The Duran Podcast

Obama made Biden, Obama breaks Biden

Obama made Biden, Obama breaks Biden

Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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All right, Alexander, let's talk about what is happening with US President Joe Biden. Will he stay or will he go? It looks like the momentum is now for Biden to go. The donors definitely want him to go. The big donors, the media, most of the media absolutely wants him to go. There are some outlets which are still supporting Biden, but the big media, especially the New York Times, is pushing for Biden to leave. And then you have Obama and Obama. It looks like he is working behind the scenes to convince Biden to step down, to stand down publicly. In classic Obama style, he is saying that he supports Biden, but given the recent letter from Clooney to the Democrat Party and high-level Democrat officials where Clooney is urging Biden to stand down, we have the reports that Obama and Clooney were talking before the letter from Clooney was sent. So I think that is an indication that Obama is working behind the scenes to convince the Biden family. To have Biden step down. Dr. Jill and Hunter Biden, it appears they are the people in front of Biden that you have to go through in order to convince Biden to not run in 2024 anyway. What is your sense of things? Hunter having the keys to the Oval Office, what a thought. They said he moved into the White House actually. That is what the rumors are. The rumors that Obama is working to persuade Biden to stand down are also being reported in the British media. I think I am right in saying it was the Financial Times which said that Biden's team believes that it is in fact Obama who is now working to try to get him to step down. And that apparently Biden himself is furious about this. He absolutely wants to stay and to keep going and that he is resisting all the demands that he do step down. And I suspect that he is immediate on to Rush, not just his family, but some of the senior aides, Jake Sullivan perhaps. I don't know for a fact, but Jake Sullivan, Tony Blink and all of those people who are so tied and connected to Biden and who probably have in practice been running things through Biden, they probably want him to stay also. So it is the irresistible force versus the immovable object. And we have seen the pendulum swing backwards and forwards over this one. Ever since that television debate, was it two weeks ago now, 10 days ago now, that sometimes it looks as if those who wanted to step down have the initiative, other times it goes the other direction that he has managed to shore up his position. Now there is a number of things I want to say. Firstly, before we go on, people are focusing very, very much on Biden's performance during that television debate. They are overlooking the fact that Donald Trump actually in my opinion played that debate very skillfully and allowed Biden to implode. It's been the most effective approach to a television debate that we have seen in the entire history of US presidential debates. I mean, Trump basically destroyed Biden's candidacy over the course of that one debate. Now, I don't think people are saying that for many obvious reasons, but it's worth pointing out that Trump approached that debate with considerable political skill. It shows that he's learned an awful lot in this time in politics. And simply removing Biden from the scene might not actually make things easier, given the fact that the Democrats are up against a very skillful and experienced opponent indeed. Now, he's already, you can see this with the comments that he's making. He's already sharpening himself, preparing himself to take on the Kamala Harris or whoever it is that the Democrats throw at him. So that's one point I want to make. I mean, let's get back to Biden. The first is, can you say the format? Just a quick question. Can you say the format of the debate helped Trump to be focused? It did. And of course, the paradox of it was that the format was basically created to help Biden, but Trump took it and turned it round and used it in effect against Biden. And he did it with great skill. You know, I just want to say this because there's so many things that have been said about this story. No one is giving Trump credit for his, the effective way in which he handled that debate, which in effect has I think most people think sunk Biden's presidency and his prospects of re-election in November and quite plausibly the entire Democratic Party's program going into that election. So that's the first thing I wanted to say. The second is that there is now, I think, you know, the dam has burst these attempts to try for years to pretend that Biden was, you know, this person who was in overall and effective control of the government of the United States. Not only has it collapsed, but it has collapsed in a way that is incredibly damaging to the Democratic Party, to the political establishment of the United States, and to the media, much of the US media as well. A lot of people, and you know, you can find there was an article by Gerald Baker, for example, in the London Times, a lot of people feel that, you know, there's been a huge amount of gas lighting going on, and a lot of people are very, very angry about this, and I understand the opinion polls, not just the publicly released ones, but the private ones are starting to show this. And again, removing Biden from the scene and replacing him with someone else might not solve the problem. It makes it even more clear how much gas lighting over this subject there has been. And just to say, you know, we were pointing this out from way, way back, you know, when Biden was first nominated to the presidency, if you remember, we had that discussion, and we compared him to El Sid, the person who was, you know, already dead, who was, you know, the Spanish tied to a horse so that he led the army into battle, and he wasn't really alive. In fact, he was dead. And you know, we were making that point then, but there was all those denials about it, and now it's all come together and people can see it. And just manipulating your way round might make people