Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Basra 4

Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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When we last left off, on the bottom of Gimmel, on the base, the bottom line, one of the most tragic events in Jewish history had just occurred. Herod, who rebelled and killed the entire royal family, also murdered the entire rabbinical establishment at the time, leaving only Bava Ben Buta to serve as some sort of advisor. However, and on the top line we'll pick up on Daldiminov, how do they clear that Eilah? He took a porcupine skin, sort of flipped it inside out and put it on his head, thereby gouging out Nakhrin Huleini, gouging out his eyes. Ok, Yumachad one day, Asaviyyasif Kameh, Hordus came, now he realizes that Bava and Buta can't see anymore, so he kind of pretends to be just some average citizen. Amar, and Herod says to Babuta, "Huzzy Mar, high after Bisha, my COVID, you see this bad slave, what he's doing, how he's behaving, basically talking about himself. He wants to hear Bava and Buta badmouthe, him, the king." So Amar lei, Bava and Buta says back, "My Yavit lei, I don't know, what should I do about that?" Amar lei, well, Nal Taimar, why don't you curse him? Amar lei, so Bava and Buta says back, again not realizing he's actually speaking to Hordus, he says, well, can't do that, because see if it says in the Tanakh and Cohelus, "Gam bi madah acha, melahat takala, even in your thoughts, you can't curse a king." Oh, lei goes says back, really is. Hordus, he says, "Hi, love, melah, well, this guy's not really a king." Amar lei says Bava and Buta have a Osherbalmo, okay, even if it was only a very wealthy man. Uxiv, Pasek continues there and says, "Ubehedrei miska v'cha, al takala lasha, and even in your innermost, and your bed in your room, don't curse a wealthy person." Okay, well, imagine we're only v'lya ella, nasi, even if it was only a prince, he continues and says, "Uxiv, nasi bambcha, lei sa'or," that's that's, I think, from Romesh, don't curse a prince, Amar lei, so Herod keeps trying to egg on. Uh, Bava and says to him, "Well, that's Bao Yousa Meisamcha, that's, you know, somebody who, and this is actually a dresser, because I'll make, uh, that's only for one who behaves and acts like a proper nasi." The high however, this guy, love Yousa Meisamcha, he's not someone who's doing behaving the way that, um, the Jewish nation should. Amar lei, so says Bava and Bhutto, "Well, uh, mr. Fina, mr. Fina," there might be someone who would hear and then go tell him. Amar lei, um, well, says, again, this is Herod, speaking, pretending to be some sort of communist, well, uh, Lake English does a little lame, there's nobody around who would tell him. It's just, you and me. Amar lei, so, again, uh, continues, um, Bava and Bhutto, and says, "Well, you never know." "Ki Oufashemai, mr. L'chasaka'o, l'ubal, knafai, m'yogit, dovar." Uh, literally the birds of the heaven could bring the sound, and the winged one could say the thing. Maybe there's a bug, maybe I'm being recorded, maybe there's a sting operation. Now, bottom line, Hurdus was very impressed, 'cause he couldn't keep up with Bhutus anything bad about the guy who had wiped out the entire pinnacle establishment, as well as gouged his own eyes out. Amar lei, so he says to Bhutto Anahu, actually, "It is I." Ihave, what a line, I actually underlined the entire next line in three words. Ihave adonad is a Hirabanan kuli hai, if I would have known that the rabbis were so careful about speaking badly about others, loi havi kat linnalahu, who I would not have killed them all. Hashtah, however now, says Herod to Bhavamutta, maitakande de hahugavra. What would you suggest as some sort of remedy, or a takana, something to fix these, uh, what I realized now was a terrible thing that I did? So, Amar lei, Bhavamutta says, hukav ai raishalaylam, he, referring to Herod, you basically, he says to him, um, you extinguished the light of the university, basically murdered all the tamedicaham, dehugavam, dehugav, like the pusagindicates, kinaer mitzvavitaira, or, you know, those who truly possess terror were the ones that truly give forth light. And therefore, uh, my advice, uh, would be yaylak vyasag, ba arishalaylam, you should go and involve yourself in the other light-giving entity, uh, which was around at that time, which is the base of mikdas jaykh siv, be naharu, elav kol hagayim, and will be, like, pulled like a, like, a river, uh, draws all the water, and all the, uh, people will be drawn to it, all the nations of the, uh, of the world. Uh, um, pasa continues and says, basi akav, uh, a few, so come later, it says, yishaya, parak baiz, pasa biz, and in pasa kaiz, it says basi akav, lehu vaner habbe, or hasham. So, uh, or is the light of the world, or maybe even naharu, in Aramaic, is light. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Okay, now, Herod had a, I guess, a reasonable concern, he, he was a, uh, in charge of the Jews, but he was under the, uh, authority of the Roman, uh, empire. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] And it'll take him about a year to get to Rome, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] And then it'll, uh, it'll take him about a year when he's there, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] And then it'll take him about a year to get back, in other words, it'll be about three years. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] And in the intern, like during those three years, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] So destroy the base of McDush, or break it down, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] and then build it up anew in a much bigger, more impressive version. