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Trump pollster John McLaughlin talks election integrity in 2024 | 7.12.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

We all saw what went down in 2020, and no one wants those kind of shenanigans to return this November. What's the GOP doing NOW, to avoid issues? John McLaughlin joins the show to discuss with Howie.

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12 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And now I want to hand it over to the President of Ukraine, ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. Can't you go five seconds without humiliating yourself? I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President. So I think she's not qualified to be president. How long was that? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Putin ready to talk? I'm not ready to talk to Putin. A few moments later... I'm prepared to talk to any leader who wants to talk, including if Putin called me he wanted to talk. There is Biden having, uh, showing some signs of his age, but he also has the resilience. And I'm sticking with, uh, President Biden. I'm some. I'm keeping it. I'm going down with the ship. After that, members of the balloon, quote, unquote, going down, all of a sudden, they came doing that. Well, we set up a new mechanism. There's a direct line between she and me. Right dials. But dials galore. Well, anyway. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... [Music] Howie Car. Well, we're sold out of our cheap bastard deal, the ready-wise, uh, 170 serving emergency food preparedness kit. It went quickly because it was a good deal, but ready-wise, we'll continue, uh, for the foreseeable future to offer any full-priced item at 25% off. If you use code Howie20, I don't know why it's 20, 25, site. So you can still get a good deal today with, uh, ready-wise, even though the cheap bastard deals are gone. Joining us now is Donald Trump, pollster, John McLaughlin, to tell us what the situation is now as he sees it with the polling. John McLaughlin, thanks for being with us here on the almost the eve of the Republican Convention in Milwaukee next week. Yes, it's a pleasure to be here, and it's very different for us than compared to 2016 and 2020. Usually, at this point in the campaign, I was arguing that the CNN poll that had us down 14 was wrong, and they didn't have enough Republicans in it, et cetera. But now, I mean, the Democrats, they're, you know, they're looking at their polls and, uh, they've modeled it by the, you know, 2020 turnout, et cetera, and, uh, the best majority polls have said what they've said for the last two years, ever since Biden triggered inflation and surrender in Afghanistan, Donald Trump's been leading. And, you know, these Democrats, they don't care about say so that Joe Biden's health care about as they're losing in the polls. And here's a guy, and they're saying they don't want him as a candidate. Well, if he steps aside as a candidate, they've got to make him step aside as president, because how did he get to January 20th, if he began running for president, he can't run the country. So, uh, so Donald Trump's, you know, in the debate, it was a moment like we saw for us old timers like Ronald Reagan back in 1980, we had to, you know, wait for Jimmy Carter Reagan to debate in October. And prior to that, I used to work for Arthur Finkelstein, who was done work, who, you know, was a great pollster, did a lot of work on the country. Yeah, yeah, so I worked from me too, and I go back, we were working for Mike Deaver, we were on a Reagan's pollsters, we were working for Mike Deaver, we were get ready for the 84 election and author, and we go back and look at the 80 surveys. And Reagan, before the debate, there was every one favorable he had, there was an unfavorable, he was to all these two conservatives going to blow up the world, but Jimmy Carter had wrecked the country so much he had hostages in Iran, you had inflation. You had a weak America, Sam familiar, and, you know, when Reagan went to the debate and said, are you better off today than you were four years ago, and said, there you go again, Mr. President, the election was over, Reagan won in the landslide, and, you know, that's where you had with Trump against Biden, where Trump talked about facts, talked about his record, talked about his vision for America, talked about his policies, used policy contrasts with Biden, and, you know, he won that debate, the difference was the debate happened in June, not October, and we got to wait, you know, we've got really like 116 days to the election. You have 50 different sets of election laws in the 50 states, and, you know, I've read stories that the deadline has already passed in Nevada, they would have the Democrats would have to go into court and say that he's mentally