Fightful Wrestling Podcast with Sean Ross Sapp

AEW Forbidden Door Review | Beyond the Bell w/ Andrew Zarian & Rich Stambolian | 7/2/24

1h 22m
Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
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Andrew and Rich are back to discuss AEW's Forbidden Door, WWE's big upcoming weekend in Toronto! and much more!

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I was at the garden on, we need a theme opener for the show. - Oh yeah. - Someone needs to make that for us. - Yes, please. - We need to get that made. - Just make it curbing queen. - I wish I could do it. - I wish we could just have that be our theme. - If you get somebody to cover it, you can have that as a theme. - Really? - As long as it's not the original. If you had somebody cover it, then carry me a queen. - Yeah, okay. We'll talk about that. - We'll talk about what our awesome Sunday that we had. - Not the best. - A lot of good professional wrestling going on. I really liked Forbidden Door. You know, it's interesting because the perspective of being in a building for a show versus being at home changes everything. - Oh yeah dude. - And we'll go into everything. And by the way, we're doing a Q&A also. So get your questions ready at the end of the show. If you want it pumped, pumped, bumped to the top of the line, you could do a super chat. - I was at the garden on Friday. - Yes. - I took the kids. - Yes. - Great, awesome, you know, it's MSG. 18,000 people in that freaking building. It was packed, packed packed. - Yeah, he was in. - We had tremendous seats. They had a great time. I love that I could offer this to my kids, you know. - I tell the story. - It's great. - My uncle would sneak us in, told these shows. He somehow would steal like staff shirts and vests. And he would pretend that he was some guy named Michael. - Uh-huh. - And he would be like, "Hey, it's me, Mike." And we'd put on this accent. - I'm gonna do it. - And imagine this like chubby Armenian guy. - Uh-huh. - Like doing a fake American accent. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's high living life. (both laughing) - And you know, you would get a sit in and I'm able to take my kids and they got all these cool little treats when they're there. - Yeah. - That was a really good show on TV. Smackdown. - Yeah. - That ending was unbelievable, right? But it's so much stop and go. You were saying at the live show, at the live show, because all those commercial breaks, you know, they go dark for some of them, they dim the lights, there's ads happening. - Chobiz. - It really is. You are at a, imagine if you went to a Broadway, a live Broadway show that had to cut for commercials. - Yeah, yeah. - That's exactly what it's like. Very different perspective. I absolutely love that show. Smackdown was great. And then Forbidden Door, which was a six hour marathon of a show. Dude, that thing was bing bam boom, one after another nonstop. I thought I had a great time. I loved every match. - Same here. - I very much enjoyed every match. I do not love every match. Very much enjoyed every match. However on TV, some of those matches really did not come across the same. - I got messages yesterday about it from people who weren't at the show who were like, it didn't play well. - And I'm like, what do you mean? It just seemed like the crowd wasn't into it. - Oh my God. - Oh, that crowd wasn't. - I into it. - You know, I was talking to Jess last night about this. I would say, I'm not saying the same, right? It was not the same show, not the same crowd, different time. This crowd was very reminiscent of that all in 2021 crowd. - Yes. - They were into everything. - They were in everything. Everything, everything, everything. Lots of chance. - You know how it came across bad on TV, but that building was loud. - That building was very loud. - But we were also on Mars. - Oh yeah. - We were on an outlet. - So we were exploring unknown realms. - I, you know, and it's a discussion for perspective. - Yes. - Again, you know, being in the building, you're seeing something very differently than everybody. What a friendly audience though. - That crowd was, and I have to tell you, we ran into a lot of our viewers. - Yes. - But everybody was great. Eric brought us drinks? - Yes. - Yes. - Eric's actually friends with Coco. - Very nice. - Small world, right? - Yeah. - What did he bring me? Moscow Mule. He said, pick one. I said, all right, I'll pick that one. I didn't even know what it was. It was delicious. - It was, yeah, it was a nice little Moscow Mule. It was tasty. - Yeah. - It was tasty. - Yeah. - It was nice that we saw a lot of people that we know and like, you know, we had a good crew going into it, you know, a shout out to Balaclob Guy and Alex, Queen of the Ring and Kyle. - Great way. - Great time with her. - Great time. - Alex is awesome. Great time. - You know, it's funny because, you know, the community, the wrestling community, it's filled with a lot of like, dickheads, you know, there's a lot of dick bags out there. Like, but like everyone that we engage with, they're all great. Like everybody is like, you know, there's a level of, like, okay, you know what, we're here for the same reason. - Oh, yeah. - For the same silly reason, right? - Yes. - We're here for the same silly reason. Let us just enjoy this. - Yeah. - Also, shout out to Corey and JJ at the show. - Yo, cool. - Yo, I was harassing Corey. - I know, you're bullying Corey. - I was bullying Corey that entire show. I was throwing stuff at him. I kept telling him fake scoops to tell Dave, did you hear me say that? And by default, I feel like I have to be your hype man in those situations, like, yeah. I was going up, I went up to JJ, I was like, um, can, can you please, uh, tell Tony about my vampire bookings? - Oh, yes. Yes, yes. It was just a good time, you know, and you see people that you know, um, it's, it's always a good time. And AEW does well by us, um, you know, for, for, for the disclosure, uh, comp tickets to this, comp tickets at the garden. - Mm hmm. Hey, listen, listen, I don't, I don't do this for money. I do this for the experience. I don't give a shit about the money, to be honest. - Yeah. I mean, we worked, we worked hard. - We worked very hard together. - We worked very hard at this, uh, but it was a blast. I had a great time. It's always great to see everybody. The crowd was great. Um, I love the fan engagement. It's so freaking awesome to see people come up and talk about the show and talk about wrestling. It, it was cool. - I really, I really do, you know, we've been doing this, Matt, man, we did for 500 episodes and I'm going to get to the stories. I just wanted to kind of, we're not doing another show this week. There's no Matt Man for the next couple of weeks. I kind of wanted to get everything in today. - It's not over, by the way. - It's not over. - We did episode five and we've done this for, since 2011. - Yeah. - Crazy. - High Five. - I think the, the community has gotten a lot better. - I, I agree with that. - Just like, it's a better, like, okay guys, what are we doing? - Depending on where you go, absolutely. Cause if you let the internet get to you, it'll, it'll mess with your mind a little bit. - Yeah. - But if you ignore it and just hang out with the people that you like, you're fine. - You're fine. That's it. - You know, that's really, that's really all it is. Like I think as far as like the podcasters and the people who cover it, we're a united front, so to speak, you know, we were chatting about that as well. And even sometimes people who you don't think are part of that united front are, they really are, you know, um, it's, it's you guys who are the problem. - Yeah. (laughter) - I thought it was great. I thought it was a lot of fun, uh, let's, let's touch on some stuff here for, for Ben door, we'll go there first and then we'll move on to raw and everything else. Uh, crowd again, very nice building. - Yes. - UBS is a, is a fantastic building. Second time I've been there. First time I was for the circus. Second time also now for the circus. Um, we had that nice little VIP area that far. That's where I was with Bob when I went, those were my circus seats by the way. - Let me tell you. - Those were my exact circus seats. - Yeah. - That was the, the, the, the niceness and importantness, importantness of it is not lost on us because we get to that nice little area. It's like, oh, this is like a lounge. - It was a lounge. - They gave the press people a lounge. - But, but that whole section, it wasn't just the press. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It was that, that section 115, I think to 113. - Yes. - Uh, UBS. You have, you have a, you have your own bar, a salad station. - You have a salad station. - You have a salad station. - That blew me away. - I know. And it's so clean. - Yes. - It was very clean. - It's so clean up. It's a brand new building. - And you're a long alley. - You know, you're not around the mutants of New York City. - That was one of those meetings, by the way. - Oh yeah, complete with $18 tall boys of beers. