Fightful Wrestling Podcast with Sean Ross Sapp

Big Slammiversary Matches Made | TNA iMPACT! 6/27/2024 Post-Show Review

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28 Jun 2024
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Joel Pearl (@JoelPearl) and Cresta Starr (@CrestaTheeStarr) review TNA iMPACT! for June 27, 2024:

- Nic Nemeth vs. Rich Swann in a qualifier for the six-way TNA Title match at Slammiversary

- Steve Maclin vs. Sami Callihan in a qualifier for the six-way TNA Title match at Slammiversary

- Xia Brookside vs. Masha Slamovich

- Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel vs. Cody Deaner and Jake Something in a three-way tag match

- Mustafa Ali's State of the Union

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Hello friends, we're back again. It's It is time for your TNA Impact post show. It is June 27, 2024. I am Adrile Furl and of course, with me always, the number one confidant, Cresta Star by Collision. How you doing? - I do kind of look like a pirate today. I know you guys can't see if you're listening on audio form. Thank you so much for listening to where you get your podcasts. But I do have like a hat, a jail shirt that I got, is giving one piece reject. I found two piece, not the one piece. (laughs) - Well, give us a, instead of one piece or two piece, give us five star on that review, on your audio platform. And then of course, leave a thumbs up on the video and subscribe to the channel if you have not already. Don't eat a super chat. Any magic questions, David, we're on the air. We love it when our chat gets involved. We love it even more if you're available to give us a little bit of your hard earned cashiola. Or you can head over to That is our Stream Labs platform. That way if you're listening on any other form of whatever, that's not the YouTubes. You can head over to Crystal will tell you hi when, where did all this stuff? - You take your finger, I'm gonna do it on private R. So you take your fingers or your hook hand and your type on your computer or your fancy jazz typewriter and go to You're putting your electronic doubloons. Any amount will get your comment red on air if we're live. And it supports the channel. It keeps our boss Sean Ross set for putting us in Davy Jones locker. - Well, you did it. I'm proud of you. - I committed to the bit. - You did. I also commend that. Guys, check out In The Weeds over on FIFIL overbooked. Myself and Jeremy Lambert got to drop some fun contract news that coincided with FIFIL Select and with TNA. Sinner and Saint, a team that we've been able to talk about here on this particular impact post show. They have officially signed a deal with TNA wrestling. They are part of the team. Very happy to see that both as Canadians and also just as a really great tag team in a division that is needing a little bit of a shot in the arm. Kresta, what did you think when you saw that Sinner and Saint had signed with TNA? - I was fortunate to tell you because the one time I did see them and I was like, okay, okay. And this is something we also spoke about on this channel at length about, hey, what are we doing with the TNA tag division? It's giving, I hate to say it like this, but it's giving the women's tag division of pick a company. You got your champion and then a rag tag. So I'm glad that there's a lot of reinvigoration. We even seen that tonight with Deener saying that me and cousin Jake, the band's getting back together. So there's a lot to be excited. The new edition, very well welcomed. - Yeah, it's exciting news. So looking forward to the development of Sinner and Saint again, shot in the arm for TNA. Go check out our interview with them. And of course, over on FIFIL, we got more info on that. And notes on our Giselle Shaw interview that also dropped this week as well. In the weeds, it's a good show. I'm not just saying that because I'm a host. I'm also saying that because y'all should be listening to it. We'll talk more about FIFIL Select a little bit later, the best five bucks in the business. But overall tonight, this was the second taping in Chicago. We're in it. This is it. Philly is tomorrow. What do we think of overall tonight's impact? I'll be honest with you, besides the main event, I was sufficiently sports entertained. This is a very video package heavy episode of TNA. But the video packages, every one of them, were immaculate even. I'll say that. So, you know, sometimes you got to get signs you got to take. I will say if I had to give it a star rating out of four, I'd give it three. - Okay, that's fair. I thought it was a solid show for the most part. I thought there were some really good, a really good segments that came out of it. We're going to talk about the good and the not so great. One thing I do want to point out is that certain things that we're talked about on the show made a lot more sense when I realized where people were going to physically be this weekend and why they are, I don't know, taking a break in the Bahamas, for example. So let's lead off with that. GM Miller opens impact in an in-ringing the interview with Jordan Grace. That's something we haven't done much of before and having an in-ring interview to start the show. Jordan Grace comes out, says she spoke to Sentinel our ally and the Ash by Elegance gets her knockouts title match and it's going to be tonight. And then out comes Ash. She's personal concierge. Iceman, you were himself a neck brace. - Swift. - Thank you very much. I saw a look on her face and then said, "No, not tonight, you got private security. "We don't need to do this. "We're not going to do this in Chicago. "We're going to do this in SLAM Adversary." And it's signed and Ash is taking a break in the Bahamas to which I said, "Oh my God, they have to pivot." I don't know if you know where Ash by Elegance will actually be this weekend that is keeping her away from being on the show for the next four weeks. - I don't actually, I'm sorry, I apologize. I don't keep up with that woman's schedule. I don't know her. - Okay. I only figured it out tonight because our Bible select discords started pointing things out to me that made perfect sense. Ash is in the Bahamas. No, she's not. Ash is going to Australia to work the World Series Wrestling Most Wanted tour along with Step to Lander, both Ryan and Nick Nemeth and Alexander Hammerstone, who hasn't been on TV, but it's good to know that he isn't injured and he is able to compete. Matt Cardona is also on that tour, but I don't know in what capacity he's performing. But regardless, there's going to be a few people missing from this upcoming set of tapings. And that's a thing. So your Knockouts Championship