all of it as belonging to them, that they allow you to keep a portion of your money out of the goodness of their hearts. But in reality, all that money belongs to them. When you think about that statement, it's very revealing for how Democrats view you, a piece of tax cattle is what they view you as. Now, let's go to emails like this. You get all kinds of emails like this from dirty commies all the time. You said the government is evil. You hate America. You said the government is evil. You hate America. Okay. Well, first let's be clear. The government is evil. The United States of America now has an evil government on par with evil governments around the planet. They do. Look, this country intentionally brings in murders and rapists that are abusing our women, murdering us in this country to governments, bringing them in on purpose. Again, I want to stress a children's hospital was illegally performing tranny surgeries on children. A doctor became a whistleblower to report on this in the federal government sent their thugs from the checker, the FBI to arrest him. They're going to throw him at a cage for the next 10 years. The government murdered 10 people in Afghanistan. And no one even got so much as a slap on the wrist. I know we don't care about them that much. It's a foreign country. We can't see them. That's six innocent babies, six of those were children gone. The United States of America's government is evil. Period. But that statement, you said the government's evil. So you hate America. It actually reveals so much about you, about the communists who said it. I don't think America is the government. I think America is the people. That's what America is to me. It's not the government. If America was the government, I would hate my country. Frankly, I would leave my country. But America is not the government. America is the people. The government is like a cancer growing on our country. Our government is evil. And that you think that means I hate America reveals how you think about America. You think America is Congress? The White House? The Supreme Court? You think America is Washington, DC? These people are the most anti-American scumbags in the country. The government sucks. The people, about half of them are wonderful. The other half of them suck too. But it reveals so much about you. And maybe you're maybe you're curious why they use Putin so much. He's a put. You must love Putin. You're a Putin apology. Putin. Putin. Let's talk about this. Why does your liberal aunt Peggy talk about Putin so much? It's not because she has any problem with the way Vladimir Putin conducts himself. She'll pretend like she does, but Vladimir Putin arrests his political opponents. Well, that's what Democrats do. They do it all the time now in the country. It's way more than just Trump. They've been throwing January sixers in cages forever. Democrats do that all the time. So that's not she doesn't have a problem with that. Well, the Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. America invaded Iraq. I know I was there. Why? There were no weapons of mass destruction. They didn't do 9/11. Why? So that's not the that's not why she has a problem with Putin. Why does the average American Democrat? Why does liberal Aunt Peggy? Why do they bring up Putin's name and associate him with you? And for them, they just hate him. Putin, Putin, Putin, and I don't like Putin at all. But I can tell you exactly why I don't like Putin. I don't like Putin. But why is he a thing for them? Let me tell you why. The American Democrat has long been communist adjacent. They're communist now. They just are. They're all communists now. But it's been decades with America's Democrat party flirting with the commies. It's been this way. Look, if you read the anti-communist manifesto available at Jesse Kelly, you can read the whole history of this. There has always been an affinity with Democrats in dirty commies. There's a reason FDR. We're going to bring up FDR in a little bit. There's a reason he got rolled so bad by Stalin all the time. He allowed Stalin to take so much of Europe, which caused so much heartache after the fact. Why? Well, if you read any part of the book, see, always kind of like them. Nah, that's Stalin guy. Why? Because FDR was half a dirty commie himself. That's why. Now, why the hatred for Putin for Russia? Here's the truth. Democrats hate that the Soviet Union fell and they've had an axe to grind with Russia ever since the Soviet Union fell. And your liberal and Peggy won't know the history of that. Remember, she's an idiot. She's just a robot. She she she the hive mind has told her, I hate Putin, you hate Putin, hate Putin, hate Russia, hate Putin, Trump is Putin, Republicans are Putin, tea parties, Putin, Putin, Putin. That's she's been programmed. Right. She doesn't know anything about the history of any of this stuff. But the people who do know, that's when that hatred started. That's when Democrats in America really got a hate on for Russia. Right about the time they stopped being communist. That's when Democrats started to hate in Russia. And you do dirty commie piece of trash who emailed the show. Oh, Putin lover, you know, I just want to talk. I'm honestly, I'm going to be nice. I'm going to be nice. I just want to talk to you just really quickly. You know that you're a useful idiot, right? You know that the evil people who are destroying this country, that they use you because you're too stupid to see. And look, your stupidity is probably might not be your fault. Maybe maybe your parents were stupid and they passed along that stupidity to you. All right, look, genetics is a real thing. Maybe that's it. But you understand that they use you. They're destroying the country. They've taken advantage of your