Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Basra 11b

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09 Jul 2024
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Let's pick up on the Yud alif. I'm going to alif and just go over that last point one more time, aligning a half before the bottom. Amara Meimara High, Pura de Suflei, if you have a date pit, which basically they would dig a big hole and fill it up with date pits. Yeshla al-Brahmah is the whole Ru'a for Ru'a, just like in picture 159. There would be, unless otherwise stated, the imagine isn't a father, he had a property, passes away leaving the brothers' different parts of that property. If there's a date pit, the brother gets the date pit, gets four Amas in all directions, just like in picture 159. However, Loyah Amran, that's only Ela de Loy miyachle, Pura, that the father did not designate a, I guess, one of the dwelling units to be shire to the date pit. Of Amiyachle, Piska, if he did designate the pit, then to be one of the houses where they'd basically, I guess, eat the dates in the house, and the pits, which were kind of like Garbaj, would be put in the date pit. So if there was an entrance designated to be sort of owned through that entrance, then Ela al-Arbajmah is Lifne Passach, he only gets the four Amas between the date pit and that entryway, like in picture 159. If Olive is the house of the one who has the date pit, he only gets that one area between the date pit and the entrance. Amarifuna, we started with Rafuna, and this is going to be a picture 160. Cesarifuna, Aksadra, Ein la Arba Amoys. Even though an Aksadra is sort of like an entity of itself, it doesn't get four Amas beyond the Aksadra, and why doesn't it get another four Amas if you have to load or unload things? Time am I? Because what's the whole reason that four Amas is given to somebody in the Khatsar, even though they don't really, they only own what's beyond the front door, Mishum Puruk Maasau to give space to load and unload packages that are being delivered by a donkey, let's say, like in picture 160. That's the reason why it's there. Ha'cha Aksadra, Ein la Garbajum, if I reckon, just like in picture 160, once again, it's possible for the donkey to literally go into the Aksadra or underneath the Aksadra and unload its packages. Mus of Rafshatius, Rafshatius brings it to the Exhaust, it goes from about a line and a half, and it would seem to indicate otherwise. It starts here. Ein la Garbajum, whether we're talking about entryways, the houses, Ein la Garbajum, Aksadra. Oh, you say Squeelana, Aksadrais, or sort of like what looks like a picture 160. Yashlan Arbama is there entitled to their own additional foramas into the courtyard. So what do we do with that Braisa? Answer. Kitanyahi. Well, that Braisa's talking about a different type of Aksadra. That's Aksadra Debei Raf, which is a picture 163. It's an Aksadra that basically has walls on it. Now, it might have a lot of windows, but it basically, it really is an entity in and of itself. So the – where's the one second? An Aksadra Debei Raf, Pshita, like, of course it would get foramas beyond the Aksadra, because once you kind of build up walls into Runa, Malia, who is basically like a full fledged, like, basically another room. And just like if you have a unit, you get formas beyond the unit. So it's over there. Ella. Aksuelana in the Ella. Ella Baxadra. Rumisa. I believe I also sent out a picture 164. That would be a Rumisa of Aksadra, where there's just a low wall, but basically the whole thing is still open, period. Turn around on. You have a Brissa. The Brissa goes for about two and a half lines and starts here. If you have a base shar, which is like a picture 171, it's sort of like an entryway area. Or a Aksadra, an Ella Aksadra, or a merpesset is, what would you call a balcony? Then Yaishelan Arba'amis, the area beyond, which would be, let's say, in like, picture 171, the area beyond that entranceway, into the base shar, or like, in picture 172, the area beyond, which would mean when you go down the stairs from that merpesset area, the area beyond that, you get four amas. Haiyu, Arbokhami Shabbat, in Sukhlamar pesset, which is actually, that's like, really what picture 172 is. Upstairs, you walk up to that balcony, there's three, you're actually in picture, there's four different units. Ayn, Lehan, Ella, Arba'amis, Bilvat, all of them together