The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Clooney Pool: Which Celeb Will Bail on Biden Next? | 7.12.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace opens the show with a question: who will be the next member of the Hollywood elite to turn their back on the aging Joe Biden? She poses the question to the callers, and they DELIVER. Tune in for some of the great celebrity guesses.

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12 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show a Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show and Happy Friday to all of you. We're having lots of fun here. We're playing a little game. I call it the Cluny Pool. You call in. You give us your best pick for which A-list celeb or any celeb, really. You think it's going to turn on Joe Biden. Some people have called in asking for the text line. The number is 617-213-1066. Again, that number is 617-213-1066. Now, here's where I'm a little bit torn. One of the textures said, "Can I have Dan Rather?" I don't consider Dan Rather Hollywood. He's part of the news media and they've basically all flipped. I don't think that counts. When I was younger, Taylor, we used to play this game in the car. I've explained this to you before. This is how it goes. I say Brad Pitt. You say Penelope Cruz. You take the last name and that's the celebrity you have to name. It goes alphabetically. Yes. If you say Penelope Cruz and then I get C for Cruz, I got to go, I don't know. Lou Diamond Phillips. Nope. That's middle name. No, no, no. It doesn't go alphabetically. It goes like Brad Pitt. Oh, I see. Penelope Cruz. You've got to connect the last name and the first name. Right. I don't know why I can't think of Carol King and then Kay. But here's what my mom's rule always was. It has to be a celebrity and they have to be alive. If you say George Washington, it's like, no, no, no, no, no. That doesn't count. Or if you said someone who's alive, but they're more of an athlete than they are a celebrity. Like it's, it's kind of an unknown golfer or something. That doesn't count. If the celebrity that they have bypasses the athleticism, Allah, a tiger woods, it counts. In this case, I'm not going to count Dan Rather or the other texture said Keith Oberman because those guys are media guys. They're not in movies. They're not celebrities. I don't consider them Hollywood. I consider them nutty wood. Like they're all crazy and they're part of the mainstream media. Even if their podcast is from their basement, I still count them as part of that group. So just to clarify that a little bit, we are going to take more of your entries. I also am going to try to weave in some, some news because it is a big news day. Just wanted to give everyone a little bit of an update on the count. So yesterday there were 10 Democrats, there were nine congressional Democrats in one Senator as we mentioned Peter Welsh from Vermont who were calling for Joe Biden to pass the torch. Today that number is up to 18. We've got 17 congressional Dems and obviously still Peter Welsh, total of 18. And we played a little bit yesterday from CNN and one of the reporters at the White House talking about how a lot of times the cabinet members are getting questions that they're allowed to ask and it's kind of just this masquerade. And she was just telling us things that most of us already assumed. But something that I missed and something that hasn't really garnered a lot of headlines is that she talked about how the White House is beating the bleep out of Democrats who turn on Joe Biden or who say anything negative about Joe Biden. And I'm going to try to explain how I feel about this the best I can. There comes a point where if you're a political figure, you are trying to assess how much protection is offered from either one of these camps. And the more people that come out against Joe Biden, the more protection that group offers. The only thing I can compare it to is like when we talked about ESG for a long time. If you didn't abide by the rules of ESG, if you didn't try to go woke as a company, you ran the risk of, you know, being poorly rated and not getting, you know, all of this glowing praise from all of these woke groups. And then all of a sudden after the Dylan Mulvaney thing, it became clear that going woke can actually cause you way more harm if no one wants to buy your product. So my point is that there are some people who for a long time saw what happened to Eric Adams, saw what happened to Henry Quayar. And they said, there's no point in me sticking my neck out going against this administration. When I'm going to be all my skeletons are going to be pulled out of the closet, I'm going to have a Bob Menendez situation on my hands. I've done anything wrong over the last 10 years and I'm going to be ostracized by the likes of Mika and Joe and all of these people, but now it's shifting. So now there are people who are looking at the other side, these 18 congressional Democrats or these 19 Democrats, the George Clooney's of the world, the donors who were pulling out are freezing their 90 million donations and they're seeing that there's a shift and that maybe that side is starting to gain more power and the more power that side gets, the more people are going to flip and Pelosi, Clyburn, some of