Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 118, 119

Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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okay mission on bottom of kufya design of a base but eight nine lines from the bottom. if you have a... usually an olive press chupanui besella I've seen things a little bit like this I don't know how large it is but it's like almost chiseled out of a rock so you would be it's almost almost like it's underground because there's a guina ajas al-gabab so it seems like you do this in a scroll even a lot of places are built that way you chiseled into the rock and on top there is a guina we had this issue the other day with neighbor on top neighbor on the bottom or landlord on the bottom tended on top and and the tenants floor which is the landlord's ceiling kind of collapses a little bit is it just arba ama arba it's vacham is it rove let's see you have a similar situation with the I don't know how it's rock I don't know how this even opens up but whatever the Mathias is the niffchas part of the guina up above it falls in and there's a hole now so the guina owner whatever he had planted during the and that area where the hole is her a bala guina yoy red vis a real amati he's allowed to go down one level basically plant in what was this fellas olive press area a chisel lib base bado keep in until he makes the proper and I guess the way it was originally arranged is archways you make an archway and you basically fix the ceiling with you're the guy underneath which takes care of the floor or the garden I don't even know how they would do the waterproofing but of the upper area hacosiva you'll imagine you have a property private property and you're a wall or tree shin of lucius araba it falls down and it lands in the rishu sarabha wasn't in plant in the rishu sarabha was right next they're just robbing as it all time a windstorm so who's responsible for it if the damage is caused in the rishu sarabha his ecos someone gets damaged rishu sarabha patsar mila shalim this person guess the responsible for the tree of the wall but it wasn't his fault that it fell out of the rishu sarabha and therefore he's not responsible however if not so laisman luck with the seila on the list rishu sarabha if he gets an official court request you know you have a certain amount of time you have to get rid of that tree you get rid of that wall debris and he doesn't then not for the seila's man if he gets rid of it or if it happens before the time then patsar la cars manchayib in other words whoever the municipal authorities are if they see there's something dangerous and they tell the person that he has a certain amount of time to remove it if he moves it in time he's not liable if he goes past that time he is misha ekisley samok legenas clavera vinatha let's say of two people next to each other my garden next year garden I have a wall in my garden my wall falls that's a major hassle for me to clear up the stuff so the amar loy I say or better yet I'm the fellow who has the wall that fell the gina next to me says to me penea havanecha horror wits move your stones get them out of my garden the amar loy and I say to that fellow you know what he guja hey they're yours you can keep them um ain't shame in life he's a horror was not interested in your broken stones from your wall ain't shame in life sorry you know I have to I'm responsible for was responsible to to get rid of them however let's say he did agree should oh thank you very much horror wits that's great yeah that's just what I need a bunch of stones like but seriously misha kibil alav the bala gina agrees that he's going to take them then amar loy then the bala clay selection changes mine I don't know I went to some builder and I realized for the reason that I was I was gonna be I realized it's gonna cost me a lot more to buy a new building material and therefore I say you know what even though you've moved it already hey like I see it serious how much did it cost you okay three dollars here I'll give you three dollars cash but the stones are mine Vaniette so surely also in shame in life like it's too late you can't do that you can't tell the other person that it's his and he agrees and then decide you're gonna get them back now it's almost like no Indian giving so it has a point last place maybe Kevin with a cash let's say I hire a worker and I tell the worker he's going to do a straw or a stubble and he's gonna get whatever the agreed-upon wage was by my life says at the end of the day okay boss 10 Lee scarie can I have my wages please by my life and the boss says to lunch I see success or ever you know what just keep this wrong the stubble that you were transporting that'll be your wages again ain shame in light right um usually we say show a cast of his leg Cassif except when you hire somebody they're not interested in the shop of cassif they want the money you agreed to pay them let's call it twenty dollars an hour work for five hours a hundred dollars you're the one hundred dollars you can't give them straw certainly keep them strong with less if you want to get in strong with the same or you can't do that you agreed to money cash money is the understanding let's say though Michigan below love let's say the worker said oh that's great boss yeah I'll take that the straw that I was transporting as my wages the amar laie and then the boss says after the worker already agreed to take it actually I kind of changed my mind hey let's start right here here here's your wages when he has foolishly and I'll take the straw ain shame in light bottom line no Indian giving you can't make a suggestion or a recommendation to your worker and then when the worker accepts it you back out of it you can't force him to get into the deal once he's in the deal it's a solid for him okay says the glamour Nefresseau Nefresseau is where there was a whole pop is means less so as two units one downstairs one upstairs could be two living units could be the the wall of the all the press downstairs and the Gina upstairs Rob says buruba how much in this case there was a garden something planted up on top how much of it has to have fallen in that we said that the person who had the garden on top can go and plant down below whatever the area that he lost it so well Rob's it would have to be rove of the area schmuel we also circled schmuel so I guess it's circles Rob's circle schmuel I'm our bit our bar not no four and I think here is for it's fucking Rob says buruba of a bar bar bar no Adam's area that's to have the matter that's it the model if it's only four so then he can clearly plant some of it down below and he could plant the rest of it up above schmuel says bar bar bar don't do that I don't plant a little bit up on top and a little bit down but I need plants in one area in Adam's area hazuglamat zuglamat zuglamat zuglamala even though they'll sell you a D-ray narrative stroll you have an upper garden a lower garden you get like three square meters up at the top and then in