Front Porch Radio - Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price

Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price 7-1-24

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01 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Southern Middle Tennessee today on WKOM and WKRM Radio. Your hometown news, broadcasting from the W Matthews Nashville Realty Newsroom in Columbia, Tennessee. I'm your host, Tom Price. Today is Monday, July 1st, and we start with local news. Jeffrey Lee Mealer, a 55-year-old man from Franklin, Tennessee pleaded guilty last week and was sentenced to serve 15 years in prison without parole for aggravated arson. Mealer intentionally set fire to the building and shopping cart storage area outside the Columbia Kroger located at 845 Nashville Highway on June 5th of 2022 while the night stock crew were working inside. He remained at the scene as Columbia police and Columbia Fire and Rescue responded. Through security camera footage and witness statements, Mealer was identified as a suspect. He was subsequently arrested and charged with aggravated arson, six counts of reckless endangerment, and possession of methamphetamine with intent to sell. Arson is a severe crime, especially when in a dangerous lives through senseless acts remarked Columbia Fire and Rescue Assistant Chief Nani Knopfel. Columbia Fire and Rescue is committed to working with state and local authorities to ensure these crimes are investigated, prosecuted, and to hold perpetrators responsible for their actions, he said. Last week, Mealer accepted a plea deal in Murray County Circuit Court that included the 15-year sentence. All agencies involved did a phenomenal job working together for a successful outcome in this case, said Assistant Chief Knopfel, in response to the conviction. This case has been investigated by the Columbia Police Department, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, and the Columbia Fire and Rescue. Following Columbia's adoption of its 2024-2025 budget, as well as its latest five-year strategic plan, city leaders have detailed the latest projects and expenditures. Earlier this month, the Columbia City Council passed upon second reading a $75.8 million budget with 5% raises for employees and multiple new staff positions. In addition, the Council also adopted its latest 2024-2029 strategic plan, which lists the city's top priorities, which have been completed, will receive funding this year or remain delayed. A few of the 2024-2025 fiscal year budgets top funding projects include hiring new city staff positions, a $3 million road paving project, efforts to improve local tourism, as well as a few new upgrades to the downtown district and local parks. City Manager Tony Massey stated that the city's approach, as always, has been to budget its revenues conservatively. This not only allows for growth to happen, but also keeps the city safe in the event of an economic emergency, such as what happened during the COVID pandemic. "We are living within our means," Massey said. "It's a good budget and we are continuing to move the needle," he said. A big part of the 2024-2025 budget has the city investing in its employees with personnel costs amounting to about $30.8 million, or approximately 65.3% of Columbia's $47.2 million general fund budget. This includes hiring one new firefighter, which will be the first of three firefighters to be funded over the next two years through a FEMA safer grant. Columbia Fire and Rescue will also receive $450,000 in funding for a new pump truck, with Columbia Police Department receiving $706,000 to purchase 10 new patrol vehicles. Public works will also receive $60,000 to replenish its salt supply. The city also seeks to hire a geography information system or GIS analyst for its development services department, which Massey said would enhance how the city oversees future development. They're the ones who do all the mapping for zonings, that kind of thing, he said. Massey added that the city will also rework one of its administrative assistant positions to oversee marketing and communications of Ridley Sports Complex. "We're looking to take things up a notch there," Massey said. One of the largest project investments in this year's budget is a $1.5 million investment for a $3 million project to conduct street paving. Massey said this is the second half of a previously funded $3 million project using state street $8 or other streams like gas tax revenue. This is a big thing for us, Massey said. We did the same thing for $3 million two years ago. We don't know how many streets it's going to be yet, but it'll be a pretty sizable number, he said. Another roadway project will be $65,000 to install high-definition traffic flow monitoring cameras at 10 of the city's intersections to improve signal timing based on the current