The Howie Carr Radio Network

Breaking Up with Biden plus... Tulsi for VP? | 7.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

News consumers are waiting for two big answers to two big questions. Number one: will Biden stay in the race for the White House? And number two: who will be Donald Trump's VP pick? Grace covers both in this hour. Don't miss it!

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11 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trataria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace? Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show a Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. They're running like rats! There's so many rats, I can't keep track. Everyone's bailing on Joe Biden. And everybody has their own reasons, you know, and the latest one that came across my desk is Zelinsky. Zelinsky is now concerned. You hate to see it. And here I thought... Do not want them to forget to sign check. Well, that's exactly what I think is the threat here. So this is a source. And Zelinsky expressed worry about Biden's health. A Ukrainian source told Axios on Tuesday. Let's be candid and frank. This is what Zelinsky said in a press conference. Everyone is waiting for November. The whole world is looking to November and truly speaking, Putin awaits November 2. But the source said that Zelinsky has expressed worry about Joe Biden's health. I think the only thing Zelinsky is worried about is as Taylor pointed out, getting that check signed. And I think this is just a little warning shot to Joe. Hey, I could turn to, I could be the next clone. Zelinsky's friendly with the Hollywood stars. You know, he's part of their crew. So he might be saying to Joe, don't push me. I'm close to the edge. I could easily switch sides here. If you don't keep sending me billions of dollars, that's one. We also have a story that Biden officials are worried that he can't win. It said Biden, this is from NBC News. Biden needs to drop out campaign official tells NBC News. President Joe Biden is set to face reporters at a solo news conference. A big boy news conference, as they're calling it, as he faces growing calls by Democratic lawmakers and others to abandon his reelection campaign. And Senator Peter Welch, as I pointed out earlier today of Vermont, is saying Joe Biden should step aside. He joins, I think, eight or nine other Democrats. And no one really noteworthy, like no one who I think is a heavy hitter. And people are making fun of me going, why are you calling AOC a heavy hitter? I just mean, I just mean people who have a lot of followers, a lot of attention, make national news and can kind of, you know, move the pendulum. President Joe Biden needs to drop out of the 2024 election race. A Biden campaign official told NBC News, as a growing number of Democrats called for the campaign to exit the contest against former President Donald Trump. He will never recover from this. It's like Tiger King. I'll never financially recover from this. One Biden campaign official said, according to NBC News, NBC reported that. I'm never going to financially recover from this. That's Joe Biden right now. And actually, actually, Taylor, financially, he's never going to recover from it because there's another story out about how the fundraising is drying up. And how all these big donors are suddenly, you know, getting a little, almost stingy as we get closer to November. They don't like what they saw. And their source is saying the flow of money has stopped. There's not a gush of money coming in. It is done. It is drying up after they saw Biden on the debate stage. And I'm finished. NBC reported that several of Biden's closest allies, among them, three people involved in his reelection bid, now say they believe the president has no chance of winning the race. Things are changing too fast for me. I can't imagine how Joe Biden feels in all of this. I want a double dip, waffle cone with chocolate, vanilla chocolate chip. Oh, yeah, that's probably part of how he feels somewhere in there. But there's got to be another part where he's just looking at everyone going, how? How did you all come to this conclusion so quickly? I may be a white boy, but I'm not stupid. Those people also said there's a growing likelihood that if Biden remains as the party's nominee, Democrats running for election for Congress and other offices will suffer. Yes. And we heard this yesterday from a Congressman, and we also talked about this because it was in the Washington Examiner, this idea that not only is Joe Biden going to lose this for Democrats, but down the ballot, everyone's going to suffer and they could lose control of everything. Let's finish the job. You know what I say to that, fingers crossed, baby. I would love to see it. No one involved in the effort thinks he has a path. A second Biden campaign staffer told NBC News, it's never a good sign when they start talking about the path, Taylor, when they start talking about, you know, what is your path to victory look like? And then it says, our goal is to talk to every single person in the Democratic caucus at House Minority Leader, Jeffries. It's a process to make sure that