We Are Douchebags

Streets Speak 11

Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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dude like oh my god like can we talk about like the political and economic state of the world right now welcome to street speak show where the street speak and shit gets real i'm on drawing i'm cj and i'm the white salsa thank you for tuning in this week so uh we got uh looks like it's a busy week this week we didn't uh cover last week so we have some overflow a bit of overlap yeah but uh how's everybody been i've been tuning every day non-stop for five hours any particular reason i'd be having fun does he need a reason i mean uh no but you know a motive is always like you know when someone commits like a crime or a a heinous act typically people ask for a motive i ain't nothing hey not that those things are yeah i'm just having a good that's my exact defense when i murder six people by the way they usually don't take too kindly to that pretty good argument yeah i don't know why they don't like it but uh okay you've been gooding and what have you been gooding to you do not want to know oh no no i think i do now i have a very sick twisted mind you could even say i have an ill mind like not again i started this no like no no no we're not going all right what's the first topic i what we start with uh do we want to start with like do we want to start with the bigger stories like the rush of shit or do we want to start with like just shitting on twitter retards uh we could we should start with shitting on twitter retards since we can knock those out of the way pretty quickly yeah okay delve into the series topics after the first one is just like fucking twitter retards getting mad at people for like cleaning up graffiti on buildings like they're making actual uh like whole threads about like what's it called and they're like you telling me you want every building to look like this boring gray paint and it's like don't get me wrong i think graffiti is cool as fuck like if it was on my building like personally i wouldn't give a fuck but like you can't expect everyone to be me you know yeah yeah i mean at the end of the day it's not their property it is like defacing the fucking property but i think uh there's some graffiti i like but then there's other people who just go around tagging and it does make shit just look genuinely ugly if you're doing like a full piece like a full piece of art like that's cool i like that but just like fucking tagging like no like yeah it deserves to be covered up yeah but you'll have people saying like they i don't know how to put it they they were genuinely like writing think pieces about this shit it's like it's not even that deep bro i guarantee you the person you know it's so controversial yeah the person who sprayed it probably knew that she was getting taken down no for sure y'all y'all y'all noticing that that old ass Santa Claus movie with Tim Allen the Santa Claus yeah y'all remember his son hated Christmas so much he spray painted a Christmas tree with the big like x on it in the school just a hater see that i fuck that that's no that's p-kate right if you don't fuck with Christmas fuck you that's holiday i'm seeing a stronger soldier exactly then we have uh there was a bunch of people arguing about uh or more so people just trying to like justify their their overspending on like door-dashing shit and don't get me wrong i have that habit too but like i don't try to justify that shit like i know it's just something i shouldn't do but basically they they were like they're saying that they're so fucking like disabled that they can't even open like a frozen meal to put it in the microwave but they can walk to the door they can walk to the door to pick up the fit though that's they were saying like it's because of like room room or arthritis and shit like that and it's like so you can't fucking open a box and use a microwave but you can use your phone yeah use the phone open up the packaging not everything else just completely fine yeah and then uh they were like well it's also like and people were trying to say that door-dashing is like less expensive than cooking for yourself and that is a damn lie as someone who does both often like that it's so fucking false no yeah that's most definitely most definitely a hard coke and uh there's this dude who like quoted it with a video of like some pictures of like just some random fucking store he went to in his city and it was like a dollar and fifty cents per pound for like some chicken and like a dollar fifty for some pork and he was just like i guarantee you it's cheaper to cook at home and someone was just like yeah but i guarantee you that's like the trashiest quality of meat there is and he was just like what the fuck do you think you're eating when you buy McDonald's no when they're buying McDonald's that's the gourmet stuff yeah obviously that's in fucking a one wagyu or you get to buy a quarter pounder why do you think their burgers are like fucking ten dollars now they've really upped the quality recently i think we already talked about this but when i went to work and i fucking buy two cheeseburger and a large drink and i'm like i'm expecting because back when i worked at McDonald's i like i would ring that up for people all the time it'd be like three dollars and then so i would do two cheeseburgers large drink and i'm like okay little three dollars real quick he fucking reads back to me he's like that that'll be seven dollars and fifty cents oh my god insane yeah that'll be that'll be two hundred dollars yeah can i do a payment plan that's how you know they actually have fucking payment plans on fast food now that's insane i'm fucked with it you fuck with it low key i