even more angry still. The third point is that, of course, if Biden himself absolutely refuses to go, this has the potential to become incredibly messy going forward into the convention, which is now just a few weeks away. There's no simple mechanism in which you can remove Biden from the candidacy. Removing him from the presidency, people are talking about the 25th Amendment, but that would, of course, as I understand it, require a vote by Congress. And that means getting Republicans in the House of Representatives to support this move, and there might be problems without just saying. But, you know, removing him from the presidency doesn't answer the question of what do you do if he continues to insist he wants to stand. So this can get very, very messy indeed. But lastly, well, not lastly, further, Obama coming in is politically a disaster for Biden, and I don't myself have any doubts that this is indeed what Obama is trying to do. Because bear in mind, it was Obama who made the absolutely critical, took the actual critical step during the primary campaign way back in 2020, which cleared the way for Biden eventually to become president. Because it looked for a time as if Biden would not be the Democratic Party's nominee for the presidency. It looked as if it would be Bernie Sanders. And Obama came in, and he not only publicly endorsed Biden, but he telephoned all the other Democratic Party candidates and got them all to stand down, except, of course, with Bernie Sanders, and got them all to endorse Biden. So the result was that because of Obama's intervention, it was that was the way in which Biden became the nominee for the Democratic Party. So in a way, Biden is now trying to dismantle the presidency that he was instrumental in creating. And that is a blow, obviously, for Biden himself, because the man to whom he owes his job has now turned on him. But it again reflects Obama's enormous power within the Democratic Party, and the immense way he has. And I understand that if you're looking at the Democratic Party over the last two weeks, the group of people who have been most supportive of Biden have been the Democratic Party's the Congressional Black Caucus. And that's exactly the group where one assumes Obama has the most influence. So this is a major blow for Biden if Obama is now coming against him. And lastly, Biden himself is not only trying to push back and retrieve the situation, but of his now having to take more public steps. And of course, with every public step that he makes, he, in a way, makes the situation for himself worse. He had this disastrous press conference. I mean, I thought he was a disastrous press conference yesterday. Before the press conference, he introduces Zelensky's Putin. He gets Putin and Zelensky mixed up. Then during the press conference, he mixes up Trump with Kamala Harris. I mean, it is awful. And, you know, he is again rambling and doesn't seem to be fully in control. And he has a script in front of him, but then he loses his way and goes meandering in all kinds of directions. And this is the president that Obama, the Democratic party and the media, foisted on the American people. I did the yet too strong words. And now they're all trying to pull him down. This is a very, very bad look altogether. Yeah, Biden's not coming back from this. Everything he says now is going to be scrutinized. And the media that was protecting him for so many years and covering for him, that's what the media did. It covered for him. Now they're not covering for him anymore. And they're allowing all of his gaps to be displayed to the American voter that had not seen all of the gaps that he was making over the last three years. Now they're seeing all of the gaps. I mean, we knew the gaps. Our reviewers, they saw all the gaps that he was making, all the mistakes he was making for the past three years. But there was a large part of the voting population in the United States that had not seen all of the mess-ups from Biden, because the mainstream media was covering for Biden. Now they're not covering for him anymore. Actually, they're attacking him. They're mocking him. They're making fun of him. He's not coming back from this. There's not enough time. There's no way he can do it without Obama's support, without the media's support, especially without the media support. The only rational, logical outcome from all of this is that they're going to run someone else. Because it's very simple. The way I'm looking at this, Biden's going to lose. He's going to lose in November, if they stay with Biden. I think that's a given if everything is on the up and up. And even if it's not on the up and up, I don't know what they can do to tilt it towards Biden at this point. So Biden is going to lose. So if you're the Democrat party, if you're the Obama machine, if you're the Clinton machine, if you're Pelosi, if you're Schumer, and Schumer from what I understand wants Biden to go, Pelosi has turned on Biden as well. If you're all of these people, you say Biden is losing. We can't save this guy. He's lost. So given that he's already lost, if we run with Biden, we've lost, we might as well bring in someone new. If they lose, okay. But at least with someone new, you have a chance. You can run them. You can build them up. The media can support them. You can have the media cover for them and create a story, a mythos, something about them. That maybe the American voter will take a liking to the new candidate, even if it's Kamala Harris. And maybe you have a shot there. But Biden is a 99% guarantee done as far as winning the presidency in November 2024. Well, I think the issue no longer actually for the Democratic party is retaining the presidency in November. I mean, obviously, they still would like to do that. And they perhaps still have hopes that they might be able to do that if they can reshuffle candidates. But given, as I said, the damage this affair has done, and he's doing, and that damage is getting worse every single day, because he remains president. He has these rambling press conferences. The gaps, as you said, correctly, people can see. And of course, people are aware of the way in which they've been told