The Howie Carr Radio Network

Commonwealth Files Motion in Karen Read case plus Happy Hour on the LAST Last Call | 7.12.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

It's Emma Foley's last day at the Howie Carr Radio Network, and that means it's time for one final Last Call. There are some fun new installments in the Commonwealth. Out with the old Charlie Cards, and in with contactless payment. Plus, an old 1984 law may be undone. Could Happy Hour return to Massachusetts?

Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show a Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. The lines are closed right now, but we will go back to the celeb, the Clooney Pool, as I call it. You can pick which celebrity you think is going to be next up to bail on Biden. We're getting a lot of great texts. Unfortunately for you guys, it does not count. But the text line, if you just want to have fun with it, is 617-213-1066. I've seen some and I put them down as quick picks. Not that anybody wants those apparently. I just wanted to point something out. Every time a Democrat, whether it's a Congressional Democrat or a member of the media, goes on TV and talks about how they're scared that if Joe Biden runs for president, that the Democrats are going to lose the House, the Senate, and the White House, I want to say to those people, stop. You're getting my hopes up and I don't need that. I don't need you making me think of this wonderful scenario where it's a total red wave. And I did get a message from someone yesterday on Twitter who was a Grace. All of these people are trying to get you psyched up like they did in 2022. That it's going to be a landslide and it's going to be wonderful and you should just be cautious. I do tend to throw caution to the wind on Fridays though. Stop it. Get some help. Like if you're not going to throw caution to the wind on Friday and enjoy and kind of soak it all in, then I don't know what you're doing. I did want to give people before we go to the last, last call. I just want to give everyone a quick update on the Karen Read trial. So Turtleboy was tweeting today about this filing from the Commonwealth and he says this is on his Twitter at Dr. Turtleboy. The Commonwealth in their opposition to a motion to dismiss says that the jurors gave no indication they were unanimous on a murder charge, but they thought they had to be unanimous on all three before saying as much. The Commonwealth claims that even though it appears to be unanimous 12-0 in favor of knock guilty for murder, the jurors still could revisit their vote and change their mind. He went on to tweet. The Commonwealth says that the hearsay juror statements that they voted to a quick Karen Read of murder are legally irrelevant and then Turtleboy goes into his thoughts on the matter. But it seems like Taylor, it's basically what we were saying yesterday, which is the way they framed it. Didn't really give anyone a heads up that there were two charges they were unanimous on. And I don't think Judge Kannoni right before July 4th was going to dig into that any further. She just took it as, okay, Mistrau. Seems like people were really lazy with this. One, the instructions weren't as clear as they should have been. And two, ask the question. Like, just ask. That's all you had to do with ask. Yeah, follow up after nine weeks is the least we've expected. How many times did you come back saying we're dead? Can we please? Can you please excuse us? Can you please ask? And also, like, if you want to get an app, like a Starbucks app on your phone, you have to go through a list of instructions and, you know, agreements and things. Why are we not getting instructions on a verdict form? Well, I wonder where you're going with that. No, but you don't even mean there's instructions for everything nowadays. It's like, oh, you're going to open a package. Here's the set of instructions for a verdict for someone, whether it's guilty of murder. See, this is where I can't take my own medicine. I don't read those. I just go ahead. That's true. I just go ahead and build the shed and wondering why it's not coming out the way it's supposed to. Yeah, this damn shed. Okay, without further ado, it is time for our last... last call. Last call. Time now for your end of the week. Wrap up with Emma Foley. It's last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Let's go. Last call, everybody. Now Emma, there's going to be people out there who haven't seen this on social media. They're going to be saying, why is it Emma Foley's last? Why are we repeating words? Yeah, last, last call. Tell people what's going on. Yes, so this is the first time this is being announced on air. Today is my final day at the Howie Car Radio Network. This is my last last call. I've been really grateful for the opportunities here. I've had a lot of fun and I will be moving on to national review later on this summer. So I'm really excited. I will never forget you, Grace, and last call. And I also, I really want to thank the listeners because we couldn't do this without you guys. And one thing that I did here was screen the calls. And so I got to talk to you guys every day. And that's something that I won't be able to do anymore. So Steve from Cambridge. Anytime you want to come back, you can talk to me. David