want to do it just so when i buy a pizza it's not as bad on me i know oh yeah 250 a week i could yeah i could sacrifice that but the whole seven dollars right now i don't know build your credit that's the thing that sucks it doesn't even go towards your credit yeah okay here's another one someone this is like exact uh quote from someone that had about fifty thousand likes um does anyone else think it's upsetting that food is currently considered a luxury item that we are being told to just eat cereal and frozen dinners i'm feeling a type of way about it okay um so you're ordering fucking door dash right what what are you getting on there that's better than cereal or frozen dinner apple bees like wait never mind apple bees is pretty much frozen huh yeah mica waved yeah i don't know then and just never mind like this is why i say fucking when people try to flex and be like oh don't tell me to get in the kitchen i can i fuck up making brahmin like that's just not cute that's just not funny it's not a flex at all bro like regardless of uh because i see a lot of women will do it too it did like be the whole uh like oh i'm not gonna cook for you you know it's like regardless of your gender like you should have basic skills of at least fucking whipping up some chicken and rice like that's just pathetic you got to i don't know my rice my rice hasn't turned out too recently i don't know how you fuck up rice but somehow i manage it bro all you got to do it it's just rice and water yeah i know i don't know what i i don't know what i do wrong the first time it came out too wet the second time wasn't that great i don't know man do you not know the knuckle technique knuckle no i don't even know what that is what knuckle technique you fucking to make sure you're putting the right amount of water you put the rice in and you feel the water up to about like your first knuckle okay cool hey but my chicken came out fucking banging though i will say that my chicken and my steak were good somehow i fucked up fucked up the rice uh fuck her name drops uh Andre did you know about uh the knuckle technique no i'm not i'm not going to the right seniors yeah Andre's not a real uh not a real cooker he's just like me i'll be whipping chicken patties up though okay look it's because you're right i'm not a real rice eater my mom will make rice and i don't like her rice so i just don't eat it i'll just eat beans how do you not like rice because she makes spanish rice and that's just go to fuck she puts like she puts like too much tomato sauce and i don't like it so i prefer it just like plain white rice i think the first time i ever had mole was at your house yeah yeah i'll be fucking that shit up like on a weekly basis now that shit's good huh yeah yeah i still feel disrespected that you guys liked uh paves dads uh well was it ceviche more than my dad ceviche i don't think i really ate it like either i wasn't really fucking with it ceviche i still kind of don't oh ah now ceviche my dad ceviche is so fucking good so the hell was ceviche it's like shrimp yeah it's a bunch of fucking vegetables yeah usually it's like all cold and shit i think it's because i don't fuck with that cold shrimp oh i'm saying i kind of just don't really fuck with shrimp in general unless it's like fried what about my mom's bustle that you remember that that's you i'll cream if it wasn't your mom i would say something disrespectful okay we can leave it at that that's why your mom's bustle is you did it another way i think he has an idea yeah i think i i think i know what you're trying to say it's all right okay uh moving on uh do we want to okay here we go uh so uh his son piker is selling t-shirts let's say capitalism is in decay for for 35 dollars yeah it's excuse is that it was made in the u.s with a union labor um uh i don't see what that's really changing about it uh that is supposed to up the cost a bunch but uh someone right here has said 35 dollars for a t-shirt that looks 10 that took ten dollars max to make is very capitalistic up here yep literally made it with capitalism yeah bro this thing is so funny this isn't even the first time something like this has happened yep are you thinking about like the editor's computer he he said that uh because people were grilling him about being like fake socialist you know and he was and they were like okay what about like your editor does he get a pro like a cut of all your profit and he was like uh-huh he was like i bought my editor his his means of working i bought him a pc like that's all that's it his youtube making thousand a dollar a month tens a thousand maybe all he got was some six hundred dollar pc i gave you the means of your phone fucking production have we looked up his net worth before it's in the millions i mean he has a fucking multi-million dollar mansion that alone is like yeah i don't know if he's in the eight for your ranger he probably is honestly uh first lady says this is a year old though first link says it's four million i don't really trust like fucking google net worth though because that doesn't count for like what they have like the liquid fucking like i don't know because that should all say that uh a curator yamma only had like 50 million at at its time of passing recipes but you know that do had way more than that yeah so first the all of the links are more than a year old at this point but on the low estimate it's like two million so two to four million that was a year ago so it's probably like doubled i wouldn't be surprised if you if it's like above ten million in reality no i wouldn't be surprised either and his family is rich too right yeah his whole fucking like even when he was young his whole family was rich even though he tries to pretend he grew up like broke in