Fightful Wrestling Podcast with Sean Ross Sapp

Kyle Fletcher in Action, Athena Injury Update | ROH 6/20/2024 Show Review & Results

1h 12m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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SP3 (@TruHeelSP3) and Astrid (@astridpizarro) review tonight’s episode of ROH:

- Kyle Fletcher vs. Lee Johnson in a best-of-three falls match for the ROH TV Title

- Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. Angelo Parker and Matt Menard for the ROH Tag Titles

- ROH Women’s Champion Athena and ROH Women’s TV Champion Billie Starkz speak

- Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch

- Griff Garrison, Cole Karter, and Anthony Henry vs. Carlie Bravo, Shawn Dean, and Serpentico

- Aaron Solo vs. Titan

- Brandon Cutler vs. Jacoby Watts

- Lance Archer in action

- Marina Shafir in action

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How are you doing? I'm all right. How are you? I am doing wonderful despite my tiredness. We got probably the best episode of Ring of Honor in quite some time. And episode 69. So you know that Ring of Honor purposely gave us the best episode. Since my, I became a host of this show because Kate is not here. So I'm glad you're here to talk about it with me too. I can't believe Kate missed this one of all episodes. You know, the AEW and Ring of Honor, Tony Khan is playing games with Kate. He was, he had to bring, you know, collision and the Ring of Honor tape being too. Allentown, Pennsylvania right near her drive away from her. So she had to go there and be there live where we got more title matches. Apparently she gave me a spoiler. She's not going to put any spoilers on social media, but she did give me a spoiler. That's a big championship matchup going down for us Ring of Honor fans. So we have something to look forward to. But they also on this night gave us probably the most action pack and newsworthy noteworthy episode of Ring of Honor. I want to say since like supercar of honor. No problem. I was in the longest one too. I was, I was just telling that shit before we went live that, you know, you guys know from my last couple of episodes I'm in the UK. So it's 2 a.m. for me. So I'm absolutely exhausted. I've been up since like 9 a.m. And I only went to sleep at like 4 a.m. last night because I was watching Kendrick Lamar dance on the grave of Drake. So I was feeling a little tired. I told her I had a, had a drink of Coca Cola, got some caffeine in my system. She showed me her Red Bull. So we're ready to go. We're ready to do our things. So you know the little things that Kate always says. I'm going to say it to you as well. We appreciate you all for joining us live. Remember, show that appreciation back the simplest way possible. You could drop the thumbs up on the video, but most of all you could send those super chat donations. That is the best way to have your comment highlighted on screen and interact with us. Tell us what you thought of tonight's ring of honor. Television ring of honor on Honor Club. This, like I said, most noteworthy episode and quite some time. We had big two huge title matches and the main event was the best match I've seen on Ring of Honor television. I want to say in 2024, like I was totally invested. And thank God I had that Coca Cola before the main event because that was like a shot of like caffeine in my system. Just the first fall alone with Lee Johnson and Kyle Fletcher. This was some really, really damn good action in the ring. But overall thoughts. What did you think of tonight's ring of honor on Honor Club? Yeah. To me, as I from the world, I went to, which is the first one. This is probably one of the best episodes I've seen in quite a while. Lee, so I was entertained. So I like that there was a little bit of everything and it wasn't a lot of swatch mashes. It was one episode that that's, that's all I watched when with Kate. So it wasn't the same. This definitely felt a little bit different tonight. Yes. So we want to hear from all of you. We got plenty of people already in the chat. I see Jim. Yes. Happy belated June teeth to everyone who celebrated like me who celebrated by what go staying up till 4 a.m. watching Kendrick Lamar with the greatest victory lap in hip hop history. I also celebrated June team by hanging out with the rest things podcast. So shout out to the fellas over at rest things. I'm on this week's podcast show. I went out to London and went to their studio and checked it out celebrated June team, but the wrestling podcast version of June team. So check it out over on the rest things podcast that drops tomorrow's podcast. Happy June team to everyone and happy ring of honor. Happy wrestling to everyone who's joining us in the chat. Let's talk about ring of honor tonight. We had a star from CML on the show. Like we said, we had two big title matches, including a two out of three falls match up. So we love to hear what you got to say about it. If you're watching on any other platforms, remember heart thumbs up. However, you can show your emotes. It helps other people check out the content. And remember, go over to Fightful for The best $5 in the game. That's the best way to support what Fightful does and get all your latest news. I know they've had news this week on Joe Hendry. They've had news on contracts. There was a lot going on in the wrestling world. The best place to keep on track with that is Fightful But let's get into ring of honor. The show kicked off with the aforementioned CMLL talent. And one of my absolute favorites, I've seen them a lot in New Japan for wrestling as of late. Tita was here. A number of Los Incanablas, Deja Pone. We went one on one with Aaron Solo, one of our regulars here on Ring of Honor Television. And this was, this could have been a squash match up, but I thought it was a pretty competitive five to six minute match up. You had some early offense from a solo before it. Teton hit a nice little toupee suicida. Solo took over for a bit before Teton made his comeback. He hit that beautiful little kip up. Paylay kick that he hit usually. Then Solo came back with a nice little trouble in paradise for a near fall. He hit Teton's finisher, which is the flying double stomp for a near fall on Teton. And at this point, we actually heard some chants. And I'm not used to that. I'm used to the crowd being tired during Ring of Honor shows. But we had some solo sucks chance for Aaron. Teton made a further comeback. He had a bad kick. He tried to go for an email towel, which is a submission finisher, but Solo got a cradle. And then we got a great sequence of offense from Teton. He followed it up, finished him off with a double foot stomp off the top rope. What did you think about Teton? Is this your first time seeing it or how familiar are you with Teton and what do you think of the matchup? Yeah, I think it's my first time watching me if I'm not mistaken from what I remember at least. This was really a fun opener, though. I really like it. You said they brought up the energy. This is what I like about the opponents when they bring up and kind of wake people up. That's when you know it's going to be picking up. They're not really going to love that. And they're also surprised. It doesn't happen often. So I was very surprised that Teton just won this match. Because usually when you get somebody from an outside company, they usually have their people win the match. So I was expecting Aaron to win it somehow. And when it's at one, I was like, no, I was very surprised. But I liked it. I was like, I'm not mad at it. I was just so surprised it happened. But overall, I feel like they had a good chemistry. They had a good match. I wish it would have been a little bit longer. Because I feel like when I was enjoying it, it just ended. And I really wanted a little bit more from both of them because they have been a good chemistry here. Yeah. Yeah, I thought this was a good showing for Aaron Solo, who usually is a guy that is here to kind of like take falls from other guys. But he had a nice little bit of offense that made him look well. But like I said, I love Teton. He's just so fast in the ring. His offense is always so smooth. And I'm always a L.I.J. Mark. So I always love seeing my L.I.J. brother in Ring of Honor. It was a nice change of place. I saw somebody in the chat asking if you think that ROH is going to be involved in Forbidden Door in any way. I know last year, I think it was Athena. Athena faced Billy Starks in the Owen Heart Cup on the pre-show for Forbidden Door. Do you think that we get any type of Ring of Honor? We get the usual suspects. We have Mark Briscoe who's in the TNT Championship matchup. But do you think we're going to have any other ROH champions or ROH rates Star Wars on the Forbidden Door card? I really would like somebody like Athena or even just Billy Starks to do it. I really thought later on when we had Atlantic do the promo where he said he wanted to face the TV champion. I was like, oh, it's probably going to be for