every voice is authentically being clearly heard. Okay. So now we get into words out, but something I wanted to note here is that there's a huge pressure campaign going on. And yes, while you have some people like Peter Welch coming out and I give him more credit for just coming out and saying, I think he should step aside, the thing that's really bothering me is the people like Tim Cain, who are talking to reporters and trying to passive aggressively tell Joe Biden he should step aside without saying it. You know, it's really like high school stuff. Like they're trying to say, we don't want you anymore. They're trying to break up with him, but they're trying to pull a, it's not you, it's me. But if you really think that this is the best move for you, then I just think you can do better than me. You, you know, you're so much better than this. You're a state's when you're a hero, you don't need this job. You are, you know, you're Joe Biden. And if you really feel like it's time for you to move on, then we support you. They're trying to pull this move. And it's like, no, if you want to break up with someone, you got to do it. You just got to rip the band aid off. Even if you look like the bad guy, that's what's got to happen. Listen to Tim Cain. I have complete confidence that Joe Biden will do the patriotic thing for the country. And he's going to make that decision. He's never disappointed me. He's always put patriotism and, and the country ahead of himself. And I'm going to respect the decision. But what's the patriotic move here? Well, that's, that's my question for Tim Cain. You said he's going to do the patriotic thing for the country. What does that look like to you? What do you think that is? Now do we have this other cut from CNN, Taylor? I just sent it on Twitter, I think. It's a CNN reporter and she's talking about the cabinet officials and how when they're meeting with Joe Biden, this is not reporters. If this gives you any idea of how this NATO big boy press conference is going to go, cabinet officials are expected to submit their questions and talking points in advance of meeting with Biden. We'll play this cut. Oh, we have it. Okay. Let's play. Before cabinet meetings, that the president attends, cabinet officials will submit their questions and talking points, key talking points and bullet points that they plan to present to the president in these closed door meetings. This is how one source described it. They said the entire display is kind of an act. They would come and say, hey, the president is going to call on you about 25 minutes in and ask this question, what are the bullet points that you'll respond with? Now the White House's defense has been that that is standard practice for any administration. They said in a setting like this, you never want the president to be not aware of what is going to be discussed. They want to also just be mindful of the president's time, but we also spoke with sources from the Obama years who said in the cabinet meetings for former president Barack Obama, those were never this meticulously scripted. Again, how long did it take to figure this out? This is the kind of reporting that should have been happening day one at this White House, but congrats to CNN for finally putting the pieces together. You know, the more I watch this 180 on Joe Biden and this, you know, major realization has come to Jesus moment that all of these networks are having, the more I'm realizing they might never financially recover from this. They really have lost all credibility. And technically speaking, they should have lost all credibility after the Russia hoax. Like that should have really been when most people in this country figured out, oh, they're liars. And if you didn't figure it out, then you should have figured it out with the Hunter Biden laptop, the 51 intelligence agents, the Wuhan lab virus. There were so many situations where if you had done just a little bit of research, if you had been even slightly a free thinker and not just, you know, swallowing up whatever Joy Beyhardt was dishing out on the view, you could have figured out that these people are liars, that they have no credibility and that they're constantly trying to pull one over on the American people. But even with those stories, like the Russia hoax, the Wuhan lab, there were ways for them to continue the lie and say, oh, well, you know, we never really found out or there's a possibility it could have come from a wet market or, you know, there's a possibility that had the earmarks of Russian disinformation. Even if it wasn't disinformation, there were all these kind of loopholes with this one. It's so in your face. It's so obvious that even people like Dave Portnoy, who he gets involved with politics every once in a while, but the average person who's not in the weeds of politics is looking at this and going, so you guys lied, you lied and lied and lied and now you're not even going to acknowledge that. You're just going to pretend that you just figured it out and why should we believe? So now you're going to bring in Kamala Harris, like that's the latest thing. Jen Psaki's talking about how Kamala Harris is really