The Howie Carr Radio Network

Thrown Under the Clooney Bus plus Biden's Big Boy Presser | 7.11.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

When the Hollywood elite have turned their back on you, who do you have left? Joe Biden's been thrown under the bus and left behind by George Clooney, a good friend of Barack Obama. Howie and Grace share the latest.

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11 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The allies in this room not only share a common language, don't share a common language. We do. I really don't know what he said. I don't think he knows what he said either. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Kamal here, the Vice President, I'm a college Vice President now, because I keep going here. She is like, in my view, an undervalued talent. She's a very fierce communicator. Well, I think culture is, it is a reflection of our moment and our time, right? And, and... the silver-toned orchard finally run dry. Oh, yeah. This wasn't George Clooney. But, but, well, what do you mean? Hey, come over here. There's someone I want to introduce you to. 1997 George Clooney. Wow, that's the coolest George Clooney there is. This wasn't George Clooney. Hi, George Clooney, second worst Batman. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... It's beginning to look a lot like August 1974. Everywhere I turn. All the delegations going up to the White House. Leaks here and there everywhere you look. People turning like rats on the President of the United States. The only difference, of course, is that... But they ran like rats. Yes, Mr. Speaker. They ran like rats. The only difference being that, say what you will about Richard Nixon, he was a prince of a fellow compared to Joe Biden in every way. And, you know, you want to debate that, feel free to call up. Joe Biden is a terrible human being in every aspect of his existence. These are facts. Check them out. They are. They are facts. You know, Jonathan Tobin had a great column the other day. He said, well, you know, these Democrats, they keep saying Joe's a decent man. That's a lie too. Like the fact that he's cogent. Like that he's honest. Good Lord. 844-542. So, he's got his press conference tonight. They were going to have it at 5.30. Now, it's going to be at 6.30, which means I would have to say the odds are under 50-50. It's going to be on during the show here tonight because we go off the air like 6.56. So, I rather doubt. And they probably were initially planning it to be at 5.30 or even 6.30 because they wanted it to be on network newscast. But on the other hand, you know, there's what 15 million people left to watch the network newscast and most of them are in nursing homes. They identify their Joe Biden voters already, whether they know it or not. The Democrats are going to vote them. So, you know, I just got to text 919. I'm loving it that the Trump is not injecting himself into the Biden implosion. Generally speaking, that's true. But sometimes he can't resist. And here it is at the top of my pile of stuff here. This is what Trump has posted on Truth Social. And I think once again, he has summed it up brilliantly. So, this is from yesterday with George Clooney. So, now fake movie actor George Clooney, who never came close to making a great movie, is getting into the act. He's turned on Cricut Joe like the rats they both are. Wow. What a great lie. Like the rats they both are. But they ran like rats. What does Clooney know about anything? He uses the Democrat talking point that Biden, the worst all caps, worst president in the history of the United States, has saved our democracy. No, Cricut Joe was the one who weaponized all caps. Law enforcement against his political opponent who created the most devastating inflation, all caps, in the history of our country, who embarrassed our nation in Afghanistan and whose crazy open border policy has allowed millions of people to illegally pour into our country, many from prisons and mental institutions. Cricut Joe Biden didn't save our democracy. He brought our democracy to its knees. Clooney should get out of politics and get back to television. Movies never really worked for him. Exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point. That is, that's brilliant. And again, the best line of all, he's turned on Cricut Joe like the rats they both are. So true. So true. 603 H, isn't it glorious? But the Biden's Democrats and media deserve everything coming their way. Trump needs to win the election. Yes, we will have Jay Valentine on it, 405. A lot of you have been wanting them to come on. We've been trying to get them on for a while. I want to, you know, the thing is, you can't relax. If it was an honest election, you know that it would be a landslide. But it's not, it's not, that's not that that's not their form of late. 844, 542. Wow. So here's another, another breaking news thing. You know, the, you know, we had the interviews with Philadelphia and Milwaukee, black hosts last week and the Philadelphia host was fired. For telling the truth, much like George Stuffinopolis was going to be fired from his much more high profile, much better paying $17 million a year job if he hadn't have issued that sniveling, groveling apology for telling the truth about Joe Biden. So now it turns out that the other interview that day, the Milwaukee interview, the Biden campaign requested a Milwaukee radio station to edit an interview with President Joe Biden removing a statement where Biden claimed to have more black and men, individuals in his administration than any other