match is currently not going to involve much in the ring. I hope they filmed some vignettes in Chicago to get them closer. But yeah, this is a thing right now. Your thoughts having heard that Ash is going not to the Bahamas, but to Australia, along with all those other names. - Okay, on the one hand, I'm like, ugh, thank God, I had to see it for weeks. But on the other hand, I'm like, let's, maybe this isn't a bad thing, right? Let's just say I'm someone who's a wrestler and I'm cognizant of the (mumbles) people say online. What if her going to this show changes something in her brain on a chemical level where she comes back and now she's super ready for Jordan Grace, that inner witch that she's been ready to let out that she does after matches, but not during matches. Now she, you know what I mean? Like, I'm trying to go into it with a positive mindset because positive attitude, positive outcome, positive thoughts. I think it will suck, however, TNA's. Not necessarily that it will suck. It'll suck not having those people. However, TNA's roster is so deep that you can make meaningful something with somebody else who we haven't seen in a while. - Counterpoint, Ash has not had a meaningful, televised match in TNA with anybody. - Listen, I'm trying here, okay? I'm giving you, I'm sorry, a brook, sorry, I hit it with the, with the, with the, with the, - The ring pops. - Yeah, yeah, that, that was not what I was thinking for sure. - Jordan Grace is going to hold an open challenge in Philadelphia. I'm hoping that something comes with this. I don't know how they're going to do this having Ash who is a character not beyond screen doing her character for upwards of four weeks or at least in the ring where there is a crowd reaction associated with it, that's taking a big chance. That is taking a big chance and I don't know if it's going to pay off because you're already swimming uphill with Ash by elegance getting the knockouts championship match at the next pay per view. Not a, not a random, you know, TNA plus show. This is a, this is a pay me please pay per view. I'm a, I'm a little concerned, I have to be honest. I don't know if there's enough behind this in a division where the, what they've been lauded as the heads of TNA, the knockouts have been the reason for the season in TNA. - No, I agree with you completely there. I don't know if this is like, let's start with what you did earlier, what if this is sort of when we drive and she go and get beat up by Giselle's song who says you shouldn't even be here. I okay, I could get jiggy with that. It'll keep someone who I think should be towards the title away from the title, Giselle Shaw. And then you have, you know, her and Ash by Elegance beef and maybe we could even continue the NXT open feud challenge with somebody from NXT coming over to Georgia Grace who thought you'd say, saying pretty much you thought it was over. I don't personally watch NXT. So I don't know if Tatum Paxi has friends or you know, if there's somebody who isn't doing anything else, I do agree that it is taking a big risk with Ash by Elegance with unlike the system who we hate them but we hate them in K-Fave in that sense. Nobody kind of cares about Ash by Elegance and I don't like that. I want people to care. And like you said, a meaningful match, TV time, some promo, something that's gonna make us like, okay, I could believe it 'cause right now I'm seeing Squish Squash and I don't want that on my same anniversary card. - Now you mentioned Giselle Shaw in our interview with her. We did mention the Gail Kim partnership and how they've been working together and you and I have been talking about this on and off for the last little while. There is a possibility that they could run a bigger singles knockout match and that is Gail Kim, Giselle Shaw, one on one. That could be the story that they tell on the TV show for the next four weeks, getting to that match. And if that's the case, yeah, Knockout's title takes a bit of a back seat to the rest of the card. But if you're bringing Gail Kim, you know, she's not in retirement but someone who hasn't wrestled since Impact 1000 where she also got injured, got concussed, this is then that's a big match and that almost makes up for what we're talking about. And I would be okay with that, especially if it eventually gets to Gail Kim, sorry, Knockout Kim, Giselle Shaw, challenging for the Knockout's World Championship at either the next live event, the next TNA+ show or all the way down at Bound for Glory. - No, I agree with that. I don't mind Jordan 'cause to me, Jordan is one of those champions, whether she's in front and back or somewhere in the middle, she's still a force to be reckoned with. So I can agree with your point there. If we get a meaningful, meaty, juicy food, somewhere else in the women's division, Jordan can put her feet up, she's allowed, she's allowed. But I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I don't know how this helps ash by elegance. And that's what my focus here, if I'm bringing the conversation back to her 'cause everyone else will be fine. She's the one, like you said, is swimming upstream against a rapid current. So I don't know what this does. I hope she sees the vision that we do not. I'm not a wrestler, so I'm trusting in her pitches and in the pitches of the crew and the team and hopefully translates. I hope it translates. - People are mentioning Nadi, they're mentioning, her WWE deal is coming up imminently. I'm talking very soon. She's someone who could show up in Montreal unless we'll see where things play out. I wouldn't, I'm not getting my hopes up. I think it's a great idea. I've mentioned it before on this show as a possibility, but I'm not gonna sit on it for too long. Jordan Grace beats up the security that Ash had had. Santino comes down, breaks it up, says, "No, we're not doing this." And then they say, "We're gonna do the first match." And the first match is Masha Slamovic versus Zaya Brookside. Now brings me to someone in the chat asking who I think will answer the open challenge for Jordan. I think it's Masha because they did that stare down and it felt like they were just looking for a reason to give Jordan a really good match on TV. And those two have met up before for the Knockouts Championship could be a fun one between Jordan and Masha. What do you think this open challenge will bring for tomorrow's impact tapings? - I'm hoping, like I said, it does bring an NXT girl back over. I don't want it to be like a one and done. It's cute. You did it once with Jordan and you did it once with Grace, but why not continue that feud in that sense if we are building to San diversity, which is next