the bottom part you get another two square meters but bottom line when people plant if they use the plant then for food you want it in one area now is this basically the same alcohol as we had with the house you have the landlord downstairs you have the tenant upstairs and we had the same alcohol as between Rob and schmuel is it that the amount of floor upstairs or the amount of garden upstairs is fort facham that's enough or does it have to be rove of the area and we saw the same autocous twice between rob and schmuel rob always says rove of it schmuel says for facham it's three so we need to have this my focus in both places colon the E.I. squiggle underline the word D over here and about four or five lines later we'll have another one I'll mention it when it comes D-ashmi then D-ra so if we were told when it comes to a downstairs living unit of the landlord and an upstairs living unit of the tenant I would have thought by ha karma schmuel that's where schmuel says there's a big difference if you're gardening carrots or you're living in your living room so there schmuel says we should really have any in she did diary porta ha ha u porta ha ha schmuel says you know what the guy who's living up renting upstairs he can move in downstairs as long as there is a hole in the floor that's fort facham or bigger what are you going to tell them like move your dresser downstairs you don't do that you have all of your stuff in one place and therefore that's where you can move down about the Indians Ria if it's only planting some sort of vegetable of Indian she does are you hacha porta hacha porta it's not it's more common for people to have two garden patches that they plant in then to have two rooms that they live in they live in one room live in one one D-ra even though a lot of buildings now I don't know what your building does you get the maxan even though you live on the sixth floor the maxan is down on the third floor in the back but okay that's that's more of like a storage area but you wouldn't have like your living room on one floor and your your bedroom a different floor that you had to access through some other area aima modole de la rave when i thought i would have thought if we were told in the gina i would have thought baha kama rave that's what rave said it has to be the majority of a baha when it comes to the bias aima modole in the schmuel therefore it's three five in other words each case has a tradition of the others so we had to hear both of them not always man the rabbinical authorities came in and said okay buddy you got to move your stuff and they give them a time how much is the typical kama's man based in amarib yang yokanan shleishim yang the standard amount of time that the court gives someone to move stuff that fell not because of their own fault it's 30 days misha yakai slae okay the later case that we had in the mishna was hami tiktani safea uh two words heilach yestiyo yestok the the person whose wall fell wanted to get the wall materials back so he said to his neighbor we had told like last week that it's all yours here you know what i'll pay you a compensation for that i'll give you three hundred dollars cash but the material is mine that that very much sounds like he did the job already like the stones have been moved to somewhere else michlal de paninu askinan in which case let's make a duke in the mishna taima de paninu the reason the den is the way it is is because the stones have been moved let's say the stones were still there the wall fell down between the two areas and the stones were still there how low paninu low apparently not now why wouldn't it apply even if it wasn't the guy agreed right i said yeah you sure i'll uh i'll accept this stuff i'll take it i'll keep it on my patik nalisa dehu remember let's see me and you where the neighbors uh my wall fell into your place i said oh it's me you know you're keep it it's all yours you said sure or what's that's i'd love to where's the stuff at that time my wall materials in your gina your gina should acquire it kasir shalatam dama ragaisi kanina kasir shalatam kanlai shalaimi daita even without you knowing all the more so here i guess if you knew and agreed so why is the duke from the mission indicate that it's only if you actually moved this stuff but if it was still there no well honey me lee hejadek kamikven lee iknuye lee you see horowitz is a bit of a lazy guy if i really would have wanted to transfer the ownership of my stone material to you indeed that it would work like that i don't really want to do it i'm just lazy i don't want to schleppen spend three hours taking all of my stones out of your garden so honey me lee that it does work that in other words that your kasir for sure your gina would be able to acquire for you is to kamikven lee iknuye lee with the owner of the object and it's my thing i really want to give it over to you have al-haka ishtam lutu to kamikstam it's basically a delay tactic i'd prefer somebody else to do it or i prefer for me to do it next week and the next week i'd prefer to do it next week and therefore i don't really want to give it over to you that's the spelling out of the mission when we say that what you really learned before that you're your huts are as kona for you even if anything it's usually from hefta that we say that but here we have the person who and then once it starts out as mine it has to be something that i want to give it over to if i don't really want to give it over to you then it doesn't work that way as seiko lassais might be tevin and then we had another case where you hire worker to uh spend let's say four hours transporting straw and then i said it okay you know what your wages are take that straw home it's yours and the guy says no he's entitled to his wages let's see he says yes okay and then i decide actually i want the straw so i come back an hour later and say well here's your money no vistriko we need to have both of the cases we have the case where i asked the fella to move the stuff the material from the wall and he actually moves it then he gets his wages however if he did it already it's his and we need both by the wall and we need it by the uh by the straw diyashmina maha kamice if we were told by the wall dihika amar lei when the original owner of the wall material says hygiyuja you know what just keep those stones for yourself ain shayman lei there is where we don't listen to him michum de lace lei agra gabe the relationship between the wall owner and his neighbor wall doesn't own any way oh any wages to that fellow it wasn't a business relationship like a boss there were neighbors ava when it comes to hacha the worker if i hire a worker and i say okay you're gonna transport um straw for me for the next four hours diyashle agra gabe the understanding was he's getting twenty dollars an hour from horror what's in his finish he's going to get his eighty dollars i would have thought ama shayman lei that you would listen to him now one second i promised me the dollars why can't i give him eighty