incapable of running for President. And now I've just read a story the last couple of days saying, you know, they're talking about transferring over the $240 million in Biden's campaign war chest, and that that's not a done deal either, that they have to go through, jump through a number of hoops to get that money, and it's not even clear whether they can get all of that money. And every day that goes by that Biden stays in the race, it's going to be harder and harder to pry him out with the jaws of life, isn't it, John? Well, well, you know, this is like, he's like the captain of the Titanic, okay, so these guys drove the Titanic into the iceberg with all their stupid open board policies, their inflationary policies. They're weakening the military high crime. A lot of places you got cash was bail and other bad ideas. And then so, you know, the Democrat party has wrecked America that two thirds of the voters say it's on the wrong track, and the undecided voters aren't really undecided. They're like 80% disapprove of Biden. What he's done as president, they're like 80% on track. So they're just waiting for the election so they can vote them out. But the other Democrats, like right before the debate, we had Biden down to to Trump in the national poll, which is great for us. But Paris was down five. And now you've got Emerson College, a great D three school in Boston. Right there, where they come out with Kelly Olga. She's good. Yeah. Yeah, the polls look good. Oh, that's him. He used to be a Ford. No, no wonder. It's like the polls are accurate. And, and they got every Democrat that they polled losing to Trump and they're losing worse than Biden. And so these Democrats, you know, they got to get rid of their policies. They got to get, you know, they got to get rid of their platform and what they. Yeah, that's what, that's what Kimberly Strassel said today in the Wall Street Journal. I love the fact when they say the demo, the undecided voters will break for Biden. Well, John, I think traditionally undecided voters do not break within combat. You know, no, but listen, what about Kennedy off the ballot? Yeah, I know. And they're given him all kinds of grief. We have, we have a guy that calls in everyone. He's, he's a, an IT guy from Austin, Texas, Jay, Jay Valentine. And he writes for American thinker and he talks about how he's still concerned that he thinks there's like 500,000 illegal aliens that are going to be registered to vote. They're not going to vote, but someone will pick up their absentee ballots. And, you know, that it's unless, unless Trump wins in a, in a giant landslide, they're still going to have all these hundreds of thousands of illegal. Well, fake votes in the, in the, in the battleground states. What is, what is the Trump campaign doing here about this? Well, first of all, you had in the house on Wednesday, the Republicans proposed to measure that you can't vote in a federal election unless you're an American citizen. And, and 198 Democrats voted to allow illegal immigrants to vote in our elections. They voted against that position that only Americans can vote in American elections. So, so we're, you know, we're trying to get that issue out because it's really up to each state and the Republicans, what we've got to do is produce ballot watchers in the states like a lot of states don't have voter ID, most states do. But, like in New York where I live, you're not allowed to show voter ID. Right. You pull it out with a little old lady. Same Massachusetts. Yeah. Yeah. She's, she's saying, oh, put that away. You don't know how do you know who I am. They don't know, but they do that on purpose. And you're right. It's like New York City, the city council, wanted, you know, wants to have what they call the euphemism is non citizen voting, which means illegal immigrants. Everybody's wise now to what the Biden voter registration drive was. It was to bring in illegal immigrants so they could vote in places where you don't have voter ID. But other states, like the battleground states, a lot of them, they have voter ID. Like Georgia, you know, Biden went and got all mad at it when the late speaker of the Georgia legislature, Speaker Ralston, he changed the law to require voter ID. In the 22 election, you had that voter ID for voting early in person, voting absentee or voting on election day. And Biden said it was racist and the major league baseball moved the fall start game. Right. Yeah, penalize, you know, African American businesses that were going to benefit from that. They just, but it was all about, you know, stealing the next election. Guess what, in 2022, yeah, Herschel Walker lost, but every other Republican, one statewide, and you couldn't have a Stacey Abrams complaining about a stolen election because we had voter ID. And the number of drop box and absentee ballots dropped