are only entitled to when they walk down the stairs to a four by four-ama area. I can picture 172. Ba'amina, I put a diamond around this. Ba'am, four lines later, third word, the line is Ba'amina, I put a diamond around that, and five lines later, the third to last word, the line is Ba'amina, I put a diamond around that, so we're going to have three of these. Ba'amina, Lehan, Lehan, Lehan, Lehan, Lehan, like a picture 173, if you have a, I guess, a chicken, sort of, chicken, coupe, or an area where the chickens are. Asks, Rabil Khan Rabyanai, Yesh, Leh, Arba'amis, Ayn, Arba'amis, is entitled to a exclusive four-ama area above its doorway or not, Amalai, so it says back, Rabyanai, well, time am I, what's the reason that you have the four-ama area? Me, Shumu, Piruk, Masao, it's basically for loading or unloading the packages that are on an animal. Haka, over here, as in picture 173, mid-top is, well, the mid-top is, basically, the chicken is going to sort of hop up on the top of the fence and hop off or hop on and hop in. Piruk, Oiminai, the next question, this one is asked by Rava Turov-Nachman. Ba'is, Khatsan Makur, Khatsan Ina Makur. If you have a one-room unit and a part of it has a roof and part of it doesn't, Yesh, Shumu, Arba'amis, the entitled to the four-amis beyond the entryway of that area or not. Amalai and the answer that Rava'amis gives is Ein Loi Arba'amis, a person who has a unit like that, does not have four-amis beyond the front door. Lomibaya, now, we don't even have to tell you, Kiroi Miligav, like picture 174, where the roof is further. In other words, the half of that unit that is covered with a roof is the innermost part of it, because to Efster, like in the picture, it's possible the Eiligavalyam Afariq, where you can bring the animal, in this case, like the donkey, into the unit and have him unloaded packages there. El Afilo, even, if half that is roofed or covered, El Afiloq, it's like a picture 175, where you walk into the doorway and then immediately you have the roofed half of the unit. Efster, Eiligavalyam Afariq, and again, just like in the picture, you could bring in the donkey and unload him there. The third in our series of three, Balminé, this one is asked by Ravhuna to Rava'amis. Ein Loi Miligavaly, you should be used a Hachzerpisraeli-Mavoyachir. There's actually a great picture, picture 176. So you have Mavoyalif on the left and Mavoy Bayes on the right. Now, the way that Mavoy Bayes is, there's, let's say, three units that open up into it. None of the units are in that middle building open up into it. However, let's say the fellow, who's the middle unit in the middle building, wants to build a new door out into that Mavoy, is he allowed to or not? Efsterpisraeli-Mavoyachir, again, I can make sure 176 with a little arrow with the Bayes arrow is pointing to. Do we say that the people in that Mavoy Bayes can stop him or not? Mavoy-Mavoy-Mavoy. They can say, "Listen, buddy, you ain't going to do that. We don't need another entry way into our nice private Mavoy. Oh, Ein Mavoyachir, can they not?" Okay, that was the question. Amalay says back Ravami to Rafuna, Benin Mavoy-Mavoy-Mavoy-Mavoy-Mavoy. And I put an arrow with a margin by this line where we say that the Benin Mavoy can, yes, so the Mavoy Bayes residents can say to that fellow, "Nope, we don't give you permission to open a door into our Mavoy." Period. Arsanja, let's say you have the King's troops are being stationed in a particular city, and he's got a certain number of troops. How do you divide amongst the residents of the city, how the troops are going to be kept? Is Lefebbe-Nai-Ada Miskalekes or Lefebbe-Sacham Miskalekes? This is depending on how many people are per unit or how many openings that unit has, how many doorways. So Amalay answers back. Lefebbe-Nai-Ada Miskalekes basically split up depending on how many people are there. So for every certain number of people, you have to keep, let's say, one soldier. Tan-nami-Hakhi, we have a brice that goes for one and a half, and it backs this up. It says Zevil-Shab-Achatsar, let's say the waste products that are in a Chatsar, and there's a lot of people in the Chatsar, everyone sort of throws their ikis into the same pile. Miskalekes-Aphoy-Sacham, so it is split up depending on however many doors you have into that Chatsar. Regardless of how many people actually live there, an Aksania-Lefebbe-Nai-Ada Miskalekes. Oh, and