these big hitting Democrats, like some of the stars of the Democrat party who are also all in their 80s, they're still with Joe Biden barely, but until those people fully flip on him, I think he's okay. Let's go to Rob, your next up on the Grace Curly show. Who's your pick, Rob? Hey, Grace, how you doing? I originally said it was going to be Kamala Harris because it's all Trump's device president, so I figured she'd turn on, but my number one pick is the view and I get a package still. Well, so someone already has Whoopi Goldberg, so I'm going to need you to pick either, you know, I'll give you either Joy Behar, Sonny Hostin, I'll give me her give me, give me Joy. She's the worst. Okay. That's a good pick. You've got Joy. Joy, Joy Biden, Joy Behar finds Joe Biden rather sexy at times. So this is going to be tough for her to turn on him because she's also, she's attracted to him physically. And so she's got. When he yells. Yeah, when he's angry. Yeah, like he did last night, we started yelling about bullets that that's something that Joy would watch that and she would think hubba hubba ding dame, Biden, you got everything. Louise, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. You like that Taylor? You like the hubba hubba? Louise, what's going on? Yeah. Not my good afternoon. I was going to say Bruce Springsteen. Oh, that's a great pick. Louise with the Bruce Springsteen. You've got it. Yeah. He was the one who made that commercial. The difference. We have the sound teller. There's a difference between the red and the blue. He's been very outspoken about not only his hatred of Trump, but I do believe his support of Joe Biden. I haven't heard a lot from him recently, but maybe now would be his time to clear his conscience. Between red and blue. Tell us how he really feels. Very good pick, Louise. I didn't even think of him. You know, I'm not thinking about the musicians. That's an important segment of Hollywood. John, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Who's your pick, John? Hi, Grace. My pick. There's a little out of the ordinary. Dr. Jill. No, you can't pick Dr. Jill. You can't pick her. I'm sorry, John. She's not a celeb. She might think she's a celeb. She likes, you know, being on the cover of Vogue, but she doesn't pass my test of what it means to be a bona fide celebrity. Teacher. Teacher. What do you see? So, John, my next question for you is, do you want a quick pick? Absolutely. Okay, John. I want to tell you what. I enjoy your show, and I used to listen to one of your relatives play the organ. At Trevor's High School, falling back. Oh, wow. That's wonderful. Wait, was this the same relative that was also a big star in the Wizard of Oz? Yeah, I don't think Grace doesn't either. Yeah, I don't know. That whole... Just the fact that you said that my dad's in his car right now, and he's going to call me up and try to explain our Wizard of Oz connection. It's too confusing for me. I can't figure it out. We're not related by blood. Spoiler alert. There really is no connection. So, John, your quick pick is going to be Chelsea Handler, and I think that's a great pick. She's been very vocal about, you know, not wanting 50 cent to vote for Trump, having to remind him that he's black, and I think she's a big Biden supporter, so John gets Chelsea Handler. Peter, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Who's your pick, Peter? Hey, Grace. Hi. My pick is one of the biggest moon bats in Hollywood. Dad? Midler. Very, very good. You know what comes to mind for me when it comes to Bette Midler? This is how much of a lunatic she is. She's one of these people who is so enraged. She's so full of Trump derangement that she one time took to Twitter to insult Donald Trump, and she ended up insulting every person in the state of West Virginia. She, oh no, you know what it was? She wasn't trying to insult Donald Trump. She was trying to insult Joe Manchin, and she said something like, because Joe Manchin didn't want to sign on for this inflation reduction act, he ended up buckling, as he always does, but she had a tweet tailor, looked this up for me, and it was something about Joe Manchin just wants everyone in the United States to be like the people in West Virginia, strung out illiterate and lazy, or something like that, and it was so bad. And that's how crazy she is, that she wrote that down, and she never thought to herself, maybe this isn't going to play well. What Joe Manchin, who represents a population smaller than Brooklyn, has done to the rest of America, who wants to move forward, not backward, like his state is horrible. No, there's another one. There's another one that's way worse than that. There's one where she said, hold on here, strong out, he wants us all to be just like his state, West Virginia, poor illiterate and strung out. And the part of that tailor that I think is so crazy is people say stuff all the time, like you make a joke, doesn't land, you say something mean, you regret it, but she wrote that down, and she is so clouded by her hatred for Republicans that at no point did it cross her mind that this is an incredibly insulting thing to say, and that she's not going to be the hero once she clicks send on this tweet. So that's a great pig, Bette Medler. Let's take one more before we go to break, let's go to