turkey for some reason usually i have a shit turkey his fucking bombs going off his uncle his uncle's like the owner of the young turks bro he has enough money to run for president i don't want to hear shit oh yeah i forgot he's running for president yeah he's not gonna get a single fucking vote hell no no i'm gonna i'm gonna say some slurs he looks like oh oh boy oh speaking uh speaking of voting that's a good segue into into our last like twitter retard topic was um yeah basically uh it's mainly like the palestine crowd is uh and they're saying like don't vote for fucking biden or trump they're like fucking biden like is uh he's funding a genocide and all this all that right it's like it's a pretty valid reason that's a pretty valid reason to not like a president right but at the same time like you're so anti-Trump and you know he's gonna do everything you don't like like why are you gonna just let him win these are the same people that back in like 2016 or i think 2020 i mean they were like if you vote for con yeah you're basically giving your vote to trump because you're not voting against trump the same people saying that are like now saying no for real they're not gonna be the next four years yeah and then if trump wins they're gonna be the same people that are like oh my god i can't believe that we don't have abortion rights anymore like what what do you think like your vote was supposed to help stop that you you're gonna you're gonna say like it's it's one of the lesser of two evil things like if that's what you're caring about if that's a right that you don't want taken away then you got to make sure you fucking put that vote in yeah but uh i think you brought up an amazing topic actually like within this topic i think kanye was plotted against i think he actually won the presidency in 2020 you all right man me yeah yeah why you think you want how do you win popular vote he got it yeah are you retarded every person i know voted for him that was the real election conspiracy right there kanye actually won i was kind of mad that he didn't run again i really wanted him to run you do busy he's too busy just fucking around now he's just making songs about gooning oh god he was so horny in this last album like half the songs were just about of fucking bitches bro we just won it was yeah i know he's just horny now all the time he makes her walk around naked that's not real though he said you would too yeah i really wonder if like if someone sent him like a contribute to his life do you think he would be offended or you think he'd be like yeah i got a bad bitch i don't know i don't know how to answer that there's only one way for us i'm never going to say no i don't that kind of makes him sound like a cuck if he did he did fuck with that yeah go nice come through go nice come through me that was a huge load i'm glad it was for my wife very glad my wife can make other people goon just like me what do you guys think about voting for a third party uh by this country it's pretty much useless yeah if you want to do it go ahead i don't care but there was like literally no point yeah yeah i mean these last few elections i think they did gain traction but it was still in like the single digit percentages yeah uh maybe if that trend continues like i i would encourage people to do it if they want to but like you just know you're not going to win maybe in in the long run you'll make a difference but just know you're not going to vote for them and win i think we need another closing of the communist another cleansing of the communist yeah i'm tired of like the tankies on twitter bro like they either need to have their revolution and like fucking win or they need to get wiped out like i i'd rather fucking actually like full-on live under communism then have them like yapping on twitter all day no but then they'd be the only ones in control of twitter and then they'd yap even more well then i would revolve see unlike unlike them unlike them i'm actually about this shit you're about this like i i genuinely wouldn't want to go to war for for the country but if columnies try to take over i'm fucking killing them find me up i'm gonna see you're gonna see you're fucking six six two hundred and fifty pound fucking marine just laying out fanboys picking them up just by their neck railing them and then tossing them to the side one out of time i mean guys i've seen those memes of like it was like uh the japanese on some remote fucking island trying to hold the position when some six six two seven double digits uh i q corn fed marine shows up i think those memes are so funny it's like it's like honestly like i told you i've i've told that story before where i saw like a seven foot dude at disneyland and i was like yeah i could probably take him i i think at that point you're just a lulu enough to fight it i feel like i could even get shot a couple times and still keep going you think so as long as it's not in my head i think like me i could probably take a couple 22 you ever seen that video of the old dude like getting shot by the cop and he's just like him sitting here yeah still charging him down that's literally me bro i used to have that video safe to my phone i don't i don't think i have it anymore but i'll watch it every once in a while god damn now don't get me wrong if i get like sprayed that sprayed down by like an ak or something i'm you know i'm i don't think i'm charging at him but my my delusion tells me i could at least take like i don't know fucking the seven round bag from a claw i don't know i think you could take it so so when we go camping i'll take like some of my guns and we'll see what we'll see what the biggest caliber we could take is before we have to go to the hospital i'll get shot with the bb