Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 116a

Broadcast on:
23 Jun 2024
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We pick up what we left off. Last time we have another Brice. This Brice goes for almost seven lines and it's going to have some Sukhim associated with the Din. It says the Brice "Haval zug shall sa parim". Let's say there's a barber and you take as a ravon, you take the pair of the barber. In other words, it's basically two blades, what we would call a scissors because two blades is kind of together, or a cement shell paris, or a pair of cows that work. Yacholoye high valakis, you might think that you'd only be high of one time. Tamoloy, no, no. The pazuk says, "Lo yachbol rehiyem verhachav", two different things. It mentions, even though it's really only one use, "Ma rehiyem verhachav" just like the two of them, "Yuchadim shnakeylem two separate ones" is the lower ones, the upper, "ve ousi malachachas", they function together to do one job yet, "hiy val zebefnazme" the person who takes them away from the one who needs them, as a avot, will violate two prohibitions, "af köil", so two old varm shnakeylem, they're two separate things, like two separate cows, or two separate blades, "am yuchadim the ousi malachachas" but they usually function together to work in the most efficient and effective way. Still, though, "hiy val zebefnazme" you would be liable for each one on its own. In other words, for a total of two, that's the end of this make source. So, "gavra" there was a "fellow", "dehavasakeena de ashkavta mehavre" he took a knife, "dehavaskavta" means the dead, one rashi says it was in this slaughter house, it was either the knife that they would chop the meat with, maybe it was the possibly even the "shrita knife" and he took that as a collateral. "Aslkame de baye", I started with the baye and two lines later, second word online is rava, we'll circle rava. So, let's see what the two of them say. So, when he came to a baye said to him, "Zil ahadre", you got to go and give it back, "dehave lei" because to the person you took it from, it's basically a "kli", it took it from the "shoheider", it took it from the butcher, that's a "kli", that's something that's utensil or an implement or instrument, chai sin biha kalnafesh that he makes his, you know, prepares food with, "vedta kumbedina ala" and if he owes you money, take the issue to court, if he admits to you or if you have witnesses, then he'll have to pay and if not, basically he'll take a "shrua" and you'll have to go with that. Now, at rava had a totally different approach, rava we circled on our, he already have, the person who claim he owes the money, already has the, the knife. So, lo tsar klami kumbedina alla, you actually do not have to bring the case to court and if the knife is worth up to the value of what he said is owed, then vie akhul it's an "ad kadei" demayen. He could basically say, if there's no witnesses or anything, say, "listen" and the knife is mine, I purchased it from him, if you wanted to lie in there for, believe him when he says that there's money owed to him. Okay, those are the two approaches. Now, the gomor is going to ask first on abaie, Anilana Baie's name here, and about eight lines later, first on is rava, I Anilana Rava's name were those, so first on abaie, so the most is a one second, the abaie, Anilana's name is about a five-line question, "lace lea who's fara?" Abaie doesn't agree with that spara of rava, question mark comma, but how's it any different than this other case, Maishna, Nahano, easy to akhli hushla, there were some goats that ate a whole bunch of this guys, excuse me, some goats that ate some oats, that ate some oats that were belonged, or maybe barley, belonged to this fellow in the city of Nahardah, so let's say that they were goats and they ate, I don't know, $500 of his, um, barley, Basa Mara Hushla, and the owner of the, um, peeled barley came, Vitufus Lehu, and seized the goats, the kata'in Tuva, and he was actually even claiming more, uh, he said the goats that got here were only worth, I don't know, $400 and ate $500 and I ate even more, and what did Ava Waddishmul say to that? Ava Waddishmul, actually that guy's a good claim, he can hold on to the, the goats, Yaholitza, and Ava Waddishmul, he's able to claim up until the value of the barley that he had, that had been eaten by the goats. So how's is that any different? Well, the kamara is Mahalik, it distinguishes here between the two cases. Haasam, I'm squiggling on the word "hasam" and one line later, the word "hasa" I also squiggling on that, so "hasam" in the case of the goats, "lav medi da avda le ushli ula agurehu", you know, goats usually are not something that are rented out to someone else, a car is or, I don't know, a pair of bowling shoes is, so, um, the person who had the goats actually could claim, well, or mine, I bought them, and therefore Migu that I could have said that, believe me when I say that I'm seeing them, because they ate my, uh, my, uh, my siren, my, my barley. Okay, as opposed to "hakha", when it comes to just a regular old knife, "hasa" we want to know, "hasam medi da avda le ushli ula agurehu", it's not uncommon to borrow utensils from other people, de shalach revhunabar oven, that if the type of thing that was seized was something, adverm hasu yinaha shula has scared, that it's, like, normal for people to lend them, to borrow them, uh, vamra le kukunemiode, and somebody has, what we know is, you know, someone else's thing, and says, "Oh, I purchased them, without any other proof ain't on them, and he's not believed." The gamora then says the question goes back on rava, the rava, I don't like rava's name. Lace lei heis fora, does rava not agree with this? Actually, question mark comments, seems like he does, for our rava, he wants of exzuga desarbulav esaafrada agadata miyasmi. He once seized away a sheep, shearers, scissors, or a scroll of agadata. Now, normally, you don't take things away from yusaimim, but he sees him away from yusaimim, abid varam hasu yim, laha shula haskar, because those were types of things that were normal to, uh, lend out, to borrow, so rava does agree with this. Well, amalak rava, so rava would say to you, yeah, he does agree, however, hi, nami, uh, one second, we're talking about a butcher's knife, and I'm saying she didn't even use an easier, I think, to understand, but even the butcher's knife, like the, the expensive cleaver that he's got, uh, hi, nami, kevan de me, pygama, if it gets a pygama, gets a, uh, nik, or a little, uh, blemish in the knife, cop diin chivalen, usually, people who own those types of knives are usually very particular, and they actually, uh, don't usually lend them out, hajalaka mikabil, adkhan.