from a million to 250,000. So what you've got to have is, like in Pennsylvania, they want absentee to come after election day and the Republicans won that lawsuit. We have to fight it illegally. They're fighting it state by state. Plus the Republican National Committee is working on putting a hundred thousand people out there as poll watchers. So you got to have poll watchers and election workers in every one of these critical states, not just for president, but also for Congress and Senate. Otherwise, they'll try to steal it. But I mean, again, they took back the control of the Supreme Court, the state Supreme Court in Wisconsin, and now they're bringing back drop boxes. They're going to try to, you know, they got stopped in 2022. And that's how Ron Johnson held on to his seat against that nut. Mandella Barnes. But, you know, I mean, I hate to lose. I hate to lose these states and I'm just, I'm still not confident John McLaughlin. No, we're not either. So we're running still like an underdog and we're running where we're going to have to put all these. We cleaned out the RNC because their programs weren't working. I mean, they had bank to vote. There was no bank. It was bankrupt. So you have you have professionals in there like Chris El-Savede. You have Trump's daughter was the co-chair of the RNC. So now they're putting in programs. Plus, there's a lot of conservative nonprofits that are actually working to offset what the Soros nonprofits do. So we've got to play by their rules. And the day that early voting starts in the state, our people have to get online. We're going to tell them, you've got to go vote now. You've got to put that vote in. You know, some of these states start voting in September. Some a lot. Most states are voting in October. And if the Democrats are online, we've got to get online. We've got to get Trump voters out there. We can't wait for election day. So it's got to be a sea change in the way we're going to battle this because if we want an honest and fair election, we're going to have to work at it every day. You know, we are all working in the courts, but we've got to expose the Democrats. Wednesday's vote in the House. I give Speaker Johnson credit. His vote in the House on Wednesday exposed the Democrats for what they are because Schumer's going to try to let that bill die in the Senate. But the thing is, the Democrats don't care. You know, it's just when baby like Al Davis used to say, you know, they all they care about it. They don't care that they look bad, that they look like their traders. Oh, they do care. Well, first of all, they do care. They are trying to steal the election. Well, that's what I mean, though. They don't care if we see it, though, as long as they steal it, it's OK. Right. Right. And I had a great friend, the late pollster Pack it out with a really good friend. That guy, too. Yeah. Jimmy Carter's pollster. And he was he helped Donald Trump. And his his his favorite phrase was the Democrats to the crooked party, but the Republicans are the stupid party. So we've got to get real smart before before before they start voting because it's going to be a battle state by state. We've got to expose it. We've got to find it. I hope you guys are talking to some of these high tech people like Jay Valentine. You know, he impresses me with, you know, he works. I just, I just hope you guys, I don't want to wake up on the day on Wednesday, like I did four years ago and just say, Oh, my God. You know, they they they didn't win it, but they've won it. You know, you have to stop it because if it happened once the papers in the system, you can't get it out. That's right. So you so you got to stop it because it's, you know, the ones who, you know, last time they didn't know they were telling us how we don't see the Biden campaign on the ground and we're knocking on doors and I'm like, you're knocking on doors on COVID. Nobody's going to hit the door. It's like, so now we're just, we've got a fight and we know what we're doing. And, but it's, we can't take any of the granted. We got it. I mean, they are, they are trying to change the election laws and all these states to get rid of voter ID. And then they try to rig the balance like in North Carolina. They got a three to election commission. I saw that. In Cornell West, in Cornell West, they want to knock both of them off, right? Yeah, yeah. So we'll back in court and that's the RNC chairman, Michael Watley. That's his, that's his. And that's why that's why you got to get, you got to get Robinson in there as governor. You know, Cooper's been in there, even with the Republican legislature, Republican congressional delegation, he can still stack these commissions and and still try to steal elections. And that's what they, that's what these people do. Are you, are you doing polling for various vice presidential