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. $25 tall boys. - Wild. - Had a great time. - Yeah. - It was nice. We got to the building. Beautiful setup. They had about 11,000. New Japan announced 11,400. Tony announced just above $11,000. - Yeah. - That's, you know, this was not tracking that aggressively with ticket sales early on. And the big concern was, will they go over 7,000 because the last time they were there, they had about 7,300 people in the building. - Mm-hmm. - Man, you know, they, they, very late ticket sales. - Yeah. - But Tony packed that card very late. - Mm-hmm. - And it just shows with proper promotion if you have matches that people want to see, they will show up and they will have a great freaking time. And it's the summer, dude. Great time. - Yeah. - Zero hour open up with Kyle Fletcher and Serpentigo. This was a very quick match. I know you guys have heard all the reviews. But this is going to be more of a side chats with all these matches. We didn't see this match. We weren't there for this. - We were on the way there. - We were on our way. And then Malachi, the Kings, Kings of the Black Throne, Kings of the Black Throne. - Mm-hmm. - I forgot that that is what they're called. - Yeah. - We missed that too. - Yeah. That was a quick one though. - That was a very quick one too. We missed that opener. We got there for Willow and Tam Nakano against Momo Winabe and Kurt Statlander. This was a fun match. I got to tell you, Willow, very over. Obviously Long Island, home welcome. - Yes. - Tam looked great. I thought this was a fun match. I very much like this. It was a pinfall via a hammerlock dragon suplex from Nakano. - Very cool. - Up next we had the Women's Own Hard Foundation Cup tournament. First round match. Mariah May with Tony Storm and Luther beating Saraya via pinfall on a roll-through bridge, putting more fire to the Mina Shera Kawah story between Mariah May, Tony Storm and Mina. This was a fun match. - Yeah. - This was a fun match. It's interesting when you see people wrestle in front of the live crowd, I'm not talking about their physically large appearance, but Saraya for example, she looks gigantic. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - She is a big performer. - Big performer. - I know what you mean. There's a lot of those actually that look so much larger than life when they're in the ring like that. Not that she's large. - Right, right. We also had, this was one of my favorite matches than I to be honest. - Mystico and the Lucha Brothers. - So cool. - Yeah. Mystico and the Lucha Brothers versus L.I.J. My favorite. Titan, Yodasuji and Takahashi, great, great match. We got educated by Kyle on the way to the arena. - Kyle Davis, shout out to Kyle Davis about how this is the truest forbidden doormatch in that CMLL and AAA have never worked well together. - Yeah. Dave was on with Tony and he burst Tony's bubble because he thought this was the first one that they've ever teamed up, these guys. And he's like, quite actually, no, this happened seven years ago. I wanted to see Yodasuji. I've never seen him wrestle. - Yes. - Yodasuji fan. Total Mark for him. Love it. The notes are being updated as we speak. I see MG typing away. - It's just nonsense. - Dear Roxanne Perez. I miss you. What are you writing? - Do you hear Eminem? He's doing the stand. - He's doing the stand. Yeah. He's pulling the stand over here. I thought this was a great match. And that was, you know, and the joke that I was saying was like Tony put on a two night forbidden door this year with one night, like just this, just a zero hour. - Yeah. - What a great indie show. - Perfect indie show. - Right. What a perfect indie show. It was a two hour, I mean, it was an hour and a half free show. It's a little short. You could have had a one more match. But you got Kyle Fletcher and Sir Pentago. You got, you got Malachi Black and Brody King against private party and Kyle O'Reilly and Tomahira Ishii, Gabe Kidd, Roderick Strong. I mean, that's a tremendously big indie match. This was the zero hour was an unbelievable indie match from like 2017. - Oh, yeah, dude. Great, great show. That's zero hour. And Tony said it. He's like, listen, I'm trying to get people to tune in. He's giving, yeah, he's giving people good wrestling. Yeah, that was great wrestling. Dude, everything was great here. Opener. MJF. Who'd have thought? Peach and Sarah, I love this match. I thought it was a lot of good, just a lot of, you know, MJF is so fantastic. I went through the whole thing with my wife and I was like, you know, I met this guy. I called like one of his early matches in Long Island in a, in a warehouse. Yeah. And sometimes you see people and you're like, this guy, you know this guy has it. It's like when I saw Brad Hart, when you were 90, when I was 5 years old at the garden, I looked at, I looked at, I looked at Stu and I said, that's the one. That's the, that's the one. I like how that story has evolved over the last decade of becoming more and more like I'm like an old timey news guy. I took my cigar and I'm like, I'm like, Stu, that kid's got it. You, you had a fedoro with a little press card in it. I was part of a group called the Muck Rakers, 5 years old, I was the youngest member. You know, I saw him and I was like, he's freaking incredible. And there was no thrills, you know, 20, 20, 17, he was like 21. Yeah. Maybe. Fantastic. Maybe 19. And then a lot of people, a lot of people on that card got canceled. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, listen, very, and one of them for a very heinous accusation, right, right, right. But sometimes you see someone, right? And you do it. And look at, look at where he's been in a very short period of time, 20, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 7 years. In 7 years you went from in a warehouse in Deer Park, right, in an industrial zone. Yes. In front of, I don't know, 40 people have been to that warehouse. You've been to that warehouse. I have many times to, you know, being the man in front of 11,000 people in your hometown with everybody is cheering for you. I mean, what an incredible feeling that has to be crowd was hot for MJF crowd was hot for MJF's mom. MJF's mom was in the crowd holding MJF sign. And at some point, I think she had to get escorted out. Correct me if I'm wrong because she was getting mobbed by people. Well, is that what was happening? I feel like she wasn't in the front row. Yeah, I think she was getting mobbed by fans at one point, you know. But MJF Etchisero, who knew, who knew? What a great match. Did Etchisero charm you? He did. Did he conjure on you? Yeah, he conjured on me and he did good. I like that he conjured, he did the flare strut while conjuring. So... What does he create? I really thought, I really thought there was going to be some kind of reveal. Like somebody was going to come out as Etchisero and take the mask off. Oh, it was going to be multiples? Yeah. Yeah. It was like hanging the inch goes up as Etchisero, you know, or something like that. You know what I mean? Adam Cole. Adam Cole's... Dude, I love, you know, I was saying this to Alex next to us and I was like, I love like the beefy Mexican Russell. Oh yeah, yeah. They got that wide stance. Like... Oh, man, wide big. They're all wide and they got a line of definition. And they're a little hunched like this? Yeah. Man, what a... It's so classic. It really is. Like, you know, it looks like a classic luchador. It really is. Top heavy. Yeah, he was giving off very like Blue Demon El Santo vibes. Yeah, dude. He's great. Really fantastic. I loved it. I like that Max is using that sheer drop brainbuster now. Yeah. Very cool. As it's finished. Classic. Classic. Right after this, dude. And you took this photo that we're using on... Yeah. And it sounds twitter too. You took a beautiful photo of Vocadio. You have tremendous photos that you got to go through. And the elite AW International Champion, Casajiko Okada, and the AW Tech Team Champions, Matthew and Nicholas, against Hiroshi Tanahashi, which is very cool that we got to say. Yes. And the acclaimed... Yeah. I like that Tanahashi ate the pen. Yes. And so we got the worst version of Tanahashi versus Okada. Okada. But it really didn't matter. But the best version too of Okada. Because you get... People... Do you know people hate it, right? They do not like that Okada is subjugated to stupid jokes. I'm like... Oh, it's the best. You guys want story. You want character. You don't just want wrestling. And then you get that. And you're like, "Well, I don't want this. He should be a good wrestler." I'm like, "Guys, what is going on?" Like, he's so fantastic. It doesn't diminish the fact that he's... 'Cause it's Okada, right? When you see him come out, you still get thrilled, regardless if he's a babyface or a heel. Right? Yeah. But him going for the wide... This played very well to the live crowd. Him going for the Rainmaker about teasing it, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But then just giving the finger to the crowd. Yeah. So good. Oh. Like, to see the pose, and then all of a sudden he's like, "I am big on energy." Right? Yes. This is like my weird, spiritual bullshit I'm going to preach to you guys. Sure, yeah. I feed off of that. And I think being around people that are having a great time will totally change the entire dynamic of that show, right? If nobody is responding, how over does that get? If people are having a good time, and they're a little loose, and they realize the silliness of what we are doing here, they're going to have a great fucking time. And everybody had a great time, and it heightened the show. Absolutely. Yeah, we did not get a five-star match from Okada and Tanahashi. That's fine. The odds of us ever seeing that, again, are going to be very slim. But what a treat for us as an American, like as somebody, both of us, we follow, we follow Japanese wrestling for a majority of our teenage years to adulthood, to be able to see two of the greatest in the ring together. We got to see Muda. That is a tremendous blessing for us as fans. And I find it fun. I'm enjoying it. I'm not going to sit here and criticize that it's not a five-star match. We're not going to get that from this. Right. Exactly. I know what the expectation is. Listen, Okada is only 36, dude. You know. Is he 36? Yes. Is that old? How many? I was going to say he's that young. He's only 36. How many more five-star dream matches are we going to get from this guy? A million. Right? One of my, one of the things that popped me very much in the crowd was Sizzer Me Daddy Ace. Sizzer Me Daddy Ace. Yeah. And also, listen, I don't know about you guys. I mentioned this on a show the other day. Billy Gun came with the slide