from Waltham Scotia, Scotia's 20 year old cat. I've learned so much about you guys. I've talked to some of you guys every single day. And I will miss you. So thank you so much. And Emma, I just want to say on behalf of all of us here, you are a superstar. You are so smart. You are so witty. You are so talented and I just know the sky is the limit. We're so excited for you and to see what you do next. Don't forget about us. Give us a shout out every once in a while. We'd love to hear from you. And thank you for all your hard work. It really, it made my show better. It made how we show better. And we just appreciate it. Thank you, Grace. All right. Now, without further ado, it's time. Give us, give us what's going on. First, I have my celebrity pick. Oh, okay. Hold on. Let me tell you that no one said this yet. Double checked. Cross referenced. Okay. Who do we got? Lizzo. Oh, interesting because she's been, so this is another part of this conversation. I'm glad you brought up Lizzo. We're trying to decide if celebrities who are involved in their own scandals are in their own kind of downturn right now, as far as their likability in the media, if they're going to take the win of Joe Biden taking all the heat off of them or if they're going to try to get involved and capitalize off of the distraction. And what I mean by that is like an Alec Baldwin situation. I said to Taylor, "Oh, Alec Baldwin would be a good pick for this because he's involved with this trial, the rust shooting, and it's in New Mexico, and there's TV cameras, it's on court TV." Maybe he would use this as a way to deflect from that part of his life and to bring it into politics and say, "By the way, I don't think Joe Biden is the best pick." Taylor said, "No, he doesn't want to do that." Joe Biden, no one's paying attention to this trial because of Joe Biden. So you're saying with Lizzo because she's involved- She's got some scandals going on herself. That she would use this as a chance to maybe make it more about her political leanings. I think because of the scandals, she's incredibly vulnerable. I think there might be malicious actors who might say, "Hey, Lizzo, we need you to switch your political opinion really quick on a dime." And so I think she's going to turn against Joe Biden. And like everybody else in Hollywood, she's not a scrupled person. Yeah, these allegations are not cute. She's eating a lot of scruples. Taylor. We don't fetch him on this show. Sorry. Alright, Emma, what do you got for us? Alright, I have three new pieces of news out of Massachusetts and it is all, "I think good news." Okay, hit me with it. First, the MBTA will be launching contactless payment on August 1st. So you will not need a Charlie card anymore. You can still use your Charlie card. You'll still be able to use the tickets and the cards. But if you just want to show up with your Apple Pay, you will be able to do that. Will everything be running now? Will the lines be, "To be determined." You know, this does come at a cost and it costs $926 million to... Hold on, back up this train. What cost $926 million? So officials in May agreed to a contract change with vendor Cubic. So they're the ones that are going to set up these little machines. You know what I'm going to ask. Who at Cubic is like married to someone that's running the MBTA? That's the obvious question. Who at Cubic, what kind of nationwide search for this? How do they get this contract? Huh? But see with somebody in the state house, how did this happen? I'm not sure, but I will tell you, the person behind it is the Secretary of Transportation in the Commonwealth, Monica Tibbitt's Nut. And if you recall, she was the one who wanted to up the excise tax on your truck. I am going to do a little digging after the show. I've got some spare time after the show today. And I'm going to try to find a connection between what's the company called Cubic? Cubic. Cubic. And either Monica Tibbitt's Nut. I doubt that. Or somebody. Somebody. There's... There's somebody. Why do you doubt it? We're going to go on to the next part. It's going home. Happy Hour could return to Massachusetts. I heard this. How he was talking about this yesterday. I guess this was something that Dukakis was an anti-happy hour, so that's when they got rid of it way back in the day. And now it's rearing its, I don't want to say ugly head, but it's coming back. It's a happy head. How would it come back though? Is this something people got a vote on? 40-year hiatus. It's in the wake of a state Senate vote. That was last night. So Senator Peter Durant came on a how we car show right after the Senate debacle and it could come back. So this is Massachusetts Senator Julian Seer and he proposed the amendment that would allow businesses with liquor licenses to sell alcoholic beverages at a discounted price, which was the actual ban. So you couldn't say beer is 10% off today. Yeah, you could still do snacks and stuff like happy hour, but you couldn't do booze. The thing I worry about with this is that after a 40-year hiatus, it might get too happy. Like people might just go out of control with it because places like Florida, happy hours, nothing to see here. It's just part of their, they are accustomed to the happiness. Here in Massachusetts, we're all pretty miserable. You