Jesse Kelly Show

It's time for aggressive anti-communism

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21 Jun 2024
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We'll get to that here in a minute ♪ ♪ We're going to talk about what happened in Louisiana, the Ten Commandments in public schools ♪ ♪ Over 600,000 illegal kids gone, wartime spending, what's happening with your finances, emails ♪ ♪ I'm going to take calls next hour, not for a while, I have a lot to get to ♪ ♪ All that, so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show ♪ ♪ And on top of all that is the beautiful little cherry on top ♪ ♪ Tomorrow's asked Dr. Jesse Friday, so you need to email your questions in right now ♪ ♪ To ♪ ♪ Now, you know what, I want to start on an email ♪ ♪ Because there's so much I could get into ♪ ♪ Look, we could tackle ♪ ♪ We could tackle ♪ ♪ If you wanted, right off the bat, we could tackle this policy position laid out pretty clearly by Joe Biden ♪ That's all that is the Congress and Homeland Security Secretary. But I want to deal with this. Hey, Jesse, I guess I should set this up. This was a couple days ago. I came on here and said something I've explained before. We were talking about the Trump arrest and conviction, Hunter Biden's conviction, all the crazy things going on. And I explained that if you're older, the older you are, the harder this will be to accept. It's harder for me than it is for my kids to accept this truth. I'm 42. If you're 62, it'll be harder for you than it is for me. It's going to be an age thing. But the next 20, 30, 40, 50 years in the United States of America is not going to look anything like the next the last 20, 30, 40, 50 years where we're going. It's not where we've been. And hard as this may be to hear. We will never return to where we were. Ever. There's an old saying, I didn't come up with it, even though I'll take credit for it now, because it's my show. The only way out is through. The only way out is through. There will not be a return. That's naive. That's not how it works with countries. Historically, it has never worked that way. As much as that may be what I want. And it is, to be honest with you. And as much as that, maybe what you want, it's not going to happen. I want to go backwards too. I want to live in a country where women can't vote. Stop. We can make jokes. Seriously. I want to go back. You want to go back. We can't go back. What we're doing now, the fights we're having now, it's going to determine what we look like in the future. That's why they matter. And I understand that's hard to hear. I got this email. Jesse, I cannot disagree with you more. The Constitution is a document that if it heered to will allow for our nation to return to the strong country we were in the fifties. We should not. I will not accept the defeatist attitude that you so easily purport to be our miserable future. Simply unacceptable. Okay. So all we have to do is adhere to the Constitution. Okay. That sounds good. How are we doing that? Anyone? I'm asking it. That's what you said because I get this a lot. We have a bumper sticker understanding of politics. We do. That's part of our problem. What does that mean? All we have to do is adhere to the Constitution. Okay. The people we have elected hate the Constitution. Most of them have never even read it. They view it at best, at best, as kind of a little speed bump for their plans. At worst, they view it as a terrible document that limits their powers. These are Democrats and Republicans. But you just said, all we have to do is adhere to it. What does that mean? Let me clue you in on something. It means nothing. What you just said means nothing. It looks great on a bumper sticker. It's not reality. Here's reality. In the state of Texas, there's a hospital, Texas Children's Hospital. This hospital was mutilating 11 and 12 year old children mutilating them. They were mutilating these children and it was illegal. In fact, they publicly announced they were going to stop mutilating kids because they were worried about criminal liability. But they didn't stop mutilating kids. They kept chopping off the breasts of little girls and the penises of little boys. One doctor who worked for Texas Children's Hospital was so mortified by what they were doing at Texas Children's Hospital that he came forward. He approached a journalist, Christopher Rufo, and he explained to him the illegalities that are going on within Texas Children's Hospital. And more important than the illegalities of what's going on, the destruction of children's bodies and minds, the demonic evil that is performing surgery on children of this age. And you know what happened after that? The federal government sent agents to his front door to apprehend him and he's facing a decade in federal prison. So kindly take your email about the Constitution, roll it up in a nice little wad and shove it exactly where you think you should shove it. Because I'm sick of nursery rhyme conservatism. It's time for anti communism. It's time for aggressive anti communism