that's pretty clear that the soldiers that are being stationed in residential areas, it goes according to how many people are in each residence. Oravuna-I-Bakst-Rifuna, he says, "Ekhumim-Nai-Mavoui-Shebikesh-Listim-Kenege-Pisrei." That is a picture 177, very common. You have a person, he has a doorway, we said he gets an area into the Mavoui. Well, is he allowed to build up a little wall over there, or not? In other words, everyone agrees, and certainly, let's say one of the other neighbors doesn't like it, so the Benai-Mavoui, that's right. In other words, any, any of the residents of that Mavoui are able to be in an Aksania-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, to say, "Sorry, buddy, we don't allow you to do that." Why? Because just like the little footprints, which you have in picture 177, Shamar-Belena-Sedera, you could have certain residents of that Mavoui that would actually have to walk further, because that fellow decided to build himself a bit of a wall around his entryway. Maysvay, we have a snake source, though, that would seem to indicate otherwise. Now, I would eyeball picture 179 when we're going to read the snake source, and here we go. Maysvay. So the snake source star series goes for almost six lines. Chamech Chamech Chamech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, in picture 179, you have five Khatsers, one's Khatser-Khitsayna, one a little bit further in, Khatser-Schnia, and then Chlicious, and then Ravius, and then the Pneemus, one, the inner most Khatser. So Chamech Chamech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, which is the Khatser-Khitsayna, which is the Khatser-Khitsayna, Maysvay, Chitsayna, Mayshitsayna, which is the Khatser closest to the Rishokarabbe. Everyone shares, you can see all the arrows, it's got five arrows walking through that area, Khanna, the Khashar, Maysvay, Chamech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, and you can see that through Khatser-Khitsayna, the Mavoui equivalent only has four Khatsers walking through it, Ummish-Damech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, so in an Maysvay, the Pneemus, the inner most Khatser, Maysh-Damech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, Ummish-Damech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, Ummish-Damech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, Ummish-Damech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, and also it'll be able to walk through other people's area outside of their Khatser in the Mavoui, and this is a bit of a question on Ravuna who had said all of them, like, any one Khameem-Aakhev, even the ones that are further out, and it doesn't seem like that from here? Well, the more answers that actually Sumak-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham-Nai-Dai-Sacham, if you have any Brycea, I would probably venture to say this Brycea is exactly five lines. Aikon-eem-Nai-Mavoui-Nai-Sacham, Shabikish-Damech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, if you have somebody who wants to open up a new doorway, a new gateway into an area that they hadn't had treading right previously, Ben-Nai-Mavoui-Makh-Fen-A-Lef, I put the corresponding arrow over here when we had said about Ben-Nai-Mavoui-Makh-Fen-Aakh-Fen-Aakh-Fen-Aakh-Fen-Lef. So over here we would say the Ben-A-Mavoui-Nai-Mavoui-Nai-Makh-Ev-A-Lef. Haya-Sacham, Abikish-Damech-Lefebbe-Nai-Sacham, let's say it was previously opened but then closed and then he wants to reopen it like I believe. If you have a parish guy, pitch one-aid-one, I don't think I sent out pitch one-aid-one. Ain-Ben-A-Mavoui-Makh-Fen-A-Lef, D'Ivi-Rabi, so the other people in the Mavoui can't even Makh-Ev-Yim. That's the end of the day, so now we were talking about Mavoui-Sacham, remember a hot-ser is a joined courtyard between two or three houses, it could be four houses also, and that's what we're talking about. So Khaz-Sé-Rès, Mandi-Kashmayu, who was talking about Khaz-Sé-Rès, we were talking about Mavoui-S. Well, why is this a Gamora? Khaz-Rès-Mavoui-Nai-Katani. Actually, there's just a little bit missing from the mission and this is the way to understand it. The Chain-Kamech-Laz-Sé-Rès, and also if you have five courtyards. Khaz-Sé-Rès, Mandi-Kashmayu, Khaz-Sé-Rès, Mandi-Kashmayu, Mavoui-Nai-Kashmayu, Khulan, Mandi-Kashmayu, Khaz-Sé-Rès, Mandi-Kashmayu, Khaz-Sé-Rès, Mandi-Kashmayu, Mavoui-Nai-Kashmayu.