Fightful Wrestling Podcast with Sean Ross Sapp

MXM In ROH | ROH 7/11/2024 Show Review & Results

1h 15m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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Kate (@MissKatefabe) and SP3 (@TruHeelSP3) review tonight’s episode of ROH:

-ROH World Television Championship: Atlantis Jr. (c) vs. Serpentico

-ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground Match: Billie Starkz vs. Mackenzie Morgan

-Skye Blue vs. Laynie Luck

-Taya Valkyrie vs. Marina Shafir vs. Robyn Renegade

-Lance Archer & The Righteous vs. Dalton Castle & The Outrunners

-Diamante vs. Nyxx

-Lee Johnson & The Infantry vs. The Dark Order

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Some fresh developments in the work, some tapings coming up that are going to be stationary, which makes me very happy. But before we get into all of that, a couple of quick reminders. One, we love it when you guys leave a thumbs up on this video. We love it when you leave a thumbs up on every video here at Fightful, but especially this one, because we're the little feds that could. We're the ones that aren't on TV and ROH and T&A, but some exciting developments here on the ROH side and T&A with the NXT crossover is booming too. So please leave a thumbs up here if you would be so kind. We'll also remind you to get into your super chats if there's anything you want to comment on in general about ROH. In general, to me and SP3 about tonight's show, send in those super chats the best way to support us here, other than, where Sean kind of snuck some retribution news all into one post. These guys are never going to be able to shed their retribution days, but whilst announcing that Shane Hase resigned in New Japan for wrestling, also kind of just snuck in there, that MXM is an ROH in the AEW. Fantastic vignette tonight. I'm so excited to talk about it, but you know, they're out here saying that people thought M&M and ROH was a reach. Well, they're going to give you the best reach around possible. My God, appropriate that they were lumped in with Shane Hase, because he was out here saying that him and Mikey were going to knock tag teams down a peg in New Japan and that they were the best peggers out there. So there's just a lot of very wholesome... Power bottom. Definitely not the power bottom. That's right. They have the powerful rock bottom over there, but it's not doing Johnson giving it, so they're out there giving the power bottom to people. My God, these wholesome wholesome boys getting lumped into the same posts, but tons more contract news on the horizon. There are so many contracts up this year. We are only in July, and when I tell you that there are more big ones coming, there are more big ones coming. So we are going to see what's in store, but so much other news. Keep an eye on everything to do with Warner and AEW, because those announcements, I think, are going to be coming down the pike soon. So much happening with the T&A crossover in NXT. So much happening coming in and out of these pay per views. The bill to all in already insane as we are putting some incredible matches in place for that. But, man, oh, man, we've got some stuff cooking here on ROH tonight. I think people are excited about it. Landis Jr., at least intrigued, since Kyle Fletcher has since dropped the ROH TV title. But also, I know I love my boys MXM, but I think they're making a really fun first impression here. We saw Man Sore's wrap on Max Castor closing in on two million views. Put the fries in the bag, bro. My God, that was so much fun to see what they're capable of. And these are the ads, of course, absolutely hilarious. What radiant ozemphic hoties is what ROH stands for now. My goodness. I feel like we so often hear, like, AEW is not elite wrestling. It's whatever. Like, WWE stands for walk with Elias, radiant ozemphic hoties. Was not on my list, but neither was an M.F. Doom reference from Man Sore in 2024. Some good, good stuff developing, but some familiar complaints, but a decent enough episode overall, I think. SB3. What are your thoughts kind of on the big signing that we have here? And what did you think of tonight's episode overall? It was very excited on last week's show. The first been yet aired for MXM. And I was very, you know, glad to see them. And then the news from Fightful Select confirming that they have signed with AEW slash ROH. But this is something that we've been asking for as far as like talent coming in for exclusively Ring of Honor. And it's a lot of fun to see that, you know, being accomplished and, you know, talking about the whole retribution theme of Fightful Select report. I actually had the privilege of interviewing someone else from Retribution this week. Donovan Dijak over on the True Hill, he YouTube channel. And one thing I will tell you is that he told me what are the people that he pitched to become the leader of Retribution was Shay McMahon. And I think that would have owned that would have owned so much. But you know, go check it out. True Hills BTR. We did a live interview on Monday. So I love the the Retribution theme going on where they are like the hottest free agents right now. And MXM, not no longer free agents in Ring of Honor. They're very much needed for the tag team division. You've got the tag team champions, X and four days all, X and four vacations, X and four Mercedes Monet like parties. So they need some competition and MXM is on the way. So I'm very excited for that. As far as this episode, thought it was a pretty decent follow up. I thought last week's, you know, Fourth of July episode had a lot of good stuff on it with Lee Moriarty and Will Iuda, the verse vignette for MXM. And then the follow up here. I wanted a little bit more of that to translate into this week, but it was still pretty decent with the nice little main event trios matchup. So I'm excited to talk about it. And I'm excited for this week's list because I took a week off, had a week to regroup and I come back with a big list. My gosh, SP three returns with lists and tell what we're going to get into this episode. But before we do, we want to take a minute to tell you about Hooked in voiceovers. Matthew Hooks is in the chat right now. He's a wonderful sponsor of ours. We're throwing him some extra love. He's normally kicking around our Tuesday nights. We do a lot of very odd, odd voiceovers there. So we are extremely silly over there. And he normally sponsors that show and says, Hey, I know a couple of things about voiceovers. But he is not only a wonderful supporter of Fightful, but he does fantastic voiceover work. He does a lot on the entire spectrum of what it takes to produce a high quality voiceover. He's been trusted with national and international brands. He's doing really, really fantastic work. You can check out his website. I'm not going to try and pull it up like I did last time because my internet gets tempted fate, but very easy to access his demos. Very easy to get in touch with him. You really get a feel of what he's about and what he offers very quickly at Or you can just chat him up right now. He's in the chat as we speak. So head on over to Or just say it, Matthew Hooks. What? You have this incredible passion that I didn't even know about. I need your services. And he'll let you know all about it. But he kicks off our super chats right here by saying, Don Castle MXM Trio, who says no. Also the women at ROH. They definitely do. You know, I'm so intrigued to see what comes out of this Dalton Roderick strong thing, because I feel like that one could go either way. I kind of want tag teams to be tag teams and trios to be trios. Like, Dalton definitely lost the voice so he could certainly pick up two models in the process. And obviously the personality clash would be fun. But I feel like I would more like maybe it's like Eminem versus Dalton and Johnny TV find way back to each other and are like, we're not so different you and me or something along those lines because my one of my overall chief complaints with ROH is that lack of clarity between who's in what division and who's on what brand like that I just need clean lines around those things. So I'm not in fully on the idea of mudding that up, but they have to interact. They have to either face each other or have a backstage where they cross paths or whatever. It's too much fun to have these guys operating in the same world. And SP3, one thing that I love with ROH is it's always been so like serious and sports-based, but they always do throw you like a Dalton Castle or Dan How is it or an Eminem like coming in here and it's almost, I love it because it's just this thing of like, hey, just a reminder it's pro wrestling. Like, it's such a fun thing. And I think