gun and i'll be like oh fuck no it's too much take me i don't know like it not the cringy like oh i black out i see red bro but like my brain actually does go into retard mode sometimes and get fucking like insane fucking pain durability and strength yeah it's it's like literally like down syndrome i think it's just the the Celtic blood like fucking activating whatever it needs to the african warlord blood it's like Celtic no no no you don't disgrace my ancestors oh you know there's black irish oh yeah i forgot about them do they have the ginger beards black dude with the ginger beer yeah like oh i haven't seen him in a while but there was a black ginger at my gym he's like he's very clearly a black dude but he's like albino and he has like ginger hair he's he's like he's like paved except black he probably looked interesting he looked interesting yeah i wish i wish i saw him i'll sneak a picture next time but uh talking about uh african well never mind i guess these dudes aren't af warlords you guys want to talk about warlords yes we can go to that gang leader named barbeque is now most powerful man in haiti as us evacuates americans so pay brought it to our attention like two weeks ago that there's a gang of cannibals running haiti right now or that they're supposedly there was some claim that the rifle wielding 47-year-old mobsters nickname comes from his penchant for setting his victims on fire though he says it's an old moniker his mother gave him as a boy who calling the kid barbeque bro you hate that's a bad fucking name it is hard bro that's the name of like a board of lands too like psycho oh man we should have brought paevon i feel when we when he brought it up on we are douchebags he sounded like he knew a lot about it yeah because i don't really know shit about this one i know that haiti and the dominican republic are basically having their own israel palestine moment yeah so this other article the role from the rolling stone is saying that it's a that it's a hoax that the right wing invented to try to like kick out migrants or whatever and and i have seen of like it's mostly like right wing accounts and stuff talking about how there's cannibals and how we're letting in cannibals and stuff but the dude's name is barbeque fucking let the cannibals in let them in fuck it we need a little drama we need to keep it in for a thing we need zombies oh god there was that that video that i sent into the group chat i sent it into the instagram group chat right where this dude was just eating some guy's leg in like the middle of california broad day oh wait what do you say that i sent it a couple days ago california cannibal is that like the follow-up to california girls yeah katie perry uh wasn't on this one though that's a shame a guy a guy seriously got arrested for allegedly eating a train crash victim's leg jesus christ well why are you arrested but you fucking it's not like he need that he's just eating he was just hung i take bite yo this article is fucked up the hungry passerby now in custody yeah he was just a hungry little guy pro tip for everyone out there who may someday wander into the scene of a gruesome accident do not eat the victim are you gonna stop me yeah it's so tempting dude that is actually fucked up it's like green goblin mask on the on the dumpster and just eat me eat me eat me yes uh this dude just fucking middle that a fucking leg bro how hungry do you have to be how high do you have to be i feel like you don't even got to be that hungry i would try just to try like that he walked he walked onto the scene of an accident it just picked up a leg and walked away with it that is crazy i mean where would you prefer him to give one you know like you want him to go like chop one off himself yeah go to a morger something and ask for them to donate it it was the victim already dead yeah they were already dead i i guess if i had to guess it doesn't really go into much detail but it says it was a train accident so some guy probably got ran over and exploded by a train yeah and the leg was just on the side of the road and he picked it up and started eating it i guess i don't know if i if i die and someone starts eating my leg i'm gonna come back as a ghost to dap him up here i'd be fucking pissed i'd be pissed yo raid my flavor no i would i would be horrifically pissed i'd be like you fucking asshole at least feed it to my dog dickhead you're so you can live through your dog yeah i think that's how that works i mean yeah i'm gonna dap him up but don't get me wrong my cat gonna get that get back at least cook it a bit not just raw i hope i had worms all right do we want to talk about russia oh yeah we could talk about russia so um i don't think we even need to really tell anyone but just in case uh it was a mass shooting in russia that's supposedly done by isos where like fucking 80 people died i think you mean what really happened is that isos decided to culturally appropriate america and shoot up a mass mass event well it's funny you say that because according to a large amount of people uh we funded them and we're the most i think they're there so it's a really cultural appropriation if we're the ones uh you know sending them in yes they are an american what do you mean they're the most american fund there are it's american funded uh no it's not american funded actually it's jewish funded cultural appropriation but yeah dude that shit is horrifying bro that that video you said that she was they were on camera yeah actually no russian they they were literally just piled up in a corner getting mowed down that god damn but uh dude like you guys saw with i'm stopping them for real i think i would have had to step in if i was there i'm like mark walberg on the on the 9/11 plan he