Forbidden Door because now it's going to be our arena vehicle and I'm like, no, that's not where I want this to be. I thought it would have been more of a Forbidden Door kind of match, but I was like, I wouldn't be mad if Athena had a match, Billy, either one of them, to be honest. I was like, can we get some Ring of Honor and influence in here somehow? I feel like that would be great to promote the product as well. At least have one championship match in the card. I think that would be good for Ring of Honor as a whole to catch the attention of those people. So if you can, I'm like Athena, what's going on in autumn, please? At least, maybe. I think I really think they're saving that for death before dishonor, unfortunately. I would love to see it at Forbidden Door, but it seems like they're doing this logo and we'll get into what happened with MIT because we had an MIT emergency minion empowerment meeting on this show, which was one of the kind of the talking points of this episode. And if I haven't mentioned already, stick around because after we're done talking about Ring of Honor, I know the final hour of TNA impact is on right now. So stay tuned for Joel Parle, my good brother, the person that put together the Bloods and the Critch before Kendrick Lamar. Remember that for when he comes, put it in the chat. And DeCresta Starr are going to be here to talk about TNA impact. And if we saw some more TNA and NXT involvement after Joe Hendry made his debut on NXT this week. So stay tuned for that. But we're going to talk more Ring of Honor before that. We do have our first super chat donation from Shane Monster. He's a monster and he's full of shame. He says, all right, guys, Kate's away. Let's talk about how Zack Knight is the best British Zack kidding kind of. He says, does anyone know how bad Athena's injury is? I'm very interested to find out. It felt like with the segment tonight that it's not that serious because I think if it was, we would have saw what she was basically building up the promo and fainting with the fake tears and the fake getting emotional. It felt like if it was that serious that she was going to be out for a while, she probably would have relinquished the title. But the fact that she says she's going to keep the title a half faith that it's not that serious and I think they're just buying their time until she's ready to come back for death before dishonor. What did you think? Yeah, definitely felt the same. Even like we even just watch it. I saw the announcement. I thought this is not what we expected to be. Definitely for sure. It felt like kind of like a click based sort of thing to put it like that. And then when she started giving us like that crying face, I was like, no, I don't see any tears in those eyes. So I don't believe me right now. So when she brought up and started funny, I was like, I knew it. I knew it was really how long it took you to just smile afterwards. But yeah, out of feeling. Yeah, she monster with a good follow up comment here saying the bump probably wouldn't have happened either. Yeah, if it's a real injury, you're not going to have someone bump into her and her for all down risking her, possibly that, that bump kind of taking, taking more time off for hers. But we're going to get into everything that went down. Got my notes for the minion empowerment meeting that went down on the show. But next up, we had six man tag team action. It was Sir Pentico teaming up with the info tree. I love the infantry whenever they come out, bring the energy of the crowd. Like you were talking about with the opener and they're going up against Cole Carter, Griff Garrison and Anthony Henry. So this was, I felt like, you know, right off the bat with this matchup, it felt like an Helico and JD Drake got lost on the trip to wherever they were. And that's why we got a six man tag because it felt like this was, this should have been like a four corners tag team match up. Did you get that feeling as well? Yeah, because even as much as I like Sir Pentico with the infantry, you definitely can feel like they're, they don't team up often, like, or like at all to put it like that. So you get that feeling as much as happening is like at the same time, I was like, I know I, I missed the episode last week and I thought maybe I missed a chapter here or something happened because when I see Anthony Henry teaming up with the heels, I kept thinking, wait, they're not heels though. So it's like, I was so surprised that he was on that side of the team in that aspect, though, but it just, I, I like her Sir Pentico. They did fit very well together, but at the same time you could kind of tell that they don't really team up. So I feel like it should have been a little bit different. And then probably with JD's injury perhaps probably got changed. Who knows, but you get to a little bit because of it. Yeah. I almost forgot that JD got hurt in one of their last matches. I remember that as well. But this was a pretty good tag team match, a six man tag team match up. Some nice double team offense from infantry on all three heels early. Then you had Henry, he gained a lead, but the teamwork of the baby face is kind of overcame that. I thought they made, they meshed well for, for, you know, a first time teaming up together as well. Then Henry hit a shotgun drop kick just as Griff Garrison and Cold Carter pulled the infantry off the apron. The heels isolated, sort of pentagal for a while. Henry hit a vicious looking neck twist with his legs. I really liked Anthony Henry in this one. I felt like he was like the MVP of this matchup. The other MVP on the baby face side was Carly Bravo who came in with a hot tag. That stutter step crossover he did. And then he laughed at him. It was kind of like a basket. It was kind of like a Alan Iverson type thing or more like and one. It was like hot sauce crossing them over and then laughing at them and stuff and like playing with the ball that he did on. I think it was Griff Garrison. No, it was Cold Carter. Infantry hit like a nice little magic killer into a urinagi for a near fall. Then all the action broke down. All six men were in the ring. Sir Pentaco hit a swanton for a near fall when Garrison and Carter broke up the pin. Maria grabbed Sir Pentaco's foot and then distracted him with his mask continuing the rivalry between SAP and Garrison and Carter. And then Garrison hit Sir Pentaco in the back with a steel chair which allowed Henry to hit like a flapjack style finisher for the win. I've never seen his finisher before. I don't even know the name of it because I feel like this the first time I've seen Anthony Henry score the pinfall victory on an episode of Ring of Honor. But like I said, I thought Henry was really good in this matchup and overall it was pretty decent about what did you think? Yeah, I feel like it was a really fun match. I did like Anthony Henry, like you said, he really stood out to me in this match. And I like having, even though he was in the tag team with the guys, he's the one that stood out to me the most here. And I like that he's the one probably in the ring the most out of the whole group there too. And it's like I like everything he did here even by himself. And I really enjoy that. And I get it. It's like, I love the infantry and he's like, I can see them on screen. And it's like, I will take it. It's like any opportunity. So I like seeing them here as well. And like you said, Carly Bravo is like, he's, he's the one that always sends out to me as well with the way he moves. It just so is smooth when he does anything. And I really enjoyed it. But I kept things like, I know I don't watch Ring of Honor often, but it's like this thing with Marie and Serpentico, I feel like it's going on forever. When is it going to really end? That's all I can think about when she distracted him. Like, how long has this been because it feels like it's been a while. When is it going to be done? Because I want it to be done already. I want them to move on and do something else aside from this. I feel like they've had like, like two or three blow off matches that I thought were the blow off match, but it's still going on. And they're still walking around with the mess. I feel like this started in probably like by final battle or after final battle, which is insane. That was in December. We're in, we're going on July now. It's been a while. It's too much. Way too long to be honest. So at this point, we got a nice little video package hyping up the two out of three falls match up in the main event for the Ring of Honor television championship. And then we had the aforementioned Athena MIT promo and it was on the stage. So you had Lexi Nair introduce that this is an emergency meme meeting, a minion empowerment meeting. Athena comes out on crutches with a boot on our ankle. So it was like, oh, I was like, first, that's when I first started come out. I was like, Oh, no. Oh, no, this is not good. This is not good. But Athena then addresses the reports that we all been reading