what people are going to learn if they're not familiar, if they only saw like the maximum male model stuff, two things that stand out with MXM with me are one. They're really good if you give them the chance to go. They just never had the chance to go in WWE because they were getting squashed when they did their finisher on the indies for the first time. Everyone was like, holy crap, that's awesome. And they were like, we never got to attempt it in WWE. So nobody even knew. And I think the thing that most people miss, including myself until I met him in person is Mason is very tall. He is a big dude. But I think because he's not like, I'm such an intimidating big guy and he can play a role like this super well. People forget, and because he was standing next to Die Jack, who's legitimately like six, eight, for so much of his career, like, he's gonna have a notable size advantage over a lot of opponents in ROH. And I think that's gonna catch people off guard, which I'm excited about because I think people are gonna be like, Oh my God, this guy is, he's a model, but he's a monster. He's a monster, if you will. So what are your thoughts on on all that? Do you want to see you don't castle trail? What are you most excited about of MXM being around? I agree with you. I think I just want them to interact, whether it be a backstage segment, it could be a promo in front of the fans. If that maybe a rivalry that that, you know, requires them, maybe undisputed kingdom, because I feel like they should come right into like ROH tag team title opportunity against Taven and Bennett, but they got Roddy, who might be showing back up here in Ring of Honor. So we can have a trio rivalry with Dalton Castle and MXM versus the undisputed kingdom. That would be a lot of fun as well. I'm just intrigued in them and how they're going to kind of blend in with what's already established in Ring of Honor. Like the Super Chat said, the women are very much the dominant force in Ring of Honor. And like halfway through this episode, I was like, so we really just going to go with the two matches that were announced this week of Queen Aminata and Athena and Billy Starks and Red Velvet. Is it going to be one of those other these Ring of Honor cards that just get made the week of? I was very concerned and then we had the big announcement of the Dalton Castle and Roderick Strong matchup on collision determining the number one contender for Mark Briscoe, which I like. Like you said, it could go either way. My money is on Roderick Strong because he's kind of been kind of circling Mark Briscoe and the collaboration over the last couple of weeks and feuding with them. So I would like to see that followed up on Ring of Honor. I was worried that they were going to wait until the week of and blood and guts and probably give him someone from the elite to face. So I was very pleased with the announcement that, you know, Roddy and Dalton, two people that are synonymous with Ring of Honor are the two people that are going to be in the number one contender matchup to face Mark Briscoe. But MXN, I'm just excited. I don't care what they do. I know it's going to be entertaining and you're 100% right. Mason Madden is just going to be a wow factor for a lot of the live fans and his size difference to everyone else. This is a guy that dwarfed Brock Lesnar in his first ever angle that he did in professional wrestling. When he was D.O. Madden at the commentary does on Raw and Brock had to muscle him up. It took a lot of took a lot from Brock to muscle him up or not really his Brock Lesnar. But he did. He didn't look over his head. So that shows you just how tall Mason is. So I'm going to be very excited for what they can do. And Mansour, I think is going to be very surprising as far as like he's a really good worker in the ring. And I think that he wasn't given that opportunity unless it was in Saudi Arabia. So a lot of people are going to be seeing it for the first time. I joined their streams whenever I can. I would encourage you to check out their Twitch channel. But one thing that they were saying was kind of how wrestlers are certain fits for certain environments and that they think an environment where your success is predicated on your own performance and creativity is somewhere that they are going to thrive in. I think we're seeing that very early on and it makes me so happy. I love it when wrestlers find the place that matches their groove wherever that is. And to see them get to show their potential like this is something that makes me very, very happy. But let's dig into this show. We got some more superchats. Keep those coming in. Please leave a thumbs up on this video. Please subscribe to Fightful Select. Many more of you watching now than were when I did my beginning of the show announcements. But we got Ian and Caprice just welcoming us here before we kick off with our matches. But some really, really, really fun stuff that takes place here. I had to copy and paste my notes. So I just am trying to make sure they're in order. But we started with the Triple Threat, right? Yes. Okay. Just making sure because my initial notes have the TV title match first, but I was doing some last-minute editing before I got on here. Just making sure I'm not going crazy. So we start with the Triple Threat. Taya with Johnny TV, defeating Marina Shafir and Robin Renegade via pinfall. This was a lot of fun. I feel like Taya Valkyrie, her conditioning has improved a lot. She always looks amazing, but she looks extra amazing right now. And the results of that are paying off in the ring more and more and more and more. I feel like when she first showed up in AEW, it was just like everything was off like a step or two. She was also in that weirdly produced feud with Jade and that just kind of went away for a while. So I think having some consistency, all the work that she's clearly been putting in, having a character-heavy environment or feuds at least, like ROH has been, I think, has been so, so helpful for her. And this was really, really fun. Marina Shafir also really coming along. We're starting to get more of a grasp of who she is. Everybody's loving that mother's milk submission. And Robin Renegade, the Renegade twins just tend to be there to serve as pin eaters, which is perfectly fine. If there's ever a tag division, I would love to see them get to do some work together. But a fun way to kick things off, SP3, what did you think? I thought the finish was interesting because it looked like Marina Shafir was on her way to the victory when she locked in the mother's milk. The mother's milk, excuse me, and looked into the camera. I was like breaking the fourth wall here, pal. She looked into the camera. I thought it was going to be over. And then we just get the knee to the face. That was very well produced and then Tyya finishing things off with the curb stomp. And I like that Tyya is building up wins right now because she's already called out Queen Amanata. Doesn't seem like that's going to happen in the next couple of weeks ahead of Deaf before dishonor. I would like Queen Amanata to get some shine and a big win against an established talent like Tyya Valkyrie before she versus Athena. But the fact that we're building up Tyya at the same time, she's already called out Queen Amanata. It does make the outcome at Deaf before this honor for the championship matchup a little bit more unpredictable because a lot of people would assume Athena's going to win that. But with the fact that Queen Amanata already seems to have established someone who's going to be a top contender for her. If she does win the championship, it makes me believe more that Queen Amanata can get that victory. So I like that. I like Tyya Valkyrie getting the win. So good stuff here in the opener. Well, you mentioned Athena. So let's talk about Athena's status right now because, man, it's it's very sad that her leg seems to be made out of paper mache at this point. She's holding this minion security guard rally thing happening here. And the camera catches her as she's standing up and she's definitely for a real injured man. She's definitely so hurt. The camera caught nothing that would indicate that that's not true at all. So I think, you know, we've talked at length about the legacy of Athena in ROH. She won the Fightful Award for Best Women's In-Ring Performer from the ROH slot when like eight people watched this week. Getting better, getting better. But you know, she is one of the less accessible brands and she won that. She carried this brand. Commentary did an amazing job and continues to do an amazing job mentioning her name alongside the likes of Brian Danielson and Nigel Baguenas and Samoa Joe with how historic her title reign has