The Howie Carr Radio Network

40 Years Later, Could Happy Hour Return to MA? | 7.11.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Could it be true? Howie welcomes Massachusetts Senator Peter Durant to the show to share VERY GOOD NEWS, a rarity in the Commonwealth. Could Happy Hour, in other words, discounted drinks, return to the state after a four-decade hiatus?

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11 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code HOWE3. "Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Cars." "The allies in this room not only share a common language, don't share a common language, we do." "I really don't know what he says, I don't think he knows what he said either." "Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios." "Come on here, the Vice President, I'm a quad Vice President now, like keep going here." "She is like, in my view, an undervalued talent." "She's a very fierce communicator." "Well, I think culture is, it is a reflection of our moment and our time, right?" "And, and, and." "The silver-toned orchard finally run dry." "Oh, yeah." "This wasn't George Clooney." "But, but, well, what do you mean?" "Hey, come over here, there's someone I want to introduce you to." "1997 George Clooney." "Wow, that's the coolest George Clooney there is." "This wasn't George Clooney." "Hi, George Clooney, second worst bad man." "Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaits beware, it's..." "Howie Carr." "Hey, ladies and gentlemen, President Putin." "And then Zelensky took over and he corrected himself there." "You can't, these are things you can't unsee and unhear and, and, and you know, you know, two words you don't hear to describe what you just heard, cheap fake." "No one is saying this was a cheap fake." "Uh, uh, 603, Tom from New Hampshire says that Brandon does step aside, is it true that all has previously raised campaign money can only go to Kamala Harris?" "Yes, that's my understanding. I don't know the federal laws, the ins and outs, but that's what I've read. I think that's, I think that's true because she's on the ticket, you know, so she can, she can inherit the money. But, uh, Whitmer or Newsom or anybody else couldn't. But anyway, so we, uh, we, we want to have Senator DeRant on later on. We were going to have him on at 605, but he's still in the, uh, the, the Senate debating what's going on. Oh, he's here actually. I guess he's coming, is he coming in? If he's coming in, we'll have him on right now. And we'll, we'll get back to your calls in just a moment. We've got a, a greatest hits of, uh, Biden before the, before the press conference that I, we've got some greatest hits of his, uh, his thoughts on the Ukrainian, Russian, German, Iraq, or, in Mexico, too. But we'll have that in a moment. Uh, Senator Peter DeRant, thanks for being with us here on the Howaway Car Show. Hey, thanks for having me on Howaway. Sorry, yeah, a little bit of a delay. We've just got finished with the vote. Oh, no, no, that's okay. First, listen, let me ask you first of all, a happy hour. What's going on with happy hour? Well, it looks like we, uh, it looks like it's going to pass through the economic development, uh, bill on the Senate side. So we'll see if it comes through as a, as a conference vote, but it would be a local option, happy hour, which is, which is great news. Yeah, I think, you know, then, if you don't want it, you don't have to have it, right? A town can decide whether or not they want to adopt this provision if they don't want to. They don't have to. Boy, that's good. I, I'm in favor of that. Uh, the, uh, that was a Democrat proposal. And I'm, I think it's a, I think it's a good one. I believe in local control, don't you? Yeah, absolutely. It was a good one. And if I remember correctly, we're either one or the only state or one of two states that doesn't allow, uh, happy hours. And, um, you know, I think, look, we're all concerned. Nobody wants drunk driving, but I don't know that happy hours necessarily produce that. And there's nothing wrong with offering a discount for, uh, for drinks during a period when, when maybe people aren't coming in. So I think it's great. That's good. Well, anyway, listen, we, uh, we spoke last night to, uh, Kelly Dooner, the, uh, Taunton city counselor about the fact that, uh, it appears that, uh, people who are living at the, uh, clarion hotel, which used to be a nice hotel. And that was a flop house for illegal aliens run by the state. They're, they're at 16 registrations, new registrations of voters out of the flop house. And, uh, so she was going to check to see how many had, uh, come out of, uh, the registry of motor vehicles in their program of, uh, of registering illegal aliens is giving them driver's licenses and then automatically registering them with the city or town. So she's a, she's at a planning board meeting tonight. So you're picking up the, uh, picking up the story here. What's the, uh, what's the latest? We, we found that we know we now have a number, correct? We do. And, uh, you know, first of all, we have to, we have to really thank Kelly for doing the omen's work on this. Um, she thought out of the box. She pulled those, those voter files and, um, and found, as you mentioned, 16 that we're registered. Apparently