sharp and if it wasn't for racism and sexism, she would be the president and all these things. Why would we believe anything you have to say about anyone else? When you're clearly willing to sell yourself, you sell your soul to get these people elected. You have no credibility. John, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, John. Hi, Grace. Thanks for having me. Of course. What's going on? With all seriousness, can you hear me, Grace? Yeah, you sound good. With all seriousness, I think Donald Trump should make an announcement to not do any more particular debates until we know for sure, kind of be the better man and say, because I think if he tries to continue doing this, the press will pounce on you. They will hammer him saying, "How do you take advantage of a guy with a condition?" He can come back and say, "Well, I don't even have a condition." I think basically he should be the better man to state that. Yeah. Well, John, there's a few things at play here. Number one is, I don't think it's going to get to that. I don't think the talk of this second debate. They're really in uncharted waters with Joe Biden, and I've never seen this kind of thing before, where you have Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Jim Clyburn. They're all behind the scenes. They're all trying to figure out a way to give this guy the old heave-ho and get him out of there. It's happening everywhere. You have George Clooney. You have Mia Farrow. You have Michael Douglas. You have now you have people in the White House telling CNN he has no chance of winning. Everyone is turning on him all at once. What's that movie everywhere all at once? That's what's happening to Joe Biden. I think we're going to know within the next few days, I would say by next week, whether or not he's going to be the guy. If he is the guy, I don't think Donald Trump needs to debate him again. I think now, Donald Trump just needs to ride this into November if he's going to be the guy. The more people turn on him, specifically Democrats in DC, the more I'm really wondering if it's going to be him. For a long time, I thought they won't move him out. It's too complicated. But hearing Tim Kane and hearing Nancy Pelosi, these are people who are, you know, they have some poll in the Democrat party. Hearing these people say it's up to him. We hope he makes the right decision. It would be a shame if something were to happen and he didn't make the right decision and we lost. They're not messing around anymore. So depending on how this goes today with the NATO press conference, today could be his last press conference, if he doesn't, wow, the reporters, which I don't really see that happening. And you know, the other part of it too, is Taylor, now that these reporters have all this courage so late in the game, they're going to start asking him these questions today. He's going to get ticked off. He's going to be angry Biden. He's going to be the same Biden that came out after the Robert Her report. I remember Dana Bash said, like he acted like a wounded political animal. Well, he's even somehow he's in even worse shape now than he was then. So it's going to be fireworks. Do you send to candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, you shouldn't stop masking these smells with more odors. You're not fooling anyone. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home and you're making the smell worse. You need to destroy odors with an eat and pure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that destroy bad odors. They're there than just covering them up. And also, if you're listening to this and you're saying, my home smells great. That's wonderful. But there's also a lot of other uses for this product, allergens, pollutants. 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Zalinski just, he'll say whatever he needs to say. I kind of respect it. In that way, he knows what he's doing. He will say whatever he needs to say, like a true politician, to get that check signed. He does not care who he has to kick under the bus. Harry, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Harry. Hi. How are you? Good. What's going on? Okay. Good. Good. Well, I love your analogy about the high school romance. I think that's absolutely spot on. And I started to think about Watergate. I was alive and conscious and well and in my 20s during Watergate. And I just wanted to say that this situation with Biden really isn't unprecedented. Back then, there were all sorts of machinations going on in the White House. Everybody was worried. People in the president's own party were very, very worried. Nobody knew what was happening. A lot liked today, in other words. But back then, there were three or four senators, maybe a few more, who got together one day and walked over to the White House and went in and talked to the president. And then they came out and it was kind of high school romance. They said, "We think the president will do the right thing." Well, decades later, it was discovered that the senator said, "You're out of here, buddy, or we will impeach you." Now what I worry about today is, I don't know what you think. Do you think that there are