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] And that's exactly what Herod did. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] The message, and it took a long time for the messenger to get there, to get the message, to get back. Anyway, this is what the Romans sent back, the following. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] If you haven't already destroyed the building, don't even start destroying it. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] If you've destroyed it, Altivni, don't build it up. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] If you've already destroyed it and rebuilt it, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Bad slaves, basically insulting Herod. Like a bad slave after he already does what he wants to do, then he asks permission. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] If you have your weapons with you, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] So if you think that you're some sort of big tough guy, well, your lineage is here. You basically are not a royal L'Oyroja. You ain't to prince for L'Oyroja, the son of prince. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] You're a slave, oh, Herod. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] And you basically made yourself a free man by killing your masters. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] What is a Raja? They call them a Raja? Well, Raja is Malchusa. Where do we see that Raja is the term that indicates royalty? [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] We see the term Raja. We see the term Raja. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. We see the term Raja is the King. My advice should be positive. You should take my advice. It should be good upon you. You should listen to it. The khatak with sakapraik and whatever sins you have done, try to redeem them or get atonement for them by giving charity, the ava yausach, the mecha, anion, and your other iniquities you take care of by showing graciousness to the poor, and they shall be the cause of a very long, peaceful existence. Uksiv, and the positive continues later, and says there, Colomat al-Davuchadnessar malka and all these things, befell king Navuchadnessar. Uksiv, and the positive news, is Ulek-Sasiar-Kentreasar at the end of 12 months, and basically it was a good piece of advice. And yet we see Danyel shouldn't have given it to him or maybe was punished for it. So, well, Ibaesema, shiny avda. So you could either say that, well, one second. Danyelk-Sasiar-Kentreasar was a total Gentile. Herod, as challenging a historical figures he was, was still a "eved" and, like, "eved" in the halakhic sense. He had to keep mitzvas the way a isha does, so he was at least somewhat shy of the mitzv. So he was by same. Alternatively, shiny base and big dash. Alternatively, it wasn't so much who he was giving the advice to, but what he was giving the advice about. Um, it was regarding the base and mitzvas itself. D'Iloi-Malchus, loi missbani, because if it ain't going to be through a royal type of edict, if it's not the king who's going to do it, it ain't going to happen. Okay. Now, we mentioned Danyel was punished. Danyel Minal on the Yannish. Where do we see Danyel was punished for that advice that he gave him to Buchad Nesar? Well, Ibaemamishum-Dixi, if you want to say, it's that Passek-Miguelus Esther that tends to Danyel. When it says, "Vaticra Esther la Hasach," over there in the story, Esther calls to Hasach. Now, who is Hasach? Who is that? Vama Rav. Hasach is actually Danyel. Now, why is he called Hasach? So, for our purposes, Hanichlama-Namar, the reason why he wasn't called Danyel anymore, was that Hanichlama-Nosheh, "Ha-toh-huh-migueluso." They cut him down from his previous state of prominence, and that would have been the punishment that we see. El-Lamandamishum-Dixi, is the reason why Hasach is because everything was decided based on what he said. Then, "Where do we ever see that day it was punished?" "Miguela-Miguela-Namar?" Well, the old story of Danyel in the lion's den. Desh-Ad-Yuhu. Desh-Ad-Yuhu-Lagua de Aravasa. The two women's lions then, and that was, I mean, he survived it, but it was definitely a bit of a challenge, I'm sure. Says the mission, "Kok-Miguela-Midina." That's what the mission said. You all go according to whatever the local practice is. Ha-Kul-A-Sui-A-Mai. What would the Ha-Kul come to include? They could have just said "Kum-Miguela-Midina." The word "Ha-Kul." Well, Ha-Kul-A-Sui, it's coming to include Astra in a place where the practice is that if you're going to divide, let's say, a piece of property between two people, the Nighiki-Buh-Hutza, the Dafna. The way they do it is they divide it with upright poles and they weave in palm branches, which is not very solid and permanent, but if that's the way they do it, then it would be an acceptable way to divide. Back to the mission, the mission had said, "Lafik-Miguela-Midina-Fau-Hutza" if the wall that was built fell, so then the place, the space on the ground, and the materials of the wall would belong to the two of them, so the commerce is petite, like, of course, because they both contributed to it. Well, lo, it's not so posh. There's three kinds necessary to knuckle the rishusa de chadmi. Now, you imagine if all of the material fell into the domain of just one of them, Inami, de paninu-chad-larishusa de day. Alternatively, it fell into, excuse me, it was cleared into the domain of one of them. Mau de tambi might have thought to say, "Nahavi, da kamli-sikmikuela-lava-rai." The other guy would have to bring some sort of proof because, you know, it is in, let's say it was Bob and Steve, and it's all in Bob's domain, so you would think that maybe it should all belong to Bob, unless Steve can bring some sort of proof commercial, and we don't say that. (speaking in foreign language) and similarly out in a garden area, which is probably not a garden area out in the middle of nowhere, it was maybe like a local sort of like urban garden. