The Howie Carr Radio Network

BOMBSHELL: Luke Rosiak on the 85,000 Missing Unaccompanied Minors | 7.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes Luke Rosiak to the show to share a story that the mainstream media won't dare touch. Then, Taylor Cormier joins the show for a rowdy round of Woke or Joke!

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11 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. You either have Grace or you. Don't. Especially Grace. Grace Standup. Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. I was very happy that that last caller was catching up on yesterday's podcast where we discussed this bombshell story from the Daily Wire by Luke Rosiac. The headline is whistle blowers detail how 85,000 unaccompanied minors went missing after Biden administration dropped them off with sponsors. Luke joins the show now. Luke, thanks so much for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to come on the Grace Curly Show. First, before we get into some of the details, give us an overview of this story. It seems unbelievable when you see that number 85,000 unaccompanied minors went missing. How does this happen? Yeah, I've seen a lot of messed up things in Washington, and this is probably the most heartbreaking story I've ever heard of. Basically, you know, when Biden was elected, he had been criticizing Donald Trump for doing what he said called putting kids in cages, which is, you know, when these kids cross the border as unaccompanied minors, the policy is we won't, we won't deport them because they're minors. And so what that does is it induces a lot of kids to come on their own to the country. And so when Biden became president, he couldn't leave them in those government facilities because he had called them cages, even though it's really just like a safe compound where officials are taking care of everybody. So he had to do something with these kids, but what do you do with hundreds of thousands of kids, 500,000 unaccompanied minors have come into the country. And so he started sending them to random people. And at first it was supposed to be reuniting them. That's what they called it, reuniting them with their parents, but that never made any sense because the point is the kids are coming on a company without their parents. So sometimes they would try to say it was some distant relative or something, but they couldn't get enough of these adults, what they called sponsors. So Biden got rid of the policies that were designed to make sure that these kids weren't going to sex traffickers and things like that. They got rid of DNA testing to make sure that the sponsors were actually related to these people. They got rid of the background checks in many cases. And so these kids wound up going to known gang members by the government's own database. These were on watch lists for being horrible people. In other cases, they were given to sex traffickers. And the only thing the Health and Human Services Department's Office of Refugee Resettlement did, they would never even meet these sponsors. They would put them on a bus, put the kid on a bus, and they would be dropped off at the sponsor's house. And HHS would just do one thing. They would follow up 30 days later with a phone call. And 30 days later, they called the sponsors and the kids were missing. And the sponsors couldn't explain where the kids were. And so that's how we have this number of 85,000 are just missing. And that number is actually a couple of years old. The number is probably more like a quarter million at this point. When we say minors, is it mostly teenagers? Is it 10 to 16? Are we talking little kids here? Does it just range from zero to 18? Yeah, I think it's a range. But some of these are in one case. So basically we had a hearing on Capitol Hill this week where whistle blowers who had been assigned to go down to the border. These are long time government employees who, in one case, one of them was a senior executive down there at this processing facility. And they were saying, there's no vetting going on whatsoever. And it's not a law enforcement agency, HHS. They don't have the ability to really check and make sure that people aren't defrauding them. And they just had the view of where our job is just to get the kids out as quickly as possible so people can't say we're keeping them in cages. And some of these whistle blowers were just so heartbroken by what they saw where they knew they had government records showing that these were gang members. And they would say, we can't give that kid to that person. He's a known gang member. We know he's not the kid's relative or look at his social media. He's got child porn on there. And now he's asking for a 16 year old girl that he wants to quote sponsor. And they would give these kids to these adults anyway. And when they came forward and they sounded the alarm and they tried to fix the processes, instead of HHS saying, thank you so much for alerting us. Now we can make sure not to send the kid there. What