dollars worth of straw darmian she cuz the practical advice that people will say is mi mario asifase peri effra from somebody who owes you money it ain't always easy to get the money back obviously everyone would have to get the cash back but if you can't get the cash get whatever cash equivalent you can get get whatever shot that case if you can get that literally it means from somebody who is in debt to you even brand which nowadays i mean brand cereal you can charge an extra five shekels for it but it brand which was the lowest quality commodity let him pay you back with that okay but that would have been uh in the case of the of the worker who actually out of my wage vyashmin and hok let's you were only told the case of a worker who was owed money misha kibla lav ain shayman lei michim de isle agra gabay you know why once he agrees to it you don't listen to him it's because you owe him something you you hired him to work for you of al-hokah when it comes to the case of the wall there's no one who was hired to let's lay agra gabay there's no wages that are owed from either party to the other ama therefore i would have thought maybe shayman lei that's why it's really have to tell me what seems to be the same thing twice now it's amazing because up until this point there's may be two or three rashis on the gomara uh rashis on the gomara is being very straightforward um but here's a progress might be a little bit more involved so our mission the case of i hired someone to transport my tevin and then we said um that if i tell him you know what just keep the tevin as your wages ain't shayman lei you don't listen to the boss don't have listened the boss is entitled to his wages vahatanya but we have another bracelet says in the same case shayman lei that we do listen to him in other words the boss can tell the worker this draws yours which way is it three approaches that we're going to have to answer this we'll have ravnakman i circled ravnakman here and i put a number one in the margin four lines later is first word on the line is naphmin and there's a rav naphmin says i circled that that would be a number two and then about four lines below that in the middle of the line is number of naphmin another i circled that ravnaphmin and called it number three so we're gonna have ravnaphmin once twice three times each time he's going to come to explain why in one case it seems like you don't listen to the uh the boss and in the second case you do bottom line if worker he was hired twenty dollars an hour he works for four hours do you listen to the boss when he says here take the commodity instead or not so says ravnaphmin lei kasha con bicheloi con bichel kaveri who stuff we work so i'm the boss i'm a worker if the worker is going to be working with my stuff let's say my hey then um i cannot tell him take the hay instead i can basically have to do what i said i would do which is twenty dollars an hour is twenty dollars an hour not twenty dollars of hay in an hour con bishop so it's my he's transporting my tevin and i promised him twenty dollars an hour and the mission is said if i told him you know what just take the hay instead free wages no no hero it's you have to give him twenty dollars an hour because you know listen to him or if he agreed to take the hay then you know basically you don't listen to the boss either way because the worker agreed to twenty dollars an hour but the brice has said yes shaymin lei you would listen to the boss and the boss would be able to pay the worker with the hay that's where the hay was bichel kaveri with somebody else's hey okay now one second who hired this worker in both cases i did i'm either telling him to move my hair and telling him to somebody else's say says rava throw of naftman bicheloi my taima for one second if i hired the worker to move my hay why does the work can assist in getting his twenty dollars an hour dhammar lei he can say listen or with with all the respect agra alah my wages are upon you you're the one who said you'd pay me well bichel kaveri when i'm a you hired me to move this other guys stuff and therefore scare alah the the wages are upon him and if it's upon him you're the one who promised you'd pay me you have to pay me disanya it is and you could tell me you're going to hire me to do a job of your own stuff you could hire me to do a job of his stuff but bottom line you said you hired me to give you 20 hours an hour disanya the price it goes for almost two lines it boxed it off hassai chris apale lasso is bicheloi if i hire a worker and he's supposed to work with my stuff and for whatever reason a mistake that i show him my neighbor's stuff that he's going to be here a bichel kaveri you know what no he's simply scar Michelle in i hired him i have to pay him whether he did work in my property or even the work of my neighbor's property i'm the boss i'm the one who came to the agreement with him he did the work that he was supposed to do now if he did the work of my neighbor's property by accident i can knock on my neighbor's door and say can you like me in person because we did improve your property hos reno tume ba la bayes masha nene leesite bottom line is to make no distinction whether it's mine or somebody else's alah so i split one on the alah and this would be the second rivna from an understanding when is it that we listen to the boss the one is that we don't lai kasha the mission of which said we don't listen he still has to pay cash is bichel lai con the brices case where we said oh no if the boss said you take the hay instead he has to take the hay is bichel hefger not somebody else's stuff it's hefger stuff so you have a guy hey uh hey jim i'm going to hire you for four hours see that the hay of hefger over there i need you to move that and therefore it's not somebody else now what's the difference if it's going to be hefger well have i ever acquired it i didn't even mind okay so who's the only one who's acquired it from hefger who's the only one who's actually like physically picked it up from hefger the poel and therefore it's more reason to believe that what we're trying to do is we're trying to find a scenario where the poel can be told by the boss you take the hay the hefger makes it a little bit easier because it's not somebody else's stuff it's hefger stuff okay so you keep it i think it's i think the poel wasn't zuckin in it it wasn't wasn't zuckin for the boss he was could be zuckin for himself boss who was in the money uh or the boss says i wasn't zuckin and if you're moving my stuff you're right it's my stuff if you're moving even my neighbor's stuff that's my neighbor's stuff this was nobody's stuff now the girl is going to reject this right away but at least you can see it's like maybe a little bit closer to that the boss could win so ace fae reveler of nachman who roves this from nachol hold on one second over here following brice it goes for about two lines plus about three words mitzias play a lot right i'm working for somebody else i find something while i'm