been. And, you know, she's now she she's just beat up from all the work that she's put in. And my big takeaway from this segment, SP3, was just that she is definitely for real, shoe injured. And it's a shame. But I'm so proud of her as minion 690069 nice for for working through this. That's that's my big takeaway. What was your takeaway from this minion rally security guard situation? I think Fightful more than any other channel takes, you know, mental health very seriously. So the fact that Athena has a leg that might be bipolar. We have to take that to it very seriously. It's true. You know, some some moments she feels good. She's jumping around every side. But then some moments when the camera's on her, it really hurts. And she collapsed. We saw it. We saw it, folks. We saw it with our own eyes. We saw it with our own eyes. He has the brace on. She fell over. She was on the ground writhing in pain. I think we need to take this very seriously. And I think that this is a very much, you know, I know, I know a lot of people, you know, Fightful doesn't do this. But you know, a lot of people make a lot of money off of content criticizing Tony Khan. And I'm going to criticize Tony Khan. It is a damn shame what he is doing to our our minion overlord, our falling goddess, the greatest ring of honor woman's champion of all time. She should not be in this matchup at death before dishonor. This is a travesty that Tony Khan is committing against Athena. And I'm not going to stand for it anymore. I'm not going to stand for anything. You know, SP three, I appreciate your sincerity because you raise a really good point in that I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be a doctor, but she should she shouldn't be fighting in this. And the women's division has come such a long way. And I have so many better things to say about the women's divisions, both in our which and a w that I did six months ago, even definitely over a year ago, but to force Athena to work. When she literally has minions right there who could help out, it's it's disgusting. It's a disgusting travesty. So I'm glad we're on the same page about that. We do take all forms of health very seriously here and to see her go down and pain like that cause just cause me emotional distress. I might sue Tony Khan for the emotional distress that that it caused. I think I might contact the FBI. I should. I'm got yeah, I didn't want to say that on stream, but I'm gonna have to. I don't have a choice. All right. You broke me. We were doing so good. We were doing so good. Jessica Cardo saying hi, Kate sub S be three chat. Hope y'all are good. Well, we were until Athena went down, but we thank you so much for the chat and we appreciate you. Thank you. That eases the pain. Circling back to tie on our opening triple threat bad apple jam tree beard says tie sacrifice the boys to make a deal with the devil to look that great and to get her conditioning that high. She really does. She looks excellent. She just looks way more comfortable than she did when she first got here. Some of us just consistent reps. That is the challenge with the women's division before our wage became so women's wrestling heavy was I've seen it in Anna Jay. Like when some people have consistent reps, it's just easier for them. And she came in and worked a program with Jade right away who's obviously earlier in her career. So just felt like it. It's not like anything was overwhelmingly bad in her coming in here, but she just kind of was pushed aside rather quickly. It felt like and then ever since she went to our wage and they have this plan and we're leaning into how fun their personalities are and she has gotten to showcase what she can do at our highest level. It's the tie of Valkyrie that we know and love and I love that for us. And I love when SP3 brings his lists to this game, to this post show, to this great sport, to this business, SP3. What's our topic for today? All right. So we're talking about a Tony Con own promotion. So I had to translate it to the other Tony Con own promotion, AEW. And the highlight of AEW over the last two weeks is two of the greatest endings to Dynamite ever. Last week, you had MJF turning heel, becoming his true self. I said it over on True Hill. He was like, he was like a great 99 overall point guard that you have in 2k and you try to make him a power forward as a baby face. And he wasn't a 99 at a point. He's a 99 at a point guard. He's a 99 as a heel. So that was a great move and a port and ship that they needed to make. And then even better was the last night on Dynamite with Mariah Mae, the payoff of a nine-month storyline. I have never been so emotionally satisfied with a heel turn and quite some time. I said this earlier today, it's one of the greatest female wrestling angles of all time. Like, I don't think it's Reese's E bias in saying that. Like, when I tried to compare it to other ones that I remember, I was like, no, this is better. This is better than that. This is better than that. It was just a payoff of an unworldly type of factor. But I got that. And I saw those two heel turns and I was like, what are the top five greatest ring of honor heel turns of all time? So that is the list that we got this week. So I'll give you five and four real quick before we continue on. And we'll get Kate's reaction and get your reaction in the chat. And of course, like I said, the first week, if you got a list you want me to do, put it in the chat and I might think about doing it might hit me while I'm watching Ring of Honor next week. And I might make that the next list. But number five for me, going back to 2006, Claudio Castinoli turning on Ring of Honor to join CZW in the war between Ring of Honor and CZW. He was a CCW original, but I kind of found out about Claudio Castinoli in Ring of Honor. But to see him kind of turn and show that heel side of him, he was a babyface most of the time in Ring of Honor when he first came in and feuding with Nigel McGinnis. But to see him as a heel, he felt really like fully realized for the first time and teaming up with Chris Hero as the Kings of wrestling. And they were like the main heels in the CCW war against Ring of Honor. So that is my number five right here. But number four, I went to 2013. So seven years later, Adam Cole turning on Jay Briscoe. And you want to talk about someone getting fully realized. Adam Cole is like MJF. He's at Power Forward, Small Forward. It could be a 89 to 90, but you put him as a heel and he was at 99 instantly. And he was the young upstart babyface. You know, he had a great rivalry with Kyle O'Reilly after the breakup of Future Shock, which got a mention on this show because they got new toys for that. So check that out. See, I'm plugging for you, Ian. Adam Cole, as a heel, becoming the Ring of Honor World Champion, the whole story with Jay Briscoe not wanting to give up the Ring of Honor World Championship after suffering injuries. They did the whole tournament. He beats Michael Elgin clean. And then Jay Briscoe after his father, after his brother basically talks some sense into him and tells him to show respect with honor and give it to the winner of this tournament. He hand the title to Adam Cole and then Jay Briscoe's turns around and Cole super kicks them right in the back of the head. It's a great angle. They got it all on the Ring of Honor YouTube channel. So you can look it up for yourself. It was so well done. It elevated Jay Briscoe as the top babyface in Ring of Honor, but it made Adam Cole into a full fledged bonafide main event in Ring of Honor. So that's number fourth. Fantastic choices. Honestly thought Jay and Cole might have been higher up on the list because that one is so great. But when I think about stuff like that and when I like can recall the footage in my head a little bit, it's such a reminder to be of like, man, some of the best stuff at wrestling is just the simplest shit in the world. Honest to God. Like there that was so it's so textbook. It's so like it's so the artist's color in the lines of what you give them like to me 100%. Like you can put set up the the most quote unquote typical situation or typical wrestling trope, but if the right people are handling it, it goes a million miles an hour and it's so so good. And that that Jay and Cole one the Claudia one great to just a different kind of thing that Jay and Adam Cole what is like just such a reminder of sometimes the simple shit just works. It just works. And that that was one of them, man. textbook storytelling. And I do I do agree with you. I would have had it higher, but I feel like the top three are like iconic Ring of Honor. I will spoil one thing. Brian Danielson finally didn't make a list. Oh my goodness. Because because