Karen, who's been on the line for a long time. Karen, who is your celebrity pick? Taylor Swift. This is later in the game than I thought it would be. That's okay, Karen. As I said, she hasn't come out and endorsed Joe Biden, like explicitly. So I think it'd be weird for her now to come out and go against him, but I'm going to give you that pick. And I think it's a good one. I don't think it's a terrible choice. We'll be right back. We'll take more of your picks on this. And I also want to talk about someone who you cannot choose. He already flipped on Joe Biden and he's not a celebrity. Chuck Todd. Chuck Todd's Todd cast is becoming worth listening to, believe it or not. We have some sound from it, thanks to Taylor, and we'll play that for you when we return. Don't go anywhere. It's the Grace Curly Show. Because if I don't get a black and white cookie, I'm not going to be very pleasant to be around. Now that's impossible. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. The more I read about the reactions from the mainstream media, the more I realize that all of these people are just like wannabe gangsters. They're all just putting out these veiled threats about, you know, it'd be a shame if something were to happen to Joe Biden's legacy. That's Chuck Todd's latest. His latest way to try to urge Joe Biden out of the race is to use one of the oldest plays in the book with these Democrats, which is to threaten you with the history books. What will the history books say? And you know, Bill Barr, he gets a lot of grief and some of it is well deserved. But one of my favorite things, he was on Fox a million years ago. And they asked him about, or maybe he was on CNN and they asked him about, you know, the history books and what will people say about your legacy being tarnished and blah, blah. And he said, I don't care. I'll be dead. It doesn't matter to me. And it doesn't typically work as much anymore with Republicans because we know that we shouldn't care about the history books because it all depends on who's writing it. And if Keith Olberman is writing a history book and he says, I'm not a good person, I think that's a feathering my cap. And so Chuck Todd has this podcast, a Todd cast, you might say, can I have the sound killer? It has made me want to rethink a lot of the Biden biography. I still can't believe he ran for president in the first place given that his family was in crisis in 2018 that I look, you look at what has happened. I can't believe he put his family through this. And now looking at his behavior now and clinging to this, I, you know, I think the entire narrative on Joe Biden is going to change and that he was, he's always been everything has been about his ambition and his ambition comes first. Wow, he's rethinking everything from just one debate. Chuck Todd is having his own identity crisis, this man who he, he loved, he fawned over. Now he's questioning his moral compass. He's questioning all of his decisions. It's almost like he's figuring out that Joe Biden is not a decent human being. And that really is the last thing to go, like they were holding off on that. That is Chuck Todd sending out a warning shot to Joe, to Jill, to everybody in that team that's close to Biden. Did Chuck Todd like sit down and dog ear Joe Biden's biography, like leave notes and highlight stuff. Now he's got to go back. This is, this is really jogging my memory and this I'm really going back through this now. You know, Eddie Scary, who we've had on the show multiple times and he's really funny. Eddie writes whatever he wants and he does not care what anyone thinks. He said, by narrative on Joe Biden, Todd presumably means the false hagiography Biden has spun about himself as a working class, all American athlete of Italian Polish and Irish descent who attended black churches. He says he's Italian really made up tail, which people like Todd and his media peers have allowed to persist because until recently Biden was at worst, stupidly harmless and at best somewhat politically useful. Todd means that Biden's likely loss in November will result in all of Democrat Washington, having taught in the media, coming to hate Biden for costing them the presidency. The breakneck speed with which they've set to graffiti that man's political tombstone in the event of a defeat would humble a Chick-fil-A drive-through. Yeah, he's like, oh, I'm sorry, I'm starting to realize he might not be a good guy after all. If you know what he reminds me when you have a friend and they, they break up with somebody and you couldn't stand the person and then they start saying to you, you know, he's kind of annoying and you're like, yeah, he was. When you were in this weird fog and didn't understand that he was the worst and now you're out of it and you could acknowledge that he was stingy and he smelled weird and like all these things, you kept this list of things you didn't like about him, but you couldn't say it when that person was in the lavender haze of love, but now that they're out of it, you're going, how did you not notice that? Now, of course, that's not really, I think Chuck Todd did know all these things, but he's letting Joe Biden know like you are not politically useful to us anymore and we will graffiti your political tombstone. I like the way Eddie Scary put