in a job i i can keep it amasai when is that that i can keep the things that i find well that's bisman chamarly balabai is when the boss said to me nachay shimi hai yayim hoorwiz i need you to weed with me today or adorimian you know who with me today avaleem amarly if it was a more general sort of job asai me malaka hai yayim in other words it seems like no matter what the worker's going to be doing he's doing it in the employment of that of that of the boss mitziasa la balabai is still the mitziasa la balabai is which means this fellow why is he schlepping the hay because it's hired by the other guy to hire the hay you know what the hay is concerned he's ela this gets us onto a third i guess a third and last attempt to answer why would say shimmyan like versus ain shimmyan like ela amar of nachmin circle of nachmin number three loykasha both are hefger in both cases you have a a boss who's hiring someone to move hefger stuff kanba hak bah kanba hak bah ta the mission that says i still have to pay i'm the boss i have to pay him 20 hours an hour is bahag bah when he's lifting it up so it's from hefger and he lifted it up and i got to pay him because he's working for me and therefore i have to pay him the cash kanba habata let's say i'm hiring him it's hefger and i'm not even hiring him to touch it just to look at it now why in the world would i hire somebody just to watch something well maybe it's like valuable i don't want to make sure other people don't come and take it and that's the case where it never entered the rishus of me not through me because i was never cutting it and he wasn't even cutting it he was just watching it from hefger amar raba i half-boxed raba over here and raba is going to try to say that this issue of just looking at something that's hefger is to be my focus whether it's a you acquire it or not in about five six lines later raba is going to come and hit raba from the right and him from the left so raba is going to try to present us right now that's maklokas tanoyim whether habata is kona raba is going to come and say no everyone says habata is kona or alternatively everyone says it's not so let's see at least raba habata behef grittanahi raba wants to present this issue of if you're just looking i saw it first and the dispute is like a five dollar bill on the floor is you and your friend walking on the floor and uh some guys says hey i saw it first as you pick it up first so is it right well habata behef grittanahi he did not they uh mission during the shmita year it's going to be very hard to find um barley growing or wheat growing for the omera the shdehalathan so the shaibre's phi phi phi is those who are watching things that happen to grow on their own during the shmita year which again is very helpful for the omera the shdehalathan because you don't cultivate it knightland scarmy trumas alishka they get their wages from the trumas alishka the temple fund is what pays them for doing that watching rabiosi says harotsa oh no if somebody wants mis nade vu he's allowed to of his own free will and decision to dedicate or donate his own time bishay marjina and watch them for free i'm rula the robotics back to rabiosi yeah the problem is if you oimmerkain if you say like that and i spiggle underline atoimmerkain or if you were to say like that ein boing michael siba there's a technical problem of then the omer in the shdehalathan which is a carbon seabore isn't really coming from the seabore it's almost like coming from this individual that makes it into a very problematic situation because the carbon seabore has to be seabore not from an individual suggests raba now that's the end of this NAXORES my la baka miffle game the tanakama huan underlying savar the tanakama holds harots of a hefger is kona just looking at that thing if it's hefger and you're you've got your eyeball in it you were kona and therefore the guy was kona we have to pay him wages to make sure that his wages are what is going to be in exchange for that and not his looking at viyoi vlei agra if we give him wages in then the speech can become seabore they could be used for the omer the shdehalathan feelo but if we weren't to pay him no for biosia underlying savar how about the hefger it's not going to be kona and therefore kiosi seabore oomai see when the seabore comes i don't know a week after this guy's been watching it and they bring it hashtru de kazakhinebe they're the first ones to be seabore not when he was eyeballing it for the past week but when they actually physically take possession of it now in each one of these presentations we're gonna have to look back and that last line where they say back to ribyosi if you say like that well then it doesn't come to seabore what does that mean ribyosi is not a problem the guy's looking at it he's not kona when he looks at it when they took it it's fine so ma two words and right angles attai mair what did the rice amine or i guess it's a mission what did the mission amine when the kahamim said back to ribyosi well hey if you say like that again according to ribyosi it's not a problem so it must be that when they are saying to ribyosi if you say like that that means if you say like that according to us haki karmulae means varefa according to what you're saying lid varenu in arshita ain oimir michaela kamboy michaela seabore as according to what you're saying that the guy is not going to take funds according to us who says that might be a problem because it's not going to be coming necessarily from the seabore but rather from him that is what it meant when it said yeah tell him now riwa who we half box says no jakuli alma and i put a diamond around this jakuli alma the reason i did that is on the first of the widest lines or about one line before the end of the almaud we're going to have riwa again and i half box on with another diamond on the kuli alma now riwa's going to do is we've mentioned before he's going to come from either way he's going to say no really everyone holds habata bhavkar is yes kona or conversely everyone holds that it's not kona so here we go says riwa love jakuli alma habata bhavkar is konen this is going to be the i guess a lush in one you could put in the margin and when we get to the next uh riwa five six lines i will put a number two in this version riwa comes and says oh no everyone would hold that if there's something half grained a person eyeballs it they're konen it vahaha what's the concern here bases in mahal kasbhi tunibyos in the chamomim shammal yimsoom yafu yafu kamifuhi you know it's great if everyone had perfect intentions that would be fantastic so when this guy was watching let's say the the barley and now they're going to offer the uh the the aimer from it and he says yeah sure i'm going to give it over does he have like somewhere deep down in his heart of hearts that he really wants to keep it or he'd really like to be still like a one percent owner of it that's the concern when someone a human being gives it over how are they fully 100% giving it over to the