they did is they retaliated against the whistle blowers and one of them was walked out by security and they launched an investigation into her, not the known gang members. And you do have this database at the Department of Homeland Security has of gang members. If you match that up to the list of sponsors, there's a lot of overlap. And they were just sending them to these known MS-13 members anyway. And so when these kids are disappearing, we don't know where all of them are going, but some of them are being sex trafficked. Some of them are being sent to work in factories for, you know, they basically slavery like labor by these little kids. And so HHS has refused to tell the states where these sponsors are and where these kids are. So they're not registering in schools. The child protective services is run by the states. And so they can't do checkups on these kids because the feds refuse to tell them that the kids exist. And so the people that in most cases are responsible for the disappearance of these kids are the so-called sponsors that, you know, the public has been led to believe through the media and spin are these kids parents or relatives that they're being reunited with. But oftentimes they're not. And Florida actually did a study of the people down there, the sponsors, and found that in only 10% of the cases, it was actually the kids' parents. Yeah. And I'm speaking of Luke Rosiac from the Daily Wire. And you hit on two of the whistleblowers here, Tara Lee Rodas and Deborah White. And part of the testimony, I believe it was from Deborah White that really stuck out to me, was that she was reprimanded when she was checking in on a child's welfare at another facility. And she says that she was told, do not do that again. Once these children leave here, they're gone and they are no longer your responsibility. So this was really backwards. People who were concerned about vulnerable children and where they ended up were oftentimes punished for asking questions about it. Yeah. And Congress has grilled the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Javier Becerra, about the missing kids. And he's just said, no kids have gone missing from our custody. And what emerged through these whistleblowers is that he's just playing word games. The point is that when they give them to the sponsors, they're not in HHS's custody anymore. And so they're giving them to random people with no vetting. They deliberately got rid of the DNA testing in the background checks, and they're not checking in on them. And once they're with these adults, they're not in HHS custody. So the adults lost them. The adults are almost always illegal immigrants themselves. And HHS is claiming, well, we don't want to tell anybody where these two these sponsors are because then they would be deported as illegal immigrants, which doesn't make much sense because only the federal government can deport them anyway. But these are now people who we know are legal immigrants and the federal government has a database of their names and addresses and the fact that they lost to children. They lost children. So they could have facilitated their sex trafficking. It's basically like kidnapping. And I mean, if you lost your own child and child protective services found out about it, I assume you would go to jail. If you want to adopt a kid, there's a very lengthy and rigorous process, and then make sure that you're not abusing the kids. But with these illegal immigrants on a company, minors, it's like the government doesn't really care what happens to them as long as they don't provide bad optics for the president by remaining in these government facilities that Biden kind of painted himself into the corner by calling cages. But these, you know, if anyone should be deported, I would think it's an illegal immigrant who literally lost a child. And the government has it in a database that we trusted you with a child. You were supposed to be a guardian. And now the kid is just gone and you won't tell us where he went. Yeah, and it really does give you a glimpse into the mindset of the Biden administration that in their POV, it's better to have a kid under the supervision of a gang member than to have what they think is a bad optic about a kid in a cage. Even though what we saw with Trump was that a lot of times they were using pictures from the Obama administration of kids and cages. Look, I did want to ask you one more thing here, because oftentimes when conservatives talk about this issue when they talk about how inhumane the Biden border policies are. They're accused of fear mongering. We saw this recently with Jaya Paul. She was talking to Joy Reid. And they were kind of laughing about this that Fox News runs chai runs about it that we over exaggerate or it's scare mongering. And in your piece, you quote Senator Ron Johnson, who said Biden's open border policies facilitate the multi-billion dollar business of some of the most evil people on the planet, adding that one man bought a baby for $84. The American people must know the truth about what is happening to the victims of this inhumane open border policy. Is that what Joy Reid and Pramila Jaya Paul would call fear mongering, or is that a legitimate concern? It's absolutely legitimate. These are, you know, basically the only documentation they have on these sponsors is a, you text them through WhatsApp, like a picture of what you purport to be like a birth certificate establishing that you have some relationship with that kid. But they don't know what a birth certificate from Guatemala looks like. You could easily have made it up in Photoshop. They're not connected to any database in Guatemala. And the criminal, if they, even if they were to do a criminal background check, these are illegal immigrants, the sponsors that just got here. So the criminal record is going to be in Guatemala, not here. And so the cartels will just give them a picture of a, you know, purported document to send HHS, and then they'll say, here's a kid. But, you know, for a long time that Biden administration was trying to portray it as, despite the harm that illegal immigrants may be causing in America, you're being very unsympathetic to the illegal immigrants. If you don't, if you kind of want a closed border. And what we're seeing here is it really opens your eyes to seeing in a whole different way where this is actually a horrible, horrible thing for the young people that are crossing our border through these open border policies. Because this is not the American dream that they're finding. This is literally a life of horrible slavery. And the Biden administration is treating them in a way that they would never treat an American child with no, no oversight, no child protective services, nothing. They literally, these kids are disappearing and they're making it so that nothing can be done about it. No accountability and nobody rescuing these children. And so people were so emotional on Capitol Hill this week, trying to save these kids. These probably at this point, hundreds of thousands of kids that are missing and the Biden administration is doing everything they can to make sure that we can't save these kids, which are missing. You know, and from, you know, Biden, the best they could say is maybe not all of them are in the hands of sex traffickers or labor traffickers. But where are they? They're missing. We don't know. And I don't think there's ever been a period in history where it's been okay to just lose, you know, 200,000 children. Yeah. And you mentioned, Luke, that this is one of the saddest stories you've ever reported on. And I will say that it is one of the most haunting stories I've ever read, especially about the 16 year old Guatemalan girl named Carmen. There's just a lot in this piece that I think people should read. And before I have you put a plug in for yourself, Luke, so people know where to find you. My last question is, have you had anyone reach out to you from these mainstream news networks about this story? No, I haven't. And, you know, that's they were frustrated on Capitol Hill that people weren't talking about this because certainly it should be a bipartisan issue. And, you know, if you don't care about these kids, it almost seems like the people on the left were ignoring it. Maybe they're racist. They don't count the life of the Hispanic child as much as they would if an American child were to disappear. Luke Rosiac, please let people know where they can follow you on Twitter. Obviously, they can read your work at But give us your handle on Twitter at Luke Rosiac. Awesome. Thank you, sir. We really appreciate the time. And I hope this gets picked up because it is a bombshell of a story. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want, when you want it on demand. You also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day. But if you're listening to the Grace Curly Show, I would recommend that. Well, the same rule applies to your real estate. You don't have to list your property at a set price and then start negotiating. 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So whether you want to learn more on how to get your commercial property sold or your residential property sold, you can contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. This isn't George Clooney. But what do you mean? It just wasn't. Come on. But who do you think it was? It was not Matt Damon. It wasn't Julia Roberts either. Who do you think it was? You can say the name. It's not Voldemort. Are you saying you think Barack Obama put him up to this? I think that Barack Obama has a lot of influence and I think that there's a lot there. That was Mika Burzinski in that pre-rehearsed, you know, back and forth. It felt very orchestrated to me. Like, come on. Tell us who it is. Who do you think it is? Like, he doesn't know who she thinks it is. It's Voldemort. It's Voldemort. Voldemort. And I'm not even a nerd and I know that. No, your husband's the nerd and you would know that. He's always got his Harry