that. Dan, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's your pick, Dan? I'm going to go with Kathy Griffin, great. Great pick. I'm putting that down Dan, Kathy Griffin, and by the way, people are texting in, I love your text, but they don't count. You don't get on the list for the text. And that's not my rules. I don't make the rules. Mags. Those aren't your rules? They are my rules, but I don't want to take responsibility. I don't want to get people mad. Mags, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Who do you got, Mags? Mags. Tom Hanks. Ooh, that's a good one. Tom Hanks has been fairly vocal. He's very political, I think, and I'm sure he's hosted, Google that, I'm sure he's hosted many of fundraisers. Will it be Tom Hanks that makes the denouncement, or will he have his brother voice at forum? Do you want to give people a little bit info on that fun fact? That's a little inside this ball, Taylor. So Tom Hanks, the voice of Woody in Toy Story. Any games or merchandise that come from the Toy Story franchise, because his brother sounds so much like him, he doesn't want to be bothered with the work, I'm sorry, we got into this. You're giving Biden a run for his money with this tangent. Does his brother do the voice work for anything that's not directly movie related? You know what I heard yesterday on a podcast that a lot of Tom Hanks's money, a lot of Tom Hanks's money comes from my big fat Greek wedding, which he wasn't in, but he invested in it. Really? Fun raised for it or something, yeah. That's bogus. And honestly, the podcast is great and it's fun, but it's been wrong on a lot of things. I'm calling Malarkey. That could be a total lie. Peter, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Peter? Who is your celebrity pick? Hi. How you doing, Grace? Okay, I got a double, but I'm going to start with Mark Hamill. Mark Hamill, he's the guy I called to Mr. President, he said, you can call me Joe. And I said, can I call you Joe B1 Kenobi? Okay. Well, you can have two, Peter. So do you want to give your second one as a quick pick and I'll put it on the quick pick list? Actually, I'm going to go with my second one and you put Mark Hamill as a quick pick. Okay. Who's your second? Michael Moore. Michael Moore. I'm sorry, Peter. Michael Moore has already turned on Joe, so he doesn't count. I'm putting you down for Mark Hamill, who was at the White House a couple months ago and a really cringe-worthy guest celebrity appearance at that press briefing. We'll take more of your picks and we got a lot more sound to get to, so don't go anywhere. It's the Grace Curly Show. Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio, David Axelrod tweeted last night, if what he said at the end of his presser is true, it sounds like Biden's team has not been very candid with him about what the data is showing, the age issue is a huge and potentially insurmountable concern and his odds of victory are very, very slim. Taylor, can I have that cut because Joe at the end was asked by a reporter if he would ever pass the torch to Kamala and he explained what the circumstances would have to be for him to do that. Hold on, I'll find the cut here. It came at the very end and he basically just said, unless the polls show that there's no way that he's going to win, then he won't step aside. 844-542-42, we'll find that and we will, in the meantime, take your calls. Okay, so here's the game. If you're just tuning in, you can guess or you can put your pick in for a celebrity that you think is going to bail on Biden. Now, there has to be, they have to be someone who hasn't bailed on him yet. So now we have people who text me in like Rob Reiner or, you know, all these other people, they already bailed. They don't count. They're off the pick list. Take a listen to this cut that we just found it. You earlier explained confidence in your vice president. Yes. If your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president Donald Trump, would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? No, unless they came back and said there's no way you can win. Me. No, I'm saying that, no bull sex that. The whispers, the whispers always get me. And there was a lot of guessing last night. Guess what? Guess what? That's the one I forgot that there were like four things. There was the idea anyway, anyway, by the way, and guess what? I didn't get guess what. You know what I want to say to him every time he says guess what? I want to say. I don't want to guess anymore. I'm done guessing. Please don't make us guess. Please make it stop. There's so much guessing going on. Why don't you tell us? Why don't you just tell us what you want to tell us? Stop having us guess everything. Christian, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Who's your pick, Christian? Hey, Grace, I've been with the show since day one. Love your show. Thank you, sir. I think people are taking too small. I'm thinking something clearly asked on the female level, Angelina Jolie. Okay. You know what, Christian? I'm going to put you down for that. But I don't think that Angelina Jolie has been as vocally supportive of Joe Biden. I don't even know if she's ever really mentioned him. She takes up a lot of causes. She's a humanitarian and I actually think that she's sincere in a lot of her endeavors. She's