would have i feel like he's ballsy enough to where he he would have stopped them have you seen him do pull-ups yeah that's a beast yeah he's like he's like 50 years old shredded as hell definitely not on any steroids that needs some of that hollywood shit bro bollywood shit if everyone had a hollywood shit i think we would all we would be a perfect society oh god there wouldn't be any type of if fight or violence because everyone would just like be too focused on how great they look they would just be flexing in any reflection possible everyone's complimenting each other i think i'm good look at big bra yo you too man look at huge man what's that shit arthur's always fucking telling us to to watch the the ziz stuff he tells you guys to watch that yeah there's like what's it called yeah i don't remember it's like i remember him he was like Andre you know what this is i'm like what the fuck is that what are you talking about muz i'm like a gif yeah a gif of ziz quote unquote muzzing whatever the fuck that is muzzing it's like you've seen how ziz dances to the music right yeah yeah the dancing style i guess it's called muzzing oh okay yeah i looked up muzzing in his head it's give some fucking ziz didn't i shoot that shit is so hard you need to learn how to muzz i think ziz is like the perfect representation of like 2010's culture like late 2000's early 2010's culture wait how did we even get you we were talking about Russia yeah i'm reading the article right now oh because we were talking about how mark wallboard would have stopped it and then we would have to stare at it but uh i think if i was there personally i probably would have uh like started flexing my biceps and told them that they don't have to do this and then i got guns on my own so they they need to leave it might be take action huge bad bro i've been hey waiting for the longest to get arrested again just so when they start patting me down and saying do you have any weapons on you i can go yeah this right hand left hand yeah my my fists are registered as weapons under the law bro low-key i've been wanting to get pulled over too just so i could be like yeah i've got guns on me and then quickly read the wallet or like the one thing that i'm actually 100% wanted to do is if i want if i get pulled over have you seen that that video where it's like how to tell a police officer you have a gun in the thumbnail is him pointing the gun at the at the window i want to have that video playing when they pull me over i've seen the one where the it was like bros exercising his first amendment and he got pulled over and he was just like fucking you're like screaming no i have never seen that i need to see that i i don't know if i can find it but uh basically there's just two cops and he's just recording himself going like he's like i've never seen that i exercise use first amendment that's awesome okay so that's rush-ish shooting anything else to say about it or not uh i mean there's i mean besides the conspiracy shit where people think like uh you know isis is being funded by america and israel uh-huh people actually have the audacity to say that isis only ever attacks us and israel israeli adversaries and then you know fucking isis like kills 80 people in trance or wool fucking juicy some shit like that i guess that's an american adversary yeah i mean my dad's one of the people like i said the other day who thinks america was probably behind it i don't i don't know what it is bro anybody who's on facebook they just get propagandized to like whatever to say people that used to tell tell you that kids are so naive and uh they need to not believe everything they hear yeah but uh i'm going to take the stance that uh the jews did it i'm going to take the stance that uh that islam might have a little factor no who tried to say that you craned at it oh yeah that too you craned at it it was the Ukrainian jews because they were trying to flee into Ukraine when they were caught or some shit so people were trying to say like yeah it was Ukraine they helped them out or that they're actually Ukrainian or whatever oh they fucked those dudes up though did you guys see that like how they got one dude's eye out and they cut off another dude's ear that's what they need to fucking do so i want them to live stream them being tortured they're also like masked fucking deporting people after that are they yeah damn good i don't know the specifics behind it but yeah they're fucking getting rid of fucked on the people holy shit no but they any time they catch someone who does some like mass shooting or act of terrorism like that yeah just let the police beat the fuck out of them oh god please i don't even care about a trial like if you catch them in the act like that just fucking like start beating them to death like especially if they're a fucking like school shooter or some shit like anything where you're targeting innocent people yeah honestly just capture them and then live stream their torture on the spot if this would have happened in america and not russian they would have had them in a interrogation room with pop eyes yeah with some examples questions why did you do this didn't the police stop with like a mass shooter at burger king or something i think it was the Nicholas Cruz the parkland shooter was it him i thought it was some like white supremacist dude uh he yeah i think it was a guy who shot up a black church that's different i'm pretty sure he yeah i don't think he got they got the burger king treatment uh i thought it was him but yeah they actually didn't do that with the mass shooter they spoiled them we know they did cops oh yeah it was it was burger king yeah oh he was a risk that's crazy i don't know he it was over like ten people right nine people he