Potter books behind me during my TV. Nerd. People text in. I loved your Lord of the Rings collection. I'm like, that's not mine. You know what I want to say about Mika and Joe and actually I want to throw Nicole Wallace into this too and Chuck Todd. I'm hating this, like, fake courage where they're pretending. Listen, I'm just going to say it. Okay. I know I'm going to get a lot of heat for this, but I'm just going to say it. I'm going to have to be the one to drop a truth bomb on people. I'm not going to. Nicole Wallace actually said today, I'm going to pull the actual quote here because I was laughing so hard at my desk. I printed this out for Howie. I was like, can you believe this woman really expects us? She said, I know how difficult this story is for my audience, but I'm not going to shield anyone from the news. This was Nicole Wallace three weeks ago. Okay. So now she's playing this fake. Oh, you know, stolen valor. I can't lie to you guys. When I see something, I got to say something. This was her three weeks ago cut for. There's a growing and insidious trend in right wing media broadcast print and social media. It is to take highly misleading and selectively edited videos of President Biden directly from Republican National Committee social media accounts and then use those videos to spread messages spirally to cast out on President Biden's fitness for office. Here is this headline from the New York Post quote Biden appears to freeze up has to be led off stage by Obama at mega bucks LA fundraiser. The full video posted by Biden finance chair on Twitter shows something entirely different. Biden reacting to applause and then walking off stage with former president Obama. It comes less than one week after the New York Post made a cover out of another piece of deceptively edited tape. Okay, I can't, I can't listen anymore. She's her voice just goes right through me. It's like a valley girl. Well, and you know that that's what we think here. But that was her three weeks ago. You know, claiming the New York Post is taking him out of context claiming right wing agitators are running with deep fake cheap fakes, whatever. Claiming this is all manipulated. And now she says people are already going to be so angry that we are having this conversation. So we may as well go there. Oh, you're so brave, Nicole. Oh, the courage, the courage it takes to be a true to speak truth to power to know that you are going against the grain. You're so brave. You are swimming against the current sister. You really, really are. I'm so proud of you to quote Mariah Carey. Then a hero comes along. Wow, to be a journalist as fearless as you that after every single person bailed on Joe Biden, you finally chime in. I love this. I love prefacing it with like, listen, I know I'm going to get a lot of heat here. I know I know I'm taking a huge risk by being the 400th person on my network to admit it. Am I a hero? I really can't say, but yes. But Joe's got to go. By the way, now there's rumblings within the White House. They think he has a zero percent chance of winning. I think this NATO presser today for all the people who said the debate was the left setting him up for disaster. This NATO press conference might be the final time that they just let him go out there and implode. It's at 6.30 tonight, everybody. I'll be tuning in. Will you? Joe, coming up next. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back, everyone to The Grace Curly Show. You know what's really weird? So we were talking about Planet of the Apes because I started the movie yesterday. The original, 1968. If you have Hulu, you can stream it there. And I told tellers that I actually like the older movies because they don't move as fast. Oh gosh, yes. You don't have to follow as much. It's like they were in the water from the spaceship for like 15 minutes. You have time to immerse yourself into the world they're presenting to you. They're not trying to pack as much. It's not like this wow factor slap you in the face with this reality. No, you have time to steep. You have time to stew. Yeah. No, I agree. I agree. The character development is not the same back then as it is now. Now it's. So many characters. It cuts from black to this violent scene and you're meeting everybody. You don't have time to, who's that guy? All throughout the movie these days, if I'm watching, is he the guy from the beginning? Is this the same guy? What's his deal? I don't know. But in the beginning of the movies back then, you knew everybody. One of my favorite movies is Airport. Dean Martin is a pilot. George Kennedy is one of the air traffic guys. He's the airport manager. Burt Lancaster's. It's a huge cast of characters. But the climax of the movie doesn't happen until when the climax is supposed to take place. Yeah. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to ride this rigatoni into the sky. Yeah, you're right. They usually go in chronological order throughout the film. There's been yes. Everybody has a backstory and everybody's face is clearly shown. And you know what they're up to. And it's bright. It's bright. You know the other thing is? You can see. And you can hear. Will watches sometimes these shows on HBO, like the house of the dragons or whatever these shows are. And I always. I always. I always come in and I go, I can't see anything. It's like pitch black on the screen. You can't see anything. Anyway, my overall point was I'm liking it so far. Kind of slow. It's kind of weird. But it's good. You haven't finished a planet at the age? No, I started it pretty late last night. But the main actor in it. Charlton Heston. It happened to come up for multiple reasons today. Not only because people want to talk about planet of the apes, but because he has, he had a long standing beef with George Clooney. Really? And you know what the beef was about? No, I didn't know that they were aware of each other's existence. Well, I'm going to tell you after we start playing. Probably guns. You know, this is such a weird collision of all the stories we're talking about. Worlds colliding. Truly. But first. The same rate as Biggie's beef. But first, we have Woke or Joke and it's brought to you by Aviva Trattria. A gift card to Aviva Trattria is the perfect gift for any occasion. So pick one up at any of their locations. I wish I was that in Aviva right now. And I was having my favorite dish, the harvest salad with the fried ravioli. It's also delicious. To find the one nearest you, go to Hit it, Joe. You keep meatballs in your jacket? Everything Woke turns to sh*t, okay? I started a joke. Take care, Wokeers. The word "walk" means "lucor". Okay, so now I'll reveal it because I just wanted to double check before I set it. So this was from the Sun Sentinel, right? This is from 2003, updated in 2021. So I guess the two had beef. And George Clooney went on the Charlie Rose program and made fun of Charlton Heston for having Alzheimer's. And said something like, "Oh, he told..." It was terrible. Oh, he told us he had Alzheimer's again. Who's laughing now, George? Well, that's the crazy part is that now he was defending Joe Biden for so long and people accused Joe Biden of having or think that Joe Biden has Alzheimer's just a strange collision of different stories on the one day that I choose... You just so happened to watch Planet of the Apes starring Charlton Heston. And he's the handsome man. Have you watched "Soyland Green"? I have not. Make that your next Charlton Heston film. You can give me some homework, but you got to go slow with me. You can't hit me with all these movies at once. Yeah, I know, I get it. It takes like a week for me to watch a movie. Yeah, you've so built up during the day with other stuff and then you watch something at night and 15 minutes goes by and you're already asleep. I will say about Charlton. Beautiful teeth. Really nice white streak. Sure, paid handsomely for them. Okay, so the people on the line you guys have been waiting patiently. Let's play "Woke or Joke." You know how it works. Peter, you're up first. Are you ready for your headline, Peter? You're Sam. All right, Peter, here is your headline. The rise of dementia porn, women dominating feeble-minded men in power. That's a joke. It is a joke. Oh, who came up with that? By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. That is really gross. Not me. Definitely not me. Is that you, Emma? Emma says maybe. That was so tailored. That was you. We're my neighbor right now. You are sick. Why should I do that? That is really, that is twisted, man. Yeah, I came up with that. Okay, Ed, you're next. I don't mean- I don't want you to get into why you came up with that. That is bizarre. Ed, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." Are you ready for your headline, Ed? Sure am. All right, Ed, here's your headline. "Falling for a Minotaur." This monster smut is the big new thing in publishing. It's not just about the extra long tongue. Tongues. Oh my God. Oh, you know, I'm going to say, "woke." It is, it is, unfortunately, "woke." I'm so sorry. Not a joke. Not a joke. Who's sick now? That's true. I made something up. This is true. This is suspicious. Also, I don't know how to say Minotaur. Minotaur? Minotaur? I think it's Minotaur. Minotaur. Minotaur sounds better. Yeah, Minotaur sounds better. Correct. What's going on with this? I'm scared to ask. Everyone's so disturbed, including you. "Monster Romance" is burning up Book Talk, a space where women share enthusiastic recommendations for the latest book that has stretched their imaginations. "I want an actual creature," says Charlotte Swan, of the genre and author of the novel captured by the orc general in this memorable TikTok. "I need him to be diabolical. A lot of you are giving me buff man with horns. He may have a few claws. That's not what I'm talking about. I need scales. I need leathery wings. I want him flapping," she says. Wait, wait, wait. I think you're hot. What publication is this from? This is from The Cut. Wow. So this is a real