an activist. I don't think that she has been particularly anti-Trump. I'm sure you could show me a quote or two. I don't think that she will come out against Joe Biden, but you know what, Christian? That's your call. That's in, and as KJP would say, this is how it works. You have the ability to say what you want. I listen. I'll take it into consideration. I will write it down and we'll see where we go from there. Thank you, Christian. Steve, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's your, who's your pick, Steve? Hi, Grace. Happy to talk to you. I have a great celebrity to help. Dolly. He's in media. He's in media, but he's also a celebrity. Howard Stern. Excellent, big. Wow. That's a really great pick. Awesome, awesome, awesome. He was, for people who are forgetting, Howard Stern was the person who got Joe to commit to a debate in one way or another. That Joe was on Howard Stern show in New York City. He was jealous that Trump was in New York City and was getting greeted by people on the street like union workers and, you know, at pizza shops and that there was all these rallies for Trump. So Joe decided I'm going to go to New York City as well. And he met with Howard Stern for his radio show and he said something along the lines of I'll take him any time anywhere. And then Trump took him up on that offer and a lot of people criticized Trump and said this is a bad move. This is a misstep. I think, I think those people can admit now it was a good move. Great, great pick. Steve, you are in higher standards. I do interviews a strong independent journalist who millions of people actually listen to like Howard Stern. Yeah. Howard Stern. I mean, what a fall from grace, didn't he? This was before my time, but what didn't he used to be like a stick it to the man style shock jock? Yeah. And now he is everything you think up when it comes to so much he's just a weenie. I know I keep using that's the word of the week weenie. He's just a bum kisser for the Democrats. I don't know if you're going to debate your your opponent. I am somewhere. I don't know where I'm happy to be. Yeah, I agree with that. There are so many people here that I'm thinking that could absolutely be the next one. And that just made me think of someone else. I'm putting on my list here for quick pics. For example, I remember starting off playing Catholic League football. See a way of football. By the way, I don't think a lot of people know that you were a star receiver in high school. You were there like the first string guy, you were the guy who caught the ball runner up in state scoring, you know, but I was a run. Wow. Wow. And I'm sure Howard Stern didn't pick up on any cognitive decline a few months ago during that interview. But his eyes have probably been open like everybody else's. Dennis, you're up next. Who's your pick, Dennis? My pick is going to be John Stewart. I'm all going to count that. John Stewart's already flipped. He's already flipped multiple times over the last couple of days, and he's saying that it's bad. I'm not going to count it. Dennis, I'm sorry. Do you want a quick pic? I got another one. Okay. How about Samuel L. Jackson? Oh, very good. Okay. And I wouldn't think of him, but I'll give you that for sure. Thank you very much. You got to get these snakes off this plane, Samuel Jackson. Let's go to Candace. You're up next. Who's your pick, Candace? Hi. I picked James Taylor. Awesome, pick James Taylor, James Taylor, very good friend of John Kerry, very good friend of all of us when it comes to bringing his music and his jouad de vivre to the world. So that is a great pic, James Taylor. I would be surprised, and James Taylor's got to be up there in age two. So he's also, I'm noticing a lot of the oldies, but goodies are coming out to try to tell their fellow, you know, elder statesmen that maybe it's time to hang it up. Candace, you are down for James Taylor. I got you. Mary Lou, you're up next. Who's your pick, Mary Lou? Hi, Grace. Thanks for taking my call. First time call. I got through. I'm so excited. Thanks, Mary Lou, for calling. I'm calling from New Hampshire, and I'm using my real name. I'm in trouble now. I have a lot of relatives down in Massachusetts that are going to go down with Joe. So how about Drew Barrymore? Very, very good pick. I like that, Mary Lou. Yes, the last time I saw a clip go viral of Drew Barrymore, she was essentially sitting in Kamala Harris's lap and saying how much she loved her laugh. You really, I really love, I really love your laugh, and I think you're really wonderful. That's a great pick, Mary Lou. Thank you for the call. Thank you for listening. You were asking me earlier about what it means to be, like, the first woman. And you know, it's funny because people still got to get used to this, right? I mean, my staff, for example, sometimes they'll show me little things that just amuse me. Like, apparently, some people love to talk about the way I laugh. Oh, yes. Okay. I love your laugh. Well, let me... Yes, maybe that's why, though, she'll turn on Joe. She just wants more of that mama laugh in her life. I did want to, and we'll keep taking your calls on this, but I wanted to put something else out there because there was an area of the presser yesterday that I thought Joe Biden fumbled in a really, really