conditions. Those images will flow back to a computer with AI-based software and will make decisions for traffic signals in real time. Assistant city manager Thad Jablonski said, "We are really stepping into the future with this new traffic technology," he said. Massey added that the cameras are to observe traffic flow, not to write tickets. The city is also investing $1 million to replace a few traffic signal mast arms located around downtown Columbia, which have deteriorated over time. This is one of the more notable things in this budget as these were part of the original streetscape project that was done 20 years ago. And so we are going back and upgrading it to the original, Massey said. And I'm sure if we have some extra money next year, we can look into updating some of the decorative lights downtown because they are showing some age two. In addition, $30,000 will also be funded for the city's upcoming special census, which will initially be available online for the first month, then move to door-to-door applications the second month. However, a firm launch date is yet to be determined, but Massey said he is hoping the census will be available sometime in August. A new interactive information kiosk, a budgeted at $24,500, is also being proposed at the Visit Columbia Welcome Center on North Main Street to provide visitors with new ways to learn about local businesses, landmarks, and upcoming events. The city's 2024 through 2029 plan encompasses more than 50 projects broken down under top priority and high priority, with about half receiving 2024, 2025 funding or considered complete. Some of the top projects completed include 5% staff pay increases, revising the city's development and zoning code, adding bicycle lanes to city streets and establishing the inaugural fall fest in 2023. The top funding approvals include the upcoming street paving project, hiring staff as well as funding for new flood study and creating a city litter task force. Other funding approvals include replacing the splash pad at Fairview Park and evaluating its skate park, which Massey and Jablonski said is one great example of a strategic planning goal coming to fruition. When you talk about what we look for to fund in each year's budget, we use this as a real blueprint to do that. And year in and year out, it's really helped us guide funding decisions for what the council wants to see enacted, Jablonski said. For example, the splash pad or the street paving, those big ticket items that well, let's say big expense on the one hand, it's important to the community, important to the council. And so we propose a way to fund that, he said. On Friday, Vida Nova Arts Coffee Shop held their grand opening in the Arts District in Columbia. Front porch radios, Delt Kennedy attended the ribbon cutting and learned about all the great services that they provide. - This is Delt Kennedy from Front porch radio. This afternoon, I'm at the Columbia Arts Building. I'm at the grand opening and ribbon cutting for a new coffee shop. It's called Vida Loke, I'm speaking with A.J. Sanchez and Amy Brawley, who are the providers. Amy, congratulations. - Thank you so much. - A.J., congratulations. - Thank you, thank you. We're proud to represent Vida Nova here. - First of all, Vida Nova is not just a coffee shop. It's much, much more. A.J., tell me about it. - It is located in the Columbia Arts Building. Therefore, we are an arts coffee shop. We wanna represent artists, both physical art and musical art, as well as great food. We have a wine menu that allows people to just stay here and be relaxed here. The world is stressful enough. This is a place where you can call it safe. - So, Amy, you've got the work of local artists hanging on the wall, sitting about, and you've also got live music. Tell me about it. - So we have Matt with Gibson Flowers. He's one of the owners with Mealtown Coffee, but this is a little passion project of his is the art music, so. - A.J., tell me one more time what you've got in terms of food and drink, in addition to coffee. - You know, that would be better answered by Amy Braley because she's the genius behind it. - All right, Amy, tell it. - So we have some great pastries that we keep in the shop. They are made for us. I make them daily, just about now. Great cookies, cupcakes, scones, traditional scones. Some traditional desserts. We also have a gluten-free and vegan option. There's so delicious, a matcha tea cake. Lots of food, food to eat, breakfast, burritos, quiche, things like that. - And you could get a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, right? - Exactly, exactly, yes, you can. - Okay, folks. Amy, talk about your days now. - Monday through Saturday, seven to four. We want you to keep an eye out though, 'cause we are gonna start being open on some Friday evenings so that we