in the dirty sheets, which I like her for that. I like calling it the dirty sheets. And she says that she took a spill in a recent matchup and it's not good. She knows the fans want to know how long. She says that she tore some ligaments in her angle. And she said that she might be out for four to six months. She then talked about how she single handedly carried the division on her back. She's been thinking that this is not how her championship run shouldn't. But at last, she has decided that it's best for the division. It's best for Ring of Honor and is best for MIT. That she keeps the Ring of Honor woman to world championship around her ways. Yes, great. Great, great delivery of this. She says this is not how her title reign ends. And she will be Ring of Honor woman's world champion forever. This brings out Queen Amanata and red velvet to interrupt. Amanata calls Athena and Billy as she and trashy. Put it on the t-shirt. If she's not really hurt, she plans on taking that Ring of Honor woman's world championship from Athena. Red velvet brings up the fact that this is not the first time someone from MIT has faked an injury and that she thinks that Athena is faking the injury just like Billy did to win the Ring of Honor woman's television championship. This upset starts, which she shoves red right in the face and red responds by pushing her right into Athena who is down on the ground selling the injured ankle. So despite, you know, Amanata and red velvet kind of saying that she's faking the injury. She did sell it for real. Like she was really hurt after being pushed into by Billy and then Billy tries to come at the baby faces, but she's held back by security here. I really like this segment and I tweeted it out immediately after this segment. I don't remember the last time we got a promo in front of the fans and an angle on a Ring of Honor television show. It's just either been squashes or then a competitive opener or competitive main event. This was the first time in a while that we got an actual angle to build one of the stories. And this is the main story that's been going on on Ring of Honor television over the last couple of months with Amanata and red velvet versus MIT. What did you think? Yeah, I really enjoyed it because it just reminded me more of like had the way to do with dynamite. It wasn't an interview. It wasn't a backstage segment. It was like in the ramp and it doesn't really happen often in Ring of Honor. I did like the presentation there because even though they were not in the ring, it makes them look important when they're actually in the frontboard everybody to see them. And it's like that's how it should be for Athena especially. And again, like I mentioned earlier is like when she started talking about her like willing to shoot the title, I didn't believe anything she was saying at that point. I was just waiting for her to tell us, you know, I'm not really injured and then throw the crutches away or something like that. But I like that delivery here when she said like right away is like for me to keep the title. I was like, yeah, I knew it. I knew you're going to say something like that. I was just waiting for that moment there. But I did like having put in Amanata come in real quickly after that happened, red velvet as well. And it's nice to see that happening like face to face in. It's like a segment from MIT separately from the girls here. And I like how we had that face off there, like to put it in person. And again, I really like that built up between both of them. I like that part of it. Even Billie Gwynne again, going towards red velvet going. I didn't like the only part that she went and she obviously pushed Athena as she fell. But she's like more like focused on the girls than focusing on checking on Athena at the same time. And I was like, oh, she kind of went to her like that. And then she went towards the girls like. But the beginning of the media training, you should be like focused on Athena checking on her. Athena's like screaming and Billie's like more like, I'm trying to get the girls by herself. It was like, that's the only time with the timing. I feel like that for kind of like awkward in a way. Cause she like looked at Athena and then wanted to jump the girls instead of checking on Athena the way Lexi was doing. But again, I liked that the timing of it. I think it was really what the between the Athena's lines here saying she's going to keep the title and the girls coming on not too long afterwards and the back and forth they had here. I really enjoyed it. Yeah. This brought me back to more of like the cocky Athena character, the cocky champion that she's been over the last couple of months. And that's a good point with pointing out Billie not really checking on her leader and really more focused on trying to get her get back on Amunata and red velvet. And this is showing kind of her character development that she's no longer kind of just subservient to Athena. She's more about kind of having her whole confidence and her whole cockiness that we've been seeing in matches. You kind of showed that in a small way by her being more focused on trying to get her get back and trying to, you know, get some revenge on red velvet for the push instead of checking on Athena who is supposedly supposed to be really injured and you're not too focused on the fact that your leader is hurt on the ground. That was a good point that you mentioned there. Do you think that this is all building to two title matches at Def before dishonor? That's what I kind of been talking about with Kate that they're doing this slow burn. We still haven't even done a tag team matchup, which I thought they were going to do. I thought they would do that like a month ago, but we still haven't done that yet. And with the injury to Athena, maybe, you know, you saved the tag team matchup for Def before this honor now that, you know, you might not want to rush Athena back to be in a singles match. Maybe you, you know, put her either back in by doing the tag match at Def before this honor or even like we mentioned before, maybe we get them on Forbidden Door if Athena is healthy by then because this, I think this was taped either last week or the week before. So I know she was supposed to be out for like four weeks or so, three, four weeks. So if she's able to come back for Forbidden Door, I don't know yet, but how do you see them laying out both the tag team matchup and the singles title matches? I didn't, I didn't think about the severity of the injury. I was just thinking like the way they build up things, I was thinking the tag team matches going to happen first and then the separate matches, that's my thought process. But depending on her injury, like you said, they might just save it and just do the separate, the separate matches whenever she's healthy enough. It just depends on I think how about her injuries and has like how do you want to like really save her while you're doing this build up at the same time because if it's really that bad and they want to delay as much as possible, they're going to have to do this back and forth for a little bit and maybe do really start sisters opposite, like her inverse queen on Minara again or you know, kind of do the opposite in that sort of way and see what happens there. But it just, I think it just depends on how severe the like the injury is supposed to be, how long they want her out, how long they want her like, like heal up and recover before they actually put her in the ring again. Yeah, and you know, I've heard people say, you know, they think that Athena should be back on the, you know, the AEW roster. I don't know how long you can hold her back, you know, even with her being the ring of honor champion. I think she's so undeniable and she even showed it here with her promo work, with her character work. She's just on the top of her game, like under the Tony Con banner. She's one of like the best characters out there. So I like the fact, you know, she like I think a power driver finisher says in a chat she went from this kind of played off the so the somberness that she might be injured right into the cocky heel character that she is and to answer, I think it was a shock in the chat who was asking, yes, they are actually taping AEW collision NROH in Allentown, Pennsylvania tonight for a Saturday show and I guess either next week or the week after will be the ring of honor taping that they're filming tonight. Like I said, the little, little, little spoiler, little teaser is that there is a title match the forward ring of honor that's coming up that is taped being taped tonight. So something to look forward to for us ROH fans. But next up, we had some singles action and when they, when they put this graphic up, I was like, I don't know who wins that because these are two perennial jobbers to me. No offense to them. They're talented guys, they're funny guys, they bring the comedy anytime they're out there. But I regularly see these guys lose to anyone there again. So