seaboard or we're concerned maybe not shammal yimsoom yafu yafu kamifuhi kolan rub on an oindra line savery avina lee agra you know why we give him a wage we have to give him a wage because the elo and if not caishina the concern is if he's not getting paid for it shammal yimsoom when he says yeah yeah sure i'm going to give it to the to the seaboard maybe he doesn't give it over yafu yaf 100% properly which is a big problem because then it's being brought as a part of the seaboard but it's not necessary that seaboard stuff was rebuos see who we underlined seaboard no lo chashina shammal yimsoom yafu yafu yafu if he doesn't want a wage doesn't need a wage and we're not concerned that maybe he will not hand it over he says he's giving it over we trust him 100% okay umah towards the right angles ataymer then what was that final response of the rub on an tabiosu well if you say like that there's not she'll seaboard again according to rebuos you would be fine so hafikam relay this is what the rub on we're saying means varefa lids vareno according to you and arshita de chashina shammal yimsoom yafu yafu that we are concerned that it might not be given over properly than aina michael lekamboy michael seaboard there's a concern that it wouldn't be coming from 100% seaboard which is what it needs to be ekadamri i squiwanaland ekadamri half-boxed rava and we put a diamond around the kuleelman this version rava comes to reject abhaye in the other way and says really everyone hafamim rebuosu would hold ekuleelma hafatsbefger is lokhani it's not going to work what's the maklokus then here vahaf abhishina le balaizreiz kamiflagi you got sometimes tough guys all sightings have them sometimes they're the drug dealers sometimes they're the Arabs sometimes they're just the stronger guys but are we concerned for the balaizreiz balaizreiz is a limit to what they'll go up against um are we concerned that even though this stuff is supposed to be heft green not supposed to take it in the base of english might wonder are they going to come and take it for themselves or not tanakamo underline seaboard the takindra bun on the mace of le arba zusi they have a special decree that you pay the guy who's watching the barley or the wheat during the shimit year he he daily shummy balaizreiz so that the tough guys will hear that there's a paid watch person the live for shimini and they'll stay away from it whereas rebuosu seaboard like takindu it's not necessary to make that takundu umah towards the right angles atta immercording to this version what is it that come and sit back to rebuosu se haki karmila and this is what how we would understand their response to rebuosu again this is the third time same thing means varefa lijvareno and each one of these it doesn't make sense of this own lijvarefa they're speaking to rebuosu rebuosu it's not a problem so there's this one according to what you're saying it's not a problem but the fiarishita ain bain michael seaboard then it would not be coming from seaboard that would be a big problem the rein kyasa robin when robin came from aris israel i'm rebuoshana you reported the name of rebuoshana to the students in bovale jashin that the concern is lobale isra yisika beinayu are we concerned that unless we're paying somebody to watch it that the tough guys might come along and take the barley hamon sizaval it's just a robin if you have cows animals they make lots of excrements who whatever you want to call it well it's fantastic for fertilizing your garden or anything that you're growing in the future you don't really want to keep it in your own area let's say you kind of move it out into the public area and write out your front door front barn door colin haimotsi motsi the one who takes it out can take it out vahamizabamizabam the one who's been used for sevel if that's himself or that somebody else can use it for sevel the bottom line is sort of like this you can use the ricissa rather i think that overall use site of this mission ricissa robin is not my area it's not your area it's all over areas i can use it to put something down temporarily as long as somebody else is going to come and take it what i cannot do is plot my stuff down into ricissa robin and kind of leave it there so if it's going to be sevel sure i can do it as long as i'm taking it out and shortly afterwards i don't know if that's a second later or a few minutes or if you are but bottom line has to be removed um right away can't be left there similarly ancient tip ricissa robin if i wanted to soak um i guess clay or mud or something that has to be there for a while i can't use the ricissa robin area vane loivin and lavinin lavinin it's also another thing that would take a while is to make the bricks i would take some sort of mold and leave it out there to try i can't do that in the ricissa robin aval goyblin titth ricissa robin i would be able to i guess goyblin is the mixing of the water with the materials which makes it into that um sort of uh thick thing that you eventually would have the uh titth the cement made with aval goy lavinin not for bricks and again i think the estate is whatever is going to be done it takes a temporary amount of time to do it and it's still in place you can do it because there's a ricissa robin you need to be doing this for sure but that's totally fine you can't leave it there over a period of time though habona bircissa robin why in the world would you be building ricissa robin same thing because you have your private property you need some sort of area and there's just a rabbit to be able to work because there's no space in the private property so how may be of on him may be the guy who's transporting the uh stones brings them habona bona and the one who builds them and builds them and even though you're in the ricissa robin you're allowed to be there as you're doing whatever the building is because we give you that option or i guess that ability otherwise we'll be able to build i think you have this ultra new york city is the most extreme example i don't know if you've been to europe recently but any time you build there's there's probably a thousand buildings that have a scaffolding on them as you're doing some sort of work and they're allowed to do that i don't know if they should have it up for years and years but they have what's in there is just a robin yeah but you need to be in there's just robin able to work to fix whatever it is in the private property even hisic michan masha hisic in this case if damages caused what's your responsibility whereas ripschumunamliel disagrees and he says ay bakschumunamliel af metakein hooess malachte he says uh uh no the person would be able to and this is i guess the 30 day we have 30 days a lot as a period of time leafnae shtay shtay shtay shtay shtay if you need to get things ready you need to prepare in the ricissa robin you have up to 30 days and you're not gonna be high if the whole reason that we're allowing you to prepare there's just a robin not you could do it but if something happens