The Howie Carr Radio Network

Protect Girls by Protecting Girls' Sports with Sam Whiting of the Massachusetts Family Institute | 7.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Remember the story out of Massachusetts last year, where the girls' field hockey player had her teeth knocked in by a boy who wanted to play field hockey with the girls? Sam Whiting, staff attorney at the Massachusetts Family Institute, joins the show to update listeners on her case.

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10 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I'm also officially challenging Kricka Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here. Hey, I'm in sports. I have a fox and a hose. Give me two and a hose. Give me six and a hose. Hey, champ, you want to play golf? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. Chief Raffity has placed Kevin Albert on paid administrative leave. July 20th, 2022, the day after, at 8.39 in the morning, you texted Kevin Albert, "Found your badge in my cruiser this morning." In quote, correct? Yes, badges. Wayn got no badges. Then you texted him, "I can leave it in my locker at the gym, drop it off at your station, or leave it in my mailbox." Kevin Albert responds, "My mailbox. Did I take my gun and it included a wince face?" Emotes, correct? Correct. Puck in that shirt. Get those shoes shine. Take that badge out of your mouth. Your police officers. All right, we're done. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... ♪♪ Howie Carr. 844-542-42. Let me ask the VIPs. How was that spread for Monica's? Oh, no. It was great. Monica's in the north end. It's the best restaurant in the north end, and they do a great job, and they bring in the food every Wednesday for us, and we really appreciate it. lasagna, and sausage, and all kinds of great stuff today. Every month, we like to have an update from the Massachusetts Family Institute. It's a group that tries to deal with the family issues and try to stem the tide of wokeness and the deep statism that's engulfing Massachusetts. And we check in with someone from the Mass Family Institute to see what's been going on this month. And Sam Whiting is the guy that we talk to usually, and he's got an update on several issues, and one of them actually is in the Herald today. It's kind of big news. It's something you probably have heard something about. There was a situation last year with a female field hockey player, a high school student from Dite in the Roeboth High School, was smacked by a boy from Swampskite High, and it was a terrible thing. I'll let Sam fill us in on what happened. Sam Whiting from the Mass Family Institute, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Car Show. Tell us what's happened with Dite in Roeboth High School. Hey, Howie, thanks so much for having me. Yeah, so as you said, last November, there was a female player on the Dite in Roeboth Field Hockey team going up against a male player on the opposite team, and the male player shot on goal. Now we know that male players can shoot about 50% harder than female players can when it comes to field hockey shots. The ball hit her right in the teeth, knocked her teeth out. It was so bad that she actually had to have surgery, and I think she had to get her jaw-wired shot for a number of weeks and only eat soft foods. I mean, it was a terrible incident. So Dite in Roeboth, thankfully in response to that, has actually taken action now. So what is the action exactly? So they passed a policy that essentially just allows coaches and players to opt out of games where they're playing against teams with players of the opposite sex. So unfortunately in Massachusetts, case law and in the MIA rules, you know, the body that governs school sports and Massachusetts, they say that you have to allow boys to play on girls sports. If there's no equivalent boys team. So for things like field hockey, they don't have boys teams, so boys have to be able to play on girls teams. And this isn't even a transgender issue. It's, you know, boys who identify as girls or boys who identify as boys to get to play on girls teams. So what Dine Roeboth said is, okay, you know, we can't necessarily change that, but what we will do is we'll protect our coaches and our players who don't feel safe or don't feel like the competition's there. If they want to sit out a game against an opposing player who might injure them. But this is just one regional school district that did this. I mean, the rest of the state, they still have to play or they're going to, you know, the coaches will probably be disciplined or punished if they pull the players off the field, right? That's right, and I mean, Dine Roeboth is one of the more sane school districts in the state. But I do think that this women sports issue is an issue that has a lot of, I think has a lot of supporters across both aisles. I agree, I agree, but the problem is we don't have any power. You know, the Woke crowds are running the school committees and the teachers' unions are the ones that go out and vote these school committees in. And they out-organize and out-fund raise the normal parents and the regular citizens. You're absolutely right. But you know what's amazing in this case is that not only did this policy pass unanimously, even though the school committee is not completely conservative, but the superintendent supported it wholeheartedly, and the teachers' union actually spoke. Oh, that's shocking. I think in favor of the policy. Yeah, so we really think that this is a policy that could pass in other school districts just because we really think that no players should be penalized for putting their safety first when it comes to these types of sporting events. Another solution might be to set up a male field hockey team. What would be wrong with that? Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's been tried in the past. You know, unfortunately, this has been an issue that's been going on for decades in Massachusetts. So people have petitioned for that type of thing in the past. And unfortunately, I don't think it's worked. But what we're doing now is we're trying to raise awareness about this issue and get as many people as possible to sign a petition to the MIA, which again is governing sports body, to tell them that we want a new policy on this. We believe that the law allows for that. And so we think people should put as much pressure on them to pass a policy that doesn't just allow people to opt out, but actually says, no, if you're going to have a girls team, then you have to allow just girls to play on that team. We're not going to endanger girls' safety and we're not going to endanger fairness and girls' safety. So where do people go? Where do people go to sign the petition? So go to our website. It's pretty simple. Just And then at the top, you'll see a tab that says Get Involved and you just click on Save Girls Sports. Okay. Yeah. and Save Girls Sports. Okay. Now, you helped a young mother whose infant daughters were kicked out of their pediatrician's office. Tell us about that. Yeah. So, you know, it's incredible that even now in 2024, long after the COVID pandemic is over, people are still being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs about vaccines. And that's what happened in this case. This mother had a six month old daughter and a two year old daughter. And she's a Christian and she doesn't want her daughter to get vaccines that were developed with a boarded field cell line. Yeah. So she requested an opt out from this pediatrician's office and they said, no, we're not going to give you an opt out. Basically get out of our practice and go somewhere else. So pretty, pretty amazing. I mean, very clear religious discrimination. They couldn't find another practice to go to. So the mom ended up taking these kids to the emergency room, reaching medical care. The six month old even had a respiratory condition, so she needed ongoing care. So, you know, totally insane. So when we heard about this, we reached out to the practice, sent them a nice letter, basically saying this is clearly a religious discrimination that violates the public accommodations law. And there'll be a lawsuit if you don't back down here. So thankfully we were able to negotiate an accommodation with them on that. That's good. And this nuttiness of what the mask mandates, you know, in addition to, you know, the vaccine mandates, did you see Ben Affleck's daughter? She says she wants mask mandates to come back. I want counseling for people who want to wear masks is what I want. I want mental health intervention to get these get these people, you know, up in, you know, sane again. It's crazy. Now, what about you help the nursing student as well at the Mass Family Institute? Tell us about that. Yeah, so again, another vaccine issue and, you know, the thing is we really don't have a dog in the fight when it comes to vaccine. But what we do care about is when people have a religious conviction that says that they can't take a vaccine, they shouldn't be discriminated against. Right. So we had a, we had a nursing student reach out to us. She goes to a community college in Massachusetts. And she was told that she couldn't enroll in the nursing program because she didn't want to take the COVID act. Oh, gosh. Even though on the community college's own website, it said that there was no longer any mandate and that she could talk to that vaccine for a religious reason. So, you know, the administrators at these colleges, they're still living in 2020 and they still have this deep seated eye. They love 2020. They love 2020. It was, it was their career year. Exactly. Exactly. They're living in the past. They haven't gotten updated to the fact that we're living in a post COVID era and that people do have religious liberty and that you can't just force people out of your institution because you don't like what they believe about vaccines. You know, they're still members of the mass state police and probably other, other union organizations in the state and the local governments that have been, that were fired and have still not been restored to, to their jobs with back pay for this. You know, they're still, they're still undergoing arbitration. And, you know, in the case of the state police, you got all these horrible people that have been, in many cases, some cases convicted of felonies convicted and sentenced to prison. And they're still getting their pensions. And guys who were heroes, and heroes and scundi school teachers in one case was both, a guy was both, he's, he was fired for not taking the vaccine. And they still can't get to get him back on the job. It's, it's really a travesty. It's a massive injustice. I've even heard from a corrections officer who was pregnant and had a