in, right, to make the save at the end. And I just want Billy Gun vs. Okada. I know, me too. I want a 25-minute Billy Gun, Okada match. Just for you. Just for me where they just go. And I want like New Japan, Okada. I want that level of Okada against Billy Gun. I would love that. I would love that. It will happen. It will happen. Make it happen. Make it happen. Make it happen, Okada. We got the 2024 Menzo and Hart Foundation Cup tournament. First round. Brian Danielson defeated Takagi. Should go Takagi with a disarmer, arm breaker. And again, fantastic, fantastic. This was... Yeah. Probably. Was this the match of the night for you? No, the main was great. Oh. Was this the match of the main? Outside of the main. Outside of the main. Actually, what was the match of the night for you? I really... Well, outside of the main, I feel like I was really tickled by that Okada match, to be honest with you. I really love the ladder match because I fell for it. You like the ladder match? I fell for it. Yeah. You catch the almost winning. Ok. You're so hype. Like, you know, when he ascended that ladder and the crowd was so into it. Yeah. And you were like, "Oh man, it's Takesh again, I get it." You believed in him. You believed in him, right? It didn't matter if he was... if he's a heel. You believed in him. And then all of a sudden, not to catch the parry. That was... That was good. That was a good moment. Also, arguably one of the best blue thunder bombs through the tables. Yeah, that was incredible. ELP knocked it out of the park. And I feel like... I feel like the American crowd is not too familiar with ELP. Yeah. I think that was a little bit of the problem, right? Yeah. I think they just... You know. He's a Mark Britzker. Hey guys, I'm here to tell you about eBay Auto. eBay Motors is the leading online platform for automotive dealers to get their inventory in front of over 7 million ready-to-buy shoppers who are buying cars and trucks on eBay motors every three minutes every single day. They make it easy to find parts for cars, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles, and more. They even offer a massive selection of new and pre-owned classics. Whether it's fixing, updating, or maintaining your existing vehicle, or finding new and used vehicles, eBay Motors is easy to navigate by vehicle type, category of items, sales, events, or the brand type of car, motorcycle pickup, or SUV that you have. You can shop parts on the eBay Motors app, and with their eBay guaranteed fit, it is guaranteed to fit your ride every time. Head over to and find what's right for your ride. That's Oh my god. Two. That was another one. Honestly, I also really love the Tony Store match with me and the Sharekala. I thought the ending was great. I thought they left it, you know, they both left together, you know, they did a whole thing. The triple kiss. Yeah, the triple kiss. That's what we did. Me, you, and Kyle. That's usually how we end the podcast. That is how we end the podcast every time. Where were we? What about you? What was your... We're at the Danish and Takagi match. Okay. I love the Danish and Takagi match. I thought the main was really good. I love the vein. I'll go through the card. We'll go through it. Sure. The one that actually kind of got lost on me was at Xavier Jr. in Orange Cassidy. Yeah. I don't know why. Yeah. Did you guys... Did it come across like that on TV for you guys? I kind of was like...I don't know if it was like the kind of lull in the process. I think it was. I think it was... I also think that was the only spot that that match could have been in. Yeah. And I feel like the crowd was a little...the crowd was so invested into Tony Storm and me to share a cow up that the Zack Sabre or Cassidy match, I feel like it was...people were still buzzing from the match before. Yeah. The match may have fallen on deaf ears. It's quite possible. Yeah. But it was great. It was great. Yeah. You got Shabbata, Samoa Joe and Hook against Jeff Cobb. Jeff Cobb in the learning tree. Hmm. Jericho and Big Bill. So, they were booing Jericho here. Oh yeah. Telling him to retire. They don't want to see him. Well, what was the chant? You don't... You don't got it anymore or some shit and not you still have it. What was it? I went off to go get a drink during this match. I think they were chanting, "You don't got it." You don't got it. Yeah. What was it, MJ? Do you know? I'm not sure. I know he yelled at the crowd when they said that. He's like, "No, I'm not retiring or something like that." Yeah. Well, we got a little super chat here. Yeah. Good morning. You handsome bouncer. Oh. Just Ricardo. Thank you. Oh, thank you, Ricardo. Thank you, Ricardo. Andrew, do you own any shirts that have sleeves? Yes. No. But not in the summer and the winter. No, no, no. All the sleeves off my shirts. Button down to no sleeves, jackets, suit jackets, no sleeves. Straight up IRS style. Yeah. IRS style. Let's see. Yeah. People were boomed, Jericho. Yeah. Excuse me. I got up. I got up and I got kind of coerced at the bar there. I got stuck talking to the bartender. You know what I'm talking about? The lady or the lady? Yeah. Yeah. Well, she was hooking it up, dude. Yeah. She wasn't. Not to blow up her spot, but this lady was really hooking it up. Shabbatah, Samoa Joe Hook, beating Jeff Cobb in a learning tree. Fun. Nice and quick. Yeah. I do like how when Samoa Joe teams up with people now, they do his walk away spot. Yeah. I like that. I like that spot a lot too. Ladder match, TNT Championship Ladder match, Jack Perry defeated. Knows get to catch the Mark Briscoe, Jack Perry, Leo Rush, Dante Martin and Elphand Hasmo to win the title. Leo Rush is another guy that is minuscule in stature, but looking very big in the ring. Yeah. In personality. You are right. Elphand Hasmo, I don't know why people were not as into him as we are. Yeah. I think he is, he was one of those lost members of the Bullet Club. Yeah. You know? But I like the guy's, that guy works, man. That guy's great. Let's see. TBS Championship and New Japan Strong Women's Championship, Mercedes Manet defeated Stephanie Vicare. So this was interesting. Stephanie Vicare looked tremendous. Okay. You know what's funny? I don't think it came across like that on TV. Really? Okay. I'm going to ask, let's ask the chat room right now because I have seen a lot of criticism about her in that match. Yes. Okay. I did not see that live. I thought she looked, I was very impressed by her and the crowd, she impressed so much where the crowd turned on Mercedes and started booing her because she's from Boston. The, the crowd broke into a giant Celtics sucks chain. Okay. So I guess I saw bad takes like she looked incredible and came off like a superstar. Look at the chat room. Thought she looked incredible. Yeah. She looked great. Good match. I think, I think their first one was a bit better. I don't remember the first one. She came off great on pay per view. Stephanie looked amazing. Yeah. She really did. I really, look, I got goosebumps and I don't really get that too much with wrestling because the rock owns that trademark and I could only do it once. My hands, my arms are hairy. Look at this. Feel spikes. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. I got to get, I got to get smooth. Somebody didn't shave today. I got to get smooth. Uh, it, it, she came across so good to that live. Oh dude. Definitely a star. I was, I, you know, you want to talk about what Kyle was getting mad at us because we were booing. We're saying. Yeah. But we were doing this thing. Yes. Like I, I had, uh, I had taken one of my, uh, my poison pills, my edible, yes. My enhancements. There you go. Yeah. And I started doing this and then I realized I've been doing it for like two minutes. Mm hmm. Yeah. It was nice, man. It was nice being on Jupiter. Dude, it was good. My, my one complaint was that there was two spotlight for right in our face. I can, you know, I texted someone. I'm like, can you guys please turn the lights off? That was the only thing. I was like, ah, I don't like that these lights are right in front of us. Stephanie Bicare was remarkable. And I hope she came across like that. I just saw, I, it was like a lot of meh that I saw about that match. Yeah. And I was like, I, I know Mercedes was fantastic too. Okay. No, no question about sheet. You want to talk about presentation and coming off like larger than life. She's one of those. She's a complete. Absolutely. Um, I feel the same way about her as a complete act as I had, uh, jade in a w. Okay. I, she came off as a complete act when, I mean, listen, a w starts jade is there. She gets that TBS title. She's doing that nice run. Yep. I mean, I can tell you now regularly I would be asked if I know anything about her deal, what her story is, uh, from people in WWE and I was told that there's tremendous interest in Jade. Yeah. And look at her now, listen, I, I don't know how this version of her will come across. Right. I think they need to protect her a little bit, but again, larger than life character. You look at it and say, this is somebody. This is a superhero. I feel the same way about Mercedes. Yes. Mercedes says that it factor. She does have that it factor. And, uh, listen, this match you have the, you have Mercedes winning that, that strong women's championship because it was for two belts and retaining the TBS championship, the returning Britt Baker made an appearance at the top of the ramp with a stair down. Very cool. Very cool. I think they've done this year I was told early or late last year that the, a lot of focus is going to be put on the women's division and the crowd went nuts for Britt Baker too. Look at what they have now. They have set up so much good wrestling and storylines, you know, like the meanest aminos incredible. Oh, yeah. I, you know, I, I'm not as familiar with stardom as I should be. I'm not as, I'm not as deep into the Japanese women's