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) is the place where the customers to have dividing walls, you would do that. So we say, (speaking in foreign language) a bit of a intrinsic difficulty here. On the one hand, Amris, and here we have a quote from the Mishnah put right angles in, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) so to if there's a garden owned by a few people, if it's a place where when there's a split desired, like a physical split, that we are (speaking in foreign language) him to do that. In other words, if one of the people who owns the garden wants the other one doesn't, will force the other one to do it. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) so a regular case of Gina, we would not be (speaking in foreign language) in other words, only in a place where the practice is, that you divide it with a wall, that's where you can force one of the two parties against their will to do it. (speaking in foreign language) If you keep reading in the Mishnah, put right angles in over here, it continued and said the next line of the Mishnah, (speaking in foreign language) if it's a open sort of like a valley area, (speaking in foreign language) in a place where the minute is not to divide with a partition in (speaking in foreign language) then we're not gonna be (speaking in foreign language) what would the (speaking in foreign language) that's the end of the quote from the Mishnah, right angles, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) in other words, (speaking in foreign language) now, that seems a little bit strange because (speaking in foreign language) if you have a (speaking in foreign language) Gina, we say that you can't enforce a split, even though there's much more reason to split, it's basically like in an urban area. (speaking in foreign language) me bia, you're gonna tell me that a (speaking in foreign language) you would be able to force the other person, it seems almost the opposite of what it should be. (speaking in foreign language) I circled the bia over here and a line and a half later, my circled rava. (speaking in foreign language) Bia says (speaking in foreign language) that the way to understand the Mishnah is as follows. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) and I doubled on the word (speaking in foreign language) I doubled on the word (speaking in foreign language) that's the word we're gonna read into, the understanding of our Mishnah. Also a (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Okay, now, if you compare that to actual Mishnah, that's a little bit of a problem because the Mishnah, the word (speaking in foreign language) like the next phrase starts with a (speaking in foreign language) like the next phrase starts with a (speaking in foreign language) however, which implies that if you're gonna say however, when it comes to a (speaking in foreign language) it's pretty strange you would have mentioned the (speaking in foreign language) in the previous line, because it seems like you're introducing this new thing called the (speaking in foreign language) but the way we just read the (speaking in foreign language) is that we already mentioned (speaking in foreign language) so I'm really (speaking in foreign language) it says to (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) I put this word in right angles. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) so we had (speaking in foreign language) we are already circled (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) this is the way to understand the (speaking in foreign language) Mishnah, it's about a one and a half line reading or re-understanding of the Mishnah. And we go like this (speaking in foreign language) it's viewed as though it's a place where you could have a wall put up (speaking in foreign language) and we can force the other part, you might not want to do it. You just have to agree. (speaking in foreign language) however, when you're dealing with just a regular old (speaking in foreign language) with there's no (speaking in foreign language) another, that is (speaking in foreign language) that the assumption is like a place where they do not. They do not have that (speaking in foreign language) and we will not be (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) we did say that in certain situations where you can't force the other partner to build a wall, that's fine. You just, instead of having the wall built partially on your property and partially on your neighbor's property, you go totally into your property and you build a wall and then you make a (speaking in foreign language) and there's some sort of benefit of this (speaking in foreign language) causes. What is a causes? Well, Amrifuna, I put a triangle on Rifuna's name on the bottom line. The third to the last word is (speaking in foreign language) third in second last word, I put a triangle around Rifuokuna. Let's see a few opinions. What is this causes that should be put on? So