can have live music. - Okay. - And other things. - And other things, all right. Talk about where people can go to get more information, like a Facebook page or a webpage. - We have, most of our information is posted on Instagram. It is Vida Nova Coffee Lounge. We're located in Columbia, Tennessee, so any information that you need is located there. - There we go, again, Delk Kennedy Front Force Radio at the Grand opening and urban cutting of Vida Loca here in the Arts District, the Arts Building in Columbia. I've been talking with Amy Bali and AJ Sanchez. Again, guys, congratulations. - Thank you, thank you. - Thanks, thank you so much. Kicking off the Air Wars in the Race for Tennessee's 5th Congressional District, Metro Council member Courtney Johnston, who is challenging incumbent U.S. Representative Andy Ogles in the Republican primary, released her first television ad. In the ad, she criticizes Ogles for having, quote, "accomplish nothing," unquote, during his first term in office. According to FCC filing, Johnston's campaign has spent about $62,000 on TV ad buys so far. He chases headlines, not results, the ad states. No more do-nothing politicians. It's time for a leader who fights and wins, it states. During his first term in Congress, Ogles has been a vocal critic on television and talk radio of the Biden administration's border policies and stances on social issues. He's also filed more than 100 pieces of legislation, including amendments. Johnston, a realtor who set aside her career to focus on representing her Metro Council District, is challenging Ogles on both his integrity and his first term record. I think whether you are on this local, state or federal level, the people who are representing us ought to have character, integrity, and the ability to tell the truth. Johnston recently told the Hillsboro Brentwood Exchange Club. "I don't think he's present in the district. "I know that he's not. "He's accomplished nothing," she said. While on the Metro Council, Johnston has been a conservative voice in the majority progressive body, voting against 34% property tax increase in 2020. As evidence of her record, Johnston points to her victory on the Metro Council, establishing a license plate reader program in Nashville. Despite opposition in the progressive members, who work as a force multiplier for the police to help solve missing persons and missing property crimes. She also points to success, closing a homeless encampment in her Metro Council District, rehousing individuals who previously lived there and connecting them with wraparound social services. The race between Ogles and Johnston is expected to be a contentious one. Ogles was recently endorsed by Americans for Prosperity Action for his fiscal conservatism. On Friday, the President James K. Polk Home and Museum opened their new museum room, highlighting President Polk's life and times. WKOM, WKRM's Delt Kennedy attended their exhibit opening and spoke to Museum Director Rachel Helvering to learn more about how the exhibit came about. - This is Delt Kennedy Front porch radio. This afternoon, Friday afternoon, I'm at the Polk Home in beautiful downtown Columbia and the Polk Home is always such a lovely place. I'm in the house next door, which is known as the sister's home, which is always contained the gift shop, book shop, that kind of thing. But I'm at the newly renovated and reopened museum for the Polk Home. I'm looking around the room, I'm seeing on the wall various narratives, timelines, about different points in history, relevant to Polk and Southern Middle Tennessee. In that era, I'm talking with Rachel Helvering, who is Director of the Polk Home. Rachel, what are we looking at here? - We are looking at the renovated museum room, which has been here for about 40 years, but we have given it a new take, we've updated. We were partially funded by a grant from Americana Corner, and we've been working on it for about six months. It gives you context for the Polk presidency. It talks about this site. This new exhibit allows for artifacts to be exchanged more easily, so we can show more of our collection here. And pivotals of this was a class from Tesla University, a museum studies class by Dr. Peter Knoll. So they did tons of research and design. They actually built some of the cases that you see. So we were really lucky to be able to partner with them to read the space. - Well, it's indeed impressive. And it looks like a great place to spend an hour or two in the afternoon. Tell us about the days and hours that the museum will be open. - Yes, thank you. We're open any time. The site is open, which is nine to five, Monday through Saturday. We're open from one to five on Sunday. Those are seasonal. So if you are coming in the winter, we might be close an hour early, you should check our website. - Got it. Is