Froggy the Gator

The Summer Water Fun Collection!

Made especially for summer road trips: enjoy our Summer Water Fun Collection!

This collection features some of our most beloved Summer themed episodes.


(00:00:00) The Vacation

(00:09:32) The Sandpiper Treasure Mystery

(00:17:42) The Pirate Treasure Island

(00:25:58) The Escape from Jolly Roger Bay

(00:34:46) The Shrink Ray Picnic

(00:43:46) The Superhero Surf Contest

(00:52:26) The Legend of the Engine Boat

(01:01:09) The Return of the Engine Boat

(01:09:55) The Aquarium Adventure

(01:18:30) The Mermaid Kids vs. The Angry Shark

(01:27:24) The Sandpiper Mermaid Dispute

(01:36:28) Underwater Mermaid Gershwin

(01:45:24) The Friendly Shark

(01:53:58) The Watermelon Contest

(02:03:26) The Cookie Stand Business Plan

(02:11:37) The Power Ranger Adventure

Remember, you can go to to learn all about your friends in Gator Grove.

You can also watch our video talk show on YouTube here!

2h 21m
Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Welcome back everybody to another episode of Froggy the Gator. Your favorite kids podcast and like we always say at the beginning of these if you want to help the show grow the best things you can do there's two things. Number one is to tell your friends about Froggy the Gator and a number two make sure that you've rated us five stars of course if you think that's what we deserve on your podcast app of choice and if you do those two things with your parents permission we are going to keep growing nicely and thank you very much for that and remember if you want to get in touch with me whether you've got a joke you want to share or a story idea you can go straight to froggy the and send us a message there and guess what well I know you guessed it because I know you're smart and this is also the part of the show that is usually the same every single time so if you guessed here's a hilarious joke from the audience you are correct except that we've actually got two jokes today and our first joke comes from one of our listeners Anson who is eight years old and it goes like this what do you call a bear with no teeth and this one this one is so funny I was laughing about this one to myself a minute ago what do you call a bear with no teeth and the answer is a gummy bear because he only has gums because he has no teeth but also gummy bears are the sugary gummy snacks that we all know about so Anson sir bravo for that joke and we also have a joke from Anson's little sister Quinn who is six years old and Quinn's joke is equally uproarious equally riotous in terms of its sheer wordplay and Quinn's joke goes like this how do you get a lion to fly how do you get a lion to fly and the answer is a cat-a-pult because a cat-a-pult is a type of thing that launches like rocks or boulders over medieval castles plus a lion is a type of cat so a cat-a-pult would launch the lion much like a cat-a-pult you see how that works Quinn very nicely done my friend great jokes today from the brother sister duo of Anson and Quinn and guess what next is today's story and it's very very special because today's story was inspired and co-written like this listener wrote a lot of the episode by yourself and I think you're going to like it because it's really really good work and if you want to write a longer form submission like this listener did then you can do it at so this was inspired and co-written by one of our listeners Amelia who is nine years old so thank you Amelia and here it goes hey froggy said daddy the gator what is it dad asked froggy the gator well daddy the gator replied today you and your friends tomato hedgehog mr hummus and worm bird are all going to Florida really said froggy his eyes wide with excitement yes said daddy the gator with a smile now pack your suitcase and let's get going so froggy the gator dashed to his room grabbed his suitcase and began packing everything he would need for his big adventure he stuffed his favorite swimsuit a snorkel some sunscreen of course and his alligator gershwin meanwhile daddy the gator made sure that everybody else was ready to go to and at the airport daddy the gator handed the flight attendant their passports the attendant smiled and welcomed them aboard the plane ride was just filled with excitement as froggy and his friends gazed out the window watching the clouds drift by when the plane landed they hurriedly grabbed their luggage and they hopped into an uber after about 45 minutes of driving through the sunny streets of Florida the uber finally dropped them off at their hotel this was a great hotel it was big and colorful with a large sign that read welcome to sunshine beach resort so they all checked in they went upstairs to their room to unpack all right everybody said daddy the gator clapping his hands let's head to the beach so froggy and his friends quickly changed into their swimsuits and raced down to the sandy shore the beach was bustling with people swimming building sand castles playing beach volleyball froggy and his friends wasted no time and joining in on the fun and while the boys were playing they heard a strange noise coming from the other end of the beach well what's that noise asked tomato hedgehog I don't know said froggy but let's go check it out and as we all know about froggy the gator and his friends this is about the time when their imagination starts getting the best of them so they walk toward the sound with their curiosity fully engaged and as they got closer they saw none other than underwater beach bash gershwin underwater beach bash gershwin what are you doing here asked froggy the gershwin looked up at them with a worried expression well I was just laying here taking a nap and when I woke up my beautiful alligator tail was jammed between these rocks hmm said froggy rubbing his chin how are we gonna get gershwin's tail unstuck the friends pondered their problem each thinking of different ways to free gershwin's tail suddenly froggy had an idea he ran over to a nearby rock and picked it up he walked back to gershwin and his friends holding the rock high above his head stand back everyone froggy said and he took a deep breath then brought the rock down hard on the rock that gershwin's tail was stuck under then bam the rock cracked and gershwin's tail was free oh thank you so much said gershwin waving his tail happily you saved me as gershwin waved goodbye and swam back into the ocean something in the real world zapped them out of their imagination it was daddy the gator telling them it was time to head back to the hotel and get some ice cream froggy and his friends were thrilled as they walked back to the hotel talking about their exciting day and all the adventures that they still wanted to have they couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring in the next morning the sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear and blue froggy and his friends woke up early eager to start their day after a quick breakfast they decided to explore on the beach some more let's build the biggest sand castle ever suggested tomato hedgehog well that's a great idea said mr hummus we're going to need lots of sand and lots of water so the friends set to work froggy the gator who he had also packed robot mic on this trip so he used robot mic as a flag for the sand castle that they were building and then he placed robot mic on top of the tallest tower the guys all worked together laughing and chatting as they created their masterpiece and just as they were putting the finishing touches on their sand castle they heard a familiar noise do you hear that asked windbird yeah yeah it sounds like gershwin again said froggy let's go see what's going on so they followed the sound to a small tide pool where they found gershwin once again this time he was trying to rescue a group of baby turtles that had gotten stuck in the pool hey gershwin called froggy do you need some help down there yes yes please said gershwin these baby turtles need to get back in the ocean but they're too small to climb out of the pool so froggy and his friends quickly came up with a plan they formed a line passing the baby turtles gently from one friend to the next until the turtles were safely back in the ocean oh thank you guys said gershwin smiling you guys are the best as the day went on froggy and his friends continued to have fun at the beach they played games they swam in the ocean they even found a hidden cave to explore every moment was filled with adventure and laughter when it was finally time to leave the beach and head back to the hotel froggy and his friends were tired but happy they had made wonderful memories and they couldn't wait to share their stories with everyone back home in gator grove as they enjoyed their ice cream back at the hotel daddy the gator asked did you have a good day today froggy it was amazing dad said froggy his eyes sparkling we helped gershwin twice first we helped him get his tail unstuck from between some rocks and then we helped him free some baby turtles plus we also built a really huge sand castle with robot mic and it was just so much fun that's great to hear said daddy the gator i'm so proud of you and your friends for being so helpful and kind froggy smiled feeling proud of himself and his friends and he knew that no matter where their adventures took them they would always be ready to help others and to have fun together the boys were all enjoying a nice day at the beach looking for shells and sharks teeth and fiddler crabs and generally enjoying the sun and the water when froggy the gator noticed something a little bit different it was low tide and froggy mr hummus worm bird and baby the gator were playing in a tide pool as they were watched over by daddy the gator and mommy the gator of course when froggy saw it just up the hill away from the ocean he saw a lone sandpiper poking its bird beak into the sand at first froggy thought nothing of it he saw sandpipers all the time at the beach but then he saw this particular sandpiper look right in his direction and wave as if he was calling froggy over to chat froggy nudged the other boys do you guys see that sandpiper over there i swear you just waved at me let's go check it out so froggy and the other kids walked over to the sandpiper to see what was going on hey there sandpiper is everything okay over here and to their surprise the sandpiper immediately responded ah boys boys i'm glad you're here the sandpiper said i was hoping you would come by my name is pepper pepper the sandpiper and i have a big problem oh no froggy said what what's the matter well pepper said it's kind of a long story but i'll tell it to you as quickly as i can hundreds of years ago my ancestor sandpipers buried a secret treasure right here in this spot on the beach as new generations of sandpiper birds were born one was selected to be the guardian of the treasure that guardian would then select the next guardian who would select the next guardian and so on and so on well as you can imagine i am the current guardian of the treasure it is my great duty and honor to be entrusted with such a task however one of my duties is to dig up the treasure every summer and make sure that it's all accounted for and yesterday i set out to do just that but imagine my sadness when i started digging and the treasure was nowhere to be found i couldn't find it in its normal spot and i'm afraid i'm letting down all of the guardians that came before me can you boys help me find the treasure the boys got serious they looked at each other intently and nodded their heads then froggy spoke up of course pepper will help pepper breathed a sigh of relief thank you thank you boys she said the treasure is marked by an unusual stone shaped like a seashell normally that stone is right here where we're standing but i couldn't find it anywhere yesterday but rest assured when you see that stone you'll know that you found where the treasure is buried the boys immediately set to work they were locked in this was exactly the type of activity they excelled at a beach treasure hunt what could be better froggy the gator led like a quarterback telling the other boys where to go as they fanned out worm bird froggy said we'll need your eyes in the sky mr hummus you're our most methodical treasure hunter so we'll need you close to the ground observing anything that seems out of place on the beach meanwhile me and baby the gator will head north along the coast ready let's go for hours and hours the boys searched they sifted through sand they peered under rocks they climbed every sand dune and turned over every shell but no matter how hard they searched they could not find pepper special shell shaped stone before long the sun started to set and even though it made for a beautiful sky of deep orange deep purple and blue hues it wasn't enough to brighten the boys spirits oh no froggy said i feel awful we've got to figure out a way to help pepper hold on froggy mr hummus said i have one more idea if we want to find where the sandpipers hid their treasure maybe we should try acting like sandpipers doing what sandpipers do you know what i mean great idea mr hummus froggy said and with that the boys started mimicking mimicking means imitating which means acting in the same way as something else the boys started mimicking pepper they bent over down toward the ground they poked the sand with their noses and they gently brushed aside the top layer of sand everywhere they went as if they were sandpipers searching for food and then victory mr hummus shouted to the other boys guys guys i found the shell everybody rushed over to see and sure enough mr hummus had found the magic shell just where it was supposed to be only it had gotten buried under a thin layer of sand that's why pepper hadn't found it before the boys knew exactly what to do next they started digging they dug and they dug and they dug and before long they found the sandpiper treasure chest as they pulled the treasure chest up to the surface of the beach it cracked open and inside they saw the sandpipers bounty gold