The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy Addresses Reporters Outside Court Plus Another Hollywood Star Stabs Biden in Back | 7.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

The Karen Read trial is far from over. Meanwhile, Aidan Kearney's hearing has just begun. The independent journalist was charged with witness intimidation and jailed for several weeks. What shall be his outcome, especially after the horrific trial we witnessed last month?

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11 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace? Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show a Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you for joining us today. I cannot believe it's already Thursday or as we like to call it here. Friday, Jr. We've got a great show planned. Luke Rosiac is going to join us from the Daily Wire. He's got a huge story out about 85,000 unaccompanied minors and what the Biden administration was doing as far as providing these minors with a home or sponsors and just how incompetent and dangerous the system is at our border. He's going to join us. Also, on a lighter note, we've got Wilker Joke at 1.30, brought to you by Evitrateria Taylor. We'll join us for that. And on the care and read front because I know a lot of my audience out there is chomping at the bit for more information. We're still awaiting updates. This case is far from over. This is the tip of the iceberg here. But we are still awaiting updates on how Judge Kannoni is going to handle the admissions, the revelations by now the count is at four jurors who let Alan Jackson, in some cases, intermediaries, in some cases, Yannetti, they let other people know, they informed sources that on two of the three charges against Karen Reid, including the big one, including the charge that she was most concerned about, murder, they were actually unanimous in their decision to acquit her. And the more I listen – The more I listen – The more I listen to – I keep going back to the note that Judge Kannoni read. And she received this note from the jurors, she reads it, and it's right before she decides, "Okay, I'm not going to force this anymore. I am declaring a mistrial." All right, we're done. And I've listened to it like five or six times now. The more I hear of it, the more I'm leaning toward the possibility that Judge Kannoni really did think they were deadlocked on all three charges. If I were reading that note the way it was written, I would think they can't come to a decision on anything. I would have no – I wouldn't lean towards – Oh, they're probably close on two of them, or let alone unanimous. I would have really read that and thought, "This is never going to happen." Now, that's not an excuse for Judge Kannoni, because I think that – I was tired and I needed to think about it. I think after nine weeks of money being spent, lawyers showing up, Karen Reed's father – I'm sure spending a boatload of money, the Commonwealth putting together this crazy case with this crazy cast of characters, I think a follow-up question, or maybe two, is warranted at that point. I think that before you declare a mistrial, it's okay to cross your teeth and not your eyes. But this is all uncharted territory. As we find out more information, if anything breaks today, this is the spot to beat. We have our finger on the pulse of all things Karen Reed. Now, speaking of the Canton Circus, Turtle Boy, frequent guest of the Grace Curly Show. Aiden Carney is appearing at Dedham District Court. I think he's already had that one that was at nine o'clock and later Superior Court today for two different things. One, on the alleged violation of a restraining order and the other on witness intimidation felonies. So, I wanted to play actually. The great thing about Turtle Boy is he's not camera shy and he's not afraid to take to the microphone. So, his lawyer was explaining, I think, how the first case went in Dedham District Court. And this is what Turtle Boy had to say. This is cut nine. Yeah, I mean, this is a distraction what's happening in this courtroom right now. I came after being falsely accused of a crime that I was charged with that were dropped the day that I got out. The day that my bail was revoked. The day I got out of jail, they dropped the charges because the new was all live. The whole purpose was to put me in jail. I came back three days later for a Karen Reed hearing, as I always do. For the first time, this individual showed up at a Karen Reed hearing had never come to one before in the past. During my incarceration, she had apparently piled up with the McAlberts and she showed up to court with Jennifer McCabe who had a huge smile on her face and forced me to leave the courtroom. I complied with it. I asked the officer where to go. He sent me across the street to the registry of deeds where I remained. At no point did we interact. At no point did I even see her afterwards. She didn't even call the police till five hours later. She called the police at 2.30 to report that her car was vandalized and didn't tell Officer Kozak that anything about a restraining order violation. Now they've entered in some screenshots of me standing in the grassy knoll over at the registry of deeds with no context. There's no video. We don't know where she is. We don't know who took these videos. Could we pause it for a second? Turner Boy has... I checked today. He has over 