Football Function

College Football Function: North Carolina, Virginia Tech, Miami Schedule Predictions

CM dives into the ACC pool with his goggles on to take a deep look at what this new-look conference has to offer for the 2024 season.

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. At Highland, we're all about celebrating little wins. And little ways to innovate digital processes. There's no customer pain point too small for us to help with. Maybe that's why more than half of the Fortune 100 looks to Highland to connect their content and data, improve processes, and turn little efficiencies into big wins for their customers and clients. Highland, intelligent content solutions for innovators everywhere at Hello? Hello? Hello? How you going? How you doing? What did you do, baby? Baby? You know that being reviewed by now, right? You know the intro, the sound, the theme of the college football function. It is your host. You know the voice by now, right? It is CM, because of my AKA CM funk, AKA Mr. Steelio Grandma, AKA Mr. Perfect. AKA Mr. Silver Metal, if you know what I'm talking about. You do know what I'm talking about, but Mr. AKA, a lot of AKA's. But you know me most as the host of the college football function. Sorry, I stuttered there just a little bit. I'm a little rusty. I haven't talked to you guys in a while. I know my show, the last show that I just dropped, you know for the college football function, was the greater five. You know the non-power four episode talked about you know all those little conferences, the little guys. You know that was my last episode, but I recorded that show about two weeks ago. So I've been knocking these shows out, sending sometimes two shows at once to Mike, and just kind of being ahead. You know with it being summer, of course, this is coming at you. July 2nd, you know I will say sometimes when I'm recording, but like I said this show might not drop till next week. You know it is what it is, but I hope you are having a great summer so far. It is July, like I said. June flew by, I mean to be honest I know I had a show pretty much every week, so you know it kind of occupied your June. You know whether you were working out or you're playing me at the job site, you know playing it for your friends. Trying to get that itch scratched because college football is just right around the corner. You know we are just a few short weeks before it really starts getting serious. I know you know the season doesn't really start till you know Thursday, August 29th I want to say. I think that's opening week, but you know July is going to fly by just as fast as June did in my honest opinion. You know you have July 4th coming up. Summer days just seem to fly by a lot quicker it seems. I hope you're staying cool. Like I've said before, it gets freaking hot here in Texas man. We were on a record I do believe where I'm at. Another 100 you know degree day. Today, tomorrow you know maybe for the next month you know so on and so forth. We average you know 100 degrees damn near every day in the summertime here in Texas. And depending on where you're at yeah you know you can have your dry heat like me where I'm at uh you know low humidity. It's still hot don't get me wrong but I like dry heat or you can have the down south heat you know the Galveston's and Houston's and curvils and stuff like that around Austin where it you know it gets 95 100 degrees but it's a high humidity. Like I said before I do not like sticky heat. I'd rather have the dry heat because that's just me not a cold-natured person either. I like the heat. A lot of people complain. I understand I do work outside a lot too as well. You do have to stay hydrated try to not drink so much coffee. You know in the morning that is kind of my problem sometimes but you know it's a pain in the butt to get up early in the morning without coffee so hope you're staying hydrated. Hope you are having fun. I really do. I really hope you're trying to you know get out there you know go to barbecues and parties and with 4th of July coming up. I hope you are having some sort of fun because this is the time of year to do it. You know depending on where you work or what you do sometimes this is your slower period. Sometimes this is your you know more advanced period your busy period but I hope you guys are having fun. Barbecuing and for July 4th just please be safe. I know there's a lot of people out there that are going to be a little tossed on the sauce so to speak and you know gonna fire up some fireworks and fire up the grill and get a little sun burnt. You know that is definitely one of my problems if I'm not wearing sunscreen I tend to get a little on the red side but be safe. Like I said you know be careful with what you're doing you know if you have had one too many gold tops let somebody else run the fireworks you know what I'm saying you don't want to be you know a digit down going into July 5th and try to explain to your boss that you know you lost a finger because you were being stupid but like I said that you can have fun but be careful and that just and that doesn't necessarily just mean July 4th be careful in general you know if you've had too much to drink get an uber call a friend call a family member hell hike you know do what you got to do just be safe like I said summertime is a fun time but it's also a dangerous time you know not just with the heat but with a lot of stuff going on you know it seems like there's always birthday parties like I said parties you know 4th of July so and so forth please be safe but have fun still you know you can still be safe and have fun but hope you guys are doing well I am talking to you guys let's see here like I said July 2nd birthday's coming up just in about 20 short days your boy is a summer baby I am a smack dab damn there in the middle summer baby I love it like I've said before I love the summer I cannot wait trying to you know get something going you know for my birthday I'm not real too big on parties I just want to have a little get together you know maybe fire up the grill and definitely pop some tops you know take some shots getting up there in age not gonna say it but 40 is getting closer and closer let's just say that but like I said I am here no no more bullshit let's get into the episode I am talking about the ACC conference again it has swung back around and we're going to go through all these conferences yet again but we're going to talk about new teams and I'm talking about these teams because they're the blue bloods you know they're the teams that are going to contend for their conference titles this coming up football season but I'm also going to talk about some of the little guys kind of like I did with the last show you know the Sunbell Conference Mac you know