and silver coins emerald gyms ruby encrusted cups and chalices sapphires even huge shiny pearls polished expertly by the sandpiper guardians over the centuries and even big diamonds shining bright with the setting sun the boys called pepper over who was of course overjoyed thank you thank you thank you boys pepper said i was so worried that i'd failed in my duty as a sandpiper guardian but you boys have saved the day as the boys walked back over to mommy and daddy the gator froggy looked at his friends and said you know what guys this made me think you see we didn't find the treasure when we were rushing around like crazy looking everywhere frantically we found the treasure when we decided to take our time we found the treasure when we learned from the sandpipers and when we used the sandpiper techniques i think there's a lesson in there froggy said i think there's two lessons actually first patience is a virtue and second if we put ourselves in somebody else's shoes we tend to see the world a lot differently it was a Tuesday afternoon and froggy the gator his little brother baby the gator and their fateful companion mr hummus found themselves amidst an ocean of imagination in froggies backyard they were all gathered around playing on the jungle gym that daddy the gator had built a few years ago for froggy they climbed the jungle gym and hung from the bars and before long it became clear to the boys that this was no ordinary jungle gym what was it instead well it was a pirate ship that's right a pirate ship and it was ready to find the hidden treasure of captain gershwin the swarthy and swashbuckling stuffed alligator that froggy had had since he was a baby a hoy yelled froggy as he held up an imaginary telescope to his eye baby the gator mr hummus it's time we embarked on our voyage and sailed the sea to find the missing treasure froggy triumphantly clinched a tattered rolled up treasure map above his head you'll never believe it gentlemen froggy said but that swarthy pirate captain gershwin left this behind in my room it's a map that tells us where he's hidden his treasure and all we have to do now is follow it and the treasure will be ours let's go froggy yelled mr hummus as baby the gator totalled up to the front of the ship to stand with the older boys this will be one of the best adventures yet as the boys set out to see froggy the gator immediately noticed something why i think i see the ship of that sneaky pirate captain gershwin ahead of us froggy said the boys massive pirate ship towering dozens of feet tall with huge white sails that flapped in the wind as the hole rocked back and forth against the choppy waves slowly inched closer to captain gershwin's ship and captain gershwin's ship was even bigger than the boys ship it had big black sails marked with an alligator skull and crossbones telling all who passed that this ship was not to be tempted the sails had tatters and rips in them that let through blinding rays of sunlight draping the surrounding ocean in an ominous yellow glow as gershwin's pirate ship grew closer a tall silhouette became visible to froggy mr hummus and baby the gator they peered and coming into view stood none other than captain gershwin himself as captain gershwin got within earshot of the boys ship he called out a warning to them you boys think you'll find my treasure do you well all you're going to find is the bottom of the ocean when i catch you and make you walk the plank oh no what do we do froggy mr hummus shouted we can't let captain gershwin catch us don't worry mr hummus froggy the gator said his ship may be bigger but ours is faster and more nimble i can get around him and will beat him to that island in the distance where i know he has his treasure hidden and just like that the boys were off dashing across the sea with the wind in their sails the saltwater splashing up towards their faces and tickling their nostrils with a salty reminder of the ocean's fastness as the boys ship continued toward the island ahead froggy the gator looked back gershwin was almost completely out of sight now his big unwieldy ship was no match for the boys and their smaller speedier ship before long the boys had reached the shore of the deserted island they hopped out of their ship and began their hunt for the treasure froggy the gator pulled out the treasure map and the boys all huddled around it here's the spot froggy said as he traced an x with his finger and we're all the way down here he said pointing toward the bottom of the map at the southern end of the island so we'll have to go north the boys looked up at the sun it was to their left setting and because froggy and mr hummus knew that the sun sets in the west they knew that north was directly ahead of them and that's the way they went they traversed the huge abandoned deserted island swash buckling through the jungle and the trees and the brush until finally they reached the x on the map which happened to be the entrance to a dark and ominous cave as they walked towards the mouth of the cave they heard the unmistakable menacing laughter of their old nemesis captain gershwin captain gershwin froggy said how on earth did you beat us here that doesn't matter boys captain gershwin said all that matters is you'll never get my treasure now the boys didn't know what to do they traveled all this way and they were so close to the treasure but just then baby the gator toddled ahead into the cave baby the gator what are you doing froggy the gator yelled after him watch out for captain gershwin but baby the gator didn't seem to be worried about captain gershwin instead he had his eyes fixated on a big stalag tight in the cave ahead a stalag tight is a type of rock that hangs down from the tops of caves and baby the gator toddled over to the stalag tight and tried to rip it down with his hands if you've ever spent any time with babies you know they do that type of thing frequently and as he did he started a chain reaction that rumbled the entire inside of the cave and caused a massive rock slide that went right for captain gershwin captain gershwin was swept away by the rock slide he screamed no as he realized the boys would now have his treasure with captain gershwin now out of the way the boys looked up great work baby the gator froggy said and just then all three boys saw it they saw straight ahead of them toward the back of the cave the most beautiful enormous shiny sparkling treasure ever a huge chest laid open on the ground with sprawling gold doubloons silver coins polished pearls emeralds sapphires and rubies stacked to the ceiling more than anyone could count overflowing out onto the floor froggy the gator picked up an imaginary silver chalice from the imaginary cave floor well fellas he said here's a cheers to captain gershwin thank you for this beautiful bounty and with that the boys climbed back onto their jungle gym in froggies backyard on a Tuesday afternoon an imagined setting sail for new adventures it was a sun shiny afternoon and froggy the gator mr hummus and baby the gator were all playing outside in froggies backyard they were playing a rousing game of pirates and froggy announced the scenario to the other boys okay boys froggy said we've just captured the treasure of that fearsome captain gershwin now all that's left is to escape from this cave and make it back to our ship so that we can sail home with our bounty as the boys looked around they found themselves in a dark echoing cave the only light in the cave came from torches on the walls sending dancing flames flickering up and down the damp cave walls but all the way in the back of the cave sat what really mattered to the boys it was captain gershwin's treasure emeralds and diamonds and rubies and sapphires and gold and silver doubloons and pearls all piled up on the floor of the cave as high as the eye could see fellas take these sacks and collect as much of the treasure as you can we need to get out of here before captain gershwin sees us so the boys threw as much of the treasure as possible into their burlap sacks then froggy grabbed a torch from the wall and led the way toward the mouth of the cave but on their way something frightening happened as the boys were walking they heard a faint click and as soon as they heard the click froggy stopped in his tracks and blocked mr hummus and baby the gator from running as well wait a minute guys froggy said i don't like the sound of that and sure enough froggy was right because right after they heard the click they saw a spear flying from one end of the cave to the other right past their faces luckily froggy had heard the click and got the boys back in time and the spear just flew into the cave wall but froggy knew this meant trouble ahead oh no froggy said it's just as i suspected well what's wrong said mr hummus what do you mean it's just as i suspected froggy repeated this island is booby trapped we're going to have to be extra careful boys there's going to be a lot of treacherous things ahead and i need you to follow my lead if you want to stay safe and with that froggy led the way swash buckling ahead as they exited the cave into the jungle on their way back to their boat almost immediately they came across another challenge as they were running the boys all felt their feet slowing down it was like their feet were filled with iron and they couldn't lift their legs froggy looked down oh no froggy said it's it's quicksand he looked at his friend and his brother they were both struggling in the quicksand as well froggy knew he had to think fast above his head he saw a vine hanging down from a huge towering kpop tree above he reached up with all his might and was just able to grasp the vine with his left hand as his right hand held tight to his bags of treasure quick guys froggy said grab onto my treasure and i'll pull us up the vine and out of the quicksand it was a close call and the boys narrowly escaped the quicksand but somehow they managed and they even managed to hang on to all of their treasure but they weren't out of the jungle yet and before they even had time to catch their breath they ran into their next challenge suddenly as they were running through the dense forest floor they heard a large whoosh sound and before they knew what was happening the three boys got swooped up into a huge net it was another booby trap set by captain gershwin for just this type of scenario and now the boys were really in trouble as they hung suspended above the forest floor mr hummus asked froggy what they could possibly do to escape froggy again had to think quickly but then he remembered there were pirate knives included in the treasure he thought hey guys froggy yelled to his brother into his friend check out your treasure sacks do any of you have a pirate knife in your bags sure enough mr hummus had one and he handed it to froggy as quickly as he could froggy used the knife to cut down the net and free the boys from the trap as they landed with a thud on a pile of leaves below wow mr hummus said another close one but just then just as they'd freed themselves from the net the boys saw their next challenge between the jungle and the beach they saw laid out in front of them a fire walk a long stretch of burning red hot coals stood between the boys and the beach where they could finally get to their boat oh my gosh said mr hummus are we supposed to walk across that fire well said froggy the gator in the real world of course not in the real world we're supposed to stay away from fire and always have adult supervision when we're near it but in this imagination world i'm afraid you're right we have to go right across it so the boys mustered up all of their courage and dashed as fast as they could across the fiery coals ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow they said as they ran clutching onto the treasure the whole way and then finally after what felt like ours they were across the coals the boys looked up to one of the most beautiful and relieving sights that they had ever seen they were on the beach the moon shone above reflecting its warm white glow like a mirror off of the still ocean ahead of them and then in the middle distance they saw their ship standing tall and regal awaiting for the heroes to board with their treasure we did it guys froggy said we escaped the jungle and we made it to the bay we had some close calls but in the end i knew we would come out on top as the boys boarded their ship they again celebrated their accomplishment to teamwork froggy said as he held up one of their ruby encrusted silver chalices that they had retrieved from the treasure to working together to solving problems and to getting off of this island and back to gator grove froggy announced here here said mr hummus as he held up a chalice of his own goo goo said baby the gator as he just kind of stood there and with that the boys set sail on the breezy trip back to froggy the gator's backyard where they would set sail for even more new adventures froggy mr hummus and worm bird were all enjoying a nice picnic at a campsite in the park with their dads this was something that they did every few weeks together it was a chance for the boys to spend some quality time with their dads and a chance to get outside and cook some food in nature but it was also a chance for the boys to play and whenever they got together as we know that means that their imaginations were going to run wild and today was no exception the group was grilling hot dogs and preparing for lunch when froggy the gator noticed something strange in the bushes on the perimeter of the campsite he nudged his friends and pointed in the direction of the disturbance what do you guys think that is he said nervously all of the sudden his question was answered as out jumped none other than mad scientist gershwin the boys all stood together stoically as gershwin slowly walked toward them he was carrying some kind of science instrument that none of the guys recognized finally froggy spoke up well well well froggy said if it isn't mad scientist gershwin here to interrupt our