100,000 followers on Twitter. Very similar to Howard Lawrence Carr. Grace Curly is a bit behind. Just a tiny bit. I'll get there someday. He's got a lot of people on social media. And I thought at every step of the way of this trial, before it was even a trial, when Turner Boy was following this thing, the authorities made the wrong decision every single time with someone like Turner Boy throwing him out of the courtroom, taking away his laptop, throwing him in jail. All of this stuff is throwing gasoline on a fire for this guy. He is more determined than ever not to let this go. And I think you all get the gist of what's going on today with his two court hearings, but we'll keep you posted if anything else breaks. I did want to talk a little bit, follow up from yesterday. Now, usually people will say, "Oh, you're so into the celebrities." Hollywood. Nobody cares. But I've been following and people do care. It's still Clooneygate. Clooneygate. I'm so glad we ran with it, Taylor, when it broke, because it is the story of the day. George Clooney wrote an op-ed in the New York Times, finally telling us what we already knew, which is that Joe Biden has lost his fastball. ♪♪♪ And before that, the celebrities, I could feel it a little bit. I could feel the wind shifting. The celebrities in Hollywood were turning their backs on Joe, but it was weak stuff. It was D-listers. It was Rob Reiner. It was Michael Moore. I wasn't too concerned for Joe. Then George Clooney comes out, and my jaw dropped. I was like, "George, A2 Clooney, you're turning your back. You just had a fundraiser for the guy." And now we have more information. Taylor, you pointed out, right as I was reading this yesterday, you said, "This isn't George. This is Obama." They're friends. Like, he keeps saying, "I did." I think you did. Oh, okay. I did. Yes. That was me. Yeah. Take credit. Yes. That's what this business is all about, baby. You got to take credit. That was me. Yeah. He's really, he's like a clairvoyant. He knows these things. And in the op-ed, Clooney's trying to say, "Listen, I'm good friends with Biden. I love Biden. I think he's a statesman. I think he's a hero." But, dot, dot, dot. And Taylor chimed in, even if he doesn't remember it. And he said, "Joe and Obama..." Sorry, I was hanging out with a state trooper and a Kenton police officer last night. He said, "Joe and Clooney, Joe and George aren't that good of friends. George Clooney's a really good friend of Barack Obama." And you aren't to something there, because now today the story is that George Clooney let Obama know. He gave him the heads up, "Hey, I'm thinking about writing this. Speak now or forever. Hold your peace. Do you object in any way?" And Obama, give us a little taste, Taylor, of what you think Obama might have said. Look, I'm not going to stop you. You write what you want. You want to write it? You can write it. Be my guest. And that's exactly what he did. It really does go back to the lawn sign theory. Obama, not saying anything is all you need to know. Because if your Joe Biden's BFF, which at one point they were trying to make us think they were, that they were buddies, I never thought they liked each other. And the more that comes out over time, you find out that there was a lot of tension between these two for a variety of different reasons. Now we find out that when George Clooney, who's cool enough for Brock, Joe's not really cool enough for him. But George Clooney is. When George Clooney comes to Brock and says, "Hey, just FYI, I'm thinking about throwing your old boss under the bus." He just kind of giving the shrug. He doesn't protest. He doesn't tell him. I'm not going to tell you what you can or cannot write. It feels like he's in the room with us right now. And then I forgot about something. And I was watching Fox this morning and Brian Kilmeade brought it up. And then I was kind of trying to refresh my memory. Remember a few weeks ago, it might have been months ago, when the ICC came out and they were seeking warrants for BB Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials. They were seeking warrants for war crimes. And the International Court, International Criminal Court came out. I forgot that George Clooney's wife, who is fond all over by the media, she's like the darling of Hollywood. They love her because not only is she married to George Clooney, but she is an activist and she is amazing and she's like a legal mind. Well, she was part of that case where the ICC decided to seek out these criminal charges against BB Netanyahu. And if you remember Biden and the White House spoke out against that. They kind of, they condemned the ICC. They rebuked that idea. And little did I know that after that, I think that was in June maybe, George Clooney complained to the White House about Biden criticizing his wife's case. All this to say, I know this is supposed to make Joe Biden look bad. I know that George Clooney writing this op-ed and Mia Farrow coming out now and saying, "Oh, I think he's too old. He's got to pass the torch." Again, I don't think she's George Clooney's status, but fine. You have some of these celebrities. I just hope Woody Allen doesn't turn on Joe. I don't think his little heart can take no more. But George Clooney, doing all of these things against Joe Biden, you know who I think it looks worse for? George, I didn't know he was such a weenie. I never liked his politics, but I didn't realize he