AAC all those guys I'm up to I talked about them and I'll talk about them again here in a couple of weeks because after this ACC you know show that I'm doing right now I'm going back to the Big Ten I'm going to do the Ohio State Buckeyes of course and the Penn State Didn't Alliance I might throw in a other another team just because the Big Ten and SEC have so many giants and their conference that you kind of have to talk about four or five maybe even six teams in that conference and you got to give them the respect that they are due and since it is July July 1st it was technically the first of the new season the academic and you know sports season technically in June you know 29th 30th whatever day it is and it starts back up July 1st you know Texas and Oklahoma are officially SEC members you have all those new teams going to the AAC or ACC I think it was SMU Cal Stanford you have Colorado Arizona Arizona State and Utah official big 12 members a lot going on like I've said before if you are not excited about this upcoming college football season you need to slap yourself you need to look in the mirror because this is going to be a season you know it's just no words can express it to be perfectly honest with you it's unprecedented we are having a 12 team playoff for the first time ever I remember back in 2014 2013 I can't really remember the inaugural year of the college football playoff it's never been done it was always the BCS before that so it was very exciting when we got finally got the 14 playoff and of course years went down the line and everybody who finally was like we need to expand we need to expand and here we are 2024 2025 is the inaugural year of the 12 team playoff cannot wait for that super conferences you know technically power 4 no more power 5 even though the pack 12 is still holding on by a client here literally the two teams that are left are Oregon state and Washington state I do believe and the pectom is not officially dead but they are on life support you know probably at the end of 2025 like or in 2025 like I said June 2025 the pectom will probably be done by then but then again you never know you might get those mountain west teams over there those teams that are kind of over there in that side of the nation to get them to join the pack 12 so you never know what's going to happen you know because like I said nobody would have guessed that Texas and Oklahoma you know we're going to the SEC 10 years ago a lot of things change but as they change they kind of stay the same but this is a stupid crazy awesome year of college football coming up and I hope you are as excited about it as I am because I'm just a huge college football fan it's crazy I see the stadium by my house being renovated every single day I see the progress with it putting in new screens putting in a brand new big old double T a beautiful you know renovation that they're doing here and love it Texas for my Texas tick right here red Raiders the more I see get completed the closer and closer we get to college football and like I said I hope you are as excited about it as I am because it is coming fast and furious July will be over before you know it and it's August and we're going to get into the nitty gritty like I said I got this filler stuff for you guys for the offseason but it's not going to be crappy content I hope I hope to give you guys just as much a good stuff as I possibly can but as I said I'm gonna quit jawjacking again I talk too much I know I understand going back to the ACC when I left off the ACC conference I do believe it's down there you know out of the power 4 I would rank them third out of the big conferences you know of course I'd have SEC big 10 1A 1B I'd probably put ACC at 3 and then big 12 at 4 I hate to say it but with powerhouses like Clemson and Florida State up at the top big 12 is yet to show that the that conference can be won by other teams other than Texas and Oklahoma because they're not walking through those doors anymore they are in the SEC country now so big 12 has to take a step back not shooting on the ACC or the big 12 but they just cannot go head to head against the big 10 in the SEC yet and who's to say the ACC conference is going to stay the ACC conference last time I talked about this conference you know the the whispers were going around that they're seeing all the money getting made in the SEC all the money getting thrown around in the big 10 revenue what channel are these games coming on and some of these big boys like the Clemson's and the Florida State's are sitting there going man we're not making very much like the Minnesota's and Rutgers of the big 10 and the vendor built and I don't know the A&M's of the SEC are getting paid more than we are and they're mediocre teams you know to say the least you know hate to shit on A&M but you know you still get a chunk of the pie even if you have a crappy season you're still going to get money and so like I said the ACC conference could be the next conference to you know have the ground crumble underneath them and we will be down to a power three I would think you know the big 12 would take in who we could and you know the only the big 10 and the SEC would only get stronger I think you know I think both of them would join one or the other I could see Clemson joining the SEC Florida State going to the big 10 you know kind of stay away from each other you never know but like I said it'd be it's gonna be very interesting in the next couple years because like I said where there's smoke there's fire you know when they were talking about a couple years ago with USC Washington the Oregon's were trying to leave the pack 12 it really did happen so like I said pay attention to the ACC conference going forward but like I said I did Florida State I did Clemson schedule so of course we have to take those schedules into what I'm about to do I'm doing the Virginia Tech Hokies the University of North Carolina of course the Tar Hills and I'm doing Miami Florida the you you know the hurricanes so of course I have to take these schedules into effect with the Florida State in Clemson schedule because if I gave Florida State a win over a certain team I have to incorporate it into these schedules so out of Virginia Tech North Carolina and Miami the best record they can have at the end of the year as 11 and 1 seeing how Virginia Tech loses the Clemson November 9th North Carolina loses the Florida State November 2nd and Miami U you know the Florida hurricanes lose to Florida State October 26th so let's start off of Virginia Tech you're probably saying CM Virginia Tech why are you breaking down their schedule I find it very interesting there's certain teams sometimes it just kind of come out of the the woodwork they kind of come out of the woods