Brian it was kind of like a natural kind of heel turn when he was wearing a bottle world champion. It wasn't like a moment where I could say, oh, he turned heel here. He just started. It wasn't like a turn. Yeah, we're like a turn. People just started booing him and he used us. He embraced it. Like it's kind of like that. But that is it was very organic. But Ricardo saying watching Mariah's eyes change right before was lovely. This is the the test to me for how far this AW women's division has come is Brian Danielson is going to main event Wembley and won the Owen and people were talking about Mariah like coming out of that episode. And I know it's the thing that closed the show. But I think it genuinely caught a lot of people off guard self included. I didn't think it was going to happen then. And I thought Tony might be the one to turn. And I don't think anyone would have seen how violent it got. Like that was awesome. And it was done to perfection. It was done to perfection. So some good stuff and some good stuff from me Norma saying while watching Shark Week, I came across a device called the Beaten remote underwater video, bruv. It records underwater activity. It has more talent and it's left not that other cameras. My guy. Tell you as someone who has ADHD, I was devastated to find out that I can't use it as an excuse to be a piece of shit. That was very, uh, I heard my feelings. One of all Osprey was like, mmm, sorry, you still have to be a good person, even if you have this. I was like, I can't coast on that the rest of my life every time I'm in a bad mood. Damn it. But let's move along. We get this quick undisputed kingdom. Uh, vignette where it's basically just a promo saying that they want a day off from death before dishonor and that they're going to talk to Tony Kant. I arrange it pretty well delivered by Matt Haven. But Mike Bennett, what he is like leading into being a heel in this way with his sunglasses on inside and kind of just like this, uh, almost like this high school jock attitude about him when you're like, Oh, brother that guy walked into the room is so much fun. I love that from Mike Bennett. I feel like man, that whole devil angle didn't really pay off. It's, it's rough because so many of them have been injured, but if they kind of want to salvage things by bringing a ruddy into the picture, but maybe they do drop these titles, that could be a fun way to go about business. But let's talk about that one first and then we'll get into our radiant ozemphic hotties because I think they're getting lined up to maybe be contenders here. What did you think of this quick undisputed kingdom, uh, vignette that we got? I've been really enjoying undisputed kingdom on this show, whether it be like their tag team match up last week against Matt to leak and, commander was really good. And then this promo here where, like you said, Mike Bennett and Matt Haven for that matter come off like valley jocks from Saved by the Bell. But they're from Boston. That's the only catch. Boston, but they act like valley jocks and there's, they're so cocky saying, you know, we want, we want the Mercedes Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday. We want the after party. I love it. It was, they're very entertaining. And I like Matt, Matt Haven talking about his history in Ring of Honor, his first match up back in 2009. And as soon as he said that, I was like, man, I remember when he first came in, I remember when Bennett first came in and he was just so anti Ring of Honor. Like everybody's Ring of Honor is like these great wrestlers that he was just starting out and he just came in with the sports entertainment type character. And he just stood out immediately and they're still standing out with their, with their promo work with their characters right now. So very much have been enjoying Undisputed Kingdom on the show. And I like the fact that they mentioned they're on everything. They're on Ring of Honor. They're on Rampage. They're on Dynamite. They're on Collision. They might be in somebody's corner. They might be at commentary. They might be in the ring, but they are always entertaining. So I like the Undisputed Kingdom right now, what they're doing. But I just want them to, I want them to be able to kind of get that thrust into the spotlight where they can recover what happened. Like you said, with the double story line, really bombing and them feeling like DOA with the fact that Max got injured with the fact that Cole got injured. They've been really trying to like, they are like a basketball team trying to fight from behind down 30. And they're still catching up. So many best good metaphors from you today. You tell what's on SP3's mind, but I agree with you on that. And I'm also intrigued to see what happens with the stationary tapings, like having to play in a head, I think it's going to be something that is so refreshing for the product because it has to be. It's not just, Hey, what guys are in the back out of Saturday? It's like, no, we have we're planning for weeks at a time or whatever. So I'm so intrigued by how that is going to go. And I feel like if anything, it should help the tag picture because there are a couple of champions that actually have been around after not having been around for a while. When they mentioned Mark Briscoe before, I was like, Oh, right. He's still champ. He has not been on the show since he won, basically. So whatever. But some good stuff there. Let's talk about this M&M vignette before we go into our next match. Just just more great work from the same. We mentioned a couple times the radiant oes epic hotities. They said the reach around line of they think it's a they've heard that the chatter has been that them and ROH is a reach, but they're going to give you the greatest reach around full time. They look like a million bucks. This feels like merging between maximal male models and kind of what I've grown to know through their like independent work a little bit as more like M&M like they have like this fun ship poster best friend thing about them. And the maximal male model idea, I think, was strong. There was just never a creative translation to the ring that made sense for it because of things I'm going to assume is beyond their control because I know what the rest of the product looked like at that time. And also, like, just a lot of weird stuff, right? LA Knight didn't want to be a manager. He wanted to look at what he is right now, right? So I thought this video was a ton of fun. I think they're likely the winners. I think they could be a tentpole talent on ROH. And I'm just excited for those guys. Like, I don't consider myself like friends with people in this space that I haven't actually met, but I do interact with them quite a bit. And one thing that was very telling to me about their character as people, not their characters, characters was when they went to Uganda, they were trying to leave. They got stuck in the airport for like an extra day. Because when you're stuck in an airport in Uganda, it's not like, oh, well, I'll just flip to the United. Like, that's not how that works. It's not like a two-hour delay or whatever. And they were covered in their muddy clothes from being there. They were just smiling. I'm laughing about it the whole time. And I'm like, man, I want to, I like those guys. Like, that makes me like you if you are taking things in stride in such a way. That's really cool to me. So I'm excited for them as people. And I'm very excited about the work they can do. I loved what we got in last week's vignette and this. I think them versus Matt Taven and Mike Bennett with their personalities, like you said, to say by the Bell Jocks, is going to be like a very fun combination. I'm excited to see where it might go. Doesn't make me a little worried about other teams like the infantry that have been around for so long. And the other ones that they can't decide if they're a tag team or trio, like the iron savages or whatever. Because if people just come in here and win, Roddy Strong just comes in here and wins a contendership match before a pay-per-view. How is anybody else supposed to make traction on this product? Love to the vignette, love M&M, just want to make sure that the rest of the tag team is being built for something, or tag team division is being built for something. What do you think of our vignette here and the state of the tag team division of ROH? I think that the MXM are just so interesting. MXM collection is coming soon. I just love it. I just love the production of the vignettes. And it's very rare that we get vignettes to hype someone's arrival in Ring of Honor. So it makes it stand out almost immediately. And those guys are just oozing with charisma and