president. The, the station agreed to the edits, which are crude, included removing a reference to Trump in the central park five. This decision was criticized for not meeting journalistic standards. I, you know, I didn't meet journalistic standards, but who's criticizing him is Jake Tapper, George Stuffinopolis, meaner, g Todd, who are these people that are Nicole Wallace, Rachel Maddow. Are these the people that are criticizing anyone else for anything? eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, six or three, anyone, especially blacks who thinks Biden is a decent human being needs to look at the Clarence Thomas hearings, a true snake. He is the, he only learned one thing in life. I think as, as I, as I think about him, as he here as he circles the drain, he learned how to do whatever was expected of it. 1970s, you still had all those segregationists, Democrats in the Senate, he was with the segregationist Democrats in the Senate. He was pro, I assume he was pro life in one form or another, just like a fast Eddie Markey was pro life, just like Ted Kennedy was pro life in the 60s, you know, because he had to be. He's, he's, he's a chameleon. He's a political chameleon and, which is a knock on chameleons because I don't think they bite people, you know, they just kind of mind their own business and change colors to, to escape being stomped by somebody else. 844, 542, 42. So meanwhile, CNN now was turned on him back in Washington. There have been clear signs throughout his term of the president being increasingly staged managed. Now that, now they tell us throughout his term as president, he's been staged managed, but they, they never thought to inform us of this until right now ahead of closed door cabinet meet, please are closed doors. These, these are not with the press in here ahead of closed door meetings that Biden attends, it is customary for cabinet officials to submit questions and keep talking points that they plan to present in front of Biden. The second source said that when Biden attends cabinet meetings, they are not freewheeling and pretty well orchestrated and the meetings themselves are infrequent. The craziest thing of all though was F F Chuck Todd and some nitwit from Politico saying that they've known about this for years. When, where are your clips? I just finished my column for the Herald today. I said, I want to see, I want to see everybody else's clips. I'm putting in for the Pulitzer Prize for public service because my clips, I found them going back to at least October of 2020. And I think they went back further than that. 8-4. Thank you, Mr. President. 9-7-8 says, "Aden Carney's lawyer quoted you in court as how we car would say nothing to see here, folks." Oh, that's great. We had to get, see if we can get the turtle boy to come on at the 4-33. I've been waiting for him to tweet out. He said, he had two appearances today, one on the stupid restraining order. And the other one was on these, these so-called Witness Intimidations. So we'll, we'll, we'll talk to him about, we'll try to get him at 4-33. 8-4-4-542, 42. And as you know, Sean McDonough, we're not going to have him on today, but he's going to be, have his own show on at six o'clock tonight going through the motions. I'll be watching that tonight when I get home. I'd much rather watch, I'd much rather watch a recording of Sean McDonough than, than Joe Biden. I'll just, I'll just check out the greatest hits on, on Joe Biden. 8-4-4-542, 42. 8-4-4-542, 42. 7-6-0. While I'm loving the dem explosion, I'm hesitant to be giddy. I look at France and how Le Pen was supposed to sweep the election. I fear a repeat of 2020. You know, I, I know I've been quoting him a lot lately, but Sundance on the conservative treehouse, he predicted exactly what was going to happen in France as soon as they won the first round of the elections. He said, he said all of the Macron voters would shift over to what, to the left-wing side. And then Macron would step in and say, well, these people are too left-wing, so I have to remain as president. And it, it, what he predicted is exactly what happened. You know, the, the, the national front or whatever they're called Le Pen's party didn't, never had a majority of the votes. So they were, they, they could get rolled. It's just like the, the, the, the Faraj's group in, in England, in the UK got a, got a large percentage of the vote, but they only got 13 seats in parliament out of like, I don't know, 500, something like that. It's just the way it was set up. And it's, it was, it was a bad deal. I'm not giddy. I'm certainly not giddy. That's why we're going to have Jay Valentine on at 405 to discuss what's going on. 508, the bleep they are discovering. We knew all on. Yeah. And you know what, it wasn't like it was secret and you had to go on to QAnon and read it. All you had to do was watch his press conferences live. All you had to, or they, or the cuts that the RNC was playing, the cuts that we would pick up from the White House transcripts or the RNC, anyone who wanted to know how bad off Joe Biden was could find out easily. And any media outlet that wanted to report it could do it very easily too. 844, 542, 42. Experience the ultimate savings event with my pillows, $25 extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use my pillows, stylish sandals for both men and women, or a luxurious six-pack towel set, all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right, just $25 per item during my pillows, $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it, also at the unbeatable price of $25 and making its debut the