just a little bit and say hey I can make some noise based on schedules and it always depends on schedules in my opinion do you catch a break that year where are your buys do you have to go to certain schools do you how many home games do you have that year against certain teams that really affects how many games you're going to win or lose do you have a tough stretch of you know three games against you know the top echelon of your conference a lot of that stuff matters but and I truly believe this Virginia Tech team could finish 11 and 1 could finish 10 and 2 even a 9 and 3 record and you know possibly get a pretty decent bowl game just because their schedule hate to say it is on the easier side we all have somewhere we're trying to get to as the largest energy producer in Colorado Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be you've arrived that's energy and progress visit an official message from medicare a new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs you may be 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31st they take a trip to van der built um you know everybody knows it is a joke running joke in the sec if it's not baseball you can chalk up a win when you see the van uh van der built comadors on your schedule this doesn't change i know they're going to van der built these hokies but that's still a win august 31st for the virginia tech hokies september second is their next game they welcome in marshall the thundering herd i do want to believe randy mausilon by the way if you do not know that's another win that's their first home game of the season uh you usually win your first home game of the season especially if you're going up against a lesser opponent i hate to say it marshall but you are you're going to lose the virginia tech september seventh september 14th they take a road trip to old dominion i do believe that's the monarchs i could i could be wrong i have no idea but then again it's a team that's dying you know it's a lesser team you know i do believe they're probably even uh division two you know uh fcs type uh school and they just can't hang with the virginia tech hokies even though virginia tech is going there i did put a t there just because weird shit happens the first couple weeks of the season you were we'll see some upsets you will see a k-state loose the two lane you're going to see some funky shit happen the first couple weeks of the season somebody will make a statement look at jam u last year a team finished 11 and 1 you know had a great year and it all starts in september is knocking off some of those non-conference games but you're going against a big boy an old dominion could do it right here but i'm going to say no virginia techos 3 and now september 14th and they beat old dominion september 21st do you believe that this is their first conference game and it's an easy one hate to say it they welcome in ruckers the the nights scarlet nights i do believe uh yet again a team at the bottom of the barrel in their respective conference could they knock them off these virginia tech hokies sure why not but virginia techs playing at home second home game conference opener uh virginia tech it's the win right there september 21st put some at four and oh like i said these schedules you got to look at how they work and how they're they run uh friday september 27th is their next game here's their first true test in my honest opinion you had vanderbell marshall old dominion and ruckers they shouldn't go three in one they should go four and oh against those schools but here's your first test you take a trip down to florida to hurricane land to play the you um wolf mmm this is another team i i'm doing you know the hurricanes here in a little bit and of course this schedule is going to tie into that one so mmm i know the you has gotten so much hate uh you know for the past probably ten years kind of team that has not been relevant you know in the acc conference for a while definitely get talent but they always just can't quite measure up at the end of the year a lot of seven and you know five years and six and six years uh and their home filled advantage isn't quite there i do believe they play at hard rock they don't have their own stadium anymore they don't have the orange bowl you know they don't have the hurricane land anymore and uh it kind of hurts them you know it's definitely a stadium that gets a lot of crap uh you'll you'll watch a hurricane game and go man where's this home filled advantage that you know a lot of teams used to hate go and play the hurricanes back in the day especially in those early 2000s uh i'm going to do it i'm going to give the Miami hurricanes the wind right here so i have to give the Virginia Tech Hokies a ill friday september 27th at the u if they were playing at home i would go the opposite way virginia tech has a very good home filled advantage and blagsburg but going to the u i think the u takes a step forward this year and i'll tell you why here in a little bit october fifth take a road trip to stanford uh put a question mark next to this and i put a t next to this as well that's a long trip uh virginia to california that's a long ways you're going to see that a lot in the ACC conference this year with the additions of course of stanford and cal and you have your your florida teams and you have your rutgers you know that are up there in new york i want to say and uh that's a long trip you know that is jet lag for sure it's going to be one of those days where you're on a plane for most of the day and it could really complicate your schedule and what you'd like to do so on and so forth but you know with the miami you know lost the week before these virginia tech hokies they bounce back they go to stanford and beat the cardinal handily october fifth october 12th it's a great buy i do believe they are going to start doing that in this ACC conference going forward if you take a cross-country trip you get the next week off or you get the week off before you know something along those lines to kind of get you rested so you don't get this hard complications with schedules to where it makes it not fair for the team that's flying cross-country perfect perfect time for a buy october 12th thursday october 17th is their next game they welcome in boston college yet again a team kind of like ruchers kind of like stanford i would probably guess those three teams are going to finish in the bottom quarter bottom half of the ACC conference this year so i got to give the virginia tech hokies the win thursday october 17 against boston college october 26th next game they welcome in the georgia tech yellow jackets yet again another team could make some noise could be a metal uh you know pack team kind of like a pittsburgh so on and so forth