now we know that 11 of those were registered through, um, the RMB. So that, you know, obviously there's a little more investigation that goes on there, but that's really suspicious. Um, that 11 of these people, uh, have been our new registrar, uh, new red, newly registered voters. They come from the registry of motor vehicles when they got their license. So like I say, I'd say we're about 80% there that we're seeing illegals who are now registered to vote. Um, we're going to start doing some more checking and see if this is in other locations. I have, uh, four towns in my district that have, uh, you know, housing for these migrants. We're going to pull the, the voters files there as well. I mean, this is, this is a really big alley as I, as I'm sure you know, I know, um, yeah, this is really big. No, I took the Herald off to this. I hope we're going to have a story in the Herald tomorrow and I hope this is just the beginning. I mean, we should, we should have numbers. Uh, you know, you have, you have the list of, uh, of where these, uh, these quote unquote shelters are. So you should be able to, to, like you say, run every, every city or town that has a shelter, you should be able to find out how many of the, how many are registering through the registry of motor vehicles, 123,000 licenses. And I believe they also let you register when you get a permit, right? So that's, if that's the case, then you have 300,000. Right. And so, yeah, it's a while you have to do, you know, we just have to ask for the voter extracts, which is public information and the town has the right to charge you if they want, but some, some town is charged. Some don't, uh, but the voter acts extracts will tell you who is registered to vote in town, um, when they registered to vote. So that's the key, right? If we just see that they just registered to vote and of course where they live. So you just cross reference that with the hotels or the housing and that will give you that, uh, the number of those people there. So I think we're going to see this snowball quite a bit. Um, and, uh, I think this is going to become a much larger story. And how he is, you know, this is, this is more than just, I think this is more than just Massachusetts. This is going to be a larger story. This could be a nationwide, we were just talking to a guy, Jay Valentine, you know, who's down in Austin, Texas. And he says that, uh, they're, uh, he thinks they're in the swing states. There's five, seven swing states. There's at least 500,000 illegal aliens are going to be registered out of these, uh, Wal-Mart's, uh, warehouses, shopping malls, that kind of thing. And they're not going to vote, but the leftists are going to grab the ballots. That's why that's his theory and he's, he wants to, he's trying to get to the Trump people and, uh, he's just not having much success. We're trying to, we're trying to get them, uh, interested in this. You know, once you, once the ballots have been cast, it's too late. I mean, you can have, you can have the best lawyers in the world and they're not going to be able to, uh, uh, you know, figure out which ballots are, uh, are illegally cast or by leftists and Democrats and which ones are legitimate. It's too late. You got to stop it before it, uh, before it happens. Yeah, exactly. And, um, and so knowing is the first step, right? So knowing who they are, uh, trying to get them off the rolls, they sure they don't get sent a ballot. Um, as we know here in Massachusetts, those folks who are now registered should get a, uh, or they're eligible to get a mail in ballot. And so, um, I don't think it's too far of a leap to, to see some ballots being, being delivered over to the clarion hotel and elsewhere. Elsewhere. Elsewhere. We're looking at the elsewhere now. So, uh, like I say, I mean, I mean, again, I get big kudos to Kelly on this for, for thinking of this, for going to bat and just doing the simple work. I say simple because, you know, none of us thought about it, but going to the simple work of saying, Hey, give me a voter extract and let me see if anybody's registered there. And this again is why we need more Republicans in the Massachusetts legislature and both the House and the Senate because the Democrats are never going to do this kind of, uh, this kind of grunt work. No, and even if, you know, once we find out this information, uh, the question is, of course here in Massachusetts, uh, we're controlled by the Democrats. They can have the control of the legislature. They have control of the governor's office. So having this information. What are you going to do with it? Are you going to say, well, it's 11 people. It's not that big a deal. You know, yeah, it's, you know, someone says every illegal vote cancels the citizens votes. There was a guy who's paying into this. Someone who's here illegally not working is canceling the vote of a citizen who will bays the laws and works for a living and pays not just for himself and his family, but for the illegal and his family. And, and, and how he is. He just said, it's the law. And so if we're just going to start ignoring all of our own laws, as we've kind of done allowing them into the country, but we're just going to start ignoring our election laws. Well, then really, that's just the end as the