wrestling scene as I should. Yeah. You don't get deep Joshi. Dude. I, I have, you know what? Alex does Joshi. Yeah. Uh, I should, you know, she'd be great. I, we should talk to her about it. I, I, there's so much great talent out there and I feel like AW this year, they made a prime focus, a major focus to pivot to putting on a great female division. And look, they have the, the best contractual, you know, anybody available, they have. I thought this thing is Jamie Hader. She's coming back. Yeah. She's next. So very cool. Yeah. Very cool. Uh, up next you had, I feel like this was arguably the most confusing man to the name. Yeah. Why? What happened here? Leading John Moxley to get the IWGP championship back, I just feel like their chemistry, me personally, I feel like the way it read in the arena was that their chemistry was all half a second. You know what? I felt exactly the same way. And then that, the pin that can kind of came out of nowhere, I feel like that deflated the crowd a little bit, you know, where you're like, Oh, I don't know, again, I don't know if this match went on in a time where people were kind of taken out, because listen, the main event was big, that crowd was alive for that match. I don't know what the deal with this was. I don't. Yeah. I think you're right. It was something. I don't know if it was timing. I don't know if it was the hour it went on. Was it us? Was it us? Was it us? Was it us? Was it us thing? Uh, I, I don't know, I feel like that was, it was like it was one, two, three mocks at the big entrance came out to the death writer theme, which I love, you know, night of great entrance. And then the match wouldn't like, it feel like it went super quick and had kind of like a too quick of an ending. Right? Yeah. Like I didn't expect it to be over that quickly with that finish. Yeah. Very interesting. But again, guys, tell us, is it us? Did we fuck up? Kind of curse on him? Yeah. One episode, yeah, one, one, one curse, uh, an episode or else the blue true advertising gets pulled, uh, a w world heavyweight championship match swerve, Strickland champion with Prince Nana and Jim Jones defeated a w international champion will osprey via pinfall. This was interesting. So the rough was taken out. Don callus tries to give a screwdriver to osprey. Nana takes him out. Osprey then threatens to stab Nana with the screwdriver. This is pretty much how it went. But had second thoughts and tosses the tool away, stupid dumb baby face move. Osprey got back into the ring swerve, swerve hit the house call swerve stomped to try to pick up the win. Osprey kicked out the building erupted. Yeah. Swerve then hit the house call, uh, and stomp to try to pick up the win. He kicked out, obviously, uh, then he gets back up. Then with another house call before hitting the JML driver, driver for the win. Very cool. Great. And that was it. Uh, osprey was, uh, Kyle Fletcher came out to the ring, uh, was helping out osprey. And this is where we're at now. Very cool show. Yeah. Uh, very long show, very long show. Uh, I think it might be an us thing. No, it did go long. It did go long. You giving me a wrestling pay per view from seven 30 to 10 30? Oh, the best. Happy boy. Wow. Well, you know what the problem is? Like, I was feeling good after this show and I was like, I could go out for a drink. Right. Well, where? Right. It's so late. Yeah, it's done now. The city that never sleeps. Uh, we were asleep. We were asleep. We both went, we both immediately went home to our family, uh, they announced. So I didn't, I don't remember seeing this in the room, but New Japan announced that they'll be hosting Wrestle Dynasty. The event's going to take place at the Tokyo dome January 5th, 2024. So this is opposed to doing a second night of Russell kingdom. They're doing the second night Wrestle Dynasty. So it's going to feature A.W. New Japan stardom. Oh, oh, oh, and see them all off. Yeah. Noah. He says that's supposed to be Noah. He's warding, dude. Is he conjuring? Oh, oh, oh. My uncle. I have an uncle. There we go. All right. Okay. Thank you. Oh, my uncle loves wrestling ring of honor. Okay. A.W. New Japan stardom ring of honor and CML. Very cool. Um, this, this is technically the second night of Russell kingdom, right? This is second night of Russell. When did they do three nights in a row? Was that? No, never. No, they did. Well, they do that. They do the night after. No, no, no. Remember? Like two. No. They did three nights. Yeah. They did three nights. Yeah. It was their version of that. You remember that? No. Because nobody watched that third one. I don't remember anything about this. It was Noah and new Japan as the third night. Twenty twenty two, I think they did it during COVID. Yeah. Okay. I kind of remember this. You want me to? I'm going to ward back into that year, right? You glitched that a little bit. Oh, yeah. Here. I'm doing it. I get into that fugue state. They did it during COVID. Uh, all right. I thought that was a great show. I had an effing blast. Mm hmm. That was fun, man. Hey, so we had a great time. Good crowd. Good beers. Good drinks. Yeah. Uh, good extras. Uh, let's see. Any weird moments. They're all weird. Yeah. We went to press beforehand. That was great. And everybody was blown away. They liked it. Yeah. I liked it. Yeah. We yelled at by Nastasia. Nastasia just harassed us and yeah. Yeah. Because you know, I got there. I got there like at three thirty, right? So she's like, what are you doing here? Yeah. And I was like, I don't know. Getting a fucking drink. Not a fan of work. She did. She's like, she's like, ugh. What do you guys want? I think, you know, she does it with like a half smile. So like, okay, whatever. She's just, you know, being herself. Street nostalgia is the best. That's the best one. Yeah. Uh, Kyle's like, I'm gonna get a martini and she goes, fuck you. Yeah. Yeah. And you make the fucking fantastic martini. Yeah. And he looked at it, he goes, and I was, and she's like, as a good, he goes, it'll do. Oh. Um, I accidentally threw my phone at her. Yeah. He did. I can just check that out. It looked like, it looked like I threw my phone at her. Big shout out to the guys at Pruss. Yeah. They got three locations. Rockville Center here in Long Island, Plainview Long Island, home of MJF, and here in Bayside they got one. I didn't want to play with you. Yeah. They just opened it. I know that. Yeah. Yeah. I thought it was Huntington Rockville. They were looking at Huntington. Ah, okay. Yeah. Okay. They were looking. Uh, yeah. So, very cool. Guys, get your questions ready. We're going to do a Q&A, and then we're going to, uh, get out of here. Let's talk about beach break. Yeah. This looks like a good card, man. Yeah. This Wednesday, Pac versus a Brian Danielson for the Owens Heart Foundation, semi-final. You know what? This matches. You want to know something insane? Please. I don't know this for a fact. I don't know this for a fact, but I, I have visions that we have seen this match happen on WWE main event. I feel the same way. Yeah. Right. This Neville versus Daniel Bryan on WWE main event as the main event when Neville used to come out with the cape. That match had to have happened in front of a very bored audience. Yeah. And it just presentation matters, right? Yeah. And then now you can take this match and put it in front of a main show and tell you matters and all of a sudden you're like, okay, I really want to see this. This is going to be awesome. Also, can you, since we're not doing Batman for the next couple of weeks, can you please tell the crowd your theory of how you want Danus and to get reverse Montreal? Oh, yeah. Reverse Montreal. Yeah. I want to, I'm tired of him talking about not wanting the title. I don't care, Bryan. It's not what you want. It's about what I want and I don't care what the audience thinks. You have to, I, I want Tony to reverse Montreal and like force him to be the champion. So somebody eats a pin and he gets the belt. No, they don't. Yeah. They do a fast pin. They hit the Hogan fast thing pin and instead of like they're being shenanigans, they just give them the belt. They shut the lights off. Everybody leaves the building. Like it's like a fire cell. Everybody out the door. He just standing there. He doesn't even know what happened. Reverse Montreal. Next thing he knows, he's the world champion and now he has to stay a little bit longer. Yeah. Reverse Montreal. Yeah. So good. Tony, Tony, I suppose the belt shut the lights off and it's over. That's it. Nope. No music, nothing. Listen, I'd love to see that. I would love to see a reverse Montreal. That would be that would be God. That would be up there. That would be up there. Has that ever happened? Like, wow, we're putting the title on you. No, I don't want it. And then, you know, you're going to play nice, you're going to do the job, you know, yeah. And then all of a sudden, first, one, two, three, no, like three seconds in. First. Yeah, you're right. It's like they like, oh, yeah, we're going to do like a quick pin. Done. Everybody's gone. Amazing. Like a Simpsons bit. Amazing. Building something. Amazing. We're going to do questions in a bit. It's the entire thing, please. You're also getting, you're also getting Jeff Jarrett versus wild card. Yeah. So who's wild cards? Yeah. Wow. He's from CMLL. He's a 90s wrestler from CMLL. Wild card. And he's just crazy. You know what he does? He like spins and he's like, he throws a card and it's like depending on what kind of card you get, you get like a different version of it. I like that. I like that. You know, a lot of people are upset that Jarrett's in here until you listen to his nine minute interview about that poor man and the trauma of Owen's death and what it's done to him. And I'm like, I don't want him to lose now in that first round. I don't want him to lose in the first round. And listen, if it's hangman, he has to lose. Right. If it's hangman, he