entertainment back there. They're bringing a little bit something different to Ring of Honor. We get it with like Dalton Castle, but outside of Dalton and Johnny TV and Talia, there's not a lot of acts that have that just instant charisma when they're on the stream, that instant IT factor and MXM is bringing that. As far as the tag team division, I think that they do need MXM to come in here and immediately win the tag team titles because the Undisputed Kingdom has faced the infantry. They've faced the iron chatter. They've been improving ground matches or title defenses, but they've pretty much beaten all the tag teams that we usually see on this show outside of like maybe like Dark Order is the only team that I think I don't remember them facing, but they face all these teams. You need some fresh blood in here to kind of freshen up the entire tag team division. And sometimes that starts from the top. So having a team come in and instantly win these Ring of Honor World Tag Team titles is going to make the whole division open up a bit. We might be able to see maybe an infantry heel term. Maybe they go heel to face with MXM. Maybe MXM come in and they are baby faces at first, beaten Undisputed Kingdom, but then they can turn heel because they can feud with the infantry that way. So there's so many different ways they can go about it. They can face the iron savages, they can face Dark Order. The righteous is another team that like you said, you can't decide if they're with Lance Archer in the Trio's division, or if they're in the tag team division, I would suggest the righteous go over to the tag team division because the whole Trio's division in all the Tony Khan reduced companies seems to be up in the air after the spoiler from collision this week. So we don't even know if we're going to get RO8 six man tag team title match coming up at Def before it is on or because they got to figure out what's going on with the unified Trio's championship. So I'm going to wait to see with all of that. So maybe some of these Trio's can get into the tag team division a bit and righteous is another one that MXM would have a lot of fun with because they're two totally different types of teams and characters. So I'm very much open to MXM coming in here and immediately winning the tag team titles because I feel like it opens things up a bit for the whole tag team. I agree with you. And when you said the righteous too, I was thinking about that a little bit as you were talking and the idea of like Vincent with his like you dig and his creepiness and sore Mason just being like what is wrong with these guys would be such a fun combination. I am so in on that. But we're going to get some more fun stuff from your list. But first we got this super chat from Shane Monster who says hey dndkate favorite name in the world and SP three count any random wrestling facts you heard that brightened your day via Eric Stevens Dennis and wanted his name to be Lloyd Boner. That man loves dick references and God bless him for it. Like I adore that so much. I don't have a fact but I do have a spoiler. Effie's gonna kick Sean Ross half's ass in Louisville which that that's awesome. I think he's gonna be my new boss. I think we're gonna have Effie select with all the scoops that you could want and like knowing Effie it could be like two scoops of ass like in beautiful fishnets just looking great. So I think I think that's what I'm in for. I gotta start sucking up to Effie now because like I'm gonna I'm just gonna lie about my right here and try and get myself like a little bit of a raise. But I just know that our website will be fine. Effie is fine. This website will be fine. Fussy select is gonna be great. Do you have any any fun facts or just lists today? I just have a list today. I'm trying to think if I know of any other fun facts. Oh, my other fun fact. I want to once again reference my Donovan diejack. Reference that that the one of the pitched retribution leaders was actually not pitched by diejack but pitched by someone else was Finn Bower. Passion drive and patience. The formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive. Ebay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to peak performance. Superchargers, roof racks, exhaust kits, LED headlights and more. Whether you're into speed, power or style, Ebay Motors has you covered. With over 122 million parts for your number one rider die, you'll always find exactly what you're looking for. And with Ebay guaranteed fit, your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back. Because with Ebay Motors, you're burning rubber, not cash. 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Join US Customs and Border Protection and go beyond for something far greater than yourself. Learn more at But I put it all together because this is not what he said, but he said that Finn Balor was one of them and he said, "Oh, he had to stay in NXT for some reason." But it was around the time when Retribution came up was when carrying cross beats Keith Lee for the NXT Championship and then immediately got injured. And then Finn Balor is the one that goes on to win the NXT Championship. So if carrying cross doesn't get injured, we could have had Finn Balor as the Retribution Leader. And now he's in Judgement Day not as a leader. So he found his weird cults, but just a very different flavor, very different flavor of it. But man, Finn Balor with that group of dudes, that the thing with Retribution that's so funny is everybody thought it was bad, including the people in it. They've been very vocal about that. That shit has like millions of views on YouTube. And I don't know if it was just because most of it was the pandemic era. So people were just looking stuff up a lot or if people were morbidly curious or whatever. But like, there was a legitimate effort that was made by everyone involved. And I think that part of it showed through, but it always cracks me up because people crap out of it. And I'm like, they're eating off those videos on YouTube, WWE is. But that's what happens when Vince McMahon apparently just makes up ideas and then puts plans behind them. So there you go. Those poor boys will never be free of their Retribution names if Sean has anything to say about it. But so amazing stuff. Check out that interview. Digest an amazing interview. I can testify for that here on Fightful. He gave Sean 90 minutes, he had a lot to say. He has such a brilliant wrestling mind. So go ahead and check that out. But SB three, go ahead and hit us with number three on your list. I'm gonna hit you out with number three and number two real quick right here. Because, you know, I don't want to give him too much credit because he's the reason which calls Kate to be the second cohost today who compared me or put me in a reference with Drake. I am not an old behold, ladies and gentlemen, I was from Canada, but now I'm denouncing Canada after Jimmy Nairam and Kate both referencing Drake in parts to me and connected to me. I'm not an OVO anymore. But this is the person that made her make this reference at number three, Nigel McGinnis, turning on the fans who turned on him in 2007 as ring of honor world champion. I was there at rising above 2007, when Nigel McGinnis defeated Austin Aries with one of the deadliest topay suicida suicide dives I've ever seen where he's head crashed into the barricade, busted open, still fought through the pain to get the victory. And then he was supposed to defend the ring of honor world championship the following day at final battle 2007, but he couldn't. He wasn't medically cleared to do it and the fans turned on him. And then I was there just a few months later at the anniversary show where he officially turned on the fans. He was like, I'm sick of this. I'm sick of y'all down downgraded me or bad mouth in me turned on the fans and that totally kind of changed the trajectory of his whole entire ring of honor world championship run. And I felt like it's still talked about as one of the greatest ring of honor world championship runs of all time. He went on to have a classic bout with Brian Danielson on that same anniversary show in 2008. And then he had a great rivalry with Danielson throughout that year, great rivalries with Jerry Lin classic matches galore, but Nigel McGinnis turning on the fans that turned on him in New York City. And I was a part of all those crowds during during Nigel's road. So maybe I did turn on him. I don't remember. I think I was a Nigel Finn back then, but oh my goodness. This is why you're on the side of Brian Danielson is because you were there when Nigel turned on you. And so now you're like, I don't care about him and I don't care about clams, whatever. Yes, I'll dig some clams. I'll be a clam digger. I don't care. See this. You're not like us. That's why I had to make the reference. Okay. There you go. I don't know if I could continue. I don't know if I could continue now. But number two, number two is probably one of the most iconic moments in Ring of Honor history. Number two, CM Punk turned on Ring of Honor, the start of the summer of punk, the CM Punk winning the ROH World Championship. And then turn in his back, the snake in the grass promo, and signing his WWE contract on the Ring of Honor World Championship, the real summer of punk, not the one WWE did. Yeah, they bought him into the ground. 