religious reason to not take the vaccine and they still fired her. So, yeah, I mean, there's still people out there who have largely been forgotten now, who were fired and, you know, their lives were basically completely ruined because of their beliefs about the vaccine. And I just, I hope that eventually, even though the wheels of justice turned slowly, I do hope that eventually they'll get justice. I do too. And they, you know, in many cases, the state just got decided to get around it by saying, well, yeah, we agree you have a religious belief, but we cannot make quote unquote accommodations. They can make accommodations for everybody else, but they couldn't make accommodations for people who didn't want to take the vaccines. It's just, it's, it's really, it's really a, an injustice. And I hope it, I hope it's corrected. So, Sam, what do you tell people how they can get involved with the Mass Family Institute if they want to. Yeah, like I said, go to our website, We also are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, if you just Google MFI or Mass Family Institute. We'd love to hear from you. You can sign up for our mailing list. And if you're facing any of these kinds of issues, whether it's, you know, a vaccine issue with your religious beliefs, whether you have information on the school sport. Or anything like that, reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you and help you in any way that we can. Someone just said Boston Children's Hospital is still requiring their staff to get the COVID vaccine. I would hope your guests could look into this as well. Certainly. Yeah. And, and especially if you have a religious, a religious belief against vaccines, you know, you're entitled to accommodation. So, we'd certainly be able to help with that. Okay. Go to Mass, so 978,,, and maybe you can get some help from the Mass Family Institute. Thanks, Sam Whiting. We appreciate you being with us here on the Howie Car Show. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show. We'll be right back. Howie Car is back. In response to those comments from George Clooney, Jake, a campaign official who attended that Los Angeles fundraiser tells me that George Clooney left three hours. He left three hours before the president. So, clearly, the gloves are off, Jake. But what does that mean that George Clooney left three hours? What's the point? The point of that is to suggest that Biden's stamina is better than Clooney's, and Clooney didn't have, you know, eyes on the entire event. That's the response to the Clooney outfit. Okay. For once, Tapper and I had the same reaction to what we heard. Okay. I mean, okay. Clooney was there. Was he not when Obama had to take Joe's hand and lead him off the stage? And again, though, I mean, that could have been elder abuse. The lights were turned down on that stage. I mean, shouldn't the lights have been all the way up? He could have fallen into the orchestra pit. And Kamala Harris would have been president. Good Lord. That's a scary thought. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eastern Security Safe. Eastern Security is having their annual warehouse sale starting July 11th through July 14th featuring the largest savings of the year. But mention how we can receive an additional 5% off those savings. Visit their site at That's Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which showbiz backstab of Biden wounds him the most? Michael Moore, Stephen King, Meathead, George Stephanopoulos, or George Clooney? Only Stephanopoulos has grovelingly apologized. I am going to say Clooney. Low stamina, George Clooney is 36%. George Stephanopoulos in the lead 51%, 9% for Meathead, 3% for Michael Moore, and Stephen King holding at his lonely 1%. Yeah, they only have responded to George Clooney, although I guess, again, Stephanopoulos did respond, so the campaign will be putting out a statement briefly saying, "Well, George, your apology is accepted and you aren't going to be on double secret probation for the rest of your career for this lazy majesty." Excuse me, blasphemy. It's beyond lazy majesty. It's blasphemy against the reigning deity of the Democrat Party. 844-542-42. Mr. Garcia, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. How are you going to predict Donald Trump to pick the bike pressure? Who do you think? I don't know. I know Rubio was down there, but it was in Rubio's backyard, so Byron Donald's, I think he's out, but he was there too. But again, it's in his state, so I don't know who do you think it's going to be? Maybe, Michael Rubio, because I was Spanish, maybe Rubio. Also, I want to ask you a question. I see a lot of young girls in legal having a baby. Have those people, where the father is going to be? If the father owes charge support for five years, we should deport the father back to the country, because they're not going to get married. Nobody gets married anymore, because if they got married, someone would be on the hook for child support, so nobody gets married. Since Lyndon Johnson started the war on poverty, marriage is out the window. And you know why they're pregnant, Mr. Garcia? The anchor baby is going to, even if Trump gets in and really does everything he's going to say, says he's going to do, they've still got the anchor baby. He cannot deport them, right? Right. But if the father owed five years charge support, he should be deported, right? Well, yeah, but you know, you're not going to, he's not working anyway, right? So you're not going to get any child support if he's here, but if he's out of the country, then you're definitely never going to get any child support out of him. You and I are going to be the, we're on the hook for all these kids, you know? Not just the illegal alien kids, but the American kids too. Thanks for the call, Mr. Garcia. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242. We've been talking about the press release issued by the registry of motor vehicles earlier this week, saying that since the driver's license for illegal aliens law went into effect last July 1. There have been 183,825 new learners permits and 128,079 new driver's licenses issued. And that's a huge increase. But many of the, it should actually be higher given the, given the invasion that the state has buckling under if they were really getting these licenses. But it turns out that there's a hitch here because a lot of the illegal aliens already have driver's licenses that they've obtained fraudulently with the stolen identities of people usually in Puerto Rico, but probably elsewhere as well. And so the, if the new license, the facial recognition hit comes through and it matches up with another earlier license, there's a chance and again, I stress chance. And the consequences are probably minimal at best, but there's a chance they'll get called to a fraud hearing before the registry of motor vehicles. And it would be interesting to know how many fraud hearings they've been holding for the, with the registry of motor vehicles and the state police, they bring it, they order the illegals to come down to 10 park, you know, in park square in downtown Boston. What are the odds of that happening? But anyway, so a lot of the, a lot of Republicans are interested in trying to fight, trying to get to the bottom of all this, this illegal alien crime and fraud and welfare dependency. It's costing us a billion dollars, probably at least. And one of the, one of the candidates for the, for the state Senate is who's trying to find out something about this situation with the illegal driver's licenses is Kelly Dunner. And she's running for the seat down in the Taunton area that's, it's an open seat. Mark Pachico is, is quitting. He's a, he's retiring. And so it's an open seat. She's on the Taunton City Council. And Kelly Dunner is running a good campaign to what to succeed to succeed Pachico before he was in there. They had a, they had a Republican 30 years ago. So it can, it can happen. It can happen. So Kelly Dunner is joining us Kelly. So we're, we're trying to, you're trying to find out how, how many of these, these RMB fraud hearings they've been over the facial recognition hits. Is that right? Yeah, Kelly. Thanks so much for on my team is actually, we, we're working on submitting a public records request just to see how many fraud hearings there have been. Cause as you know, we have a registry of motor vehicles here in Taunton and we also have a hotel here in Taunton that has been completely taken over by the state for the migrants. So obviously this is, you know, a, a major concern for us. I was somebody who was strongly against giving drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants for a number of reasons. You know, I opposed it since day one. And, you know, now here we are with a hundred and twenty eight thousand new licenses. I think you. Yes, hundred and twenty eight thousand. Yep. Yeah, you know, it's just, it's highly concerning. You know, the RMB already couldn't handle licenses for our legal residents. As I'm sure you know, there's just so many issues surrounding that as far as if you go to change your name or your address, you know, it automatically registers you to vote. Sometimes it automatically registers you as an unenrolled, even when you do click, no, that's been an ongoing problem over the last year. And as well as some people have been, you know, changing their name and then getting registered to vote twice, you know, under their, their prior name, whether they got married and then under their new name. So, you know, our RMB is already can't handle issuing licenses properly in full transparency to our legal residents. But now here we are in another, you know, unfortunate situation where we're giving licenses, you know, to the migrants and undocumented immigrants. Yeah, you know, I talked to Jimmy Scott, who's one of the pioneers in investigating illegal alien benefit fraud, particularly in just trying to run these people down when they get arrested. And he pointed out in alias, there was this guy who's he's been a firefighter in a couple of locations. He's an illegal alien, basically. And he sent me the federal affidavit, you know, would be when they arrested this guy. And they, they requested a current driver's name was John Doe. Stop me if you've heard this one before. That's what they said. They said this. His name was John Doe. And they, after a facial, this is from the federal affidavit when they arrested him. After a facial recognition, it was determined that the person purporting to be this other guy was issued Massachusetts driver's licenses under two separate identities, two separate identities. And so they called him into a hearing and they determined that he was, it was the same guy with the two driver's licenses. RMB closed the case. Of course, they did. What