throw happy hour at us. It's too much of a good thing. I'm not saying that's going to be the case, but I would say that would be the argument against it. Now, when you told me you were going to talk about this today, I thought a really great person to ask would be Taylor because this is kind of, this has got to be tearing you two different ways. On one hand, you know, I think what's your, what's your drink of choice? Whiskey. Yeah, you like a whiskey, but on the other hand, happy, the happy of the hour. I don't know if you go for that as much. Pretty anti-happy. You're pretty anti-happy. So you get an hour guy. I'm not happy unless I'm not happy. So what, what is your takeaway from happy hour? Are you pro or anti-bring in the back? There's several different components to this. But I'm basically for the freedom of small businesses at the end of the day to promote whatever sales they want, even if it is a heavily regulated sector of the free commerce world as such as liquor is. So yeah, I think I come down on the side that it should go forward. However, I don't think it will. We live in Massachusetts and there are many towns in Massachusetts right now that are trying to ban nips, the sale of nip bottles at liquor stores, because they're too convenient. They're too concealable. They're too accessible. They're too many, too. People like to drink them while they're driving. And I had, I was behind a car just yesterday morning coming into work at 845 on Route 24. Somebody tossed a nip bottle out the window in front of me. So yeah, people are doing with them what they will. So I don't think it's ever going to happen again in Massachusetts. But I am for it. Yeah. And you know what? You just kind of put it in a nutshell. It's like, it's good for businesses. So that probably means that it's not going to happen here because we don't like to do anything that's good for businesses. Emma Foley, I think that's all the time we have. I can't believe this is it. Thank you so much for all your time. Thank you, Grace. And this one. Thank you, Taylor. And Emma, tell me where they can follow you on Twitter if they want to follow you in your next chapter of your journey. Yes, you can find me at Emma Foley Media on X and Instagram and you can follow my future endeavors. I'll be at the RNC next week doing my civic duty and nominating President Trump as a delegate. Wonderful. Thank you very much, Emma Foley. We appreciate your time and we appreciate all your contributions to the Grace Curly show. Last time I visited Perfect Smiles, I had a few things on my to-do list. I came in with a list. I said Dr. Houghton, Stephanie, Melissa, Lori, everybody listen up. We got a couple of things to check off here. One of them was a teeth cleaning. That was not a problem. Lori is the best. It's easy. It's painless. Your teeth end up feeling the most clean they ever have in your entire life. Two. And I was a little worried about this one. My jaw was hurting me and I had gotten Botox to deal with the TMJ. It wasn't really taking. So Dr. Houghton looked at my teeth. He did a little examination and he realized it was actually something going on with my bite. So he was able to fix that for me very quickly and give me some much needed relief. The third thing, which I just got an update on today, is I told Dr. Houghton, my bottom teeth are a little crooked. I would like to get him in his line and he said, "Oh, Dr. Tam who is now part of their office." He said he's an expert at it. He can do all of that. So Dr. Tam came in, got my teeth, measured them out or however they do it. It's all this new technology. Do they put like that putty stuff on him? No, not anymore. They just use this wand and it's all computerized. It's amazing to watch and it works very quickly. So Dr. Tam did this all within. I would say it took 10 minutes and then they just texted me, Melissa texted me and said, "Hey, your trays are in." So I'm starting this. I'm starting this soon, probably by the end of the month. There's a reason people love Perfect Smiles, whether you're going in for a simple cleaning or a total smile transformation, they are there for you every step of the way. No judgment, no pain, no stress. They're located right off Route 3 in Nashua. Take the first step and check them out online at Change your smile, change your life, we'll be right back. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. We still have a lot of sound to get to. I also want to play the sound of Joe Biden throwing his staff under the bus and also in a way you could say throwing Dr. Jill under the bus. He pulled back the curtain a little bit as to Jill's temper. I'm starting to think that she's not this sweet teacher behind the scenes. I'm starting to get a different picture courtesy of Joe Biden. Amanda, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Who's your celeb pick, Amanda? I'm going to go with Megan Markle. She could use some attention. Oh, that's an interesting pick, and you know what? I'll tell you why. They were just at the Espies because Harry was winning the Pat Tillman Award, despite the fact that Pat Tillman's mother said, "I don't think he should win it." And they were there and they got a lot of attention, and it was really the first time I had kind of seen them out in a while. I think they started to understand that people were getting sick of them. They do say Megan Markle has political aspirations. This wouldn't be a bad way to dip her toe. Do I get veto powers? Because if I did, I would veto this one. Why? Not a Hollywood celebrity. Well, she is. 100% she is. 100% she is. Suits. It's like the number one show streamed on Netflix this year. Really? Never saw it. Yeah. Oh, no. She's the Markle sparkle. She's for sure a celebrity. Okay. It stands, Amanda. I'm writing that down. Megan Markle. Amanda's two for two against me because she was the bartender that served up Doug Burgum, right? Yeah, I like Amanda. I like Amanda. We're on the same page on a lot of things. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you could be the next one. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results? Results thus far. Sorry. I was reading something at the same time. Are you okay today's poll question, which you can vote in at is who had the worst performance last night, Biden or the media? I'm going to say the media. There were a few questions that stuck out to me. One of them was when the woman asked him to basically, you know, tell us how wonderful Kamala Harris is. And then the European reporter who was asking or really just telling him, you know, we're all very scared that Trump could be the president. It was reminding me of the old days of these old Biden pressers before they, before they really figured out, oh, he can't do these. He is not equipped to do them. So I'm going to say the media, the media is pretty much undefeated when it comes to being the suckiest all the time. 63% say the media. For me, it was the last question that was shouted out. Remind me. So the first question, the first response was when Joe Biden said vice president Trump. Nobody asked if there were no followups, the whole press conference and some schmuck reporter. The last question shouted out, um, I respectfully, sir, respectfully, uh, Don, you, you miss spoke and said vice president Trump, when you meant vice president Harris, Donald Trump is using that to mock you. How do you respond? You can't just say, did you just not realize that you said vice president Trump? They've got to use. Yeah. He's the fulcrum here. He's got to be the one that they, they put that on. And you like that word? Yeah. Uh, he's the one that they put that on so they can ask the question because otherwise they're too scared and they even have to pad that by saying respectfully, sir, do you know who that reporter was? No, I don't. Peter Alexander. Was it? He's still around Peter Alexander for me had one thing, wonderful moment. And it wasn't on purpose. This was when Trump was president, they were going back and forth on something and Peter Alexander was, you know, asking one of these, when did you stop beating your wife questions? And Trump turned to him and he was just destroying him saying what a terrible reporter he is. And then he said, you know, maybe, maybe I'll be wrong on this, but I'll tell you this. I'm right. A lot. And it was such a great, I don't know what, and you know what came from that moment Taylor was Peter Alexander to your point about what, what a moron he is. That was when he went like this. He put his hand over his chest and he did that look of, you're saying this to me? Like he was clutching his pearls in real time. Peter Alexander is one of the worst. And I'm not surprised that he was the one to say, Trump is pouncing on your comments. What do you say to Trump? I don't think Trump's the problem in this situation, Peter, we'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Tratria studio. Respectfully, further, you misspoke, and you're with the answer of the preferred vice president Harris as vice president Trump. Right now, Donald Trump is using that to mock your age and your memory. How do you combat that criticism from tonight? Listen to him. This concludes tonight's press conference. Thank you, everybody. Thanks everyone. All of these challenges he gives out that are, I understand what he's going for. They're supposed to be these mic drop moments, like these Clint Eastwood get off my lawn. But if you really think about what he's saying, it's like we do listen to him, and that's part of the reason. Get off my lawn. That's part of the reason why people think you mishandled the debate. That's part of the reason why people think you shouldn't be running for president. We're listening. He wants you to listen to Trump. He wants you to watch him. Watch me. Listen to him. We're listening. We're watching. She never. We're learning. And we don't like what we're seeing. Do we have the old cup? So there was a cut of Peter Alexander, and it's burned into my mind. It was when Trump to me was, this was peak Trump. And Peter Alexander, if you Google it, you can find the picture of him. He had his hand to his chest. He was so, he was so taken aback that Trump was coming at him. Take a listen to this. When you say the Americans were scared, though, I guess, you're the 200 dead, 14,000 years sick. Millions, as you witness, who are scared right now, what do you say to Americans who are watching you right now who are scared? I say that you're a terrible reporter. That's what I say. I think it's a very nasty question, and I think it's a very bad signal that you're