putting them against each other was very interesting choice here as you had Jacoby Watts with Nick Kamarado, which a nice little change of pace because we've only seen over the last couple of weeks, Jacoby Watts team up with Nick Kamarado and barely get into the ring. This was Jacoby Watts in one on one action, and he's facing the assistant to the EVPs of all elite wrestling branding Cutler. We start off with Watts. Watts's music is like so ridiculous, but it fits his character to a T. He's like a scam artist, a televangelist, but he came out and the music, I was just like, yeah, this is like televangelist on like at 3 a.m. in the morning, you turn on BET and it's like a black, black, black, black feature into the televangelist is great stuff. Watts cuts a promo and he says that he believes in us and he will be our light in the darkness like he was from Nick Kamarado. He's interrupted by branding Cutler who thinks the people in Nebraska aren't that bright. They are not in Nebraska, which was noted by Cutler, Cutler talks trash to Kamarado who headbutts him before the bell even rings. I literally have in my notes here. I have no clue who's the heel here. That's what I put in my notes. Watts caught Cutler on a springboard and showing off his strength, he does like a swing out slam and then he follows up with a stunner to get the win. I was like, wow, okay, I was like Watts actually won a match up. So I realized that with Watts getting this win here, he's absolutely right. Nick Kamarado has been the problem this whole time. It hasn't been Jacoby Watts not choosing the tag in. It says Nick Kamarado is the big loser of this team in that Jacoby Watts is actually capable if he's facing another job or like Brandon Cutler. What did you think about this match here? I just thought about it for Brandon. How did we down with Brandon to this? I'm sorry. It's like not because it's been going on because of the match itself, it's just like when I heard the music and I saw him come in, I was like, why are you doing this? It's like, you're the front of the EVPs, you could do a better match than this at least. And this thing with the Jacoby, it's not my cup of tea, I'm like, I don't know what the heck you're doing. You don't seem like there'd be enough for me to be doing this. I was hoping that Brandon would win because I was not interested in winning the match one that he won, I went, God dang it, oh, well, it happened. It was like, as I say, in my coals edits, it's a match and it happened because we heard the bell ring. It was there, it took place that it happened. That's the best compliment you could give this match up. But we got one of the staples of Ring of Honor, which is a problem, Marina Shafir squash match up. This time she was facing Maggie Minerva, I think Minerva was her name, Marina threw her socks at a fan in the crowd. That was mad disrespectful. That's what I could have been called, that was mad disrespectful. Minerva got a boot on Marina and that was pretty much her whole offense of this match up. Marina immediately responded with a big power bomb and then she followed up with the best name for a finisher out there today, Mother's Milk, as she hugged her into her tits and got the win. What did you think about the latest Marina Shafir squash victory year? Well, I was really happy when I first saw Maggie, I was like, oh, there's a dreamweight champion. It was like, that's nice to see Maggie and I didn't realize, I forgot that they're probably going to change her name in a bit, in a way. And then once I saw that was Marina, I was like, well, good luck, Maggie. I'm sorry, it had to be Marina, unfortunately. I just had a feeling, obviously, it's going to be one of those I swatch matches, but I'm glad for Maggie to get this opportunity to be in front of the crowding, people who get to know her a little bit more. But again, once I saw Marina, I was like, yeah, this is not going to last too long. And when she put on the submission, I went, you know, it was done, you know, it's another one that it was a match and it happened because we heard the bell ring, but yeah, just another thing is just some, I guess, giving Marina some kind of a question. Sort of way, I guess, but I don't know where it will be going afterwards, to be honest, but I'm glad for her to get that spotlight, though. Yeah, it's something that, you know, I think Ring of Honor does well where they have, you know, Amunata, you know, seems seemingly going after Athena and the Ring of Honor Women's Championship, and Red Velvet is going after Billy Starks and the ROH Women's TV title, but it still feels like they're building people underneath. Like we had a promo from Taya Valkyrie last week. You have had Marina Shafir picking up squash victories. Later on in the show, we had Diamante versus Layla Hirsch. It still feels like they're building other people underneath who will be ready to, you know, fill in the spot for whoever comes out of those two title matches. They'll have new challengers out there. I think Ring of Honor does a really good job with that in the Women's Division. I just wish they would do it more and create a heavyweight division. Like they have parts that can make up this heavyweight title or ROH World title division, but they really haven't established anyone in a big way. So I'm hoping they do that for the Men's Division because they do it very well in the Women's Division, but keep coming with those comments in the chat and remember Super Chat's World Nations are always appreciated. We're going to talk some more Ring of Honor as we're in the squash match section of Ring of Honor for a bit here before we get into the two big title matches. And remember to stick around for TNA Impact and drop the thumbs up on the video. It helps us out and Kate, I could tell Kate, I did a good job with the thumbs up if you show some love that way. It's that we had an interview, a backstage interview, hyping up the Ring of Honor World Tag Team title match later in the show as we heard from Undercity Kingdom, Mike Bennett, and Matt Taven who talk about them never being mentioned among one of the best tag teams of today. Bennett says that they never mentioned them with the Young Bugs, FTR, the Briscoes, or the Motor City Machine Guns, but they should. Taven calls 2.0 some Melvins and say that they are overlooked and underappreciated. They are the Kingdom and they are the undisputed Kingdom. What did you think about this little promo here? I like Taven and Bennett and what do you think they rank as far as like best tag teams? At least I will say in like the AEW are a weight sphere. Where do they rank to you? I get what they're coming from because when I think of like AEW as a whole, even if while we bring a runner, they're not the first tag teams that I will mention. Like they said, it's like I will mention the Young Bugs and FTR for example. And it sucks at the same time because of my give bring of honor tag chimps on a weekly basis almost on the shows and especially in AEW is like to think like you're not mentioned particularly towards the top when a lot of other tag teams I mentioned first. So I get what they're coming from and it feels like really realistic in that aspect when they brought that up. I did like the fact that they had they go back and forth about 2.0 this they say we know we're you know five time tag team champions and they say oh because your their name is to be 2.0 how many times are you going to do this next because of the particularly the name and it's like it's not a trend for us and you know we're attacked and we've been attacked for a while and then mention how long they've been together and I like that. It feels like they had it back and forth almost with 2.0 even though 2.0 wasn't part of the interview that's how it felt and I like the way they talk about it because for me like I think of usually like the unboxed at the top ones for me FTR because they get featured very often but I'm like under speed of kingdoms that's something that I think about right on top of my head unfortunately and I keep thinking in my head for some reason I guess I waste time I see them I just want to ride United Kingdom instead of under speed of kingdoms so they're like UK to me that's all I get right in my notes and I just noticed I just want United Kingdom on my notes when I wrote this but I like how realistic this were like this promo was is I talking about their background and how they are is like it's like I like this promo and I like how everything happened with the match afterwards it's like I just wish it would happen more consistently because you don't see them as often even though you see them more in the end of the ring of honor and it shouldn't be that way either. Yeah that is true that's a good point. We have been seeing them more lately but when you when you see them you know here it looks good but then you see them in ring of honor where they've kind of just been like I mean in AEW where they kind of just been like the seconds for for Roddy