was this much of a weenie. And the reason I say that is because not only are you now going to Obama and you're saying, "Do you care if I write this three weeks after I held this fundraiser, I'm finally building up the courage." Now that Nicole Wallace and all these other people told me I could say it, now I'm going to turn on him. But also the fact that when Biden did something that he thought made his wife look bad, like his wife, I'm not her biggest fan. But from what I hear from all of her, you know, fan girls in the media, she's a very accomplished woman. Why is your husband calling up the White House to bitch in moan on your behalf and say like, "You're me. You shouldn't say that about my wife. She wants to seek criminal charges against Beebe Netanyahu and you're making her look bad." What kind of weenie is this dude? Like, do you have, why don't you work on the tequila company or something? This is what you're spending your time doing. It's whining to the White House, tattle-tailing, saying, "I don't like what you said about." If I'm a mall, I'm going to say, "Hey, I'll do respect, dude. Stick to the movies. You're embarrassing me. I don't need you calling up people." What if Will did that? Will called up the station and said, "Chaler, I don't like that you contradicted Grace on the air." I'd be like, "Will, please, you're embarrassing me." But Will doesn't have the influence that George Clooney has in his situation. Even if he did. Even if he did. Let me run my own race, dude. But that's the whole point. I mean, these activists, they're leeches. They find these people of great influence and make themselves attractive to them. And they use that and leverage it against them. But how he was telling me today, he's like, "Oh, did you see what Trump called George Clooney? He called them rat." He said, "That's a great word for it. I don't mean to be contrarian. But I don't think rat in this situation is as perfect as weenie. There's something so weenie-like about being so feckless that you're just waiting for everyone to give you the green light. And then you write this thing. And it turns out that you're not only writing it because your hero, Barack Obama and other people are kind of souring on Joe. But you're also writing it because you were a little bit mad that your wife, that he didn't treat your wife with kid gloves and he said something mean about your wife. It all just reeks of like real desperation. And I don't like it. I'm not happy about it because I love George Clooney. I really do. I love some of his movies. I think he's one of the most handsome men to ever grace the Earth. And so I don't want to see him in this light. I don't want to see that. I'm upset that you now, every time I think of George Clooney, I'm going to think of this. Me, a pharaoh, that doesn't really affect me. I'll be honest. I don't watch Rosemary's Baby that much. It's a great film. Just watch it again a couple of weeks ago. I think rat's appropriate for George Clooney, though. You think so? He invitches himself as like the leader of the 21st century rat pack. He's palin' around with Obama like Sinatra did with JFK. He thinks he is the 21st century Frank Sinatra. You can really work Sinatra into everything. Me, a pharaoh, ex-wife of Frank Sinatra. Six degrees of Frank Sinatra. Hey, speaking of old movies, you know what I watched last night, Taylor? What did you watch last night? I have not finished it yet, but I'm like a quarter of the way through. The original Ocean's 11? The original Planet of the Apes. Ooh. I have a lot to say. I don't think I've seen the original all the way through. It's on. If you have Hulu, you can stream it. My mother-in-law was over. She said, "You've never seen Planet of the Apes?" I said, "No." She said, "Turn it on." And we got through like a quarter of it. It's so hard because the air conditioning blows so loud. I have to like shut things off. Same problem. In all these movies, you can barely hear what's going on because they were made so long ago. We've got to get a good air, quiet air conditioner sponsor for the show. Hard to come by. Hard to come by. We will be right back. Don't go anywhere. I've got a lot more to say and I'll take your calls. Everyone's trying to ditch Biden, but I don't know if he's going anywhere. Don't move. This is The Grace Curly Show. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Biden is never concerned with our schedule here at The Grace Curly Show. In that way, he's a bit of a selfish person because if he was concerned about our programming, he would have this NATO Big Boy Conference at like 11.30. But no, he's having it at 6.30 tonight and my poll question today involves that Big Boy Conference. That's their words, by the way. That's KJP Kirby. They're all calling it a Big Boy Press Conference. I don't know if this is them trying to take back the phrasing so that it's not negative. I think somebody wrote it in an op-ed or something in the New York Times. They're just making fun of somebody, making fun of Biden. It's not a good idea because they keep saying it. The more you say it, the more I think that this is how you actually view it as this big boy chance for him to do a good job. There's so much riding on this presser. Nancy Pelosi yesterday. Is there, though? Really? Well, only because Nancy Pelosi said yesterday, like we're going to wait till after the presser. So this is his last chance. That's what we were told about