that takes on demons and intends to defeat them. We are good. They are evil. We must fight and win. And we're not going to fight with nursery rhymes. It's time to fight with teeth. And so let's talk about what that looks like. We have a doctor and now a nurse Texas Children's Hospital facing FBI agents pounding on their door. The United States of America's federal government went to its secret state police agency and sent them after whistleblowers who wanted child mutilation stopped. Your country doesn't look anything like the one you wanted to. So it's time. It's way past time, but it's time. It is time for red states to stand up to the federal government in tangible ways. In fact, this case is exactly where the line needs to be drawn. It should have been drawn a million times a million years ago. Don't get me wrong. But this case, it's time Texas, if you're listening, this doctor cannot be allowed to go to federal prison. This doctor and this nurse, they cannot be allowed to be apprehended by the federal government. If it means a standoff between the Texas Rangers and the FBI, then that's what it means. Whatever it means, the time is now the state of Texas must begin protecting its citizens from an evil federal government. It's time for a coalition of red states to join together against a demonic government that police children should be mutilated by their doctors. The time is not tomorrow, not next year. Now, well, let's see if Trump gets elected. The time is right freaking now. There should be a public statement today from the governor and AG of Texas saying, oh, this doctor, you can't have him. But the court said, but the FBI said, come get him. We'll be waiting for you. It's also time for the state of Texas. There's a field office right here in Houston. It's time for the FBI field offices statewide. Bye bye. You are hereby notified. You have 30 days to pack up your stuff and leave after that. If we find an FBI agent within the borders of Texas, he will be apprehended and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If this sounds extreme to you, I would suggest you have no idea what time it is and no idea what kind of government we have now. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is kicking indoors to arrest doctors trying to stop child mutilation. The country we are going to have. I don't know what it's going to look like. I don't know whether the good guys will win. I think we will. Sometimes the bad guys win. Again, drop the nursery rhyme conservatism, open a history book. The bad guys win a lot. The good guys win a lot. I don't know what we're going to look like in the future. But I know the time is now to stop this evil government. This has gotten to a point where we need action. Not from us, not from you, not from me. It's time for it's time for red states to step up and do what we need them to do. And if they refuse, it's time for us to vote them all out and get people with the guts to do so period and a story. If any of that offended you, please keep in mind. I don't give a crap. All right. We're going to, you know, we're going to talk about states in their power really quickly because they have incredible power. Let's discuss that before we discuss that. Let's discuss you in pain. Pain sucks, doesn't it? It's freaking awful. And you know what's worse than stubbing your toe and it honestly stubbing your toes terrible. I know I do it all the time. We're size 14. I stub my toe all the time. That chronic pain, that nagging back pain, your knee getting to you all day. Oh, my hands hurt all day. You know, your body is trying to fight that inflammation. The reason that pain is there every day is your body. It needs some support. That's what relief factor is you take it daily. It's all natural, right? No drugs. You take it daily. And what you're doing is you're arming your body to fight that inflammation. Get some and take it for three weeks, three weeks, and watch that pain fade away. 1 800 the number four relief, or you can go to relief You don't have to live with pain. Be pain free. We'll be back. Feeling a little stocky. Follow like it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Let's talk more about the states because the time is now for the states to begin standing up to the federal government. I looked at you're starting to see little glimpses of this across the country. Here's one. Remember Texas? Maybe you were speaking of Texas. Remember they decided to do operation Lone Star where basically Texas said, okay, you guys aren't securing the border. You're not doing it on purpose. We are taking over. We're going to start securing our own border. Border crossings down 74% since operation Lone Star got put into place. 