Amrifuna, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) the Rabena Gersham, who is the little parish on the outside of the wall, on the bottom line, (speaking in foreign language) excuse me, on the third to the last line, says right in the middle of the line (speaking in foreign language) what's, you do the, so Raju says (speaking in foreign language) when you're building this wall, you set into the end of the wall (speaking in foreign language) the end of the wall, (speaking in foreign language) all sorts of like reeds, like (speaking in foreign language) with cement, (speaking in foreign language) and you sort of bend the ends of these reeds on the outside, (speaking in foreign language) let's add (speaking in foreign language) pointing to like the direction of the other guys. So the one who builds the wall has these reeds pointing out towards the other person's property. It's sort of like the cement or the sign of the who paid for the wall. (speaking in foreign language) well, why not have it pointing in towards the side of the person who financed the wall? Well, the problem is if you did that, then, you know, the guy on the other side of it, (speaking in foreign language) he could also make one on what is the outside for you, but what's on the inside for him. (speaking in foreign language) we both contributed to this wall. Well, one second (speaking in foreign language) well, if you put it on his side, won't he come out one night with like a sandpaper and a chain sign will cut it off? (speaking in foreign language) you see, there's no causes because he'll take off the causes on his side. And then we'll claim again that the two of them contributed. Well, the thing is though that when you cut off something that was or detached from that was there, (speaking in foreign language) it's usually not that hard to see that it had been tampered with. That's the first session of (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) that the reads and things sticking out of the wall should be on the side of the one who paid for it. Okay, if you're allowing them to the bar, why not have them protruding out to the other side? Well, if you do that, then the other side, the guy who owns that property, the guy is like, (speaking in foreign language) he might just like cut them off, detach them, break them off. (speaking in foreign language) claim later, (speaking in foreign language) that you both contributed to it. Well, then one second, (speaking in foreign language) if that's the case, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Well, if that's the case, then he'll basically like attach to the wall without like singing it into the actual plaster and say that it's both of theirs. Well, if he puts another layer onto the wall that's like (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) it's sort of easy to see something that was originally built with the wall on something that was added on later. The thing is though the (speaking in foreign language) but how can you be telling me that the causes should be built on the opposite side of the one who paid for the wall? And the mission said (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) would be another approach to this (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) that a cause is, it's not some sort of like a bunch of reads or things sticking out, but it's rather like a smooth plaster at the edge of the wall for a couple feet worth. That's the way you're making this cement. Okay, and you're doing it on the outside of the wall, so whichever side paid for the wall is the other side that's doing it. (speaking in foreign language) well, if you do it that way (speaking in foreign language) then the person on the other side will do it and Omar claiming the DVD day who that oh, we both contributed to this wall. (speaking in foreign language) even if you're going to do it just on one side, do it on the outside (speaking in foreign language) it'll just like peel that extra smooth plaster off Omar and claim DVD day who? Well, that would be a little bit of a problem because (speaking in foreign language) it's not so hard. It's known if you have something that was properly plastered and then peel off that plaster, it kind of can be seen the remnants of what was there before, period. Okay, the Gamorno asks, it's sort of on the similar line of questioning, but a little bit different, that's why I put a big period before this word, hutsa. Hutsa? Question mark, if you made the, we've been talking about it so now, what are hutsasas if you have like a proper wall? What happens if you, what happens if you're one of these palm branch type partitions? How are you supposed to make a hutsas in that type of wall? So Omarov-Nachman, a circle of Nachman, and five lines later, directly underneath is a baye, circle of the baye, a baye says, "Snoofy" or "Snoofy" or "Snoofy", "Yerechimilebar", you would take the edges or like the ends of the palm branches, the tips of the palm branches, and you would point them out to, you would have them pointing towards the outside. Towards the, I guess, if it was a wall made, it would be towards the side of the one who didn't pay for it. Then Al-Vim-Nachman, you would have them pointing towards the inside. Well, the problem is that now Vidi Nami Havre, Nila Bar, then the guy on the other side of the property will make some that are pointing towards him, the Amaran claim, D.D. Vidi Nami, who, yeah, we both contributed to this palm partition. Well, Ihakiasik Murth, that's the case, Hashdhanami. If you're gonna have it pointing only towards his