but virginia tech's kind of rolling i do believe they beat another tech the georgia variety 26 gives them another win november second they take a road trip to syric use to play the orangeman put a trap game right here you're kind of real you know you you've kind of got a lice rhythm a nice flow you know three game win street going to stanford beating boston college beating georgia tech you kind of get full of yourself you might even be ranked at this time yeah you never know uh depending on what's going on in the top 25 standings ahead of you syric use is a place where you can lose uh do i don't even know if it's to carry your dome any more uh to be perfectly honest but this could be a trap game don't be surprised the syric use wins this game but i'm going to say no they beat the syric use orangeman november second the virginic hokies do november ninth they welcome in clemson uh i did clemson of course and like i said they beat virginia tech when i broke down that schedule so i have to give them a loss right here but i will say virginia tech at home against clemson this could be a game that's a lot closer than the experts think uh i do believe clemson does take a step forward i know they had a eh kind of year last year but they come back to form this coming up year but that is a trap game and i'm almost positive i said that about clemson when i did their schedule earlier you know there's summer that going to virginia tech is a hard place to play and that's going to be a game that they are going to definitely get up for that is definitely the reason why you buy the season tickets that year is you know you don't get excited for the marshals and the records and the bossing colleges and the georgia tech games you are excited for that clemson game or that florida state game but like i said could be tough and i did predict virginia tech to lose so i have to give my loss right there over my ninth to clemson November 16th good time for a buy they just lost the week before they can lick their wounds nurse you're injured get ready for your next game oh sorry about that November 23rd they go to duke i put a question mark next to this and i put a star next to this duke's kind of been one of those teams can make a little bit of noise i know they're a basketball school but ask the clemson tigers about the duke blue devils uh they knocked them pretty much from grace completely changed the trajectory of what the clemson tigers were trying to do last year i do believe it was like the third uh fourth week of the season when uh clemson went to duke and uh duke knocked them off so uh that's a question mark right there man uh you know what i'm going to do it i think they go to duke and they lose i'm going to give them a loss right there trap game question mark hard place to play apparently uh oof rough November 23rd they go to duke and lose by the way sorry uh November 30th their last game of the season most of the time it's a rivalry game and this one is no exception they welcome in the virginia cavalier's Virginia Virginia tech um is it a decent rivalry game sure are there rivalry games that are on the same day that i would rather watch absolutely could Virginia tech knock off or Virginia knock off their their little brother big brother however you want to call them to be honest i don't know how you know cited you know what side does that rivalry go um probably say Virginia tech has probably won more games in the past 10-15 years against their counterpart then uh the other way around but i'll keep it exactly the same they lose duke they lost the duke the week before so i think they fix their shit and they beat Virginia cavalier's November 30th last game of the season so it looks like nine and three for the Virginia tech hokies and like i said uh the best they could have done was 11-1 losing to cleanse and november 9th uh they could beat the u uh i think at the u you know a 10-2 year is possible 11-1 i think it's very possible uh worst i think there are four eight and four uh because they get the the bottom of the barrel in their conference their non-conference schedule is very weak uh like i said that's why i wanted to do Virginia tech hokies definitely probably ranked probably one of the easier schedules in college football this year so don't be surprised if you see the Virginia tech hokies at some point in time in the season you know might be ranked uh knocking off a cleansing knocking off a hurricane team early in the year you never know but 93 that's still a good season uh moving on to the next team i'm going to do the University of north Carolina the tar hills led by mac brown uh definitely a darling definitely a guy i dislike but i definitely respect uh seeing him for so many years and burnt orange it was it was weird to see him in that columbia blue in tar hill country but it was also good for me because it's like hey you're we don't have to deal with you no more like you know go and coach the the tar hills by uh good coach like i said this is a team that's been relevant and the ACC conference for a while now i know it's a basketball school but the tar hills are pretty good look at drake and may you know uh did his thing you know for this uh his alma mater you know last year and even the year before uh could have a great year but uh the best year they can have is eleven and one because they lose to four to state November 2nd so uh let's go through their schedule shall we their season starts a little earlier than most they start a Thursday night game august 29th and i honestly think this is a interesting game this is a trap game i think as well uh they go to minnesota to play the golden gophers yet again a team in their respective conference the big 10 definitely gets washed uh pushed down the rankings just a little bit went from being a maybe middle tier team in the big 10 to a bottom tier team in the big 10 could they make some noise absolutely but uh man i like their coach though i do like minnesota's coach flak i want to say his name is flak roll the boats mmm i'm gonna call it i'm gonna call it right here week one north carolina loses to minnesota thursday august 29th oh and one ooh seat gets a little warm from mike brown week one i yeah probably not but September 7th next game they welcome in charlotte uh no idea you know i guess that is one of those small tier teams and losing to minnesota the week before they get right they get an extra game you know an extra game an extra day you know to recoup you know watch the film find out what they did wrong and they beat charlotte september 7th easily september 14th another easy game they get nc central yet again another team they're probably paying paying money to you know to show up uh you know in tar hill land to get stomped by these north carolina tar hills