Democrats would say it's a threat to our democracy, right? It's the end of our democracy as we know it. Except I never feel that they, they're the ones who know that they're threatening the democracy themselves. Yeah. And yesterday, 198 Democrats in the House voted against the save, save elections, save bill, which basically just requires identification to, to assure that everyone who's casting a ballot is a U.S. citizen. And they're against that. But yet they say they're, they're worried about Trump ending democracy, but they don't, they, they also say there's no voter fraud. Well, if there's no voter fraud, then, then, then why are they concerned about putting in a, an extra level of security? And why are there all these Democrats being invited in Bridgeport, Connecticut? Why are thousands of votes being lost in Utah into their mail-in ballot, balloting system? And this stuff is going on all over the country. You know how we, as you know, elections have consequences. Elections are big business in the fraud and the corruption to try to sway our elections has been going on for hundreds of years. And to just kind of believe that, no, no, everything's fine. If it happens, it's on a small scale or it's on no scale at all. Don't worry about it. I mean, that's just putting your head in the sand. We have to do the work of trying to figure this out and taking steps to make sure that our democracy, that the people, more citizens, who have a actual right to vote, get to do that and exercise that right. I agree. And now you and I are going to be down with, with Kelly Dunner in Middleboro on, on Sunday. And, you know, we can't say much more about it, but if you want to see what it is, it's, I think it's Kelly Dunner. Dot, it's, or, do you ever, is it Kelly Dunner dot com or? You're going to ask me that. I believe it is. I believe it is. I don't have a difference. Anyway, Google Kelly Dunner for the Senate. And you can find out how to join me and Senator Durant. I'm sure a lot of other other people down in Middleboro on Sunday afternoon around three o'clock. We'll be there. What is it? What's the address? It's elect, Kelly Dunner dot com elect, Kelly Dunner dot com. Okay. And so Senator Durant and I will be down there along with Kelly Dunner. And I'll bet the Sean O'Connell will be there down there and a bunch of people will be down there. So we look forward to seeing you there. And thank you. Thanks for joining us. And thanks. We're happy about Happy Hour. Exactly. We were happy about Happy Hour. I like it. We're going to go have a drink. It's been a long. It's been 40 years. It's been 40 years since two for once departed. You know, it's like, you know, they say Dukakis is, you know, it's the same thing they say that was said about, I think, McBeth, the good that a man does often dies with him, but the evil lives on. Mike Dukakis is evil has lived on for 40 years. All right. Thank you, Senator Peter Durant. See you on Sunday. Thank you. I'm Howie. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. The Howie Carr Show is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Berna Les Lethal Pistol Launcher. For those who want a powerful self-defense option without resorting to deadly force, visit to save 10%. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Biden still be running for president at this time next week? I'm going to say no, but I haven't discussed it with President Putin yet. 33% of the audience says no. 67% believe he still will be running next week. Are they have they postponed the press conference to a later hour yet, or is it still set for seven o'clock, supposedly? I have Fox is saying 630. Texas said C-SPAN said seven, so don't know. We'll see. Okay. 844-500-4242. Let's go back to the phone lines. Let's have some of Biden's earlier cuts on the Ukrainian-Russian-German-Iraqi-Mexico war. As you know, initially, the president of Mexico, C-C, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. I talked to him. I convinced him to open the gate. Thank you. That made all the difference in Ukraine and Gaza. It's hard to tell, but clearly losing the war in Iraq. He's losing the war at home. That's talking about Putin. He's losing the war in Iraq. Didn't know he was fighting in Iraq, but if Brandon says it, he's getting that daily national security briefing that you and I aren't privy to. So he must be, he must know something we don't know. Go ahead. Is Benjamin Netanyahu listening to you? I think he's listening to me. They were going to run Russia into Rafa full board. I don't think Israel's prepared to take on Russia. I think Russia's got a better missile delivery system than Iran does, which is on camels. Next. All to help counter Ukraine's brutal aggression. Ukraine. That's happening because of Russia. Now, now remember the cream of the national press corps didn't hear any of this stuff. Everybody was paying attention. Heard it? We pulled all this stuff. I wrote about it every month in my weekend in Brandon column, but nobody, it was a complete shock. To the newsrooms of the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, etcetera, etcetera. They knew nothing about this. I'm shocked, shocked. Do we have anything else? Let me answer this first question first. If Germany, if Russia invades, that means tanks are troops crossing the border of Ukraine. Let me answer this first question first. If Germany attacks, if Hitler sends in the panzers, if he sends in the Wehrmacht, if he buzzes Kiev with the Luftwaffe, there will be big trouble. He has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. 