2005, the real summer of punk, the promo, everything that he did after that, like just him turning on Ring of Honor is one of the most iconic moments. And a lot of people for his great run that he had in Ring of Honor from 2002, 2005. A lot of people just remember that promo more than anything he did in Ring of Honor. He had classic rivalries with Raven, the classic series with Samoa Joe, but more than anything, they remembered that moment him turning on Ring of Honor and the start of the summer of punk, so had to make that number two. He just is a heel. Like even when I'm watching the WWE stuff now, and the stuff with Drew has been really good and considering they both haven't been cleared for months, the fact that they've made it work this much, I think is really good. But I'm like, this dude is just a heel. Even when he's doing face stuff, I'm like, but you're being a heel. I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, we drew alone, man, you're obsessed with this guy. But I think we're supposed to also appreciate those shades of gray. But like, he just is a heel. And you can see it tracing back to moments like this, for sure, like that is, that is iconic stuff. And speaking of iconic stuff, you denouncing your Canadian this, you're forever heel now. So the best heel turn on this show, probably SP3 denouncing his Canadian I'm fresh enough moving to LA for that sweet to grassy job. Okay, my God. But let's get into more in-ring action here. Good stuff from our new TV title holder, Atlantis, Jr. The Feeding Sir Pentico, who looked great in this, definitely looked better than John Cruz when John Cruz is on here. But he gets the win with the Atlantic splash. This was a smart title change, I think, because he can probably just drop it at the pay-per-view to someone who's maybe going to be around a little bit more. Or he could keep it. That's awesome. But I think getting it off of Kyle Fletcher was probably a good idea, because he was just two different guys, like he was dominant champion on ROH and pin-eater on AEW. Now it seems like they have creative lined up for him in AEW that will be more serviceable. That makes me very happy. So good stuff here from Atlantis Jr. defending. Kind of confused like why we're not getting a Miss Willy Mac being on this program. I don't know why Sir Pentico was the guy. I miss kind of like, give me some hot competitors at the gate for Atlantis Jr. here, right? Like he's coming into ROH. He's got the title now, like send me your best and no offense to Sir Pentico. But like even Angelico, why not him? Let's maybe beef up the contenders. But nothing wrong with this defense. And I'm not a hater of Sir Pentico. I'm no Nyla Rose. But I just feel like maybe a stronger opponent that would be a little bit more believable would have been good. But no real complaints about it. A decent enough match, what were your thoughts? I thought this would have been a better spot for like AR Fox. I think AR Fox would would have been a stronger contender for him. But this was a nice short match. It makes sense that he also purchased some Pentico since Sir Pentico at the Wily publicized. And everybody remembers it properly. The most memorable match from the Forbidden Door card of Cal Fletcher defeating Sir Pentico to kick off the Forbidden Door card two weeks ago. Everybody remembers it. It was the instinct classic. No one remembers the main event. I remember the old one. No, what's that? Yeah. Cal Fletcher and the fleshlights. What's this game? I don't even know. What's this word of an Osprey? Sir? It's really? The waterfowl? I don't know. Fletcher, Fletcher and Sir Pentico. That's what we're at. But yeah, I think it made sense for Sir Pentico to get the big three, I mean, to get the match up here. But I mean, he lost to the former Ring of Honor TV champion. So it wasn't like he was the strongest contender here. So I do agree with you. Someone like Willie Mack, like I said, AR Fox would have been better here. But it was a nice kind of showcase for Alantis Jr. for people who aren't familiar with his work over in CMLL. And I heard he had a really good match with Cal Fletcher. I'm going to go out of my way to go check that out. I'm trying. I was trying to find it in between the end of the Ring of Honor show and this show. But I couldn't find it. All I found was the highlights on CMLL's YouTube channel. But I will, I will watch the match up eventually, because I did hear good stuff about it. But Alantis Jr is one of the top stars, one of the up-and-comers over in CMLL. So I would like to see him get a showcase match up at Deaf Report his honor. I just have the feeling feeling that he's just going to drop the title back to Cal Fletcher. Yeah, that's a possibility. That's a possibility make Fletcher a two-timer there. But if you've been following online, there's been some chat of like what you could call his followers and he realized you could call him like Fletch hers, Fletch hymns. There's also been some talk of Fletch lights, which the chat is lighting up for. We don't normally throw like bonus reads. But when you say something like Fletch right lights rise, you expect me not to play a blue chute head? Like come on, the Fletch lights rise. If you're having problems with your Fletch light, not standing on end, if you need a little shine from your Fletch light, my god, I have to. My friends, you know we always care about your performance at Faitful. And we want to keep that performance at a main event level. And you can with blue chute and the code Faitful. The same act of ingredients as Viagra and Cialis, but in a much more affordable option. Blue chute is ready whenever you are or whenever you're not. It helps give you that extra motivation that way you can make sure that your performance is at a championship level. You go online to and when approved by our online physicians, you get that confidence. You get that performance and you get it shipped straight to your door. No awkward conversations with the doctor, no waiting in line to pharmacy, all that stuff. Use that code Faitful, get your first shipment free. That's how confident that they are that they're going to make you confident. What do you have to lose? and the code Faitful. That's it, man. I can't not play that. My god, my god, a bonus read for you, Bluechute, because of Kyle Fletcher and his Fletch lights. I've got to have a lot of fun with that one for a long time. I feel like we get a good TV title defense and we move on to Sky Blue versus Landy Luck, who some people said the graphic looked a lot like me and I take that as a compliment and was also like, yeah, that kind of looks like me and the graphic, the bangs, the tone of the blonde, I'll take it. I've been called far meaner than that on the internet, but some good stuff with Sky Blue and Landy Luck. I really like how Landy Luck is expressive at every moment in the match. There's not a single moment where she's kind of checked out or not kind of showing you exactly what she's going through at the moment. Sky Blue picking up the win here, which was pretty obvious. My only thing was maybe this got blown out of proportion on the internet. I know that's crazy to think, but like everybody talked about her new look and I was like, I think she just got side things, like curtain bangs and her gears like slightly more modest than it was maybe in white. I was like, this was not like a big, this was not a big unveiling. Like, she doesn't have a baseball cap anymore. It doesn't really warrant like it's a new Sky Blue as much. She looks great. It works for her. She's beautiful. It just wasn't, I feel like there was a lot of like people online talking about her new look and like even some reports on it that was like, I think she just got curtain bangs, like that's not like a new look so much. But a decent enough match, Lainey Lock, a very consistent worker on the Indies. Glad she she got a chance to show what she can do here. I thought she was a very serviceable opponent for Sky Blue, but kind of an obvious win to keep Sky Blue looking strong. Your thoughts on the huge reveal of this total makeover for