things that were completely not true for years leading up to this point. And we've had the primary season and all of that. But I think, you know, just last month, they were telling us, these were cheap fakes and deep fakes last month. Yeah, see, then was telling us this. Exactly, exactly. So, you know, it's going to be very difficult for the Democratic party to turn the presidential election around. And of course, if they're going to run Kamala Harris, their problems are going to get even greater. And it's very difficult to see who they can run at this moment. Other than Kamala Harris, I mean, you can come up with all kinds of arrangements and plans and things to put someone else in, but, you know, Newsom or someone like this. But the time to do that is very short. And of course, these people have not won any electoral votes in primaries because they didn't participate in the primaries. So it looks like it will be Kamala Harris. So I think that they understand that the presidency now is a very long shot for November, indeed. The priority is to hold on to Congress. And that is now looking very dangerous. I read that there might be as many eight as eight seats lost in the Senate, eight, which would be unprecedented. It would be the biggest collapse for the Democratic party in the Senate since the 1920s. So this is now, I think, the biggest concern of all. So try to hold together what they can in Congress if they can pull, if they can pull together a new campaign behind Kamala Harris. Maybe she won't win the presidency, but they can then turn it around. They won't have to defend Biden all the time. And they might be able to hold on to their positions in Congress. And I think this is the priority. But they still have that problem, which they made for themselves. What do they do about Joe Biden? If the old man won't go. It's, as I said, all very well, talking about the 25th Amendment and all of those other things. But that is not straightforward. At least it doesn't seem so to me. And there is no simple mechanism, as he is pointing out, for removing the nominee who has all of the primary votes coming out of the primary season, which disastrously, they allowed him to run effectively on a post. I've come back to that point you made in the autumn of last year, the Democratic Party needed to get a grip on the situation before the crop, the primaries, they didn't do so. And that is why they are where they are. Yeah, I think the Democrat Party, they got so obsessed with foreign policy and with Project Ukraine and all the money that was flowing to Project Ukraine and all the money that everyone was making from Project Ukraine, that they just decided that Biden's the best guy for all of this. It's not that Biden was making any of the decisions, but he was the best cover for everything that they were doing with Project Ukraine. The problem with the Democrat Party, in my opinion, is their absolute obsession with Project Ukraine. They're so obsessed with it that they see nothing else. They don't see anything connected to domestic policy, the economy, the Southern border, nothing. They're completely focused and absorbed in Project Ukraine. The European leadership is completely absorbed and focused with Project Ukraine and the European leadership, no matter how much Biden messes up, even at the NATO event the other day when Biden confused Zelensky with Putin. This is so embarrassing. The 75th anniversary of NATO and he confuses Zelensky with Putin. And then right after that, he confuses Kamala Harris with Trump. He's never going to get over that. The memes are getting thousands of memes being created every hour of this mess up. But the Democrat Party saw Biden as, at least in my opinion, they saw Biden as the avatar for them to do all that they were doing with Project Ukraine. And they stuck with him. And he had a meltdown at the debate, and now they don't know what to do. And I agree with you, Kamala at least gives them a chance, a 1% chance, a 5% chance, 10% chance to win the presidency, whatever that number is, at least it's a chance. And Kamala Harris or anyone that they that they run gives them some sort of chance to do well with the Senate and the House. And the other big thing with removing Biden is that they can remove him and they can get the media to stop talking about him and to not mention him anymore and to disassociate him from the Democrat Party. Biden is not the leader of the Democrat Party. It's Kamala and Obama and all these other people. So you can disassociate Biden and the media will be on board for that. And everyone forgets about the last month or two of the Biden gaps. The problem to me is what do they do with Project Ukraine and the foreign policy stuff, which has been so very good for them in the military industrial complex and their donors. That to me is why they're in this mess. I don't know, I could be wrong. You know, you know, just to give you one theory. I looked at that for the theory that said they stayed with Biden because they were afraid of Robert Kennedy Jr. They didn't want him to take to take votes away from from Biden. If there was some sort of a dispute or they tried to push him aside over the last year or so, they were concerned with Robert Kennedy Jr. Which is what I think as well. It makes absolute absolutely plausible about Project Ukraine and the extent of this obsession. You are absolutely right. The Democratic Party is obsessed with it. The political class in the United States is obsessed with it. The neocons who basically are the political class in the United States are utterly obsessive about Project Ukraine and the neocons who are the political class in Europe are also obsessed with Project Ukraine. And the more it fails, the more obsessed with it they become. And of course, if you deal with obsessive people, you know that he's almost impossible to get them to focus or think about anything else. I think you're absolutely right. And of course, Biden was the guarantee that Project Ukraine would be perpetuated. If there was an open primary, if people talked about Project Ukraine and there was criticisms of it, given how the American people feel about that, well, you might have seen