candidates or is that just all sort of up in, up in the air with Trump? Well, there's only one person you have to poll on that. And that's President Trump. And he's going to pick somebody he said he's going to pick somebody who could be president. And that's his most important criteria. And, you know, he's got a, he's got a good selection group. And we'll see. But I, you know, on our website, I'm a Glockman I already mentioned to you that we poll, we do a monthly poll that's not from the Trump campaign. It's just something that we've done for years. And in June, right before the debate, what we put up Trump was leading Biden by two and it's gone up since that I'm sure from all the media polls, but we were leading Kamala Harris by five. So, and plus I mentioned that Emerson poll where you could, you could see, you know, these are the Democrats how they do. But they're against, as far as the Republican candidates go, the most important thing is Donald Trump. And, you know, you get the candidates and Marco Rubio JD Vance, you know, Doug Bergen, the oral solid people, Ben Carson is being considered and you've got, you know, people talk about that junk in now, but until President Trump makes up his mind and makes his pitch about who he thinks should be the best vice president and help us win. That's, that's all that matters. And the name of the game is helping us win. John McLaughlin, Trump's pollster. Thanks for being with us. And what's the, what's your website again so people can check out your polls? McLaughlin McLaughlin And keep going after these, these schemes that the Democrats have got going. I don't want another 2020. None of us want it. None of us want it. Thank you, John McLaughlin. We appreciate it. We love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Smells from litter boxes, wet dog smell and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink. Thankfully, the Eden Pier thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds. Even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces and puke are eliminated by the thunderstorm. It works by sending all natural O3 molecules into your home that attach to those stinky smells and destroy them, leaving you and your furry pets with a clean and fresh smelling home. Eden Pier even has a pet odor guaranteed to wipe out any pet odor or your money back. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen or basement. They even make great gifts. Get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code Howie3. That's discount code Howie3. I'm HowieCar. HowieCar! HowieCar is back. 844-542-42. John from New York is on. They're telling us inflation's down, but it's still two and a half times what it was when Trump was president. But the consumer price index is up. So that's a sign of bad news coming down the pike, isn't it? Yeah, producer price is Howie. We're up and guess what? What do you think the revisions were? No, it's inflation. Yes, the revisions which will not make the headlines anywhere were that the news was bad and inflation was higher than they thought. Correct? Yeah, it's pretty amazing. How shocking that I could figure that out. Here's the key takeaway. Services were up six tenths of a percent, which is seven percent annual rate. But the key takeaway from the report is the year over year rate for the producer prices and the core producer prices. So that strips energy out was up for the fifth month out of the last six. So eventually that's either going to be passed through the consumer or corporate margins will get squeezed. And depending on the industry, that's what's likely to happen. So we'll see what happens, but that's the basic summary today. So it's just bad news all the way around. I mean, as if we didn't already know that, but they're going to just keep playing it that inflation is down. I like the way they say inflation's down. The prices don't go down. The rate of increase slows. That's still bad news for the consumer. Absolutely. And McDonald's CEO gave an interview last week because they're rolling out these value meals. And, you know, he took a lot of flack to raise him price 100%. He goes, look, we're not raising him 100%. But our costs have gone up 40% over the last four years. So, I mean, who are you going to trust? The Bureau of Labor Statistics or McDonald's? I saw Pepsi owns Frito-Lay, the potato chips. And they were, Frito-Lay was down four percent in the last quarter. Because people just, you know, they're either not buying the expensive potato chips or they're switching down to a generic brand, right? Yeah. I mean, they own Gatorade as well. And I'm a used consumer of that. And I mean, I got to tell you, they jack the price on that like 50 or 60%. And I pretty much cut them off every once in a while. My wife will buy some for me. But I've cut it off because it's just, it's just ridiculous. I mean, I'm not going to subsidize that effort. No, I know. And it's, yeah. And, you know, the potato chips, Pepsi's Gator. All that stuff was doing great during COVID because people were swimming in money. All this welfare, it's all over now. Thanks for the call, John. Have a good weekend. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Traditionally, you try to get out bad news on a Friday afternoon. And Meatball Morrissey is using the old playbook today. He has filed a motion with Judge Antibev and saying, don't pay no attention to the fact that the jury was unanimous in wishing to acquit Karen Reed on two of the three charges. The representations I'm reading now, made in counsels, affidavits have no legal bearing on the mistrial. So, so Fifth Amendment, we don't have no stinking Fifth Amendment here in, in middle, in Norfolk County. We're going to try again, even though the verdict was unanimous. It's, it's, you know, it's outrageous. I, I think personally joining us now to talk about this. And he's had some decisions in his own case is Aiden Carney, turtle boy. This, what do you make of this, Aiden? I mean, the fact that it's Friday afternoon, I tell you all you need to know, doesn't it? That they want to get the bad news out. It's outrageous. Yeah. I mean, these people have no soul. They have no conscience. They have no ethics. They're, they, they, how can anyone sleep at night? I mean, you have to have no soul to be able to go to bed at night saying, you know, that it appears as if a jury of 12 has acquitted a woman of murder and didn't understand somehow that they could have told the judge this. There was some sort of mix up, but their intention was to acquit her based after 10 weeks of testimony. And just saying, you know what, too late, you know, you know, these are the rules, rules are rules. It's like, okay, even if that is the case, which, which I'm not agreeing to. That's the commonwealth is claiming that that, you know, these are the rules. It's basically too late. How can you sleep at night knowing that? Like, how do you, is your goal to have actual justice or get the W? I mean, what are we, what are we trying to do here? It's unethical. Yeah, especially when the, the evidence is, in my opinion, in yours too, and most of the listeners is so overwhelmingly that she is not guilty of any kind of anything, but especially not murder. The trial judge, here's, I'm reading again from the filing, is best situated, quote, unquote, to determine whether the, quote, the ends of substantial justice cannot be attained without discontinuing the trial. So we're leaving it up to Auntie Bev to assure the ends of substantial justice. Jeez, I wonder, I wonder how she's going to roll on this. It's a big mystery. I mean, she's the most, we know, but exactly what she could do. She's going to deny it because that's what she always does. She's a hack. She'll get to be on TV. She wants to be on TV all over again. Do her size and drink out of her bootleg, Stanley Cup. And, you know, she's out in the Cape right now. She doesn't want to drive her back. You know, she doesn't have a good time. But yeah, we know exactly what she's going to do. You're going to deny this motion and then they're going to have to appeal it. And that's why they brought on Weinberg. He's the appeal guy. This is what he's known to do. He's good with appeal. So they're, I'm sure that they are planning, they're assuming that she is going to deny this motion and that the next step, because, I mean, let's be honest, we'd all be shocked. Like, I can't even envision a world in which Auntie Bev comes back. And, you know, in the issue of fairness, actually, because I'm really concerned with fairness, I think you're right. We're going to drop this charge. This has gone too far. She's never going to do that. Never going to do that. So, yeah, I mean, we're going to have to bring this to the SJC, which is, and they've overruled her before on Jennifer McCabe's phone records, and hopefully they do it again. Boy, but in the meantime, the tab keeps running it up on Karen Reed. When it looks like she had, she should have the two of the three charges already gone. So you said, you tweeted out this morning that you have it on Good Authority, that the jury foreman was the former cop. And, you know, isn't this kind of on him? I mean, certainly this filing is trying to lay it on him, saying, well, why didn't he tell us that they had unanimous verdicts on two of them? And, you know, they have a point there, don't they, Turtle Boy? They do have a point. And I've said from the beginning, I don't know who to blame you. If I blame the jury, if I blame the defense, if I blame the commonwealth of the judge, you know, I think everybody has some responsibility here for not making enough noise about this. Like, how something like this could happen? And certainly, you