september 14th they beat nc central september 21st here we go i do believe this will be a game i will definitely definitely put on my week uh four it looks like uh watch list and they are welcoming in jm you the dukes one of the darling's of college football last year a team that finished 11 and one you know one their conference the sun belt last year uh definitely going to break down their schedule uh next the next couple of weeks you know when i go back to greater five non-power four definitely doing my jam you dukes i say mine because they're kind of another darling i kind of like kind of like my two lanes a team that i will definitely pay attention to during the year and i will say it you know if they end up making it to the cost before playoff you can say hey cm kind of called it but oh man i got a trapnet i got a t next to it i got a star next to it i got a question mark next to it can jam you repeat as their conference you know champion can they repeat a 11 in one year maybe eight and two year um man man that's tough man this is tough screw it i'm going crazy you can call a cousin Mikey crackhead because North Carolina loses to jm you september 21st love it hey man you know this is off for shits and giggles right uh september 28th they take a road trip to duke yet again talked about them just a little bit ago and i talked about virginia tech schedule definitely a team that have has good home filled advantage uh can beat you for sure uh it looks like uh virginia tech loses to duke and their schedule would not be surprised would do pulls off another upset i do believe that would be an upset that's a rivalry game north carolina do it doesn't just be on the hardwood uh they'll definitely have some hatred brewing for this game so um but losing a jm you going to be in two and two you know in september going towards the end of september is definitely an eye opening experience for mac brown definitely if his seat was hot wasn't hot you know after week one uh it's going to be hot now losing a jm you the week before so september 28th they fixed it's a get right game they go to duke and win september 28th double fifth they welcome in pit the pit panthers yet again a team could be in the middle of the tier could take steps forward definitely team i'm not going to talk about and if pittsburgh has a nine or ten win season you can think me personally because i didn't talk about they're going to say hey let's shut up cm because he given uh florida state and clims in love and virginia tech love and north carolina love and the hurricane's love and not why not the pit panthers uh you know like i said but i just don't know uh some conferences i don't know as much about others uh then i just can't i just can't do you know every single team uh you know there's 130 something you know division of one schools i can't keep up with every single one of them but october fifth they welcome in pit i think home filled advantage wins for the north carolina tar hills they beat the pit panthers october fifth october 12 they welcome in that georgia tech yellow jackets yet again another team talked about a little bit earlier probably we'll finish in the second half bottom half of the acc conferences here and here we go again north carolina wins against georgia tech october 19th is their buy um good time for a buy you know five and two looks like at that little mark uh definitely their season is still ahead of them uh you never know um the two losses are non conference losses so um definitely could be still in the hunt for the acc you know conference championship to you know get a spot there so uh all eyes are on north carolina going after the buy october 19th october 26th they take a road trip to cavalier land to play the virginia cavaliers uh yet again they're in the georgia tech pit bc rutgers you know arena probably lower tier teams i would say so north carolina wins at virginia october 26th remember second take your road trip to florida state already did florida state north carolina loses so they guess then their third loss of the year now remember ninth is their next buy perfect time for a buy um two out of the their two buys are four week in four weeks that's a red flag uh you kind of want to cut your seat your season in half or maybe even a third you know play four games buy play four games buy is ideal but you know not everybody can get that kind of schedule so it is what it is November 16th they get wait for us at home they've had two weeks to prepare you know learned a lot from that florida state lost november second they beat wake for us november 16th november 23rd take a road trip to boston college uh yet again another team like wake like virginia like georgia tech like pit uh probably gonna finish in the bottom half like i said i could be dead ash wrong georgia tech can go ten into hell wake forest that's a team that can mix and noise every once in a while they usually will knock off a uh a pretty decent team every every so often especially if they're playing in demon deacon land but wake forest has to go to north carolina and it doesn't happen for the demon deacons november 16th they get beat by the north carolina toryles november 23rd take a road trip to boston college uh i put a trap name next to that uh that wake forest win you know kind of you kind of licked your wound you're kind of still sitting kind of pretty and the uh conference you only have one conference loss you're someone is going to stumble someone's going to lose to a team they're not supposed to lose to uh yeah exactly they're going and i could i could do it but i'm not november 23rd north carolina beats boston college at boston college so gives them another win november 30th last game this season usually river week and this week is no exception they welcome in the nc state wolfback definitely rivals you know you have nc state dupe and north carolina all hate each other i think they're all like 30 40 20 miles between each other two i know it forms like a uh a triangle between durham uh you know north carolina or wherever everybody else's rally all those three schools are really close to each other so they definitely have some hate and nc state is definitely another team i might talk about maybe at a later date like i said there's going to be teams that i still need to talk about i know i'm going to go deeper into the big 10 and scc but i want to look into notar dame i want to do notar dame schedule and them not being a conference affiliate i want to do them uh and there might be some other teams and i think nc state is kind of in that territory a team that could make some noise in the ncc i see them contending with the likes of phil florida state a cleansing uh maybe even virginia tech or miami if they were going to wolfpack if they were going to