Front Porch Radio - Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price

Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price 6-27-24

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Southern Middle Tennessee today on WKOM and WKRM Radio. Your hometown news broadcasting from the Debbie Matthews National Realty Newsroom in Columbia, Tennessee. I'm your host, Tom Price. Today is Thursday, June 27th, and we start with local news. Yesterday, Murray Regional CEO, Dr. Martin Chaney, released a statement concerning the proposed HCA hospital in Spring Hill. He wrote, "On June 26th, the Health Facilities Commission "or HFC approved in a 6-2 vote, "the HCA Tri-Star Certificate of Need application, "to build a 68-bed hospital adjacent "to its freestanding emergency department in Spring Hill. "We are disappointed with this decision "and believe another hospital in such close proximity "to Murray Regional Medical Center and Williamson Health. "Both highly respected and nationally recognized "will only serve to substantially increase the cost "of health care for the Spring Hill "and surrounding communities. "However, the HFC's decision does not dampen our commitment "to expanding exceptional health services to our region, "including Spring Hill," he said. Murray Regional Health was one of the first to bring health care to Spring Hill, opening a primary care practice over 25 years ago in 1998. Since that time, we have significantly expanded our services with a multitude of providers in the areas of primary care, urgent care, physician specialists, clinics, and physical therapy, as well as partnering with other highly respected health care organizations to offer imaging, ambulatory surgery, and oncology in the heart of Spring Hill. Murray Regional Health remains committed to expanding health care services in a responsible manner in Spring Hill with a strong focus on primary care and physician specialists and is looking forward to continuing discussions with Spring Hill leadership about health care needs of their community and how we can expand our services and ways to best address those needs. By providing wellness exams, screening services, and disease management, our aim is to reduce avoidable and costly hospital inpatient admissions that are burdensome to patients. Dr. Chaney went on to say, "For those who do require "a hospital admission, Murray Regional Medical Center "in Columbia offers advanced services "through the breadth of physicians specialists "and sub-specialists on our medical staff, "reducing transfers to metropolitan hospitals "and keeping patients closer to home." This expert team of clinicians and our commitment to clinical accidents has culminated in Murray Regional Medical Center being recognized as the only hospital in Tennessee to receive both the Outstanding Patient Safety Award and Outstanding Patient Experience Award in 2024 from Health Grades. With more than 500 medical providers across 60 plus specialties and sub specialties, Murray Regional Health provides a region with a level of care that far exceeds what was proposed by HCA TriStar in Spring Hill. "We look forward to continuing our expansion plans "as we serve the Spring Hill community "and larger Southern Middle Tennessee region," he said. A divided Murray County Commission rejected a $46 million proposal to build a North Columbia Elementary School during a lengthy June 17th meeting. A resolution was brought forth to the full body by Commissioner Gary Stovall and Kevin Markham, despite having been rejected by both the Admin Committee and the Budget Committee earlier in the month. It ultimately failed by a 16 to five margin with one abstention. Commissioner Kathy Grody criticized bringing the item back for consideration after having failed twice. "It seems the system is being worked around "which I'm against," she said. Commissioner Grody also questioned where Murray County Public Schools would get enough teachers to operate a new school. "With our scores, I think it's really hard "to recruit high quality teachers," she added. Commission Chairman Eric Pravitti noted that under the body's rules, an item previously rejected could be brought back if requested by two commissioners. Commissioner Markham said deciding the location for a school was not within the purview of the commission, only the funding. Just across Highway 31, Greensmill Road, hundreds of rooftops have been approved. Just southwest of Columbia, there's coming before the City Planning Commission over 400 homes on Trawood Avenue. "We can't wait until the houses are built "to build schools," Markham said. Commissioner Markham also said moving fifth grade students out of middle schools and back to elementary made the project worth it merely from that standpoint in his mind. Commissioner Gabe Howard said he had received more calls on this issue than any other and that aside from two school board members in favor, the comments were unanimously opposed. It's an incredible amount of time to keep talking about something that the people do not want. "We are representatives of the people. "We need to vote what they want. "In Murray County, they don't want this," he said. Commissioner Jerry Bridenbaugh said he felt the commission and school board had waited too long to have discussions over the school proposal that should have taken place much sooner. We needed to talk two years ago, last year. You can't go out and buy $6 million worth of property and say this is where you're going to put the building, give us the money, what if we didn't like the property? "What if we didn't see the need," Bridenbaugh said. "We behave as though we're adversaries. "Let's quit this junk," he said. School board Vice Chairman Jackson Carter spoke to commissioners during a public comment period, pleading for them to fund that the project. "It's really easy for us to look at these