Froggy the Gator

Big Joe Frogg

Froggy and his friends have a big baseball game today. And they're surprised when a really special visitor shows up to watch. They boys play hard, but the real value from the day comes from their baseball role model, Big Joe Frogg.

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Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

welcome back everybody to another episode of Froggy the Gator your favorite kids podcast and like we always say at the beginning of these if you want to help the show grow then the best things you can do is you can tell your friends about Froggy the Gator that's very important and then you can make sure that you've rated us five stars if you think that's what we deserve and your parents give you permission to do it make sure that you've rated us on your podcast app of choice and if you do those two things then we're going to keep growing nicely thanks to you and thanks to your parents and remember if you want to get in touch with me Harrison the creator of Froggy the Gator whether you've got a joke you want to share or a story idea or a birthday announcement you can go to Froggy the Gator dot com and send us a message right there and I'll see it in my email and we actually have a special birthday announcement today this one is from Jude who is six and Sama who is four and they want to wish their dad a happy birthday his birthday was a few days ago on June 29th and this is their message their message to their dad they say happy birthday daddy so happy birthday to Jude and Sama's dad and we've got a great joke from our audience as well this one comes from Hazel who is six and Jack who is four and Sam who is two and their joke goes like this this is a this is another cow joke which just further confirms that cows are an almost endless source of humor for our audience so here's the joke why did Professor Cal receive an award why did Professor Cal receive an award so think about this one for a second think especially about where cows live I'll give you a hint why did Professor Cal receive an award and the answer is because she was outstanding in her field she was outstanding in her field get it because cows stand in fields but also if you are outstanding in your field then you would be recognized by your peers for doing a great job and maybe you would even receive an award so great job from Hazel Jack and Sam truly hilarious thank you for that and today's story ideas really special because it was inspired by a couple of our listeners named John who is five and Luca who is three and it starts right now it was a bright and sunny day in Gator Grove and it was a perfect day for a baseball game froggy the Gator and his friends had been eagerly awaiting this day for weeks the entire neighborhood was buzzing with excitement as they all gathered at the local baseball field ready for a fun field day of America's favorite pastime froggy adjusted his cap and gripped his bat tightly feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness all right team let's give it all we've got he cheered and mr. hummus and worm bird and tomato hedgehog all nodded in agreement each one of them were pumped up and ready to play just as the game was about to start a hush fell over the crowd everyone turned to see a tall figure walking towards the field carrying a baseball glove why it was none other than Big Joe Frog the legendary retired baseball player who was famous all over Gator Grove for his skills and for his sportsmanship wow for all he exclaimed it's Big Joe Frog Big Joe Frog smiled and waved to the crowd hello everyone he said I heard there was a big game today and I thought I'd stop by to see the future stars of Gator Grove in action and the game began with froggy's team taking the field and daddy the Gator froggy's dad was the pitcher because they were doing coach pitch and froggy was over on first base and he was determined to impress Big Joe Frog so the first batter hit a ground ball right to first base froggy caught it and the runner was out as the game progressed it became clear that froggy's team was doing quite well worm bird was at second base and tomato hedgehog was at third base and they had a great system going where they were getting burners out at first all the time and Mr. Hummus in the outfield was catching every fly ball that went his way in the final inning the score was tied and the tension was high froggy's team was up to bat and froggy himself with the last batter he stepped up to the plate determined to hit a home run and win the game for his team the pitcher threw the ball and froggy swung with all his might the bat connected with the ball sending its soaring into the outfield froggy ran as fast as he could rounding the bases with determination and speed the crowd was on its feet cheering wildly and just as froggy was about to slide into home plate the opposing teams catcher caught the ball and tagged froggy out the game was over froggy's team it lost by a single run froggy's heart sank he felt sad he felt angry he wanted so badly to win not just for himself but to show big Joe Frog that froggy's team was the best and big Joe Frog walked over to froggy and knelt down beside him hey there froggy he said gently I know you're disappointed but remember you played a great game froggy kind of sniffled and looked up at big Joe Frog well but we lost he said and I wanted to win so badly big Joe Frog smiled kindly I understand froggy winning feels great but there's something even more important than winning and that's sportsmanship froggy tilted his head curious I mean I think I know about sportsmanship but how does it help me feel better right now big Joe Frog just nodded well sportsmanship means playing fair respecting your opponents and being gracious whether you win or lose it's about enjoying the game and doing your best no matter the outcome froggy thought about this for a moment he remembered how much fun he had playing the game how his friends had all supported each other and how exciting it was to have big Joe Frog there to watch him play you know froggy said slowly I did have a lot of fun today and I know that everybody played their hardest big Joe Frog padded froggy on the back that's the spirit froggy remember it's not just about winning or losing it's about how you play the game froggy stood up and smiled wow thanks for that big Joe Frog I'll remember that big Joe Frog then turned to address the crowd let's hear it for both teams everyone they played an amazing game today and they showed us what true sportsmanship is all about the crowd erupted in applause cheering for both teams of froggy and his friends beamed with pride feeling happy and accomplished and as the crowd began to disperse disperse means spread out and leave and dissipate dissipate means disperse kind of so the crowd began to disperse and go home and froggy and his friends gathered around big Joe Frog thanks for coming to our game mr. Hummus said this made it incredibly special big Joe Frog grinned it was my pleasure fellas you all played wonderfully and I'm proud of each one of you with that big Joe Frog waved goodbye and walked off the field and froggy and his friends were left standing there with a new appreciation for baseball and for the true meaning of sportsmanship as they all headed home froggy felt happy he had learned an important lesson that day one that he would carry with him in every game he played going forward and so the day at the baseball field became a cherished memory not just for the excitement of the game itself but for the lesson in sportsmanship that they had learned from the legendary big Joe Frog when everybody got back home froggy's parents were waiting with snacks and drinks they sat around the table and froggy excitedly recounted the events of the day you know what froggy said big Joe Frog taught me something really important taking a sip of his pink lemonade oh yeah mommy the gator asked what was that well froggy replied he taught me about sportsmanship he said it's not just about winning or losing but it's about how you play the game it's about treating everyone with respect and it's about making sure that you give it your best effort daddy the gator nodded approvingly that's a great lesson son I'm glad you had the chance to learn it from somebody special like big Joe Frog froggy smiled yeah and you know what even though we didn't win I think today was one of the best days ever mr hummus and warm bird and tomato hedgehog all agreed then they had all learned that the joy of playing and the camaraderie with friends were what truly mattered (soft music)