putting out to the American people. The American people are looking for answers, and they're looking for hope. And you're doing sensationalism, and the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't go... I don't go at Comcast. I go at Comcast. Let me just say for whom you work. Let me just say something. That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting a set of sensationalism. Let's see if it works. It might and it might not. I happen to feel good about it, but who knows? I've been right a lot. Let's see what happens, John. I'm going to come back to the sides of the logistics area. A beautiful, beautiful interaction. I will never forget it. I loved how he called him out for that kind of question where every question they asked Trump was, "You know, there are people who say you have blood on your hands. What do you say to the people who accuse you of killing everyone in the United States?" That was the kind of question he would give when it was Trump. Now he can't even say to Biden, "Hey, bro, did you catch the fact that you called your VP Kamala Harris, the first black female VP, Donald Trump, the guy that you claim to hate so much?" That slipped your mind that you mix those two up. By the way, speaking of, you mixed up Zelensky and Putin when you were introducing Zelensky. But he can't even say that. He said, "Oh, respectfully, sir, Donald Trump's already making fun of you for saying something that you didn't mean to, I know you didn't mean to say it, but you want to clarify." And then with Trump, he goes, "There's a lot of dead people in the world and it's all your fault. How do you respond?" I love that Trump was trying to give people hope and he got slammed for it. If he was ever optimistic, if he was optimistic about Operation Warp Speed, if he felt like, "Hey, we're going to have a vaccine," he was slammed. If he was optimistic about opening things up, he was slammed. He was constantly slammed for everything. And to his point at the end, I'll never forget when he said, "I'm right a lot." Because at that point in his presidency, every single thing that the Peter Alexander's of the world had predicted and had fear-mongered about and had wax poetic about on their networks, they had been wrong. They had a horrible, horrible track record and they keep that track record going to this day. And Trump telling them, "Hey, I'm right a lot," was his way of saying, "Maybe you all should take a little slice of humble pie because you're wrong on absolutely everything. The Russia hoax, the Wuhan lab, the economy, they're wrong on all of it." And you would never know, by the way they ask their questions when it's a conservative. When they ask questions to a failing Democrat who has all-simers and who should not be on that stage, they really find a way to sugarcoat it. But when they ask questions about Donald Trump, it was knives out. They were real journalists back then, sensationalists. Jim, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Who's your celebrity, Jim, who you want to add to the Clooney pool? Hey, Grace, good to talk to you again here from Ohio. I don't think anybody's mentioned this name and it's hugely influential. Who's the boss? Tony Danza will be next off the train. Jim, is Tony Danza a Democrat? I don't know, Grace. I just, I said to Taylor, he said just for a comedic career, you know, a comedic interlude. I just do Tony Danza out there. Okay, I'll give you Tony Danza, you know, who I'm confusing him with is Scott Beow because I know Scott Beow was on that Trump train, but maybe Tony Danza is not. Oh, no, no, no, Scott Beow is a Republican, yeah. Yeah, okay, so you've got Tony Danza? Sure. I'll give it to you. Thanks for the call, Jim. Keep listening in Ohio. Another, Jim, go ahead, you're up next. Hi, Grace. How you doing? I'm good. What's going on? Good. My whole family, aunts, uncles, cousins, they're all wicked liberals. And as a matter of fact, my cousin still walks around with a Kennedy Johnson sticker on her car. But please help me. These people, I've had coffee with them a few times and I said, "Would you still vote for Biden?" And, you know, they hate Trump, they must hate the country that much. They said, "Yeah, well, as a concern what you've seen the past few years, you still vote for this guy. This is the guy that said his vice president was a Trump and, you know, a mistake in Putin. I mean, these people just say, "Oh, yeah, in a second, I vote for him in a second." I said, "Well, how it happens if he does drop out? Well, Kamala." I said, "You know what? Just because she's female and she's black, it doesn't make her qualified because, you know what, it's upstairs, that makes her qualify. If that, Kamala leaves a race, would work circles around her." So is your question for me, Jim, what do we do about people like Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg and the friends that you talk about who are totally in for Biden or whoever they place, whoever they put in this place? You know what? When I'm home at 11 o'clock, I'll put Channel 5 on and I've listened for maybe two minutes and I turn it off. I said, "What are these people thinking?" And, you know, what's the name at the end there? Do you work for Trump at one point? And she's part of the squad. You know what I'm talking