article. You've heard of these people before? The cut is like, yeah. It's an established place. Human monster pairings are what sets monster romance apart from its close cousin, the wildly successful genre of romanticy, a genre epitomized by Sarah J. Maz's blockbuster, a court of thorns and roses series. So she's saying, like, I don't want Twilight where it's vampires. I want Beauty and the Beast where it's a woman and a beast. Yeah, she wants mythical creatures of all kinds. Dragons, minotaurs. I don't know. I don't know what else. What other creatures do we have in here? That's okay. I think we get the gist. It's funny to kiss me. 844-542-42. Allie, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline Allie? I'm ready, Grace. All right. Here is your headline Allie. Gay furry hackers leak revealing data from major anti-LGBTQ plus Republican think tank. I'm sorry. What was that? Woke. It is woke. Yes. Not a joke. Not a joke. This is the group. What did they call themselves? Serious people. Sieged Sec, they released 200 gigabytes of leaked data from the Heritage Foundation on their telegram. Now, what they said most of it was useless information, but the most damaging, I guess, they have is commenters, email and IP addresses, so they're like threatening to release people who support the Heritage Foundation. But who hacked it? A group of gay furry hackers known as Sieged Sec. And they gave the data over to LGBTQ nation. Can I ask a question? You can ask as many questions as you want. The furries remind me of this. I get this confused. These are people who think they're dogs and cats. They don't think that, but their fetish is dressing up as like these anime style looking dogs. Really any creature, I guess, as long as it-- Also sports mascots, anything that is like a big fuzzy suit. Yeah. And it's like sexualized. Like features are more defined. Okay. Think Lola Bunny from Space Jam. Why'd you bring her up? Why'd you bring her into the mix? Talk about sexualized animals. That's all he's talked about, actually. Or what's the other bunny from Bugs-- not Bugs Bunny? Roger Rabbit. Mrs. Rabbit. Jessica Rabbit. She's actually human, though. Thank God. Thank God for that. I can't. All right, Taylor, thank you very much for joining us for-- This is all? Thank you very much for joining us. That's a really good place to cut this. Whoa, good joke. I'll let you give me one more before we wrap it. You give me one more test. Go ahead, give me one more. I spent so much time collecting. Give me one more. Reboot straight eye for the queer guy aims to make tufts out of twinks. That's a joke. Yes. Why the disdain? By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Because sometimes when you just try to add too much into a headline, I can tell that it's not real. What are you talking about? The real headlines are always, like, streamlined, very simple. Taylor, for me, thank you very much. You got to get back on the board, my friend. And we will be right back with so much more. The number is eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. A lot to hit when we come back, including Biden's fundraising woes. Plus, CBS News is having to eat some humble pie. And I think Katherine Herridge is probably pretty excited about taking a victory lap. We'll talk about the latest shake-up at CBS when we come back. God forbid any animals. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Ever just the same. Ever just the same. You, The Beast, is one of my favorite Disney movies. But on its face, The Constant. That's the same again. The Constant is a little strange. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. And thank you for joining us. All right, so I wanted to give you all a little update on what's happening at CBS. And for good reason. So remember when Katherine Herridge got the pink slip from CBS? And it was weird because Herridge went from Fox to CBS. And she's an actual reporter. Like she's an actual journalist. She investigates things. She breaks big stories. I always thought the move to CBS was strange. But I'm sure they offered her a lot of money. And then it was like as soon as she landed there, she was gone. We hardly knew you. And it was some of the reports were that it was because she was digging into the Hunter Biden laptop and digging into some of these big stories that might not play well for Democrats. Now, when this really reached ahead was when CBS kicked her out but wanted to keep some of her files, which I guess I'm not an investigative reporter. I guess that's a really big no, no. I asked how he is. Is that a crazy thing to do? And he said, yes, asking for somebody sources is not something that typically ever happens in the journalism industry. And I wanted to read you a little bit about CBS News's president, Ingrid Ciprian Matthews. She is now stepping down at the network and they're trying to make this seem like, oh, there's cuts, you know, they're making cuts and they're shifting things around. But the underlying idea here is that she's leaving because