rally to play the nc state wolfpack i would give that upset but at the same time i just don't know about this nc state team so i got to give north carolina the win right there so it looks like another nine and three uh record for another acc team but with one conference loss uh this could be a team that could um play for the uh conference championship you never know with the likes of florida state do they take a step back does clamsin take a step back like i said with the virginia tech hokies i just talked about earlier you never know what the nc state wolfpack uh you still got your louis bills uh that could make some noise not doing them but they could i could flirt with them a little bit later but uh like i said uh they have a pretty tough schedule nc state florida state uh jm you that duke game and then that minnesota this could be a ten and two even an eleven and one team as well so uh don't be surprised north carolina either has a pretty good year or uh eh year like i'm sorry nine and three is a is a pretty good year uh mac brown all he does is win but uh if the wheels fall off in north carolina is it time for a lot of conversation to go around about either mac brown leaving or mac brown stepping away you know uh nix abin is retired um and i do believe mac browns even older than nix abin so uh uh if he has a bad year north carolina does maybe he just says i just can't cut it anymore and i would not be surprised especially with the n_i_l_ thing going on nowadays and uh transfer portal it probably drives older coaches crazy having to deal with all that shit nowadays to be perfectly honest with you so um if you know they have a great year i can see mac brown you know writing off into the sunset but if they have a you know six and six uh seven and five type year i can see mac breast stepping away the other way that possibly getting fired so um it's a very interesting team definitely a team that's definitely gonna be some eyes on for sure the north carolina targetals all right moving on we're doing the last team the Miami hurricanes of course though you um with cam board uh you're saying why are you doing the Miami hurricanes cam board is their quarterback now this is a guy that transferred in i do believe he was at washington state i want to say and this guy can sling it uh this guy is a gunslinger he's big he's strong he's fastest is also a guy who does not mind tucking and running so when you talk about the mind before the hurricanes it's always been a team that just kind of close like they they're there and then they don't they lose heartbreaking games you know will lose to a team they're not supposed to lose to always have talent uh teams like the hurricanes they they can have great recruiting classes uh i do believe this is nick bs as he's still coaching uh this team i'm not real sure but they also have i think a underrated receiver that could be a draft steal and you know uh you're hearing it here first in july talking to my draft right now hey it's never too worthy right he's go by his name is restrepo i want to say zavior restrepo uh a good little slot receiver he's not the biggest he's got a lot of lag mcconky in him i watched a lot of restrepo last year definitely a highlight to the Miami hurricanes his offense last year so don't be surprised that this kid starts getting some admiration people start watching this guy in the hurricane land because he now has a quarterback that can throw him the ball so don't be surprised if this hurricane team has a good year and those two guys aren't being talked about as you know possibly belittinikov and of course devio brian awards at the end of the year especially miami like i said has a good year so let's see we all have somewhere we're trying to get to as the largest energy producer in colorado chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be you've arrived that's energy and progress visit an official message from medicare a new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs you may be able to save too with medicare's extra help program my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low who should apply single people making less than 23 000 dollars a year or married couples who make less than 31 000 dollars a year even if you don't think you qualify it pays to find out go to paid for by the u.s. department of health and human services with the lucky land slots you can get lucky just about anywhere this is your captain speaking you know we've got clear runway and the weather's fine but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky no no nothing like that it's just these cash prizes add up quick so i suggest you sit back keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky play for free at luckyland are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply see website for details august 31st starts up with the doozy i've already did the florida gators uh you know in my scc you know uh episode i did a couple of weeks ago a month ago however long ago it was one of the hardest schedules in college football going into this year the florida gators just you know pissed somebody off and of course they uh go to the swamp these hurricanes and knock off the florida gators i do believe that would be an upset uh florida should be favored uh going to the swamp this is a rivalry game though like i said uh but i did predict already florida loses to this uh hurricane team august 31st september seventh come home have a you know they i really good win you know the week before for sure against a rivalry team but they welcome in florida a&m and you're probably saying see him florida a&m i looked into this team this is a 12-in-one team last year i know it's a lesser team fcs you know division two yada yada yada but this is something that miami would usually do get a big win and then have a let down so don't be surprised september seventh florida a&m walks into a stadium that's not necessarily a great home field advantage and this a&m team from florida upsets the miami florida hurricanes but i'm not going to predict that i'm going to go ahead and say the hurricanes give them the benefit of the doubt september seventh they be florida a&m september 14th they welcome in ball state i want to say that's the falcons uh not real sure to be perfectly honest with you it's a bird uh ball state cardinal hell i don't know but i know it's a bird i will say that for a fact i know it's a bird it doesn't matter the hurricanes below the birds away at ball state september 14th september 21st take a trip to south florida to play the bulls sorry about that have you noticed a little bit of favoritism in the schedule going to florida that's not a far that's not a real far trip for these hurricanes stay in home play an a&m having ball state come to your your