picnic what brings you to this side of gator grove froggy asked mad scientist gershwin just laughed i regret to inform you boys he said that you are going to be my unwitting test subjects for my new device the shrink ray four thousand and there is nothing that you can do about it as he spoke mad scientist gershwin held up the science instrument that none of the other guys recognized mr hummus whispered to froggy oh no froggy that thing's a shrink ray well what's he gonna do shrink us down to the size of an ant or something but mr hummus wasn't being as quiet as he thought he was and mad scientist gershwin overheard him that's exactly right mr hummus mad scientist gershwin said i'm going to shrink you down to the size of an ant if my device works i will be the greatest scientist that the world has ever known and with that mad scientist gershwin pointed the device at the boys and a shrink ray laser came shooting out of it it was a big red undulating beam of light and it engulfed the boys and poof in a moment they were all shrunken down to the size of ants the boys looked around at their new surroundings blades of grass stood what seemed to be dozens of feet tall above their heads drops of dew clinging to the grass left over from the early morning were bigger than their heads oh boy froggy said this is a tight spot yeah mr hummus responded what are we going to do how do we get back to our regular size but froggy knew exactly what to do fellas froggy said i know that none of us ever expected this to happen you don't go to a picnic and think hey maybe today i'll get shrunken down to the size of an ant by a mad scientist but that being said i know what we have to do froggy always knew what to do relieved warm bird chimed in okay well that sounds great so what do we do then how can we get back to normal just follow my lead froggy the gator said we have to make our way back toward the picnic basket of course with their current small size the picnic basket even though it was only a few feet away in a normal sized world was hundreds and hundreds of yards away in their ant-sized world we have to go this way froggy said as he pointed toward the towering picnic basket way off in the distance standing high above them like the great pyramids and giza and with that the shrunken boys were off almost immediately they faced the dreaded ant horde there were dozens if not hundreds of fiery red ants all the same size as the boys and they all came charging toward them with their pincers out and looking for a snack oh no oh no what do we do mr hummus said the ants they're coming right for us follow me froggy said as he quickly climbed a blade of grass and started jumping from one blade to the other clearing high over the ant horde's heads mr hummus and warm bird climbed up their own blades of grass and they started jumping and before long all three boys had left the ant horde scrambling behind them as they stood fast toward their singular mission who warm bird said that was close well what's next froggy now that they had finally cleared the ant horde well boys froggy said now we have to cross this river froggy pointed toward a flowing purple river with whitewater caps raging as it flowed across the boy's path with a furious velocity only the bravest river rafters would dare try to cross well what is that froggy mr hummus asked how is there a river this wild down here that froggy said is the great grape juice river legend has it a juice box spilled in the normal-sized world many moons ago and now the grape juice runs wild through these parts and if we want to get back to our normal size then we have to cross this grape juice river so the boys picked up some tiny pebbles well the pebbles were big to the boys because the boys were shrunken down of course and they tossed their pebbles into the grape juice river all of the sudden this created a series of stepping stones the boys could use to forward the raging rapids so they all joined hands and slowly but surely crossed the river to safety on the other side and that's where they saw it gentlemen froggy said it appears we've made it as they exited the mighty grape juice river they saw what they were looking for what is that thing mr hummus asked as he pointed at a strange huge glowing oval-shaped object nestled in the ground just ahead of them that my boys froggy said is the quantum peanut yes that's right he continued the quantum peanut and that is how we are going to return to our normal size so the boys all put one hand on the quantum peanut and suddenly as soon as they did a huge beam of light shot out of the top of the massive mighty peanut all the way into the heavens the light engulfed the boys as well and they felt themselves growing and expanding back into their normal size in the universe then the boys looked around everything seemed back to normal the dads were over grilling the hot dogs gershwin was his normal stuffed animal self on the picnic blanket woo hummus said we're back great work froggy relieved and satisfied froggy patted his friends on the back yes indeed we are back my friends and i guess it just goes to show that sometimes you might feel small in life that's unavoidable but with a little teamwork and a little courage you can always overcome the challenges that are way bigger than just you and with that the boys walked back to their dads and enjoyed hot dogs and s'mores together in their regular not shrunken down world it was a beautiful sunny day at gator grove beach and froggy the gator mr hummus and warm bird were building sand castles and enjoying the water when they saw a group of surfers out in the breakers surfing the waves and having a great time they'd seen surfers before when they were at the beach but today the surfers caught the boy's attention more than usual and before they knew it the boy's imagination started to take off froggy looked around the beach and all of a sudden there were people everywhere lining up in droves gathering around the shore he looked back toward the dunes at the top of the beach and he saw a sign that said gator grove beach surf contest grand prize the famous golden surfboard oh man fellas did you know there was a surf contest today froggy asked his friends well we should enter it and we should see if we can win the grand prize the golden surfboard mr hummus and warm bird seemed interested in the idea but then mr hummus chimed in that would be great froggy but we're just kids how can we expect to win a contest against experienced surfers i'm glad you asked froggy said because today we aren't just kids today we have our superpowers and all of a sudden froggy turned into froggy the fire match who controlled fire with his mind he clapped his hands and his fists turned into fists of fire and he flew up into the sky doing flips and practicing his abilities oh man that's right mr hummus said i forgot we were also superheroes today and mr hummus suddenly turned into the ice king he had the power to control ice if you'll recall and he could make ice roads and ice bridges shoot out from his feet he flew all around the beach doing his ice powers getting the hang of his abilities finally it was warm bird's turn and warm bird showed off his powers he snapped his fingers and he turned into the famous dragonfly man with x-ray vision and super speed and in the blink of an eye he disappeared and returned back to the boys with a delicious looking pizza straight from sisily the boys had the attention of the crowd now and the onlookers cheered as the boys flew around and used their cool super powers then the surf contest began the superheroes did great in the first couple of rounds their super powers more than made up for their relative lack of experience but then off in the distance toward the horizon they noticed something ominous a huge wave taller than a building started forming it grew so tall that it blocked out the sun and sent a huge shadow down over the surfers and over the crowd oh boy said froggy i have a bad feeling about this do you guys think could it be could it be wave master surf pirate gershwin and then in the distance riding the wave that blocked out the sun on a rocket powered surfboard they saw him it was wave master surf pirate gershwin and he was speeding toward the crowd of surfers and toward the crowd of innocent bystanders as he approached he spoke wave master pirate gershwin said i'm here to show you all how a real surfer rides and with that wave master surf pirate gershwin started doing crazy turns and cutbacks and catching air as he sped up and down the huge wave then wave master surf pirate gershwin held out his hands and used his wave master powers to harness the ocean and bring even more huge waves crashing down toward the shore sending the bystanders and the spectators running away from the surf for higher ground oh no said froggy he's going to ruin the competition we got to figure out a way to stop him so the superhero surfers teamed up they flew over to where wave master surf pirate gershwin was surfing and they used their combined powers to try and stop him from controlling the waves and causing a panic froggy used his fire match speed to try and send wave master surf pirate gershwin off course but to no avail as wave master surf pirate gershwin just sprayed him with seawater and extinguished his fire match abilities mr hummus was also foiled as the sun and the seawater proved to warm for his ice powers and melted his ice before it could ever even reach gershwin and alas worm bird the dragonfly man was unable to stop gershwin either as his wings got water logged with all of the salty seawater from wave master surf pirate gershwin's movements and forced him to the ground rendering his super speed powers useless this is not good fellas froggy said i don't know how we're going to get out of this one but just then when all hope seemed lost when it seemed like there was no chance for the boys to stop wave master surf pirate gershwin and for the boys to continue their surf contest in peace they heard often the distance way out in the ocean a single horn blaring as if to announce the arrival of something very important the boys looked toward the sound and there they saw it coming into focus and speeding toward the beach they saw a chariot chariot is like a fancy wagon it's pulled by a couple of horses usually but they saw a chariot except this chariot had sea horses pulling it instead of regular horses and it had a beautiful ornate pearl colored carriage and it had horn blowers riding the seahorses blowing their horns as fanfare to announce their presence and there in the carriage they saw none other than their friend tera tera dactel who also had superpowers fear not everyone tera tera dactel said as she sped toward the crowd and toward wave master surf pirate gershwin on her chariot i am tera the sea whisperer and my superpowers are i can speak with the sea animals i will stop wave master surf pirate gershwin once and for all and her horn blowers blew their horns and as they did tera waved her tera dactel arms and all of a sudden a pod a pod is what you call a group of whales a pod of 20 dolphins sped up to gershwin and swam under him and using their dolphin speed they carried him away off into the distance hundreds of miles away from the contest which could resume safely once again the crowd went wild cheering for tera the sea whisperer great work tera froggy said you showed up just in time how can we thank you for saving the contest tera just smiled triumphantly no need to thank me guys let's just surf and take home that golden surfboard once and for all thank you for listening to froggy the gator this is a reminder if you want to help the show grow make sure you get your parents permission and you rate us in your podcast app of choice make sure you're following us and consider leaving us a review we'll see you next time froggy the gator was spending the afternoon at the lake with his dad mommy the gator and baby the gator were also there splashing and playing by the shore but froggy the gator and daddy the gator were out in the water riding in a small motorboat and hoping to catch some fish they've been out on the water for a couple of hours and the fish weren't really biting not much is happening today son daddy the gator said but i'm just grateful i get to spend this time with you on this boat in the sun and out in nature since we aren't really catching any fish why don't i tell you a story have you ever heard the story of the engine boat the engine boat froggy said no no what's that well said daddy the gator it's one of my favorite stories you see not long ago our hero froggy the gator froggy couldn't help himself and he interrupted froggy the gator hey that's me daddy the gator just laughed and continued with his story that's right son so not long ago our hero froggy the gator was playing with his friends and his little brother at a lake not unlike this one they were playing by the shore when they heard a loud foghorn in the distance a foghorn is like a big loud horn that boats use when it's foggy outside and visibility is limited so other boats know they're coming anyway they heard this loud foghorn and froggy thought that's weird i didn't know there were big boats on this lake like that and then through the steam and the fog and the clouds in the distance they saw it a huge towering ship mightier than the Titanic piercing through the water and heading straight for the shore as the ship got closer they saw writing on the side that said extraordinary engine boat the iron galleon the boat approached the boys and who did they see on board why it was none other than engine boat captain gershwin froggy the gator interrupted his dad again gershwin's there froggy said is is he the captain of the engine boat that's right daddy the gator continued he's the captain of the engine boat and when he saw froggy the gator playing by the shore he shouted down to him froggy the gator engine boat captain gershwin said i am engine boat captain gershwin and i need your help you see my mighty engine boat is missing its propellers