were they going to do? You know, they don't do anything. If they don't do anything when you rape somebody, you think they're going to do anything if you have a fraudulent driver's license? And you know, what's even more concerning about that is, you know, that is our one, you know, form of legal documentation. When we're boarding a plane, you present your driver's license when you're getting on a plane. So the fact that there's fraudulent activity going on, which is one of the reasons that we are submitting that public records request to find out how many, but it's just an overall safety concern for our community, our children, and anybody involved at this point. You know, so surprised that the RMB has been a little bit of a disaster for as long as I've been alive. But just to kind of piggyback on that, here in Taunton, I actually pulled the Taunton voting list this morning and we had 16 new registered voters, all with the legal residents of the hotel here in Taunton that was overtaken by the state. So that's highly concerning. You know, I'm unaware if the people who were on this list were seeking shelter due to being homeless, the few that are there for that reason, or if it's the migrant, which is just super concerning because they're on our voting list. If they're not a legal resident here, they should not be voting on, you know, laws or anything, any sort of elected position. And, you know, as you know, a lot of local elections, they're determined by 15 or 16 vote. And, you know, that's what we're looking at right now, unfortunately. So can someone challenge these people, these 16 new registered voters out of the flop house. Absolutely, we're definitely going to be digging into it further. Like I said, we just pulled this list this morning. So I, you know, I'm just learning of this. But, you know, it's, it's highly concerning. And I think it all sends back to truthfully the R&D, they're issuing, you know, driver's licenses and they're issuing driver's licenses with the address of the hotel. Oh my God. It's. And, you know, you're right to about the citizens. I have a, I have a relative who had to go to the, go to the registry office in, in NAIDIC. And she went in there and she was the only person there. And so she walked up to the window and the guy said, you have to take a number. And she said, I'm the only one here. And he said, you have to take a number. So she took a number and they gave her the form and she, she filled out the form to get back to the, back to the counter. And so she walked up to the counter. The guy said, you have to take a number. And she said, I'm still the only one here. And he said, you still have to take a number. And this is the way they treat citizens. And yet they, when they, when they pass this law, they decided to reopen the registry offices on Saturday, a lot of them, Saturdays. And, you know, I'm a lot older than you, Kelly. I don't ever remember registry offices being opened in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on a Saturday, but they were doing it for the illegals. Right. Right. And there's just no safeguards in place when it comes to, you know, going to the registry and registering to vote. And, you know, they're just doing things without people's knowledge, without their consent. You know, I don't, I don't know what needs to happen, whether it's an audit of the RMB, but this has been like an ongoing problem for years now. But it's not necessarily surprising to me, but now we're throwing 128,000 new licenses into the mix. So, you know, that problem's only going to grow and somebody has to step up and, you know, demand some transparency. I know Senator Duran, he asked the SSC to release the voter registration rolls in hopes of providing transparency. And they pretty much said, you know, don't worry, we have it covered. So, to me, that shows, you know, a lack of transparency as well as a lack of accountability from all parties involved, including the RMB. Yeah, the Democrats always talk about protecting democracy, but then when there's any kind of any sort of attempt, no matter how minimal to protect the integrity of the elections, they go crazy about it. You know, Joe Biden said black people and Hispanics don't know how to get driver's licenses. Remember that? That's one of his many, you know, patronizing borderline racist statements that he's made about people of color. You see, it's ridiculous. And so I hope you get some, I hope you get some, some kind of answers. I mean, I don't get any answers. Senator Duran doesn't get too many more answers, even though he's in the Senate. But that's the other thing. They just stonewall. I've never seen this kind of stonewalling in a Democrat or a Republican administration, you know, until before now. They just seem to think they could just, it's up to them. There are no public records laws that they have to observe. And then even if you appeal it to these Secretary of State and he rules in your favor, they just, they still, in the case of the city of Boston, they still just stonewall you. And they, you know, they're basically challenging you to go to court. But who's got time or money to hire a lawyer and to go to court? Right. You know, we're, our intent, we're just going to keep filing the public records request. I know that they don't like it. I know they're very bothered by it. And I know they're very bothered by the fact that we're speaking