stupidity. Yeah, Chris, go ahead and play it. Of course. Same thing was done under the guidance of the Soviet embassy in Hanoi. And same thing I was doing in New Delhi. To my horror, I discovered that in the files where people were doomed to execution. There were names of pro-Soviet journalists with whom I was personally friendly, pro-Soviet. Yes. They were idealistically minded leftists who made several visits to your society. And yet the KGB decided that calm revolution or drastic changes in political structure of India, they will have to go. Why is that? Because they know too much. Simply because you see the useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of Soviet socialists or communists or whatever system. When they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That's why my KGB instructors specifically made a point. Never bore the leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. This was my instruction. Try to get into large circulation, established conservative media. Reach, filthy reach, movie makers. Intellectual, so-called academic circles. Cynical, egocentric people who can look into your eyes with angelic expression and tell you a lie. This are the most recruitable people, people who lack moral principles, who are either too greedy or to suffer from self-importance. They feel that they matter a lot. These are the people who KGB wanted very much to recruit. But to eliminate the others, to execute the others, don't they serve some purpose? Wouldn't they be the ones they rely on? They serve purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in United States, all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed anymore. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist Leninists come to power. Obviously, they get offended. They think that they will come to power. That will never happen. Of course, they will be lined up against the wall and shot. Just keep that in mind. Keep that in mind, dirty commie. When you email me, I'm not the one you should be afraid of. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Remember, you can email us during the show, Jesse at Josh Hammer joins us about 10 minutes or now to talk about what happened at the Supreme Court today. Let's tackle some of that. And then, well, there'll be asked Dr. Jesse a lot. Let's get into this one right here. Hey, Jesse, you always say whoever comes after Trump will be more hardcore than him. Do you think that applies to our kids too? My son told me the other day when he watches YouTube, a Minecraft video, he saw an ad for Joe Biden. He proudly told me his computer. He probably told me he told his computer to shut up. And that's just communist garbage. He's eight. Do you think our kids will be what will make the change we need? Even though they won't have the United States we grew up in, that will be the ones more bold and willing to stand up and fight. Thanks for always being a program we can listen to as a family. Sometimes when we try to explain something to my son, he'll tell us, dum, mom, I listened to Jesse Kelly already know this. Her name is Jen. Okay. Well, this is what this is what I believe. And I don't know this obvious. Maybe this is wishful thinking, but I believe the most hardcore ones who will actually make the changes that we need, the ones who have teeth. I believe they've already been born. And I believe their children now. And I believe it kind of what, because of what Jen just said, and what I see in my own life, and what I hear from my friends and their kids. Here's, here's what's happening right now. Society, you know, society's rotted. We don't have to go into that again. You get it. Our culture is rotted. It's really, really bad. It's eating up the women. That's the bad news. The bad news is it's eating up women and young girls. If you look at poll after poll after poll, ideologically, they're as communist and America hating as you could ever be, because a woman is simply more inclined for social acceptance than a man is. I know that's a generality. Don't email me. I'm not, you don't know it. Stop. I don't give a crap about that. Remember the saying if it doesn't apply to you, don't apply it to you. Don't email me about how offended you are. I don't give a crap. In general, women are more inclined towards social acceptance. Now, how many, how many wives out there? I know mine said it to me. Please don't embarrass me. Now, why she say that? Because I'm less inclined for social acceptance. I'm more inclined to do what I want. And even if it means something embarrassing, who's it embarrassing to her? Okay. So we're losing the girls. That's the bad news. The girls are going left, they're going left hard. The good news on the other side of that is the boys are going right. And they are going right at a staggering pace. Boys are more inclined to rebel, to reject authority, to reject whatever is being forced on them. That is more of a man thing than a woman thing. Because of that, I, this is me. You know, you know how hardcore I am. I'm not exactly a shrinking violet. My kids will say things that make me go, Oh, maybe that's a little far. And it's not just my kids. Because I know you're going to think, watch your kids. Yeah, I realize that I've influenced them. I do. It's their friends. They'll come home from school and say something their friends said. If their friends encounters something, some pride garbage, whoa, they use some rough language. Let me tell you what? And this is not just in my home or in my town. This trend is happening nationally. The truth is the losers we have now in Congress, Senate, all these guys, they're all just losers. They're not tough enough. They're not going to make it there. They don't have what it takes to fight back the way you want them to the way I