844-542-42. Mark, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Mark. Hey, Mark. Hey, howdy. I heard you stay Valentine on your show about what two months ago or something like that. You said you were going to have him back, and I've been waiting and waiting for him to come back all this time. This guy is on to something. At the time, when I first heard him, it sounded like he was saying you cannot explore people's personalities, but you can explore their addresses. By doing that, you can figure out who's the conge and what's going on. Right. Right. That's what he's got to do. I mean, we just got to keep on the Trump people. I got to keep on the Trump people to see if I can, you know, get them to talk to this guy. I'm how we car. 5 from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-42-42. 617 says Brian Higgins is salivating at the thought of having happy hour back to Jameson and Jen Jess for the price of one. I'm not a bad drinker. Jameson and Jen. Two for the price of one. Was it necessary to introduce Hennessey XO? That's two for one, too. You could afford to drink Hennessey XO even if you're a bad drinker when two for one comes back after all these years. That's what it is. They're going to have a conference at the sidebar. Jim, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jim. Yeah. Good afternoon, Howie. You know, you and I believe the senator were talking about one of the more perverse aspects of one of the legal votes. It's still the vote from a citizen against it. You expected by saying, well, that's a tax payer that's providing to their, you know, for that illegal, you know, welfare, a little life. Yes. The topic that gets even more perverse, though, is by running, he's running out against the needs of the tax paying person, which will ultimately destroy the welfare that he's here for. So, I mean, he shouldn't come here in the first place, but he definitely shouldn't be like, you know, just in franchise and the people paying for his large ass. I know. It's like it's some kind of parasitical growth on the society. You know, people come in and they're sucking the system dry, and you're right. What's going to be left after, you know, look at Massachusetts. I mean, the taxpayers are fleeing. The taxpayers are fleeing Connecticut. There's a, you know, Connecticut is losing, losing a fluent people faster than Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, all of the California, Illinois. All these states are just hemorrhaging taxpayers. So when they, when the taxpayers are gone, the people who work, who's going to, who's going to provide the money in the services for these illegals? And you know, the other thing to us, they're, they're driving out the main people that are, I wrote a column about it last, last weekend. The, the, the most of the money is going out of the state income from 55 to 65, but the largest cohort of people that are leaving the state are those that are 26 to 35. Those are people that are just getting started. And those are the people who in many cases provide the goods and the services that, that everybody in the Commonwealth needs. So, you know, the, the rich people say, well, they're not going, you know, I don't, my kids don't go to public schools. They go to private schools. I live in a gated community. They're not, it's not going to affect me. But you know, when, when all the, the, the tradesmen, all the blue collar people, all the people who, who are fleeing the chaos and the turmoil and the crime. That these illegals are bringing in their wake when, when they're gone. Who's going to fix your conditioning? We got to plug it up, toilet. Who's going to fix it? I don't think anybody at the flop house knows how to do it. And then I'm going to do it anyway. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, I've enjoyed the last two nights of this topic of migrants registering to vote through the RMV in Massachusetts. I called in a few weeks ago. If you remember, when I told you in the town of Foxborough, the election board, as well as the election board in the city of Taunton, I spoke with two people. And they said, yes. There, at that time, there was one person from each flop house, the one on Fisher Street in Foxborough and the one on Miles Standish in Taunton. And you're right. Trump's people have got to get a hold of this. And they need to put the message out there. If you vote in a federal election, you will get deported. And I'm going through an immigration process with a fiance. And my lawyer told me that if anybody is a non-citizen and they register and vote in American election, they will never get citizenship. They might not necessarily be deported, but they will never get citizenship. Tom Jay Valentine said that he's not concerned about the illegal aliens voting as much as he is. They're getting them registered to vote. And then the ballots will be delivered to the gas station or the Walmart or whatever, or the Clarion Hotel in Taunton. And then some bearded little weasel from an NGO, a non-governmental