74%. Your state wherever you're listening to the Santa my voice right now has incredible power power underneath the law law enforcement power, infrastructure. States are powerful. States can do so much. The states created the federal government. The federal government did not create the states. The states existed before there was ever a federal government and it is time to return to a society where the states are everything. That is a fact. The states can and will do a lot in the future. Are they going to do it fast enough? I don't know. But here's another truth that we have to discuss. We'll set aside the tranny stuff. You know what? Let's dig into this illegal stuff. The American people are being prayed upon by barbarians from the third world every single day. Every day we wake up the stories like this. Five men in the U.S. illegally were arrested Monday morning in Northeast Missouri after a teenage girl was reported missing in Indiana. The suspects are accused of kidnapping the 14 year old from her home. They were tracked down in Macon County, all 14 year old girl in her home in Indiana, thrown in the back of a van, suffers. Oh, who knows what? At the hands of five animals brought here on purpose by the federal government. Oh, look, I mean, we could do this all night. Christian Inga was arraigned today in New York City on charges of sexually assaulting a 13 year old girl after school last week in a shocking daylight attack. Police say the 25 year old migrant from Ecuador approached two teens in the park at knife point. According to the criminal complaint, the suspect hides the boy and girl to one another, gagged them, then raped the girl before fleeing the scene. Outraged in New Yorkers responded. The federal government brought that guy here on purpose. They get on TV and they brag about how many barbarians they've brought into your country. President Biden, he campaigned on making a safe orderly and humane immigration system. Do you believe that that has been accomplished? We work at that every single day across the Department of Homeland Security, across our administration, with our partners to the south and around the world. We have established more lawful, safe and orderly pathways than any other administration. And we are working every day to strengthen the security of our border. They brag about it. They go on television and they tell people that amnesty is actually what you want as the American people suffer. Rape, murder, can't afford the rent. The school's carpet bombed by this point in time. The hospitals, you have to speak Spanish to even walk through the waiting room. And still, this is what you get out of the federal government. They can remain together as a whole family here in this country as a result of this executive order. Those are the things that matter most. And those are the ways in which President Biden continues to fight for communities across this country that really deserve the opportunity that we know is so important in this election. Or, in some cases, when they have an honest moment, just a couple of girls gabbing on Joy-Ann Reed's show, when they discuss the rape of a 13-year-old girl, they laugh. This is one of the reasons that people have these sort of thinking. This sort of thinking. Here's the three cable networks reporting of this. Our banner said, soon Biden announces legal protections for undocumented spouses. A citizen CNN's banner said, Biden announces new protections for some undocumented spouses. Here was Fox's banner. My grin arrested for raping 13-year-old New Year's. Yes. And so I think that's part of the problem, right? Exactly. You have a lot of fear, Margaret. Exactly. And if you happen to report on the fact that the barbarians are preying on American citizens, they'll either accuse you of being fear of doing fear-mongering or the president himself, will simply get up in front of the American people and explain why you just don't understand. They're acknowledged that the patients in good will of the American people have been tested by the fears of the war. They don't understand a lot. These are the fears my predecessors trying to play on when he says immigrants. Yeah, they don't understand what's going on. No, no, we do understand. We understand the federal government has turned evil that they are intentionally filling up the country with people who have no loyalty to it. We understand why they're doing it because they view us as the enemy. We Americans who believe in freedom, rights, freedom of speech, guns, things like that, we understand that they view us as the true enemy of the country and they intend to fill up this country with a bunch of criminals to murder us and rape us. They intend to replace every single one of us. It's obvious they brag about it every single day. And I ask, where are you red states? Why is there not already a red state coalition standing up against an evil federal government? Where are you? And you know why? You know why I started off with that email? Because I know why the red states won't do it. Well, that would we just want to act normal. What if we just the Constitution? The Constitution? It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. All their games are free to play like spin slots, bingo and solitaire. You can claim free daily login bonuses too. 