know, they asked, they wrote notes. They have the ability to ask the judge questions. How is one of the first questions you're not asked? Like, hey, you know, we've acquitted on the big, the big inch, a lot of the murder charge. We acquitted on that. Are we allowed to acquit on one and hang on the other? Because we can't figure the other one out. We're not asked. I mean, this guy is no, this guy is no Trump. There's a lot of educated people on this jury. And I know his effect, and I know the guy's name. I've reached out to him for comment. I'm not going to say his name because I don't think it adds much to the story. But I could tell you, you know, he's a former cop, which I think the defense liked them. They liked the former part of that. And he turned it to the physician's assistant, which, you know, is almost like a doctor. And he works at a hospital with a bunch of surgeons. And he's been talking to people who have been talking to me. And they've been telling me that he was one of the eight who wanted guilty on manslaughter. But he confirms the 12-0 decision on murder, which to me is now five jurors that have come forward and confirmed this. Right. So, is he going to be called on July 22nd? Or is he going to be in the courtroom in case they want to talk to him? He's the, you know, he's the former. Oh, God, no. No. I mean, that's, that'd be Auntie Bev would be. She would have to do that. I don't. But I mean, at least they could turn around and say, look, here's the foreman. You know this guy, Auntie Bev. Here, here he's willing to tell you that it was... You mean, well, you mean, is the defense going to bring you back? Yes. Yes. Oh, you know, I would hope, you know, and I would hope that these jurors all would just have the gumption of coming forward and putting a name to it now and saying, you know, I spent 10 weeks of my life doing this, and I voted to equate it. We don't even get any credit for it. Like, how are they not coming forward and saying something? I hope they do. They claim to have a group text. Hopefully, they're in the group text saying, like, this is the right. We should issue some sort of statements. I get that this case is attracted a lot of the crazies. And a lot of these people probably don't want their names out there. They don't want the nut jobs following them around these anti-cant, like the food stamp five showing up at their house, protesting them. They don't want that. So I get it. But at the same time, like, whatever discomfort they feel from putting their names out there, it's because of discomfort Karen reads right now. I mean, I'm putting a quiz of murder and I'm going to go through it again. The final note from the four person unequivocally stated that the jury were, quote, unable to come to a unanimous decision, unquote. In other words, that the jury were deadlocked. The jury was deadlocked. It's, you know, I mean, they have the notes. That gives them a leg up, unfortunately. But I mean, this is terrible. I mean, she says this is double jeopardy. In my opinion, in a classic sense of the word being tried twice for the same crime. I mean, but this is why appeals courts exist because this is outrageous. And it would be, you're absolutely right. It is a violation of her civil liberties, the most basic, fundamental, civil liberties that, you know, that no citizen can go through double jeopardy and be charged for the same crime. You know, twice after especially have to be acquitted. So if the SJC, which I'm confident the SJC will rule in favor of the routine here. And if that's not the case, I mean, this is a classic Supreme Court case. This goes right to Washington, DC, this case. So, you know, it would be a little anticlimactic, to be honest with you, if the SJC just ended this with the stroke of a pen. I would imagine that like there's a release. We're all sitting on pins and needles waiting for the guilty or not guilty verdict. And then some, you know, SJC judge just, you know, pens a decision and puts it up on the internet. And that's how we find out. But I'm sure Carrie will take whatever victory she can get. I think she would. And by the way, she was announced today that Jackson and Unity are coming back for the second bite at the apple if there is such a bite. I saw that. Yeah, that was good news for her. You know, I didn't think that they would leave. I'm sure it's a tremendous, especially for Jackson and little tremendous burden on their part, but they've never had a client like this before. So that they're clearly personally and emotionally invested it. All right. Well, listen, what about your own case? Now, you won a big victory today. I think you're going to get some phone records, right? Yeah, two of them, actually. I haven't posted about the second victory that we just got into. So, yeah, we won our rule 17 motion. We're asking for the, I don't even