we've lost them and so we are trapped in this lake and if i ever want to return her to the sea where she belongs we need to find the engine boats propellers and repair the boat wait a minute dad froggy the gator interjected again isn't gershwin usually causing trouble why should froggy in this story help him daddy the gator smiled again just keep listening son and he continued on gershwin shouted down at the boys from his tall engine boat and said i don't know where the propellers are all i have is this riddle that was left inscribed on the ship when the propellers went missing can you help me solve the riddle find the propellers and return to the sea froggy was skeptical i'm not sure we're ready to help you engine boat captain gershwin froggy said after all you've done nothing but cause trouble around these parts recently but we'll listen to your riddle what is it then engine boat captain gershwin recited the riddle to find the machine parts you desperately seek you must become strong transcending what's weak in the land of reflection you'll find what's ignored they lie on the lake's most far distant shore but they only appear for those gentle and kind whose falls they've forgiven and left strife behind as froggy heard the riddle he knew what he had to do he huddled up with mr hummus with warm bird and with baby the gator guys froggy said the riddle says the machine parts will only appear to those who have forgiven their foes and left strife behind that means if we want to get rid of gershwin and get them out of our lake we're going to have to help them we have to forgive gershwin for causing trouble then we have to get the propellers on the lake's far shore and then as soon as they've forgiven gershwin froggy the gator worm bird mr hummus and baby the gator saw like magic for awesome jet skis appear right in front of them froggy had a cool green jet ski with a dragon painted on the side and mr hummus had an orange jet ski with lightning bolts running down the side of his and worm bird had a big blue jet ski with red flames painted on it and baby the gator had a small baby sized jet ski with magic pacifiers painted on the sides they hopped on their jet skis and zoomed off to the other end of the lake as they rode on their fast jet skis they could not believe how much fun they were having they saw fish jumping out of the water they saw birds flying overhead and they saw water spraying behind them in their wake as their jet skis sped toward the opposite shore finally they'd arrived and sure enough the engine boats propellers were sitting there in the sand it was like they just appeared out of nowhere so the boys brought the propellers back to engine boat captain gershwin and they used the big box of tools on the ship to reattach the propellers you see normally a boat this big would have an inboard motor which means the motor is inside the ship but the iron galleon was special and it had a huge outboard motor at the stern of the ship that means the back of the ship where the propellers attached froggy got to use awesome wrenches and screwdrivers and other cool machines as they attached the propellers back to the engine boat then they climbed up to the top of the engine boat and rode it around the lake with gershwin gershwin was grateful and as the sun set at gator grove lake the boys felt the wind in their hair as they stood at the bow of the mighty engine boat knowing they'd done the right thing that day finally the boys jumped back on their jet skis and gershwin was off never to bother gator grove lake again the end daddy the gator said smiling as froggy listened to the end of his story you see son daddy the gator said in the story froggy forgave engine boat captain gershwin and in doing so he was able to show kindness while also getting gershwin to leave the lake and never come back froggy forgave gershwin not just to help gershwin but also to help himself and those he cared about and that's how i think about forgiveness daddy the gator continued truly forgiving another person is hard but if we hold on to a resentment or a grudge the only person we're hurting is ourselves the other person doesn't feel it we do so sometimes we forgive not to help the other person but to help ourselves and that's okay for all you the gator mr hummus worm bird and tomato hedgehog we're all spending the afternoon at gator grove lake they were fishing for fish and playing in the sand on the lake shore and watching the animals like birds and squirrels and chipmunks and turtles and beavers run all around the lake when froggy remembered something hey guys froggy said remember that time we were here and my dad told us the story of the engine boat mr hummus laughed of course i do froggy he said the engine boat named the iron gallion and captain by engine boat captain gershwin it had lost its propellers and it was stuck in gator grove lake then we had to ride our jet skis to get the propellers back that's right said froggy and the funny thing is he continued is it was supposed to be just a story but if it was just a story then what's that froggy pointed out towards the horizon on the lake it was a sunny day but there was still some steam and fog rising off of the water into the distance then through the steam the friends heard the unmistakable sound of a fog horn blasting toward them across the water then slowly as if emerging from a long hibernation and coming back to life they saw the fabled the great engine boat slice through the fog and come fully into view the friends all stared and all it was magnificent just as they remembered bigger than the titanic with a huge black hole and three towering golden exhaust pipes coming out of the top all billowing smoke into the air like chimneys it had windows all along the side and a whole crew bustling about keeping the engine boat running it had ten huge propellers on the back taller than a house spinning wildly and propelling the boat forward and as it sliced through the water and came closer to froggy and his friends they could read on the side where it said in huge bold white letters the extraordinary engine boat the iron galleon they heard the fog horn again and the engine boat arrived at the shore where froggy and his friends were playing and there driving the engine boat as a surprise to nobody they saw their old nemesis engine boat captain gershwin ohoy laddies engine boat captain gershwin shouted down to the friends i have returned to gator grove lake in my mighty engine boat now wait a minute engine boat captain gershwin froggy shouted back up to the boat you said you were going to leave this lake with your huge engine boat and never come back why have you gone back on your word engine boat captain gershwin just laughed ha ha ha he said because boys haven't you heard i'm here to find the legendary freshwater pearl it has been said that the pearl has been cited in this very lake and it's worth a fortune so i've come to collect it the freshwater pearl mr hummus asked his friends down on the shore what is that froggy just nodded knowingly i've heard of the freshwater pearl he said the freshwater pearl is a giant pearl the size of a basketball and it has magical glowing and levitation powers plus whoever holds the pearl is given the ability to command all of the freshwater creatures like all of the fish all of the turtles the frogs the beavers everything that lives in this lake in the wrong hands froggy continued whoever holds the pearl would have far too much power we can't let engine boat captain gershwin get it then froggy shouted back up to engine boat captain gershwin we'll never let you get the freshwater pearl engine boat captain gershwin froggy said and he looked over at his friends come on fellas froggy the gator said to our jet skis we have to get that pearl before gershwin and then as if by magic four awesome jet skis appeared right in front of them froggy had a cool green jet ski with a dragon painted on the side of course mr hummus had an orange jet ski with lightning bolts running down the side of his and worm bird had a big blue jet ski with red flames painted on it and tomato hedgehog had a red tomato colored jet ski with big tomatoes painted all over the sides they all got on their jet skis and they started to ride gershwin and the engine boat was hot on their tail but the boys had the advantage because they were faster and more nimble but the iron galleon wasn't going to let them out of its sight where we headed froggy mr hummus yelled as they reached max speed on their jet skis and the wind blasted past their heads i know where the pearl is froggy said my dad showed me once just keep following me so they rode and rode and they finally arrived at a bustling ornately constructed beaver dam the lake beavers were busy padding and making their home and the boys skidded their jet skis to a stop right before they reached it froggy looked over his shoulder the engine boat was still coming it was still hot on their heels quick said froggy let's hop off the jet skis and grab the fresh water pearl so they did just that as they stomped over to where the beavers were building their fortress and there just as froggy suspected floating a few feet above the ground in all of its majesty stood the beautiful the fabled the magical fresh water pearl wow said tomato hedgehog as they all stared at the fresh water pearl it's even bigger than the biggest tomato ever that's right said froggy and it was truly beautiful the fresh water pearl shined bright white and reflected the sun and as it did all the colors of the rainbow came back at them froggy reached out to grab the pearl and just as he did they heard the familiar sound of the engine boats fog horns arriving at their location no engine boat captain gershwin yelled halt that fresh water pearl belongs to me but it was too late for gershwin because froggy had already picked up the pearl and as he did he started floating and flying high off the ground it's working froggy said i can't believe it quick froggy worm bird shouted from down at the beaver dam use your new powers to get rid of gershwin and just then froggy high in the air and holding the beautiful fresh water pearl shouted down to all of the creatures living in the lake by my new powers froggy said i call upon all ye woodland creatures to banish the engine boat from our lake and just like that the beavers stopped building instead they started charging at the engine boat then the boys saw about a hundred turtles all pop their heads up from underwater and they too were swimming toward the engine boat then the fish the thousands of fish and the birds like the hawks and the owls and the sparrows all swam and flew toward the engine boat by the combined power of thousands of animals they actually lifted the engine boat out of the water and steered it far away out of the lake onto land where it was beached and could haunt the lake no more froggy and his friends were cheering and shouting when all the sudden daddy the gator's voice snapped them back to reality hey boys daddy the gator said it's been a great day at the lake but it's time to go home now so froggy and his friends all nodded at each other knowing they'd be back to claim the freshwater pearl for themselves soon froggy the gator peered through the glass pane window he stared straight ahead looking intently at what lay before him his eyes couldn't believe what he saw he could not stop looking ahead of froggy laid what seemed like an endless expanse of wonder and amazement ahead of froggy laid the mysteries the marvels the wildlife of the ocean froggy and tomato hedgehog were visiting the aquarium for the day they'd gone to see the dolphin shows in the seals performances given by the marine animal trainers and now they were staring at the big tank the big tank stretched on for what seemed like forever and inside they saw all different kinds of marine life they saw wise ancient sea turtles they saw friendly dolphins they saw manta rays blocking out the sun from above with their wings they even saw a fabled whale shark nobly overseeing the tank as he swam from end to end this is so cool froggy said to tomato hedgehog as the boys had their noses both pressed against the glass can you imagine what it would be like if we could swim with these animals if we could be in the ocean and be a part of all of that and just then you guessed it their imaginations began to take over suddenly froggy the gator heard a thundering boom from above the big tank all of the fish and whales and sea turtles scattered immediately and as froggy looked up toward the top of the tank he saw a huge shadow over the top of the water then froggy and tomato hedgehog looked around they weren't at the aquarium anymore in fact they weren't even on land anymore they were now all of a sudden deep under the sea the oceans surrounded them as far as they could see in all directions then they looked down at their hands and they realized they were also now both wearing underwater mechanical submarine robot suits their suits came equipped with foot propulsion and oxygen distribution which meant they could zoom around their new underwater environment with ease like an underwater robot jet ski and never run out of breath this is great said tomato hedgehog as the boys both used their underwater mechanical submarine robot suits to zip back and forth around the sea floor but tomato hedgehog continued but where are all the sea animals oh no said froggy you're right and as they surveyed the ocean seascape it dawned on them the animals were all gone all they saw was a large shadow looming above them above the surface blocking out the sun's rays from shining down onto the sea floor there was no one else around the sea was empty it was just sand water and these peculiar strange yellow and purple glowing barnacle looking things scattered around the sea floor but just then just when froggy and tomato hedgehog were starting to get worried a lone sea turtle swam up to them looking exasperated and desperate oh thank goodness the sea turtle said my name is terence the sea turtle and you boys are