premium my pillows with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-685-4965 or go to and use promo code Howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code Howie. Elevate your comfort with the My Pillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. He's Howie Car and he's back. 844-542-42, their live streaming Aiden's hearing and these so-called witness intimidation charges. And it's on the young jerks and we just, I was just looking at, it looks like they're going to, they're kicking all the can down the road here on all this stuff into late next month and almost Labor Day. And I don't even, you know, will there even be a care and read case by then? I wonder. I don't know the answer to that because again, we're all in, we're in totally uncharted territory, both on Brandon and on the care and read case. Anyway, we'll keep an eye on it. We'll try to get, see if we can get a turtle boy to come on and tell us what happened at 4.33. I didn't know if there were, you know, sometimes I don't know if there's any need. I just, you know, it's just, I want to see how things develop before I make the call. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Burno Less Lethal Pistol Launcher. For those who want a powerful self-defense option without resorting to deadly force, visit to save 10%,, Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Will Biden still be running for president at this time next week? I am going to say, no, that's a change from a while ago, 24, 48 hours ago. They've really turned on him. You got to remember, they hate Trump more than anything else in the world. So they have to have somebody who can beat Trump. And I don't think they think that Biden can do it anymore. There's, again, NBC News, which is state-run media, has said that they're quoting people in the campaign is saying there is no possible way that Biden can win. And I assume that means even without, even with the nastorisk, like 2020, he can't win. So he's got to go. So I'm going to say, yes, he's going to be gone. 31% of the audience agrees with you. They think he will not be running 69% think he will still be in the race. Wow. Okay, we'll see. Here's Biden last night. These were, these cuts came in late. This is, he's talking, he's talking to the new, the new prime minister of the UK, Keith Starmer, whatever his name is, the labor guy. Cut 13. Okay. Did you know that what we call soccer, they call football in the UK? It's the first time hearing of this. And it's, and it's becoming popular in the United, you don't say, can we quote you on that, Mr. President? And then now, then this one, that's what he says when he's not reading from a teleprompter. It's, it's even worse when he's reading from a teleprompter, which is what this is when he's addressing all of them cut 14. The allies in this room not only share a common language, don't share a common language. We do not share a common border, but we are neighbors. We're neighbors. We share a common language. We don't share a common language, but we do share a border. We don't share a border. Can we quote you on that? Rich. You're next with highway car. Go ahead, Rich. You there? Nope. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Okay, we got time. We might as well play some more silliness here. This is Brandon Johnson. Bring back Lori Lightfoot. I never thought I would say those words. Bring back Lori Lightfoot. Yesterday, he blamed Nixon for the, for the gun violence over the weekend, 19 dead, more than in Kiev, where the hospital got bombed by the Russians. Today, he's got it. Today, it's not just Nixon. It's more, more people cut one. Now, look, white supremacy is real, y'all. I'm gonna say that one more time. Because in case the city of Chicago, no, no, you got a black mayor with a black wife, black children on the west side of Chicago and all of these other administrations that shut down our schools, that shut down public housing, that raided the pensions, that sewed off the parking meter, that sewed off the skyway. Those people ran this city to the ground, and now they expect a brother to fix it in a year. Well, guess what? We're off to a great start, and I look forward to fixing their mess, building up our communities for the next 23 freaking years. Was Lori Lightfoot a honky? How about Mayor Washington? Was he an O'Fay? I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We will have Turtle Boy on at 433, and we'll, he'll be discussing it. It looks to me like they just wrapped up the hearing, and it looks to me like they just kicked it down the, kicked the can down the road till late August. And, you know, he's been trying to get discovery on all the, the phone records of all the people that are accusing him of witness intimidation. And, and they've been refusing to turn that, turn that over because, forget it, Jake. It's Norfolk County. And I guess his lawyer today quoted me, said, is Howie Carr says nothing to see here, folks. Move along. My new one is, forget it, Jake. It's Norfolk County. It's, it's an updated version of the same thing. 