has to do it. What if it's ricochet? Is ricochet out of his contract? Ricochet's out of the contract, but I think you're going to save him for Osprey. Die Jack. Die Jack. Listen, die. I think die Jack has maybe die Jack's on too. Die Jack. What happened? I don't know. Die Jack. I think my microphone's a little flaccid. I think I think die Jack was at Forbidden Door. Was it? I think so. I think he posted a picture online of him at the arena. Just hanging out. I would hope so. Oh, you know, what else was there? The guy from the bump that got fired. That's right. He was walking around. I think if it's, if it's die Jack, it's okay if he loses the Jeff Jarrett. I feel like it won't hurt. Die Jack. Yeah. A lot of people said it could maybe Davey Boy. All right. You know, like fun ideas. A lot of people are thinking Christian. Interesting. Christian versus Jeff Jarrett. I don't like it. For some reason, I don't like it. Christian versus Jeff Jarrett. Yeah. And we're back to Raw in 1998. Yeah. I want Jeff Jarrett to at least get a couple of wins. Why? Why was that era the big like bouncing off the ropes era? Everybody just pumped off the rope. Like it was just constant constantly going off the ropes. It could be hangman. And you know, he is returning. I don't know where you're going to inject them. They had that video promo for him. Yeah. Does he come after swerve? Does he go after the elite? Is he part of the elite? Does he go after Okada? You know. We have so many options here. I don't know. We'll find out. We also have the women's own hard foundation, semi-final, Christatlander versus Willow Night and Yale. That's going to be a good match. Yep. AEW international championship. Will Osprey versus Daniel Garcia? Yeah. That's going to be great. Britt Baker is going to come out and Mercedes has her double championship celebration. I wonder if we are going to see MJF on this. We should. I think so. I feel like this is what they've announced, but beach break, you're going to get some cool stuff. Yeah, you've got some good stuff. Media rights. Tony had a lot to say about this. Yeah. There was a lot of buzz in that building from people that are, you know, I would say in the know bit. Everybody was speaking that this deal is, yeah, very close. Yeah. I mean, where I've been sitting at, you know, it's, it's, it's, you got a lot of buzz. You got to take sometimes at the end, it takes a little bit longer. Yeah. But Tony during the forbidden door media call said that they were in the red zone when he did his interview with David Bryan on Friday for Wrestling Observer Radio. He, I believe he said they were at the 20 yard line. Very cool. So somebody said at the show, oh no, we're closer to the 10 now. So I, I, okay. A lot of stuff. There was also no blood on that show. Did you notice that? Yes. You know why? Yes. Why? It was front row. Really? Oh, I had no idea about that. That's very interesting. Yeah. I was also shocked that nobody bled during the line. Well, you know, New York, you can not bleed in New York. Yeah. You're not allowed to, you're not allowed to bleed in New York, like ever, like in hospitals too. Yeah. There's no bleeding at your house. At your house. You can't be arrested. Dude, I, I got a little scratch on my arm. I had to hide you in my cell. You had to hide me. Yeah. Then we're coming after me. No blood. No blood. That, that's the, you know, that's my rule. No blood. Eating in public. Dude, I find you. But I'm the mayor of this big city. No eating in public. Were you judging everybody while they were eating a press? Yo. Not press. No, no. You're supposed to eat that. But you, the ice cream. The ice cream itself. Can we talk about that? I, I, I turned it to a psychopath and I was raging. I found that whole thing so hysterical. We were in our little media section and all of a sudden these two adult gentlemen came down the staircase with ice cream cones. And this guy elbows me and he's like, would you look at that? Would you look at that? There's nothing sillier and stupider than grown men eating ice cream in public. What is this? And listen, I get so tangled by the shit you say to me, like more often than that. It enraged me. I'm so sorry. I don't want why, why, why, why do we have soft serve in a cone at the show for men to eat? It's a dirty thing to eat as it's first of all, milk. Do you can milk frozen milk at a wrestling show? That's what you're consuming. Do you consider, when you put that wage gross, when you consider like where, where is it okay to eat ice cream on a cone if you're in a adult man alone alone? And I'm not saying there's any implication to what you do. I'm just saying the, the act. It is an annoyance. Okay. Now, frozen pops is frozen pops totally fine. Yeah. Yeah. Because you can bite into those. You can bite into those. The other thing you're licking. Yeah. And it's only nice. No problem. Gelato in a bowl. Fine. Food in a bowl with a spoon. Ice cream in a bowl. Totally okay. Yeah. I don't want this. Getting all your hands all wet. I love it. I don't care. And I started yelling at them. Yeah. Do you believe this? Can you believe these guys? First of all, also the salad bar is ridiculous. I was pleasantly surprised by the salad bar at, I was like a salad bar. That's cool. Because I was like, I, like my whole thing was, I, I have to eat before I get there. I'm not trying to eat nachos at the arena. Yeah. Because that's going to be the only option. Yeah. No, we ate. I had, by the way, I had a salad. I had a delicious Mediterranean salad before we went. Beautiful. No carbs. Zero carbs. How dare these people eat ice cream and enjoy themselves. In front of you. In front of me. I don't want anybody enjoying themselves childlike in front of me. I don't want childlike joy happening in public. Couple people together. Great. That's okay. You know what? You got a group of eight guys. Everybody's having a good time. I get it. No, Glee. You don't want any Glee. What is this? What is this? A summer of 92. You're enjoying your ice cream in August in June? I love it. It runs out. No ice cream for you. Terrible. Terrible. Do you let your kids eat ice cream? Yeah. They're fine. They're less. When are you going to cut that off though? The ice cream? Yeah, how old? 13. No ice cream after 13. That's when you become a real man. You know, I got to say, I feel like that's definitely a little side note here. Sorry. I feel like that's something one of our dads would definitely say, like you can't have ice cream after your 13. Listen. Listen. You're too old for ice cream. Listen, when I was 12, I was remanufacturing rack opinions. There was no ice cream. Fuck. Ice cream? That would be my father. I love everyone. Fred shows up. The rest. I'm going to bring him on the show. Oh, please. Listen, Tony. What the fuck? They're giving them ice cream? I think he would just get mad. He didn't get mad at us. Our producers are yelling at us to go to Money in the Bank. All right. Give me your stupid Money in the Bank. Yeah. Where is this? Yeah. Where's it? Where is the note? There we go. All right. Paul Heyman. There we go. There we go. Yeah. Thank you. All right. What are we doing for? Are we watching Money in the Bank? Yeah. Money in the Bank. Here we go. Damien Priestath Rollins. I know. Okay. Does Damien drop it to Seth? No. I hope not. No. I don't think so. I like him as a champion. I don't think so. It looks like it's going to be him and Balor at one point. I'm cool with that. Me too. I want Balor to have that belt back. Yeah. I feel like he never got. Talk about Drew and ever getting the run he deserved, right? Balor never got the run. Dude, you know what? We are in a very different trajectory because Balor getting hurt, right? Yeah. And after all, it allowed Owens to get the title, yes. And to lose it to Goldberg in Goldberg, right? Isn't that how it happened? Isn't that how it transitioned? That's crazy. Yeah. Because that was a time that I asked. I was like, why? Like, why go this avenue? And they said it's a new title. Mm-hmm. They need to show that this is a legitimate world championship. You know, Jericho, I think at that time, was still there. And that was another option. They were thinking about putting it on Jericho. I remember that conversation. That was supposed to be the main event in WrestleMania. Was that the main event in WrestleMania? It was supposed to be Owens Jericho that year. And then all of a sudden it was, oh, Goldberg's back. Yeah. They wanted to build the legacy of that title. Yeah. And exactly what AEW is doing, by the way. This is something that has been, I don't know if this, if it's parallel thinking or certain people from WWE came over and kind of suggested this. I don't know. But when that belt was created, they really wanted to change the legacy of that title. AEW is doing that right now with all their belts. Think, think about it. The TV, the TNT title got messed up, but Edge was their champion. Kazuchiko Okada, champion of the continents. Yes. The international, the champion of the internationals. Intercontinental. Intercontinental. Intercontinental. They're going to merge that belt. Intercontinental. It's going to happen. So it's a lot of stuff going on. Women's money in the bank match. EO Sky, Chelsea Green, Lyra Valkaria. Did I say it wrong? Lyra Valkaria. Valkaria. It reminded me because a few weeks ago, a guy in our chat room said, I will give you $20 if you pronounce your name right. That's really funny. I wanted to be Lyra Valkyrie. Yes. I don't like Valkaria. Right. Valkaria. Naomi, Tiffany Stratton and Zoe Stark. Tiffany Stratton. Very over in the garden. I think Tiffany Stratton takes it. Ok, you know what? I can see that. Or Chelsea Green. I think maybe it's her time. Alright. I'd like that. Men's money in the bank. Jay Uso. Carmelo Hayes. I almost said Carmelo Anthony. Carmelo. That would be fun. Carmelo Anthony's back. One last season. Carmelo Hayes. Andrade. Chad Gable. Ellie