know what to call it a fake victim or the accomplice of Brian Tully. We wanted her phone records because we want to see all the communications that she had with police on the day leading up to these fake charges against me, right? Your arrest. Yeah. Correct. So we were so led to obviously 60 days and a can. And so we need to see those. We have her actual phone, but we want to see what's deleted because when they gave us her phone, there was no messages with Tully. And in Tully's own report, he put that he was texting him when I was there and saying, I'm going to delete all our messages. And don't call me because he's here and don't do anything. Don't know the trick is up. So we want and he probably puts that in the report like a moron because he's not good at covering things up, I guess. And so it's like, it's an admit. It's an admit that they're like participating in the destruction of evidence at no point to probably say, no, no, don't do that. We have nothing to hide. You don't need to delete any messages or anything like that. A lot of messages have been deleted in this case, as we know. I mean, so are you going to be able to get these these back? I mean, don't hire Garina was your to retrieve these messages or you'll never see them. We're getting them right for Verizon. How are you? And we'll be able to cross reference the Verizon records that we get with the phone records that Tully gave us to see. Maybe they're hiding something there. What else are you guys hiding? How many times did you talk on the day that I went over there? Like, did you talk right before you spoke with me? Right? After you spoke with me, like, we'll be able to cross reference this and figure it all out. And so that's one piece of the pie. The other piece of the pie was the bill of particulars. Like, they've never stated how any of these actions are illegal. Like, and Tim brought this up. The Kathy Curran was at the Proctor's house laughing and on the screen and asking them questions and they're yelling, "Get off my lawn. Get off my lawn. How is that any difference from anything that I get?" You know, this rolling rally that I organize, there's hundreds of people there. Who's the only one getting charged? Who's the only one facing these phoneies? Right? And it's like, so, Tim asked, like, you need to explain this. You need to, you can't just say he did this. And then he is the witness intimidation statute. You need to say, "How this violates the statute? How this age-old journalism that Turtle Boy's participating in suddenly became a felony?" You need to explain that. And what is he allowed to... Is it the bullhorn that made it like a felony? Is that what did it? Or was it the fact that he's loud or that he's rude? I mean, what about the speech suddenly became a felony? And they need to explain it. So we filed a motion for a bill of particulars that forces them to do that. Because they refuse to do it. And the judge today, just about an hour ago, issued an order demanding that the issue give us a bill of particulars explaining themselves. And that's going to be good. I can't wait to see that. You know, the new special prosecutor, Robert Cosgrove, I couldn't get his pensions yesterday. There was a glitch or something in the Comptroller's website. I got it this morning. I tweeted him out. I tweeted him at you. This guy who's going after you, he's 72 years old. He's a pal of meatball morrisies. He's got two pensions that add up to $202,000. So he's a triple dipper. He's a triple dipper, Turtle Boy, now. And I guess that's not enough to live off of. He's not satisfied, which is retiring on the Cape on his $202,000 a year doing nothing. That's not good enough for him. He's got to, you know, he's got to declare a war in the First Amendment, too. You know, God forbid he doesn't do that. And he's a cone head, too, isn't he, or close to it? Oh, yeah. So, you know, he's hanging on to some scraps. He's more of a could stand there. He's more of a could stand there. I would recommend he become a cone at it. That point, you might as well go, you know, what are you hanging out to some scraps? What are we doing here? Get rid of those things. So, listen there. One of the Facebook pages in is having a pub crawl tomorrow. I assume you're not going to be there. I know I'm not going to be there. Last time I came there, Norman McAlver, you know, it costed us. And I was blamed for it because I wanted to get a mule of food. So, it's my fault. I'm encouraging. So, I think I'll take the day off. No pub crawl tomorrow. Tonight at six, Turtle Boy, be listening. We're going to do a Kent and Confidential. We have multiple choice questions on the trial. You're involved in some of them. It's going to be great. And we're going to do a lot of them in the Herald on Sunday. But it's going to be pretty amusing, I think. So, everybody stand by for