numbers "and get really picky, but what we're doing here "is building a new school on the northern side of Columbia "where one is really needed at a cost "that is nearly $20 million under what our best estimates "were from market value," Carter said. Carter added that a new school would give Murray County public schools breathing room for the foreseeable future in northern Columbia. He noted the closure of McDowell Elementary a few years back and that no replacement has been built. Carter also said a new school has not been built in Columbia since 1989. He said traffic studies indicated that the chosen side off Carter's Creek Pike had been deemed acceptable by the state. We're building a school that's going to last for 30, 40, 50 years. We have to look at what's best in the long term. We can't cut off our nose to spite our face because we don't love every little detail," he said. Residents countered with arguments on whether a new school was the best use of county resources, along with concerns over traffic congestion and the effect on the rural Carter's Creek area. My concern is that the citizens of Murray County are being asked to spend more than $46 million on a facility that will bring an investment return of 28% student literacy, said Kathy Mikula of Spring Hill. "There appears to be a greater problem in the school system that needs to be addressed before more taxpayer dollars are invested without proof of quality educational return," she said. Dave Grodai said he did not believe the growth of student population required a new school, citing numbers from the May budget meeting. "I'm not seeing the need for the school based upon the numbers of students coming in year after year," he said. "The school board needs to focus on getting the literacy rate up. A new school is not going to help the education of our children," he said. Also at the full commission meeting, commissioners gave approval on the first reading to the county's 2024-25 proposed budget and the property tax rate, which is remaining unchanged from the previous year at $1.91 per $100 of assessed value. The budget projects $50.8 million in costs in the general fund, $2.091 million in parks and recreation, $11.079 million in the highway fund, $154.275 million for schools, $29.3 million in debt service, $3.449 million in the capital equipment fund, and $5.726 million in the solid waste fund. Commissioners chose to move three pennies of property tax out of debt service into the general fund to shore up the fund balance, a motion to move an additional five cents from debt service into the highway fund failed by an 11 to 10 margin. During debate on that amendment, County Attorney Daniel Murphy cautioned commissioners that moving money into the highway fund would increase the county's maintenance of effort in that department. Maintenance of effort is a state mandate that certain departments receive the same amount of overall funding per year. In case you happen to see a few extra construction teams in downtown Columbia, it's because the city has begun its latest project to enhance the Columbia Square. The Columbia Infrastructure and Green Space Improvement Project was made possible via a $50,000 national GM on Main Street Program grant. It was also accomplished through the city's partnership with Columbia Main Street, who were one of only five nonprofit organizations and municipal government entities to receive the grant. Columbia City Council previously voted to accept the grant in March. Construction for the project began Tuesday and is expected to be completed over the next several months, according to a city of Columbia press release. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our residents is paramount, city manager Tony Massey said. The Columbia Infrastructure and Green Space Improvement Project underscores our commitment to enhancing downtown's vitality while prioritizing pedestrian safety, he said. The project's details include several significant improvements to the downtown district, such as curb extensions at three of the four intersections, as well as increased green space. The curb extensions will serve as an innovative traffic calming measure aimed to increase pedestrian safety by reducing crossing distances and slowing downtown motorists. Basically, we are designing the curb out into the white striped no parking area, Columbia Tourism and Marketing Director Kelly Murphy said in March. It extends the view for the pedestrians trying to cross the street. They will be able to go further out into that area and its traffic calming for the cars that are coming through the square as well, she said. There will also be two information kiosks to provide visitors with details about local businesses, restaurants and attractions. Increased green space will also offer more areas to gather and relax. We're excited to begin this project that has been in our imaginations for quite some time, with many city departments being involved in brainstorming, design and the construction and implementation. The improvements will provide increased safety and beautification to match more recent improvements downtown, she said. Mount Pleasant Commissioners moved forward with their own application for a grant to benefit the town's library during their June meeting. The resolution authorizes the city to request up to $2 million in funding with a 10% local match for a connected communities grant from the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development. The Columbia branch of the Murray County Public Library has already applied for and received such a grant, and it was pointed out that the Mount Pleasant branch needed to apply for its own grant. We're kind of mirroring what the Murray County Library did, where we're going for a new roof, new doors and a lot of improvements to the facility, said city manager Kate Collier, but we're