Knight. Drew McIntyre. So who takes this? I honestly. I want to drive it a win. But I think it's going to be Jay Uso. But is he too cool to hold a briefcase? Well, I'll tell you. Andrade. Andrade. Opened. The MSG show. With the speed match. Ok. And I'm like why? Why? Why is he on this? Why is he there? I mean I know why. Because Ricochet left. But why is he there? He should be in a much better position. This is a great position for him to be. And he's an unbelievable wrestler. You're going. Jay Uso or Drew McIntyre. You know, I feel like putting it on Drew would add more to the story where if he does the cash in and CM Punk ruins it for him again. Or you have something where some somehow gets the belt. He cashes in at the end of the night. Yeah. Yeah. Ben Punk ruins it for him. Ben Punk ruins it for him. I'm not liking this CM Punk. He's a rascal that one. What a rascal. He's just doing practical jokes. I'm ok with that. He's like a wily coyote. Yeah. I like this next match. I'm actually pretty hyped for same, he's named versus Bronbreaker. I want Bronbreaker to go full Scott Steiner. Did you watch a Scott's the Steiner documentary where they pretty much tell you like Scott was on steroids and he was insane. Oh, really? Did you? I got eyes. I've seen what that guy looked like. I was shocked. They were like, yeah, he just got really big. And he's like, I've never, and he goes, I've never failed a drug test. And somebody in the comments wrote, yeah. That's because Scott thinks testing positive is good. Oh, that's good. Wasn't, wasn't there a whole thing when he was in WWE, they wanted him to take a wellness test. Yeah. And he said I'll take it when 100 takes away. Yeah. So he's saying then they just dropped it. That guy was jack. But listen, I, listen, man, it's not cut and dry. It's not black or white. Yeah. Like, I could not pass a USADA test. Yeah, hit it. Hit that. Hit that bypass. Look at that. Look at that. Look at that. I'm not even big. It's a big. It's a big. Why did he say that in that promo? I was flexing on Kyle the entire night and just like trying to get big on him. You know what I mean? Like, but there are people that that are far larger than me and all of a sudden somehow they miraculously pass these tests. So listen, you got to get doctoring is what he's doing. That's all. Whatever, man. Who cares? You know what? Let them, let these guys do whatever they want. I, as long as they're not like, you know what? You know what? They're not killing themselves. Right. You know what upsets me more than, oh no, so-and-so took steroids? When you find out that somebody just like, he couldn't take an Uber home and he's driving drunk. Yeah. Far worse. That upsets me more than like, I don't. Yeah. Yeah. I want these guys to be on steroids. I know exactly what you mean. Yeah. Like, oh, you're in this position that you're in and you're, you could take a fucking Uber home, dude. Right. Why are you driving? Get as big as you are. Get as big as possible. Please. Same thing with baseball. You know what? How many, how many of us have we had? Sorry. We're a little loose today. We're coming off that high of A.W. I gotta tell you, like I, I don't, right? I don't want McGuire to get. I want, I want people to be healthy. I want people to be healthy and I want them to look good. Get ripping. Dingers, bro. Dude, you know what was on steroids? Andy Pettit. Yeah. And it was a scrawny dude. He was a, he was a thin man. Twerp. I used to love, I, I was in, listen, I was never, I'm a Mets guy. We live 10 minutes from City Field, formerly Shea Stadium. I've always loved and respected Andy Pettit. Oh, yeah, me too. Listen, those Yankees are great. Yeah. I have no, no beef with the Yankees. Late nineties Yankees. Great team. Great team. Now, now you know what's better. Was it? 86 Mets. 86 Mets, forget it. Dirty boys. You got that hojo, corkin' and bats, baby. Six man tag. Yeah. Randy Orton, Kevin Owens versus The Bloodline, Solisico, Tomatanga, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fattu. Yeah. Three of them. Do we get, do we get a hicolao? Do we get a hicolao run in? But this Paul Heyman's business was remarkable. Unbelievable. You know, he did not sleep the night before, so he could look like that. He looked so terrible. What a method actor. Yeah. So fantastic. He looked awful. People were saying, who was it? He was hanging out with RVD before? Yeah. Yeah. Because his eyes are all right. He's excited for Money in the Bank. Yeah. Is this a fun show? Is this one Saturday or something? It's Saturday. Oh, yeah. You know what? Why couldn't this be on the afternoon? Oh, don't we have a shindig on a... Yeah. We do, right? Yeah, you have a shindig. Yeah, yeah. I have a party on Saturday. I have a party on Saturday. Dig those shins. We got a party. What's the theme? My wife eyes? Summer. Welcome to summer. I think it's like an emulfy coast theme. Yeah. I think we're doing like Italian with like champagne. Yeah. This is the champagne party. Sweet. Yeah. Very cool. He's the butler. I'm gonna take him out of the cupboard. You making him Luther? Yeah. Yeah. I put him away. I shrink him. I got like a little shrink, right? I got enough, enough of you. And then I put him right away. That's what that noise is. That's why he grunts. That's him shrinking. Yeah. All right. Let's do Q&A, boys and girls. Guys, if you have a super chat, super chat. If you have a question, super chat, it's a little answered first. Yeah. If you have a question, just ask it. Do whatever you want. Yeah. You know what? I think our fans get due steroids and yelling real Jack. I want like an army of Jacks beyond the Belfans slash Matt. Dude, I flashed my abs to MG before. Oh, he lost there. Yeah. He got a little weak in the knees. I'm getting that Joe Rogan belly. It's great. I'm gonna turn into a tote. Get that etchy cerebral bit. I can't wait to turn into a tote like him. That'll be amazing. All right. Let's do it. Good morning. You're handsome bastards from Jess Ricardo. Thank you very much. Good morning. Good morning. We got... Paul Anthony Moss watched on TV and was blown away at how good Stephanie Vicara was. She's a star. And now Chine Mercedes. Do you see TK trying to bring her in full time? Anything could happen, right? I think how do you not think about that? Right. You know, she came off very good. Yeah. Really, really good. We'll see. I don't know. I think she's gonna be, she's gonna be at the night before all in. She's gonna be doing an indie show. So she's out there. So I'm curious if it's kind of in the cards for her to be involved. It makes sense, right? Yeah. David Camp, Dynamite Episode 250 is coming on July 17th. It sounds like a good show to announce a new TV. Okay. I will give you a little scoop scheme. A little scoop scheme. Okay. Is that... Somebody... Before I say this, somebody answered this. Is that when the finals are for the tournament? For the Owen tournament? Yeah. Yeah. Look at that. Okay. Because I was told that there was a mega main event for that show. Again, I have no idea. It could be bullshit. It could change. I don't know. Okay. Yeah. When you quote me on this, you could tell, you could say Andrew Zarian said, "This could be bullshit. It could change." I don't know. But I was told that that show will have a huge main event. Okay. Oh, it is the finals. Okay. Very cool. Or maybe not. Am I right? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe that's the match with Danielson. Maybe it's Danielson and whoever the to be announced is. Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett. I was told that it's a mega main event. Did you find out MJ? Yeah. You are your research. Your research, I put you back on the mic. Your research is very slow today. Yeah. Appalling with some might say. Yeah. I'm appalled. Yeah. And it listed as the arena for July 17, 2024. Yeah. But I think the final will be the week before Calgary. Okay. Maybe maybe. It was Calgary. I thought. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. But I was told that they're going to have a huge main event, main event level, a pay-per-view level main event. That's how it was said to me. Okay. So I don't know what that means. I don't know who it could be. I don't know if it's something else. I don't know. This is from Jester Cardo. Small sack of money for riches. Roy'd fun. I got to get these arms. Big man. I'm not even. I'm not even. Do you want to just go the opposite way? Get big like Vader and wear a mask? Real like. Ooh. I have no muscle. Finals 10th, finals 10th July in Calgary. Okay. So the finals on the 10th of July. So this is July 17th. Okay. Big mega main event, apparently. Great. Great. I'm with it. So I know it. Happy Bhabi Benite. Oh, yeah. Yesterday. Yeah. Yesterday. It was Bhabi Benite. Uh, Jester Cardo says wild card equals L-territo. Ooh. Love that. That's a good wild card. That's true. That's a good one. That's true. Let's see. Do you think AEW's renewed focus on the women's will help expand the audience just like it did WWE or would it be different? Um, I think, I think they realize the importance and have it. Having a strong female base, uh, yeah, I definitely definitely see, they definitely see the importance of it. Okay. Uh, this is from Sean. When do you think guys, when do you guys think Julia shows up on NXT to challenge Roxanne and beat? I don't know. She's hurt, right? She's hurt. She was supposed to be there by now. I could. I thought it was a visa thing. I guess she's okay. Yeah, give me here. All right. Let's see. I'll hit it. I apparently posted a couple of days ago that she's, uh, getting it checked next week in seeing if it's healed. And she was, she was initially scheduled to face Roxanne at Heatwave this Sunday. So I think she may show up there knows, but, um, I don't know how long it's going to be, but they're supposed to use it. She's supposed to fight in that Merigold, uh, card next weekend. So okay, there's that. So