the debate. This is his last chance. That's what we were told about the interview with George Stephanopoulos. Now we're being, this is like every week, it's this new benchmark that he has to hit. But keep in mind. And the benchmark gets lower, by the way. Keep in mind, the pressers are where he really comes alive. But he has had some disastrous moments because of these pressers. Remember when he put his head in his hands after the Afghanistan withdrawal? Remember when he said the minor incursion remark? Those were all at press conferences. And I don't think these reporters, if what we've seen in the press briefing room with KJP over the last couple of days, I don't think they're going to hold back. And I don't know what he's going to say. I'm waiting for, like, I want to talk about happy things. You guys never follow instructions. Stupid, SOBs, pony, one-horse ponies. I'm waiting for all that stuff. Maybe he's going to call somebody fat. I don't know. But these are the things that we have to watch for. So today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, "Will you be watching Joe Biden's Big Boy press conference tonight?" Yes. Yes, I will be. I think it will be short, but it will be entertaining. One's got to be over by eight, right? Yeah. Forty percent say yes. They'll be watching. And they keep moving it back. Did you notice that? They moved it back another hour? Like maybe... It was 5.30. Now it's 6.30. And I saw a few people commenting that the reasoning behind that is if you move it back later... His nap was late. No, that the major news networks won't have time to create packages around it, so they'll just have to run with something else. But even that is pretty desperato. I mean, most of the stuff nowadays is on Twitter. They didn't want how we get in the cuts. Yeah. This is all to spite how we car. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls on this. 844-542-42. Clooney's not the only one. We've got Mia Farrow, Michael Douglas, Rob Reiner. A lot of Hollywood is turning away from Joe Biden. But what's even more interesting is how his fellow Democrats in DC are handling it. You have Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Jim Clyburn. Essentially posing it to Biden, like, you can do whatever you want to do. Wink, wink. But please do what we're telling you to do. We'll talk about that green light that they're trying to push Biden toward when we come back. ♪♪ ♪♪ Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. 84-year-old Nancy Pelosi is telling an 81-year-old Joe Biden to retire. What is going on? That's right. What asked about Biden's candidacy? Nancy Pelosi said, "It's up to the president to decide if he's going to run." In response to that, Biden said, "I've already decided I'm running." In response to that, Pelosi said, "Well, that's completely up to you." To which Biden responded, "I know it is, and I'm telling you I'm running." To which Pelosi said, "Whatever you want, tell me I will accept." To which Biden said, "I told you, I am running." To which Pelosi said, "Either option is okay." To which Biden said, "I understand that, and I've chosen my option." To which Pelosi said, "When you're ready to share that option, I'm ready to receive that shared option." Yeah, so, of course, all these jokes are a little late, I would say, by two or three years. But it is worth noting that the first Senator, Peter Welch of Vermont, has come out against not the first Senator. He's the first one to speak out and say that he thinks Joe Biden should drop out of the race. And there's actually, there's a growing list. It's not as many as you would think, though, like from the way the media is framing this, and from just the general angst that is surrounding liberals right now, you would think that there was a bigger contingency of people asking Joe Biden to drop out. There's really not, I think it's up to like 10, and most of them are congressional members, and not anyone that I really know that well. It's not any of the heavy hitters like AOC or Nancy Pelosi. But as Jimmy Fallon was just alluding to, Nancy Pelosi is trying to give him a nudge. She's not saying, "I think he's the best for the job. I think he's the only one who can be Trump." Now she's kind of saying, "Well, we'll see. We'll see what he thinks, and we'll wait for after the NATO conference." And it also says here, and this is from the New York Times, that the headline was Pelosi and others try a new tack with Biden. Is that your final answer? A defiant and angry president says he is not going anywhere. Some Democrats are trying to appeal to another side of the politician who has been a realist about his political fortunes before. And the political fortunes they're talking about in this New York Times piece by Katie Rogers is when he dropped out of the presidential race in the '80s because of his plagiarism scandal. I would say we're very far away from that Joe Biden, from the realist who said, "Maybe it's my time to go." I think that ship has sailed. Mike, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Mike. Hi, Grace. I live in El Paso. I'm a retired board of patrol ladies, and I'm originally from the South Shore. I've spoken to you before. Yes. I hope I don't mind if I bring up, I'm just listening to a 20 podcast from yesterday about the 85,000 on the company Children. Yes. And all the stuff that Trump had to go through with the Democrats giving them grief over it. Yeah. I