just in time just in time froggy said just in time for what well terence continued i'm sure you've noticed there's no marine life around here well that's because of the shadow terence pointed his turtle fin upward toward the shadow that was blocking the sun from reaching the sea floor oh yeah we saw that thing froggy said but what's so bad about the shadow what is it well said terence that shadow isn't actually a shadow it's a submarine ship and it belongs to the dreaded gershwin kusto gershwin kusto has been driving his huge submarine ship above our natural habitat for months and the animals are so frightened by the size and the noise of his ship that they've all run away can you help us get rid of gershwin kusto once and for all you bet we can froggy the gator said and then froggy and tomato hedgehog fired up their underwater mechanical submarine robot suits and zipped up toward gershwin's ship they gained so much speed with their suits that when they reached the water surface they flew 20 feet into the air and then landed with a confident thud on the deck of gershwin kusto's submarine ship and there he was they saw him immediately gershwin kusto wearing white suspenders a blue shirt underneath it and a blue sailor's cap and a pirate's patch over one eye steering his submarine ship where the sea animals didn't want him to be halt froggy the gator said as he pointed his underwater mechanical submarine robot suit arm at gershwin kusto your days of scaring the ocean animals are over gershwin we've come to put a stop to your submarine ship once and for all gershwin kusto slowly turned toward froggy and tomato hedgehog he stared at them with his one eye that wasn't covered up by a pirate's patch well well well said gershwin kusto i never thought i'd see you boys here and it looks like you've got some fancy new suits too huh well i can promise you one thing i'll never stop driving my submarine here not until i find what i'm looking for froggy and tomato hedgehog looked at each other then they looked back at gershwin kusto what you're looking for froggy the gator said well wait a minute what is it that you need all of a sudden gershwin kusto's entire demeanor changed demeanor means your outward behavior so how you stand your body language your facial expressions how you talk that kind of stuff all of the sudden gershwin kusto's entire demeanor changed well boys gershwin kusto continued the reason i'll never stop driving my submarine here is because i can't stop i'm trapped here my submarine may look really cool but it can't drive without power and the only thing that can fuel it are the magic barnacles that live right beneath us in the ocean but i also can't get down there to get them because my submarine doesn't have any fuel and i don't have an underwater mechanical submarine robot suit like you boys do the magic barnacles you say froggy the gator responded then he looked at tomato hedgehog you think he means those glowing yellow purple barnacles we saw at the bottom of the ocean gershwin kusto interrupted yes yes that's exactly what i mean can you get me some of those barnacles so i can power my ship if you do i promise to leave forever and the animals below can live in peace and with that froggy and tomato hedgehog jumped high up into the air off the deck of gershwin ship they did a few cool flips and twists in the air before diving back into the water and they swam down and retrieved a few bucketfuls of the magic glowing barnacles and then sent gershwin on his way back beneath the surface terence swam up to the boys how can i ever thank you he said as marine life slowly returned to the ocean filling up the space around them well there's no need to thank us froggy the gator said old gershwin may seem mean but he's often just misunderstood and once you know what he's actually after what's actually motivating him he's a lot easier to deal with the sea animals all around them cheered and they lifted froggy and tomato hedge hog up in their awesome submarine suits and they threw an underwater parade in their honor froggy and tomato hedgehog gave each other a high five and then they enjoyed the rest of their day at the aquarium today's story idea was inspired by one of our listeners scarlet who is five years old froggy the gator mr hummus and warm bird were playing at gator grove beach froggy the gator had just found a huge awesome shark's tooth and he was showing it off to his friends when their other friend terra terra dactyl showed up she was out at the beach with her family that day two and she overheard the commotion around the shark's tooth wow nice tooth she said as froggy started to put the tooth in his swimsuit pocket for safekeeping terra terra dactyl continued it looks just like a tooth from the legendary shark who swims along this beach have you ever heard of him she asked have you ever heard the story of the mad shark the mad shark froggy said no no who's that i never heard of that what do you mean well terra terra dactyl said as she began her story the story begins right here on this beach did you know she continued that there's more to this beach than meets the eye in fact just offshore there's a coral reef and in that coral reef lives an entire community of mermaids mer men mer kids mer people of all types they have their own mer village called mertopia and they've been living there for thousands of years undisturbed by our modern world and untouched by our civilization what froggy the gator interjected no way he said i definitely never heard of that it's true terra terra dactyl continued and these mer people live their entire lives underwater they're half like us but half like fish you know just like a mermaid and they have schools they have stores they have houses buildings all of it right there in mertopia but they also have a problem in mertopia terra terra dactyl said seeing as how they live underwater they have to deal with all of the other underwater creatures that live near them including you guessed it the mad shark the mad shark is the biggest baddest shark you've ever seen he has three rows of teeth and he's as long as a school bus he has dark gray shark skin with black and yellow beady eyes that lock in on you from a mile away he's a little strange for a shark too because he actually only eats seaweed he eats a hundred pounds of seaweed every single day which he harvests and captures at the coral reef at mertopia as you can maybe imagine that creates a bit of a problem because the mer people in mertopia want to live in peace but they're in the mad shark's way when he swims around trying to catch his daily seaweed meals along the reef and things have gotten so bad down there that the mad shark has been seen ramming into the mer people's buildings and their schools and their houses and breaking them so that they'll leave so that he can eat his seaweed in peace oh wow said mr hummus that sounds like a problem it sounds like the mer people need some help to figure out how they can co-exist with this mad shark exactly right pterodactyl said and that's where our heroes come in because not long ago a group of kids conveniently named pterodactyl froggy the gator mr hummus and worm bird were all playing on gator grove beach when they encountered one of the mermaid kids on the shore help us help us the mermaid kids shouted to terra and froggy in the gang help us escape the angry mad shark and so froggy terra mr hummus and worm bird jumped into action they put on their awesome underwater mechanical submarine robot suits which they always kept handy for times like these and they flew up high into the air before diving with their rocket-powered submarine robot suits deep into the ocean and toward murtopia at the coral reef when they arrived they couldn't believe what they saw it was jaw dropping the murtopia architecture was beautiful it was shining and it was ornate the mer people had buildings made of seashells and shiny forgotten pirates treasure stretching up from the bottom of the ocean all the way to where the sunlight crept in from the water's surface they had towers and churches and mermaid skyscrapers as far as the eye could see and they drove around in mermaid cars too made out of conch shells with giant seahorses pulling them like underwater chariots as froggy and terra and their friends landed they saw a group of mer kids hiding from the angry shark what appears to be the problem everyone froggy the gator said to the scared mer kids well the oldest mer kid responded the angry shark is breaking our buildings because he wants to get his seaweed from our village and he thinks that we're in the way froggy the gator and terra terra dactyl huddled together then they looked around the murtopia and they had an idea high above the tallest murtopia skyscraper they saw a huge fishing net and the mer people didn't really know what it was for they just thought it looked like a cool flag or something to put on top of their building but froggy did know what it was for because he and his dad used fishing nets when they surfished back up on land and so with that froggy the gator leapt into action he used his rocket powered underwater submarine robot suit to fly up toward the fishing net and drag it along the perimeter of murtopia capturing a hundred pounds of the mad sharks favorite seaweed inside then he rocketed back down to the growing crowd of mer people from murtopia look everybody you didn't know it but you actually had a perfect seaweed catching net as decoration at the top of that mermaid skyscraper over there you can use it just like i did to capture seaweed whenever you want and i bet if you showed the mad shark that you were willing to help him get what he needed he'd happily leave your buildings alone the crowd of mer people started buzzing could this be the answer they were looking for just then one of the smallest mer kids shouted oh no look behind you froggy the gator and who had swum up to the crowd why it was none other than the mad shark himself menacing foreboding and chomping at the bit halt froggy said to the mad shark i am froggy the gator from the land surface and these kind mer people and mer kids have asked for our help i understand you enjoy eating the seaweed along this coral reef well here you go and froggy showed the mad shark his net filled to the brim with the shark's favorite seaweed the mad shark just sort of sat there floating he didn't seem so mad anymore in fact he even smiled a little bit with his shark tooth mouth pointing upward at the corners oh my goodness said the shark i i don't know how to thank you you see all i ever wanted was to enjoy my seaweed but sometimes when i get hungry i can't control my temper we all know what it's like to be hungry pterodactyl said we're just happy to be of service and she and froggy the gator and mr hummus and worm bird left the full net with the mer people who now knew how to get along with their neighbor and the gang flew back up to the surface to continue looking for shark's teeth if you're listening on spotify and you want to help write a story just answer our q&a attached to this episode with your episode idea and how you want to be credited talk to you soon froggy the gator worm bird mr hummus and pterodactyl were all playing at gator grove beach they were there with granny the gator who was watching the kids for the day all the kids were having a great morning looking for seashells shark's teeth and any other buried treasure they could happen to find they were just remembering the time recently when they helped the mermaid people of murtopia fenned off the angry shark when froggy saw something that caught his eye up on one of the sand dunes froggy squinted and did a double take a double take is when you see something then you go look at something else but then you go back really quick at what you were originally looking at a froggy did a double take and he nudged mr hummus with his elbow hey mr hummus is that is that our old friend mr hummus interrupted it's pepper the sandpiper mr hummus shouted come on everybody let's go talk to pepper a pepper the sandpiper in case you forgot was one of the kids many friends that they'd made during their imaginary adventures around gator grove pepper was a sandpiper which is a type of bird that has a pointy little beak for pecking around in the sand and pepper was in charge of guarding the sandpiper treasure not long ago froggy and his friends helped pepper find the treasure after it had gone missing hey pepper froggy said it's great to see you again pepper the sandpiper waved her wing at the friends and called them over to her oh my gosh pepper said i am so glad you all are here because guess what i need your help again of course pepper froggy said anything for our old friend what's going on well pepper said you see i'm in quite the pickle i'm not sure if you know this or not but the sandpipers and the mr people of murtopia have a long history of working together oh yes said terra terra dactyl we know all about the mr people of murtopia we helped them recently too that's right said pepper well what's happening is we will give them pieces of our treasure every once in a while and in return they turn it into jewelry for us pepper explained as her feathers began to ruffle a bit it's kind of like when you swap a toy with a friend for another toy but the problem is pepper continued getting increasingly more worried the mermaids haven't sent back any jewelry for a long time now even though we've continued to give them our treasure oh my gosh said froggy that does sound like a dilemma well of course we're happy to help but i don't really know much about trading some things for other things or anything like that but granny the gator who was sitting nearby and was always willing to indulge froggy and his friend's imaginations adjusted her glasses and chimed in well wait a minute kids granny the gator said this sounds like a trade problem a trade problem pepper asked as she turned her attention to granny the gator that's right granny the gator said so pepper tell me do you know why they haven't sent