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It's a piece of paper now. It ain't gonna save you. Grow some teeth and grow a couple things as something else to I'm not done yet. Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday reminding you that tomorrow is an asked Dr. Jesse Friday and you need to get your questions emailed in right now. All three hours dedicated to you and your questions get them into Jesse at We'll get back to the evil federal government. I just can't. Did you hear about how Juneteenth went in Oakland? No, they shouldn't. I'm sorry. I know it's not funny. That's just the most Oakland sound bite in history. Quick focus. I need to read some emails. Dear Jesse, is it possible to take on earphone calls from your audience? Seems to me your ratings could grow by leaps and bounds if this was included in your show. All right, pause on that for a second. I'll get to the rest of his email. We are going to take some calls next hour. Don't call yet. There's no phone lines. I've got them all shut down like we always do. Don't call yet. We are going to take some calls next hour. As far as the ratings growing leaps and bounds, I doubt that very much. We're willing to do it every now and then. All right, just remember, get to the point and just really get to the point. And that's a very difficult thing for a lot of people to do. People have a hard time getting to the point. But you need to. Anyway, the guy says, I think you are one of the best new talents I've come across. I agree with this guy, Chris, because you actually teach new things and people can actually learn from your insights. I've been lost since the passing of the great Rush Limbaugh. He was a teacher in an entertainer. Look forward to your take on issues. Many others just report stuff. You actually dig deep and make me think about things I never considered. The sky is the limit. That's very, very nice. Anyway, look at that. That guy has great taste in radio. Great taste in radio, Chris, unlike you Mexican food maestro. You gave respect to California and Arizona for good Mexican food. What about New Mexico? I haven't been, but I hear it's pretty good too. New Mexico. Let me tell you something about New Mexico. I spent a lot of time in New Mexico doing construction work. One, Albuquerque. I hate to give Albuquerque compliments because every time I do that, everyone from Albuquerque emails in and yells at me telling me what a dump Albuquerque is. I've not lived there for extended periods of time, but I enjoy Albuquerque. Yeah, I realize, Chris, you don't necessarily want to go out after dark, right? It could make me a little dangerous, but Albuquerque has a Papadose. It's my first Papadose experience, which is amazing food. I've had good times in Albuquerque. Anyway, set that aside. Hatch green chilies. Everyone has at least seen the name hatch green chilies. Hatch green chilies are from Hatch, New Mexico. Go to Hatch, New Mexico and eat just some tiny little town. Oh, I've eaten everything there is to eat there. They've got hatch green chili milkshakes. Quote believe me, they're delicious. Oh yeah, Chris, delicious. Hatch green chili burgers. Yeah, New Mexico can cook, man. New Mexico can definitely cook. Speaking of cooking, Kathy Okel says New Yorkers are cooking. It's because of climate change. This is not a natural, hot weather stretch for us here in the state of New York, especially upstate, but we are going to be seeing temperatures at levels we have not seen in our lifetimes. And I want to update New Yorkers on what we're doing about this significant public health event. It's not a public health event. It's hot. The earth, the climate itself. You know, it goes through patterns, right? This is a historical thing. It goes through patterns. No matter where you live, whether it's New York, Texas, I don't care, Mexico, Europe, wherever you live, climate goes through patterns. You will have years that are wetter than others. You will have years that are drier than others, hotter than others, colder than others. The weather goes through patterns. But these morons take the weather patterns and they try to justify their dirtball climate communism by saying their public health emergencies. And remember this. Remember how they responded the last time there was a quote public health emergency. You do remember what that turned into, right? You being forced to wear a mask on a plane, little aid and Jaden and Braden having to do remote learning because the school was shut down. You couldn't have your your your business open. He couldn't go to the gym. Of course, you'd go to the liquor store. You could go buy weed somewhere. Other than that, they shut it all down in the name of public health. All right. Let's set all that aside. Here's a little bit of good news before we talk about the 10 commandments that it was spicy. We are I've been calling for more aggression from red states. We are getting better if it's more than just the Texas border security thing. Missouri. Missouri's AG. They're actually suing companies. Now they're suing IBM because IBM did what really all of major corporate America is doing. IBM