upstanding senators and other people in the government, representatives in other words, who will tell the president the truth from his own party, as those senators did during Watergate? I think there are senators who will tell the president that it's not because they're upstanding members of their own party or because they care about the country. It's just because they're scared about Joe Biden losing. But Harry, what a wonderful point by you to bring up Nixon, because how he just said it to me too, he goes, "This is starting to feel like August 1974, like this pressure campaign of, "We hope you'll do the right thing and it would be a shame if you didn't." And they're really not, they keep saying it's his choice, but they just want to make it seem as though it's his choice. They're just trying to let him have the tiniest bit of dignity, just a little bit of breathing room to make the choice when he leaves. But yes, I think there are people who behind closed doors will tell him that it's time to move on, but it's not because there's any decency in the Democrat party. It's just because they see the polls. I mean, some of these polls. I don't go for much of the New York is in play. I don't want to convince myself that that's even a possibility. But some of the swing states are going so much in the Trump direction that this could be right now a landslide. And I do think that scares, I mean, we talked about Maine. Maine hasn't gone red since the 80s and it's looking like it might go red for Donald Trump. Virginia is looking good for Trump. There's a lot of states that look like Trump could win them. And when you start hearing those words, path to victory, that's when Joe Biden has to be very nervous because that path to victory, forget the decency, forget the humanity of, you know, looking at this man and saying, Hey, you know, you should just enjoy time with your grandkids and enjoy the fruits of your labor and all this money that you've managed to make from all this influence peddling. It has nothing to do with that. It has to do with a path to victory and if the Democrats don't see a way to it or a way that they can maneuver it, then that's all they need to know. And that's enough for them to give him the elbow and say, get out of here. Whether or not he listens is a whole different story. This is a stubborn dude and I think the Jill factor. And this is where I'm, I'm throwing this out to the audience because a lot of people say it's Joe's ego, he wants to, he's one of this his whole life. He's always wanted to be president. I don't think he's in that state of mind anymore. I think this is a Jill operation or a Hunter operation. What do you think? We'll take your calls when we come back. How's an old guy do that? Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show, great last caller Harry who brought up the fact that it was a pressure campaign and some urging from his fellow politicians that got Nixon to finally bow out. Maybe the same thing would happen for Joe Biden. I think this really does a lot of it comes down to Joe Biden's circle. And his circle right now includes Hunter and Jill and they seem to be loving it as Donald Trump said. They seem to be enjoying this eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Now, of course there's the question of Kamala and she's actually speaking right now. Can I take this? Taylor, let's take this one. Seven trillion dollars more and oh, so Larry Kudlow is not taking her. We'll grab it from, we'll grab it from the YouTube. Kamala Harris is speaking amid calls for Biden to drop out and there has been a lot of conversation about whether or not she would be a better candidate. It's also easier because they can transfer money to her. Let's take a listen. For strengthening NATO, making it stronger, making it more united and more effective. That is Joe Biden. That is Joe Biden. And having made it more effective than together with our allies around the globe, we are standing up to the dictator Putin all to ensure America is strong and Americans are safe. Okay. So thank you, Kamala. So it's clear that she hasn't jumped ship yet being the key word. She's standing by her man. Now it's probably very tempting for Kamala to jump ship because some people out there, some people said something, they're kind of on team Kamala. They think maybe she has a better shot at this. Jen Psaki, who was before KJP took over and became the star press secretary that she is today. Jen Psaki was the OG. This is what Jen Psaki had to say on her podcast, not her podcast, Taylor. This was her podcast. This is podcast spelled PSO, this is her podcast. This is Jen Psaki cut six. Kamala here. She vice the vice president. She is like an undervalued talent. She's a very fierce communicator. She's very strong, especially on one of the core issues that made the election maybe won her last time, which is abortion rights. You know, and they said, this is why I think when she did a couple of interviews after the debate, people were, I was sitting on the set with a bunch of other MSNBC anchors and we were like, everybody's like, that was great. It's like, yeah, that's what she's doing out in the country. And nobody