any jewelry back a pepper just shook her head no no i don't know she said that's one of the reasons i'm so worried well granny the gator said how about we pay a visit to the mer people in murtopia and we sort this all out and just like that they were off they activated their underwater submarine robot suits which allowed them to breathe underwater and also they had jet powered rocket boosters that let them zoom around the ocean with ease and they all dove deep into the ocean and blasted directly down to the beautiful city of murtopia it was as magnificent as froggy remembered it huge sand castles shooting up toward the surface with sunlight breaking through the water and sprinkling down around the buildings seashells treasure old glass bottles all of it combined to make a bustling metropolis full of happy and hard-working mer people when the group arrived in murtopia they immediately met marino the merman prince marino smiled at the group hello froggy the gator marino said what brings you to our fine city froggy then began to explain the issue between the sandpipers and the mer people marino immediately looked sad oh my he said yeah i'm so sorry about this you see even though our city looks beautiful we've actually had a bit of a hard time recently you see whenever we receive a piece of treasure from the sandpipers we run it through a special seashell jewelry machine to turn it into jewelry but our machines are all broken and we haven't been able to find any of the special seashells that we need to create more jewelry and of course we just can't bring ourselves to give the sandpipers an inferior product ah said granny the gator chiming in again it looks like we've got ourselves a supply problem she said a supply problem is when you don't have enough of what you need in order to make something so what you're saying mr marino granny the gator continued is that if we help you find some of these special seashells that you can go back to making jewelry and return balance to your trade marino was elated elated means like really really happy he was elated oh yes that would be perfect he said and so the gang set out to find some of the special seashells they searched all over the ocean floor they searched high and low they used their underwater submarine robot suits to cover as much ground as possible in a short period of time before long mr hummus found a strange cave he beckoned the rest of the group over and inside they saw it sure enough it was hundreds and hundreds of the special seashells the mer people needed to create their jewelry the team carried as many shells as they could back to murtopia and presented them to marino marino was overjoyed thank you thank you he said with these seashells we can make more jewelry than ever for our friends the sandpipers and we can even make up for lost time and with that marino gave a powerful whistle with his two fingers between his teeth and all of murtopia came swimming forward they picked up the shells and they got right to work creating jewelry for the sandpipers they made necklaces they made rings they made powerful amulets brooches even crowns for the sandpipers pepper was so happy that she fluttered her wings and almost tiered up as the sunset froggy and his friends sat on gator grove beach feeling proud of the day's work granny the gator smiled what a great day kids she said today you learned an important lesson you learned about working together you learned about helping out friends and you even learned a little bit about economics hey everybody this is harrison the creator of froggy the gator thanking you once again for listening we are so so grateful to all of our listeners people have reached out and asked how they can support the show the most important thing you can do if you enjoy froggy the gator and you want to show your support is make sure that you're following us on your podcast app of choice and consider leaving us a review and of course if you're a kid listening to this make sure to get your parents permission first today's episode was co-written by one of our listeners megan froggy the gator and his family were going somewhere pretty special you know it was the middle of the wintertime in gator grove and every year around this time they tried to do something fun and get out of town on a nice vacation and this year the gator family was out doing themselves where were they headed well they were headed to bali and if you don't know about bali here's a quick bit about it bali is an island in a place called indonesia it's known for its stunning tropical beaches its beautiful ancient temples and its rich historic culture bali is home to all kinds of wildlife too you can find playful monkeys running around all over the place you can see colorful coral reefs full of all types of tropical fish and you can see all kinds of different birds too like the bali mina which is a white bird with a yellow tip tail and a cool kind of white mohawk on its head and you can see kingfishers with bright blue feathers and oversized orange beaks and froggy could not wait for this trip and this year's trip was even more special than normal because this year they were bringing along froggy's best friend mr hummus the guys were extremely ready to check out all of the tropical paradise that bali had to offer and when the plane touched down they immediately started running to the airport exit they were just that excited the gator family got their luggage and they got in a taxi cab to their hotel they were staying just a short walk from the beach and as soon as they were unpacked froggy the gator and mr hummus got on their zinc sunscreen put their swimsuits on and the whole family walked down to the beach they could not believe how beautiful the beach was they stomped around in the bright white sand with baby the gator a few steps behind of course totalling along and they explored the shoreline while still making sure they could see daddy the gator and mommy the gator in the distance the waves at this particular beach were pretty gentle and the water was crystal clear and blue like an emerald shining and reflecting the warm yellow sun above their heads the sand stretched for about a hundred feet from the shore up to the tree line and at the tree line there were towering tropical trees like coconut palm trees 50 feet up in the air with coconuts ready for picking and then farther inland there were banyan trees which provides some of the best shade in the world this trip was already off to a great start and it was only going to get better because daddy the gator had reserved snorkeling lessons for the whole gang and if you don't know what snorkeling is well it's pretty great basically you have a big goggle mask on your face so you can see underwater and then you also have a snorkel which is like a tube that connects from your mouth to the air above the water so you can also breathe while you're looking underwater it's truly a remarkable invention so daddy the gator and froggy the gator and mr hummus all got their snorkel gear ready while mommy the gator and baby the gator put on his water wingies and got him ready to snorkel in the safer more shallow part of the water but of course since froggy and mr hummus have been practicing their swimming so much at gator grove recreation center with their teacher miss saltless they were ready to go out a little deeper and see some of the fantastic coral reefs just offshore they put their flappers on their feet and they started swimming out to the reef wow froggy said to mr hummus as they came up briefly for air did you see all of those fish down there i've never seen so many colorful fish all in one place they saw some clown fish which are the same kind of fish from a certain movie that rhymes with minding demo and they saw some lion fish which are fish with big spiky striped mains coming out of their heads and they even saw some angel fish which are shaped like spades from a deck of cards and they swam gracefully and majestically around the reef unbelievable mr hummus said and you may not be surprised to hear that given their environment the guy started to imagine even more fantastic scenes before them froggy squinted in his face mask and said hey mr hummus what do you see down that way it looks like it looks like some kind of a glowing floating coconut so the guys followed this imaginary glowing floating coconut farther out into the reef as they approached the glowing floating coconut they heard it start to talk that's weird said mr hummus i didn't think glowing floating coconuts could talk but sure enough in their minds they heard this particular glowing floating coconut talk gentleman said the glowing floating coconut i am the glowing floating coconut and as you can see i am a coconut that floats underwater and i also glow yeah yeah we can see that froggy said to the glowing floating coconut but what are you doing all the way out here how'd you get down into the water well said the glowing floating coconut i was actually hoping that i'd run into you boys because we have a problem down here in the coral reef believe it or not there is a half alligator half fish that's been down here eating all of our plankton and you may know this but we live in a delicate ecosystem which means that if we run low on plankton out here even just a little bit low then some of the other fish will go hungry a half fish half alligator froggy said to the glowing floating coconut i bet i know what the problem is and sure enough as froggy and mr hummus snorkeled around to the other side of the coral reef they saw the culprit there right before them was none other than half alligator half fish underwater mermaid gershwin oh no said froggy it's half alligator half fish underwater mermaid gershwin hey half alligator half fish underwater mermaid gershwin what are you doing down here in this reef our friend the glowing floating coconut said you're eating all of these fishes plankton now we can't have that but as they approached half alligator half fish underwater mermaid gershwin they realized that something was wrong he swam with his mermaid tail up to the guys and he looked really really worried oh boy said half fish half alligator underwater mermaid gershwin with his normal alligator face and a bright orange mermaid fishtail flapping behind him am i glad to see you guys see somehow i wound up down here with this fish body and i can breathe underwater which is pretty neat i guess but the problem is i'm starving because all they have to eat down here is plankton and the half of me that's an alligator needs something much more substantial than that and all of a sudden everything made sense wait a minute froggy said hey glowing floating coconut gershwin's right he doesn't want to eat your plankton he's just starving down here and he needs food fit for an alligator what do you recommend and just then the glowing floating coconut lit up even more than he already was oh my he said well that's a relief well as it turns out there are hundreds of coconuts on shore that would be perfect for your friend gershwin did you call him let's go i'll show you so mr hummus and froggy the gator snorkel back to sure where froggy's family was waiting where they just so happened to be setting up a picnic on the beach with some nice delicious ripe coconuts ready to dig in the end hey everybody this is Harrison the creator of froggy the gator and i'm reminding you of some special important news you may know this but i've joined surewood kids and if you don't know what surewood is it's an app where you can read and watch thousands of great books audiobooks and shows which are all approved by us so you know that they're always safe and you know that they're always ad-free and froggy the gator is on the platform as well if you want to try out surewood you can ask your parents to click the link in the podcast description of this episode or you can just type in in your browser until next time we'll talk soon froggy the gator peered through his pirate telescope he looked seriously into the ocean depths that laid before him he knew this was no ordinary fish he knew this fish was special he felt somehow drawn to this fish he felt this fish was calling to him he couldn't quite put his finger on it but as he peered through the telescope the salty sea air whipping around his knit cap covered head as he hovered in the icy waters he felt his destiny somehow intertwined with this creature men froggy the gator shouted to his friends there she is right do ahead and he pointed to his first mate mr hummus and his deck hands tomato hedgehog and worm bird and they all peered along with froggy into the dark beady eyes of the great creature before them then all of a sudden the sea captain pirate froggy and his friends were interrupted hey guys i got us some popcorn and pretzels it was daddy the gator and he was smiling as he walked towards the boys interrupting their imaginations you see the guys were spending the day at the gator grove aquarium and as you know if you're a long time listener to froggy the gator this is one of their favorite places to visit they like to see the sea turtles the beluga whales the horseshoe crabs the graceful manta rays but most of all they liked to see goose goose was the great white shark that lived at the aquarium goose was absolutely huge he was enormous in fact a prehistoric beast living among us in our modern times and he was one of the main attractions at the gator grove aquarium and today as froggy the gator and his friends pretended to be sea captain pirates searching for the beautiful and majestic creature they had come face to face with goose himself as he peered back at them from his side of the tank oh yeah okay thanks dad froggy said to daddy the gator as the guys all started eating their popcorn and pretzels while goose sat still peering at the boys with his dark black eyes they really couldn't believe how still goose was being i thought sharks weren't supposed to sit still mr hummus said to his friends well froggy said all sharks aren't like old goose here and just as froggy