the heads, the real bosses at CBS were embarrassed by the way she handled this. As revealed by an investigation by the post in January, Ciprian Matthews had racked up HR complaints from staffers over unfair hiring and management practices. It also says still one insider at the network said, Ciprian Matthews exit comes under the guise of cuts after a series of public embarrassments over her dealings with Heritage came to light. Now, you'll remember that when this all went down, the Hunter Biden laptop controversy, and they decided to seize her personnel files, or I'm sorry, her personal files that SAG after got involved and SAG after I had her back, which I guess it shouldn't surprise me because that is kind of their job, but I was pleasantly surprised that they decided to be on the right side of this and they slammed CBS. So it says CBS had seized Heritage's personal files, which included her reporting for CBS and legal documents pertaining to a First Amendment case. She had been ensnared and initially refused to return them. So here are my predictions with this. And it's not because I'm Carnac the Magnificent. This is kind of an obvious play here. I think Katherine Herrge is going to get a lot of money from CBS. I think that they know they messed up. This is just one more admission that they messed up and it looks good for her. On a similar note, there's something else happening at MSNBC. Do you remember the story, Taylor? This is a while back, but there was a story like so many of these where the left clings on to it and they should really ask themselves, like, is this too good to be true? Taylor's old as time, if you will. Yes. Is this fitting our narrative too much? That's always a good question to ask yourself. Like, Jessie Smollett, for example. Oh, I'm a gay black man actor and I was in Chicago and they told me it's maggot country and they put a noose around my neck. There's a lot there where you might want to stop yourself of your reporter and say, something's not making sense here. And this was one of those stories. Remember the story about the doctor who was giving, who was performing unnecessary hysterectomies at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Center and they were calling him, I think they called him a uterus collector? And it was a big story. MSNBC ran with it. Rachel Maddow, Nicole Walls, all of these people now who are informing us are breaking the bombshell news that Joe Biden is old, news flash. They all ran with this. The NBC reporters Jacob Saburoff and Julia Ainsley worked to verify the whistleblower's claims and eventually published an article despite initial skepticism from the network's standards department. MSNBC quickly followed with a series of on-air reports in which the doctor was often referred to as the uterus collector. But the whistleblower's claims were never proven to be true. Birthing people. NBC investigated, this is the judge in this case, they investigated the whistleblower's accusations, that investigation did not corroborate the accusations and even undermine some. NBC republished the letters accusations anyway. So now this doctor is suing MSNBC for defamation because they go on the air and they started talking about how he's a uterus collector and how he's performing unnecessary hysterectomies on these innocent poor women at ice centers. And it's read meat for the people that watch MSNBC, for the people that watch Rachel Maddow and Nicole Wallace and they go on their Twitter's and they melt down about it. But it wasn't true. Wallace identified the doctor by his name on the air and made multiple statements that were defamatory when she was the first MSNBC host to discuss the story on air. Who wasn't afraid to discuss that story. Took her a couple years to build up the courage to talk about Joe Biden's cognitive decline. That one, she had to really get her Irish up, muster up some bravery. But when it came to slamming and smearing and defacing or defaming this doctor, she had no issue with it. And you know who else didn't have an issue with it? Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow who gets paid the $30 million a year to do a show once a week must be nice. She amplified the whistleblower claims by passionately covering them on the Rachel Maddow show. This is all from Fox News. I hope this doctor makes a lot of money from MSNBC. I hope he's the next Nicholas Sandman. I hope he never has to work again. The court, this is from the judge. The judge detailed that undisputed evidence has established that there was no mass hysterectomies or high numbers of hysterectomies at that facility. The doctor performed only two hysterectomies on female detainees, and the doctor is not a uterus collector. Allegrant bullpucky. Yeah, and that's nice that the judge is saying that, but you know what would be even better if MSNBC would say it? And also what would be even better than that? If they cough up some loot to say they're sorry because I don't think he can get his attention back. (upbeat music)