going to add programs that allow employees to maybe have a health kiosk where they can come and have their blood pressure taken. Our goal is to expand the kitchen where we could do cooking classes. Everything has to be tied to broadband, so if we do cooking classes, it'll be on the internet so people can see it, she said. The grant is funded through federal dollars via the 2021 American Rescue Plan, which have to be spent by next year. The group also approved on second reading the city's fiscal year 2024-2025 budget, which totals $15.023 million and has no tax increase. In her report, finance director, shift for Cox, said the city was working to improve its billing system to get away from postcards. The amount of calls we get, people not receiving bills, the amount of people who get two bills at the same time, the amount of people who get wrong bills, we started the research process on this about a month ago. Cox said, adding that she hoped a new system would be in place within two to three months. Mayor Bill White noted that he himself had a problem with his bill not arriving on time during June. Collier noted how people were responding to the downtown construction that began in early June as part of the downtown improvement project and that the bridge work was supposed to begin in August. Collier also reported on ongoing wastewater projects saying that rainy street sewer improvements were near completion. The wastewater treatment plant had an issue, she said, because the contractor did not get the state inspector to come in and inspect the electrical. They're probably going to have to dig up some of their work to look at it because they should have gotten this station inspected before they covered it up. Collier said, the trunk line project, which rehabilitated roughly 4,300 feet of sewer pipeline was also complete according to Collier. The commission also approved nonprofit appropriations of $1,500 for the Mount Pleasant Murray Museum of Local History, $25,000 for the Mount Pleasant Forward Foundation Main Street and $1,500 to the Mount Pleasant Senior Citizens. Commissioners also approved a reappointment of Jacqueline Johnson to a three-year term on Mount Pleasant's Board of Zoning Appeals. Former Spring Hill Middle School principal, Shonda Sparrow-Lang has been named the new principal of Columbia Central High School for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Over the last 10 years, Sparrow-Lang served as principal of Spring Hill Middle School. As an educator for more than 23 years, Sparrow-Lang carries a distinguished career in leadership, most recently earning her the title of 2023-2024 Murray County Schools principal of the year. She was also previously named the 2018-2019 principal of the year. Shonda Sparrow-Lang is an inspiration to the faculty, staff, and students of Murray County Public Schools. She illustrates the role of dedicated principal. She is wholly committed to the highest ideals of public service and quality education for all. Murray County Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Ventura said, "We are confident that her selection as the principal of Columbia Central High School will bring continued excellence and inspiration to the students and staff," she said. Sparrow-Lang holds an associate's degree from Walter State Community College, a Bachelor of Science degree from Tennessee State University and a Master of Education degree in special education, along with an educational specialist degree in administrative leadership from Middle Tennessee State University. "I'm excited about this new opportunity and very thankful that Ms. Ventura and her staff have instilled their faith in confidence in me to support and lead one of the best schools in America," Sparrow-Lang said. During her tenure at Spring Hill Middle, the school accomplished the highest rating in areas of academic growth and achievement. This year, the school was designated an A by the State of Tennessee. "It has been an honor to serve the students, parents, staff, faculty, and the community of a Spring Hill middle for 10 years," Sparrow-Lang said. "I look forward to beginning a new journey with the Central High School family. As the Lion family, we will continue to provide students with a learning environment that is safe, engaging, and forward thinking, while utilizing the active support of our teachers, parents, and community," she said. The South Central Human Resource Agency announced that they will be conducting a commodities distribution through the US Department of Agriculture. The food distribution will take place from 9 to 10 a.m. on Monday, July 1 at Greymere Church of Christ, located in 1320 Trawood Avenue in Columbia. This food distribution is intended to help with food insecurity in the community, and will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis to those who are eligible. Eligibility will be based on total household income that is within the income guidelines. Anyone receiving aid from SNAP, Families First, SSI, LIHEAP, or Proof of Residency in Public Housing, are eligible for USDA commodities. Join the well outreach on July 4 at Summit High School in Spring Hill for an action-packed day of fun in support of your local food pantry. Lace up your shoes and choose from a timed 5K or color fun run complete with a foam pit. There's a one-mile turnaround option for those young ones who would like to get in on the fun. Not a runner, but still want to support the well. Up for the sleep-in option and still grab some awesome event merchandise. Plus, don't miss the bicycle stroller parade, hosted by Spring Hill Parks and Recreation, which is perfect for the whole family. Come and be a part of this unforgettable event as we run for hunger in Middle Tennessee. Sign up today as spots will fill up fast. You can sign up at Your participation can make a difference to help feed