that. You can win a copy of Paper Boy, if you can answer the questions correctly. So, are you doing any more shows this weekend or just last night? I'll be doing tomorrow night at nine. I'll be doing one. Yep. Tomorrow night. Okay, great. And they could check you out at Dr. Turtle Boy on X or Twitter. And you've also got a new story out on TV Daily News today about what's been going on. Thank you, Turtle Boy. Congratulations on your victories. Appreciate it. Thanks. Precious Metals are having a banner year. Gold is setting new session highs this week as the price breaks the $2,400 threshold. This comes after core CPI reports an increase to 3.3% lower than expected. The gold market is moving strongly this year. Conversely, the S&P is only up less than 4% for the first six months of the year. So, metals are once again a very lucrative investment. If you're like me, you enjoy having actual metals on hand and not just a piece of paper saying you have them. American Independence Gold Group is veteran-owned. It recognizes the contributions veterans have made to our society. If you are a veteran or a family member of a veteran, American Independence Gold will provide free storage and no fees. It's a way to thank veterans for their service. American Independence Gold can show you the benefits of converting your retirement accounts into a tax-sheltered IRA with physical gold. We all pray that Trump wins, but you cannot wait until November. To learn more about American Independence Gold, go to and watch my video with Ryan Durta of American Independence Gold. In the video, you will learn all the benefits of investing with American Independence Gold. Check it out today at, I'm Howacar. He's Howacar. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashville. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you support allowing Massachusetts cities and towns to bring back two-for-one happy hours 40 years after Mike Dukakis outlawed them? Yes. 79% of the audience says yes, 21% say no. Some people are saying, well, he was trying to just straighten up his wife. She was an alcoholic and wanted to stop her from drinking. She wasn't at the Purple Shamrock. I'll tell you that. I don't think she ever left the house in Brookline. They had happy hours, had nothing to do with her alcoholism. 844-542-42. Michael, you're next with Howacar. Go ahead, Michael. Hi, Howie. I called yesterday about Jay Valentine. Yes. And I thank you for pushing it and getting that guy John McLachlan on. I called today. I called Buck and Clay because they're a national show. He's listening to Grace, but I called them. I spoke to the screener, right? I said, do you know Jay Valentine? You said, yes, you know them very well, very well. And then I said about the hundreds of thousands, you know, what he's contending with that they're doing. Right. And you said the Trump campaign is very aware of this. You know, I'm sorry. You know, thanks for your concern. I got to move on. Yeah. So what do you believe? I don't know. I'm going to try to call. I'm going to try to call. So I started calling people today, you know, they're getting ready to go to Milwaukee and all that stuff, but they got it. They got to stay on top of this. They can't, they can't just think that, you know, hiring lawyers and having poll watchers. It's like Valentine says, you know, it doesn't matter what's going on at three in the afternoon on election day. What matters is what's going on before, you know, when the absent, the mail-in ballots are being dropped off at the Walmart or at the, or at the Sitco station. They're being picked up by the bearded little Weasel Democrats, like the people in, in Bridgeport who are stealing all these elections. And the only time they get caught is when they're stealing it from other Democrats. Thanks for the call, Michael. Chris, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Chris. Hi, Howie. Regarding the Karen Reid trial, I don't understand how this discrepancy on the verdicts could have happened. I was on a jury recently for a criminal trial in Massachusetts. It wasn't Norfolk County. But the judge made the instructions very clear to the jury before we deliberated that you could vote, you know, not guilty on, or you could go guilty or not guilty on some charges, but not all of them. You could, you could individually. And when, in this case, the jury I was on, I was the foreman, when we, the two most serious charges, we all agreed that the defendant was not guilty on. So as soon as that happened, I signed the verdict slip and dated it and was done and then we deliberated about the other four charges. I wish you'd been the foreman on this, on the Karen Reid jury, Chris. And, you know, she gave terrible instructions. Those original jury slips, verdict slips, didn't have a not guilty on them. This, what a, what a belief show on Howie Carr.