by the way, the finals are in Calgary, July 10th. So the week after, uh, there is, uh, there was an announcement. So there's, there's that match. I'm sorry. Okay. This is a good comment. It's not a question. Ibrahim Osama. If I see Zarian, I'm going to slob roll over the nearest ice cream, oh, not a fan. That you were so intense. It was great. This is why soloable. You guys think the completion of the deal will temper or eradicate the ratings discourse? I think it's going to temper it. I, I, no, I don't know. I don't know if it's going to eradicate or temper. I think people are going to stop talking for a little bit and then I'll find something else to complain about it and then they'll, they'll lock onto that. I, I find it unbelievable that people are championing a failure in getting a good deal. Right. How can you be a fan of professional, right, to the point that you, you, you talk about it as much as you do. Right. And you want the only other option to fail. Wild. Right. Yeah. You know, there's a big story that Tony's paying a hundred million dollars in salaries for that company. Yeah. Do you know how many families are being fed with a hundred million dollars in salaries? Right. How many people's lives are changing? Exactly. What's the way? What do you want? You just want, you don't give a shit. You're not. Yeah. I find that so crazy. So crazy. Like I only want one option. And it's for me. And I don't care who's there. It's also, it's also, I feel like it's, um, this goes back a long time with professional wrestling too, where it's like it's people, those people are people who don't know how business works. Yeah. Like who's a fan of a company? Right. Like the company doesn't give a shit about you. The company cares about the money that they're generating. Exactly. Especially publicly traded companies. Right. They don't care. You're, you're, they just care about money. Like how could you, how could you be? It's not, it's like, you know, everything is a team and that's for stankeys. Yeah. Like, why? Like who you like. Right. Who gives a shit? Boo. Have fun. Boo. Yeah. You can boo. Have fun. But like to say, like I only want the Yankees to play. Yeah. I want these guys out of business. Yeah. I want, I want every other team out of business. You see how ridiculous that sounds? Yeah. Let's see. What about, this is from FCN Toby. What about Royal Rumble 2000 with Kankish Akras Triple H? Was the bleeding forbidden there too? As before they went public. Right? No, no, no. At times you can, at times you do, at times it's the state athletic commissions. Like I don't want to see blood and then you back up again. Yeah. There's plenty, there's been plenty of shows in New York with blood, but if the, if the state athletic commission is in front row, I, I think you would choose not to do it. Right. New York state has a very strict blood law rule that you can't bleed like that. Sometimes you could do it. You figure it out and you do it something. You don't give a shit and you just do it. Right. Right. It would have been funny if Tony was like, you see that guy out there? Bleed on. Bleed all over him. Uh, this is from Brian Knight asked me on the bell. Ideal all in the three main event, Gaines and Swerve, Okada Osprey, Tony Mariah or Swerve Hang. Oh man, um, Okada Osprey is a big main event. Uh, Brit Mercedes. Yeah. I mean, that's going to happen though. I don't think Okada Osprey is going to happen for another two years. Hmm. Okay. I think cause, cause they had such an ending in New Japan that you can't go near it at this point. I don't know what they should do. I, I, I really like Danielson, if you start telling me the story that this man needs one, he needs that title before he leaves. Yeah. I could get really behind it. But when he's going out and doing interviews and he's like, yeah, I don't want the belt. It takes me out of it. Yeah. Like, tell me you want it or else I'm going to force it to happen. I'm going to make you the champion. I would, I would be okay with Kenny Okada if Kenny's healthy. Oh man, I would love that. Right. That was the time cause they haven't touched in a while in time, you know. And I think the last time they did something together, they were on the same team. And he did that surprise in New Japan. Well, no, they had that moment, they had that moment on Dynamite a couple of weeks ago. Yeah. Well, I meant like, yeah, yeah. Wrestlewise. Yeah. Uh, does Natalia leave WWE and where do you think Kayla Becker ends up next? I don't know where Kayla ends up, but Nadi would be very interesting. I thought that this would have been a great opportunity for her to be involved with the Owen tournament. But I have no idea. Again, she's, that's where she's grown up essentially, in WWE. She's been there forever. Yes. Uh, all her friends are there. It's provided a great life. Why do you want to go? Unless you just want to go and do something different, then that's great. But at this point in her career, I don't think she's thinking like, Oh, I could have a great run there. I think it's whatever. What, what are the things I have not gotten to do yet? Yeah. I think that's what happens to people when, you know, they hit that level. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. WWE has notably been proving grounds for people who want to succeed in other parts of their life. Yeah. Right. And I think it's evident by the people who leave and then come back or just leave and do their own thing. Yeah. Um, let's see. What's your direction for a W all in after forbidden door? I'm there for the second time. That's cool. Um, I don't think they're going to run that venue again. I think they need to go somewhere else. Okay. I do think more shows in the UK is going to be really beneficial for them. But, uh, I don't know what to expect with this one. I, I, I obviously they've learned from their mistakes of the first one. And that was a really big thing that they put together. Yeah. So obviously it's going to be a little bit more refined, but, you know, I, I, having one of your first matches on that card become what it became really changes the tempo of the show. So I, I think it'll probably be better this year based on the possibility of the matches. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's just like your big marquee matches for a W, I feel like, again, we say this all the time, if your guys are healthy, you're going to get these three matches. Yeah. You know, somebody wrote to me, they said, you know, Daniel, some being out of, uh, last year's forbidden door, uh, last year's, um, all in, right? Cause you missed it. Yeah. Um, somebody wrote to me to go, I think that's like the trajectory of CM Punk shifted that day, like imagine if the matches were set up a little bit differently. And Danielson was there and it prevented this meltdown from happening where we would be. And I was like, Oh, alternative history, AEW. I like this. It would, you know, honestly, another alternative history, alternate history, AEW. We would have gotten what we didn't get in WWE, which is a series of Danielson and Punk matches. Yeah. We only got that one at Fastlane. Was it Fastlane? Yeah. Or was it was Fastlane? I think so. And that's it. And I remember watching an interview with, it may have been Punk, where he was like, I don't understand why they couldn't use me versus Danielson. We could have been their Brett and Sean. Yeah. Put us on any card. Yeah. And I'm over the limit. 2012. Yeah. Over the limit. That was the one. Yeah. Cause it had like the, the, that thing. The butterfly effects are always fun to think about. Like Sean never getting hurt or, or, you know, Brett never leaving in 97. Staying. Austin wins the title. Look at all the opponents he has still. Right. What would have happened? Maybe McMahon never would have happened to that level. That's true. Also, like another fun one to think about is, what if Austin never had a shortened career? What if Austin never had a shortened career? Yeah. Like that. My all time favorite. And we did this on a years ago on Batman, maybe six years ago, five years ago, is the ultimate warrior and the offer that Vince had given him in December of 97 and it was like a five year deal, whatever it was. And if he had taken it, yeah, I, we fantasy booked him to the best possibility. Oh, yeah. He was the higher power. Oh, so good. Okay. He's this crazy, but like Vince is still involved, right? Right. He's the higher power. We get to see a Vince McMahon and ultimate warrior match, right? Because they, and remember like that whole like reality based stuff he did with Hogan. And then it culminates with him in Hogan at WrestleMania. And that's how it ends wild, wild. But he did get like, he did, we did put the acolyte tattoos on him. Yes. He got like old demonic. I think, I think he would have black and purple face paint. What would he sound like if he was that? What would the review do the reveal? And then they do the thing and it goes, oh, runs at the TV. Oh, that's what he does. Whatever the hell he says. All right. Let's see. All right. All right. Let's do it. Let's do a couple. And I got to get out of here. I actually have work to do. Okay. MG, you said that like yours. You said that like you're sending it up there. Yeah. What if Tony shut punks Mike during the scrum? I mean, listen, he could have said he goes, okay, you know what, Phil, this is, this is all very important stuff and we need to get to the bottom of this. Yeah. Let's, let's sit down and talk. I get it. And he tried. And he tried. And he tried to take the blame in there, you know, learning pains, you know, I'm far more confident in my business dealings today than I was even two years ago. It's experience and unfortunately for Tony at that time, he had not had a long experience of dealing with professional wrestlers. Do you think punk got a text or a phone call the next day from somebody in WWE saying, hey, buddy, what's the