remember when Trump was inaugurated in 2016 and 2017, just his rhetoric alone shut down the board pretty much for the first three months of his presidency. I mean, the illegals were scared to come across because they believed everything he said. And after about the third month, OTM's and on the company juvenile, they started slowly showing back and presenting themselves to surrender. And gradually, it started getting worse and worse like it was when I don't know the Obama administration, and they were using the law. Well, you know, how can I put it? They're using the amnesty, the amnesty, not the amnesty, but the question of silo block to the advantage. And gradually, when it got worse, in my opinion, the first two years of Trump administration, I think Speaker Ryan and Mitch McConnell, when one Republican's had both houses, they didn't back pump up when he tried to do get stuff done. And then, on top of that, we got an unaccompanied OTM children. There's an agreement called the, you know, Florida's Reno agreement. And it's very specific about how it's very specific about how children, how OTM children have to be provided and cared for, unlike other aliens. And then every time when Trump was trying to do stuff, I think it was going through a ninth, a ninth district judge with a really liberal judge and he'd be shutting Trump down all the time, and he couldn't do anything about it. And then, I'm sorry for going on and on. And then gradually when the family started coming in and surrendering and getting released in the country for their silent hearings. And that's when President Trump started locking up the parents because that was the only way to stop it. And I know when they told us that work, they told us that probably the first month, month, month and a half of this, I mean, policy, it was going to be tough because, you know, the media, the Democrats would be given the administration so much grief for it. Yeah, and Mike, I want you to stay on the line for a second, but I wanted to bring this up because Mike's referring to the story from the Daily Wire, about 85,000 unaccompanied minors who have gone missing, essentially, under this administration. And there's a line in this story that I think kind of goes to what Mike is saying. In December 2023, 38 senators implored ORR, that's the refugee resettlement program, not to loosen rules on sponsors further, writing that ORR does not even consider a sponsor's criminal record. Current illegal drug use, history of abuse or neglect, or other child welfare concerns, necessarily disqualifying to potential sponsorship. In fact, ORR's accepts a sponsor's representations almost entirely on face value. So there were 38 senators who were asking ORR not to make it easier for this administration to send these unaccompanied minors, sometimes to gang members, sometimes to abusers, and because they loosen these restrictions, they were able to. Mike, what you just talked about with the Trump administration, I have to imagine, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but on the border, a lot of the child family separation that the left was melting down about, and that as you pointed out, Trump was getting a lot of grief for. A lot of that was to confirm that these people who were bringing children over were actually their parents or their family and not human smugglers. Well, initially, when this was first happening, it was incredible how many single, I'm sorry, how many adult men were showing up with children, because usually it's a family or a mother and child, not a man and a child, but it was, it was so many men from other countries. Mostly some people are showing up with children claiming to be the father of the child, and roughly anecdotally, when the agents had time to do that kind of investigations, along with some life agents assigned to the processing centers, they were finding about 10 to 15% of these ones couldn't be families. They weren't families. It was just kind of like kids being rented to these men, and in some instances, where they were the father, these fathers would have been reported previously, but because they had a child with them. And the old GM from these adult part of the United States, like Mexico, we had to release them into the country because they had a child with them, and we don't have facilities to detain families. And this was being taken advantage of so much. One good example was we had a lot of our time, we had a lot of men in their 30s and 40s from Brazil with teenage daughters showing up. And after a while, in a lot of instances, when they're being interviewed, the daughters would admit they're not the men's daughters, but they're girlfriends. And they were coming in and claiming to be families and being released so much. Yeah, and Mike, the other question I have for you is when you hear, because I think one of the biggest scams pushed on the American people is that Joe Biden, when he became president and loosening all of these and undoing all of the policies. From the Trump administration, that there was something humane about that, that that was more humane towards not only the American citizens who live in this country, but also toward the people who are flowing across our border. Did you find that to be the case? Do you think this is the humane thing to do is to have really no vetting process and no family separation and letting people come in and just taking everything at face value? No, not