big way. And obviously, you could pick, you know, you could pick a litter with that. But there was one point where he was, first of all, he messed up Putin and Zelinsky. And that was definitely hard to come back from. And also, I think Taylor, that's why they delayed the presser even further, was because he had that flub. And I don't know if they took him behind the scenes and they, like, splashed water on his face, and they were like, "Get yourself together, man!" I was pretty angry. I had my popcorn ready at 6.30, and it was gone by the time 7.30 came around. Well, the other headline that I saw today was this representative. Oh, it's this one. It's Jonathan Jackson, okay? He's a Democratic representative, and you just made me think of this, Taylor. And I get cut 25. And it's the team. But I would like to see the campaign. I think the campaign could be in for a potential change-up. I don't know why someone asked to have a 9 p.m. debate, if you will. I am older now, myself. I saw a meme the other day and says, "You know, you're older when the time you go out, you used to go out of the time you go to bed." I prefer to be heading towards my home at 9 p.m., not going out at 9 p.m. So I thought the debate was a little bit too late in the evening. I thought he was over-prepped for the debate. He's a master of it. He's been doing this for 50 years. He understands it. He's stuck to his message. And I'd like to see that inner circle on the campaign side are refreshed and put some new ideas and some new blood around him. Yeah, that was the whole idea during last night's presser that Biden's staff over-prepped. I think there were a lot of issues during the debate. I don't think being overly prepared was one of them. I've never seen in my life. I remember when I was, when I was in college and I called my dad, and I was a little bit of a, I don't know, a homebody. I was a theater kid. I called my dad. I said, "I don't know if I really went to enough parties and the college is all about the big parties." And my dad said, "In my entire life, Grace, I've never had anyone come to me and say, my biggest regret was I didn't drink enough. Like I should have drank more." He said, "That's not ever something you're going to look back on and say, I wish I had gone a little bit more crazy." And I would say that the other thing you're never going to hear someone say when they go to a meeting, when they have a big event is, you know, it didn't go well. And I think I was just too prepared. I just, I prepped too much. I spent too much time studying. I don't think that's ever something you're going to regret. You might regret not preparing enough, not getting enough sleep, not going over things. But I've never heard someone say, "I really didn't do well." And you know what I'm really drilling down on now? It's the fact that I studied too hard and I went over the note cards too many times. That's what ended up screwing me over. That just doesn't make any sense. But on a totally different note, the idea that the debates are too late, I can get on board with that. Oh, yeah. 100%. I don't think it's an excuse for why Joe Biden shouldn't be able to put a sentence together. But for selfishly, for me, for my line of work, I would much prefer an 8pm kickoff. Like I've said before, I don't blame the guy for wanting to get in bed at 8 o'clock. I totally understand that. I get it. Relatable. Yeah. That's probably the most relatable thing about Joe is he wants to get to bed at a reasonable hour. Yes. Serenity now. Can I hit the hay? I did want to play this mix up here, Taylor. Can I get cut one? And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. Yeah. And then he, he really tried. He came back to the mic. He caught himself. I think someone, Taylor, I don't know if you felt like this, but it almost seemed to me like after he said it, that somebody in the audience was flagging him down. Like he, cause that is something where we've seen him make that mistake before and just not correct it. Just keep moving on. So I was surprised. He was president Trump. Yeah. I was surprised he came back to the mic, but I think either someone was in his ear, the old earpiece, or somebody in front of him, cause he kind of his eyes went wide all of a sudden. I think somebody was saying to him, you said Putin, you said Putin, and then he went back and he said, oh, I meant Zelensky. I've got Putin on the brain so much. And then Zelensky came in and said, I'm better than Putin. The more we go on through life, I don't, I don't buy the earpiece theory so much. I don't think Biden can be trusted with it. I think he would, you would see him looking around like who said that and it would confuse him so much more. Sometimes you say something to me in the earpiece and I'm like, hold on, wait a second. I am getting overstimulated here. There's too much going on and I'm only 32. I don't know how you get up there as Joe Biden and you've got a teleprompter. You've got a live crowd. You've got reporters and then you've got an earpiece. I don't buy that at all. But somebody did motion to him and say you called Putin or you called Zelensky Putin and you have to go correct that. And then he starts talking about Russia and he starts talking about how he has no reason to talk to Putin. But by the time he finishes his