is really tracking it. It's just, that's who she is, but there is a character out there. There is, it's almost like public opinion hasn't caught up with what she is doing out there. And also we live in a country that is sexist and racist. So like there is not everybody at all, but there is a level of it that doesn't impact elections. There's the cop out. There's the cop out. It's got to do with the fact that she's a black woman. It's not that she talks about people falling out of coconut trees and she's obsessed with men diagrams and the moon. It's because she's black and she's a woman. I just, I love the complexities that go on in the mind of Jen Psaki. You know, she's really getting to the root causes of the problems that have plagued Kamala Harris thus far. I don't. I eat no for breakfast. I don't think the issue is that not enough people are tracking what she's doing. I think that if there were more people tracking what she was doing, then there would be, there would definitely be more moments going viral on TikTok and on Instagram of the crazy things she's saying. But the one advantage I will say besides the fact that she's black and she's a woman, Jen Psaki thinks that's a disadvantage. I tend to think that's an advantage. But that's just because I'm very progressive unlike Jen Psaki. The other thing she has going for is that she probably, I don't, I don't want to get overly confident here, but she probably could read a teleprompter better than Joe Biden. Maybe, but now it's the question of, is she underutilized? Should they put her out there more? Is she going to make things better for Joe Biden? I am not convinced now Governor Gretchen Whitmer, whose name has also been tossed around. She had this to say when she was on with, was this with Colbert? This is cut seven. Did you watch the debate? I've seen clips of the debate. You did watch the debate? I was actually out on the West Coast with a couple of my colleagues and they don't have to be out there. I forgot. They don't have television in California. Yeah, exactly. It's true. Yeah. What was your reaction? Were you just like, you know what? Stay the course. Doesn't matter. Full speed ahead. Joe, or did you give you pause at all? Hi. Yeah. You know what else to Gretchen Whitmer, all these people are so power hungry, but she did something else that made me think, oh, she's knives out for Biden. She was on CNN and they asked, should he take a cognitive test? Should he take a test to let us know whether or not his brain is functioning properly? And she said she didn't think it was a bad idea. And then the host, I think it was Abby Phillips asked again, like, so you think he should take one? I don't think it's a bad idea. That's all I need to know because two weeks ago, you couldn't even mention this without being written off as like this mean cruel person who was making things up and manipulating videos and now Gretchen Whitmer's on CNN saying, yeah, I don't think a test would be a bad thing. She wants it. She wants it. And she's been the most transparent so far from Gavin Newsom and all these people that she's willing to kind of take some shots at Joe Biden. John, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, John. Hi, Grace, I was just wondering, what do you think Trump's going to take for a vice presidential candidate? I think it could be now, it could be Kelsey Gabbard. I was thinking it was going to be dating Vance for a while, but now I've switched my mind. I was wondering what you think? I think it's going to be JD Vance. I think it's, I heard today that, and this was from Lawrence Jones, he said some of his sources are floating in the idea that it could be Ben Carson, Dr. Ben Carson. I don't think that'd be a bad pick. He's boring. I'll tell you that, but he's incredibly talented, and I think he's a decent person. Tulsi Gabbard, I just, I don't see it. People forget, she was on the Democratic debate stage against Kamala Harris and Joe Biden not too long ago. So I think that's, it's kind of a giant shift for Trump to choose her. I will say this though, John. Brian Kilmeade, as you guys can tell, I watched Fox this morning, he was interviewing Donald Trump, and he asked about Marco Rubio, because yesterday I said to Taylor, I go, Trump's doing this, he's doing his rally in Florida, and Barron's going to be there, and like his whole family, not Ivanka, she's not as involved anymore. But for the most part, his whole family showing up to this thing, and it started to make me think he might be making a huge announcement, otherwise, why would all these people be there? He didn't make an announcement, but he did go on the stage with Marco Rubio. He was asked about it by Brian Kilmeade, and I just didn't get the sense from his answer that Marco's the guy. He mentioned the fact that they're both from Florida, he might have to change, he acknowledged that it's a little tricky in that sense, and it wasn't a very enthusiastic, like, oh, we're not worried about it. I just didn't get the sense. He could be trying to throw me off the scent, but I, as far as my mind goes, Marco Rubio's crossed off the list. Yeah, I'm not sure. To me, I don't care. I mean, it's