Strong they are similarly kind of like joke character comedy characters really on AEW television I would like them to actually get some victories on AEW television I think it would help their ROH world tag team title run as well but we got more you know action and underway and like I said this is a squash match portion so we had another squash match here as it was the iron savages in action versus Isaiah Harris J. Marston and Izzanite I didn't get the last guy's name I think his last name was Izzanite. I know his name is Eric but I don't know how to say that. Okay Eric is Knight and they faced the iron savages. Harris seems like the most athletic of the trio the you know the unknown names the kind of independent local talent but this was really like a showcase not just for the iron savages but more in particularly beef beef beef beef cake broder he showcased his strength with like a Samoan drop fall away slam combo on two of his opponents and after taking them to Tiddy City yes they were able to do it here they finished them off with an assisted splash from beef cake here what do you think about the iron savages you know a trio's win here do you think that they are going to be maybe in position for the tag team division trio's division you got you know bang bang bang as the unified trio champions I would hope that means that they're going to you know show up for at least the pay per views they don't have to show up for the weekly show in my opinion I know Kate feels differently she always wants her champions here but I feel as the unified trio champions in AEW and ROH I think they can just show up for the pay per views in ROH while they consistently are featured on like collision as the trio's champions what do you think about iron savages being potential challengers I liked especially like after this match like I I'm used to bear bronzer but seeing beef cake here having that highlight I liked it a lot because I feel like I'm not used to seeing him having that spotlight so I'm glad it was him in this match and yeah I was like I would like for them to be a feature more often I was like I built them up for either attacking my trios but I still like keep building and don't feel like it seems like silly but at least we're like silly victories to like to at least get that's how to match eventually the part with this so I kept laughing with the comments every this is one of the few times I actually was paying attention to what they said because they one day told us like oh we're gonna take you to City City he said I hope it's a refundable ticket because it's a hairiest place on earth and I can laugh about that because I'm from Orlando from the happiest place on earth so that was that was really fun I liked that the references here during the match in itself but I like the iron savages winning I just hope they they like give them a direction whether it's attacking other trios and just once they pick it just you know keep moving forward with them they are because it was a fun match yeah they have a lot of charisma and they always have fun out there whether it be as you know baby faces like they were before but since they're heel run I feel like a Jameson has really kind of stepped up as like the mike guy getting the heat whether it be local heat or just heat in general calling people dummies and stuff like that I like how they transitioned into this heel run on Ring of Honor television hey guys I'm here to tell you about eBay Auto eBay Motors is the leading online platform for automotive dealers to get their inventory in front of over seven million ready to 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operations so whenever you want to talk shop just reach out call or just stop by Granger for the ones who get it done but we had one more squash match just one more this is when I was feeling kind of tired I needed to get my coke my not not that type of coke but my Coca Cola get that caffeine in my system to wake up so I could be ready for the for the home stretch of the episode because we had our third our third squash in a row it was Lance Archer one on one with Dion Rusman Rusman I don't know what I don't know what he did he might have crapped in Tony Khan's bag or something because his first match that I saw him was two weeks ago on dynamite where he got destroyed by Roush and then here he's facing Lance Archer so he he must have got the short end of the sick must have crapped in Tony Khan's bag I don't know or she Cheerios I don't know what he did but he facing Lance Archer here Rusman got his shoulder up on a black hole slam which surprised the hell out of me I thought it would be over after like one move Rusman tried to fight back until Archer stomped on his chest Rusman again made another comeback he hit a nice little spear and got Archer off his feet he went to the top rope and went for a centon but Archer was able to move out the way he had a big choke slam and then picks him up finishes him off with the with the blackout this went about a minute and a half quicks watch victory for Lance Archer here but I saw somebody in the chat axing who was a part of the ROH kind of like men's division or heavyweight division I said it a couple of weeks ago I will say it here Lance Archer is right there Lance Archer I feel has a higher ceiling in Ring of Honor than he does in AEW an AEW anytime he gets a victory is to set him up to lose to a bigger star a bigger main event babyface I feel a Ring of Honor he could be a great kind of like pay-per-view challenger for a Mark Briscoe for the Ring of Honor World Championship what do you think about Archer's kind of ceiling in the Ring of Honor it's not because he's tall are they saying they're high ceiling well that too that's also true he would hit his head if there was a glass ceiling yes no it definitely I agree with you there because he's one of those like it just feels like you can build a good foundation with Lance and he's like somebody that's really like constant and you could definitely build something around him and like you said it's like when he started with AEW and then all of a sudden I see him getting tired of matches here and here and then losing all of it was like there was the point of having Lance do this way he's never gonna get a shot being a champion I really want him to be a champion at some point and it hasn't happened but there's much particularly though I like you said it was I feel like it was gonna be ending after the one move so when you know when he came on Dion and he had a little fight in him I was like I was very surprised that he did and I was like especially with Lance like are you sure you want to do this with Lance because I wouldn't want to do this with Lance a lot of people but still it was one of those like it didn't last too long either way but it's like I was surprised when he had a little bit of fight and he actually get some offense so I was like it's like you know who was it one of the guys I forgot who was it in the challenge like you know at least he was on TV he got that spot like especially like constant and so it's like it's nice to see that happening for him as well yeah yeah like I like roostman you know getting his little shine out here and he got he got some moves he got more moves than I thought that I thought he would on on Lance Archer but like I said I think Lance Archer you just keep building him up I think he could be good for the world title I see a shock in the chat who says like guys like Josh Woods or Willa Yuda Lee Moriarty I feel like Willa Yuda is more of like an AEW guy but I said before Lee Moriarty is the type of guy that you can fit in like the TV title division and they still want to keep around the pure title I don't know what they're doing with it because Willa Yuda was out from January until recently and hasn't defend the pure title so I don't know if that's continuing or not I know he walks out with it on AEW television but he hasn't been back on Ring of Honor and God knows when so yeah I don't know what they're doing with that I would not mind if they just disbanded it for now because if you're not going to have a pure division then what's the use of having the title so yeah yeah we did at this point get the aforementioned segment where we go backstage and we hear from Atlantis Jr. who challenges the winner of Kyle Fletcher versus Lee Johnson to defend the Ring of Honor TV championship against him but not in ROH not in AEW in Harina Mexico and that's going to be for CMLL I don't know when the date is going to be for that but Atlantis Jr. is one of like the Star Wars one of the big stars from CMLL I like him you know coming over to AEW and Ring of Honor getting an opportunity for the TV championship against Fletcher or Johnson we will find out when we talk about that but is that make you interested in seeing that in AEW will you go out of your way to see it on CMLL? Yeah I'm like I especially when you have somebody like the winner because that we're not going to mention you who won the match going against