month and Ash by elegance is gonna be away. And that's Grace's partner, you know, her dance partner. Why not kid continue it back and forth? Even if not to jump ahead, but just the Spitfire promo and particularly jumps out in my brain. Oh man, y'all in for no reason. Now you guys are gonna fight each other. Okay, maybe he can get reps in going over to NXT, fighting some NXT girls and vice versa. I apologize for the loudness in my background as Dinnertime. - The cats are in the piano again. - The cats are actually in the kitchen ratatouille style. - They're making their own dinner, good for them. It's about time those cats figure out how to make their own. - They went to business for themselves, Joel. - Good for them. At least now you don't have to worry about it. Masha Slimovich does beat Ziya Brookside though. It's a good opening, six minute, 50/50 match. Lish gets on the apron, Ziya Brookside knocks her out, allows Masha to hit the snow plow, get the victory. That's kind of why I'm leaning towards Masha answering that open challenge. What do you think of the match between Slamovich and Brookside? - I respect the crap out of Ziya Brookside because for every power move that Masha met her with, Ziya was there to meet her with a quick move. But the menace, the meddling from Lish, I have an Edwards meddling counter and that's said one, MC squared, MC3. And then finally she gets hit. And finally when Ziya's had enough, that's when Masha's able to capitalize. And that unfortunately is why we trust the system. There's always like the oosos, there's always another oos. There's always a member of the system out there to make sure that the system works as that's how the system works. Cheating works, if you lost and you didn't cheat, you only cheated yourself. So, the match itself was fine. I like Ziya Brookside. I can't wait to see where she develops. I could see her legitimately being an exhibition champion, a knockouts taxing champion or if they come up with like a mid-card title for the women there, I could see Ziya being your inaugural. She's really good, she's really good. - Yeah, she is solid. Again, we've seen a little bit of her but as we start to grow with her character in TNA, there's definitely a feel like there's gonna be some plans for Ziya Brookside moving for Brookside. I enjoy that. Let's move on. First class are backstage. DJ Who Kid's back first time since Las Vegas and those tapings. Who Kid brings A.J. Francis, the international heavyweight wrestling championship. Now, I think that this particular segment will go over the heads of a lot of people. So, before we get into the historical importance of this, I wanna get your thoughts on this first class segment. Well, firstly, I was in the bathroom and the segment started. So, I don't know what happened before the history lesson but I can tell you what happened after the history lesson. I, a few things happened here. I respect A.J. Francis, whether it was a script or you knew it off the top of your head to have that type of wrestling knowledge and know that wrestling lore. I think that is incredibly impressive just to be rattling names off like that. However, my mom, I don't care. This is giving me this (laughs) and I hate to say it like that 'cause I know he connects with a lot of people and I get it, but like, you can't buy a championship. That's not how it works. And even if so, the people you rattled off Luther's PCO at his prime, Joe Henry just cooked you, my guy. You haven't had a match to even pretend that you could buy that. So, in K-Fabe, what are you doing? You don't even dress like the, what was it? I don't know, I was saying big boss, man, not big boss, man. (laughs) You don't even dress like Ted DiBiasey. So, what are we doing? What are we doing? And you say, I paid him hard, 'cause it looks like you got that for $200. Stop, stop. I think that has to be some sort of (grunts) to the Riz because it's giving boneless Riz 'cause I don't believe it. I do not believe it. I respect the history lesson, but the Riz is really boneless, his boneless Riz. - So, there's been no history lesson. I'm about to give you the history lesson. Slamiversary is in Montreal. This particular international heavyweight wrestling championship is actually not the international heavyweight wrestling championship crest of star. It's actually the Canadian international heavyweight wrestling championship from a little company that's been around since the '60s, '70s in Montreal called (speaking in foreign language) that's wrestling international wrestling. PCO won that title. There have been, they've went through the lineage of everything. They started the PCO in A.J. France's stuff last week, which again, it was kind of like, all right, this is where we're going. I need the wedding instead. But PCO, staple of Montreal, going for a championship in his hometown, that is synonymous with Montreal wrestling. There's a good story here. There really is. I think it's gonna be on commentary to do two things. One, make it important. And two, this is actually on A.J. France's, to have Canadian international heavyweight wrestling championship open challenge match in Philadelphia at the tapings. Something that establishes the yes. Like you said, he didn't win this thing, but he's gonna defend it. And he's gonna defend it against the jobry as to the jobbers. They'll call 'em like Marcel Davenack or something like that. They'll give 'em some stupid French name. They'll make 'em look like a mime, whatever. It'll be a little bit comedy, a little bit sticky, but the idea here that lures out PCO for the eventual match at Slammerversary for that title. It's a good mind game. It's a good little act of storytelling. And I really hope that this is just nugget one. I'm the kind of guy who'll go back and be like, nah, I know where this is. And that's me. I think most people watching are just like, the hell is this? Some people on the internet just being like, you know, all right, go and bottom out. And A.J. France is being like, oh, I don't think you understand what this means to certain people. So there's good stuff in this. And I think A.J. will give some credence to this. And I think, and I hope that TNA will spend those TV tapings making this a major plot point. - I can see that. If you do like, when you said the jobberist of jobbers, I'm like, well, you know, if it's that much of a prestigious title, maybe you could convince Elle Generico to come out of retirement. But that's not a jobberimic jobber. And that's, that's different. That's different. But I don't mind it. I don't mind it, even if it was someone who was kind of like hometown hero, Canada, and A.J. France's cheats to