not affecting my vote. I'm not sure how many votes, it's really got to be a very niche section of the population or the electorate that Trump is going after with a VP pick, because everybody that's been Trump before is probably Trump again, and it really doesn't matter. I don't care. You could pick a walking stick for VP. I'm still going to vote for Trump, and that does not matter. Yeah, yeah, I know, it's just one of those things where he's loving having people not know. You know, he's loving the suspense. Because he knows it doesn't matter to most people. Yeah. And I would like to see, you know, what I think would be a great move is just pick someone a little bit younger. And from what I've seen from the candidates he's thrown out there, they're all decently young, like JD Vance, Byron Donald, all the names, even Doug Bergam. I don't know how old is Doug Bergam? Was he in his 70s, maybe early 70s? Old enough to be considered an old white man. Yeah. So I would go with one of the younger ones, and I think that JD Vance has been on the right side of a lot of these votes, especially when it comes to foreign policy spending. So that's one other reason I like JD Vance. But that's just, like Taylor said, I don't think it's going to really change how people vote necessarily. But it's definitely going to be news, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Tulsi Gabbard's such a funny thing, though. She's got a lot of fans in my audience. She's got a love Tulsi Gabbard, and I know it's because you love her policies. And you... She's got a great set of policies. She really does. Now, she's a very attractive woman. She goes on Joe Rogan, you know, she's cool. I get it. She serves. She serves. I forgot she serves. That's something we have in common, actually. We're both cool girls who love to serve. Yeah. You serve Twitter, and she serves the Pacific Ocean. Do you know what I'm saying when it's like it would be too... I don't know. I can't describe it. It would just... I think that would turn a lot of people off, actually, that goes against the grain. It's trying to make too much of a splash, you know? And I think how he's right, the people are okay with hearing her political opinions and her coming more, you know, she's been red-pilled in a lot of ways and her coming more to the right side of some issues. But she still was very much on the left side of a lot of issues not too long ago. And I think for people to really feel comfortable with someone, you have to have a long track record of being a conservative, and she doesn't have that. Steve, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Steve. Hey, Grace. Trump... This is Steve, the flag guy, by the way. Oh, hi, Steve. Trump is crazy not to tell Steve Gabbard. Tell Steve Gabbard destroyed Kamala in the debate. She destroyed Hillary Clinton. The Democrats loved her back in the day, so she gets the Democrats' votes that loved her. She turned Republican, so she gets the Republican vote. She is a woman of color. She is a woman. She is a good-looking. She'll get the military vote. I mean, there's no negatives. I mean, it's great that you might not like all her policies, but what politicians do you like all their policies? She's a fighter. She'll go after people against her. Ben Carson is kind of a wimp. He's too quiet. He's not a fighter. Because you know, Trump's not going to finish the four years, and you need somebody that can step in and fight the media and be tough. Nobody even knows who JD Vance is. You ask 10 people, 10 of them won't even know who he is. Okay. A couple of things on that. One is I'm not so sure that Trump won't finish the four years. Maybe I'm alone in this. He seems... I have no indication that he's slowing down. I think it would be a lot less likely that he lets anyone else take over in four years, not saying he's going to become a dictator and not allow for another election. I think he'd be adamant about finishing it. He certainly fought for it for long enough. I think he'd want to finish it out. As far as Tulsi Gabriel goes, I don't want you guys to get it twisted. I don't have beef with Tulsi. I like Tulsi. I liked it during the debates. That was one of the first columns I ever wrote for the Boston Herald, was after the debate where Tulsi took on Kamala Harris, and then Kamala Harris responded by saying, "Basically, I'm a top tier candidate." It was her version of like, "Oh, she's just jealous of me." So I like Tulsi Gabbard. I don't know if we need that level of... The only way I can describe it is like pizzazz. I think Trump can pick someone who's a little bit more just a basic conservative. I think Trump is the superstar in this situation, and he doesn't want someone who's going to be overshadowing him, and that's what Tulsi Gabbard says to me. We have like Tulsi Gabbard stands in this audience. The men love Tulsi, and I don't want you all to think that I'm coming after her, because I'm not. I like Tulsi Gabbard. I just, to me, it's a little too out there of a pick where I think he'd be better off. But you know what? Last caller, two things I want to comment on. One is I think Trump will finish the four years. Two is actually three