organization will pick them up and they'll vote straight Democrat. And you'll know, in Arizona and some of those states in 2020, they were whatever happened in Arizona. All these strange ballots that were coming in, they only had a vote for president. The Republicans, except for the governorship, the Republicans won every down ballot statewide race in Arizona. Because the hippies and the commies and the antifa, whoever was doing this, they couldn't be bothered with stealing the Secretary of State's race or the Attorney General's race. So they just let them all slide through and the Republicans all won, down ballot. But the important race is president and governor, the most important races, they're all important. The Democrats somehow had a massive turnout and their quote unquote voters lost interest after the top of the ticket. They've got to do something about it. The Republicans can't just say, "Oh, you know, Brandon's on the ropes." He screwed up Putin's name, Zelinsky's name tonight. He's going to lose some more votes. I mean, they don't play by traditional rules. You know, it's like John Adams said, this is a government for a religious and a moral people. How many religious and moral Democrats do you know? Not many. There you go. Not many. 844-542-42. What about the Marriott in Wuhburn with all those Haitians? Well, I'd say the Marriott would be, Wuhburn would be a good place for the Republicans to check out. There are many plays, Shrewsbury, Kingston, Quincy, West Springfield. They're all over the state. I think there's like 70 plus of these flop houses in the state. 844-542-42. Richard, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Richard. Hi. Hi, I'm listening to this Canadian president talk about NATO and everything. And what I know, I don't know. Do you remember this? I remember this. In 1990 or 1991, there was a peace treaty signed between the United States of America and the Ukraine with... Yes, I know what you're going to say. I think it was a little after that. I think it was after Clinton became president. And we said that the Ukraine should give up the nuclear weapons. There were Soviet Union-era nuclear weapons that had defaulted, fallen into the hands of the Ukrainian government. And we said that they should give up those nuclear weapons because we didn't want the proliferation of nuclear arms. And we would guarantee that nothing would happen to Ukraine. Is that what you're referring to, Richard? That's exactly right. What happened to that treaty? Bill, I know this is going to shock you, Bill, but Bill Clinton lied. He didn't help him. It's Biden. Well, Biden, yes, too. But I mean, you know, the thing was Ukraine didn't have to worry when Donald Trump was president because, you know, I think Trump has said this. He may have said it just in a private conversation with me, but I think I'm pretty sure he said it publicly. He said, you know, it's not that Putin thought I was going to start World War III, but he couldn't be sure. He knew I was unpredictable. So, you know, the one thing you can say about Biden is he's totally predictable. He's not going to do anything. He's going to let the bad guy run a muck as long as he gets a payoff in one form or another. Thanks for the call, Richard. 844-542-42. Bill, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Bill. Hello. Go ahead. Frank, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Frank. Hi, howie. My wife and I had noticed and we live on the south shore, but we seem to be noticing a whole lot of storage units being built. And they resemble hotels. I don't know. No, no, I would, you know, oh my goodness. I think there's more need for storage units just generally speak and I have a couple of them myself, but I don't know. I don't want to be too paranoid. I consider myself a paranoid person and as the years ago by I become more paranoid for good reason, I think. But I don't want to go that far. David, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, David. Howie, I was talking to two doctors today, two different times. Both of them had no idea about the illegals getting licenses being registered both. They just blew me away. I was asking them. I was like, well, you know, these people are highly educated and they had no idea. And I don't think they're just too busy to keep up on this stuff. And then it's just, the words got to get out, Howie. The word has to get out. There's a lot of people that are very smart that don't know about this. Well, you know, David, you know, we're talking about it. The Herald is going to be talking about it. But, you know, tell me who else is going to be talking about it other than the Howie car showing the Boston Herald. Well, I know some of the radio programs have been Howie, but I was talking like doctors that have poverty education. I was like, what's going on here? Why don't these people know about this stuff? This is scary with someone that intelligent. And one of the doctors almost didn't just believe about the border wall. And it's like, are you kidding me? The word's got to get out somehow. I don't know. You know, they're with the media, state-run media, there are crimes of co-mission meeting, making up stuff like whatever, the collusion hoax. Russian disinformation is under Biden's laptop, et cetera, et cetera. And then there are the crimes of omission, not reporting. And the prime example right now being not illegal alien crime, but Joe Biden's senility. They have not reported on this for four years, four years. Low info voters are everywhere. It says 508. Yeah, it doesn't, it doesn't matter how smart a dummy are. You got to pay attention. If you don't pay attention, you can be a genius and you're not going to know what's going on. And they're not doing anything. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, ticking clock. Look at it, the, the, the, the Chiron on the Fox, Biden to Whole News Conference amid calls to drop out ticking clock. Tick-tock, tick-tock. It's later than you think. It was the beginning of an old time radio show. Joe, it's later than you think. Hazel is already finished for the night. I'm Howie Carr. Become a Howie Carr show super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from the Howie Carr show. Just enter your name and email at ♪♪ He's Howie Carr, and he's back. ♪♪ 844, 500, 42, 42. ♪♪ Look at the Massachusetts State Police Facebook page. There's their newest, latest release. Massachusetts State Police Lower Basin Barracks wins the 2024 Paula Nikki Songas Award. Mass State Police Lower Basin Barracks wins 2024 Paula Nikki Songas Award. John Rice says, "No one wants the Trooper Paul Award." That's like a Darwin Award. It's Paul Songas. Okay, not Trooper Paul. Someone else says, "It was told to me by the crime scene." Yuri Bukaki and Brian Tully must have been involved. Oh, my bad. I thought it said it was the loser basin Barracks, not the lower basin Barracks. Then there's a tower on the Barracks. If you can't see corruption in your department from that tower, then we have bigger problems, Colonel Mon. Tully needs to go. D-Man says, "Must have the best Jameson and Jenjes there. Hose long until this ends." Maybe a better look, says Michelle, would have been to respectfully decline any awards until your corruption is fully and properly dealt with. Alice Anderson, did the award speak to anyone? There it is again. When will MSP Barracks become jail cells for all the corrupt troopers? Who won the Trooper Paul award? The guy who got his G-E-B. They started that gree. What's the award for most corrupt organization in Massachusetts? Congratulations. Someone says it's pronounced Loa Basin. Loa Basin, like sidebar. Then revoked another one. Revoked registration leads to arrest of cocaine traffickers. Aaron, how many math classes did Trooper Paul have to take to figure this one out? So many women on this Facebook page. I'm sure the biggest search in this investigation was more for the nudes and less for the drugs. I think you're hot. Matthew, I wonder if any of it made it to the evidence locker. Anne Marie, another woman. I hope they didn't lose their gun and their badge in the cruiser. Bill, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Bill. You don't have always a pleasure to talk to you. Thank you. I live in Lawrence and I was an election award for a number of years, but I gave it up because it's just so corrupt. The voting was that I just couldn't be there to witness what was going on. But you're on to something with the illegal voting between all the storefront churches we have and all the nonprofits and the socialist groups in this city that hand out ballot. It's very common for somebody to show up on election day and see two or three entries of their name. They just read like they're at a buffet. You know, we go by the birthday, date of birth, the exact name and you see two or three people registered. Is it just grabbing every application they could grab at all these church events and socialist events. And I have absolutely no faith in the sanctity of the ballot in the city of Lawrence. I think how many Lawrence's there are up there. You know how much I know they call them gateway communities. It's gateway to fraud and welfare dependency. The new. Yeah, you're right. That's the woke term to use gateway city. But you're on to something there. I've been saying it for years. The elections are absolutely rigged in this state with this rotten mode of older thing. And the people you have to blame Galbot. He's the leader of this ridiculous surge. I'm telling you though, it's not even better in New Hampshire. If anything, it's probably better. I mean, at least they don't have same day registration. I mean, the fraud is the frauds rampant everywhere. But you know, New Hampshire, they have same day registration. That's why you got all these college kids. You take away those four or five college towns in New Hampshire and you have at least one Republican senator. And it's just, I don't know. I mean, they could lose the governor's ship. If they lose the governor's ship this year, it's over in New Hampshire, just like it's over here. It's over everywhere in New England. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. So he's still, there's still no Biden here. Still no Biden, just as I suspected. We could have done canton cover up. But we'll do it tomorrow night. We'll do it tomorrow night. Bone up on your canton, cone head, corrupt cop. Cover up. And prepare to win a nice gift if you can answer our questions. That's at six o'clock tomorrow night. I'm how we car. Well, I was kind of being a smartass.