at all, because we don't have a country, we don't have a border. I mean, it got so much worse once Biden got an argument, because the Democrat politicians, they may say they care about people, they don't need to care about his power. And it's just data, they just don't care, and it got so much worse when Biden got an argument, I'm so happy I'm retired because all the work every day, excuse my language, it sucked. I mean, so many people get released in the country, and then what we're dealing with that, we have so many people from mostly Mexico and Central America, these single, single adults, that are coming in and getting away because we didn't have anything to respond to it. And then there'd be sometimes, sometimes local agencies like El Paso police, El Paso County Sheriff, so I would have someone detained who might be, they might suspect to be illegal. And there was sometimes we can't respond because we have no one to stand with. We're stuck in all these people getting up to us. We have no one to respond, and it got bad. And then on top of that, there was times I'd be working in the chamber room at the last station, and we had so many people watching, so many people across the border going to the neighborhood. A good part of El Paso went up on the river just about residential neighborhoods. We saw so many people just running into the neighborhoods. I mean, I worked the midnight shift, and we'd be watching all the people running up the streets from the neighborhood until they got out of the camp, but we'd be calling it out of the camp. But unfortunately, there's no agents to respond. Yeah, and Mike, I'm sorry to interrupt, Biden talks a lot about how he has the support of Border Patrol agents, and during the debate, Trump basically just laughed that went off. He thought that was as laughable as Biden saying he has a six handicap. But something that I don't think gets enough attention, especially in the media for obvious reasons, is the number of agent suicides, the weight that this puts on these Border Patrol agents to do this job and getting no help from the federal government. And actually, at this point, it's not only that they're not getting help from the federal government, the federal government seems to be actively rooting against them and working against them. So can you talk a little bit about that as someone I know you said you're happy to have been retired, but what was it like for your fellow Border agents? What kind of stress does that put on your mental state? It's just you're going to work and then you're being told to work faster to process people to release them quicker and more people are showing up. And then when that's happening, what we call good traffic, good traffic is the illegals that are coming in and trying to avoid us and not coming up to surrender to us. They're actively trying to get away and get into the interior of the country. And what allows you is we couldn't go after good traffic. And then we think what happens later on, sometimes when these ones are got away, I mean, I know everyone's not a quote unquote "hard and real criminal," but there's enough to get in a country and cause bad crimes. And it's like, it's just so it's me as frustrating because we could have been there, we could have stopped them, we could have arrested them. And they wouldn't be somewhere else in the country later on, you know, committing calls. And then there'd be times that work sometimes, we get people, you know, sometimes like, why are you doing your job this or that? And like, it's not us. It's unfortunately, it's the policies of President Biden that we have to work under, which unfortunately is it. And then on social media, we've got people going all the time. How come you're not following your constitutional, your constitutional do that? I mean, like do it or not, President Biden, I don't like him, but unfortunately, constitutionally, he was a president. He's in my board of co-departmental security. We come under the executive branch of government, so like do it or not, until he gets voted out. He's like a man or a chief. Yeah, no, and Mike, I think I know from my listeners at least and from my POV is that we never, we never put the onus on the board of patrol agents. We understand that you guys are always under a lot of pressure and that you're just following orders, unfortunately. And it's, it's really sad that the commander in chief doesn't care more about securing the borders. And he puts you and other good people like you in that position. Thank you for the call, Mike. Call back anytime. We love hearing from you. And Mike, something else I want to tell you is, I appreciate you listening to the podcast, but stay on the live show right now. Because at one o'clock, we're bringing on the journalist who broke that story about the 85,000 unaccompanied minors. And I think you'll appreciate his perspective. Last time I visited Perfect Smiles, I had a few things on my mind. One, a teeth cleaning. I had to get my teeth cleaned and I knew that was going to be simple, easy, and wonderful. Lori, then a dental hygienist is awesome. And she always does an excellent job. It's always a 10 out of 10. The other thing was my jaw was really hurting. I have bad TMJ, I've had it for a few years, and usually I get a little shot of Botox in my jaw and it kind of works wonders. This time around, it just wasn't taking and I couldn't figure out why. And so I told Dr. Houghton