things. Two, I don't have an issue with Tulsi Gabbard. And three, when it comes to Ben Carson, you were right on the money. And I like Ben Carson. I think he's a very talented doctor. I think he's a brilliant man, but I agree with you. He's not a fighter. He's way too boring. He would get crushed by the mainstream media. That's why he wasn't a great presidential candidate. So you're right. Let's move him off the list. I don't want Trump to pick Ben Carson. Rob, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Rob. Hey, Grace, what about the Santis? The Santis was right there and he did the right thing and in four years he could take over the ship. What do you think about the Santis would be? I think DeSantis has said he doesn't want it. I don't know if I'm misremembering that. The other part of the DeSantis equation is that, and Taylor, this is where I need you to check me, because this is where I could be off base. I feel like Trump came at DeSantis pretty hard during the primary, and he was really the only person who Trump was taking shots at around the clock, and Trump's team would deny that. They would say, no, no, no, he's also attacking this person and that person, but it really was most of the time they were focused on DeSantis, DeSantis, Meatball, Ron, or whatever they would call him. And as much as I think in politics, as much as I think you let things roll off your back in politics, and you come around, and DeSantis has come around. He's a fundraise for Trump, he's thrown his support behind Trump. I don't think he's sitting in a corner crying about it, but I also don't know if he wants to be part of this administration in that capacity. That's just the way I see it. Again, what I have an issue with the Santis being VP, absolutely not. I think he's a great governor, I think he's a great politician. I think you like Ron DeSantis, but he wouldn't even be around today. He'd be working in a pizza shop, or perhaps a law firm, if I didn't endorse him. Yeah, so I just think there's still a little bit of hurt feelings there. But as I always say, I've been wrong before, and I'm sure I'll be wrong again, we'll be right back with how we car. We got a lot to break down on the other side, so don't go anywhere. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. And grace in me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesday's at 2PM. Today's car crossovers brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC, your Fisher Plow distributor in Hudson, get the right Fisher Plow for your half-ton pickup. The Fisher EZV, it's lightweight, but built strong to handle the demands of a New England winter. I know it's summer now, but winter's going to be here before you know it. You want to be ready? So check all of it out at Howie, you know, sometimes people text in to your show, "Well, I'm on," and they think they're getting through. This person said, "Biden, yeah, Grace, they're giving Biden a choice. Whether to shuffle out the door on his own two feet or be thrown out by Dem's face first." That is, it seems like the option they're giving Joe right now. Yeah, it's what happened with Longie's Willman, you know, the head mafia, head mob guy in New Jersey. And his mind was gone. You know, they said Longie, you know, you've had a long career, but your mind's gone and we can't have you going up before any committees. So they took him down to the basement and hung him up. Oh, gosh. I mean, I don't think it's going to go quite that far here, but it's the same thing. He's getting the Longie's Willman treatment. Yeah. And now we're hearing that Obama didn't protest too much when it came to George Clooney writing this op-ed. Well, I'm sure the guy's on the commission said, you know, Longie was a good guy. But you know, sometimes you got to make the move. Yeah. And it seems like this NATO press conference today, it's going to be fireworks. It could be the last two raw. Because remember the time Joe Biden was at a press conference, they asked him something and he said, I want to talk about happy things, man. I don't think they're going to be talking about happy things today. I don't think he's going to like any of these questions. What about last night when he was telling the new prime minister of the UK about how in the in the US, we call football soccer, do you hear that? We got those cuts. That's all coming up on Howie show. What else you got today? Howie, any updates on Karen Reed? No, just waiting. I've been waiting all day for the fifth juror to step forward. But maybe they're not going to do that. And we'll keep an eye on what happens with a turtle boy today. I thought he'd be tweeting something out. He had the restraining order hearing in the district court. And then now he's going now he's across the street on the witness intimidation, but the alleged witness intimidation felonies, including by a couple of people who are now charged with assaulting him, I believe. There's so much and turtle boy is usually live streaming a lot. So he's been putting out some audio from outside the courthouse, but how we will have more updates for you later on today, we'll be back tomorrow for our Friday show. Thanks for listening. [MUSIC]