answer, Taylor, he says that he will talk to Putin. So he really kind of goes around the world and back in this answer. And the reason I bring that up is because I read a story today and the reason it came to my attention was because Dick Blumenthal is on board for this. But it says NATO vows irreversible path to Ukraine membership. NATO members have pledged their support for an irreversible path to future membership for Ukraine as well as more aid. And Dick Blumenthal is on board with this. He thinks it's a great idea. It's almost like they never want this war to end. They're doing everything that Putin made very clear and I get the Putin's evil guy. But if your goal here is a resolution, you would think you would try to go towards that path. And this is the exact opposite. This is how we get. This is how not only do we prolong this war, we get ourselves involved. This is how we start World War three and Blumenthal is on board. He's not going to want to serve, but I'm sure he'll, you know, stolen valor is his name. So maybe that's his mo there. 844-542-42. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls. We got a lot of people on the lines who want to get their celeb picks in. We'll take them for the rest of the show. If you use scented candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home, we'll stop. Just stop it. You're not hiding anything. You're trying to mask the odor with more odor. And honestly, it just usually comes out with a really stinky concoction. You need to destroy odors with an eat and pure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. Individuals and cover up sprays must be bought over and over again because they are just covering up the problem. Start saving money and saving time. Get yourself a thunderstorm, eliminate those stubborn odors and allergens and pollutants. So there's so many uses for this great device. Get $200 off a three-pack today for a whole home protection. All you have to do is visit eat and use discount code GRACE3. That's eat discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back with your calls and we'll do the poll question on the other side. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Taylor, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? By the way, before the poll question, JJ Manning is the latest Meet the Experts with Howie Car and you can get that at as well. Oh, perfect. The poll question is who had the worst performance last night, Biden or the media? You know, it's hard to beat Joe Biden when it comes to a pathetic performance, but the media, these journalists, these crack scribes, they always blow me away. So I'm going to go with the media. 64% say the media. Okay, let's go to John, your next step. Who's your pick, John? This is Christopher Walken calling, wow, I want to put my name on the list. Is Christopher-- Am I talking to the millennia with the microphone? That was a decent-- that was a decent Christopher Walken, John. I've heard better and you know what? I've heard worse. I'll tell you that right now. All right, you're in for Christopher Walken. I didn't know he was a huge Biden guy, but I'm not surprised. So it's Christopher Walken, who's a big Biden guy and John Voigt, who I always get them confused. John Voigt is a Trump guy, right? He's walking even political. I'm not sure. I didn't think so. I've never heard him speak out. But you know what? If they're not political, you still have them. It just means you're not going to win. Tom, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Who's your pick, Tom? Oh, what a treat to talk to your Grace Tom from each Boston. I just wanted to go with, how about Snoop Dogg? No, Snoop Dogg, I think, has made it clear that he-- oh, you know what? No, I'll give you that. I'll give you that, Tom. I was going to say that he's already turned on Biden. He really hasn't. He's just-- he's just warmed up to Trump. But if he comes out and slams Joe Biden, I will give you that. Dennis, you're up next. Who's your pick, Dennis? Has anyone picked Oprah yet, Grace? No, but it's a great-- you know, David Marcus on Twitter sent that to me, but it doesn't count unless it's a caller. So you've got it, Dennis. You've got Oprah. Yeah. And here's the thing, Grace. You and I both know. If she comes out against them, he's either got to go. He just can't win. Yeah. I can't stay home. Yeah. Well, thank you. Oprah has a lot of women who follow her. She has a lot of fans. She has a lot of pull. So I definitely think that would make an impact. Joe, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Who's your pick, Joe? Hey, Gracey. I'm going to go with-- I think it's been itching to dump Biden, Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg. A lot of people on the text line said the same thing, but you know the rules, Joe. It's got to be-- it's got to be on the air. So I appreciate it. You've got him. Joe is down for Steven Spielberg. You know, everyone's caught up with such great picks, and it kind of makes me sad because I have all these quick picks, and I really wanted to use them. And I'm just-- no. Nobody wants them. The room has got their own, but they're all very, very, very good picks. We'll continue with this. We got Emma Foley with the last, last call. And so much more. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)