win. I could see that because I would lower out PCO or maybe even lower out PCO and stuff to land it. So you're getting a two for one special with a story line continuation. I could see, I hope that's what happens. But I'll, yeah, I'll say I don't have faith. I don't have faith. I don't have faith. I'm sorry. - We'll find out how it goes. We've still got a month until SLAM Anniversary. Still got four weeks of TV tapings to go through. So we'll see. That's just my, my hope of anyone, anyone's listening out there in TNA land. That's what I would like to see. And I'm the, I'm the person, right? I'm the guy that you're booking for. - Books from us, me and Joe only. Everybody else sucks that. - Yeah. (laughing) Large Fredrickson makes Jody, Threat, and Danny lose a face to each other. At what point did Lars Fredrickson get booking credentials in TNA? I assume he went to Santino. I said this from the get go. I like that Lars and Jody, Threat have a history together. I like that this is, you know, Lars gets to live out a certain dream of his in wrestling. But man, they're finding weird ways to incorporate Lars Fredrickson on this program. I love this. So I don't know how you're feeling about Spitfire, having to go one on one with each other in the big challenge. - Hey guys, I'm here to tell you about eBay Auto. eBay Motors is the leading online platform for automotive dealers to get their inventory in front of over seven million ready to buy shoppers who are buying cars and trucks on eBay Motors every three minutes every single day. They make it easy to find parts for cars, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles, and more. They even offer a massive selection of new and pre-owned classics. Whether it's fixing, updating, or maintaining your existing vehicle, or finding new and used vehicles, eBay Motors is easy to navigate by vehicle type category of items, sales, events, or the brand type of car, motorcycle pickup, or SUV that you have. You can shop parts on the eBay Motors app, and with their eBay guaranteed fit, it is guaranteed to fit your ride every time. Head over to and find what's right for your ride. That's - I like all three of these people individually. This is kind of like when you put chocolate and orange together, or chocolate and mint. Why? This does not go together. Like, these separate are great. (laughs) I, I, my literal note is old boy yelling. (laughs) I don't understand this. I think Danny Luna and Jodi threat were doing fine. Everybody loses, you can't be the one at every time, but to make them fight each other, isn't that the antithesis of a tag team? Literally, literally, two segments later when you have the triple threat tag team, Rascal said, you guys have to fight each other to make sure you're on the same page, and you guys have just got together. So like, I don't know. I'm, I'm happy that people are happy involved in this, but from the viewers perspective, I'm like, I don't know, I'd rather see Danny Luna, I'd rather see Spitfire compete than get yelled at. That's just me. So let's, let's, let's just bring this up. The problem with this, when Ace and Bay faced each other, is that they just did this. They literally just, and you know what they also just did? They just did speedball mountain facing each other. And yes, the exhibition championship, number one, contentorship was on the line. We don't need to do this with every single tag team who's in some sort of state of flux trying to figure it out. There are better ways to do it. Then facing each other is not a challenge. Then facing each other is just a waste of a match, in my opinion. - We also did this with Motor City machine guns and time splitters and Alex Shelley. I'm thinking like, like we literally, no, we literally did right before they left when Shelley was like, I want to leave 'cause you guys doing the towel for me. - Oh, that's right. It's just, it feels lazy when you have to do the same trope with your tag teams all the time. And I would, after this, I don't want to see it again for, I mean, realistically forever, but I don't want to see it again for a very long time 'cause you just did this trope in succession multiple times and it gets repetitive. It's not fun. - Yeah, yeah. I feel like there are ways to do it, but Danny Luna and Jodie threat truly didn't need it. I don't, I, again, I don't see how the lack of tag teams in your division is their fault for losing. Like your champions and established tag team together. And that's what we've got. - They're also not at odds with each other. They never have to be at odds with each other. The only thing that, and again, I mentioned this weeks ago, I was like, Lars is trying to plant seeds so that they do break up, like sure, maybe, but that's not useful in a knockouts tag division that is lacking in tag teams. To have them go against each other is completely against what rebuilding the team is about. They're supposed to be getting back on the same page, which they did by winning major tag team matches over the last couple of weeks. - Thank you. - It's very strange. It is very strange that they're running it this way as you gotta face each other unless this is Lars trying to join the system in the end and he's gonna join up with Masha Alisha on the rematch. - Oh, that'd be a weird take, but that'd be a very TNA thing to do. - That would be a very big no thanks for me, but it's, can't think of another reason to do it unless, or whoever the knockouts tag team champions are at the time, he walks over and joins them. I don't know, I just-- - Maybe he gets beat up and they bond over his untimely TNA death. Not for nothing, people die in TNA everyday. Take it as a badge of honor. Not everyone dies in TNA, but a lot of people do. - That's true, could be the reason. We'll find out soon enough. Ollie's X Division State of the Union. - Oh, this is great. (laughing) - This was, this was the highlight of the night for me too. Ollie comes out and he essentially says, the video that you saw and the footage that was shown was it had unclear audio and it distorted picture. It's fake news, it's AI generated video, and we're still number one everywhere, including Chicago, even though it's also number one in crime. And the whole time, there's a group of guys in the crowd in the front row, one of them looks a little familiar. One of them looks, looks a little Canadian. Yeah, looks a little bit like Vince Vaughn. Yeah, like Vince Vaughn with Vertigo. So let's for this for shits and giggles, let's call him Vaughn Vertigo, shall we? Vaughn Vertigo launches a drink at Ollie and gets his ass beat, and then out comes Speedball, makes the save, breaks down. Speedball gets the title in his hands and then the slam-aversary match is made at Speedball. And most of Ollie, no shock there. Going back to Montreal for Speedball, this is a big match. And then the promo afterwards from Speedball outside, I really liked it, he said the mistake was putting the title in my hands. I loved that thing, I want it back. Straight up Babyface promo, loved it. I also love that if you know, Speedball saved another Canadian from getting the ass beating. How do you think of this segment? 