temperature like over there? No, no, no, no. They were still not for him. Interesting. Yeah. But what was the shift? Was it just him having this public drama and being released from the contract and then somebody called, they can't call it. Yeah. But it was, it was realizing like, oh man, he's, there's not too many of these big names that are still from that timeframe that we could, that we could use. So marketable. What the hell are we doing? If we can make it work, we're going to make it work. And I've said that so many times about Tony and that comes from WWE. Like that's something that was said to me to go, well, our philosophy is I don't care about the personal issues. If we can make it work, we're going to make it work. Right. And they never say never. Never say never. We're going to make it work. And I kept saying, I'm like, if Tony can make it work, you can make it work. And he tried, dude, Tony tried. If I think there could be more blame put on him if he didn't try, and he was like, okay, well, this is what it is. It was just a series of unfortunate events because you've never experienced this before. If this was 10 years ago, it would have been swept under the rug and the guy was fed up. It still would have been swept under the rug. I don't agree with physical violence. I don't agree with publicly shaming someone on that platform. You're hurting everybody else, right? It's a very selfish thing to do. However, you're in a weird business, and sometimes those things happen, and you work it out. And Tony should have said, I don't give a shit. Work it out. Right. We're going to work it out. Or I don't care. Right. Or you're all fired. I mean, he can't. Yeah. All right. What else? Can you read it? Since WWE is openly frustrated with Fox over censoring, what will be their approach with NXT on CW, the fans in the PC, chant, whatever they want as a performance. I have not thought of that. That's a great question. I don't think it's so much of an issue with NXT. And they don't, you know, it's up and coming. They don't. Yeah. Maybe CW is going to allow them to go a little far. I don't know. The Fox stuff, listen, it's advertised driven. It's that's the problem that they had. That is why they, you know, they wanted to go TV 14 two years ago to the day. Yeah. The moment that changed my life, where I was right and wrong at the same time, you know, they've been wanting this. They don't want to censor the crowd. But now with Netflix, they have a very unique opportunity to do some very cool things. Yeah. Are they going to be bleeding and cursing everywhere every week? No, probably not. But you know what? Remember that Matt Riddle would be cool if they did, man. It would be cool if they did. That Matt Riddle and Seth Rollins. Yes. Thing that they did. Yeah. They bleeped that whole thing. Can you imagine if they didn't? Right. On Netflix. And you're like, oh my God, what has happened? WWE is cool again. Yeah. Yeah. It's, you know, it's little tricks that you do is a little smoke and mirrors to get a more of a larger base. Yes. Of teen boys. I want to tell you to suck it over and over again. Yeah. We were at the garden. They were doing that. They did the DX cam. Oh, yeah. Right. And I'm like, and everybody's doing this, like nobody's doing this. And just trying to wrench goes, do you remember, like, in middle school, you had a bunch of 13-year-old boys just telling you to suck their dicks constantly like this. And I was like, yeah, what an insane movement that was. And we all got in trouble for it. And we all got in trouble. I got in trouble for my RVD 420 shirt. Last day. Last day of eighth grade. High school banned the crotch chop with, I mean, basically like with detention thing. I mean, rightfully so. I guess so. You know, fucking squares. We got one more, we got one more super chat and then we're going to get out of here. If they indices from slim Reaper 35, that's a great name. If they indeed don't run Wimby again, do you think it's a missed opportunity to not give Osprey that moment to win the title in front of that? I think that's an incredible question. And I would say, yeah, possibly, I would say that would be a missed opportunity. Yes. Now, when he wins that title, should it be in England? It could be in the States, but I think, you know, if you're telling a story now for Osprey, I think it should be now. Like this, it should be there. He's over. Yeah. That guy's over. That crowd, that Long Island crowd was so hot for Will Osprey, which is very, very interesting. Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited. I'm excited for the future. Yeah. Oh, we got a good question from a Fightful here. Will you all do a crime show called Beyond the Bail? Yeah. I like that. That's the show where we become bounty hunters. Yeah. Oh, can you? We're bounty hunters. On Fightful. We put it on Fightful. It'll be a Fightful Select. Fightful Select. Yeah. Andrew and I are bounty hunters, and we're coming. Bail bondsmen. We're coming for it. We're Bail bondsmen. Absolutely. But we pretend a little too close to our cops, so like you can't tell, so you kind of open the door. And then you see me and you're like, "Yeah, I don't think you're a police officer." I want that show on Fightful Select. Beyond the Bail. Yeah. Beyond the Bail. And it's like this is the photo. We're back to back like this. Fantastic. This is why I'm part of Fightful. This is why we are over here in Fightful for all the creative geniuses that are there. We're coming for you. Don't skip out of that, Bail. It's, "Oh, you know what it is?" It's us going after the people that canceled their Fightful Select member shows. Oh, yeah. That's what we do. Yeah. Hello. Beyond the Bail here, I saw your credit card got declined for the $5 tier on Fightful. Open. Open up. That's when we kicked the door. Yeah. No, no, no. And then you know what it is? Sometimes you lure them. And then Sean shows up. Sean Ross. Have a seat. Oh. And he goes through the paperwork and he's like, "I see you left a comment on in the weeds about how much you love Fightful. But yet you canceled your membership. Would you like to explain this? Enforcing that membership. We got a good one. Good comment from LoveFro. Oh, man, that makes me want to cancel just to get you to come to Denmark." We were also doing, "What's spoken in Denmark, Dutch?" I was going to say "guten tag." But that's not Denmark. "Guten tag." Oh, my knee to a wholesome. We were doing that. I don't know why randomly. We were just speaking in a terribly fake German accent. That drove an Italian nudge, I don't know. Oh, you're doing a wholesome? Yeah. Thank you. Bye for our live. Oh. And straight streak just for this. Well-- Beyond the bail. Danish. They speak Danish. Of course they do. I love a Danish, by the way. Yeah. I haven't had a Danish at all. I love a Danish. I love a Danish. All right, let's do one more. One more. One more. One more question. One more fantasy booking of us in the bounty hunters. Bail bondsman. Yeah. You know what? It's a combination of Doggy the Bounty Hunter and the movie Eraser. When Sean comes in, he has their bank statements. And he goes four ninety nine for OnlyFans. Would you like to explain this? Exposed. Yeah. Do you know what? That's what we do. That is what we do. You cancel your Fightful Select membership. Sean has access to credit cards. Yes. He has connections. He can call the bank. He's like Eddie for a log. He looks. He's like, he's like, OnlyFans? Would you like to explain this? And he mails it to your wife. Uh oh. That's how we keep the membership. That's why they have like 80 billion members now. Listen, as long as we could say, I used to meet you. I'd be very happy. I used to meet you. And that's a catchphrase. I used to meet you. Freeze. Alright. Alright. Let's see. Become a Matt man and it can't be. Whatever. Alright. Alright. Are we done? Hey, we're done. Alright, that's a good way. Alright, we're done. Guys, love each and every one of you. I'm going away to Jamaica. So I will not be here next week. Jamaica Queens. Jamaica Queens. Yes. I'm trying to get that dude. I'm still trying to get that DJ clue. That's a great tape. Been trying to do that. I have a great story about getting ripped off on Jamaica Avenue when I want to go buy Dragon Ball Z. Okay. The Cell Saga. Very cool. Okay. And I want it. This is before it was on. Okay. I got to tell the story now. Okay. And I'm going to leave since she said Jamaica. I get there. My friend Harry brings me. He's like, no, I know the shop. Yeah. I go and I buy the tape and it's like dubbed in English and I put it on and it was two, I want to say 11 year old black kids doing the dubbing, but it was the N word every other word. Oh, no. Yeah. I said this story. I said the story. Yeah. And every time I say it, so many people message me to like, dude, I was scammed the same way. Yeah. I was at this store and I'm like, I can't remember, but quite possibly, I got to find that cassette. Yeah. It is. I couldn't believe it. I was my jaw dropped. I paid $11 for that tape and that was a lot back then of VCR. Yeah. Yeah. VHS. VHS. Yeah. Look at this comment right here from trust the process. Wow. And Andrew decides to book his vacation during money in the bank and not forbidden door clearly on TK's payroll. I would love to be on TK's payroll. Yeah. Same here. Who wouldn't? Who wouldn't? Yeah. Of course. What? What do you mean? I don't want to get paid by a company. Yeah. I would love to. I would love to. All right. I'm going. I'm going next week. Yeah. I'm going, I'm going on the 9th. So I still got time, but I'm taking off a couple of weeks. I got to get, you know, my life in order and I got to work on this T as in. Yeah. You got to work on that. T as in. Yeah. All right, guys. Love you guys. Love being on Fightful. Love doing the show. We'll be back in two weeks. We'll be on the bell. Behave yourselves. We're coming for you. We're coming for you. [ Silence ]