Sky Blue and who walked in fashion week. God bless Earth. It's not a dig at the look. It's a dig at the hype. Big, big change for her. But I mean, I thought the, the attire change and the look change, quote unquote, was more kind of signaling that they're moving away from her being Julia Hart's psychic and more like, more backing to somewhat of a middle ground where she's still obviously playing a heel, but she's leaning more towards like the white and blue and more of the colors that she used to wear without the hat. So it's kind of like a mix of the two gimmicks that she's played so far coming into one. And I would like to see more of Sky Blue in Ring of Honor because I'm all for these young talents that are still improving getting their reps. And if she's gonna get her reps here on Ring of Honor, I think that is the place for her to be because it doesn't seem like she was getting too many reps over on AEW television. Yeah, it does kind of bum me out because I think that means maybe Julia Hart's going to be out longer than we were hoping. Like if she's getting repackaged and she hasn't really been in a story, but she has been active, like maybe they were trying to buy some time. But best of luck to Julia Hart as she continues along her healing and stuff, that's unfortunate because she's, she was made such a star. I'm sure she will be one when she comes back, but just a bummer. Yeah. Another chat from Bad Apple Jam Treebeard saying, "Not saying AEW should or needs to sign more talent, but if you had to pick one of these three ladies, Killer Kelly, Natalia, or Nina Samuels, who would you sign to which AEW or ROH?" If I'm just talking ringwise, I think Killer Kelly, but if I'm taking someone, it's Natalia for the fact that she could still really go in the ring, but I'm going to assume too, DJ Wilson comes with her and you have one of the best women's match agents of all time, maybe the best women's match agent of all time, and the dungeon, man. Like part of ROH is developing this incredible roster that they have and there's nobody more highly regarded or spoken of with more respect I feel like than Natalia Hart in that regard. So if I had to, not had to, if I got to, pick one of those three at a side of the brand, it would be Natalia in ROH probably for that reason, but I would also put her everywhere all the time I can for her in-ring ability and coaching ability, and also just like her wrestling mind. But the other two that you mentioned, phenomenal names as well, I wouldn't mind having any of them around excellent markers. Yeah, Nina Samuels would be really good in Ring of Honor, because she has that experience, you know, working on NXT UK, working across the independent scene, and I think that she would be a valuable asset for like the sky blues of the world, for your Billy Starks of the world, kind of the younger competitors that can work with her. Natalia, I think is just full on you to put her in AEW, where she could have, you know, matches once again with Mercedes Monet, where she can come out with a blonde wig, attack Mercedes Monet, and then take off the blonde wig to reveal her blonde hair, kind of in a call that. Perfect. Eighties. I love that. Blue hair, like, that would be great. Great. I want to see. And Kelly Kelly is just a great worker, as well as a character. And you know, the work she did with Masha Slamaviz, with MK Ultra and TNA, go out of your way to see it. It's great content. You won't have to go that far out of your way. You'll just see a lot of quote tweets with hard eye emojis and a lot of very, very happy. I was going to say straight dudes, but kind of happy everyone. There's no, yeah, everyone, everyone was really into that. Nobody was upset by that at all. We are moving along here, guys. Come down the home stretch of our our wage part of our review. Stay tuned for Kresta and Joel, so much happening on the NXT's TNA crossover side of things. Strong episode of TNA. It looked like lined up for tonight. So stay tuned for more information on that and stick around for that part of the show. We'll also ask you to leave a thumbs up on this video. I love when we see the numbers going up as the stream goes on. It means more of you are tuning in than out. So we appreciate that. And we'll take this quick moment to remind you, not only of my incredible blue shoe segway from before, but to subscribe to So much more contract news on the way. So much more happening. It's been a really crazy contract season specifically. Less eventful than certainly a couple of past years, but Sean will be keeping tabs on Ricochet. There's nothing new about Motor City machine guns. There was a ton of NXT news about the Rascals and all sorts of stuff. So stay tuned to Also put over our Discord channel that I always forget to go into. But there's a lot of really normal people in there. If you don't want to deal with weirdos on Twitter or X or whatever, so head over to the FightfulSelect Discord. You get me an Alex Plasky doing pay-per-view post shows. You get Sean's Q&A, which I think is one of the most valuable resources in all of wrestling. There's a channel for it in the Discord. And he does a Q&A show tons and tons and tons of stuff on Best $5 in the biz. I gave you the hard sell. Go over there and subscribe. It's how we get paid over here. We appreciate it. So we will move right along in this episode to a Provenground match where Billy Starks beats Mackenzie Morgan with that hammerlock fish hook, man. I love heel Billy Starks changing up her moveset like this, getting into this. My only complaint about this match was I don't understand why it was a Provenground match. She wasn't going to prove her ground and you already have a contender lined up. That just makes it muddy because it's like, okay, if Mackenzie did prove her ground and Billy lost, would she still get a title shot? Like, it's too close to the actual paper. I feel like for that to happen. And if she wasn't going to prove her ground anyway, they could have just made this a match for her to look strong in going into the paper view. But Billy Starks continuing to be so impressive. I love when we get things like that submission finish out of her. I continue to just be in awe of how young she is with how seamlessly she transitioned from base to heel, character wise, ring wise, every aspect of her still feels like the same woman, but now evolves into this, this heel persona. She did excellent work here. Go stuff from Mackenzie as well. Just kind of was more there to serve her purpose. But smash was fine. What did you think? Yeah, just a fine kind of like mini squash match. I like Billy Starks with the braids and it adds to the heel, the heel persona as well. I like that, that little change to her hair. And Athena, you know, showing off her injury, she had to be helped to get involved a little bit in this matchup. And she was running on her bad ankle, which shows the perseverance of our fallen gods. Truly like the pressure of carrying a title and a brand and all the minions, like no wonder her leg just gives out sometimes there's so much there, you know, so probably got back issues too. She probably does from carrying his entire freaking promotion, man. My God, my God, let's call for super chats. By the way, feel free to get those in as we are coming down the home stretch. Good stuff here from Diamatte and next, the Juji Katami armbreaker getting the win for Diamatte here, like that she's getting reps likes that they're keeping her strong. I think she'd be a great contender for either title really, but I feel like her coming after the TV title would be fun. But I just like that this women's division is saying staying so fresh, like Ty is still being belts, Diamatte still being belts. So even when matches feel kind of superfluous, you're like, okay, they're supposed to be on my radar still, they're supposed to be on my radar. I wish we would get that more from the men's singles division, which is something I don't think I've ever had to say. A pro wrestling post show like man, the men's division really isn't doing the work that the women's division is getting. So but good stuff here. I love Diamatte. I was like waiting for her to get more opportunities after Evilie Scott let go and they just kind of pulled her from things. I was like, why is Diamatte gone? What did you say about me for? It was one of those like, come on, man, I love Diamatte. She just she has something so different than anybody else kind of brings to the show. And I love that. I love the flavor that she kind of brings along. So a good thing here. Nick's probably is gonna have to change her name with Jasmine Nick's being an NXT. I'm thinking it's too similar and spelled too similarly now. So I think they might have sniped