killed something dude and i watched like a mini documentary about what he did too he was fucked up bro like the victims were like begging like please don't do this and he just no mercy like oh i have to like he talked to them and like just fucking murdered them that shit's insane or uh what was the buffalo one where he was like killing all the black people at a at a regular store and uh there there was like a white dude on the ground like fucking terrifying he was like oh i'm sorry and then just shoots a black guy yeah that shit was oh i'm sorry bro that video actually like low-key traumatized me for a bit i started carrying because of that well that's me at least i guess somehow that had somewhat of a positive effect yeah cuz i'm a hero now i'll step in next time but no that video like fucked me up because i was like he got out of the car and started shooting so fucking fast and then he killed the security guard and that fucked me up too the security guard hit i think he hit him but the dude was wearing body armor so he didn't do shit so that scares me now too like whoa okay now now i carry but what if the guy's wearing body armor i should probably care like a five-seven or something to get ap rounds in there yeah i need to switch so that like he stumbles backwards at the bare minimum get a switch and then you just spray an outline around him don't hit a single time on some looney two instead that's actually the like average experience shooting a dreiko have you shot one i haven't personally but uh what's it called like any time i read about them or like watch videos on them it's literally just talking about how fucking shitty the accuracy is no yeah i've seen the same thing every time someone shoots at them it's like they cannot hit shit from more than like five yards i'll still buy one though that'll be like i can still carry like and feel carry is an a-a-12 ask the dream right there how do you think it could seal that would you carry like a like luggage around with you everywhere just keep it in there well when you're big when you're a big guy you can get away with carrying something bigger yeah you'll carry like a trench coat like an old timey gangster those gangsters i used to hide fucking tommy guns in their shit yeah that's me with my a-a-12 somewhat and someone tries to fucking start shooting people i'm turning him to a fucking- you know what's something i've thought about if two people like let's say there's two kids getting bullied at school and both of them like they're not in the same friend group but they're both getting bullied they snap on the same day both of them plan to shoot up the school at the exact same time what do you think would happen do you think they'd turn on each other or help each other out i mean if it was me i'm dapping them up and then we're it's gonna be like yo save one mag once we're done with them like let's go to war oh oh that would be sick i think or i i personally think maybe one of them would have like a turn of heart and then they would become the hero school shooter like like they had the plans to shoot up their school they brought the ar-15 and everything but they walk into the building and they hear gunshots firing out they see like casings on the ground and they're like oh no what i almost did this and then they go hunt the dude down or what if they were just makes them even more pissed and they were like this is supposed to be my moment oh you're like they're stealing my fame it's always funny a bunch of those fucking school shooters bro whenever you see them in court or like in the interrogations or like i'm so insane i did it crazy my favorite one was Nicholas Cruz that guy was such a shitty actor the voices told me to do it i was a psychiatrist i want to just you want to try that again buddy what what's that one from the record you could do it again i'll pretend like i didn't hear it the first time try again you get one mulligan don't fuck up again no it was actually so bad the the dude was like you you hear voices he's like yeah they told me to do bad things like literally the most cliche thing you could ever think of you know like i was watching some shitty indie movie and i loved how the detective just wasn't fucking putting up with it either no i know did you watch the same like hour-long documentary the fucking breakdown on it yeah yes yes some shit like that yeah it was some channel that was blowing up for a bit yeah show up to that channel we should get that guy on okay but we should move on now too the bridge incident actually was great so for those people out there basically a very large cargo ship crashed into a Baltimore bridge and brought the whole thing down killing many people yeah horrible tragedy that is being used for racial propaganda is it actually yeah anything anything that goes wrong is going to be used as racial propaganda but how though how in this case i want to hear so i i've seen a couple that were saying like the fucking people in charge of the ship or indian yeah there were pejits so everyone's like talking about how oh this is the future of america if we keep letting in migrants like oh minorities can never do anything right but and apparently it was uh what happened the power shut down on the ship or something yeah and they warned they warned in advance to evacuate the bridge and then i i genuinely saw some people some people saying some shit like the white people would have gotten it under control faster so yes it's being used for racial propaganda right now would you reach that level of just like actually racist illusion i i don't know like that person is not sayable there's nothing you can tell them that is double digit IQ behavior i think the delusion i was seeing was um uh and you know that that fucking retard