about it. And we're providing that transparency to people who don't understand. So we're just going to keep pushing. We're going to keep doing it. Unfortunately for them, I have a lot of time and I have a lot of energy. And I'm very driven to continue to do this. So I'm just going to keep pushing. And I'm hopeful we're going to get somewhere at some point. Something's going to have to give. And it's, you know, I'm not going to be the one caving on this one. That's good. I'm glad you're running. And on Sunday, Senator Peter Durant and I are coming down to see you. And in Middleboro, Massachusetts, I think it's around three o'clock. And if people want to join me and Kelly Donner, the Taun City Councilor and Senator Peter Durant, who's the latest, newest Republican member of the Massachusetts State Senate, how do people learn more about where we're all going to be appearing together, Kelly? If they go to my website,, you can get information there. But we'll all be at fireside. It'll be a great opportunity to just kind of discuss these issues and talk in depth as well as make sure that, you know, everybody's being educated on what's really going on here in the state of Massachusetts. Okay. So that's D-O-O-N-E-R, And I look forward to seeing you and everybody else in Middleboro with Senator Peter Durant on Sunday. Kelly Donner. Thank you. Thanks for keeping us informed about your rebuffed requests. You can count on it. For the R&B hearings, I'm Howie Carr. Listen to The Howie Carr Show from anywhere. Yes, what sauce or do you use this? Go to and click "Listen" to start streaming Howie Live in crystal clear, high definition. And whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. The Howie Carr Show is back. 844-542-42. Thanks to the VIPs today. Give yourselves a round of applause. A couple of them have left. But you guys have been a good group and I'm glad you had some great delicious Italian food from Monocas in the North end. Check out Monocas if you're not familiar with it. And check out our store at Click on "Store." You can get a great $500 gift certificate to Cape Tire auto service in Hyannis for just $250. If you get some work, you need new tires, car batteries, transmission repairs. You get a couple of them and you get $1,000 worth of work for $500. Limit three per order, but you can do it now. They've been open and family operated for 60 years. And they serve a Hyannis Barnstable Yarmouth surrounding area. Check it out. Cape Tire service. A $500 gift certificate for $250 right now. Check out the flip locks to the inner locks that have 10 times the stopping power of a deadbolt lock. $50 value for just $25. We've got a few of those left as well. The 4, 4, 542. Arden says the bigotry of low expectation should be a drinking game every time a Democrat says women and black citizens are not capable of producing ID. It's worse than that. How about in the Bronx? No black people don't know what a computer is. That's what Kathy Hochl said. It's all the same with these people. These Democrats, 844, 542. You want to talk about a, this is just a quickie here. I'll take another call here in a second, but you talk about a double standard in the New York Times. James N. Hoff, who he was, he was the Oklahoma Senator, died the other day at 89. He was a skeptic on climate change, as are so many of us, right? James, this is the New York Times headline on his obit. James M. N. Hoff, Senator who denied climate change, comma, dies at 89. Okay. You want to know what they said about the headline with Ted Kennedy, guys? Edward M. Kennedy, comma, Senate stalwart. Is that at 77? Senate stalwart. Put a bond in the pond. How about Robert Byrd? Former Klansman, former Klansman, he set up the Ku Klux Klan in West Virginia. Here's the headline on his obit, New York Times. Robert C. Byrd, comma, a pillar of the Senate dies at 92. Surely, they meant to say a burning cross of the Senate. Is this it? I'd be doing more of this stuff, but we've got so much breaking news. These are just little side lights. Christine, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Christine. Hi, Holly. I heard you interview with director from the math family. Yeah, we are having the same issue with the Connecticut family. And I proposed a law law to the organization of the classrooms. You're breaking up, Christine. We get that picture. I, what I don't understand is so, so this wasn't some transgender guy. This was just some guy who just thought he'd have a, have a few laughs by being in a girl. I mean, how is that fair? How is that possibly fair? You know, the sexes are different. That doesn't mean one is superior to the other. It just means they're different. And why is it? It's just, it's just so bad that they, that they allow this and this, this poor poor girl. I mean, I just losing multiple teeth. It's bad. You know, I just remember, it's been a long time. I just got out of high school when I lost my tooth, you know, just play in touch football. And I was really painful. I had, I had all kinds of, you know, I finally went, I found perfect smiles finally gave me a bridge that's permanent. But my bridges kept breaking and then I'd have to have more of the tooth removed and more of the next tooth over would be removed. And this poor girl is just out having a, having a good time. And she loses a bunch of her, of her teeth for, for wokeness sake. See you tomorrow. I'm Howie Carr.