families in need in Middle Tennessee. And now your hometown memorials, sponsored by Oak's Indicles Funeral Home. Mrs. Kathleen Fay Aiken Coates, from Columbia, Tennessee, passed away on May 20 at the age of 85. A memorial service will be held at Riverside United Methodist Church at 11 a.m. on June 29. The family will visit with friends prior to the service at the church. A private internment will be held at Pope Memorial Gardens, Mausoleum. Mrs. Barbara Ann Head Duvall, 76, a retired educator from Murray County Schools and a resident of Columbia, died Thursday, June 20 at her residence. Funeral services will be conducted on Saturday, June 29 at 2 p.m. at Oak's Indicles Funeral Home. Barrio will follow in hardest and cemetery on Joe Brown Road. Listen from 12 to 2 p.m. at the funeral home. Mrs. Kathy Lee Sellers Column, 66, retired elementary school teacher for Columbia Academy and a resident of Columbia died Monday, June 24 at Murray Regional Medical Center. Funeral services will be conducted on Sunday, June 30 at 2 p.m. at West 7th Street Church of Christ. Barrio will follow in lasting Hope Cemetery. The family will visit with friends on Saturday from 3 to 7 p.m. at Oak's Indicles Funeral Home. hometown memorials is sponsored by Oak's Indicles Funeral Home, serving with dignity and consideration for over 150 years. As years go by, people may tend to forget just what a funeral is really all about. At Oak's and Nichols, we believe it's first, at all ways, a special remembrance of someone you love. We start by listening to your needs and desires. If you're unsure, we can help, gently, professionally. At Oak's and Nichols Funeral Directors, we haven't lost sight of why we're here, to serve Murray County families in the ways they prefer and why the way you feel has always been so important to Susie and Tony Sowell. When people come here, I hope they feel like they're working with a person who's just like family. And by the time they leave here, I hope they feel like they're a part of our family. What I like most is when a family is leaving, they can say thanks. You made something we thought would be hard, easier than we thought it would be. Not that we made it easy, we made it easier. Oaks and Nichols Funeral Directors, 320 West 7th Street in Columbia, since 1856, people you can rely on. For your Southern Middle Tennessee weather, we will have a mix of sun and clouds today with a stray shower or a thunderstorm possible. The high will be 86 degrees, with winds out of the Northeast at five to 10 miles per hour. Tonight, we can expect a few passing clouds and a low of 68. Let's take a break. When we come back, we'll cover state and national news that affect you. You're listening to Southern Middle Tennessee today. - This is Debbie Matthews with the National Roluti Group. And if you've been paying attention, you know the housing market has been tough, but rates are beginning the thaw. So if you're thinking about selling, the time to jump in is getting better every day. But if you're thinking about buying and those interest rates are still a little bit too high, a good agent knows how to negotiate interest rate buy downs. And I'm a good agent. So call me, Debbie Matthews with National Roluti Group, 615-476-3224. - Family first. (laughs) My dad used to tell us that all the time. But family first wasn't just something he'd say to us. It was how he lived every day of his life. And it's how I try to live mine too. - At shelter insurance, our agents are dedicated to helping provide personalized auto home and life protection that puts your family first. - For auto home, life or business insurance, sea shelter agent Tommy Hyde Jr. at 388-2009. - Are you thinking about a new fence? Maybe you need a pole bar. Then you should give Sands fence company a call that's 931-309-1644. Will Sands has built his business based on the principles of honesty, quality and integrity. Sands fence company has been in business for over 20 years, providing a community with farm, residential and commercial fencing, as well as pole barns and buildings. Call today for a free estimate. Sands fence company 931-309-1644, 931-309-1644. - For 40 years, the jewelers bench has worked hard for their customers and provided the highest quality jewelry at the best price. They keep going back. Recent renovations have allowed them to expand their inventory, more high quality jewelry, custom vintage and estate pieces, and professional jewelry and watch repairs. They also buy gold. The jewelers bench, still here, still great service. 808, Trotwood Avenue, Columbia. - This is Triacock with Dixie Equipment, Sales and Rental. We sell ASV and Wacker Nordstrom equipment. We also rent a wide variety of compact equipment in the middle Tennessee area. Come see us, we are located in Columbia, Tennessee at 200 East 16th Street. You can call us at 615-969-0118, or visit our website at We have been in business for over 42 years and we would love to help you turn your project into reality. - Some people are just obsessed with their lawns. They'd cut their grass with a pair of scissors if they could. Bikes are gravely, they don't have to. See, gravely makes not only the best built and most comfortable lawnmowers, they also leave your house looking like a doggone country club. So whether you're a commercial landscaper wanting the best or just a perfectionist homeowner, you can't do better than a gravely. - Z-R full line of gravely products at Murray County Equipment. 