you're high if no something happens your potter no there'd probably be some sort of responsibility to have a sign or to have guardrails or to have some sort of indication that people shouldn't damage themselves in it but that's maklutanakama says oh sure you can use this just a robin but if or something happens, you're a high-end. Shumulil says, "I don't know, you can use your syrabis on the happens, your pots are..." Lino must ease him. I could think of it. He said that when you first involved the Sukkah, you got to build it in the Shusarabis. It was like a deva from the end of the takka. But let's say they deliver the boards the day before, would the boards be allowed to be placed in the Shusarabim? Everyone would say yes, and it would be maklokas. Tanakama would say, if something happens to someone because of those boards, Tanakama would say, "You're a high-end?" Roshu will say, "No, you're not." By us telling you, you can leave it there temporarily. That's telling us that's telling the person. It wouldn't be high-end. Up to 30 days. That's as far as specifically building. That makes sense now. I have a neighbor in Baltimore. They delivered stuff for their Sukkah. They're making like an outdoor Sukkah porch. It's been sitting there for, now, this is actually sitting in his drivers. That's fine. But why has it been sitting there for so long? I asked him, "I don't know, the worker, you know, he was supposed to come to do the job about five weeks ago, and hopefully he'll be here next week." I don't know if the worker's there, and hopefully won't have any here in the near future. Let's see. I'm going to say, "Should we stare at Mr. Salah? We have a price that goes for two and a half lines, and we'll see what she's going to say. It starts the price up. We have a price up. We have to line his name, my mirror. I guess it were seasons or time when a person would take out the manure. I'm going to say, "Is it a delicious or rather?" I can take it out, put it out in the public area right near my house, if it's so right, and pile it up, call, "Shlaishimoi." And 30 days, I can actually keep it out there for 30 days, and it's beneficial. I think they were a lot less pretty much in those days, because basically, people would walk past it, and they would smush it, and that's very good for the fertilizer in the future. It's very ancient, sort of decree, but when our original great-great-great-grandparents came in with none of them, you should have been new to a kind of one of the agreements he made that people should be allowed to have their animal manure out for 30 days. That's for Yuhuda. Okay, so it sounds like our mission is not like Yuhuda, because we talked about bringing the Zevil out, but you would be liable if something happened. So answer no. A few little chamber of Yuhuda, a mission of Yuhuda, a mighty Yuhuda, shimihizik, kaijevlishole. No, no, no. He said you could take it out, but if it damages someone, you're still going to be responsible. It's like that decision that you have to make. Are you going to take it out, because it's a great place to spread it out, but if something happens, then you're still liable. Really, that's what Yuhuda holds Vahatsan on, but we have a mission that indicates otherwise. This next word mode, I believe, is taken out. Rebi Yuhuda Omer on Hanukkah time. Let's say it's the 25th of Kislav. And you have your menura, Panera Chanukkah, Potomne Shua Isavarishis. So I have my store and I can put a flame outside, which is for my near Hanukkah. Even though, is there a sheer here? I need the table for a sheer here. Okay, great. Do you need this table also? No, no. Okay. So I can take my, I'm a shop owner, I'm going to be lighting menura, I can take my menura and put it outside. Now, with Rishus, what is the Rishus? Who do I have Rishus from? My love, Rishus, based in, Rishus based in. Now what's based in telling me? You put it outside, and you're not going to be higher for that. That would seem to indicate that even Rebi Yuhuda would say that if it does damage, you're not going to be responsible. The Gamura turns around and says no. The Rishus is not a Rishus based and they're taking responsibility away. Rather, it's Rishus Mitzvah. Because if Rishus based and told you to do something, it would be Heilushal. And this is different. The light that you have there on the night of the 25th, the kiss is for a Mitzvah, and there you want to be Heilushal. The Hatani, the Gamura, really wants to try to say that our Mishnah is not like Rebi Yuhuda. Here's a one-line bright sign. Koleilushamru, Muttaran, Lakhalka, Rishus Rabin, is a whole list of things that you're allowed to do things with kind of messes up the Rishus Arabim in his kaiilushalim. If they do damage, you have to pay Rebi Yuhuda Poater. Now Rebi Yuhuda says if the rabbi say you can do it, part of that saying you can do it is that if it causes damage, you're not kaiil. And that's pretty clear black and white. That's the end of the bright sign. And then the bright sign is much wider, much clearer, better, smoother to say that our Mishnah is not like Rebi Yuhuda. So basically the more I started out, we want to fit Rebi Yuhuda into the potential authorship of our Mishnah, and we try once, twice, three times, we can't do it. Rebi Yuhuda says, by definition, if the rabbanan say you can do this, they're telling you can do this, and if something happens to someone else, you're potter. You still have to have a responsibility of things to change your life. Correct. So almost everything that if you do it in the Rishus Arabim, except those few things, like a flame that's going to be out on Hanukkah, or you're allowed to do it in the Rishus Arabim. Like if you have a water thing, you're allowed to let the water spew out into the Rishus Arabim. Those few exceptions, when Rebi Yuhuda says it, what he's saying, and by the way, there's a responsibility of someone Rishus Arabim not to walk into a manhole. If there's a manhole there, there should be some sort of a black trend, but I know that it's pouring rain, and you're walking down the street. If you're not careful, you're going to get some sort of rainwater splashing at you. Or you're walking right near the street, and then the buses are driving by. One bus is going to drive into a big puddle, and it's going to splash you. That's the understanding of the person Rishus Arabim. So to over here, any of the few exceptional cases where Rebi Yuhuda says you're allowed, what that means is you're allowed, and you're not going to be liable for it. I'm gonna buy you Rebi Yuhuda, Rishimgamlil, and Rebi Shiman. All three of these Tanayi, cool asfirulu. So they all hold, komakushna nukkamim Rishus, any time they rub on them and say, this is allowed, whatever it is. The hisic, and then some sort of damages caused. The one who did it is off the look, that's part of what the Rabam was saying. It was the exception to the case. And here we go. Rebi Yuhuda, I understand, is the first. Hadama. That's who we've just been dealing with now. He said that, let's