him it's like it definitely it's interesting we've seen clips of like for example with Willow recently and it's like that was something that I definitely going to want to go back and look at it and I feel like it's a good way to like show all the partnerships like yeah we have the title matches in AEW Ring of Honor but it's nice to get them on CMLL as well and kind of make it a little bit of more of an equal partnership and that has been like the title matches can happen anywhere basically and I really like that. Yeah I agree with you there next we had some more action from the woman's division it was Diamante going one on one with Layla Hirsch Layla Hirsch took a loss in a trials match up I believe it was either last week or the week before and I like commentary mentioning that that was one of the only three times that Layla Hirsch has been pinned on Ring of Honor television and she was looking to get her momentum back here Layla got an early advantage that frustrated Diamante in the nice little back suplex Diamante gained an advantage it was a lot of grappling and judo judo tosses during this match up Diamante worked over the ribs throughout her offense when she kind of got Layla Hirsch down Hirsch made a comeback hitting some nice looking German suplexes but she was selling the ribs so she couldn't really capitalize on that Diamante tried to put Hirsch away with the crossroads it seemed but Layla Hirsch was able to counter into an inside cradle for the win and then post-match Diamante very frustrated by the loss she had a sliding leg kick and then followed up with a crossroads to lay out Layla Hirsch so it seems like this issue between Layla Hirsch and Diamante is just brewing here after this loss kind of flu victory for Layla Hirsch getting the inside cradle here what did you think about this match up between the ladies I thought it was decent action right here yeah that's just another one that I really enjoyed I feel like just when I feel like it was picking up we just ended and you know putting aside the fact that Layla has had the victories and she's barely lost in Ring of Honor I feel like the way this match was built I feel like it could have gone either way and I really like that because I feel like as I from the from the past victories it would have kept me guessing as the matches going on and I was really enjoying the back and forth they have with each other here so when the victory came I was like no I don't want it to be done I feel like it came out of nowhere but I did like Diamante coming in here and just like taking that moment and saying no this is not how I wanted it to go because it just came out of nowhere for me and going and attacking Layla after the match and putting that mark on her and that stamp of like no this is not how it should have been it should have been me winning instead I really like how we came up about later yeah now I like the fact that they seems like they're building a non-tidal woman's view because you know like we said a lot of the focus as of late in Ring of Honor for the women's division has been on MIT versus Queen Almanada and Red Velvet but like I said you before you have Marina Shafir who's picking up like squash victories she's building momentum becoming this dominant force you had Tia Valkyrie talking about getting herself back into the women's division and back into contendership and then you got a little mini feud here between Diamante and Layla Hirsch to women who I feel like deserve more deserve more credit because they kind of been kind of like stalwarts of the ROH women's division over the last year so I like the fact that we're building some non-tidal feuds it's nice to see because I've said it I think I said it last week it was very much akin where the focus of the Ring of Honor really became the women's division last year and that led to kind of the if flowing over into AEW in a similar fashion of how the women's revolution was started in NXT and then we slowly but surely saw it on the main roster it's kind of similar in that sense but not as big of an impact that we saw with NXT translating into the main roster but we have been seeing more and more focus on the AEW women's division especially in 2024 so I want to see them kind of fill things out in our way don't forget where the bread is buttered where it was first buttered for the women's division. Yeah and it just reminds me a lot of how it is because I watch NXT very often that's the one that I watch on a weekly basis and one thing I love about NXT is the fact that we have so many stories happening at the same time and a lot of them are non-tidal feuds so to see that happening in Ring of Honor is nice to see that happening and you never know who's gonna get built up from that fear to go for the title sooner or later so it's always nice to see like how things kind of move around and how there's always something going on is that whether it's with the title or without the title there's something happening and I love that about NXT so I'm glad they do enough with Ring of Honor too. Yeah yeah, NXT does an excellent job with that and that's why they had to come up with the NXT Women's North American Championship because they have so much female talent up and down that roster but next up was our first of two big title matches here like on a regular week of Ring of Honor this would have been the main event here with the Ring of Honor World Tag Team titles up for grabs we saw footage of Daddy Magic picking up the win in Canada against Mike Bennett last month which gained him and Coolhan and their title opportunity here he was jumped by the Undisputed Kingdom I feel like Daddy Magic though has been wearing these this rib tape ever since he was attacked by kill switch like three four months ago I think it was like in the build up to revolution that he first started wearing this taped up ribs is he trying to be the poor man's fake Italian DDP man I didn't even think about that how long he's had it for it's been a while it's been a while so I'm like man your ribs ain't never recovering it's like DDP DDP wore that from like the end of 1997 through until like 1999 when he won the World Championship but you had Undisputed Kingdom defending the tag team titles against 2.0 2.0 we're rolling very early on here and but it was a lot of like back and forth in the early portion of this matchup before Bennett and Taven took over isolating Coolhan and I like the you know commentary always does a great job Ian and Caprice we always compliment them on the show I feel like they're probably probably AEW and Ring of Honor is probably like 1A1B between them and Shavani and Nigel McGinn is for the best commentary team under the Tony Khan brands because Caprice and Ian have such good chemistry together but they always mention little things like Coolhan and being out of action you know ever since he got married to Ruby Soho so he's a little bit rusty and that's why Kingdom was focusing on him he even you know showed a little bit of that rust as the Kingdom hit their like DVD into just the tip and I think Coolhan and forgot to sit up for for the knee strike so Taven had to run past them then run to the other roads and then hit the D for Bennett to get the near fall they tried for the Hail Mary their finisher the spike power driver but that was cut off by a hand who made the hot tag to Daddy Magic Menard caught Bennett with a Boston crab which was a nice little call to a fellow Canadian and Rick Martell Taven tried to punch Menard to break the hold but and clotheslined him out of the ring Bennett made the ropes 2.0 hit a double snake eyes into a double DDT for a near fall then Taven threw the tag title into the ring this distracted Daddy Magic who grabbed the belt the referee tried to snatch it away from him having a little tug of war which allowed Bennett to get a roll up with a school boy to retain the ring of honor world tag team titles 2.0 look very frustrated and upset after the matchup Coolhan and showed like a sense of like being upset with Daddy Magic which I understand because I don't understand why Daddy Magic was was grabbing the title you're gonna either gonna get disqualified it's right in front of the referee they just let the referee take the belt instead of getting distracted and doing the tug of war with them and then you also had undisputed kingdom celebrating on the ramp with Bennett saying that they are the best dad and tag team in the world what did you think about the ring of honor world tag team title match here Demida further released it out it's that moment with Daddy Magic has I think it was Mike on that submission the Boston crab and that moment there and it's like he and then over the time we had and taking care of Matt of Matt Taven outside and I was like that would have been the perfect ending for me you know take up Matt and then you know he's focusing here my Vegas can almost tap out here because it's by himself and I was I knew it wouldn't have been there because I figured if they wouldn't do us had