said that all the sudden whoosh all the lights and the aquarium went out it was pitch black oh no said froggy a power outage what's going on here and then as quickly as the lights went out they came back on and as froggy and his friends looked to goose's tank they saw him dart up to the surface probably swimming 50 miles an hour strong like a torpedo but obviously confused and scared whoa said tomato hedgehog i've never seen a shark swim that fast in person you think the lights going out scared him where do you think he was going i'm not sure responded froggy the gator but it must have had something to do with the power going out goose definitely seemed spooked we'd better investigate so the guys imagined again that they were sailors brave courageous sailors hot on the trail of the mysterious goose and the cause of the power outage this way gentlemen see captain froggy said as he steered his imaginary pirate ship toward another portion of the aquarium we've got to find goose we have to see what had him so startled so they captain their ship through the rough seas until they approached a huge wise old sea turtle swimming around really he was swimming in another tank but in the guy's imagination they were somewhere out on the high seas terence froggy said is that you as he shouted toward the sea turtle and in case he forgot terence the sea turtle was their friend who had helped them out with adventures in the aquarium before and he was a site for sore eyes for these sea captain sailors on this particular day oh boy hey fellas terence said i sure am glad to see you have you heard have you heard about what's been happening at the aquarium i think so said mr hummus are you talking about the lights going on and off yes said terence and you guys are just who we've been hoping to see because nobody knows what's going on and all of the sea animals are in quite a fright that explains goose froggy said to terence we were looking at him and then the lights went out and then just like that whoosh he swam away really scared and startled that's right said terence and i think i know what's going on you see there's been a big old alligator in the aquarium and alligators aren't supposed to be in the aquarium they're supposed to be in the zoo but this alligator snuck in somehow and he's been walking around all day turning out all the lights all the lights and the fish tanks are going out and all the fish are getting really scared and disoriented and it's making them swim around like crazy a big old alligator you say froggy said to terence well that sounds like it could only be one thing and the guys all looked at each other and said in unison it's fish tank lights out gershwin thank you terence froggy said to the sea turtle we now know what we have to do we'll solve your lighting problem it all comes down to finding fish tank lights out gershwin but don't worry we are on the case and so the boys set out on the high seas once again sure of their mission and confident in their next steps worm bird manned the sails mr hummus was in the crow's nest keeping a lookout while froggy and tomato hedgehog navigated the mighty ship they steered their way through the seas or more accurately through the aquarium walkways until they came upon a strange buzzing sound from a neglected neglected means nobody's really paying attention to it nobody really notices it from a neglected corner of the aquarium they heard what sounded like tools clanging and rattling in addition to the buzz what's that noise tomato hedgehog said we got to go investigate that guys so the friends quickly steered their ship to the sound hello they yelled fish tank lights out gershwin is that you and then suddenly they saw what was really going on they saw the true cause of the power outages you see it wasn't fish tank lights out gershwin it was an electrician working on the circuit breaker that controlled the aquarium's power hey you boys aren't supposed to be over here said the electrician but while you're here maybe one of you can slide me that wrench across the floor don't get too close though he said and never touch electrical equipment especially not without an experienced adult so froggy listened and he slid the wrench over to the electrician the electrician cranked the wrench a couple times and then they heard a loud whoosh as the power all over the building came on stronger than ever wow said froggy to his friends we saved the day we helped the electrician restore power as the electrician turned around and thanked the boys he pulled a familiar stuffed alligator out of his bag and said hey i don't reckon this thing belongs to any of you guys does it i found him down here while i was working and you guessed it it was gershwin and it wasn't fish tank lights out gershwin but it was regular stuffed animal gershwin who had somehow been separated from froggy sometime earlier in the day so froggy grabbed his stuffed animal he thanked the electrician for returning him and the guys walked out of the aquarium as they did they passed goose's tank they waved goodbye to the noble friendly shark and as they did they swore they saw goose wink at them and say the words thanks for fixing the lights guys you all are truly our heroes the end welcome back everybody to another edition of your favorite podcast of all time froggy the gator and i know by now you've definitely told your friends about froggy the gator right well thank you for that and make sure you keep telling them because that is the single best way to help the show grow is you froggy fans telling your friends all about froggy and mr hummus and tomato hedgehog and terra terra dactyl and worm bird and gershwin and baby the gator and all the great people in gator grove and i want to do something unprecedented today since you all have been writing in so many jokes for me to read and since they're all so gobsmackingly hilarious i'm going to read two jokes today and i guess that's not really that unprecedented unprecedented by the way means that it's something that hasn't happened before because i actually read two jokes on an episode a couple episodes ago but i'm going to do it again so it's precedented but rarely precedented how about that and our first joke comes from our listener naryon who is seven years old and he's listening over in bermingham in the u_k_ and naryon's joke goes like this what is a deer with no eyes what do you call a deer that has no eyes and this is a good joke so i'm going to let you think about it what do you call a deer that has no eyes do you have a guess okay here's naryon's answer what's a deer with no eyes no idea no idea get it because it sounds like no idea meaning i don't know what kind of deer that is called but it's also a no i'd deer because he has no eyes naryon my friend well done and our second joke today is a classic joke and this is a joke that i told myself when i was young when i was a young lad back in the 1990s if you can believe that and this is a knock knock joke which is another classic format for jokes so it's a great one all around and thank you to be for writing this one in so i'm just going to read it in full since it's a knock knock joke are you ready knock knock who's there boo boo who oh don't cry it's just a knock knock joke because boo who is the sound of crying but boo who is saying to whom are you referring with the name boo and wow what an oldy goldy thank you be for writing this in for us today and now for today's episode and it was almost summer in gator grove and if you're like froggy that means that this is your favorite time of the year because it certainly is froggy's favorite time of the year it's when the weather gets warmer the days get longer and you get to play outside in the sun with your friends and run around and do all kinds of summer activities like going to the park going to the pool going to the beach and eating watermelon that's right eating watermelon which is one of my own personal favorite summer foods and it also just so happens to be one of froggy's favorite summer foods which is lucky for froggy the gator because in addition to summer being the best time to eat watermelon it's also the time when gator grove hosts its annual watermelon festival now you may be thinking what in the world is a watermelon festival and if you're thinking that then i have good news because i'm about to tell you the gator grove watermelon festival is when everybody in gator grove gets together and meets at farmer wilbur's farm and farmer wilbur who in case you forgot is daddy the gator's friend who has a farm in gator grove where froggy gets to spend a lot of time hanging out and checking out all the cool farm equipment he actually grows watermelons just for the festival just for this occasion and everybody in gator grove all meet at farmer wilbur's farm to have watermelon juices and watermelon icy pops and they're all there to see the main event the watermelon eating contest that's right you heard me correctly there's a watermelon eating contest at this festival and the way the contest works is you get to enter if you want and you line up at a big long picnic table and you get 10 minutes to eat as much watermelon as you can at the end of the 10 minutes whoever's eaten the most watermelon is crowned the watermelon king or queen of gator grove for that year and what's even better to make it fair there's a separate contest for kids since you know they can't usually eat as much as adults and that's the contest froggy and his friends were entered into oh boy froggy said to mr hummus this is the year this is the year i'm going to take home the prize i just know it froggy said i don't know froggy mr hummus replied you know i've been training a lot for this year's watermelon eating contest and i actually think i have a chance to beat you worm bird was flying beside mr hummus and froggy the gator with his bug wings as they approach the kids picnic table to begin the contest i don't think so fellas warm bird said this is my year and not to be left out tomato hedgehog looked at his friends very seriously and said it seems you have all forgotten that i am literally made of part tomato which is a fruit just like watermelon and i think that makes me the favorite to win this year's contest by default so the friends all lined up at the table with some other kids from town and with baby the gator who was joining in the fun even though nobody really saw him as a serious threat to win the competition they looked down in front of them and each of them had a whole watermelon cut in half sitting at their spots the winner would be whoever could finish the most of their watermelon before the ten minutes were up farmer wilbur got up on a stage near the table and announced okay ladies and gentlemen now the event you've all been waiting for the kids watermelon eating contest is about to begin on your marks get set go farmer wilbur said and with that he started his stopwatch and the kids got to work froggy immediately grabbed his watermelon and as he did he suddenly imagined that he was in a far away watermelon kingdom he looked around there were watermelon trees and watermelons growing out of the ground and a big watermelon castle in the distance made completely out of watermelon oh boy he said to himself then he looked at the ground in front of him it was his watermelon from the contest he looked to his left and saw worm bird and mr hummus they were both holding their contest watermelons and to his right you guessed it tomato hedgehog with his watermelon then in the distance the castle drawbridge opened and the watermelon king came out surrounded by his trumpeteers greetings froggy and friends the first one to carry their watermelon to my door wins and will be crowned the new watermelon king so froggy picked up his watermelon and started racing his friends they all carried their watermelons which weighed like ten pounds and that's kind of heavy for a kid to run with and they raced toward the watermelon castle on their way they had to jump over watermelon vines they had to duck under watermelon branches and they had to dodge watermelon grenades that were being lobbed from above by watermelon egrets this is weird froggy said to himself as he arrived at the gate of the castle a few steps ahead of his friends and just then he heard a whistle that snapped him back to reality times up kids put your watermelons down it was farmer wilbur froggy was back on the regular farm he looked down at his table his watermelon was mostly gone he'd done a good job eating while he was imagining the watermelon kingdom the baby the gator had taken a few bites of his and then totalled off to look at tractors and mr hummus had gotten a tummy ache after a couple minutes and he had to bow out and where birds watermelon just had all the seeds picked out but none of the actual watermelon was gone which just left tomato hedgehog and when froggy looked at tomato hedgehog's watermelon it was completely gone down to the rind wow froggy said to tomato hedgehog great job my friend you deserve to be the watermelon king and so tomato hedgehog put on his watermelon crown which was really just a watermelon rind that they had cut into the shape of a crown and the friends all went back to enjoying the watermelon festival with their families and being grateful for the beautiful weather their happy community and the delicious smell of watermelon the end today's episode of froggy the gator was co-written by my oldest son if you're listening on spotify and you want to help write an episode leave a response to our q and a attached to this episode with your episode idea and how you want to be credited like if you want me to use your name or you want to remain anonymous or you want to use a pseudonym any of the above is fine leave your answer to the q and a and i'll make your episode soon it was a sweltering hot summer day in gator grove and froggy the gator mr hummus and tomato hedgehog we're all playing outside in the hot sun they were enjoying riding their bikes around froggy the gator's backyard when granny the gator who was in town