there a charge for admission to the museum? - It is. It's included in the site, which is $14, but we have a bunch of $2 discount, so we have group discounts. - So that's a ticket for the entire Polk home site, as well as the new museum, correct? - That's right, exactly. So you get a tour, you get to see our video, and this is part of that experience. - That's absolutely amazing. What an asset to Columbia. Again, down to Kennedy Frontport's radio, at the opening of the new Polk home museum, and the sister's home, been talking with the Rachel Hellring, the director, Rachel again, congratulations. - Thank you so much. Thanks for coming. - Thank you. - Murray County Public School Superintendent, Lisa Ventura is pleased to announce, Dr. Angie Van Sant is the new principal of Battle Creek Middle School. Dr. Van Sant brings a wealth of experience and dedication to her new role. She holds a Bachelor of Science from Lipscomb University, a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Cumberland University, an Educational Specialist degree, an Educational Leadership from Lipscomb University, and a Doctorate of Education from Liberty University. With 26 years in education, Dr. Van Sant has served 18 years in the classroom with Metro National Public Schools, and eight years as the Assistant Principal of Whitthorn Middle School. Dr. Van Sant expressed her enthusiasm for the new role-stating. I'm excited about this opportunity, and I'm very honored and thankful that Superintendent Ventura and Murray County Public Schools have instilled their confidence in me to be the new principal of Battle Creek Middle School. I look forward to serving, supporting, and leading the Battle Creek community and continuing the innovative and strong tradition of academic, artistic, and athletic excellence, she said. Superintendent Ventura expressed her confidence in Dr. Van Sant stating, "Dr. Angie Van Sant's extensive experience, strong academic background and dedication to fostering a vibrant and inclusive learning environment make her an outstanding choice for the principal of Battle Creek Middle School. Dr. Van Sant's resume shows that she is a lifelong learner, and I know that she will bring that energy, enthusiasm, and love of learning to the students and community at Battle Creek Middle School. We are confident that under her leadership, Battle Creek Middle School will continue to thrive and uphold its tradition of excellence." Murray Alliance is excited to announce that applications for the Leadership Murray class of 2024-2025 are now open. Leadership Murray offers a unique opportunity to connect with local decision-makers, gain insights into various sectors, and explore all the great things Murray County has to offer. Whether you live, work, or volunteer here, this program is your chance to contribute to the future of the community. Apply by July 19th and be part of a network of passionate leaders dedicated to making a difference. Learn more at For your southern middle Tennessee weather, we will have mostly sunny skies today with a high of around 85 degrees. Winds will be out of the North Northeast at 10 to 15 miles per hour. Tonight, we can expect clear skies and a low of 61 degrees. Winds will be out of the Northeast at 5 to 10 miles per hour. Let's take a break. When we come back, we'll cover state and national news that affect you. You're listening to Southern Middle Tennessee today. As years go by, people may tend to forget just what a funeral is really all about. At Oaks and Nichols, we believe it's first and always a special remembrance of someone you love. We start by listening to your needs and desires. If you're unsure, we can help gently, professionally. At Oaks and Nichols' funeral directors, we haven't lost sight of why we're here, to serve Murray County families in the ways they prefer, and why the way you feel has always been so important to Susie and Tony Sowell. When people come here, I hope they feel like they're working with a person who's just like family. And by the time they live here, I hope they feel like they're a part of our family. What I like most is when a family is living, they can say thanks. You made something we thought would be hard, easier, than we thought it would be. Not that we made it easy, we made it easier. Oaks and Nichols' funeral directors, 320 West 7th Street in Columbia, since 1856, people you can rely on. This is Debbie Matthews with the National Realty Group, and if you've been paying attention, you know the housing market has been tough, but rates are beginning the thaw. So if you're thinking about selling, the time to jump in is getting better every day. But if you're thinking about buying, and those interest rates are still a little bit too high, a good agent knows how to negotiate interest rate buy downs, and I'm a good agent. So call me, Debbie