'Cause I know you said you were high on it. So this is the third time in my entire wrestling life where I've seen the camera angle into something stupid. The first time I've seen it was when the camera forgot to turn off and somebody was talking to Paul Berra about pork and undertaker's mom. And that was a million years ago. And as a kid, that blew my mind. 'Cause how did you not know that the camera was the Lord? (laughs) And that they came back from commercial and said I'm sorry. (laughs) I'm sorry, this time. At least, at least Ali had a lie, he said it was AI. (laughs) I'm trying not to lie. At least he said it was AI, I said, oh, you're clowning. You are clowning, he said the picture was unclear. And I went Tom Hanifin, like, bro, we saw it was you. This was great, this was great. The second time I see something like this happens, similar was Roman Reigns at the press conference, he told that girl to get out. Everyone who DM'd me as like, "Crestle, is that you?" Heck y'all, 'cause I'd have more coos than that. But like, come on, I'm talking about all the plant, team at Plantington, that was funny. I laugh, this whole segment was great. Ali is a piece of crap, but the best piece of crap in professional... Speedball has to win. And if speedball doesn't win, he needs to be cheated out his non-existent boots, where he has to wear boots and then lose the boots and the match in order to be cheated out his boots again. 'Cause like, there's no way after you did it. And this segment was exactly what it needed to be getting booed throughout. Lion, fraud, fake news, there's a presidential debate going on in America right now that was horrible. So this is, this is Afro, I thought this was great. This was top tier, 10 out of 10 would recommend. Watch this segment. You know what? Ali posted something on Twitter tonight, and I immediately was like, yeah, let's go. It's the one thing I would do. I would vote for Mustafa Ali at this point. - Oh hell yeah, I listen. I would commit voter fraud and vote for Ali twice. Not the voter fraud. - No, no, that's fine. Commit the voter fraud, it's okay. - That means all the frauds going on in America was a little voter fraud for Ali. - Yeah, exactly. (laughs) - Oh my goodness. Dude, I don't even want them. I don't want any wrestling program to touch what happened tonight. Just let that go. Just let that go. - This is the only political thing I will say tonight is Joel, you're so lucky you're a Canadian 'cause we're fucked. - I got Sean Ross up telling Jimmy Van, don't sell your house. - Joel, if you listen, Joel, if you are looking to adopt a small black child from the Bronx, sorry, the cats have to stay with you. - No, I'm sorry, Johnny, you guys can't call. - Okay, they can go, they can be in governable, it's okay. - They go live with Jimmy, keep Jimmy company. - Yeah, I got a guest room and gigabit internet, good enough. - I don't, you can literally feed me out the cat, whoa. - Might work. Ace of Bays defeat Rascals and Jake, and Jake's something in Deener, promo from all three teams, before bait does the Topay starts the match. This was good, I like the promo. It was a little bit, like you said, pointing out that the Rascals are like, we didn't fight, everyone else did here, we should probably win. Trey fakes an injury at one point, so when's can show Deener in the corner? Jake's something wrecks everybody, including the Rascals in a great, he catches Ace Austin in the middle of that, how can I put it? It's like a handstand that he does before he does the kick, so he catches him in the handstand, and then jumps him on top of the Rascals, and it looked nasty. It looked like he was about to drop him on his head, luckily, rotation, we're okay. Art of the Fold on Deener, ABC, get the win, talk to me about this match. - Let me talk to you, let me, I'll tell you. - Yeah. - Yeah. (laughing) Dude, this match, I will say, very standard, until that. Jake's something hot tag, where he cleared out ABC, he cleared out Rascals, like to your point, when Ace Austin went to go take him out, he caught that man's arm, slammed him on the Rascals, and mind you, this is after Trey Miguel tried to hurricane Rana, old boy, on the outside, Jake's something, who caught him, rolled through, while still catching him to put him up in the power bomb, and Trey Miguel tried to do it again with momentum, from the roll through again, to throw him at Zach once to then throw Ace Austin at it. Jake's something is a monster. I understand why Ali was talking about weight limits, I get it, I understand, I get it. Jake's, this was a Jake something showcase. I do think it was the right call to have ABC win here, but I was thinking, "Is ABC going to win here?" This man is a literal, this is Rhino, this is Rhino and Brian, not Brian Myers, Heath. This is literally, this is Rhino and Heath, bro. This is great, I love it. Deaner taking the pin makes a lot of sense here. Maybe we see the ABC split, I don't want them to split, I want this to put that to bed, let that be the end of it. Like you said, we already got another team doing it, let them be back on the same page and get a good tag team chat championship match out of this. But again, I don't know what we doing with Jake something, 'cause after a performance like that, why is he in the tag division? Oof, I see, I know why, but oof. - Well, he's got a, he's got a match in that Slam, the Slamiversary series. So there is that, who knows? Maybe he'll win against Joe Henry. No, probably not. Anyway, that's fine. - That's why I feel like he got this showing, he got tonight, 'cause Joe Henry, make him look really, really strong. And Joe Henry, who's really strong in his own right, to uptick, like you talk about, you gotta beat a monster, Jake something is literally a Kaiju, bro. So it makes sense. - No, you see it, that's exactly what it is. And I think it's, I think it's the right way to do it, to make Jake something look big. And I think there's, again, this is, we say this a lot, Jake something's coming up for him. We don't know, but this is one of those moments where it's like, they made him big, they made him look good. He's doing the thing with Deener, feels like that'll