a change of hands on the championship here on the tapings like this but it's like that would have been the perfect ending to watch there and it's like it happened when right there and then and then when it goes like take it no I didn't want the ending to happen the way it did so that was that was like my moment I said shoot that was like I almost felt like a picture perfect kind of moment for them to win the titles so I was kind of like thinking take it I wish it would happen here but I know it won't but it's a little bit upset in thinking about that but overall I feel like it's still off on match regime for tag teams and I really enjoy this once you I'm glad it was a tag you know a championship match and you know they got the opportunity to do so but just after this how do we get them to have a rematch in any way you should perform or do they just move on to somebody else because I know we probably get the champions of the show as it is so yeah and when we do get them it's usually like a proving ground matchup so it was nice to see them in a championship match but that's a good question of like who would be like next in line because there's not a lot of babyface tag teams unless you know you have a team like a top flight who can come over to to ring of honor and get an opportunity but it seems like top flight is already starting a story on the on a W television with Lee Lee or Rush interacting with them but now you got Lee or Rush who possibly could be in the TNT championship ladder match as he's first in action and ready in a qualifying match up on rampage so I mean there's there's top flight there could be a possibility I've been thinking for probably like the past year when the in the ladder match that you know top like Dante Martin got injured on that Canadian destroyer it's napping his leg that horrifying injury that he got I thought that they should have probably been the ones to win the tag team titles there you got you know penta still around with Ray Phoenix maybe they can come back to ring of honor who do you think it's going to be next in line for under speedy kingdom now yeah I feel like top flight is definitely probably like my number one choice if i were to put it that way because but like you said they're involved in something else so just like if I feel like the other like the other teams are like the average averages and it's like their heels is that what you want that really to happen right now I'm not sure really and yeah like you said it's like the muchapros are there we don't know how long we have penta for or how they're going to go about that part of it so you never know but yeah I just kept thinking it's like who's really next afterwards it's just like do we get them a rematch and if so what will be like you know the ways to give them that rematch because I don't see anybody else really going for them right now that's a base team yeah it's very interesting maybe the whole top flight and Leo Rush story is just for Forbidden Door because it seems like one of them is either Leo or actually Andretti is going to be in that ladder match with Dante so maybe it's a part of that that story for now that's going to be concluded next Sunday at Forbidden Door and then they can start making appearances back on Ring of Honor because I feel like they would be like a great choice to dethrone undisputed kingdom for these tag team titles in my opinion and they've had the titles for a while they went it back just before I think it was world to end where they won the titles when they were under the mass oh that time with the duffel storyline um feels like a feels like a whole different era of um ROH and AEW back then it was just like six months ago it's crazy um some big news in the chat uh from Frantic World letting me know that SRS is put up a post on Twitter saying that the NJPW strong open weight champion Gabe Kidd is at the AEW taping Gabe Kidd one of the big stars one of the breakout stars of 2024 he's my my first half of 2024 he's been my breakout star just his promo work his character work has been amazing he just had a showcase sensational matchup against Kaitou Kiyomia and Pro Wrestling Noah for the GAC heavyweight championship of course he beat Eddie Kingston back in May to become the new Japan strong open weight champion he's going to be in the A block of the G1 climax but what do you think about Gabe Kidd uh at the AEW taping I don't know if he's used yet but he's there what do you think about Gabe Kidd possibly getting a spot for Forbidden Door? I can imagine the energy the the energy that he brings that I feel like other people are not able to match really so like I can imagine that in in AEW just as a whole I just like I cannot begin to imagine how that would go he would go against but I think it'll be fun just to see that happening it's like I don't watch uh Neat Japan like that but I see clips of him on Twitter so just like he's always so fun and I like the energy that he brings and it just it feels like it's rare for people to be that way so it's like I I like for him to get that high let him if I get to see me AEW better because I can watch him more often yeah he's a man man you know uh but uh I I felt like he was the perfect person to feud with MJF. I know they announced on you know on AEW Dynamite this week MJF versus Hetchissero and I understand that they probably didn't want to put you know MJF versus somebody that they're trying to protect they're trying to push in New Japan especially now that he's the New Japan strong overweight champion but honestly I just wanted uh Gabe Kidd and MJF to have a promo exchange where they crap on each other's companies because there is not two guys who crap on each other's company more than Gabe Kidd craps on AEW or MJF crapping on New Japan. I just want to see a promo exchange between MJF and Gabe Kidd. Yeah that's a good thinking I would like to see that. I'm here for it uh so finally we had uh the uh Ring of Honor World Television Championship up for grabs two out of three falls was the main event Kyle Fletcher defending against Lee Johnson. Remember guys or we're gonna wrap up this episode of Ring of Honor but you stay tuned here stay locked here on the Fightful YouTube channel or any other platform that you're watching this because we got our TNA Impact Review, Kresta Starr and Joel Pearl will be here to talk about all the action that went down with TNA Impact is the first impact uh since against all laws where Jeff Hardy returned to TNA so a lot for them discussed remember to drop the thumbs up on the video and keep coming with those comments in the chat like I said been trying to keep my eye on the chat anything I see I will try to highlight some comments but send those super chat donation because it helps off the channel helps the channel grow and helps us uh grow that grow too more and it goes back to the contributors as well which is always nice um but Kyle Fletcher versus Lee Johnson these two guys tore it up at Supercard of Honor you had the two out of three fall stipulation after their promo exchange but I did not expect this matchup to be this good like right off the bat you get Lee Johnson with a huge tope con hilo as Fletcher was making his way to the ring he he got so much height on this as he he flew over Fletcher's back like he didn't even hit him really he like glanced still and he almost landed on his feet I feel like I don't want to say stumbled but he was like almost there but the way he landed I was like this running with ricochet I love it that was before the bell even rang he brings him back into the ring he tries to go for a cross body but Fletcher rolls to the floor so he has this crazy looking dive off the top rope to the outside at ringside onson starts running Fletcher into the barricade working over his ribs Fletcher finally came back with a running heel kick while Lee was on the apron to gain a lead Fletcher slowed things down for a bit and this was another commentary kind of pointing that out that Fletcher is not the same before that he was even a year ago where he knows how to slow things out slow down the pace if he's facing a faster guy like Lee Johnson Lee hits a big drop kick and then he hits a neckbreaker for a near fall Johnson tried to follow up of Fletcher counters and hits a nice looking half and half suplex Johnson hit some strikes and then hit a standing moonsault for a near fall Fletcher catches Johnson running at him with a wicked missionoku driver dropping him on his head for a near fall both men start trading high impact strikes before Kyle close lines Lee out of the ring Fletcher tries for a power bomb on the apron but Lee fights back hits a moonsault off the apron and then Fletcher catches Lee with a super kick he follows up with a brain buster on the apron that looked like a crush he looked like his whole body like folded up on the apron then he brings him back into the ring he has to sit sit out power bomb but he only gets it to then Fletcher hits a londart into the corner hits a yukuzi kick and