Robert Kennedy, if he'd been allowed to participate in the primaries in a proper way, he might have actually gained traction. And of course, they cannot allow that to happen because that would undermine Project Ukraine quite apart from what it might do for the presidency. And as I said, obsessions are always utterly destructive for people. But can I say, and this is where I come back to the very first point that I made in the program, the other thing they clearly underestimated was Donald Trump. They assumed, I think, that the law cases would basically humble his candidacy. And of course, that didn't happen. They've all blown up in their faces. We've now had this decision from the Supreme Court, which makes it look as if nearly all of the cases are going to fall by the wayside. We have the cases in New York still, but I don't think those have had the political effect that the Democratic Party expected that they would. In fact, on the contrary, I think they provoked a backlash. But on top of that, they underestimated Donald Trump's skill. I come back to this as a political opponent. They thought, well, you know, it doesn't really matter if Joe is bumbling and incoherent, rambling and all of those sorts of things, because so much of the country will be determined not to have Donald Trump as president, that they will vote for anybody who is not Trump. And on the contrary, we're starting to see young people and Latinos and black people starting to move over to Trump. So I think they underestimated rather the overestimated the, you know, the Trump, the fear of Trump. But again, I think they also underestimated Trump's own skill and ability to turn things like the debate against Biden. People have talked about how quiet and disciplined Trump was in the debate. And he was quiet and disciplined for a reason, because he knew he clearly did know that the most effective weapon against Joe Biden was Joe Biden himself. And look how since the debate, Trump has been so careful not to intrude too obviously into this discussion. He's just sitting back and let the, letting the Democrats basically self-destruct. And again, that shows considerable, well, very great political skill. And it shows, it tells us that Trump is now getting also advice from some very, very skilled political operators and advisors and that he's listening to it. So I think, you know, they both were obsessed with Ukraine, but they also underestimated their opponent. They thought, you know, we'll just carry on. It'll be a repeat of the last election. The media will cover for us. We'll just get through the debates. We'll get CNN to run this debate as, you know, pitched heavily towards Biden. And it'll be okay. We'll be able to pull out all the stops. And Trump will be bogged down in all those court cases anyway. And it's turned out completely otherwise. Yeah, I mean, you could, you could maybe argue that that they underestimated Trump because they were so obsessed with Ukraine. They couldn't see anything else other than, than Project Ukraine. They thought the court cases would be enough. It wasn't enough. And all the more reason to, to run someone else and to remove Biden, because what you want to do, at a very minimum, what you would want to do if you're the Democrat party is you want to, to refocus on Trump. And you want to get the media to refocus on Trump and how bad he is, and, and, and what a terrible person he is. And you can't do that right now with Biden in, as the candidate, no one wants to hear about Trump. No one wants to talk about Trump. Everyone is focused on Biden. Everyone is focused on Biden's next guest is next confused mess up, his next stumbling and mumbling. No one wants to, wants to talk about Trump. As long as you have Biden, everyone is focused on Biden. So you have to get rid of Biden. If you're the Democrats, then you can refocus the media machine back on Trump. With Biden in, in, in the running, no one's gonna, no one's gonna deal with Trump. Everyone's gonna be talking about Biden. And he's gonna make more and more mistakes, more and more gaps. It's not gonna end. No, it's, it's going to get worse. I mean, I think there's a lot of things about, you know, the Democrats, you know, with Biden can play for time. I've seen that written and said in many places, how do you play for time? Time is working against you. I mean, not only is this going to get worse, it is going to get much worse. They don't actually have very much time. Firstly, they've got to at least come to some kind of decision about what they're going to do before the convention, which is in just two weeks away. I mean, if Biden goes into the convention, still as the candidate, there's a fair chance that he comes out of the convention as the candidate. And then what do you do? Your, your problems get greater still. If he steps down before the convention, well, at least you've got the convention and you could pick a candidate there, though that's going to potentially be a problematic and messy affair in itself. But arguably better do that than let this thing go on festering and getting worse and worse all the time. And, you know, making people across America even more disillusioned and cynical and angry because to repeat again, people have been told in the most visible and, you know, extreme way, something which was not true. As you rightly said, just a month ago, they were saying that all those videos that were being published, I think it was by Fox, were fake. They were fakes. They'd all been manipulated and changed in some way. Just a month ago, they were saying that. And now we've had this revelation that that was the case all along. And as you rightly say, also, most people who follow the media, the mainstream media, they weren't kept properly informed about what was going on to the extent they should have been, and a lot of them feel angry about it. Yeah, I agree with you. All right, we will, we will see what will happen. And we will end the video there. The direct at, we are at Rumble Odyssey, but she telegram Rockford and Twitter X and go to the Duran shop, pick up some limited edition merch. You will find the link in the description box down below. Take care. [Music]