place now you're going to you you haven't left your state in a whole month yeah you gotta go to south florida play a bulls not necessarily one of the best teams in the country uh the hurricanes should win this game september 21st going to usf to play the bulls that is a win september 27th uh friday i did virginia tech earlier and of course i predicted virginia techs lose to the east hurricane team so here we go five and oh for the miami hurricanes the you after september 27th a friday night game by the way october 5th take a road trip long road trip to cal to play the bears um i do believe that's a weak team um it's going to be a let a let down game could this be a trap game absolutely like i said before earlier in the year miami kind of has those head scratching losses sometime this could be it but i'm thinking hi of the hurricanes this year here we go they beat the cal bears october 5th october 12th perfect buy literally cut your season in half you've played six games all wins that is a perfect time for buy october 19th here we go though you take a trip to louisville ooh this is it this is tough uh i see that again a team that is in the in-sea state territory i could include them in right now with the virginia tech hokies there's one calana tar his and of course the hurricanes as a team that could make some noise in the acc conference this is a team that is no slouch i'm probably offending some louisville fans right now uh you're not talking about them and not doing their schedule not predicting them to have a good year that could be a sleeper team in the acc so be careful but yeah i'm going to do it they get knocked off by louisville october 19th tough team like i said this not as that's not a head scratching oil i had scratching loss i know miami would probably be ranked at this time but who's to say louisville isn't going to be ranked at that time so you never know that's a tricky tricky game right there october 19th october 26th uh like they said they play florida state that week and of course they'd lose uh florida state is just the cream of florida right now they're definitely the cream of the acc as well the raining conference champs uh team that you know probably should have played in the playoff last year so i do believe they're coming out with a axe to grind against anybody and everybody they play this year and these hurricanes are no exception they lose october 26 to the seminals november second they welcome in duke uh the common team uh as you've seen in the past couple of teams that i've talked about uh but you know the two losses in a row definitely have woken up these hurricanes so that is a win november second against duke november 9th they take a road trip to george attack uh to play the yellow jackets uh could be a tough game um not real sure like i said uh george attack is kind of lumped in with the wake forces and the sieric users and boston colleges and so on and so forth as i don't know could they upset them absolutely but i'm going to say no november 9th hurricanes go to george attack and win november 16th another perfect buy yeah the first six games seventh week is a buy they had some really tough games in october and then they get their buy november 16th right here great buy november 23rd they welcome in wake forest two weeks to prepare for the demon deacons and they're playing at home this is a win for the hurricanes november 23rd november 30th last game of the season uh since they've already played their arrivals they played floor to stay in florida earlier in the year they don't have anybody to play a rivalry game against but they go to sieric use to play the orangement i have talked about them i do believe i talked about them earlier in the show uh it could be a tough time uh tough tough game uh this could be an upset uh like i said you know they have two conference losses as of right now these hurricanes so uh this could really change the accs dynamic oh it could knock out these uh hurricanes of of a chance to play in the conference championship uh i'm not going to say it uh but that could be an upset but i'm not going to predict it here number 30 if they go to sieric use and win so it looks like they're going to go 10 and 2 and that is a great year for hurricane fans double digit wins is something i'm not sure that they have accomplished in a quite a while to be perfectly honest with you and like i said cam ward remember that name i'm definitely going to do a Heisman show towards you know the the start of the season and i'm going to give you guys a bunch of names not just uh you know could lead their teams you know to great years these are our guys that could possibly win awards at the end of the year but also these are guys that i'm definitely probably going to definitely probably probably probably going to talk about come draft season so you can say oh you know cam ward leads the Miami hurricane's to 10 and 2 maybe has you know throws or 3200 yards 40 touchdowns seven interceptions and in a pretty tough conference you can you know guarantee that that guy's definitely going to be talked about by seeing him when it comes in the draft process right so absolutely watch this Miami forward a hurricane team the U schedule is set up beautifully that's why i definitely wanted to do the U i love their schedule it sets up very nice yeah they're tough you know games are in the back half of their season week after week it looks like you know with October 19th and 26th going to Louisville and welcome in Florida state but if anybody can knock off that Florida state Seminoles team why not this hurricane team uh like i said uh Seminoles could take a step back this year i know they're going to get a lot of love and they're going to get a lot of eyes on them this year but don't be surprised if somebody knocks them off and it is not the hurricanes because the hurricanes and Seminoles hate each other but that does it for me guys that was another three teams done so it looks like i've done five ACC teams not real sure if i'm going to do any more like i said if i get a you know random you know stick in my ass and i want to do some more teams i might just do that thinking about the NC State Wolf back for sure Louisville Cardinal absolutely but as of right now the ACC conference is done for at least right now like i said don't hold your breath might come back to them later i will be back soon and i'm going back to the big 10 conference uh one of the monsters like i've said before i could i would stick the SEC and the big 10 head to head their best six teams the SEC's best six teams and it could go three and three i could go four and two either which way uh you know uh the national champ hells from the big 10 the runner up from you know the national championship game is in the big 10 uh