decided to be racist against white people, systemically racist, not not the standard racism, which actually isn't that big of a deal. I'm talking about individual racism. It's just not that important when an individual is racist. If I hated black people, you would just avoid me if you're black and you should. If a Mexican hates me because I'm white, I would just not talk to him. It's not a big deal. Systemic racism is a big deal. When you are a second class citizen in your society, you don't have the same access to education. You don't have the same access to a job. When racism becomes part of the system itself, just think about what black people went through during segregation. That's systemic racism. You don't have the ability to escape it. That is a big deal. And that's the kind of system we have now in America for white people. Maybe we covered that story a while back. Corporate America, they bragged about it. It was an article bragging about it how corporate America decided they'd hired too many white people and they went over all the corporate America jobs. And it was something like 96% of them went to non whites, even though white people were 50% of the country. That's systemic racism. You can't do that. Well, Missouri's AG suing them for it. That's the kind of stuff that's good. All right. Now that we're offending everyone tonight, let's talk about something else that's good. In Louisiana, it is now required that the 10 commandments be displayed in government schools. It is required. You can imagine how this is being responded to the ACL, ACL use suing Louisiana, of course, about the whole thing. Some dirty commie went on television, started whining about it. I'm very opposed to it. And it's not anything to do with disliking religion. It's just that there are different religions that exist in our communities. I've taught Jehovah's Witnesses. I've taught Muslim students. I have really great Muslim teacher friends who are going to now have to display Christianity as the accepted or promoted religion in our state. Okay, it's the accepted and promoted religion in your state. And it should be. And if there is a Muslim who has a problem with it, they can friggin leave. Most Muslims, however, agree with the 10 commandments and they'll be fine with it. Most Jews agree within 10 commandments and they'll be fine with it. After all, it's in the Old Testament and read the 10 commandments. Hey, well, I'm an atheist. No, no, you don't understand. I'm not even coming at this from a religious point of view. Read the 10 commandments. Which one of those don't you agree with? I always ask people this. Have you read them? Which one do you have a real problem with? You think you should be able to murder? Steel? Steel your neighbor's wife? Which of the 10 commandments? Are you not a big fan of? They're good. And so let's discuss which you should never discuss on the radio, which of course I do. Let's discuss religions. Culture. Why these people have such a problem with it. Let's discuss that before we do that. Let's discuss something incredible, wonderful, helping people, helping people who need it. You know what we don't think about right now is we're going to go over some of the federal deficit stuff and what it means for households and how bad people are hurting. We don't consider how bad widows hurt in bad economies. You know, you, me, we suffer that fallen first responder family. They suffer. They suffer big time. The gold star family. They suffer big time. Dad's gone. Mom's gone. Where do they get help? Tunnel the towers is out there helping helping the widows and orphans who are left behind when mom or dad don't come home from cop duty that day. Don't come home from Afghanistan, homeless veterans out on the streets. Where do these people get help? Tunnel the towers is where they get help and your $11 a month is how they are helped. Go to tea, the number two T dot org, 11 bucks a month is what they ask for. T to T dot org. We'll be back. Signing for your freedom every day. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Don't worry. We still have more than two hours to go on the Jesse Kelly show. And if you missed a second of it, I got a little man in the beginning. I will admit, my blood pressure got a little bit high in the beginning and I wasn't anticipating that. If you missed any part of that or any part of the show, download the whole show. I heart spotify iTunes. All right. Now let's get back to this. Louisiana is putting the 10 commandments in public schools. Now, I understand this is one of those things you either love or hate or maybe it just makes you a little uncomfortable. It'll totally depend on your belief system. If you're a Christian, a Catholic, someone like that Mormon, someone listening to the sound of my voice, you love it. Maybe you're a Muslim or a Jew or an atheist. Maybe you like it. Maybe it makes you a little uncomfortable. Maybe you hate this. Maybe you say things because I see this a lot. Maybe you say things like, we don't need any of that in school. Just get all that