844, 542, 42. Yes, it's a busy news day, says one texture, but will you be discussing the 198 traders? I, I think he means the people that voted against the safe act, the, the act to require some type of identification before voting. We'll, we'll talk with, we'll talk with Jay Valentine about that. I mean, this is all part and parcel of the Democrat attempt to, to salvage this election, despite their, their remarkable unpopularity in the wake of Brandon's senility. And they're, there's even, even worse, they're disastrous policies. There was a really good Babylon Bee headline about the, that bill. And it said, people who would never cheat in elections, horrified by stop cheating in elections bill. Right. And it really is true. It's like, it's the same logic or the same thing that you should say about Donald Trump. If you're not planning on doing anything wrong, then why can't we have the bill? If you're not planning on cheating, then why do you care if we want to stop cheating? If cheating doesn't exist, then why can't we just do these things to make ourselves feel better? Right. Well, I also say, well, if, if you didn't do any, if you didn't collude with the Russians, the way Hillary Clinton says you did, then why do you have a, why do you have a problem with going under oath? Or how about this? How about this one? This is a real throwback. If you didn't gangrate people at a party, then why are you getting so offended at the Supreme Court hearing? Why, why are you getting so angry? You don't have a good temperament. Yeah. You don't have a judicious. That's what they always say. 844-542-844-542-442. So there's something else. We're going to have Peter Durant on later on. We have an update on that, that Taunton story about the illegal aliens being registered out of the flop house, the old clarion hotel. It turns out, I'll give you a hint. It turns out 11 out of the 16 that are registered, the illegal aliens, apparently illegal aliens, they were registered through the getting a driver's license at the registry of motor vehicles. The only thing shocking is it wasn't 16 out of 16. I'm shocked. But Kelly Dunner's got a planning board meeting tonight. So she can't, she's the one who got the documents, but Peter Durant, Senator Peter Durant will be on with us to discuss it. And I have something else to ask him about. I'm just looking at a headline. Massachusetts Senate today adds path for the revival of happy hour drink specials in Massachusetts. That's been out since Dukakis came back yet. Everyone is happy at the hillside. They'll be even happy once they get happy hours back. So then when Chris, when jailbird Chris Albert orders a round of fireballs for everybody, they'll get two shots of fireballs. Remember a couple, a month ago, I went to Florida for a few days. I went to happy hour every night. It was such a good deal. Yeah. I mean, I wasn't pounding them or anything, but you get a margarita chips, a little salsa. It's nice. It was funny because Dukakis hated him just on general principles, because it was he didn't like people being happy. Yeah, I'm going to be the drinker. So I fundamentally disagree with this whole concept. Right. So then he goes down to the Super Bowl in New Orleans like a year later. Have you ever been to New Orleans? You go in the airport, there's like a drink cart every two feet. You want to buy a case of beer? I think it's out of business now, but the Dixie brewery, you could just drive up and they would put a case in your back seat. You didn't even have to stagger into the package store to get booze. And we were thinking, how long is the Duke going to last down here? He's going to flee back to Massachusetts, the Puritan Brookline in a panic. For his fainting couch. So I hope someone seeks out 90 year old Mike Dukakis for a comment now that they're doing away with his his his landmark, his his the centerpiece of his organ of his legislation to destroy happiness in the Commonwealth. He succeeded. Yeah, I think it's going to take more than bring back happy hour to revive happiness in the Commonwealth. Yes. All right, I'm got some updates for you. I do want to hit some of these main Biden stories, but before I do, I want to let people know that Grace's news is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC. Get a 2024 GMC Sierra HD. The truck that works as hard as you do. TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson Mass has 2500 and 3500 HD models like the Denali Ultimate, Pro Duramax and some with work bodies for landscapers shop online at tuxtrucks All right, so there's a few different facets of this story. One of them is the fundraising Biden campaign. This is according to NBC News is taking a major run news. Let's remember this. State run news is turning on him with a passion. Yeah, the subtlety is not strong here. Like, it's not really the Dems used to be better about that. Yeah, it's like Chuck Todd and the guy from Politico saying I told you so. Actually, you didn't tell us so. Don't you try to tell us that anyone who told us so was a Republican operative. But do you want to come in softly with it, you know, like soften the soil over a few days where kind of thinking they don't have any of that. It's like they turn so drastically and they start shaking us. He's really old and it's like, yeah, we know, we've been here. We've been hept to this for a while. But yeah, now they're saying the fundraising is drying up. And Biden can't campaign. People are still saying that's not true. And they pushed back against the notion that fundraising was down. But several people close to the reelection effort were already doubting that Wednesday, saying they could see evidence of the intensity and concern around Biden's ability to win in November growing. Also, on the celeb front, as you know, George Clooney penned the op ed in the New York Times yesterday saying that he he doesn't have faith that morning Joe said that it was a it was an operation like a farmed out hit by Barack Obama. You know what? I really can't stomach how you just mentioned that Chuck Todd is saying I told you so and all these people are trying to take a victory lap. I