about? No. The Farah Farah Griffith, whatever the name is. Oh, oh, yeah. The woman on the view, the conservative on the view. Okay. So, Jim, I want to tell you something right now. This is, I think my dad's listening. He's on a road trip and he would back me up. One of my dad's favorite pieces of advice when I was younger is you can't beat crazy. Like sometimes you'll be talking to someone and it's talking to a brick wall and you're never going to get through to them and all you're really doing is exhausting yourself and driving yourself nuts so you got to let it go. And there's a lot of people, there's a lot of people who fall under that umbrella where you're not going to convince them, there's no amount of logic, you see the bumper sticker on their card, you want to pull up beside them and go, "What are you thinking? You've got a Biden sticker on your card. Are you happy? Is this what you wanted, multiple wars breaking out, inflation increasing beyond what anyone could have imagined, crime skyrocketing? Is this what you wanted? Are you happy with the results?" But guess what? Guess what? That was my one Biden of the day. It doesn't matter. They're never going to join you in reality and you've got to let that go. You got to stop fighting it and just my other advice on that would be with those people, don't talk politics. If you care about those people, if you're friends with them, don't talk politics because nothing good is going to come from it. I can assure you you are not going to win them over and all you're probably going to do is lose a relationship and one of my favorite lines from Carol Markowitz who I love and who I follow on Twitter is politics is never going to love you back. Sometimes I'll get people in here, oftentimes they're VIPs of howies or if I go on a trip somewhere or if I run into people who listen to the show, there'll be people who are in their 50s and 60s and they'll say to me, "You know, I love listening to your show. My daughter, she's so liberal and I'm trying to convince her and I say to them, "Don't try to convince her," because oftentimes life is the best education and the common sense that you're trying to instill into your son or your daughter, it's going to catch up eventually. They're going to figure things out on their own. It's like the old expression, a Republican is a Democrat who's been mugged. Everybody starts off or not everybody, but a lot of people are bleeding hearts when they're younger and then they get wiser and they understand how things work and they get more common sense and they lean conservative. But my real piece of advice for parents and I had this conversation with a lovely woman when I was at a wedding recently, she said her daughter is very liberal and she said, "Every time we talk politics, she ends up storming out or we get into a fight," and I said, "Don't talk politics. She's your daughter. You love her. That's wonderful. Don't mess that up because you only get one family. You don't get to do that over again and politics is going to change. It's going to break your heart. It's like watching the sports team. It's going to break your heart. It's going to suck sometimes. But your family and the people you care about are always there. So when you see people like these die hard Biden fans and you want to tell them all the reasons why, don't just let it go, take a deep breath and move on. Tom, you're up next. Who's your celebrity, Tom? Hi. How are you doing, Grace? I'm thinking George Takei there, Mr. Sulu. He's been bad. Oh, Taylor had that one ready to go. That's a great one, Tom. I got you down. He is a very, very outspoken supporter of Joe Biden and, more importantly, like all of these celebrities, he hates Donald Trump. You ever notice that? It's not so much that anyone thinks Joe Biden's all that great. They've been putting on a show for the last few years. He's this decent, humane, wonderful man. What's really driving this is they hate Trump. You could really put in anybody. And as long as it's not Trump, they're going to rally around, said person. Oh, my. Let's go to Mark. Who's your celeb pick, Mark? Are you there, Mark? Yeah, it's not. My celebrity is Madonna. Oh, great. When Madonna wanted to blow up the White House, when Trump was there, she definitely is not a fan of his. And I would not be surprised. She's also, you know what though, Matt? Here's the risky thing. And I heard Kellyanne Conway say this. When you look at the Jim Clyburn or Dick Durbin or Nancy Pelosi, all these people are very old. A lot of them are, I think all the people I just named, maybe not Dick Durbin, but most of them are octogenarians. And so while you can come out and say, listen, I'm older too. I get it. You also run the risk of people saying, well, if you want to kick Joe Biden out because he's old, then you should leave too. Jim Clyburn is I think 84. So it's like, okay, so you're mad that Joe Biden's so old, but you're also old. The reason I bring that up is because a lot of people think Madonna doing all these concerts everywhere that she has to kind of move, that her time as a performer is ending. So I don't know if you're Madonna, if you want to start encouraging that kind of past the torch mentality, unless you are also on board with hanging it up, moving on to, you know, the retirement stage of your life. It's my thought, but I'm putting you down, Matt, Madonna, not a bad pick. Carla, you're up next. Who's your pick Carla? Are you there, Carla? Okay. Well, we got to, we got to move on. Let's go to Mike. You're up next. Mike, who is your celebrity pick? Actually, I was going to take one of your quick picks. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited when I, I got to go back now and look, have I, we, have I given out John legend as a quick pick tailor? I don't think I have. I don't think I, I, I think I'm going to give you, but you know what? No, I'm actually going to change it, Mike. I'm going to give you a really good one and one that would be unbelievable to witness. I'm going to give Mike, Steven Colbert, Mike, you got Steven Colbert, urine, thank you for the call. Alice, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Who's your pick, Alice? Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. Oh, very good. Steven Tyler. Okay. I'll write that down. I like that. Very good. Alice, good job. And we'll try to get one more in here before we wrap up today's show and we bring on how we car. Dan, give us your last pick, Dan. Who is it? Rosie O'Donnell. Excellent pick way to end the show with a wonderful, wonderful choice. Thank you, Dan. I have you in for Rosie O'Donnell. That was so much fun. Thank you to all the callers. Everybody had such nice things to say about the show. We really appreciate it. Thank you for everyone who texted in. Your entries will not count. You guys are big, big losers today. We will not be counting those entries, but we thank you for your participation nonetheless. When we come back, we're going to talk to Howie Carr, and we're going to get his two cents on the presser, the big boy presser from last night, and also we'll get an update on what's going on with Karen Reid. So don't go anywhere. You're Twitter account only Rosie O'Donnell. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. Like I said, I'm dealing with she right now, and direct contact with him. I have no good reason to talk to Putin right now. Yeah, then he ended up saying that he would talk to Putin. So I was confused, as I think most people probably were watching that. Today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise. With inflation, food, and energy costs rising, families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. Preparation is key. Our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. Joining me now is Howie Carr. Howie, I've heard a lot of excuses as to why Joe Biden didn't do well in the debate. The one that makes the least sense to me. In contradicts, everything you've told me as far as a career goes is that he was overprepared. I've never found that to be a problem in life, being too ready to go. Yeah. Have you ever heard the old saying, "The harder I work, the luckier I get?" Not Joe. I found that to be true. Yeah, I want to play a cut for you and get your reaction, Howie, because this was the first sign that we saw that maybe Joe Biden was ready to push his staffers under the bus. This is cut ten. I love my staff, but the ad things, the ad things all the time. Very good. I'm catching hell for my wife for that, anyway. One of the many anyways we got during that. By the way, when he said he wasn't going to talk to President Putin, I could have sworn that a couple of hours earlier, I'd heard him introduce, ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. Yeah, it was a really strange, but the real key is Howie, and you pointed this out to me this morning, it was close, but no cigar, it wasn't bad enough. That's why it was a happy night. Yeah. I mean, he made a fool out of himself. He said these two ridiculous things, and again, like the debate, when he said we beat Medicare in the first moments of the debate, he said the really stupid thing about Vice President Trump in the opening moments. You know, most people, let's face it, most people watch a few minutes, and then they check out. Most people don't have the strength to get through the whole thing. But they saw it. They saw it. They saw the greatest hit right there. You know, it was funny. It's funny you say that because Mary Catherine Ham, who I like, she's a good follow on Twitter. She said that she was pacing around the kitchen and her husband was watching it, and he started yelling into the kitchen, "Get back here. This is your job." That's how I felt, I'm like, "If I have to sit through this, if I can't, then most people can." Yeah. I doubt that he'd got the kind of ratings that the debate got. I haven't seen any numbers yet, but again, the important thing is he introduces, that's why I picked Vice President Trump and she's qualified. So he misgendered. I thought misgendering was a cancelable offense. And you see the AI photo taking an amalgamation of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump into one person. It was kind of scary. It was kind of scary. The whole thing last night was pretty scary, but that's kind of how it goes with the Biden administration. All right. Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got an excellent program for you guys. You do not want to miss it. I'll see you all on Monday. Thanks for listening. I really don't know what he said at the end of those things.