they have a lot to say this year for sure that is the big 10 conference to say hey we are the best conference in college football and you know they have some room to talk so don't be surprised if the big 10 is not hosting up that college football playoff national championship because i am predicting all how state to do it and i will break down their schedule i'm definitely going to do the pin state netman lines um not real sure who's my other team i'm thinking um organ maybe USC maybe Wisconsin maybe even Iowa uh i'm definitely going to do most of those guys uh in general it may not be next week but i will guarantee i'm doing on how state and pin state next time we talk about the big 10 that will be the next show coming out for the college football function so thank you guys so much it is time for me to bid you guys a do well give you guys the long kiss good night i hope you enjoyed yourself and i hope you are having fun having a great safe summer have a great safe fourth of july just a safe summer and just start counting down the days because guys it is coming faster and faster than you can ever know football season will be here before you know it and then bam in the blink of a eye it will be cold and it'll be playoff time and the next thing you know this will be draft season again these days come faster and faster the older you get so just take a deep breath appreciate the slow time as it is because i'm still trying to give you guys content just to tie you guys over give you a little itch to scratch something to listen to right before the season and kind of get you guys prepared and get you guys you know uh call me professor cm you know i want to school you guys on college football show you a thing or two hopefully broaden your horizons give you something to look forward to and you know whenever uh uh you turn on the tv come fall you know cmf talked about that game to watch that game and it didn't mind end up being you know one of those games at the end of the year you say hey that was one of the best games of the year and cm told you to watch it so thank you guys so much for listening like i said i'll be back with the big 10 next week this show is getting bigger and bigger every time we talk to you guys you know we got the two groups of hoops going right now definitely going to be doing that i don't know if i'm going to do a show with mike or i'm going to just do my own show uh but i will contribute you know to that show as often as i possibly can and of course be doing the college football function and might even do in some collab stuff with mike you know with the off-season outlook theories and you know talking about my panthers for the nfl season because that's coming you know fast and furious too as well so like i said guys uh big shout outs i got these new countries let me go through all the older ones portugal canada india island morocco poland germany australia equidore my and more france the uk big shout outs to that boy grim venezuela hatey indonesia gana saudi arabia gambia turkey bangladesh vietnam peru mejico slovakia yu gonda israel new zealand and a couple of new countries that just joined the list big shout outs to italy lithawania biljum brozio estonia and spain actually i am half-spanish so shout out to my home country out there uh at some point in time in my ancestors uh that's where i came from so uh big shout outs to all those countries especially spain all you guys none of you guys are i'm putting you guys higher than others uh i thank you so much i i the show from lubic texas home of the texas tech regulators just a guy who just loves college football and it's just branching out like i said i cannot thank you guys enough and if you want this show to be bigger and better you know to have guests and it be on every single streaming platform uh maybe get sponsored heck you never know do what you guys are doing and promote uh follow us on our social medias football function 2.0 on instagram we are also on facebook as well um look for that cool little decal you know that is the football function decal and like i said guys we cannot do it without you big shout outs to all the die hard listeners all the die hard contributors to the football function that is the show in general and then all the umbrellas as it is of course with the college football function you got the regular football function with mike and terry and of course two scoops of hoops you got the grim big shout outs to him happy belated birthday homie i did holler at you on your birthday i hope you had a great one and um how would pull my buddy my pal uh mr pin state mr uh jm you you know mr facebook stealer hope you were all doing well out there kg uh kevin watson uh let's see here big john detroit kyle dj flocking who more um are you guys man thank you guys so much and all the other lower loyal listeners cam uh you know cm the other cm big shout out to him as well anybody else out there man thank you guys so much i cannot thank you enough because i know y'all are doing the due diligence y'all are putting us out there and uh that's all we want you know we don't do this to be rich and famous i do this to educate i do this because i fucking love college football it is my one true love i have said that over and over and over again and i can't get out there without help from you guys so please promote us please give us love shout outs on all the football you know on our socials like i said i'm running out of gas coming up on another hour so uh get the patreon app another perfect time to plug the patreon app pay that dollar a month to get these episodes ad-free i mean what more could you possibly want right cousin mike unapologetic unfiltered no ads man just like god intended right so thank you so much like i said i would be back very soon talking about the big 10 pin state ohio state it may be another team not quite sure who to do i might do an extra two teams i might do four teams next time i talk to you guys we will see but take care guys um no you are know where you're going know who you serve and know what to do when you get that guys like i said have fun be safe take care cousin mike loshi big shout outs to all the family and friends out there fell uh andi love fun my boy dary and shonnell uh shon's more in my boy all my family all my friends matt decane rich uh true joe uh if i haven't shouted you out man i'm so sorry please hire at me so i can write you down and i will give you a shout out definitely next time so like i said follow social media get the patreon app however you listen to us promote promote promote i will be back soon guys take care god bless wreck em check an official message from medicare a new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug 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