about it. He checked out my teeth and he figured out that there was actually a small issue with my bite. And he was able to fix that and really help me help ease the discomfort and give me some much needed relief. And then three, I came in with a list of stuff that they had to tackle. Number three, I wanted Envisiline. And some people look at me and they say, "Yeah, your teeth aren't that bad." But I wanted a tweak. I wanted my bottom teeth to be straight. I'm getting my trays this month and I'm so excited about it. It's a small thing, but it makes a big difference. If you're proud of your smile, if you're happy with your smile, I just think it makes everything a little bit better. So there's a reason people love perfect smiles because whether you're going in for a simple cleaning or whether you've got a long list of things to talk about like me, they're going to be there for you every step of the way. No judgment, no pain and no stress. They're located right off route three in Nashua. Take the first step and check them out online at Change your smile, change your life and we'll be right back. You sure got nice teeth, Jack Blake? This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you for joining us today. Chuck Todd's another one who has turned on Joe Biden. And there's so many layers to the way they're doing this. It's like not only are they turning on Joe and admitting what we all know, but now they're trying to convince us that they knew before we did. I was in the know. I was one of the first people to say that I thought something was a mess. So I told you so. And it's like Chuck Todd. Chuck Todd is trying to tell me that he was ahead of the curve. And by the way, he did know, obviously, they all knew. But what's really deplorable about Chuck Todd's admission or his attempt at a brag on his Chuck Todd cast, which I'll go into why I don't like that name later. But can I have cut three? This is Chuck Todd admitting that one of Biden's cabinet secretaries told him two years ago what he thought of Biden's mental acuity. I'm not going to out the cabinet secretary. Right. But I had a cabinet secretary two years ago. Right. Okay, two years ago, all out of the blue asked me. Do you really think he's going to he can't run again like this? And I said, well, you have more interaction with him and I do. And they said, I don't have a lot of interaction with him. This is a pretty senior cabinet secretary. So, and this was two years ago. This is this is one of those. You know, it's the classic open secrets, a nonversation, right? A nonversation. He goes on to say that everyone was afraid to talk about. No, there were people. Nonversation. Podcast. It's kind of insufferable. He likes a word combo Taylor. I think you'd be on board. I would think you'd be on board with that. Like puns. Oh, you don't like the melding of two words. Okay, fair enough. But you know what? I think there is really, there's a lot you can take away from that cut. It's like, okay, so you knew two years ago. You're a journalist, right? And he really, the thing I love about Chuck Todd and the thing I love about, who was it? Oh, George Stephanopoulos, is there even worse than like the Anderson Coopers? Because they really try to convince you that they are just calling balls and strikes. Like they are Walter Cronkite. They are just here to tell you they're straight news and you can trust them. So you knew two years ago you got this juicy scoop and you didn't tell anyone until now. Why would I believe anything you say going forward? Nancy Pelosi's favorite Latin phrase, false and uno, false and omnibus. If you lie about that, and that's not even a small lie. Like we used to say, oh, if they lie about the German shepherds, what else are they lying about? This is a big lie. And luckily for Chuck Todd and all these other people, most of the American people have eyeballs. So they don't need to go based on what Chuck Todd tells them in the nightly news or in the morning show, whatever he does, I really have no idea. But the point is that your intention, even if you weren't successful, because it was too heavy of a lift to convince people that Joe Biden was a socratic, brilliant man. But your intention was to do just that. Your intention was to lie and to fool people. The impact was different. It didn't land. You were not successful for the most part, except for the real like losers out there. Like Joy Behar, who will just regurgitate whatever she hears. But for the most part, people caught on. But the fact that that was what you wanted to do and now you're on a podcast or a podcast bragging about it. Like, oh, I knew so long ago. Isn't it your job to tell people that? Clearly it's not something you're not allowed to tell because you're talking about it now and you're not giving away the guy's name or the girl's name or whoever it is. But you hid that. You're a journalist. Didn't you tell us how this is, your job is to defend democracy and bring people to truth? You're all just liars. Two years ago, he knew. Two years ago, we all knew four, five years ago. And now he's on a podcast bragging about how he knew it. And we got Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert all making jokes four years later. You're not getting a round of applause from anyone. We are not impressed. Luke Rosiac, a real journalist, joins us next. It's a hell of a lot of journalism. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]