Matthews with National Realty Group, 615-476-3224. [MUSIC PLAYING] Family First. My dad used to tell us that all the time. But Family First wasn't just something he'd say to us. It was how he lived every day of his life. And it's how I try to live mine, too. At Shelter Insurance, our agents are dedicated to helping provide personalized auto, home, and life protection that puts your family first. We're Auto Home, Life, or Business Insurance. CC Shelter Agent Tommy Hyde Jr. at 388-2009. Are you thinking about a new fence? Maybe you need a pole bar. Then you should give Sands Fence Company a call that's 931-309-1644. Will Sands has built his business based on the principles of honesty, quality, and integrity. Sands Fence Company has been in business for over 20 years, providing the community with farm, residential, and commercial fencing, as well as pole barns and buildings. Call today for a free estimate. Sands Fence Company 931-309-1644, 931-309-1644. For 40 years, the Jewelers Bench has worked hard for their customers and provided the highest quality jewelry at the best price. They keep going back. Recent renovations have allowed them to expand their inventory. More high quality jewelry, custom vintage and estate pieces, and professional jewelry and watch repairs. They also buy gold. The Jewelers Bench, still here, still great service. 808, Trotwood Avenue, Columbia. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is Trey Hancock with Dixie Equipment Sales and Rental. We sell ASV and Wacker Nordstrom Equipment. We also rent a wide variety of compact equipment in the middle Tennessee area. Come see us. We are located in Columbia, Tennessee at 200 East 16th Street. You can call us at 615-969-01-18 or visit our website at We have been in business for over 42 years, and we would love to help you turn your project into reality. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, I'm Matt Parralis, Manager of Murray County Equipment. We help you with all your agricultural and construction equipment needs. We carry a full line of new haul and tractors from compacts to high horsepower. We have a full line of gravely mowing equipment. We also have new haul and construction equipment, attachments, and accessories for your tractors and a complete parts department. We are locally owned and operated. Come see us at 1075, North James Campbell Boulevard, or learn about us on Facebook. Our contact is at 931-490-8183. This is Bob Kessel with Pat Ryan. It's a beautiful day for digging. The vacuole operator has the engine running, and is moving into position. He's heading for the ground. He's in there. Wait. There's a flag on the play. Let's get out of the field for the call from our official. The legal procedure on the digging team. Oh, that penalty could cause a costly accident. That's right, Bob. He needs to call before he digs. There's underground utility lines that could be hiding just below the surface-- water, sewer, electrical, communication lines, and even natural gas. Avoid a penalty by first calling 8-1-1 to have any underground public utility lines located at marked with flags or paint. It's free, it's easy, and it's the law. For more tips, visit This message brought to you by the Tennessee Association of Broadcasters and the Tennessee Gas Association, funded in part by a grant from the Underground Utility Damage Enforcement Board. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back to Southern Middle Tennessee today on WKOM 101.7 and WKRM 103.7, your hometown source for news and information. I'm Tom Price. And I'm news from around the state. Blood insurance is pleased to announce that it has been named the primary blood supplier for Vanderbilt University Medical Center. A nonprofit will now be the primary supplier for all four Vanderbilt hospitals. This move makes blood insurance the primary blood supplier for most of the hospitals in middle Tennessee and the secondary supplier for the remainder. Our commitment to providing a safe and reliable blood supply is unwavering, said Dr. Liz Kuller, president and CEO of Blood Assurance. Partnering with Vanderbilt University Medical Center, a leader in medical care and innovation, allows us to better serve the community and save more lives. Together, we can make a profound impact on patient care, she said. The partnership begins on July 1st, a critical time of year. During the summer months, the number of traumatic injuries typically rises, especially around the 4th of July holiday. Vanderbilt University Medical Center is the only adult and pediatric level one trauma center in middle Tennessee, offering the most advanced emergency care available. We are honored to partner with Vanderbilt University Medical Center, said Gary Allison, senior vice president of operations for blood assurance. But now more than ever, we need community