say if you take your Zaval out for the 30 days before, and someone slips in it or something, well, that's his fault. You're not responsible. Rebi Shimangamlil, who I underlined, is the second of three Tanayiim, who subscribed to this principle, Ditznad. You have a Mishnah. Mishnah, about 12-13 lines ago. Which Zavalil Yuhuda, Af metakein, who has malachlif, initially Shimanlil, says there's a building project that's going to go on. You can come two through weeks before with the building material and plop it down in front, even though in front means in the Rishus, because that's what you have permission to do. And finally, Rebi Shimangamlil, he's number three, Ditznad. He's a, it's funny, it's a mission that we have back in Bevakama. The musician will see it again in Bevabastra. They used to have indoor ovens, and an indoor oven could get very, very hot. So, can you have an oven indoors, or a stove? So, Hayama Midai Baliya, let's say it's on one flight up. Can you have it over there? It could be dangerous, it could get very hot, it could burn down, burn up. So, Tsaroshay Taqdav, you have to have, underneath the Tanur Maziva, a plaster that's at least three Tvakim. It's about like nine inches of glass, it's a lot of glass, but it basically has a fire retardant or fire proofing for that. Ubiquira, which is a bit of a smaller type of stove, Tefak, one Tefak is enough. The Imhizik, let's say damage is caused, well, you're responsible. Mishali Mashi Hizik. That's the Tanukama. And you might relate more to that, that, yeah, you can't damage. If you did damage, you're responsible. Ribshimin says no. Ayindlawan Ribshimin. Ribshimin says, one second. The whole reason the rabbis are telling you you have to have this amount is because if something happens, not negligently, but accidentally, Loyan Rukala Shirmala Lula Shim Hizik puts her in Misha'lashali. This is the third Tana. The rabbanan, or the mainstream opinion, would certainly say, he's responsible, but these exceptional Tana, I would say, no, by definition, with the rabbanan are saying, this is what you have to do to get yourself out of responsibility. That means out of responsibility. Should something happen? You've done what you had to do? Tana rabbanan, the price goes for three lines. This is going to be the procession from that mountain out there to the outside of that house over there. Which means like that, stones. You have somebody who quarries the stone. You have somebody who chisels the stone. You have somebody who slips the stone. You have the guy who piles the stone in front of the building. You have the person who hands it up to the guy who's on the scaffolding. You have the scaffolding guy who puts it down. All of those people are going to be mentioned here. Hachatsav, that's one who's chiseling, or I guess, quarrying the stone from the mountain. Shamasar lasseted, who gives it over to the satan. The satan is the guy who's going to sort of shape it. Satat. And that satat is going to be Khayyaf should something happen if Nezzan occurs when he has it. The satat gives it over to the Khamar, is the truck driver, the donkey, transporter. Something happens, then the Khamar is Khayyaf. The Khamar who gives it over to the Khaseyaf, the schlepper, the shoulder user. The Khaseyaf is Khayyaf. The Khaseyaf gives it over to the Banoi. That's the one who's going to build it into the building. Then the Banoi is Khayyaf. The Banoi gives it over to the Adrihaal, which I think architect these days. In modern Hebrew, I think the architects are called the Adrihaal. So the Adrihaal here, you're right. The fellow, and I think here, is you have the unskilled worker. Hear the overseer doing something even more than we're seeing. You have the fellow who's going to put the stone on. And then you have the precision fellow who's going to make sure it's just lined up right. I think it's not the Andrew Khal in this case. He's Khayyaf. The imi niach evan al-hadimus. Let's say they got this stone, or this rock, and it's on the row properly. The hezika, and then it causes damage. And it falls off. The hips open the head. Cool on Khayyaf and the shalom. They are all Khayyaf, which is amazing. And apparently they're all responsible for this. That tiny, we have another bracelet that says, what do you mean they're all responsible? Aharon is Khayyaf, who was the last one to do something, obviously. He's the one who will attribute the damage to, and all the rest are putzer. So which is correct? Leikasha, Kambeskirus, Kambi Kabaunus. If each one is hired individually, the last guy who took responsibility, he's obviously going to be responsible, should something happen. If it's the Horowitz Building Company, we'll take you from step A to Z, well, I also have liability in there for all those people who would be liable if they're all working together. It says the Mishnah. Shekhinaizu al-Gavzu. Vayirik Ben-Time. We have this garden number one down here. Our number two up here, and then there's some sort of wall, pretty tall wall between the two. And you have something growing out from the dirt of the upper garden into the airspace of the lower garden. Let's say there's, I don't know, 15 feet in between the lower and the upper. Okay, well, who gets it? Let's see, have a carrot, or some garlic or something like that, sort of mayor who we boxed by, Michelle Elio, and it belongs to the upper garden person. Review who to who we boxed by. Michelle Tops, it belongs to the lower garden person. In other words, one whose airspace is growing out into. I'm a remeir. We handle on remeir. Imyursa, Elio. Leikasha Saafre and Kanyare. Oh, no, it belongs to the upper guy, because if the upper guy wanted to remove his dirt, which is what it's growing into, the eric would not be there. Because it's growing in his dirt. Ima remeir, huda, we handle on remeir, huda. And remeir, huda says imyursa ha'tatatain. Limo says gino sai. Oh, one second, if the bottom guy wanted to bring a bunch of trucks of dirt and build up the level of dirt, also in Kanyare. It won't be here. Because it's in the airspace, which would be airspace anymore, it would be underground. Ima remeir. I handle on remeir again. Here he says, Ma'afar Shishnam yuhelin Limhice. Since either one of them has the ability to have some sort of claim over this. Zal Zai. Royan Meheqan Yareq Zai. Where is this vegetation getting its life from? Where is it getting, it's in the dirt. That's of the upper guy. Ima remeir. My wife tells me don't you get too close to the head. Don't you lean over too far. You're going to fall into its fees garden. It's happened already before. So if I can go to the edge, and I can reach down. So I don't know if that's about two feet, two and a half feet. And I can pull it out. Let's keep in mind, anything more than that is yours. Okay. It says the Gamara Amarava. Beikarai. When it comes to the roots, I know there's some vegetables that grow. Where the root is like a carrot. The carrot is the root, and that is the main part of it. There's some that grow where like