you on that one for Nick's. But I think this is just to make Diamatte keep feeling strong. What did you think about this? I like the fact that, you know, she called out Layla Hirsch before she applied the Guru Chitami, continuing that rivalry. Like I always say, I always enjoy the non-title woman's feuds. AEW does it very well, but Ring of Honor is doing it more and more often. And we got Diamatte not really kind of picking up wins to build to a championship belt. Like Taya is she's picking up wins and sending a statement to her current rival who is she's still trying to get a victory over. So I'm looking forward to that street fight or whatever type of match they're gonna have that was built a couple of weeks ago. We still don't know when it's gonna happen, but it seems more and more as the weeks will buy that they might find a saw on the death before dishonor card, either on zero hour or the main card. And I'm all for that. Agreed. Agreed. I like calling out Layla too. That feels like those two should be rivals for like 10 years for some reason. Like Diamatte and Layla should just be those two people that never stopped beating each other up. But Patrick Moore with a lovely chat saying commentary said Diamatte never smiles, but y'all do a lot to smile about when SP3s around. And when I hear number one that's on his list. So I want to make an honorable mention because I would be a miss if I didn't make this honorable mention to the Briscoes in 2011 with their rivalry with the All Night Express. And they led to some of the best Briscoe promos of all time. Day one, not cosmetically pleasing, but that heel run only lasted like a couple of months before the fans was like, no, we love you Briscoes. So I couldn't get on this list here, but I had to make it an honorable mention. But number one, the most iconic, the greatest ring of honor heel turn of all time. If you're an old school Ring of Honor, then you know what I'm going to say here. It's Kevin Steen turning on Elgin Erica. It is like it had to be that the my favorite tag team in Ring of Honor history. You could go back to Ring of Honor DVD's or or on Honor Club, check out like 2008 Ring of Honor from Hammerstein Ballroom. I used to hang out with my good friend, shout out to Marcus Cash, who used to go to every Ring of Honor event at Hammerstein Ballroom with the Elgin Erica Mass and a Canadian flag. And I was his Black Kevin Steen. And we used to run around with the flag on the on the balcony, on the floor. We used to do always root for Kevin Steen in Elgin Erica. And we didn't make it to final battle 2009 when Kevin Steen finally had enough. Finally had enough of Elgin Erica blasting him in the head with the steel chair, bloody in Elgin Erica. And it led to a year-long rivalry, a year-long rivalry in Ring of Honor, P.W.G. that is still talked about today. It's the main reason why both of those guys got big-time WWE contracts and became bases of NXT. It was their rivalry that really kick started at final battle 2009. So Kevin Steen turning on Elgin Erica, the number one Ring of Honor heel turn of all time. Once Punk was in the two slot, I was like, Steen's got to be number one. There's no way. That was going to be my one, too. My alley-oop since you've been using basketball metaphors all day, but love talking about that and love talking about our main event, Lee Johnson in the infantry, Carly Bravo and Shondine, with Trishadora, of course, versus the Dark Order, who they get the win over. We get a frog splash from Lee Johnson. He looks good in the ring. Really, really good stuff from Lee Johnson. Just remarkable how much that guy has grown on this brand, and it's so fun to see that happen time over time, over time, every week. Just feels like he's showing something even more impressive. So much of it is just fundamentals done real well. Very crisp submissions, like headlocks are very locked in. Frog splashes get a lot of air, like just stuff like that, where it's just his athleticism and really great execution of some kind of standard moves, makes for some really great wrestling here. This was fun. I liked that trio. I just wanted the infantry to be on a contendership path of some sort. I understand M&M coming in probably delays that a little bit, but I would love for the infantry and M&M to be kind of the first, assuming M&M is going to go over. I would love for that to be like the opening feud of the M&M title era. But this was a decent enough match. Nice to see Dark Order around. We love for them to get some consistency as well. But what did you think of our main event tonight? And I was really kind of an unpredictable main event because I could have seen Dark Order get the win here after they got that trio's three-way win a couple of weeks back. I could have saw them get the win here, but it was nice to see, you know, infantry get the win. And I think I made so many basketball reference because Ian talked about when Carly Bravo did the crossover. He was like, oh, he did the step over. Like, he's Alan Iverson against Tyrone Lu. We know what team you root for, Ian. We understand. From Alabama to Pennsylvania, big Philadelphia sixers fans. So shout out to y'all. Yeah, just got Paul George. He's very happy. And he made that reference. And he started me on a whole basketball reference throughout this review. So shout out to Ian. But yeah, Carly Bravo is so talented. I just heard a snippet of his track on the Who We Are, a new AEW album. Yeah, he did his own song on there. So very well done. So he's multi-talented. And like I always say about these infantry matches, he's the one that always impresses me. I've become a big Carly Bravo fans. I love seeing what he's doing here. And overall, this made for a very cool, cool trio with Lee Johnson, who I think that the the real plan needs to be Cough Fletcher wins back the TV title from Atlantis. And now that it's a fresh new title reign, Lee Johnson is the one that dethrones Cough Fletcher after their two out of three falls matchup. You've got to put the title on Lee Johnson. Don't hate it. Don't hate it. And we will see what's to come. We'll have your death before this honor post show here as well. SP3L check with you offline to make sure you're available for that. But we will definitely have a death before this honor post show for you. But guess what? We have a ring of honor post show post show. We've got the TNA post show for you with Joel Pirlikresta. We're going to bring them on right now. Hi, Joel Pirlikresta. Not the ring of honor post show post. It's kind of like, it's like the NXT TNA crossover. We have an ROH TNA crossover here. We are the forbidding door. What's going on, guys? How are you? Did you get your free slurpee today? I did not. That weirdly is not on. I'm on a meal plan with my trainer. And surprisingly, sugar and food dye and ice was not like a, oh, this is a good source of protein for you as you repair your lungs. He's a salad. What are you talking about? I showed up. I should have damn it. But it was the night tonight. It wasn't it was a show. You heard it here first. It was an offensive. We were off last week. I was at the same he's in comedy show and Kresta was enjoying her 4th of July, I hope. But if we came back and it's and it happened and the show was an offensive and that's pretty good going into slam aversary in two weeks, week and a half on a scale of one to Sammy's comedy show. How was it? Sammy's comedy show was probably the highlight of Money in the Bank weekend. Hey, you know what's funny? I heard the same thing about Nigel McInnes's magic show from Meridian. She was like, that was the best thing I did that whole weekend. It's amazing. I cried. I was not expecting to cry. It's, it's such a Jay Briskie tribute show. Like, I don't want to give too much of it away. And he said anybody wants to go to see it. I did not realize like, oh, this is going to, this is going to mess you up. But then he's also making jokes about Brian Danielson and whatever. So it's an off the clock. He's in here or so, or so, or so, but he doesn't have to worry about a network, the things that kind of the guy's mouth does. More, more vulgar than you would expect. But that, that show was incredible. I would recommend it to anybody who goes to see it. So go support your wrestlers, do another stuff. But we'll, we'll get out of here unless you get, get to work. Get out of here. Let's go. All right, guys. Enjoy your night. So long. What's next at Moss Adams? That question inspires us to help people, and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting, and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people, and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting, and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at