then a brain buster that only gets it to he's frustrated he's pissed so he picks him up drops him with the reverse tombstone power driver for the first fall of the matchup i put in my notes wow that was just like it was just back and forth it was high impact move at the high impact move like the last five minutes of this first fall i've thoroughly enjoyed but that led into the second fall which was much shorter much more compact as Fletcher started laying into mid-kicks uh flee was trying to fire himself up and get up but he didn't get to his feet after that first fall so Doc Samson came back came in the ring to check on Johnson uh Fletcher went to the went for the top row brain buster but Lee was able to create an opening he had multiple strikes but couldn't put Fletcher down Fletcher turns him inside out on a lariat and then he tried for the londart again but Johnson was able to reverse it into the corner and then gets an okana roll for the second fall and they noted on commentary that's the first pinfall loss in ring of honor that Fletcher has suffered in 2024 then we get the third fall which was almost as good as the first fall of this matchup Johnson gets a near fall on a counter to a into a cold red Fletcher cuts off Johnson on the top rope Lee reversed a fly it reversed and hits a flying Canadian destroyer which was amazing Fletcher bailed to the floor while where Johnson caught him with a tope con hilo sunset flip power ball i had never seen something like that uh Fletcher then gets back into the ring at the count of 19 Johnson hits a trio of high fly flows for a close near fall we get ROH chance at this point this was like the second time in the show we got chance and i was like i'm not used to this um Fletcher then pushes pushes Johnson into the referee he fake after faking a neck injury with the referee distracted he it's a big old kick to the balls kick to the ding a lane and then he follows up brings him to the top rope his the brine busta on the top rope though Elle generico finisher for the one two three to retain the tv title this was in my opinion the best ring of honor tv matchup i have seen this year these ties you're letting all hang out for 20 minutes this was a banger what did you think i love them because especially i know we get to see cow on aw constantly to put it like that but with Lee we don't get to see him as often so i feel like it was a good showcase for him and i really enjoyed seeing that uh there was also the point when uh Kyle's on the outside and they have him from the count out so i guess this would have been live tv i feel like this would have it had a like a different reaction to it especially if it was an aw i feel like it would have had that moment of like having people the edge of their seats one three if he was gonna be able to beat the count and i feel like it felt a little bit different having a smaller audience here and like you said it's like i was so surprised when the chance started i wanted them to like keep going and get them higher so i was disappointed when they ended up quickly it's like no keep going it's like your energy is up the match is giving you that kind of energy keep it up and i was hoping that would continue on but still this year is like i am glad the match got a decent amount of time to highlight both of these guys to give us all all this back and forth they have with each other and i really love this so much i even glad that this was the main event out of the both title matches too because it's like this had that high energy that we needed and i feel like it just needed to happen i'm glad we got the chance in the opener and in the closer too and you know i wanted the energy to continue throughout the episode and it's like i really enjoyed how it just came about just everything and i really enjoyed this so much there there's something i i didn't want to take notes on it because i was enjoying the like the high pacing of it too and i just love seeing Lee i just like having that highlight for him that moment that he gets here it's like i did it i'm hoping like how does he get a rematch because i would like to see something like this again but i don't know how we can kind of have a reason for that to happen though yeah and it really feels like after his uh win two weeks ago on aEW TV i was talking with with Kate last week i feel like how Fletcher has built up himself so much as the tv champion that it feels like they're building to a title versus title matchup with him and and mark brisco maybe not him defending the tv title but at least him going for the ring of honor world championship after he beat brisco in that all-star trio's match yeah i definitely see that happening as well and it's like for me it was also when brisco won the title being him like ring of honor guy out of out of all the people in hw i thought he would be the one that would be like a foundation just like athena is so i was hoping we would see him more often on the on tv for ring of honor so now seeing that happen if i said in now this is you know kind of almost like a title versus title match i was like i don't know if i'm a fan of this though it was like i won mark to be highlighted more ring of honor because i feel like it's more his brands to put it like that and even as war champion how do we go from having eddie who was doing the same thing being a big of honor guy and not being a big of honor then we go to mark thinking oh mark it's gonna be that ring of honor guy and then we don't get that with him either so it's like i don't know if i would like something like this happening when we get cal and a w more often than ring of honor as well i don't know it wouldn't make a lot of sense to me yeah it's interesting where both of them kind of being featured more on a w more and more often but i'm loving this cal Fletcher on ROA she feels like a guy that could be a next ring of honor world champion but we had a great episode of ring of honor once again guys i'm not used to this i'm gonna appreciate this and it's very ironic we got the best episode when kate's not here but you know who is here the impact people the tna the tna folks to hear to talk about tnx tna the tna impact everything that's going on it's an exciting time to be a tna fan i'll let joe and uh cressa pop themselves in when they're ready there we go do that i forgot there we go no i can i can't do it but i didn't know if you were ready and i was like i'm not gonna i'm not gonna assume i'm not gonna do all that i'll let you come in when you can though where we're here hello hello how are you where we go hi guys how was ring of honor it sounded like you guys had a good time for this evening look they actually gave us a show i was very surprised it was episode 69 which is very ironic that came with it yes very nice and they gave us a they probably the best ring of honor tv matchup of the year with lee johnson and cal Fletcher so two out of three falls i would say go out of your way to watch it kate's too busy enjoying a kolizione tonight as as timeless tony storm would say what what went down on tna impact did joe henry get a push because he didn't get it uh at against all odds he showed up listen i love what's happening for joe henry sorry i'm congested and let me say that i'm a joe henry stan but that massive pop for head to be eliminated first mr hickin bottom i just no no no no you don't know what not just no no no no i've had this discourse a billion times well a billion and what joe i've had it i just want to talk come outside leave your jacket and shoes inside i'm about to do it again aren't we they're about to be us all over again yeah well you guys you guys got a lot to discuss with what went down on nxt with joe henry and frankie kazarian making the final four of that of that battle royal and then everything that went down on tna impact i want to thank astrid for joining me being my ring of honor fellow loyalist much love to you and much love to kate i hope i held it down for her but it's it's late for me i should get some rest get out of here astrid it's lovely to see you how are you it was a fun uh fun episode i'm glad it was the longest episode i sing a ring of honor as well it was it had a good balance of title matches and squad matches it was good for me at least this time around i'm glad it makes for a much easier show to talk about when it's not a bad show yes it's definitely out amazing all right y'all go go that's fun thank you guys absolutely much love much love y'all take care have a good night if you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your hvak system goes down it can turn up the heat literally but don't sweat it granger has you covered granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations including warehouse hvak maintenance and even better they offer access to experts and fast delivery so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool call 1 800 granger click or just stop by granger for the ones who get it 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