twitter account kira yeah he made a tweet that said some shit like uh what was it he was like maybe if we didn't send billions for fucking wars then we would have if we could spend money on infrastructure and this wouldn't happen it's like what fucking infrastructure can we possibly build that would stop a hundred and fifteen thousand pound or a hundred and fifteen thousand ton cargo ship from breaking a bridge i saw i saw that i saw that as well i don't know how you can say that and not elaborate further what do you mean by infrastructure someone who tweeted it it was just like it like fucking 911 plane hits the building in this dick head well maybe if we spent less on wars not expecting good takes from that guy though so don't really give a fuck yeah he said watch this video of 911 wow they really should have made those buildings stronger the exact quote for for the dipshit that said that she was um the government is busy sending money to fund wars when her infrastructure is shit prayers to everyone affected by this tragedy oh did you guys see apparently that mothman had nothing to do with this incident ooh that's a real conspiracy as matthew said uh that was definitely mothman was involved here why else did the power go out he was absorbing it everyone knows that oh you're right yeah that uh i don't know there was some tweet that i saw i have it right here i have studied mothman since i came to us in 1993 the Baltimore maryland bridge incident was a man-made incident nothing to do with mothman so just so we're clear on that thank god bro yeah there was probably a lot of people blaming mothman we can't have that we need to blame the Indians all right we're hitting uh the hour mark probably oh no we have 15 more minutes Andre can you explain to me the diddy drama okay so diddy a big rapper from like the late 90s had a record label i think he's like a billionaire too really rich guy for really influential a lot of people know him and he's always had this reputation that wasn't like fully backed or confirmed or anything it was just like rumor that he was like gay and he was always doing gay shit with like people that were signing him and apparently he's coming out that uh he has been trafficking allegedly trafficking people trafficking drugs and a couple days ago two or three of his homes were raided by homeland security and i think he's on the run right now yeah he was he's on the run took his private jet to like some uh like latin type island where there's no extradition laws holy shit so he not so he's fucked like he's bit he did it and he's running i don't think they have like concrete proof yeah it's looking like it like if they keep digging they're probably going to find something but uh they said that uh they only have probable cause for the warrant they don't have like any direct evidence yet to fully charge them but it's looking kind of sus within plenty yeah so he is a billionaire by the way his net worth is estimated one billion yeah from but so there was rumors that he was gay and all of this shit's coming out with him like being charged with crimes and being gay yep yep so now what a combo so now there's just a lot of pedophilia trafficking discourse in the hip hop scene yeah there is also um there's rumors going on right now about uh what's his name um i forgot his name but basically uh he was caught with three Mongolian toddlers holding salamanders uh holding salamanders oh i think you're talking about Kendrick Lamar oh yeah Kendrick Lamar yeah i'm pretty sure he was he also uh there's a rumor he forces dementia patients to apply for best buy credit cards okay i think i think we have cj computes here yeah okay so when when Drake and Pusha T were beefing on twitter like there would be a whole bunch of buzz that just uh oh yeah the Pusha T fuck is that okay yeah yeah and everyone like pretty much knew it was Drake but like there was no real confirmation but now that now that Drake's beefing with Kendrick Lamar they started back up again and they're doing shit like like direct one i was quoting was uh Kendrick Lamar was caught with three Mongolian toddlers holding salamanders and they'll just be spamming shit like this i thought you were being serious with it until you said the salamanders had the end of the sentence i'm like whoa who owns three Mongolian toddlers holding salamanders no i don't know where the salamanders came from fuck we talked about this before the most random-ass fucking animal just a salamander actually Drake paying for bots to fucking slander people that's just so funny i thought i thought you were going towards the the Nickelodeon shit that's happening right now it's funny that you mentioned that because the tweet that they did this on is about Danshneider and it had nothing it literally had nothing to do with Kendrick Lamar. i still haven't seen the documentary pave told me about it and he told me to watch it but i thought all the shit that was in the documentary except for Drake Bell being raped i thought everyone knew yeah yeah that's everybody already knew they like danshneider was like a weirdo and stuff like that's what i was gonna say like i didn't i don't need to watch the fucking documentary i already know yeah like everybody already knows they had a crazy foot fetish shit going on everyone knows that the actors weren't treated well and that's why they go all crazy the only thing that actually did like catch me off guard and surprised me was that Drake Bell like got like actually raped yeah it's not surprising though i want to be surprised if it's more than that you just you know it's hard to uncover all of it yeah but i mean i think maybe the reason that it's a big deal is because they're like finally actually going mainstream with everything and