leftist filth out of the schools and get the 10 commandments out of schools and just teach math and English and writing. Have you ever said that? Well, let's talk about that because that's it. That's a reasonable take. That's a very reasonable take. Hey, just don't preach in schools. Don't teach any of that stuff in schools. Teach little Aiden Jaden and Braden how to do math and complete sentences and speak and call it a day. That's a reasonable take. But as often is the case, there are takes that acknowledge human nature and takes that do not. Have you ever what do you know about New Guinea? Stay with me here. What do you know about New Guinea? Have you ever studied any part of the World War II in New Guinea? You probably don't know much about it. Most people don't. And here's the main reason. There was fierce American fighting there. But not that much. It was kind of an Australia versus Japanese thing. And since this wasn't mainly our affair, well, we don't care that much about it. And I won't. I'm not going to go into a bunch of detail on it, but they call it green hell. If you go look up the worst tropical diseases on the planet, they're all in New Guinea. If you look up the most brutal, horrific environments on the planet, they're all in New Guinea. You want jungles? They got it mountains. They got it freaking crocodiles. They got it. You you name it. Deadly diseases, deadly bugs, deadly snakes, deadly spiders, deadly altitude, deadly cold, deadly heat, deadly, the whole freaking place will kill you. New Guinea's a terrible place. One of the reasons, one of the main reasons the fighting in New Guinea might have been the most awful war experience in all of World War II. One of the main reasons is the commanders, the generals on every side, MacArthur, the Japanese, Australians, they looked at a map to figure out how to get guys food, medical supplies, and ammunition. But maps don't tell the story. Unless you're on the ground staring up at a 4,000 foot jungle mountain, you have to traverse. You don't understand the reality of it. Now, let's go back to what we were just talking about. We have to understand and accept reality of life. Whatever your belief system is, this is a reality of life. Religion will be taught in your child's school. Religion is being taught in your child's school. You understand that? It is being taught. Your child is learning a belief system in school. Your child is learning. This is right. This is wrong. This is evil. This is good. This is to be revered. This, this is the cause you want to pursue. This is the ultimate good, the higher cause. This is the ultimate bad, the evil, the devil incarnate. Your child is learning a religion in school. Make sure it's yours. Or in the very least, make sure it's not openly hostile to yours. You see, the truth is these people, they'll do the, I don't have any problem with religion thing. I just want to be tolerant. Oh, they have a big problem with your religion. I'm very opposed to it. And it's not anything to do with disliking religion. It's just that there are different religions that exist in our communities. I've taught Jehovah's Witnesses. I've taught Muslim students. I have really great Muslim teacher friends who are going to now have to display Christianity as the accepted or promoted religion in our state. She loves religion. She has a religion. It's not yours. The only thing I want you to take away from this is there's no such thing as a secular school, a secular town, a secular state, a secular society. That is not something that exists even if you're a born and bred atheist pagan. I don't care what your belief system is. That's your freaking business. Secular is not a thing that exists because human beings are created to worship something. It's why every human in the history of the world, every society, I should say, large and small has had a religion. It is a necessary part of the human condition. We will worship. You will worship. I will worship the dirty communists who run this country want to make sure you can't worship the true God. They want to make sure you have to worship the devil like they do. Push back on that and never ever ever fall for the lie. This is a lie sold to you by the commies. I should note, never fall for the lie. There are secular schools, secular institutions, secular nations. No, there are not every nation school and otherwise as a religion, you can choose one that is good and tolerant of other religions or you can choose communism. It's not so tolerant after all. All right. All right. Hey, Trump and Biden, they're debating next week. Sean Spicer, right next to Donald Trump, nobody knows Donald Trump better. We're going to do something different. We're going to open next hour with a guest. Sean Spicer is going to join us and we're going to do a little Trump Biden debate talk. That will be fun, right? This has been a podcast from WOR. Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumbah Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. 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