lead somewhere, whether that's tag titles, or if that's something of a beatdown and a bit of a feud between the two, you could do that too. Either way, the Henry and something match probably has some, has exactly what you're saying to it, which is nice. But it's getting your upper chats, the system promo, I love it, they're still doing that camera angle, where you're doing the hard, the steady cam shot, and then you're doing those, excuse me, you're doing those close up shots. They basically bury Santino, and then Moose tells JDC to take care of the loose cannon, and no one knows who that is. It's a loose cannon that they're talking about. Jeff Hardy, I'm gonna just go ahead and say it, 'cause I don't know nobody who's personal life, so everything I'm about to say is kay-fay within that room, but I was on this man's Instagram, and he was in the forest singing, so he is a loose cannon. I was, (laughing) what you doing in the forest singing, Jeff? (laughing) - He lives in the forest, of course. - Why you singing in the forest, you believe in Joe Hedger, you believe in Jeff Hardy? He's a loose cannon, that guy, he's not all together, get him JDC, 'cause you ain't all together there either. (laughing) I don't know, I don't know if I made that was a joke, I don't know who the loose cannon is, other people there, it's like, I drew a Sammy Callahan? - That's who I thought they were talking about, because the Maclin qualifier match against Sammy Callahan was up next, but also Sammy Callahan hasn't really posed a threat to the system, so it didn't make sense for them to call him, you know, just to start something with him, because Maclin does defeat Sammy Callahan, and a match that was fairly hard-hitting, they did a little bit of, you know, hard strikes and everything, Maclin kicking out of a second rope DVD and a cactus driver, was some good, solid stuff, Maclin's working as a tweener, baby face again, and I think it's weird, and I don't like it, gets the KIA off the rope, gets the win, what do you think of this match? Maclin is a part of the six-way its lambiversary. - Not me, not me out here being stesco Maclin. (clapping) - Let's go back, you hate it, I love it. (laughing) - Unusual, it's not normal, it's not okay. - I'm not gonna hold you, the tweener thing works considering everything that he's been to, 'cause I think there was a promo right before it, when he said, look what I did to PCO just to retain. Imagine what I do to get it. And I'm like, well, you know, he's not wrong, he did set that man on fire, heck it around with Bully Ray, he put battery acid in that man's mouth. I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I like this, I like this, 'cause it's very much like, yes, I'm a bad guy. I ain't Jonathan Gresham, I ain't spittin' in nobody's mouth, I ain't spittin' in nobody's mouth, I ain't... (laughing) - The pre-match videos that they've been airing have been so good. - Chef's Kiss, whoever's their video editor now, whoever's doin' it now? - The exact person, they're flowers. - And the creative behind it is good too, because you're making these matches matter. It's already four shot at the World Championship match, which is great, but they're giving it a little bit more, and you have former champions being a part of this whole thing. Sammy Callahan is a former Impact World Champions, Steve Macklin is a former champion. Rich Swan is a former World Champion, Nick Nemeth is not, but he also has titles from other companies from around the world. There's, again, the matches make sense, they're just, they're helping, they're just, also it's still a six man elimination match at Slamiversary for the world title, where I said, and we'll talk about the main event, it just made me want Nemeth Moose one on one, with literally everyone else doing literally anything else, including a king of the mountain match. - Well, I will say, 'cause I do see this comment in chat about that these package helped the new streamers, I watched the Chris Van Vliet, Joe Hendry interview, which was great, by the way. But one thing that stuck out to me is Joe Hendry saying how he reverse engineered all the popularity and the fame, and I would not be surprised if TNA isn't taking a nugget from that. You're getting a lot of these popular wrestling tubers, YouTubers, TikTokers, Instagrammers in the space, who you're now giving them license to stream it. So now some of these people who are like, "I'm never watching TNA, what the fuck is the hell?" "I listen to Christ, I'll talk about TNA before I watch TNA." Now getting a chance to watch TNA, you're getting these video packages. So if you don't know who these people are, you may know Dolph Ziggler, but you don't know Nick Netteth, you know what I mean? So I think that there is a good, there's a good function for these video packages, as far as TNA creative is concerned. And I bring up Joe Hendry in that sense of, look at how we view Joe Hendry, look at where his, just that song, say his name the virally and how it went, look at how that led him now to a world championship and not just on some jokey joke joke. I've only ever seen that one time ever. And that was Matt Cardona when he was an internet champion, when he forced that and he made himself get a title shot and Vince was like, "Listen, I don't care." But we're in a different era now. And I'm like, it wouldn't make sense. You can get new people eyes on TNA, you can get wrestlers over in TNA by these popular people who people trust. You know what I mean? - Yeah, absolutely. - I didn't mean to rant, but I think it's great, these packages are great. - No, they go a long way. That's what a good wrestling show will do is they will tell the stories of these wrestlers, especially the ones who are going into big championship matches or at least getting these opportunities. And again, former champions in this set of matches, this road to, it makes sense. And I like the way they're telling them, they're interspersing the story along with the championship, you know, lineage of these guys. It's good stuff. - It's good S word pal. - It is, it really is. It's still a six man match on a pay-per-view main event for the world title. That's the only thing where I'm like, come on. - I agree with you, it should be like a stipulation. It should be a king of the mountain. I'd even take an ultimate X. I know it's not the X division, but I would still take an ultimate X in that. For six men, and so far, it's so diverse. And Moose is a wrestler that can literally be super serious or super clownery. So in a six man tag, I would love a stipulation where he can be clownery, where he could also be serious and cheat to win. - Yeah, and we'll see