can't stand how they're prefacing everything with I know I'm going to get a lot of heed for this. But I've got to say what I see with my own eyes. Like as if they're doing something courageous. Nicole Wallace said, I can't spin the news for you guys. Something along those lines. I can't try to cover this up. It's like, no, no, no. You've been doing that for a very long time. You're not being brave now. You're not like the first person. You know, you know what, Grace, you just convinced me. I'm going to tweet out my column from October 3rd, 2020. Yeah, you should. October and I thought I had I had him from before then, but that was the quickest one I could find. I'm going to tweet it out. And you should say Nicole Wallace and I are both very, very brave. We're both, you know, going against the tides. You know what the last line of that column was? What? Would you let Joe Biden park your car? No. Absolutely not. The answer was no in October of 2020. It's an it's an even more emphatic, no, in July of 2024. Well, it's not just that he lost Clooney today, another Hollywood star is backing away from Joe Biden. Mia Farrow turns on Joe Biden, saying it's time to pass the torch. She took to Twitter, who knew that Mia Farrow had a Twitter, to tell us that she thinks it's time to pass the torch, or we will lose the Senate, the House, and our democracy. Keeping our fingers crossed, Mia. I know. Wouldn't it wouldn't it be something? Wouldn't it be swell? And also big news today, CBS news, House top of Zach, accused of blocking Catherine Harridge's Hunter Biden laptop coverage. So Catherine Harridge is another person who could take a victory lap today because Ingrid Cyprian Matthews is out at CBS and the the rumors are that it's not a shake up that it's more so that the head honchos were not happy with how she embarrassed them by going after Catherine Harridge. And it was a real black eye. And she also was just she basically told white people they couldn't get any jobs. She she's by the way, would you care to guess where she was born? Was she born in the United States or in another country? Where was she born? Dominican Republic. It's funny how this stuff works. You know, like the judge in in Trump's case in New York was born in Columbia. The judge in Trump's case in Washington was born in Jamaica. I mean, again, I have nothing against naturalized citizens, but I kind of wish they were more on our side. Well, this story really took off when Harridge's personal files were seized by CBS. And I asked you about this, Howie. I said, you know, a lot of this comes down to her sources and she was fighting to keep the privacy of her sources. Well, it's like turtle boy, the same thing with his phone. I said, how unheard of is it for the network that you work for to ask for these files? And you told me you said that's pretty bad. Like it's, it's not a good thing. 844-542-42. Thank you, Howie, very much. That's it for me. All right. 844-542-42. We're gonna have a cheap bastard deal coming up. Do what I did though right now and order a burner for your loved one. Charlotte was visiting and we started to talk about all the benefits of a burner. Immediately she said, well, why don't you buy me one? I need it. You know what? I said, Charlotte, I will buy you one. Do you want a black one or an orange one? She wanted a black one that looks like a gun, but it's not a gun. You want your loved ones to feel safe and having effective yet non-lethal options is vital. Introducing the burner less lethal pistol launcher developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. They engineered the burner launcher as a powerful tool for self defense, allowing users to deescalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. For many responsible gun owners, the thought of using lethal forces daunting, burdened with emotional and legal consequences, the burner offers a safer, sensible solution, an alternative, potentially saving lives on both sides, protecting both the user and the aggressor. For those who are averse to owning a firearm, the burner is the optimal choice that delivers formidable stopping power without having to take a life. In today's unpredictable environment, the burner is an indispensable tool to keep you and your family safe. Legal in all 50 states, no background checks or permits required. Over 15,000 4.5 star reviews. They can ship directly to your door. The burner isn't just an option. It's an essential component of responsible non-lethal protection. Visit for 10% off your purchase. That's for 10% off and to check out the latest news about byrna. And if you haven't checked out my new episode of Meet the Experts with owner Brian Gantz, listen today, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcasts. I'm Howie Car. Howie Car. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Car, is back. It's Howie Car's Chief Master Deal. Sounds too good to be true. Oh no, it's real and it's a steal. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie Store for another Howie Car Chief Master Deal. Howie Car. The cheapest bastard around. We got a lot of popular cheap bastard deals, but this is the most popular. The 110-grill modern American cuisine in a trendy casual atmosphere with over 40, count them 40 locations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and New York State, you're sure to found a 110-grill not too far from you. While supplies last, while supplies last and they won't last long, as you know, you can purchase a gift card valued at $50 for just 25 bucks, but with so many locations they're going to sell out fast. Limit two per order, one redemption per table, no refunds. And these 110-grift gift cards are also available at Valadil, all of Viva Tataria locations. Joining us now is Steven Talley, the senior training manager for the 110-grill. Thank you so much for being with us. We love this. This is our favorite cheap bastard deal, Steven. Hi, Howie. Thanks for having me. Thank you. You know, I've been getting trolled on the internet because I was talking about one of the corrupt state troopers who was just suspended. He was making 150,000 a year to frame people, and I said he's not going to be making that kind of money to frame people anymore. His name is Michael Proctor, and he's going to have to go back to the hospitality and landscaping industries. People thought that was a dump on the hospitality and landscaping industries. Steven, I don't know what you know about me, but both my father and my uncle were in resort hotels their entire lives, and I spent five years working in hotels, so I know a lot about the hospitality industry, and I don't have any snobbery about people working on them. I just said that this cop is not going to be able to make that kind of big money again. I just wanted to point that out, but Steven, tell us about what's going on at the 110-grill. Sure, absolutely. So actually today we started our brand new features, and they feature through about the next six weeks or so, but on tap for starting today we have our zucchini fritters, which is some crispy fried cheesy zucchini, and they are in a lemon with a lemon herb ricotta, and that's over a bed of some warm pomerdoro sauce. They're fantastic. I just ate some for lunch a little while ago. Fritters are so underrated. Any kind of fritter is fantastic. I love them. They're about three inches by about a half inch thick, and I think it's the perfect size for a little fritter. They're not too crispy, but they're nice and warm and gooey on the inside. They're fantastic. We've got our lobster roll, which is our main summer, as well as our fried whole belly clams, and then fresh off the the press is our lemon blue berry vignets. They have been absolutely going gangbusters all day long. We've sold probably 15 orders in about 15 minutes, so much like the cheap bastard deal, the lemon berry vignets are selling like hotcakes. Oh, so that's not just for brunch or anything. You got them around the clock. Lemon lemon blueberry vignets. Oh, boy. That's a lot. They're ready for every single event you can possibly imagine, and they're phenomenal. Boy, that's great. And you got a special cocktail for the for the summer? Absolutely. So we decided we were going to do a his and hers type thing. So we've got the wildfire, which features a demon seed whiskey, which has a little bit of a nice bite to it. It's a cinnamon style whiskey, a little bit of a little bite, and then it has some peach sauce, lemon juice, and hibiscus syrup, again, has a little bit of a nice bite to it. Very, very good. And then on the opposite end of that, we also have our watermelon lime Ricky for the the misses. She it's nice and it's nice and light, refreshing, beautiful for a warm hot day like today. It's fantastic. Watermelon lime Ricky. That sounds pretty good. Well, though, everything sounds great, but the fritters and the bignets and the lobster roll and fried clams, there's the newspapers are full of stories about lobster rolls and fried clams, because we're in the season now. This is it. So listen, tell us Stephen Talley from from 110 Grill. Tell us about the updated loyalty program. You have the best loyalty program. It's the quickest way to get free meals. Tell us what you've what how you've updated it. Sure. So we've enhanced our current program, and it's still the same for how you earn the points. So for every dollar, you spend anywhere in one point. And then at 110 points, you are eligible for a reward. Now we've actually added a tiered program. So the more you come in dying with us, the more you're actually going to save on that reward. So it's currently two tiers. There's a basic tier and then our gold tier. And the rewards are a little different. As you reach 110 points on top of that, once you become a gold member, we also have special email by invitation only promos and different deals that go on through the interweb. And then on top of that, you still get your normal anniversary dessert and your birthday dessert for the month. So there's there's plenty of great enhancements that we've done to the program itself. And we're very, very proud of it. Great. So you can get the get onto the gold program of the loyalty program at 110 grill and you can get even more rewards and more deals offered to you. It's just a it's a great it's a great deal. So you got over 40 locations. North Conway is doing gangbusters, isn't it? Absolutely. It's the time of season for them. I was just up there last weekend. And I can tell you that it was a nonstop madhouse from the moment we opened the door to the moment we closed. We were ready for all of our guests that came in. And we promptly said everybody as quickly as we possibly could. But we were on a wait for much of the day. All right, that's great. So we sold out yet her. If we're not, we will be hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. All right. That's that's great. Stephen Talley, I look forward to it. I'm going to have some zucchini fritters the next time and men there and maybe for dessert, some lemon blueberry beignets. That's my kind of good eating at the 110 grill. Not to mention the cheeseburgers are pretty fantastic too. There are a few left. Get on board now. I'm Howie Carr.