tomatoes, where I think tomatoes grow on top of the ground. So depending on what the vegetable is, but beikarai, the roots, kulema li pliki, to el yoyin have. For sure, it's the upper guy. Because he has the dirt, and we're talking about the stuff that's underground. So that's definitely his, according to Reva. Keep Liki, the buckle is going to be the stuff that's sticking out into the air space of the other fellow. Keep Liki, bendofo, is the protrusion out. Rabbi Meir, who we underlined, Savaar. Shaddin Naifoi by Shikaro. Who do you figure the nove belongs to? Well, it follows wherever the ikara is, and the ikara's in the ground. So it belongs to the guy who's grounded, is the upper garden. Rabbi, who do we underlined, Savaar? We don't say that. Well, you're reading Shaddin Naifoi by Shikaroi. It's over the air space of the other guys. Therefore, it's the other guys. Here's a little gear. So it says, "Vitanya Nami Gabe Mekachu Memkar." We have a similar genetic source. Also, when it comes to ownership rights. And this price, it goes from here to the last word on this page. About a two-line brice up. And when we're going to compare and contrast it to another brice, we'll have on the top of Kufyotess, Hamadallah. In this brice, I have a bunch of trees, and I sell you one of the trees. Now, I'm not selling you the land of the tree, just the tree, which is basically selling you the produce from that tree or the fruit from that tree. So, Ilan. I think it starts out with the word Ilan. A tree. It says, "I'm the guy who has all the trees. I sold you a tree." Let's say there's something that grows out like an additional branch. It's got some fruit on it. From the trunk or from the roots. Well, it's still mine. I didn't sell you that. When I'm selling you a tree without any dirt, without any land, you're basically getting the fruit of that tree. That's according to a remeir. We underline remeir. If you do, who you also underline, Ilan. Ilan. Ilan. I don't know if it actually grows from that tree. If it actually grows from the trunk, like above ground, that's going to be in some fruit grows on it. That's going to be yours. Me na sharoshin. But if it's from the roots, then it belongs to the bala karka. That's the makholz vitrudhir mairin rebi yuhuda. Vittanyanami gabe arla. It's a very similar case when it comes to arla. Or like the first three years that a tree that has fruit and grows, it's forbidden. You can't--the produce is not available to eat. And the fourth year, it's a revised day of Jewishism. But from the fifth year on, it's totally fine. It belongs to the person who's the owner. But if something new, some shoot grows up, like from the root, and then starts growing fruit. Is that considered secondary to the tree? And it's not already considered like your six, seven, eight, or is it a new entity? So, it says the teneic source, it goes for about three lines. Same thing. Elon, if you have a tree. Hey, yojisimine geso umina sharoshin. If it's a new shoot or a new branch, it grew out from the--from the drunk or from somewhere else in the roots. Hi, yuhuda. There's a new fee of arla until it itself is Richard's year four and five. That's according to a mayor. We handle it in a mayor. And rebi yuhuda, which apparently going according to his opinion, we just heard would say no. Minhageza is actually going to be potter. A new branch growing from the trunk is considered part of the old tree. And therefore, potter from the Indian of Orla. Umina sharoshin, going from somewhere else in the roots, it would be Chayat. Now, that seems very identical to the previous. Machocha's rebi, mayor and rebi yuhuda that we saw. When it came to if you are purchasing the fruit of one tree in my land. If it's strictly, we have to hear this Machocha's rebi, mayor and rebi yuhuda by both cases. It's interesting, they're both brices. Usually, we say by machnias that you need to hear both of them. But yes, even in brices, it's strictly. You know, each one has a finish above the other. One, I just want to know the other. Diasch, we didn't come ice if we heard the first case, where you're buying the fruit of one tree, which is in my land. Bahakamrabi yuhuda, that's where abi yuhuda says his den. Mishum de maimina. The issue is just, who's is it? Is it spheas or is it schmoles? Is it spheas or schmoles? And therefore, abi yuhuda would say, however, if the issue is, is it Arla? That's getting into like holy godly sort of forbidden status. Bahakamrabi, Arla de Isura. That's the level of, that's us, sir. It's not just a muminous issue. Aim, I might have thought, modally remarried, agreed remar, and be much more reluctant to say that you don't have Arla apply. You know what? Arla should apply. But, that's why we hear their maklokis there. Why not then just teach them about the survey in Marbeha? If we were taught in the case of the Arla issue, Bahakamrabi mayor. That's where a mayor says what he does. Oh, makmir, abi yuhuda. It's only a monetary issue. Not an Isura issue. Aim, I modally remarried. Huda. Therefore, Srikha. Basically, the case of Arla is, it's an, you know, it's us, sir. The case of that fruit, is it minor years? Is it just a monetary issue? And each one has a reason to be finished over the other. The, the, the, the Orla case is rebu. Huda, the finish here is the rebu. Misha said, "I'm Rob Schimman. Kolshe Elgionyocha. Liveshade. If the upper garden guy can reach down and, and get it, how about this though? Amrita Bhiravyanay. Ubovad Sholeya Anais." I guess this is really very, very subjective. As long as the upper guy doesn't strain himself to get it. I'm not exactly sure what the cutoff point is where we can sit. You know, he's, he has his, uh, his son dangling him by his legs as he reaches over the edge of the cliff. Amrita Anais. Bhiravyanay. Let's say you can reach, you can bend down. He can reach and get the stuff that's like sticking out, but he wouldn't be able to reach the, the roots of it. I mean, it was a little bit further down. Or, Megile, you can get the roots to aid Megile and Naifu. But can't get to the Naif. Naifu, it seems a little bit further down. My, Taeku. That's, uh, not resolved. Amrita, Frayim Zafra, Talmida, the Talmida, in the name of Rishlakish. Aloha. Here is like, Rebi Shiman, the bottom line. If you have the Gina up above, whatever you can reach down and get to is, "Hey, some Ruah, Kameh, December Malka." And they said this in the presence of Shavr Malka's either, like, one of the rulers of Persia, or that region of Persia, or maybe it's, say, sort of a term that they would use for Shmuel. Uh, Ammar Lehu, and, uh, his response was, "Aperion Nimte Le Rebi Shiman." Aperion is usually, like, a chariot, but it's, it's more sort of a concept. Rashi says, "Here, Aperion is Hren Shalanu." Our benevolent graciousness is hereby given to a Shiman bottom line. Um, sounds very correct, that which Rebi Shiman said, and, uh, we're going to go with him. I'm gonna leave you with a nice little bit of a "Safez" in the comments. I'll see you in the next video.