side, why don't we just say, "Guy is Vishadile." He'll just sort of like slice off the ends of the palm branches there and throw them out, comma connect to Ramaran, claim, D.D. Vidi Nami, we both contributed to this. Well, the reason I can't do that is because Mashryk Leitina, there was some sort of like plaster or cement or mud that was schmeared on the ends, and it would, he wouldn't be able to do that. Well, then Hashdhanami, Asi Havre, the color flight. Well, if you schmear the other side with some sort of like plaster, well, won't the same friend were concerned about being scoundrel. Just peel it off and make it look like it was never there. Well, I guess he would if he could, but Kilufa made the idea. It's sort of kind of like obvious if it was peeled off. That was our Avnachman. Maye, who we circled on our second approach, he says when it comes to a partition between two people who split up that property, Hutsa, and they're going to do it with a palm partition, Lace Leitakhan, tell the best star. And it basically no solution in some sort of like physical way, except if you actually have to like write out a document, so if one person is the one who's going to be putting in all of the funds and building the wall, he simply needs to bring Aedim and have a proper star that that was the situation. The mission continues instead of Al Imazumidaz Shnehem, if they both agree to it, then you make a mission set of Huzzys Mikanumikan, a Huzzys on each side. Amr-lei Rovimiparzikalaravashi. Okay, well one second, if both sides paid for it, why not Loyasu Lola Zevaloza? Don't make a Huzzys for this side or that side, basically make no Huzzys, and when you have a wall that's got no Huzzys, then you'll know that it's because both sides contributed. So Amr-lei, I circled the Amr-lei, and I put a number one in the margin and circled it, and about five lines later, last one is Ravina, I circled Ravina, I put a number two in the margin, so we're gonna have two two ways to approach this. We'll have Ravashi and Ravina. So the first is Ravashi, it was Rovimiparzikal, who asked Ravashi, if both sides contributed, just don't make any Huzzys. So Ravashi says, "Lo, we can't do that, why, three hits necessary, de kadim hadmihnayvavidididay." Let's say one of the two parties already made a Huzzys, which would be beneficial to him. Now, since he already did that, Vilea Yavir, if the other party doesn't make a Huzzys, Amr, the original party will say, "Didehoo, that it's his and only his." No, one second. So we are concerning ourselves with some individual who might claim, even though both parties equally contributed to pay for this wall, he's gonna claim Amr-lei says back to Ravashi. He says, "Vittana takantaluramaikamashmalan, in one second, the Mishnah is coming then to teach us a situation when you're dealing with somebody who's now right, like scoundrel and mire, Amr-lei." So says back Ravashi. No. You don't have to be concerned with that, because the Rachel also was saying he had to make a Huzzys, and you're going to tell me, "Vittana takantaluramaikamash," who says, "The whole thing is, how do you deal with her Ami?" Amr-lei says back, "Well, no, there's a big difference between Amr-lei, based on the ratio. The ratio makes sense that you would give the takana, because it first taught tatana the Dina. What is the ikar halacha? Umi shum Dina, and because of that ikar halacha, it became necessary to tatana takanta to give a additional solution how to make sure you can always prove which side paid for. Ella the Safo, when you come to the later part of the Mishnah, Dina katane de katane takantaluramaik, it didn't give a din that a takana would be necessary. Let's see the Rashi. Rashi right across from here, Dibramasguil, tana dina, hoyo lubica ain minhag ligdur, since when you're dealing with a bika. Remember, the later part was a bika, and it's not normal to put walls up in a bika, separating between different people. Ain Yahalah Haifai, you're not able to do that Ella. In other words, if I have a property that shows someone a bika, I want to split it. He doesn't have to pay for it, he doesn't want to, so I have to bring it in towards my property. If I did the tatana Dina since it taught the din in that case, tatana takanta, so the din is, I have to make the whole wall on my side, and then okay. The place of hoyo has to be shum Ramai, and never just in case while you're building the wall, you might as well know that you should have this Ramai proof type of building arrangement. Ella the saifa, when it comes to the later part of the mission, Dina Laitana didn't teach the din. Tat Chita, Dimazu Vadashnaim. The later cases were, they're both contributing, and of course, they're both contributing tatana tasamishosnaim, it's all them that do it. Vakulamishum, tatkanta hudid tanya, and then the whole thing would be a tatkanta Ramai, and that we don't do. Amaravina, so I circled Ravina, and Ravina says, "Haha beh hudse eskinen." We're talking about a partition wall made of palm branches, very flimsy type of partition. Woh la fukimida baye, and that would come to exclude a baye da Amar. He had said, about 10 lines ago, hudse, Laitana tatkanta alabishdara, that the only way to prove who a hudse wall was built by, if one of the two parties built it, was by actually writing out a document, which would document who the proper person who put in money was kamashmalan. That's what we're hearing. In this section, de bechaziz sagya, the know would be enough to put a haziz, and you would not need to have a star written out to prove who originally funded the wall. I've done.