want them to. That's the truth. There's a handful of them that are good. The rest are too weak, pathetic and losers. It is the Jesse Kalisho. And as promised, the man himself is joining us to make sense of all these Supreme Court case decisions today. So and so versus so and so and so. There were a lot of people taking each other on today. Apparently at the Supreme Court and Josh Hammer, host of America on trial with Josh Hammer joins me right now to discuss it. Okay, Josh, I don't even know where to begin. I don't know what half these names mean. So I'm just going to hand you the show. What happened today? Jesse, it's always good to join you, my friend. Look, there were two opinions of political note, I guess you would say today. We're still waiting on most of the big opinions. I mean, most of this term is marquee cases have not dropped yet. The Trump immunity cases, the biggest of them all, of course, that will almost surely come this week. We're still waiting on the Fisher case, which is the case involving the J Sixers. There be a lot of them being prosecuted with this dubious 2002 law that has to do with corporate accounting. It's a very dubious use of the underlying statute there. So hopefully we'll get a good ruling on that, which by the way matters for Trump too, actually, because that statute that the J Sixers are being charged with is also the basis for two of Jack Smith for indictments against Donald Trump, or two of his four charges in the Washington DC case. And then we're waiting for a big administrative state case that pertains to a lawyer's call so-called Chevron deference. We have an abortion case that of Idaho, some massive big tech cases that have Texas and Florida. So we're waiting on honestly most of the big cases. And I was hoping that we'd get even more today, to be honest with you, but the two cases that dropped today, because apparently next week it's going to be an absolute flurry of huge opinions, the two cases say that things are worth pointing to. One is immigration case called Department of State versus Munoz. The basic question here was whether or not a US citizen has some sort of well-established historical and therefore constitutional rights to have your non-citizen, AKA your alien spouse immigrate here, and the court very reasonably holds that you do not. So this was a six to three decision. It split along quote-unquote "gidiological" lines. That's how the media portrays these six to three opinions. Extraordinarily reasonable opinion, and by the way, the timing is a little odd, isn't it, how an opinion on basically the exacting subject drops a few days after President Joe Biden did that executive amnesty earlier this week. Again, pertains this exact same issue pertaining to the spouse, the illegal alien spouse of a US citizen. So the timing is a little odd there. It makes you kind of wonder whether whether or not the president kind of perhaps maybe new from a leaker, because we saw that this court can leak in the dog's case. Maybe there was a leaker leaking to the president that the opinion was coming, but in any event they totally common sense ruling. The opinion that I suspect is going to be more controversial in our circles, just the among conservatives, is the gun case, US versus Rahimi. So this case comes out of the Fifth Circuit, which is the court that I clerked on myself six years ago. In fact, the judge who I clerked for or judge Jim Ho was actually on the Fifth Circuit panel that ruled on this case. So I've been tracking this case for a long time. So Rahimi is a case involving 18 US codes, Section 922G(8), which is the federal statute that prohibits individuals with a domestic violence restraining order from possessing a firearm. And this is a case that comes in the context of the big Second Amendment case that we had two years ago, the Bruin case, where they basically announced a history and tradition test for gun regulation. What they said in Bruin was that for any firearm regulation to be proper in today's day and age, you have to essentially have a historical analog, meaning you can't just make it up. That'd be some basis historically for the regulation. And the Fifth Circuit last year ruled 3-0 on the panel that this statute was unconstitutional under that test. But the Supreme Court reversed in an 8-1 decision, pretty law-excited, to be honest with you. You had Clarence Thomas write a 32-page pretty lengthy dissent, a solo dissent, basically saying that this is an incorrect application in Bruin because there's no historical law like this. I'll be honest with you, Jackie, I think it's a close call. I'm not entirely sure that the court got it wrong here. You have to understand that there is actually a long tradition in Anglo-American law for prohibiting violent people from getting guns. And while I'm obviously a huge gun guy, I carry my hand gun basically everywhere I go. I own an AR-15 with lots of large men. I'm a huge gun guy. You know, your rights obviously do only exist to a certain point. I mean, you don't have a second amendment right to launch a service to air missile to take down an American Airlines flight, for instance, right? So I'm not convinced that the court got it wrong, but I think that it's a place where conservatives can probably reasonably disagree. Okay, why can't I have a surface to air missile? I don't want to shoot down airplanes, but I feel like that's something I should be allowed to own. Why is that banned, Josh? Well, look, I mean, if you're going to be a literalist on the Second Amendment, your right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I mean, if you're approached a constitution interpretation really is to take the word that literally as they mean, then I agree with you. But historically, Jesse, that's just not the way