organizations and businesses to step up and host blood drives. The demand for blood donations is constant and your participation makes a significant difference in ensuring we have the supply needed to save lives, he said. Vanderbilt University Medical Center is one of the leading health care providers in the country, renowned for the comprehensive medical services and innovative research. The partnership with Blood Assurance will enable Vanderbilt University Medical Center to continue its mission of delivering exceptional patient care. Ensuring a reliable blood supply is essential to our ability to provide top tier medical services, said Dr. Jennifer Andrews, medical director of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center blood bank. For the month of July, all blood assurance donors will receive an exclusive United We Give T-Shirt with a front and back design. It's a great way to show support for your community and save lives at the same time. To donate or sponsor or host a blood drive, you can visit Call 1-800-9620-628 or text the word "BA Give" to the number 9999-777 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are also accepted. Tennessee's sales tax holiday is rapidly approaching, meaning Tennesseans will soon be able to save ineligible, ineligible items before the beginning of the school year. While Tennessee does not have an individual income tax, the state ranks high when it comes to state and local sales tax rates. Tennessee's general state tax is 7%, combined with local tax rates. That figure rises to 9.55%, making the volunteer state the state with the second highest average combined state and local sales tax rates, according to Tax Foundation. On Friday, July 26 through Saturday, July 28, Tennesseans will be able to save on eligible computers, school supplies, and clothing, both online and in-person. The general rule is that items individually priced at $100 or less are eligible, while items priced over $100 are non-eligible. Additionally, items which are sold together cannot be split up to stay beneath the $100 maximum. Let's take one last break. When we come back, we'll cover the final story of the day. You're listening to Southern Middle Tennessee today. Turner and Osborne Tire Company 1016 South Main Street in Columbia. Good Macaula, 931-388-2822. They've been doing business since 1947 and in their current location since 1964. They provide the best tire and mechanical work at some of the best prices in Middle Tennessee. Hey, they're official Michelin and Goodyear dealers and they've got all kinds of brands as well. Stop by and see Walker Vining and his professional staff or check them out online at That's Don't let pain keep you out of the game. Murray Regional Physical Therapies, experienced team of therapists can help you recover from surgery, injury, or illness by designing a plan that meets your unique needs. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and proven techniques to help you get back to doing the things you love. Schedule a consultation any of our convenient Southern Middle Tennessee locations by calling 931-380-4014. Murray Regional Health, where clinical excellence meets compassionate care. - Have you ever wondered if your insurance needs can be personalized? This is Hunter Carey. Our team specializes in planning your insurance needs to get you the best possible solution. State Farm is the largest home-and-auto insurer in the country. I love bringing that to my hometown. Born and raised in Columbia, I'm grateful for our close community ties. We offer help with home, auto, and life insurance for everyone in our community. Our office is located at 909 South Garden Tree across from the fire station. We're also in line at That's - Welcome back to Southern Middle Tennessee today and our final story. On July 29th, country music's biggest stars will come together at Nashville's Bridgestone Arena for a live concert event, Toby Keith, American icon. Luke Bryan, Eric Church, Ashley McBride, Kerry Underwood, Laney Wilson, and more. We'll gather for a once-in-a-lifetime concert celebrating the life and legacy of the proud Oklahoma and global superstar. He was elected, Keith was elected into the country music hall of fame shortly before his passing in February. Tickets for Toby Keith, American icon are on sale now. You can get them at Is one of the most prolific self-directed creative forces in country music's modern era. He amassed 42 top 10 hits, 33 number ones, 44 million albums sold, 100 million BMI performances, and more than 10 billion streams worldwide. That's all for this edition of Southern Middle Tennessee today on Kennedy Broadcasting WKOMWKRM Radio. I'll be back tomorrow to update you with the latest news. I'm Tom Price. Thanks for listening. Be safe and have a great day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)