where it goes, but for now we have Macklin added to the match. Josh Alexander's already in there and we'll get to the last guy. Should be no shock there. And of course Moose is in the match 'cause he's a champion. Kushida defeats Island Angels. Listen, this match just happened. It's not gonna punch out of the sky. Hoverboard lock, Angels taps. Looks like a beach, but of course it's Kushida. He always gonna look good. Gresham comes out post-match. We're in the suit and the mask looking badass. Beats up Kushida and he's about to spit in Kushida's mouth 'cause it's kink night in TNA, not gonna bash it. Y'all do what you wanna do. But security comes out, masked up, gloved up. They don't want any ink on there, any things. What do you think of this whole thing? What do you make of this? Dr. Kushida wins again. - That Tanaka punch was comedy. You couldn't tell me. - I'm in here. - It's got him real good. That's just great. - That should have been the finish. Honestly, with so yet Angels look at like he really got his knock blocked off and that Tanaka punch looking stiff, but also really like almost carto where he blew up his fist. That should have been the finish. The hoverboard looked, the match was what exactly that you thought. Listen, I don't kink shame, okay? I'm not in the business of judging. I will ridicule and mock, but I will not judge. And the question of you, I make them pay extra for that. Come on, dogs, go on TV for free. For free, we already got speedball, giving away the grippers. She's gonna spit in someone's mouth for free, bruh. Bruh, I think it's weird, but a good kind of weird. I just want it to go somewhere. I like Jonathan Gresham fundamentally so he can do no wrong, but I don't like these start, stop, half won't, they will, they pushes with Jonathan Gresham. So I don't care, this is ookie, spooky or whatever. He wants to infect the world. Okay, great, but do something with it. That's my only, I mean, my only comment, not a threat. - With the benefit of hindsight, Sammy Callahan won that match on the countdown against all of us. Sammy Callahan, former world champion, then get into the road to slam-aversary matches. That makes sense. It still opens up Gresham, possibly challenging, let's say a new X division champion coming out of slam-aversary. You've got four weeks to get him to a point where he's having a major match at slam-aversary, it could be Ultimate X. You could easily have Gresham win Ultimate X. He is the octopus. All the octopus got to do is wrap them tentacles all around the tops, going across the cables and getting the X, could do it. Have him win up string of matches, have him qualify, and then he gets the match against, let's say, a new X division champion of speedball wins in Montreal. - If he does an Ultimate X match and doesn't spit in everyone's face like he's Triple H, I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it. I need him to spray and pay on everyone and just win the medal. - That's awful. That's awful. Now I want it. - You know, it's good off. - The thing is, I want that, but I also kind of want Alan Angels to get in so that he can kick everyone on the dick again like he did the last song. - Do me still have that picture of just-- - I was just looking for it, I don't have it. That was the bet, I feel like I got rid of it, man. - You have to just jump in for dear life, hit for yam. - Just, I haven't saved somewhere, I know I do, but man, that photo of Alan Angels is reaching up and getting Jake something in the pills. - Live in free. - I agree with that, but I still stand on my, if Jonathan Gretchen is gonna be in it, it has to be like Brock Lesnar entering something that he wasn't even supposed to be a part of and beating everyone's ass. I was like, you get in the face, you get in, and everyone's like, you're too stunned and now you're off, you're ink man, you ink man. That's the only way it has to be. I don't want to challenge him 30 minute class. He just looks bit in the face. I want big, meaty man, spitting other meat in the face, in the mouth, in the mouth. - Now you know, what kind of only fans across the star subscribes to? We're not going to, we're not going to kink shame. We are not going to judge. We are just going to move on to the Matt Hardy promo. - We have a ridicule in Mark. - Leave that in the comments. Matt and Remy Hardy versus Edward Edwards and Lish Edwards is happening in Philadelphia. They're gonna film that for impact. Jeff Hardy is excited. It looks like it's Myers and Edwards versus the Hardy is a slam-a-versary at this, right? Your thoughts on this promo and what are we doing? Yeah, they're called the ultimate next match, a hook to a match. You're welcome. - That's funny, that's funny. I'm going to echo what I said last week. Alicia, I hope you know how to regular fight 'cause I don't think Remy Hardy does wrestling his face. (laughs) - Hey John Alba, John Alba told us in not so uncertain terms of who said this was Raven. Okay, we got it, they're going to do a match. They're doing the mixed tag. It makes perfect sense. Jeff Hardy is excited. - I love Remy Hardy. Y'all can't make me hate her. Her, Brian Cage's life, y'all can't make me hate them. I understand, I get it, stand by Jordan, man. I get it, you can't, you couldn't pay me I hate this woman. I love it and she looks great. So I don't know what this is going to mean if this is a one-off, a two-off, or yes. I'm here for it, but again, y'all can't make me hate Remy Hardy. You can't make me hate her, you can't, you couldn't pay me. I mean, you could, but you'd have to pay me an, sorry, see him, you'd have to pay me a big bag of money to hate her. You'd have to pay me an astronomical amount of money to hate that woman. - Jeff Hardy's been able to come into Canada for the last little bit, I understand there is a new, you know, from, I don't know, we're going to find out. But things can be handled if given enough time. Joe Henry is going to be on the Matt Hardy pod that drops tomorrow. So listen to that. - I can't wait. Like I said, back to the Jeff Hardy's singing in the forest. I wanna hear the duet, what's he, Jeff Hardy? - I think we're talking about it. I think they'll talk about the Jeff Hardy, I believe in Jeff Hardy vignettes or video that he put out. If you haven't seen it, it's very fun to go check it out. Let's get on to our main event. We're hitting the home stretch, folks. Getting your super chats, getting your comfort chats. Nick Nemeth qualifies for slam adversary. He defeats Rich Swan. Again, the promos were greats. Rich Swan talking about Nick Nemeth burning the candle at both ends, talking about being a multi-champion everywhere. Swan's good. Makes sense for him to be in this match. The gin and juice can spot was hilarious 'cause they brought it up earlier in the little, in the little backstage segment with A.J. Francis. They get ejected, DJ Who Kid, N.A.J. Francis. And that's when Rich Swan takes the match seriously. They do some good stuff. They do a back and forth. The finish is a super kick and a knick-mack and that's Patty Whack. Give a dog a bone. Nick Nemeth is qualified for slam adversary. I need to just see the look on your face. Thoughts on the match? 