that we interpret individual rights. I mean, historically, we understand that individual rights necessarily exist only to a point. And that point is going to be debatable. It's going to be a case-by-case instance. But look, I mean, the legal stuff assigned is talking about the public policy here. Jesse, you're my good buddy. I've known you for many years. You obviously are a veteran. You served honorably overseas. I have no doubt that you would be perfectly safe with a surface to air missile. And let me in fact go on record on the Jesse Kelly show and say that I would have no objection to my good friend Jesse Kelly owning a surface to air missile. But I think you probably have to wonder about whether or not it would be a good thing for the country. If everyone out there, especially in today's day and age with a southern border being as open as it is, these terrorists flooding in from the freaky stand of all countries, I query whether or not it would be a good country, Jesse, if we allowed all these folks to be able to shoot down their bodies. Yeah, plus the jet fuel costs are outrageous. I've priced these things and I just don't think you would be able to afford to operate one setting aside my surface to air missile. So can you explain to us just real briefly, Josh, why didn't we get the big ones today? We were told that the Trump immunity case and all this stuff was going to drop on us today. It didn't drop. I know it's kind of a nitty gritty nerd question, but I'm sitting there staring at my phone watching the news all day. We've all been waiting. Nothing happens. Why? Yeah, no, Jesse, I was actually filling in. I was just posting a radio show myself this morning and I was constantly refreshing my Twitter feed as well to try to see if it was dropping while I was live on air. Look, I don't have a good answer. I mean, no one knows the answer to this other than the justices and maybe their own law clerks themselves. But I mean, they have a flair for the dramatic. You know, we've seen time and time again how they love to save their high opinions for the very end. This is admittedly doubling down on that. I mean, we have a ton, a lot of really juicy high profile opinions left. This coming week is going to be absolutely crazy. I don't know. I mean, you know, some people might speculate that they've been a little distracted by all of these left wing attacks on the court involving Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito. That's possible. But I think it's probably a little more simpler than that. They're just saving the big stuff until the very, very end. They want to go right off into the summer sunset on a dramatic noted seems. Josh Hammer, my friend, that is exactly what we needed. Thank you. I appreciate you very much, brother. And he's the host of America on trial with Josh Hammer. All right. You know, I think a small battery of surface to air missiles is reasonable. A small battery. I didn't say I wanted a hundred of them. I don't need a hundred. Yeah, 10. That's a good point, Chris 10. 10 is not unreasonable at all. Oh, Jesse, why would you need that? I don't know. What if I do need it one day? You know, there's a lot of very bad people out there who have airplanes. They use those airplanes. They use jets to do bad things. I don't think a surface to air missiles unreasonable. I want a machine gun nest. I want many, many, many things. And I feel like we should have a GOP that would fight for those things. But that's just me. And you know what? I want a bunker. And it's going to be a nuclear bunker. I'm going to buy one of those ones in Kansas. If I hit the lottery one day, there's like $600,000. They have the nuclear bunkers. And you know what I'm going to do? First thing, I'm going to put all my my patriot supply emergency food stuff down in the nuclear bunker. And I have so much of that. Why? Because they're constantly giving discounts. My patriot supply has helped millions of Americans with an emergency food kit. They have all kinds. Right now they have a four week food kit, 50 bucks off. You need non perishable food in your home. Need it. These people, the people who run the planet are attacking the food supply. They brag about attacking the food supply really all the time now. Have you seen beef prices? You know, those are getting worse. We are in a different era now. Get an emergency food kit and put it in my bunker and I will watch over it. Just let me know when you get your hands on it. Go to prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com that gets you 50 bucks off. All right. Prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com. Okay, it's enough of that. Now. Did FDR know that Pearl Harbor was about to be attacked? Now that's a spicy ask Dr. Jesse question. We'll get to that next. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and ask Dr. Jesse Friday. There's so much to get to but I have to get to this doozy before we dig into this a lot of political talk. But this is an interesting one. Hi, Jesse. Is it true that FDR knew that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor? If so, why did he allow that to happen knowing there would be a terrible loss of American lives and great damage to our military? Did he believe that that would ensure our entry into World War II? Okay. Let's talk about this. First, this is not a disclaimer. I just kind of want to spoil at least my own personal thoughts on it. I've read a lot on this a lot on this Pearl Harbor, different perspectives, FDR, all this stuff. It does not make me some kind of an expert. I don't know more than you have just read a lot. All right, since I've dug into it. I do not believe I do not believe FDR intentionally put our aircraft carriers out to see on doing maneuvers on the day they were attacking Pearl Harbor on the day the Japanese were attacking Pearl Harbor because that's where that can I don't even want to call it a conspiracy theory because so many of those end up coming true. That's the theory. They attacked Pearl Harbor. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. FDR knew they were going to do it. So he took the aircraft carriers and pulled them out into the ocean because they were the most important thing. And he allowed the Pearl Harbor attack to commence because he wanted to get us into World War II, but he wanted our aircraft carriers to be safe. That is really the theory behind it. That me just again state, I don't believe that from everything I've read. I don't believe that. I think it would be very, very difficult to cover that up because of how many different layers between FDR and the boats themselves there are. That's a lot of people that would have to be in on that. However, however, let's do discuss this from kind of an alternate angle. You said, why did he allow it to happen knowing there would be a terrible loss of American lives and great damage to our military? What I'm about to say is not just about communists, although it definitely applies to them. What I'm about to say, it's about leaders of men, historically, leaders of men, leaders of nations, leaders of empires, historically, they rapidly develop a God complex. After all, I'll never be there. You'll probably never be there. But imagine having command of a powerful army. Imagine that. The treasury is yours. You live in a palace. You have servants. You can do whatever you want. It would get to your head, wouldn't it? The danger is that it gets to your head. And powerful men have marched hoards of young men off to die for virtually nothing. Time and time again, historically. Look, unless let's look at modern day. You know, I don't talk a lot of Russia, Ukraine, we're fighting democracy. I don't talk about that, but let's let's let's, you know what? Let's talk about Vladimir Putin. Do you have any idea how many Russians have died? Those are his own citizens. He decided he wanted a portion of Ukraine. He invaded Ukraine. And now 100,000 200,000, we're never going to know the number everyone lies, but they'll just make it 100 and make it easy. 100,000 young men gone. A football stadium, one of the big ones gone, fill it up with the nation's young men gone, just because he wanted it, because he wanted Ukraine. In America, before World War II, there was World War I. Americans used to have the correct view of foreign policy. Remember, the foreign policy of America from the founding of America, all the way up to the middle of the 20th century was non intervention. We don't get involved. Whatever's going on, we don't get involved. Oh, you've got a war going. Let me know how it goes. We'll trade with some goods. If you pay for them, we're not getting involved. That was America's founding policy, and it was the universal get this universal foreign policy of Americans. How universal? We have poll numbers from back in the day, even in World War II, but including World War I, 97, 98% of Americans said, not our problem. Keep us out of it. Name a single issue today where you'd get 98% of Americans agreeing. 98% of the country didn't want us involved in World War I, but we were led by a very, very, very evil man named Woodrow Wilson. And Woodrow Wilson was dying to get us involved in World War I. After all, he wasn't the one that was going to get shot. He was an emperor. He was a king. This powerful empire. People are fighting. I want some of our boys to go fight. Look at me. I'm Julius Caesar. I'm Alexander the Great. This is how these people see themselves. And so Woodrow Wilson bent over backwards to agitate as much as humanly possible. And then boom, we end up in World War I. When it comes to World War II, FDR wanted to send American troops in about half a second after Hitler started invading everything. FDR had the worst God complex of any president ever. It was awful how that human being saw himself. If you read anything he wrote, even before he was president, he just saw himself as a king as being above other people. That's how he saw himself. But FDR knew the American people wouldn't like that. And so no, I don't believe he knew. But if you're going to sit here and tell me I believe he did know, I'm not going to call you an idiot. I'm not going to call you a conspiracy theorist. The truth is these guys, they look, they're going to do it right now. They're doing it as we speak. They will agitate and agitate and agitate and create a situation to get the American public on their side so they can go to war. They love war because their sons never die in them. That's why they love war. That's the truth. All right, let's move on. There's a lot of political talk. Couple Trump questions here. Those will be spicy. We'll open up next hour with that. Let's also talk about chalk. Let's talk about focus in mood. You know what? Let's focus on that for a moment. Guys, I see all the numbers now about depression in men. Men are down, men are depressed. I'm down. Why are men so sad? Why are men? How many articles have you read like that? We talked about it on the show. One of the main drivers in that is your testosterone levels. You need testosterone. You need it. It affects your mood, your focus, your entire life. Chalk sells natural herbal supplements. They have endless natural herbal supplements. You name it. They have it. Chalk lit powder for the morning. They have Chad mode pre-workout, female vitality stacks, and they have male vitality stacks. 20% increase in your testosterone in 90 days. 20% in 90 days. promo code Jesse gets you a huge discount on subscriptions for life or you can call them. Five zero chock 3000. We'll be back.