visiting for a few days called outside and asked them to come inside for cookies now something you need to understand about granny the gator she was the queen of delicious cookies she had a secret family recipe for chocolate chocolate chip cookies that had been in froggy's family for generations anyone who ever tried them loved them oh boy said froggy the gator hey come on in with me guys these cookies are delicious you're not going to believe it and you're not going to want to miss them as they sat down and enjoyed granny the gator's famous chocolate chip cookies froggy the gator had an idea hey granny the gator froggy the gator said have you ever thought about selling your cookies people love them so much i bet if you sold them people would buy them left and right granny the gator smiled that's a great idea froggy she said you know what why don't you boys try it i have a fresh batch coming out of the oven right now why don't you set up a cookie stand outside and sell some to the neighbors awesome idea granny the gator froggy said tomato hedgehog and mr hummus were nodding their heads as well this is going to be great they thought they were going to sell so many cookies so the boys set out to do just that they drug an old table out to the street from daddy the gator's garage they brought out some chairs and they painted a big sign that said granny the gator's famous chocolate chip cookies for sale one dollar each they arranged granny's cookies on a nice big plate from froggy the gator's kitchen they placed it on their table outside and they stepped back to admire their hard work this is perfect froggy the gator said we are officially open for business let's go fellas it's time to start selling so the boys sat down at the table and they waited and they waited and waited and waited people from froggy's neighborhood passed by walking their dogs or riding their bikes or driving their cars but nobody stopped at the cookie stand even when froggy the gator yelled out famous cookies for sale nobody stopped nobody wanted to buy granny the gator's cookies mr hummus rubbed his hand across his brow it was hot and all the boys were sweating just from sitting around outside and the sun then they looked down at the tray of cookies the cookies were sitting directly in the sun's rays froggy picked up one of the cookies and it fell apart in his hands and the chocolate chips inside were completely liquid melted by the scorching hot sun wait a minute guys froggy the gator said these cookies are almost ruined it's too hot in the sun do you think that's part of the problem do you think that's why we haven't sold any hmm said tomato hedgehog now that you mention it it is really hot out here maybe people don't want cookies fresh from a hot oven when it's already hot outside especially if those cookies are all melty the boys felt dejected they didn't know what to do they carried the tray of cookies inside froggy's house where they found granny the gator sitting at the kitchen table with a knowing smile how's it going boys she asked how are my young entrepreneurs doing awful froggy the gator said nobody's stopping to buy the cookies do you think it's because it's too hot outside granny the gator just smiled some more i think you might be onto something she said you see granny the gator was pretty business savvy herself she knew all about selling baked goods and other homemade goods and she'd been doing it for decades granny the gator continued on you boys are missing a key ingredient of business she said you have to sell things people want to buy in other words you can't sell if there's no demand and that means you need to think what do people want on a hot day what do people have a demand for is it warm cookies from the oven or is it something else suddenly it all made sense it was like a light bulb went off in froggy's brain oh man he said that's it nobody outside in that heat wants a warm cookie even though they're the best cookies in the world nobody's gonna buy them because it's just too hot outside and that's not what people want right now hey fellas froggy asked his friends what do you like to eat when it's this hot outside it's not cookies is it mr hummus and tomato hedgehog sat in thought for a second then mr hummus chimed in you're right froggy when it's this hot outside i never want cookies i want then the three friends all said in unison when it's this hot outside we want ice cream granny the gator just laughed and laughed that's right boys she said and lucky for you i have just that granny the gator walked over to the freezer and pulled out two big tubs of vanilla ice cream now she said let's get you back in business so they all sat down at the kitchen table and made homemade ice cream sandwiches with granny's fresh cookies and creamy vanilla ice cream in the middle they stacked them up in a cooler and they went back outside to the boys cookie stand froggy the gator made a quick alteration on the sign so that it read granny the gator's famous ice cream sandwiches for sale one dollar each and just like that almost immediately they started making sales before long there was a line around the block of people waiting to get a refreshing ice cream sandwich on a hot summer day froggy the gator and his friends were ecstatic that means like really happy or excited or some combination of the two froggy the gator and his friends were ecstatic they were really doing it they really had a business all because granny the gator helped them understand one important thing you can't sell something people don't want no matter how good it is if you want to run a business you have to meet people where they're at you have to figure out what they're really after and if you do that you'll always be in good shape today's episode idea was inspired by our listeners gunner and landon and gunner and landon specifically asked for a haunted island adventure but i want to ensure everybody listening especially our younger listeners that this episode is not i repeat it is not spooky in fact i would say it is the opposite of spooky you might say that it is happy or fun or even groovy anyway onto the story froggy the gator mr hummus worm bird and tomato hedgehog we're all spending a day at gator grove beach it was getting warmer outside because it was nearly springtime and they were all outside playing you guessed it super rangers and if you don't know what super rangers are you can imagine a certain other intellectual property that i won't name for legal reasons but it rhymes with wower painters and in case you still don't know what i'm talking about and it's okay if you don't these super rangers are some guys who all have basically super powers and they have the ability to summon really cool robots and their robots can turn into a mega robot with all of the robots attaching to each other and the mega robot is fittingly called mega robot so the friends were all on the beach playing super rangers or wower painters and the first thing they were doing was figuring out which robots they were all associated with i'm going to be the t rex of course said froggy the gator and my t rex robot is going to be bred also of course and he's going to be really metallic and he'll have like really cool light up eyes and make a really ferocious roar whenever i call him that sounds great froggy mr hummus said well my robot dinosaur is going to be the triceratops and he's going to be blue and he's going to have three triceratops horns naturally and he can actually run really fast and he'll even have wheels under his feet that can turn him into kind of like a tank type guy then tomato hedgehog chimed in okay well i want my robot to be a safer tooth tiger and froggy and mr hummus immediately interrupted and said wait a minute tomato hedgehog a saver tooth tiger is not a dinosaur or robots are supposed to be dinosaurs actually responded tomato hedgehog in the original wower painters there was a saver tooth tiger so my robot is considered canon by true fans hmm said froggy and mr hummus together i'll allow it froggy said then tomato hedgehog continued my saver tooth tiger robot is going to be silver and yellow since froggy already picked tomato colored red and he's going to have huge and i mean huge things these things are going to be like four feet long and he'll have the powerful ability to run exactly like a cat thanks to hydraulic pistons that are installed and is hind in his four legs sounds great froggy said worm bird what about you well worm bird said i've been thinking a lot about this and i've decided that my robot is going to be a pterodactyl i figured that makes sense since i have my bug wings and i can fly and everything and since our other friend pterodactyl isn't here today because she had a dentist appointment i'm going to be the pterodactyl and my pterodactyl is going to be purple kind of like in honor of our friend pterod who is also purple and who had to go to the dentist today so all the guys had their robot prehistoric beasts picked out notice i didn't say dinosaurs since tomato hedgehog had one that wasn't a dinosaur and they were practicing their karate on the beach doing really strong kicks and chops and thinking about how cool their robot prehistoric beasts were when they saw something ahead of them in the water hey guys froggy said to his friends what's that and they all squinted to look out in the breakers really just a few yards into the water where it was still pretty shallow and they all saw a strange abandoned row boat is that a boat just sitting there in the water where's its captain mr hummus asked rhetorically which means he wasn't really expecting an answer as nobody really knew the answer but he wanted to ask a question to make a point or to advance the conversation that's what a rhetorical question is where do you think its captain is mr hummus said guys froggy responded this is the perfect chance for us to use our super ranger robot beasts we can summon them and we can turn them into the mega robot and we can stomp out into the waves to get to the boat but the rest of the friends looked nervous i don't know froggy warmbert said your dad is all the way up the beach and we aren't supposed to get in the waves without a grown-up hmm froggy responded you're right so froggy called his dad down and told in the situation and daddy the gator was happy to play along and guide the boys as they pretended to build their super mega robot and go investigate the boat so now everybody was right on the edge of the water froggy the gator with his t-rex dinosaur robot mr hummus with his triceratops dinosaur robot tomato hedgehog with his non dinosaur saber tooth tiger robot and worm bird with his pterodactyl dinosaur robot and daddy the gator making sure that everybody stayed safe okay fellas froggy said to his friends seriously it's time to call on our robots to form mega robot i'm not sure what we're going to see when we get out to that boat but this is what heroes do we venture into the unknown and i don't know if it will be spooky i don't know if it will be haunted i don't know if it will simply be cool and groovy but what i do know is we can't turn back now daddy the gator just smiled as he looked out at the boat it was really just a few feet into the waves and he knew that some fishermen had probably anchored it there while they went on shore to get more bait or supplies or something but he was happy to play along with froggy and his friends so froggy called on his t-rex dinosaur and the guys imagined a huge red t-rex dinosaur robot exploding out of the sand roaring at the sun and then standing and waiting for the rest of the dinosaurs to create mega robot mr hummus tomato hedgehog and worm bird called their robots and then the guys all pretended that the four robots started transforming into mega robot froggy's t-rex robot was the mega robot head so it had the head of a t-rex which was pretty interesting and mr hummus's triceratops robot was the midsection and arms so it had like three huge spikes coming out of its shoulders for protection like football pads and tomato hedgehog saber tooth tiger robot was the legs so it had cat legs and it could run really fast and worm birds pterodactyl robot was the wings so this mega robot could fly also actually okay guys froggy said it's time to investigate this boat and they all imagined that they got inside the mega robot and flew it high into the air with rocket boosters propelling it off the ground through the saber tooth tiger feet and they took some time to soar around the shoreline before diving down to see the boat in reality they were all just kind of waiting out toward the boat in the water with daddy the gator accompanying them of course but the mega robot scenario is what they imagined and is frankly much cooler as they arrived at the boat they saw something they never could have imagined well to be fair daddy the gator did imagine it but the kids didn't wait a minute said froggy when they got to the boat this is just a regular boat that's right said daddy the gator it probably belongs to some fishermen but it's pretty cool isn't it how your imaginations made something completely different and that's pretty special guys and so froggy and his friends went back to playing super rangers or wower pangers on the non spooky not that very haunted beach or whatever you want to call it until it was time to go home and eat some spaghetti the end hey everybody this is Harrison the creator of froggy the gator i wanted to thank gunner and land in for that really awesome story idea and i also wanted to let you all know some huge news i've joined sherwood and if you didn't know sherwood is an app where you can read and watch thousands and i mean thousands of great books audiobooks and shows and they're all approved by us so you know they're safe and you know they're completely advertisement free froggy the gator is featured on the platform by the way if you want to try sherwood out you can ask your parents to click the link in the podcast description of this episode or you can all go together to until next time we'll talk soon