'Cause I know it was just, it was a TV main event. - I'm trying to find something nice to say. So like I just rolling down the street, sippin' on end of sippin' on gin and juice, lay that. I got my money, my money, my money, my money. This was the correct answer. Who won? - It wasn't match that happened on television. - I don't like the disrespect of DJ Who Kid. He's a legend, he's a legend. He's a legend, he's an icon, and he really shouldn't be involved with these shenanigans. That also being said. That also being said. - Rich. - AJ Friends is getting injected with the highlight of this match 'cause the whole crowd in unison just started to nah, nah, nah, nah, and that never happens. There's always someone off. So, shout out to see you guys for that. But that's my two cents on the match and it doesn't even make a problem. - Again, match is fine. Rich Swan does have that unlimited gas tank. I do have to put him over for that. He's a guy that you don't expect to be as deep in a match. Like a guy who can work a 25, 30 minute match. You don't always expect that from Rich Swan but he can always do it and it's pretty cool to see. And again, Nick Nemeth, he's a solid wrestler. He is a very good performer. He is excellent, no questions asked. The match delivered, there wasn't anything wrong with it. Maybe I was expecting a little more out of it but if you wanted just a solid main event television match with stakes, then yeah, this was it. No swerves, no weird stuff. You know, Rich Swan took it seriously after his buddies were ejected. Like there was good storytelling in the match. There just wasn't anything to really dig into other than kind of figured Nick Nemeth was going to qualify for the slam-a-versary main events. - Especially after AJ got ejected. I could see Rich Swan qualifying and that could be like your, this is the guy we're going to pin no matter what, you know? Not to say that Rich Swan is in talented. Like, again, I agree with you there that Rich Swan is incredibly talented. It's, I don't know, this match was a match and it was a fine match and that's what it was. - So I will, going back to the six-man match, I will qualify that the one really good thing that this has going for it in terms of making it not a cheap out match, it's an elimination match. So everybody will have to get pinned except for obviously the one guy who wins. So this isn't going to be one of those. We're not doing this, you know, to save somebody. We're doing this 'cause a bunch of people are going to get pinned in this match. This isn't, you know, we're bringing out Tanahashi because the other guy doesn't want to take the pin in the sixth man if Forbidden Door. I didn't say that out loud. Dex Baker sends a super chat saying nothing to add, watch the show and crest those cool. It is cool. - That's crazy. But you know, sometimes the intrusive thoughts win. And also, thank you for thinking I'm cool. This must actually see the other guy. - It's a cat. The other guy's a cat. - Yeah, she's a champion. (laughing) - I did the job. - And y'all were our champions tonight for hanging out with us here for the DNA Impact Post Show. Not a long one, but TV tapings are happening this weekend in Philadelphia. Slam Aversary is on the way. I will be there live looking forward to it. If you're going to Slam Aversary, I know it's a month away. Love to hear from you. So just leave a comment. Tell us how you thought. Tell us what you thought about the show tonight. Why not? There's this. There was ROH earlier. Thanks to those folks for doing it. Chris, the star, what you got going on. - Ladies and gentlemen, I will be in the weeds this weekend. No pun intended and not actually in the weeds with Jeremy and Joel. - Are you not on our show that I didn't hear about? - Not, actually, if you and Jeremy are having a rap battle, you didn't know about it. (laughing) - Why not go? - No. - I guess. - Tomorrow I will be at Brookland watching SmackDown. So if you are in the New York City area and you want to like hang out, I believe myself a queen of the ring will be there. So, you know, come say hi. Saturday, I'm here. Fightful, collision, Rick and Irritian. It is the go home show to Forbidden Door. And on Sunday, I will be at Forbidden Door. I'm so excited. Very happy. Thank you again, AEW for always letting your girl come here and jabroni it up. And I'm gonna come up with some good questions for the scrum this time. Tell me your questions on Twitter. No, don't, don't do that. I like, don't do that. I'm not gonna read that. Don't do that. Don't do that, don't do that. If that was a lot, follow me on Twitter. Cresta V star, like Megan V starring with two E's 'cause they got the first cat count that said Cresta star. All my link tree stuff and I updated the YouTube stuff. So you can watch every TNA post show myself and Joel Pro have done in a single playlist. Every collision show in a single playlist. I love you all. Joel Pro, what do you got going on? Tell the kids where to find you. I'm in the weeds every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Over on Fightful Over Books, go to overbooked myself in Jeremy Lambert. Break it down for a good two, maybe two and a half hours, talking about the wrestling news, talking about the results, interviewing talent from all over the place. We're looking forward to next week. It's a big week. Jeremy is coming to Toronto for money in the bank and we are gonna do a show together. So that's gonna be fun for the first time. - So cute. - Yes, first time he and I are gonna do any content together. We have met in person before, but it'll be the first time that we're gonna do some in person content and we'll probably hit some interviews as well. So looking forward to that. But yeah, check out the show if you haven't already. And of course, subscribe to this channel and leave a thumbs up on your way out. Preston, I'll be back maybe next week. We'll talk about it. We'll figure it out. But either way, I'm at Joel Pro. J-O-E-L-P-E-E-R-L, that's my last time I promised. Please, gentlemen, friends, be on the binary. We'll see you in the next one. Cheers. - Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]