1075 North James Campbell Boulevard in Columbia, Tennessee, or check us out on Facebook. - This is Bob Kessel with Pat Ryan. It's a beautiful day for digging. The backhoe operator has the engine running and is moving into position. He's heading for the ground. He's in there. Wait, there's a flag on the play. Let's get out of the field for the call from our official. - A legal procedure on the digging team. - Oh, that penalty could cause a costly accident. - That's right, Bob. He needs to call before he digs. There's underground utility lines that could be hiding just below the surface. Water, sewer, electrical, communication lines, and even natural gas. - Avoid a penalty by first calling 8-1-1 to have any underground public utility lines located at marked with flags or paint. It's free, it's easy, and it's the law. For more tips, visit This message brought to you by the Tennessee Association of Broadcasters and the Tennessee Gas Association, funded in part by a grant from the Underground Utility Damage Enforcement Board. - Three, two, one. - Welcome back to Southern Middle Tennessee today on WKOM 101.7 and WKRM 103.7, your hometown source for news and information. I'm Tom Price. And I'm news from around the state. Healthcare and technology are two of the largest industries in Nashville, and at their intersection, stands software development giant Oracle. Co-founder Larry Ellison announced earlier this year that his company's forthcoming downtown Riverfront campus will be a world headquarters, further cementing a reputation some have been working towards since the late 1990s. Nashville isn't just music city, it's also a leading healthcare hub. As the city aims to continue the monumental growth it's seen over the last decade, Oracle brought together hundreds of Nashville business leaders across the industries on Tuesday to focus on one topic, how their companies are working together to solidify the city's future success. The all-day conference hosted by Oracle called Business Grows Here at Nashville took place at the Conrad Nashville Hotel on Tuesday. Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Stuart McWhorter said he would like for Nashville to eventually become the city with the most software engineers per capita. San Francisco currently holds that title, but with the high numbers that Oracle plans to bring into the city in the coming years it could be a possibility. "We're excited about Oracle and Nashville," McWhorter said. "I think it's a great partnership for our state and for Nashville. We look at this as a long-term commitment and want to make sure you have all the things you need to be successful," he said. The tech giant already has around 700 employees in the state and its goal is to employ 8,500 people at its Nashville campus by 2031. Many of these employees are and will be investing their time in innovations like the newly launched NetSuite Sweet Success Healthcare Edition, which allows companies to utilize a data cloud and artificial intelligence while maintaining HIPAA compliance. "We want these global companies to invest their research and development dollars in our state," McWhorter said, "whether it's headquarters or financial service companies or other advanced manufacturing, anything that requires software engineers that write code. What can we collectively do to get ourselves in position in Nashville and middle Tennessee to have the most software engineers per capita? I believe the opportunity for innovation is enormous," he said. Let's take one last break. When we come back, we'll cover the final story of the day. We're listening to Southern Middle Tennessee today. Turner and Osborne Tire Company 1016 South Main Street in Columbia. Good Macaul at 931-388-6822. They've been doing business since 1947 and in their current location since 1964. They provide the best tire and mechanical work. It's some of the best prices in middle Tennessee. Hey, they're official Michelin and Goodyear dealers and they've got all kinds of brands as well. Stop by and see Walker Vining and his professional staff or check them out online at Turner and That's Turner and Don't let pain keep you out of the game. Murray Regional Physical Therapies experience team of therapists can help you recover from surgery, injury, or illness by designing a plan that meets your unique needs. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and proven techniques to help you get back to doing the things you love. Schedule a consultation at any of our convenient Southern Middle Tennessee locations by calling 931-380-4014. Murray Regional Health, where clinical excellence meets compassionate care. Have you ever wondered if your insurance needs can be personalized? This is Hunter Carey. Our team specializes in planning your insurance needs to get you the best possible solution. State Farm is the largest home and auto insurer in the country. I love bringing that to my hometown. Born and raised in Columbia, I'm grateful for our close community ties. We offer help with home, auto, and life insurance for everyone in our community. Our office is located at 909 South Garden Tree across from the fire station. We're also in line at That's - Welcome back to Southern Middle Tennessee today and our final story. Post Malone announced his F1 Trillion Tour, a 21-show outing with Stadium Festival and amphitheater performances around the US. The tour will stop at Nice on Stadium in Nashville on October 19th. Last week, post-released "Poor Me a Drink" featuring Blake Shelton, while also announcing that his debut country album, F1 Trillion, will be out on August 16th. His first single off the upcoming album and mega smash "I Had Some Help" with Morgan Wallen continues to dominate the charts. General on sale tickets will be available beginning Monday, July 1st at 10 a.m. local time on - That's all for this edition of Southern Middle Tennessee today on Kennedy Broadcasting WKOM, WKRM Radio. If you ever miss a part or all of this broadcast, you can listen to it anytime or read the transcript online by visiting front porch radio It's always there for you. I'll be back tomorrow to update you with the latest news on Tom Bryce. Thanks for listening. Be safe and have a great day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]