everything's being like confirmed which that is a big deal that they're like i mean yeah obviously it's good that that's happening it's just kind of like you know so many like whenever i see someone like reacting to it in like a video where uh especially like instagram reels or tick tock shit you know and it's someone like yo danshneider did what it's like bro this is not new information yeah maybe we're just like terminally online so we already like knew about the rumors and stuff like that but i i don't know maybe to like parents and shay would be a big shock yeah or like older people i do that a fucking foot shape pool in his mansion shit that they had an oriental grande making uh bro oh you got prison man no do you guys think anything's going to come of it probably like i don't know they they found out about it they paid him seven million dollars just from the leave and then that's just for what just for him to leave like they paid him to leave Nickelodeon seven million dollars oh shit is they didn't want to associate with him anymore i think we should hunt him down in minecraft free justice in real life yeah prank gone wrong constantly stalk him until he like wants to shoot me and then i'm gonna shoot him first and like call itself the claim self-defense yeah i don't think i want to claim self-defense they'll view me as a hero yeah one thing i did see is uh what's the guy the name of the dude who played spencer i don't know are you talking about uh terry cruz yeah terry cruz not think it's like terry something gerry trainer yeah yeah okay so apparently there's like videos of coming out of him like blocking uh Schneider from acting all creepy towards the kids that he would work with and everyone's calling him like a hero and shit and like just uh boasting about like how good of a dude he was and uh i don't know yeah i i agree what he did was good if he was stopping the boss from like being weird like that's good so that means everyone knew it was happening and nobody stepped in and beat the fuck out of him like i mean i kind of saw some shit like that too about where i was you know the tuck i want to stick dude from my carly yeah yeah yeah him yeah how he he knew i supposedly knew about some of it too and everyone was like trying to rag on him saying like oh why didn't you fucking do anything about it's like you think that these people are in positions to do anything meaningful about it though like probably would have been around bald yeah especially in that industry i think at that point if you know something so bad is happening that you're okay yeah like i'm gonna be like fucking uh what's it called uh like obviously i'm gonna i'm gonna be like talking big right now because i'm not in that position but if you know something that big is happening especially to children i feel like that should take priority over your career well it's not just career it's also like thinking logically like what like what can you do about it you know like you take it to an executive you take it to the police what comes of that you know hmm and then let's say let's say a nine millimeter bullet to the skull all right let's say you you do take it to the police or take it to executives and then nothing comes of it and then you're kicked off the site and then who's there to help the fucking people that it's happening to after that hmm that's true that is true that is a good point mr so so yeah i don't i don't know i know that for other actors they did similar shit like i i know uh who was it brad pit i think stood up to Weinstein when he was harassing his then girlfriend and then Weinstein ended up leaving her alone but this is some shit that has been going on in the industry for a long time and i guess it's spread out across the entire thing so i don't know obvious obviously some shit needs to be done there there needs to be people who are willing to stand up but like i said it is very like can't blame them if they don't yeah i also fell to my knees when i found out that cuba good and junior was involved in some of this shit or stuff like that that who cuba good and junior you know radio no cuba good and junior you've never seen radio i still haven't seen radio either i need to watch so i haven't seen it you don't even know of it no okay so he was in like two thousand's 90s movies yeah yeah type sheet how many know about it because someone told me about it he was involved with fucking ditty i don't know about i don't know if it was ditty that's what all the articles that are saying well then yeah they're all relating back to duty yeah that's a crazy move back to the didn't talk yeah they're adding him to sexual assault lawsuits damn fell to my knees reading that shit bro well uh now i can't watch radio because i don't want to be supporting a a monster that's why you pirate it's just piratey yeah oh that's true bro remember when uh it was a while ago when the little dirk and be a young boy beef was still like trending and shit oh yeah someone on the young boy subreddit was all like or i think they were on the little dirk subreddit they were just like anyone got a link to pirate dirk's new album i want to listen but i want to just dream i'll do the couple things like that especially with like game developers since everyone's was pissed off at like like EA and shit like that they're like hey how can i pirate the new game i don't want to support them anymore face all right that it for the week it's looking like it okay then we can go ahead and uh wrap it up all right everybody this has been episode 11 of street speak we thank you all for tuning in we thank you all for listening be sure to check out we are douche bags another great podcast on the same feed and we'll see you all next week thank you guys for listening bye